Weak Layers (2024)

Comedy Movie Collection.

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Weak Layers (2024)

Post by bunniefuu »

- So I'm not even allowed

to be mad

'cause he's gay?

I know, I'm pissed.

I am definitely not, not pissed.

Like we had sex, like a lot.

I mean maybe not a lot, a lot,

but it was still sex, you know?

Okay. Sorry,

but are you in finance?

- Yeah.

- Yeah. I can tell.

- Are you?

- I'm, I'm like an outdoor

adventure filmmaker.

Like Scott Gaffney.

- That rock climber guy?.

- No, that is Jimmy Chin.

And he is not the only guy

that makes movies in

the outdoors.

Gaffney's like more core,

like for the people.

That's the kind of filmmaker

that I am.

- Anything I've seen?

- Of mine?

Uh, it's more of a passion

right now.

Lot of rejection.

- Well, I bet you're amazing.

- Ah. Never stop grinding.

Even when everybody's like,

"Cleo, you're actually

kind of bad at this.

Cleo, You've been living here

for 10 years

and nothing's happened

in your career yet."

- "Cleo, your boyfriend's gay."

- Ex. Ex-boyfriend.

You know what? Good for him.

Let's do sh*ts.

Town's so busy because of

Hot Lapse.

- Hot laps?

Like skiing?.

- Four sh*ts of whiskey.

No Hot Lapse.

With an E.

The ski movie competition.

Oh my God.

Literally anyone in the

industry that matters

all in the same place

competing to make the best

ski movie in 72 hours.

- Whoa, cool. Good luck.

- No, I'm not in it.

It is like the real deal.

It's for the pros.

I'm, I'm a nobody.

- She f*cking calls

me a sexist.

Are you f*cking kidding

me? Asian?

- Oh, that's Lucy.

That's my roommate Lucy.

- How am I propping up

the patriarchy?

'Cause I don't geotag my

fishing spots?

Okay. Okay.

Jack Kero-woke, you

f*cking Instagram poser.

Do the work yourself.

- Honestly, Lucy's probably

the best skier in town

that nobody's ever heard of.

Which is saying something

'cause my other roommate is

an Olympian.

Well was an Olympian.

She's retired.

It's actually kind of

a sensitive subject.

Tina. Where is she?

- We can't get caught

doing this.

- Are you in town for

the competition.

- Flew in from Japan last night.

- Oh, sick. Ja-pow.


- I'm f*cking with you

bro. I'm from Idaho.

I'm Chinese, not Japanese,

there's a difference

and I don't believe in

competitive sports.

- I know what you're thinking.

We're living the dream.

I really don't

actually like whiskey very much.

- Yo, Daron, look. Tina's

got her cans out for you.

- Did you take a lesson?

- Yeah.

- You rent stuff?

Pizza. French fries.

- Pizza. French fries.

- Okay.

- So the bear rears up on his

haunches, I chamber my r*fle,

my buddy goes,

"Take the shot, Luce."

So I aim right where his

heart should be,

turns out their organs str-

Oh crap. f*ck.

- Uh oh.

Oh no.

They're 10 years younger

than me.

I gotta parent. Stand by.

- Ooh.

- Oh.

- Whoa.

- Whoa. Yo, Tina.


- Seriously, Cleo? Shut up!

I'm in love.

- Okay. I'm ha- I'm really

happy for you.

But hi, nice to meet you.

We gotta go.

Do you know what time it is?

Tab. Bring him.

- Anthony, come on.

- Whoa, what are you...?

- Okay, you can get me

a drink another time.

- Afterparty!

- Afterparty!

- Send it, you p*ssy.

- Woo.

- Is this your real life?

- Mm, yeah.

- This is awesome.

You should be like filming this.

- Nah.

You think?

- You could be just like

that Daffy guy you were

talking about.

- Gaffney.

- Yeah, that guy.

You could be the next him.

- All right my turn.

- Lucy! Lucy!

Lucy! Lucy!

- What!?

- Oh, f*ck.

- f*ck, I missed.

- This is f*cking Oscar-worthy.

- Yeah, yeah move.

Welcome to the afterparty!

- Give her the onion!

- Disgusting.

- Let's f*cking party!

- Disgusting,

uncouth, uncivilized animals.

- Stop with the

adjectives. You wanna come in?

Grab a drink?

- I've never seen such utter

and callous disregard for

someone else's property.

You're out.

I want you gone by tonight.

- Bro, I might be dead

by tonight.

- Is it even legal to

evict someone like this?

- No.

- I don't care.

You three are easily

the foulest young women

I've ever encountered.

Absolutely vile.

- I mean that feels

like a bit of a stretch.

Great timing.

- You banged pizza,

french fries guy.

- I did.


Yeah, you wanna go left.

- You still wanna ski today?

- No.

- f*ck her.

- So we're homeless.

- Easy come, easy go.

- Not that easy.

We have to get first,

last, and security deposit

for a new place, which is

like five grand in this town.

- Meh.

I met the man in my dreams

last night.

There's two feet of blower

pow outside.

- What? Who?

- Pirates of the Baberian.

- I'm seeing it.


- Oh, shit.

- Whoa.

No dreads.

But it's a little blurry.

Point is, I say we go skiing.

- Can we figure out where

we're sleeping tonight first?

- Tina can pay for that.

She's an Olympian.

- All her sponsors dropped her.

And where is she by the way?

- Missing.

- Like missing persons missing.

- No. Missing.

- So we're not worried.

Nice. Good for her.

- Okay,

I'm gonna load the sleds.

That was a late night pull.

- Hey, Marty.

- Hey, Vidiots girl.

Heck of a storm, isn't it?

- Sure is.

- Hey, I saw your video.

- Oh, God.

Feel free to erase that from

your memory.

- All right. I'll see ya.

- I was just finishing up

a thought.

- Take your time.

- I hear Dane Blake and your

boy Gabe Paul

are up here for Hot Lapse.

- My boy.


Bet you think he's hot too.

- Is this like a closure talk?

- No. Closed as she gets,

I'd say.

- Is there an actual reason

as to why you're here?

- I need your van.

We got evicted.

- Get a hotel.

- We have no money.

- None?

- Like very little.

