Mr Bates vs the Post Office: The Real Story (2024)

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Mr Bates vs the Post Office: The Real Story (2024)

Post by bunniefuu »

The village shop and post office

had come up for sale.

Someone suggested that I would be

the perfect person to take it over.

I started my first job

as a postman back in 1965.

and in 1994,

I took over the post office.

I passed my interview, so, yeah,

I was given the position.

And everything was perfect.

We had a group of pensioners

who would come in

to get their pension every week.

Very much part of a community.

28p, please, love.

How much?

You do get to know your locals.

We'd have a good banter,

a good laugh with all the customers.

It was really good.

You're not only their postmaster.

You were also an adviser to people.

It was lovely.

You felt like you were actually

the heart of the village.

Morning. With you in a minute.

No rush.

'It was idyllic.'

I felt that I'd managed

to get myself a good position.

As a postmistress, it's not easy.

'The idea was it would be

my retirement business.'

'I thought I was gonna

spend the rest of my life there.'

But I didn't know

what was ahead of me.

I went through hell.

'It was diabolical.'

Something had to be done about it.

'Look, Alan!'

'Look what we did,

look what you did!'

'Should the Post Office bosses

go to prison, too?'

'No. No, no.

'Hit them in their pockets.'

Hit them in their pockets.

That's what you want to do.

That's... That's what's gonna

hurt them.

This is the story

of a saga that began

nearly 25 years ago.

We were not mad, were we?

Dealing with Post Office

has been harder

than dealing with the mafia.

It's like fighting a steam roller.

A group of subpostmasters

from all over the UK

fought to expose one of the widest

miscarriages of justice

in British legal history.

We want answers now

to know who's actually done this

to so many people, and why.

'There begins

the long chain of accounting,

'and every ha'penny

of every transaction accounted for.'

The Post Office was established

in 1660,

and had always used paper and pen

to balance the books.

But in 1999, management introduced

something completely new...

..a computer system called Horizon.

It was the biggest IT roll-out

in Europe.

The Post Office connected 40,000

terminals across the country

to one central hub.

'An engineer arrived.'

He screwed it on the desk,

and I asked him what it was,

and he goes, "That's Horizon.

"It's going live shortly,

you'll hear all about it."

It was great,

I was really enthusiastic.

I'd been involved with developing

bespoke software packages

where I'd worked before,

and I was all for it.

Basically, I never had a problem

balancing until that was installed,

and then a couple of months

after that,

I had a very big shortfall

at the end of the week.

It said I was minus 2,000.

Just overnight,

11,000 of stamps had gone missing.

I suddenly found

I had 6,000 shortfall,

and I couldn't understand

where that had gone.

That was a ridiculous amount.

There was no way of going back

and checking stuff

like you did with the paper,

cos once you pressed that button,

it had gone.

I rang the help desk,

and they told me

to do various things,

which doubled the shortfall

to minus 4,000.

When I rang the helpline,

I was told that there was

nobody else having these problems.

Oh, yes, the helpline

was telling you,

"Nobody else has got a problem.

"You're the only one."

"You're the only one

this is happening to."

"You're the only one."

That's what they kept saying.

Then I started feeling

like I was going mad.

I knew I wasn't computer-literate,

but I wasn't stupid either.

In the end,

you were totally confused,

and nothing was done.

Under the terms of their contracts,

the 20,000 subpostmasters

were liable for any shortfall,

whatever the cause.

When it got to about 9,000 short,

I told my parents and my husband,

and I said,

"Can we re-mortgage

and put the money in?

"Cos I've got no idea

what's happening,

"but I've got to make it good."

My mum went down

to the building society

and drew it out,

and we put it into -

the money into the safe.

Every week, I was

putting money in myself.

So, we basically went through

the cash until it all ran out

to try and make up the balance

every day.

It was just up and down,

up and down.

It was never, ever right.

And on the end of the month when

we had to do the main balance...

..that's when it all

used to come out, like...

Where's this money gone?

And the amount kept growing,

so I then didn't say anything.

I kept quiet and let it grow

to 36,000.

Terrified of what was gonna happen.

In North Wales,

one subpostmaster

took a different approach.

I had 1,000 of shortfall,

and I've never been

accepting the figure

that Horizon had

thrown up each week.

Because I always felt

that if I cleared it,

I was accepting

the Horizon system's figures.

And I wasn't prepared to do that.


they got round to telling me

I had to do it or else.

And I said, "I won't do it, not

until I have access to the system."

And eventually, they decided

just to terminate my contract

without giving me any reason,

and that was it.

So, they walked off

with my life savings

and they decided to give

my post office to somebody else.

Horizon just created

a whole batch of worry,

not just for me,

but for subpostmasters

all over the country.

I shall probably clean

at least till I'm 70-ish.

I'm resigned to the fact

that I only have the state pension,

and unless I sell my house,

I need to keep working.

The Post Office used

their sweeping powers

to bring private prosecutions

against their own employees.

In 2003,

they went after Jo for the money

they said she'd stolen.

I was originally charged

with theft,

and I pleaded not guilty.

And we almost got to trial,

and they offered up a plea bargain

at the 11th hour,

And said, "Well, if you plead guilty

to false accounting,

"we'll drop the theft charge,

provided you repay the money."

That meant Jo was forced to borrow

in order to pay back the 36,000

the computer said was missing.

I could only raise 30,000

on the house,

so we had a village meeting.

And I had to explain to everybody

that I was in trouble

in the Post Office.

And someone put up their hand

and they said,

cos it was November, they said,

"Well, couldn't Jo have

an early Christmas present?"

And from the moment I told them,

I thought they were all gonna think

I'd stolen money, and they didn't,

it was quite the opposite,

and, erm... yeah.

It was very humbling.

Literally thousands of pounds

went through the letterbox.

I think we'd reached it

in about two weeks, and... Yeah.


My village.

When she went to court,

the village showed up again.

I just looked at the judge,

and he goes, "Well I'm not

considering a custodial sentence."

Well, I was literally...

Just the tears were

streaming down my face.

Jo was sentenced

to a 12-month supervision order.

But there were other people whose

ordeals left an even greater mark.

'We had a lot

of happy memories here.'

Especially when the children

used to come off the bus.

We used to look forward

to seeing them after school.

They used to come running

across this road.


'They enjoyed being here as well.

'Would've handed it over to them.

'A lot of happy memories.'

But they all got broken.

In 2009, the Post Office charged

Jess with the theft of 5,000.

And her face was splashed

across the local papers.

Family members actually went

round to the shops, local shops,

and gathered as many papers

as they could.

It was also in one

of the Punjabi papers as well.

So, basically, everybody read

that story and pointed fingers.

We had somebody come in

and spit on the floor as well.

We had car windows broken.

You know, they did try and,

like, traumatise us, really.

I got this feeling

that everybody else is thinking

that "she's a thief".

And thinking about it day and night,

day and night.

I just wanted to end my life.

I'm showing you the box.

We can cross quickly.

And this is where

the Post Office was.

Noel Thomas became a postman

at the age of 17.

In 2005, when his nightmare began,

he had only ever worked

for the Post Office.

There we are.

We're by the box

which was the Post Office

that my wife and I ran for,

erm, 36 years.

You know, it was a betrayal,

wasn't it, when we lost this?

At half past seven,

there was a knock on the door,

and, er, there was a lady

and a gentleman in the door,

and said they were Post Office

auditors, and so I let them in,

made them a cup of tea, and I told

them straightaway that I was,

erm, about 52,000 down,

so all hell let loose.

Noel was arrested and questioned

at a police station.

She was just, "Where was the money?

Where was the money?

"And what did you do with it?"

You know,

it was really aggressive.

Then the Post Office did to Noel

what they did

to many other subpostmasters.

They offered

to drop the theft charge

if he agreed to plead guilty

to false accounting.

I remember me telling him,

"Will it keep me out of jail?"

And he said, "Yes."

But unfortunately,

when I went into court,

er, the judge, erm,

came to his sentencing words,

and he said, erm, "Nine months,"

and he sort of paused.

And I waited

for a suspended sentence.

But he said, erm, "Take him down."

'I'd been a councillor,

I'd been a postmaster,

'I'd been a postman and,

er, highly thought of.'