- Sell your sleds.

- No. Ross.

- You know I love this van.

- Well, we'll treat it

like we're meticulous gay

mountain men.

- Hmm, semi-h*m* jabs.

Probably not your best

angle right now.

- Ross, this is me being chill.

You dated me for way longer

than you should have.

And even though I actually

hate you right now,

you're still my best friend

because I don't have

a new one yet.

So olive branch.

Gimme your van.

- One week.

Not anymore.

- One week max.

Probably less.

- Do not let your heathen

roommates f*ck it up please.

- Okay. Okay.


- Oh my God.

Have you ever slept in

a fire truck?

It's so comfortable.

- I went back out

last night.

- Yeah,

I figured.

Nice hat.

- Thanks.

Won it playing poker with

the fire boys.

- Oh my.

- Is this Ross's van?

- Oh no. This is our new home.

Yeah, we live here now.


- It was Lucy, wasn't it?

- I mean it was a group effort.

So that video I made.

- The afterparty one?

- Got the most views of

anything I ever made.

It kinda went viral.

Not like viral,

but like kind of.

- You should totally

enter Hot Lapse.

- Yeah, totally.

- Actually,

that's an exceptional idea.

- You don't just show

up to Hot Lapse like,

"Hi, my friend thinks

I should be in this."

You first of all dedicate

your life

to the thankless machine

that is adventure filmmaking.

- Okay, well, Cleo, have

you ever even applied?

- I'm a realistic person.

- You're a visionary.

And not only when you're drunk.

Also the prize money's 10 grand.

- Which I wouldn't win even if

I did get in, which I won't.

We need a real way to

come up with five grand.

Skiing can't solve all of

our problems.

- If you won,

it would solve most of them.

- Not happening.

I'll strip before I enter

that g*dd*mn competition.

- Why does it always

come down to stripping?

- f*ck!

- Gabe Paul.

- Be cool.

- I'm in heat.

- It's these like

new sleds, man.

There's like all the throttles

all off.

- It's for sure the sleds.

- Well I'll try

to go whiskey with it.

- I think the guy who's

sled's stuck is Dane Blake.

- Did he bleach his hair?

- Oh my God, he wants

to be Hollywood so badly.

Should we go help them?

- Yeah.

- Now my knee's

f*cked up.

- Got her in there good.

- Um, tell you what,

let me take your sled.

I'll head back to town,

we'll grab some guys,

'cause I don't know how

the two of us

are gonna get this done.

- We can help you out.

- Uh, thank you but I

think this is gonna take

a little manpower,

but it's very sweet.

- I've seen worse.

Plus hate for you to get

stuck in another tree well

all by yourself out there.

Whoa. Nice sleds.

- Yeah,

they're really brand new.

Haven't quite broken

them in yet.

- Where are you

guys headed?

- f*cking nowhere now.

- I love it there.

- Great. More manpower.

- Dude.

- 3, 2, 1.

May I?

- Sure.

Be my guest.

- That's my girl. Woo.

- Sometimes just takes

a woman's touch.

- Oh great. A feminist.

- Thank you ladies.

We're trying to find

Pothole Basin.

- It's about three

miles that way.

- That way?

- Uh-huh.

- Thanks.

- Okay. He's like really hot.

- Unbelievable.

- Pothole Basin's that way, huh?

Mm, mm, mm.

- And, uh, 60 chicken nuggets.

Who has money?

- Platinum's maxed.

- Gambling problem.

- Oh, God.

- Yo,

this one looks perfect.

- Two bedrooms, wood stove,

no electricity, outhouse?

- Aka, off grid.

So cool.

- 2300 a month cool?

- I still think you

should apply to Hot Lapse.

- Tina. I literally can't

with this.

- I'm with Tina.

We're not gonna make $5,000

in two weeks any other way.

- Uh, there's a free ride

competition this weekend.

Why can't you compete?

- Dude. I don't believe in


- Filmmaking is your passion.

- Passion is not how you

make money.

- Passion is the only way for

millennials to make money.

- Even if I were to get in,

I'd be up against the

best ski movie directors

in the entire industry

and their handpicked pro

skier farm teams.

- But you have Lucy.

And she'll huck her meat

off anything.

I'm a bonafide Olympian,

and incredibly unique for

a ski movie I might add.

And you're the gritty

storyteller to tie it

all together.

- Great points.

- Why not you?

- I'll look like a loser.

- What are you 14? Who cares.

- You know what?


I'll apply to this stupid thing

just so you two lay

the f*ck off.


We don't need 60 chicken nugget,

I don't know why we get 60

chicken nuggets every time.

It's embarrassing. You guys

always make me order it.

And that's way too many nuggets.

- I mean, it's

60 divided by 3, so...

- Pissin' me off.

- 20 each.

- Morning!

Free breakfast.

This spot's a gold mine.

- What spot is this?

- Welcome to Vidiots. A-hem.

I'm your host Cleo Brown,

aka Vidiots girl

for those of you who can't seem

to remember my incredibly

simple name.

New faces in the audience,

on Wednesdays we watch

amateur ski movies.

It's basically like Hot Lapse

but with less money

and more ego.

Nope. Okay, uh...

Wanted to extend a warm welcome

to the professional athletes

that are in town for this

weekend's festivities.

Huge fans here.

All following your climate

change activism careers closely.


Uh, yeah,

let's just roll some clips.

- What is

wrong with you?

- It would take less time for

me to tell you what's right. -

- This is the hospitality

business. As in be hospitable.

You're like a tornado of

shit lately.

- Forgot your leadership style

is cr*pple them with shame.

- If you wanna leave,

leave. No hard feelings.

- Hold on. You're firing me?

- I'm telling you to

figure your shit out, kid.

- No, don't tell her.

Just say you talked to her.

It'll be fine.

Just tell her about the guy.

- Thank You.


- It's very healing.

- That's like what

alcoholics say.

Is she okay?

She says she had an awkward exit

with Pirates of the

Baberian at the coffee shop.

- Oh!

- Geez.

- Turns out he's

working the free ride comp.

- Uh-oh.

Did she do her pirouette?

- Yep.

- It's whatevers.

- Yo, did Hot Lapse

call you yet?

- Uh, as a matter of fact-

- Oh! Congrats.

- Uh, no.

- Greg f*cking loves you.

You know,

Greg from registration.

They think you're the next

big thing.

- Huh?

No, it's not possible. I,

I didn't...

- On your phone.

I talked to him this morning.

- This 510,

you talked to this Greg guy

for 20 f*cking minutes?

- I felt like he needed

someone to talk to.

- Wha...?

- What I think she's saying

you got in.

- There's no way.

No. Okay.

Take it down. Take her down.

- We should probably go

find out for sure though.

- I'm going back to bed.

- I can't believe you're

this drunk, this early.

- Donovan Banks here with Octane

TV live at Palisades Tahoe

where the biggest pros

and the best filmmakers

in the industry team up

for the most anticipated

media event

in the ski and snowboard world.

- Five, four, three, two...

- What's up Cleo?

- Hey Pete.

- Keys?

How's Ross?

- Oh, he's dead.

He died. He left me his van.

You gotta jiggle the wheel.

The throttle sticks and you

got a hot wire to start it.

Good luck.

- Okay, here's the plan.

- The big story this weekend

at Hot Lapse

is Dane Blake and Gabe Paul.

After a three year hiatus

following a tragic avalanche

that took the life of Gabe's

girlfriend, Sadie Lupin,

the iconic duo is back.

- Hey.

- Hey. What's up?

Team name?

- Um-

- Thought that was you.

- Oh, have we met?

- Uh, yeah.

You were the one,

I'm pretty sure,

that gave me those really great

directions to Pothole Basin.

- Oh that, yeah,

that is ringing a bell.

- Is it?

- Mm-hmm.

- Yeah. Oh, such a nice spot.

And I never,

never in a million years

would've found it without you.

- I'm always happy to help

a lost tourist find his

way somewhere.

- Yeah. I just feel so welcome.

- You should, you should.

- If I may,

I just wanna say it's great

to have you back, bro.

You're the greatest of all time.

- Oh thanks, man.

I think this competitor

would like to register.

- Yeah, for sure.

Team name?

- Are you just gonna stay there?

- Yeah.

- Team Afterparty.

- Afterparty.

- One word.

- Thank you.

- It's after the party,

it's the...

- Yeah, I'm not seeing it, but

what's like your name, name?

- Cleo Brown.

But if we're not on there-

- Wait, oh shit! You're Cleo?

Oh man, Greg saw your

edit on the grandmas.

Like these chicks are

sick. We gotta get them in.

- He did?

- Legendary, bro.

- Legendary.

- Only one room left in

the entire hotel.

But I think you're gonna dig it.

- I don't have to put

like a credit card down

or anything, do I?

- Oh no, no, no.

It's all comped.

- Comped.

- I just need you to sign

right here for me, please.

- Welcome to the

shit show Cleo Brown.

- Yo.

All right, good news.

Jill and Josh are stoked.

Uh, we should be good to go.

Are we dialed in here or...

- Uh, no actually, would

you mind handlin' that?

Thanks man. Cheers.

- Okay.

Hey. Hi.

- Team name?

- It's Dane Blake.

- Holy shit.

- The White Room.

- I can't believe

this is happening.

- This is gonna be the best

weekend ever.

- Nicholas,

are you there?

Look, there's been a mistake.

You get those girls

outta there right away.

- A last-minute VIP,

like I'm sorry.

You know how it goes.

But here's access cards

to all the amenities

and 400 for alternative lodging.

- Can we get like

a parking pass?

- Yeah, of course.

- This is honestly than

being evicted.

- I say we go f*ck up

those Mindys.

- There's a party.

- Yeah.

Is it cold in there?

- No flirting with

the celebrities.

We need to buckle down and

win this thing.

- I literally get

the tingles

when you're all focused

like this.

- Well, I'm serious.

No drinking, no boys.

Just 72 hours of

movie-making magic.

- Um, yeah,

that's not gonna work for me.

- Why? It's

like two days.

Of your entire lives.

- I didn't drink for

19 years before the Olympics

and then I crashed.

- Exactly. You

should have drank more.

- That's what I'm saying.

- That had nothing to

do with alcohol consumption.

- So we can still drink?

- No, I just need

to know I can count on you.

I don't wanna be pulling

like CIA operatives missions

all over town extracting

you from various locations.

- Okay, Cleo,

we get it.

No full-steam ragers until

after we win.

- Thank you.

- Woo!

Party at the Taphouse ladies!

- At the Taphouse!

- In the van.

- Hi.

- They're not available.

- Big dicks.

Large dicks.

Slightly curved dicks.

Nice dicks.

Okay. She's in her virtual

reality goggles, let's roll.

Grab the cash.

- What? I drank less.

Only beers, no sh*ts.

Just like you said.

- Yo, check out this bad boy.

- Where did you get that?

That's like a $20,000 camera.

- The guys at Warren

Miller had an extra one.

Everyone's so nice here.

- What's it like being hot?

People just give you stuff?

- Do you wanna use it or not?

- Yes.

- You're welcome.

- Morning.

- Are they in this?

- Time's have changed bro.

Diversity before talent.

- It's okay. I don't need a

pep talk on having thick skin.

I'm good.

- I was just gonna tell

you to quit.

This whole thing is

just a bunch of assholes

and overpriced gear.

Save yourself the misery.

- Vidiots girl. Rooting for you.

- Thanks, Sheila.

Up against a pretty

heavy hitter.

- Make us proud!

- Woo!

- That was sick!

- Whiskey break?

- Do you maybe have like

a small drinking problem

or are you just in your 20s?

- Woo.

I never thought I'd say this

but I kind of miss racing.

- Filming's too much standing

and not enough skiing.

If this just being a pro,

no thanks.

- Jimmy Chin nearly died

making every single one of

his movies, so.

Buck up girls.

We're just getting started.

Don't look at me like that.

- Here she goes.

- I want you to ski this

one from here.

You know what I'm saying?

Drop into that emotional truth.

Be the healing.

Turn, release.

Okay buddy?


- Yeah, I got it.

- Okay.

I'll radio up.

Shred it. Woo!

Yo, I'm not even set up.

I told you I needed five.

Well, I guess you're

gonna be hiking.