All of a sudden, er,

it was all taken away from me,

like taking a mat

from under your feet, if you like.

It was bloody horrible.

'My journalistic life

has been dominated by this.'

I mean, it's the biggest story

I've worked on.

It's probably the biggest story

I'll ever work on.

In 2009, the story hadn't

hit the press yet.

Social media was in its infancy.

Even though many subpostmasters

were being prosecuted,

each one of them thought

they were the only one.

But that was about to change.

This particular article began

because we were contacted by

a subpostmaster about his problems.

Often when you get contacted

by a single person,

it's very hard to stand up a story.

But one of my former colleagues,

an alarm bell rang in his head,

and he thought,

"I've heard this before."

And I think

it was four years earlier,

he'd been contacted by Alan Bates,

who'd had the same problems.

Then they started

to build up a picture.

People having the same problems,

people being told the same thing

from the Post Office,

which eventually led to them

gathering information

about four other subpostmasters

and doing this first story.

But we were so worried

about legal action.

We didn't publish it for a year.

This was the response

from the Post Office.

That was an outright lie.

We knew of seven postmasters

who had complained,

and also, we know that computers

have problems,

especially complex systems.


subpostmasters who had problems

were seeing the story,

contacting each other,

which then started the campaign.

That's the seven

from Computer Weekly,

then there's, er,

two that came via our website.

But where are all the others?

So we thought, "Let's see

if we can get people together,

"and let's see

how big the problem actually is."

Somewhere central.



We didn't know if anyone

was gonna turn up, but, er,

slowly but surely, people turned up.

We all sat round in a circle

telling our stories,

and you almost felt embarrassed

about having to say,

"Oh, I'm Jo,

and I've been done for 36,000."

But I realised, "Oh, my God,

we're all exactly the same."

That's when the stories...

A jigsaw started coming together,

if you know what I mean.

And we'd all had our lives

completely tipped upside down.

People had been losing houses,

cashing in their pensions,

they'd been borrowing money

off relatives,

marriages were splitting up.

We all looked like

we'd been in a w*r

and just weary with the stress

that we'd been put through,

and the shame of it.

It was diabolical.

But that's when we knew

something had to be done about it.

And that's when we picked

Alan Bates as chairman.

That was really

the start of everything,

and that's where the JFSA,

Justice For Subpostmasters Alliance,

was born.

It was like a switch got turned,

and the Post Office was the enemy.

They'd gone from this trusted brand

to a monster.

And it was like,

"We are gonna get them."

This is the view I have of him

most of the time.

I mean, most mornings,

this is what he's doing,

and as you can see,

he's still in his dressing gown.

For the past 20 years,

Alan and his partner, Suzanne,

have had their lives dominated

by one thing.

The whole of this Post Office issue

has, er, turned into probably

the worst unpaid full-time job

you can imagine.

I'm gonna do the cat,

and I'll have her sitting down

on the carpet here,

looking up at him as if to say,

"Well, when are you gonna finish,

you know?

"When are you gonna take a break?"

Because you are hearing stories

of such distress and family ruin.

So you couldn't give up

working on something like this

because it developed

a life of its own.

And it wasn't just me.

Other people were

chasing their own MPs.

The good thing about being an MP is,

if you contact someone like

the Chairman of the Post Office

and say, "I'd like to meet you

to talk this through,"

they tend to respond.

Erm, Mrs Hamilton?

That's me.

James Arbuthnot.

Thank you for coming.

'He came out to the shop

and met my parents.'

And he was just

a thoroughly decent guy.

There are two other cases

in my constituency alone.

Wow, really?

It's very odd, isn't it?

I thought, "There's something

obviously not right."

'And so I went to see

'the then Chief Executive

of the Post Office, Paula Vennells.'

We're the ones who are going

to keep the Post Office

as relevant and as loved

and as trusted in the communities

that it is today.

Paula Vennells was hired

by the Post Office in 2007.

By 2012, she'd worked her way up

to the top job,

and used her in-house PR

to highlight her commitment

to subpostmasters.

I say this very specifically,


putting our subpostmasters

and the colleagues

who work in our agency branches

right at the forefront

of everything we think about.