- Oh I didn't get nearly

enough footage today,

what we did get looks

really good.

This camera is so sick.

- We're so sick.

- Yes you are.

So I'm thinking tomorrow we just

tour off the summit in

the morning

and then go session Granite

Chief all afternoon.

- I'm out for the morning sesh.

- Well it's not optional,

Lucy, sorry.

- They have my money already.

- Who does?

You signed up for the free

ride competition tomorrow?

- Accidentally.

- That's physically impossible.

- Okay. True.

I accidentally told

Pirates of the Baberian

I was competing.

He's gonna be there. So then

I had to actively sign up.

- Yeah, girl!

- No, not, "Yeah girl."

Since when do you even

believe in competition?

- That's just something I

say to take the pressure off.

- I thought that's what

the drinking was for.

- That's for hooking up

with dudes.

- Okay. This is so chaotic.

Have you even ever

competed before?

- Tina? Help?

- It's easy.

You just dedicate your

entire childhood to it

and then your parents

get a divorce

because they don't

agree on coaching styles

and then you lose and

you let your whole family

and your entire country down.

- Okay Tina,

just do your breathing.

- I thought you wanted me

to do this.

- Yeah. Before.

So I'm losing my best

skier to chasing a guy.

- Best skier? Jesus.

- Hey, hey, hey.

Winner takes $2,500. This

is a business decision.

- Whoa. You could be onto


Lucy could win tomorrow

and we could go touring

Sunday morning.

No big deal.

- So we're still going to

Granite Chief tomorrow


- I will be there. I promise.

- Where are you going?

- Nerves.

I need drink.

- I'm chaperoning.

- Take it easy tonight you

guys, please.

I need you both for

another two days.


Chaperoning my f*cking ass.

- Okay. Okay.

How about this?

We open on a white stallion

and it's galloping across

the snow-covered glen.

This is Sadie personified.

- No.

- Yes.

Hear me out, okay?

Then it's a night sh**t but

you are all lit up, LED suit.

- Oh, my God.

- Greens and purples

through the snow.

You're skiing through

your memories.

Whoosh, whoosh.

You're chasing the unattainable,

then bam!

It's f*cking daylight.

And it's a metaphor for you

waking up out of your grief.

- Absolutely not.

- Dude come on. This is

what everybody wants.

The sponsors, the fans.

- Oh f*ck them.

- f*ck them?

- Yeah, f*ck them.

We're not sh**ting a f*cking

pity party for my grief

to sell f*cking jackets.

- Gabe, what is your idea?

Do you realize how outta

the game you've been?

You, you want to just

go out there and compete

with the 20 year olds?

- I don't f*cking...

- I mean, you need an offering.

You need a story.

- Well then tell one.

Just leave Sadie out of it.

- Please tell me your

kitchen is still open.

- Sorry, the kitchen is closed.

- No.

- This is a sick idea, Gabe.

- No.

I promise you it's not. And

I'm not f*cking doing it.

- This is the best idea

- Any fried pickle?

- I have.

- Like do you have

a pickled green bean, maybe?

I'm sorry.

- That's really sad.

- Okay.

Three years off and you

really haven't gotten

any easier to deal with,

you know that?

- And you get more brilliant

every f*cking year, man.

- I'm gonna be in my room and

if you can think of an idea,

you let me know, baby.

- I wonder what Mossup's doing.

- I wonder what

Crossland's doing.

- Sorry about that.

Sorry, sorry.

I'm really sorry about that,




- Are you gonna eat those?

Thank you. Okay.

Kitchen is closed and

I am starving.

Not in like a model way,

in like a poor person way.

Oh my gosh.

Lover's quarrel?

- The entire bar did hear

that, right?

- No, no.

Super low key. No, you're good.

- Oh God, that guy.

He's got very big plans for

my comeback.

- He's like a big

plans guy, hey.

- Oh yeah.

Yeah. Big plans guy.

Except for how to stay

relevant apparently.

- You want me to

tell him or are you going to?

- If you wouldn't mind.

- I would love to.

- He won't hear it from me.

- No, I would happily do that

job for you.

- God, I don't even know why he,

or I guess we, I guess,

I don't know why we are

even trying.

It's so...

You looked like you were

having fun out there today.

- Hmm.

Well we can't all be salty

veterans like yourself.

- What? How am I salty?

- Ask the guy that told

me to quit this morning.

- Ugh. That's...

I just think quitting

is a winning attitude.

- That seems to be

working for you.

So you don't wanna compete,

you don't wanna sell

jackets, I heard that.

Like, what are you doing here?

- That's a very good question,

Cleo Brown.

- Thank you.

- I think my therapist

would probably call it

an identity death or something.

- Whoa.

- What?

What? Was that too much?

- You go to therapy?

- Yeah.

Yeah, like I very much go to

therapy, like often.

- That's so hot.

- That's so hot?

- Yeah.

- Well,

you know,

when you watch an avalanche

take somebody that you love,

therapy becomes like a,

like a sexy little necessity,

you know?

If you want to not put like

a sexy b*llet in your head.

That was too far.

Sorry about that.

- Yeah, that was way too far.

- Yeah, I was just kidding.

- I just wasn't-

- Not about the therapy, but.

- I wasn't expecting-

- Honesty?

- Which is a yuck.

- Gross.

Wow. I'm having a day.

I'm gonna get another drink.

You want one?

- Only if you're gonna tell me

more of your f*cked up secrets.

- Sure, why not?

- Okay, but only one

'cause I am, I'm editing and

I am, I have to stay focused.

- Yeah.

Two Long Island iced

teas please.

- Yeah, right.

- Oof. A year and a half.

- Ah, it's so embarrassing.

- Oh, it's nothing to

be embarrassed about.

It's just like you're like

a hopeless like romantic.

You know? It's like very like,

like Patti Smith, like

Robert Mapplethorpe.

It's like cool and chic and

like you're like an artist.

- You think?

- You got a blind spot.

Don't you beat yourself

up over it.

- Huge blind spot.

I was like, maybe I'm

not that a good in bed.

Maybe I'm like not that-

- No. Come on.

- sexy.

- It couldn't have been easy

for your ex though

either, right?


- Yeah, I prob-- probably


- It sucks for everybody.