It was Paula Vennells who suggested

that what we needed

was forensic accountants

to go into the allegations,

and we said,

"That's exactly what we need.

"Who would you recommend?"

Ron Warmington runs Second Sight.

I was Head of Investigations

for one of the world's biggest banks

for many years.

And now I'm meant to be retired.

The only reason I'm not retired

is because of this case.

Ron's investigation was paid for

by the Post Office itself.

But, obviously, we had

very serious concerns that

it's gonna be a bit of a whitewash.

So Alan and the MPs brought in

their own top forensic accountant.

Kay Linnell flew at me

like a tigress.

I don't doubt

your paper qualifications,

I have them here in front of me,

but I see nothing to persuade me

that Second Sight

is remotely capable

of producing

a truly independent report.

Clearly suspecting that either

we were hired to do a whitewash

or that

we'd be hopelessly incompetent -

probably, she thought both.

The involvement

with the Post Office

started with Jo Hamilton,

my local subpostmistress.

Kay volunteered

to help the subpostmasters.

I had no idea

how long it would take,

but I knew we had a room of people

who had lost everything

or were losing everything,

and people were still being

prosecuted almost on a daily basis.

And I knew we had to do something

to try and stop the tide

or raise the profile.

She clearly was exactly

the person we needed.

Having had that meeting

with Ron and Ian,

which I suspect they will remember,

I was satisfied

they would do an independent job.

Ron's team began their investigation

in 2012.

At that time,

the Post Office continued

to prosecute subpostmasters.

Basically, I was told I was going

to get two years in prison.

In the West Midlands,

Jess was convinced a faulty PIN pad

on her Horizon terminal

had caused the shortfall.

And she pleaded not guilty to theft.

But the case dragged on

for three years.

Went to numerous courts

up and down the country.

In Wolverhampton Crown Court,

the judge said,

"Where's the PIN pad?"

And the Post Office said,

"The PIN pad's been taken away

for repair."

And so the judge said, "Well...

"If it's gone for repair,

it was faulty."

That's when it all got thrown out,


By then, the damage had been done.

The stress that we'd been through,

the trauma that we'd been through,

lied to, bullied,

it all mounted up,

and I ended up in hospital.

And I-I went to commit su1c1de.

I even tried to commit su1c1de

in hospital.

Jess was so ill,

the doctors decided to treat her

with electroconvulsive therapy.

All I remember

is they used to put this...

Like a helmet type thing on my head.

And the shockwaves

were going through my brain.

So I had... I think I had

14 treatments like that.

After that, I lost all my memory.

I don't remember anything

from my childhood.

I couldn't sleep

unless I had sleeping tablets.

Put me on numerous medication...

..which I'm still on today.

And it's all down

to the Post Office.

During Ron's investigation,

it became clear

the Post Office had

some serious questions to answer.

There were documents which

looked extremely suspicious,

very poor investigative processes

that were directed

blatantly at simply

recovering assets

by trying to get

the easiest conviction possible,

which generally

was false accounting,

using as a cudgel,

bluffing that they had a theft case.

I'm pretty used to being able

to detect crooks.

But when I really dug deeper,

I didn't find any evidence

of theft at all.

We didn't know whether

the investigation would work,

but the very fact that they had

access to Post Office's data,

erm, seemed quite promising.

And at that time, we did understand

that Post Office... did actually

want to get to the truth.

I felt we were getting somewhere.

Ha, little did I know

how long the journey was gonna be.

Remote access to the system

was always a huge concern.

And the reason why

was it meant that someone else

could be accessing your accounts

on your counter in your Post Office,

and you did not know about it.

When the Post Office rolled out

their new computer system,

every subpostmaster's computer

was hard-wired to a central hub.

This was located at the headquarters

of the company

who designed and managed Horizon,


Post Office were quite adamant

that no-one else

could ever access the systems

or do anything like this at all.

And that was something

that we wanted Second Sight

to prove had occurred,

or how it had occurred.

I went to Fujitsu headquarters

with the intention of helping

and looking at the system,

and how we accounted for

bureau de change within branches.

Er, Michael Rudkin

to see George Delph.

That was the purpose of my visit.

'I arrived, as scheduled,

about ten o'clock in the morning.'


'Went into reception.'

Mr Rudkin, George Delph, hi.

'Within a few minutes,

my chaperone arrived.'

I was really taken aback

by the number of security doors

that we had to pass through.

I was encouraged to enter into

the boiler room by my chaperone.

And in doing so, I then recognised

to the right-hand side of me,

there's two Horizon terminals

on this workbench.

One of the guys not happy with

my presence gets up and walks out.

My chaperone said,

"This is my covert operations team

and my covert operations room."

He proceeded to enter into

this particular account,

and he started, er,

altering figures,

which I said to him,

"Is this real-time?"

He says,

"Look, I'll just prove it."

He says, "I'll alter the Euro

figures in this branch's accounts."

You're inside some subpostmaster's

Horizon, and he doesn't know?

In total disbelief, I said,

"Are you sure you can

alter these figures in real time?"

And he said, "Yes."

I said,

"Well, for your information..."

I've been telling my members

for years,

no-one else has access

to their branch accounts.

' "And here you are proving

that you've got remote access." '

At which there was an immediate look

of disdain on his face,

and then ushered me out,

and more or less thrown out

as though I was...

..a thief.

I said to Michael, "Your story

is really, really interesting.

"But Post Office, of course,

"will ask for evidence

to support what you're saying.

"So we need to find

the visitors book."

The so-called visitors book

that I signed,

ironically, is the only

visitors book that's disappeared.

"So, Michael, you need to have

a look through your email records

"to see if you can find the

invitation that came through to you,

"so get to it, Michael,

I need it, and I need it quickly."

I had a telephone conversation

with Ron.

I said, "I have the evidence.

Are you in front of your computer?"

He said, "Yes."

I said, "Well,

I'm pressing send now." I did.

The reply came back.

"Oh, my effing good God.

"They are now going to become

a hostage to fortune."

The day after Michael's visit

to Fujitsu,

Post Office officials

paid him a visit.

What come as an even greater shock

was the orders that then came

into my bedroom at 8:30

that following morning,

sat on the edge of my bed, and said,

"You've got a 44,000 shortage

in your office."

My wife, Susan,

who's managing the branch,

ended up being convicted

with 300 hours community service,

electronically tagged

for six months.

She had to live through

and endure that experience.

In 2013, Second Sight

published their initial findings.

With Ron's report

in the public domain,

Post Office management

changed their approach.

Paula Vennells rang me up to say,

"What we're proposing

is a mediation scheme

"between the subpostmasters

and the Post Office,

"with a senior judge

as the mediator.

"And that will be able to get

to the bottom of all these cases."

And I said,

"Well, that sounds right and proper.

"Let's go ahead with that."

Alan put forward 150 cases

for the new scheme.

The whole process was only meant

to take X amount of months in total.

It was running into years.

You're supposed to go to mediation

with a willingness to settle,

but it appeared that the Post Office

was sending two lawyers

who turned up and said,

"You're out of time to make a claim,

it's over six years old. Forget it."

I think they were actually

uncovering the real truth

of what had been going on,

and they didn't want

to come forward with it.

The Post Office has spent

public money on a mediation scheme

which they themselves

have set out to sabotage.

In Westminster, James Arbuthnot

was working hard to keep the case

in the public eye.

And they've broken their word

to Members of Parliament

in so many different respects

that it is frankly bewildering.

If you could just introduce yourself

for voice transcription purposes.

Paula Vennells,

Chief Executive of Post Office.

And then Paula was called in

to face MPs.

'People do not like appearing

in front of select committees.'

Because the select committee

may get to the bottom of things

that the witnesses may prefer

that they didn't.

Before the hearing,

Paula Vennells asked colleagues

to help clarify what she should say.

Here we go.

A copy of her email

has since come to light.

"Urgent: Accessing Horizon.

"Dear both, your help,

please, in prep for the SC,

"the select committee hearing."

That's obviously the question

she's being warned

she's gonna have to answer.

This is a system that works well,

and it works well

for the vast majority of people.

For those it doesn't work for,

we are doing our utmost.

I've got Nadhim,

and then I've got Brian...