- f*ck him though.

- Yeah. f*ck that guy.

I mean totally f*ck that guy.

What's your film about?

- Shredding and having

a good time.

- Right? Yeah.

But like what's it about?

- Shredding and having

a good time.

And the spirit of the mountains.

- That sounds like that

could be pretty cool.

That could be great.

- So that's how you

placate someone

when you think their

idea's terrible.

- What?

No, I don't do that.

I wouldn't do that.

That's not me.

- Well what's your film about?

- Dane tells me it's

about a phoenix

rising from the ashes

of his grief.

- I'm sure it'll be great.

- Hey, can we get one more?

- You can't yell.

- Why?

- You're too famous to yell.

It's rude.

- Okay, I'm sorry.

- He broke up with us.

- We don't need that guy.

You know why?

'Cause when you are

famous, when you're famous,

they put like a little gift

basket when you show up

and there was a bottle of

whiskey in mine

and I'm also like super

hot, well adjusted.

So I go to therapy. So let's go.

- Okay. Okay.

I had a jacket.

Where is my?

- Yeah.

- Up and at 'em.

Registration's in 45 minutes.

Where's Lucy?

Seriously, where's Lucy?

- She was at the MSP party.

- I thought you

were chaperoning.

- Hello?

- Lucy. Hi.

Where are you?

- Just kidding.

This is Lucy's voicemail.

Leave a message-

- Why are you

so f*cking useless?

- Lucy?

- Hey.

- Yeah, f*ck, where are you?

- The garden of Eden.

I believe.

It's so be beautiful

here, Cleo.

- So we need to get you

to the top of the face in

30 minutes

so that you can compete.

So can you tell me where you are

so that I can come get

you please.

- Bliss. I'm in Bliss!

- Can you tell me

where Bliss is?

Get in!

- You found me!

This is Nick.

Short for Nicholas.

- Hi, Nicholas!

- Bye, Nicholas.

Lucy, get in the van.

- You're going in.

- Can we put some music on?

- No, no, no, no.

- How high are you right now?

- Yes!

- You know you have to compete

in like 15 minutes, right?

- I cannot wait.

- You're gonna crush it, babe.

- Thank you. Aw.

- f*ck. Ross is gonna k*ll me.

- You smell like

a lot of things.

- Only because I

drank 78 drinks last night

and woke up in Gabe Paul's

hotel room.

- Shut up!


- I also woke up fully

clothed on top of the covers

because we're just friends.

- Maybe he was being chivalrous.

- He was being



- Watch, watch, watch.

- Hey, question.

How much purpose do you think

ski movies we should have?

- Really?

- No, I'm just talking

range wise.

Like are we, are we talking

bifurcation of consciousness

or like subverting the male gaze

or is it just like women

can wear pink

and go skiing and have fun

and that's-

- Cleo! Just go

with your gut.

- You make that sound so simple.

Where are your skins?

- I don't need skins.

- You definitely

need skins.

- I'm a snow leopard.

- No f*cking up.

- She's helping you.

- I don't have time for this.

- Oh, you don't have time

for this, but we all do?

- Well, considering the movie

was supposed

to solve all of our problems.

Yeah, I'd say it's pretty

high priority.

- Shit.

I love your braid.

I always thought it was

so unoriginal

for skier girls to have braids.

Yours is f*cking stunning.

Show pony.

- Can you not? And maybe

gimme some space.

- I can respect that

boundary that you're setting.

Where's the ground?

Where's the ground?

Seriously, kind of

freaking out. Where is it?

Is this going faster than usual?

I need to get off this thing.

Oh, my arm.

Oh, wow. My tongue.

I'm cotton mouthing.

- Are you gonna be okay?

- Like spiritually,

physically, emotionally?

It's all connected to my dad.


Oh, f*ck. Good lord.

No, no, no, no.

No, no. No, no, no.



- You guys are welcome

to come in.

- Is she okay?

- She'll be fine.

She's severely dehydrated

so we have her on an IV drip

while the dr*gs leave

her system.

She had a panic attack.

It happens.

- Thank you for fixing her up.

- Is this a regular occurrence

for her?

- No.

- Oh yeah.

- Definitely not.

- Dude, I'm so embarrassed.

- This is like the least

embarrassing thing.

- Oh, it is.

My liver's f*cked, apparently.

- Well, pretty sure they're


- You're human, sweetie.

- Yeah, totally.

No one caress that you

basically f*cked up

the entire sh**t today.


- You've been freaking

out about it all day.

- Freaking out?

- Yes.

- More like,

have I been demonstrating

a super-human level of

responsibility for all of us?

Sure, I'll take that on.

I'll own that.

- Responsibility?

- Yes.

- Your version of responsibility

looks a lot like selfish

to me.

- Selfish?

- Yes.

- Me? I?

- Okay guys, chill.

- You.

- I've been working my off

while you two run around

like a couple of juiced-up

frat boys.

- Working your a...

Are you...?

Get over yourself, Cleo.

- Can we get outta here?

- Is she insane?

- So, turns out Pirates of

the Baberian isn't a pirate.

He was that doctor.

- Wait, that was Pirates of

the Baberian?

- Hey, Lucy.

- He doesn't look

a pirate at all.

- I think you owe the

pirate community an apology.

- Oh, I owe a lot of people

an apology.

I shit myself in the tram.

- Wait, like actually

shit yourself?

- Yeah.

So that was chill.

Then I barfed and then I barfed

again on hot pirate-doctor.

- Maybe he didn't notice.

- He brought me a fresh

pair of pants.

I think I got his attention.

Are you serious?

- Hey, I don't know if

I can take

one of these parties sober.

- Well, I mean,

we're just going for

the free food.

Tomorrow night's the big night

with the awards screening

gala thing or whatever.

I think tonight should

be mellow.

- Shh. Don't say that.

You'll jinx It.

- True, actually.

Smash cut to you doing

body sh*ts off pro skiers?

- Yes.

- No.

- What's up Cleo?

- Pete, you are actually

just the guy I wanna see.

How much purpose do you

think ski movies should have?

Be- because they can't be


but they also can't be


'Cause it's like, you

know, these metaphors,

like this lifecycle of water

and then sh*ts of skiing.