The MPs wanted to know why

the Post Office had been obstructive

during Second Sight's investigation.

Paula, why don't you

give those files over?

What's the problem?

Erm, so, I...

I think the point I want

to pick up first, if I may...

No, just...

No, answer my question first.

Why won't you give Ian Henderson

those files? Why?

We have...

As far as I'm aware, Mr Zahawi,

we have shared whatever information

was appropriate on every single...

That's not what

Ian Henderson's saying.

It is the first time personally

I have heard that.

You're the head of the organisation.

Will you provide it? Yes or no?


I'm not prepared,

on behalf of the Post Office...

Right, I've got my answer,

so you won't...

No, you haven't got your answer,

you haven't heard a yes or no.

I'm simply saying

that at the moment,

I'm not able to answer

your question.

'It was pointed out to her

time after time

'that she was in charge

and the decisions were with her.'

But it just seemed to wash over her.

Well, this sounds like a shambles

to me.

You came in here, opened by saying

the system's working beautifully.

You now realise why you're in front

of the committee, is that right?

The system... The reason...

Ian said...

I just couldn't understand

why, even after that,

she didn't take things on board

and actually be honest and own up

and actually try and resolve it,

which she should've done

far earlier.

I'm very sorry

that I can't answer that. It's..

When I listened to the evidence

from Paula Vennells...

..I realised

what we were gonna be up against,

and just what it looks like.

I have been told that

we're providing information.

It looks like

it's a massive corporate cover-up.

Then, a few weeks after

the select committee hearing,

the Post Office

changed their approach again.

Post Office dynamited

the mediation working group

and fired everybody.

I think at that stage,

she decided it was preferable

to cover up the injustice

and to allow these subpostmasters

to go to the wall.

And I think that's shocking.

We were growing information,

we were growing data.

For more than ten years,

Alan Bates and his team

of campaigners

had been carefully

gathering evidence bit by bit

against the Post Office.

Because we had those documents,

there was a possibility then

of starting some sort of litigation

in the civil courts

against the Post Office.

If we could find a legal firm

to take it on board for us.

'The headlines this morning.

'A report has criticised

the Post Office for sacking

'or prosecuting subpostmasters

'without establishing the cause

of cash shortfalls

'at their branches.'

Driving into work, normal day,

into Leeds,

and I heard a BBC radio programme.

'If the cash recorded

by the computer system

'does not match up with the cash

that's actually held at the branch,

'then they are held responsible

for it.'

I thought, "There may be something

we could do about this to help,"

because it didn't sound right,

so I contacted Alan Bates.

I explained the case to him,

I showed him the type of evidence

that we had at the time.

And I explained we had no money

at all,

but we felt there was a case there.

So I needed to weigh up

whether or not

we could raise the necessary

litigation funding.

There are specialist funders

who are willing to take the risk,

but only if there are enough of you.

Because otherwise we knew

that Post Office would outspend us

and we would lose.

The only way that we were gonna

be able to break through this

and uncover it

was a full-scale group action.

Group litigation orders are used

when you've got very poor claimants

and they've got enough similarity

in their cases

that you can literally fund one case

and solve a lot

of people's problems.

It was the only way, and to do that,

we needed a much larger group

of postmasters.

How many would you need?

At least 500.

The meeting kicked off

a nationwide search

to find subpostmasters

who'd had problems with Horizon.

Eventually, 555 people pursued

a group litigation order

against the Post Office.

The case against Post Office

was very much to expose

the way individuals had

been mistreated in there.

The lack of information

that was available from Post Office.

The flaws in the system

they'd never owned up to.

The denial that had happened,

the bullying that had gone on.

The abuse of individuals, the way

that they'd raided people's houses.

The way they'd been so high-handed,

God almighty, didn't give a damn,

their Post Office

and they can do what they want -

that's what we wanted exposing.

Alan had found the lawyers,

they'd got the funding.

And we were on.

Alan and the Justice

For Subpostmasters Alliance

finally took the Post Office

to court to seek financial redress.

Well, I went four days

after my mum died.

She'd said to me,

"Please don't stop."

And she said, "I'll be with you.

"Wherever you are,

I'll be with you."

And, erm, yeah, four days later,

I went to court.