Like I just, the connection

feels so over the top.

But then shredding and having

a good time's not enough.

So I don't know.

Oh, hey guys.

No? Okay.

- Club soda!


- It's not like 0011

but it's 1100.

- Hey.

You guys aren't professional

athletes, are you?

Well, thank God.

What do you guys do?

- Oh, we have a, a startup.

We're up here for the

weekend from the Valley.

Just the boys,

shredding the gnar.

- Hi.

- Hi.

- Can we buy you a

beverage of your choice?

- Uh, not tonight, boys.

- Striking out.

Let's go back to the chalet.

- Chalet.

- Do what you gotta do.

I'm gonna be a while.

Decisions are hard for me.

- Somehow convince the

f*cking park service

to let me go on the top of

Mount Rainier.

And I had this idea that

I was going

to paraglide down one

of the glaciers, but...

- Hey are, are you Chloe Brown?

Scott Gaffney. I'm the

guest judge this year.

Just wanted to introduce

myself to all the filmmakers.

- Oh, f*ck.

You're the guest judge?

- Yes, I, I am.

So what's your film about?

I've heard a lot of really

cool concepts this year.

- Um.

Uh, women. Um...

- I'm sure it'll be great.

Good to meet you.

- Scotty, m*therf*cker.

- Hey, buddy.

- How are you, dude?

Good to see you.

- What's going on?

- You f*cking savage. Come on.

You did.

- I know.

Can I buy you a drink?

- You buying me a drink?

f*cking A, let's do it.

Let's do it.

- The standard OGs.

What's up Paul?


- Gaffney, what are you having?

- Uh, Kolsch.

- Kolsch. Two Kolschs.

- Sweet. Thanks, man.

- Put 'em on his tab.

I'm just f*cking with you.

No, put 'em on min.

- Okay.

You're almost a worst

cliche than I am.

- What cliche is that?

- Sad girl.

- Want some privacy?

- Um...

- Um, yes

or um, no?

- Are you just like

naturally insanely athletic

or do you like go to the gym

and work really hard

to achieve your goals?

Because it's a very important


- What do you mean? Skiing?

I dunno, I just ski.

- Annoying.

- Can I have a sip of that?

- Oh. No,

I need this whole thing.

- I had a nice time last night.

- You did?

- You okay?

- Yeah, I mean, I spent

the better part of the day

stressing about whether

or not my ideas are stupid

because some drunk pro

skier told me

that they were last night, so.

- What the f*ck

do you care what I say?

- Because you're you.

- Come on.

- No pep talks.

- No, no pep talks.

- Interesting.

Well there's this something.

- What, you got your period?

I don't care.

- No, not that, but,

well good for you.

It's just that I've been

living in a van

and at this time we don't

really have

like a process around showering

or really basic hygiene

in any way.

And this rash cream

like exploded-

- You're so f*cking hot.

- Am I? I mean,

that feels generous.

Oh God.

- And I've been in my

ski gear a lot and hiking

and it's been a lot of

chicken nuggets diet wise.

I just feel like I probably

don't smell

that good-

- Cleo.

Shut the f*ck up.

- Okay. No problem.

- That's not you.

- Totally bro. It's Eileen Gu.

- Seriously though,

you can teach us?

- Want me to grab it?

- Grab what?

- Ooh, that's naughty.

- Okay. Stop, stop, stop.

I gotta go.

- No!

- Where's my shit?

- Come on.

No, let's just order some

room service for us, please.

It's the final day of Hot Lapse.

- Yeah, and we should

spend it in bed

eating shrimp cocktails

and having as much sex

as possible.

- Okay,

well I love that idea.

- Me too.

- Like a lot.

- Yeah.

- But...

- No but!

- Rain check.

- No, you're just gonna

leave right now?

- Well, that story about me

living in a van with two girls

wasn't like a honey trap to

tantalize you.

- Well it worked.

- I can really use that

prize money.

And by use I mean need.

So bye.


- What?

- That face you made

when I mentioned winning.

- W- what?

- You don't think I can?

- That's not what I...

- It isn't?

- N- no, it's just, it's just,

it's a really hard

contest to win.

- Wow.

- Cleo.

- Unbelievable, oh! f*ck.

- Ready?

- Oh, man.

- Epic.

- Great.

- Epic.

- It's gonna be a beauty

day up there boys.

Yeah. sh**t.

Sorry, dog.

Okay boys, let's go.

- Yes.

- Go for Tina.

- Tina. f*ck, where are you?

Needed you here like 15

minutes ago.

- Yeah,

I'm an hour east of Reno.


- What? Why?

I'm at a craft beer expedition

with our new best bartender

friend, Jill?

Actually, I made that up.

I don't know her name.

She's in the bathroom.

But don't worry,

you got this girl.

- No I don't.

You f*cking hung up on



You know what? I don't need

skiers to make a ski movie.

I'll just film you idiots

flirting with boys.

Give the people what they want.

- Yeah,

I mean he is coming back.

I can see some of the

old athlete in there,

but he's got some


and some hesitation.

- Whoa!

- Who was that?

- Huh? I don't know.

Just a nobody.

C'mon. Let's hit it.

- All right.

- Oh, sorry.

Who do I give this to?

Team Afterparty.

It's one word.

- Uh, you were looking a

little sluggish this morning.

I was worried about you.

- Were you?

- Uh-huh.

- Sounds awful.

- You know, I can't wait

to see your little movie.

Who knows.

Maybe you're the next me.

- Ugh. I can only dream

of having a fan base

of tasteless middle-aged men

while I direct women how to play

non-threatening housewife

in detergent commercials.

- All right, well let me know

when anybody offers you

$5 to direct anything.

- Five bucks.

Is that all you're making?

You should charge more, Dane.

Know your worth.

- You're here?!

- Hey, glad you made it.

This party's sick.

- So is finishing Hot Lapse

all by myself.

- What?

- I thought you'd at least

check in when you got back.

- The party was already on.

- Do you even give a shit

that our film was due 20

minutes ago?

- Yeah. Did we get it in?

- I got it in.

- Yeah, baby!

- What the hell?

- Lucy's here too?

- Chill.

We're just having a good time.

- While I hustle my ass off

trying to win this stupid


so we're not f*cking homeless

next week.

- Why are you being like this?

- I don't know, Tina.

How should I be when my

two best friends bail on me

on the most important

weekend of my life?

- Bail on you?

If it weren't for me,

you wouldn't even be in

this thing.

- Because you inspired me to

apply or...?

- Just forget it.

- Because you pulled

some strings?


- It was a string, but yes,

I pulled it.

Well, what did you expect?

That you'd magically get in

without actually applying?

I followed up Cleo.

As one does actually

want something in life.

You f*cking lied.

- f*ck off, man.

- She's not answering any

of my texts.

- It's Cleo. She'll be fine.

- I went a little hard.

- She's just having a midlife,

but not like the fun kind.

- What's up, Palisades Tahoe?

Welcome to Hot Lapse.

I am Donovan Banks.

So we have a crazy

lineup of films tonight,

you guys should be stoked.

Hold on, hold on.

I say we crank this

party up a notch, yeah?

- Tommy, we doing Antarctica

this year or what?

- You bet we are.

- Yeah.

- You got them first big

premier jitters, huh?

Well, there's nothing like it.

Hands down, it's either the best

or worst night of your life.

- A local legend himself,

Scott Gaffney.

- Three-minute warning for

Warren Miller.

- Uh-oh. Heavy hitters are up.


you gonna say hi or what?

We used to date a lot of

the same women.

- Sherpa Cinema. Two minutes.

- Thank you.

- Still just

stoked that I was all good

and could shred another line

the next day.

- Kind of imagine it being like,

you know,

like f*cking

Russel Crow "Gladiator."

Like that k*ller instinct.

You know what I'm saying?

- Without further ado,

let's bring out a director

we all know and love

back after a three-year

hiatus from Hot Lapse.

- You know its all

bullshit, right?

- You're up. Let's go.

- Dane Blake.

- Uh, look.

Hey, seriously, if you b*mb,

it's totally cool because

nobody knows who you are.

Good luck.

All right.

- Yeah.

It is great to have you back

from LA dude.

- Oh, well,

it's great to be back, bro.

Just wanna say it's so,

it means so much and

it's so sick

to see all this new talent.

You know, just like, feel

the stoke, good vibes only.

And I gotta say something else,

all right.

LA has got nothing on the

realists of this town.

- Oh, yeah.

- Screw LA!

- So tell us about your

film, man.

- My piece tonight is about



My boy Gabe, y'all might

know him.

Where is he? Where he at?

Oh, there is.

Give it up for Gabe. Come on.

One of the most beautiful

human beings

I've ever met in my life.

And, um, my boy Gabe, has

had a rough couple years.

We wanted to explore

pain and joy,

darkness and, and light,

death and rebirth.

And I'll tell you

something that, you know,

these are, these are concepts

that a lot of athletes out there

that they're too afraid,


they don't have the, the depth

to explore these kind of things.

But not Gabe 'cause Gabe

is like, um,

he's just Gabe.

I'll stop talking.

Love you, bro.

- Ladies and gentlemen from

the living legends themselves

with their,

with their offering tonight,

simply titled "Gabe."

- Oh my God.

- Jesus f*cking Christ.

- Shh.

- Cleo Brown. Two minutes.

- Boo! Boo.

- That, that was brilliant.

- Sometimes the truth

has to cost.

- Mm. Mm-hmm.

- Thanks.

- Oh, one more time for

Dane, guys.

Oh, shit.

Okay, moving on to our final

contestants of the evening.

Really, you could call

on the underdogs it-

- Team Afterparty.

- Oh, oh man, um.

I'm sorry folks.

It looks like Afterparty is a scratch.

- Boo!

- I know, I know.

Uh, maybe a little too

much pre-party, huh?

- I hate that I'm here.

- Come on. Inside.

- Like what was I thinking?

- Grilled cheese for breakfast?

- Breakfast was pancakes. This

is a late afternoon snack.

- Blueberry?

You're kicking me out,

aren't you?

- Your crew dropped off

the van this morning.

- They did?

- Astonishingly clean.

- Weird. I wonder who they paid.

Do they hate me?

- First question I asked.

- Shut up, Ross.

I'm vulnerable right now.

- They found a house.

- Yeah, right.

- That's what they said.

- In one morning, without

me? That's impossible.

- Here, I'll take you there.

- 'Kay, but wait.

Can we share custody of Buster?

- No.

- But he loves me.

- No.

- Buster,

do you wanna live with me?

- Stop. Don't answer that.

- Thank you.

For everything.

- Hey!

- Hey. What's going on here?

- Savage, right?

There's an ice luge party

at staff accomm tonight.

- Cool.

- Go on in. Check the place out.

- You have a problem dude.


- How baller is this place, huh?

- So we live here now?

- Yeah. Did Lucy tell you?

She went cat skiing with

these tech guys

and taught them how to 360

and now we're staying in

their winter rental till May.

- That's-

- Amazing, right?

They're only here every

other weekend.

- And we're like

their harem?

- They're actually really nice

and super fun to party with.

Like all top-shelf liquor.

- Oh. Just what I need.

- You're gonna love them.

Especially Kyle.

He's totally your type.

Kind of fem.

- Is that my type?

- Mm.

Oh hey. Sorry about last

night and everything.

You doing okay?

- Uh, I mean-

- Oh my gosh.

So hot.

Wait, is that mine?

- Can I get the ass cheeks out?

Is it too much?

- No such thing.

Do it, okay, I'm gonna help you.

Wait for me.

- Hey! Get the f*ck on stage.

I'm getting crushed up there.

- Yeah, yeah, yeah,

yeah, yeah. I'm coming.


- Oh, hey Cleo!

- Hey!

Oh my God.

There's actually people here.


My mouth is so dry.

Um, welcome to Vidiots.

Where on Wednesdays we

watch amateur ski movies

made by normies like us.

I'm your host, Cleo

Brown, aka Vidiots girl.

You know, I gotta say,

when I first moved to town,

I was like,

"This place is amazing.

You never have to grow up."

Now, decade later I'm like,

"Why are my roommates 22?

Why do I still have roommates?"

But that's ski towns.

Full of people like me.

Stuck but always moving

across town.