Among Alan's group

of 555 subpostmasters

were people whose lives had been

devastated by the Post Office.

Many had been bankrupted,

prosecuted or imprisoned.

Gathering enough evidence

at the beginning of the case

was challenging because

Post Office had the evidence,

which meant we were having

to build the case

with one arm tied behind our backs.

But during the case, the Post Office

was forced to disclose evidence

they'd always claimed

was irrelevant.

So, what we've got here

is a known-error log.

So what this records is the fact

that there were internet problems,

network problems,

which were causing the error

in the system,

which in turn were messing up

the figures

and causing a financial discrepancy.

This particular example showed that

the transaction that had gone wrong

needed to be manually corrected.

They had teams and teams of people

doing it all day long, year on year.

Quite often in litigation cases,

in court cases, lawyers will say,

"Well, very rarely are we ever

gonna find a smoking g*n."

These were smoking g*ns.

Not just one smoking g*n,

multiple smoking g*ns,

which prove to us

and prove to the court

that there were multiple problems

in the system,

there had been from day one

when it was installed.

And that was why Post Office

lost the court case.

At the end of the court hearings,

Justice Fraser delivered

a 330-page judgement

outlining his findings

on the Horizon system.

On the day the judgement

was handed down,

our side was totally crammed

with people.

The other side of the court,

there were just two people.

They knew what was gonna happen,

they knew which way this judgement

was going to land, and it did.

Mr Justice Fraser's

Horizon Issues judgement:

"This approach by the Post Office

"has amounted, in reality,

to bear assertions and denials..."

"..that ignore

what has actually occurred."

"It amounts to

the 21st-century equivalent

"of maintaining

that the Earth is flat."

Good old Justice Fraser.

The judge said there seemed

to be a culture of secrecy

and excessive confidentially

within the Post Office.

We couldn't be more happy

with the judgement from the court.

This has been the result

of many years' work

to achieve justice

for over 550 people.

It was overwhelming. It was utterly,

utterly damning of Post Office,

and it just vindicated everything

we'd ever said about them.

The win was one of the best days

of my life.

The civil justice system in the UK

had got to the truth.

But the win came

at huge financial cost.

Although the Post Office agreed

to pay 57.5 million in damages,

after legal costs,

the subpostmasters were left

with around 20,000 each.

But the civil court win

did enable the subpostmasters

to appeal

their criminal convictions.

These subpostmasters have not only

had their convictions quashed,

but they've been exonerated

by the Court of Appeal.

I'm not a criminal any more,

I'm a victim.

To date,

93 out of 736 subpostmasters

have had their names cleared.

The sun was shining, and I was free.

How do you feel now?

Very happy.

At last, you could go home

and tell people you were innocent.

That emotion will...

It was like lifting

that big rucksack

with rocks on your back for years,

and getting rid of it.

Thank you, all.

Let him through, please.

You know,

you could just throw it away.

It was such a big, big relief,

cos the Post Office did a lot

of damage, really, to him.

It's something that we couldn't

fathom that was gonna happen to him.

I didn't have this many people

at my wedding.

But I'm seeing my dad coming back

now, you know, bit by bit.

So we are really grateful,

you know, that we've had this chance

to see that, cos not many have.

Well done. Well done.

God's got me through everything.

I just thought I wanted to

bring you here to show you as well.

I've built myself up.

I've made myself stronger,

and I want everybody to know

that I wasn't a thief.

I didn't rob the Post Office,

as they say.

That's what matters to me,

my name cleared.

And it needs to be told.

Our stories do need to be out there.

It's not just...

a little group of people,

it's hundreds.

Hundreds of people

have been through this.

Everybody ready?

A statutory inquiry has been set up

to find out what went wrong.

Would you not remember

something that significant?

I'm afraid I don't.

I'm sorry, I don't have

an awful lot of memory on that.

I don't remember that at all.

I know who should be

held to account.

I mean, it's the people

who have had a very cushy lifestyle

on vast quantities of money,

whilst they've made hundreds, if not

thousands of individuals suffer,

whilst knowing the real truth

of what's been going on

and denying the truth

to all these individuals.

Those are the people

who should be held responsible.
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