I've, I've had a, a big

few days and key takeaway,

it's not the town that's

holding me back, it's me.

I need to change.

Yeah, no, don't worry,

you guys don't have to

I know you hate that.

I made a thing for Hot

Lapse that I didn't show

because turns out I have

crazy self-limiting beliefs

and am a giant p*ssy.

But also kind of,

f*ck them you know?

This, this movie was always

for you guys.

And yes, it took an absolute

meltdown in the green room

in front of who I thought

were my heroes

to realize that actually,

you all are.

So I give you "The Nobodies."

This is awful.

What's up? I'm Cleo

Brown and I am a nobody.

Trust me.

Just ask anybody that's

a somebody.

Watch this.

Hey Daron. Hi.

- Yeah?

- Can you be in my

Hot Lapse movie?

- Who are you?

- Sorry. Do I know you?

- What kinda camera is that?

- Oh, sorry.

- I don't even know if

I know you.

- I got like,

I got a thing actually.

- I've got a plumber coming

over later.

- Uh, I gotta pee.

- I said no.

- Well...

- Who me?

Yeah. I'm a nobody.

- I'm Marty and I'm a nobody.

- My name is Pete and

I'm a nobody.

- My name is Betty and

thank God I'm a nobody.

Well actually it depends

on who you talk to.

I am kind of a legend in

some parts.

- Unless you ask the guys

at the Wednesday races,

then you better watch out

because that's where I've

taken this

for the last three years.

- Oh, I'm definitely a nobody.

That's the only way to

actually go skiing.

I hear if you're a pro,

you just stand around.

- I thought about going pro,

but somebody's gotta park

the cars around here.

- My name's Krista.

I work in marketing here.

I mean,

every time I'm out there,

it's another "pinch me" moment.

- Dude, I ended up

breaking my fib.

Cost me my whole season.

I'm not a nobody though.

- Hey, Jerry.

Ready to get your kicked today?

My brother,

he moved to Kansas City.

I don't know if I could do

that city life.

He doesn't much like plowing

and thinks I'm crazy to do it,

but takes care of the family.

I'm good with that.

Take that, b*tches!

- Any kind of part-time job

you can think of, I've done.

Especially if it's something

that works in the evening,

because then I can free

up my days to go skiing.

- I can clear a parking

lot with this thing

in like two hours.

- So I've been a dog walker,

I've been a ski nanny.

I've been a bartender.

- You know, as much

as it hurt to fall on my ass,

skiing is my favorite

thing to do.

- Depending on how nice you are,

you have one to three chances

to date in a ski town.

It's just so small.

After that,

you're single for life.

- Pete,

you almost hit the tree.

- The tree almost hit me.

- Despite all

the changes,

what doesn't change is

the people,

the community spirit and

the adventure.

That will always hold us

all together.

- Wow.

- Yeah, had to get an extreme.

- Go fast, eat ass.

I moved here for the babes.

I'm not getting any babes.

So now I'm here for the snow,

I guess.

For the friendships.

- I lived in big cities

and I felt so alone,

but here I totally fit right in.

- I wish I'd have been

able to grow up here,

but you know what?

I sure am glad my kids could.

- I think that's what's


between like a city versus

the mountain.

Everybody knows everybody.

Three generations of

families growing up together.

- A big part of being in

the, in this community is,

you know, giving back.

I give everything, you

know, I give it my all.

I help the kids with coaching

or you know, shoveling,

clearing people's driveways.

- Has anyone been

helping you

shovel while you've been hurt?

- No. I, I think everyone's

just been really busy.

- These are the unsung

heroes of every ski town.

They're passionate about

the mountains,

but they're even more passionate

about their community.

Well, if this is being a nobody,

then that's just fine with me.

- Bar. Bar down.

What a beautiful day.

Chilly though.

You from here?

- I have lived here for the

better part of a decade, yes.

- Huh, what a great

place to live.

I- I'm actually from the city.

I always wonder what it

would be like

if I had stayed in a ski town.

- Well, I'll let you

know in about 30 years.

- Well, funny.

So what do you do for work here?

- I'm a filmmaker.

- Really? Anything I would've


- Nope.

- Do you live here too?

- Me?


I'm just here checking

out the local talent.

- Wow.

- Okay. Okay.

You're still mad.

- Yep.

- Do you two know each other?

- Uh, yeah, you could say that.

- Could we please have this

conversation up at the top?


- Would an "I'm sorry"

text have k*lled you?

- I was so stupid

that I figured that you

would want some space.

- Yeah, like a little.

- And I thought I was

gonna be able

to apologize properly at

Hot Lapse.

- Well, I decided to

self-sabotage instead. So.

- I heard and I wanted to call

and I, I would've called or

texted, but we're trash people.

We didn't even exchange numbers.

- Well, you know my name,

I hope.

- Come on.

- You ever heard of a DM?

- What, like social media?

Like, like my-

my PR team handles all that.

- Oh, gross.

- Or they did, anyway.

I, no, I fired them.

I fired everyone, actually.

- Like, everyone, everyone?

- Yeah.

- Seems kind of rash.

- Yeah, I don't know, it,

feels pretty great.

- So you just came skiing

hoping for a rom-com miracle?

- Yeah.

But after I found the van that

you're no longer living in

and after I had a beer with

Ross, who's such a gem,

what a solid guy.

And then I, I discovered

your, your Vidiots girl,

but it was the day after

your premiere

and, and I checked out that

real dump of a housing option.

Good thing you're not

staying there.

And then I was just trudging

uphill in the snow both ways.

Just searching for you.

After the carrier pigeons.

- Come on.

- Stop, don't fall for this.

- Please? Please fall for it.

In my head I imagine that


going much differently.

- Yeah, me too.

Not that I was thinking about

or anything.

- No, no, no, no. Not you, no.

- So this is it, huh?

Just a couple of unemployed

ski bums.

Ski enthusiasts.

- Yeah. You can't say

that anymore.

- Recreationalists.

- But yeah.

I love it.

Where we going?

- You're asking me?

- I missed you.


- Yeah, Vidiots girl.

Get her done, woo!

- We going skiing?

- Yeah.

Come on.

Oh, you sandbagging son

of a bitch.
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