01x11 - How to Interrogate a Unicorn/The Briefcase

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Odd Squad". Aired: November 26, 2014 – July 8, 2022.*
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Series follows the exploits of Odd Squad, an organization run entirely by children, that solves peculiar problems using math skills.
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01x11 - How to Interrogate a Unicorn/The Briefcase

Post by bunniefuu »

Coming up next on Odd Squad...

- Characters are escaping from their books at the library!

- (Otto): Why a robot, unicorn, and mummy?

They have nothing to do with each other.

- So, that's how you want to play this, huh? Well, I can play tough too.

My name is Agent Olive.

This is my partner, Agent Otto.

This is me again.

But back to Otto and me.

We work for an organization run by kids

that investigates anything strange, weird,

and especially, odd. Our job is to put things right again.

(theme music)

- Grrr! - Yeah!

- Heyyy! - Aaah!

Who do we work for? We work for Odd Squad.

Sir, we heard something odd was happening.

- It's OK, you can tell us what it is.

- (sighing): Whenever I speak, this happens.

(canned laughter)

- Laughter?!

- Didn't even say anything funny. (canned laughter)

We don't have the gadget to fix it.

But I do have these.


THANKS, ODD SQUAD. (canned laughter)

- NO PROBLEM! HAVE A GOOD DAY! - Still can't hear you.


- You asked to see us, Ms. O?

- Yes. A unicorn, a robot, and a mummy

walked into a library. - I love this joke.

- It's not a joke; it's a disaster!

Characters are escaping from their books at the library!


(panicked screaming)

- (man):<span> Please!

(whinnying and growling) This is a library!

Please, would you...

- I need you to figure out how and why this happened

and put a stop to it.

If you can't, the library will have to be closed...


- (both): What?! No! Say it isn't so!

- Shhh! Library voices.

- (both whispering): What? No! Say it isn't so.

Better? - (whispering): Better.

Now, get back to work.

- (whispering): Yes. Sorry, Ms. O.

- (Ms. O):<span> Agents have already rounded up the creatures

and put them in the interrogation rooms.

- There are thousands of books in the library,

why did only these escape? - Yeah, and why

a robot, unicorn, and mummy? They have

nothing to do with each other. - Maybe they do,

but we just can't see it yet.

We should ask them some questions to get some more info.

- (Otto): Yeah, and it could be the same questions.

- (Olive): And we can use a chart to keep track of the answers.

- So when we get the same answer...

that's what they have in common. - Good thinking, partner.

I call unicorn. - Mummy!

Obviously. But what about robot? - Hmmm...

(weird metallic squeaking)

Oscar! - Oh! Ah!

(metallic squeaking)

Hey, guys. - Can we lock you in a tiny room with a robot?

- I've been waiting my whole life

for someone to ask me that question!

- Then you're in.

You stay right there, Mr. Planty, I'll be right back.

Got my eyes on you.

- Here are the questions.

Good luck, everyone.

(Olive sighs.)

Mr. unicorn. (whinnying)

- Question number :

where do you live?

(electronic beeping)

Ah, I hear it's beautiful this time of year.

- Where do you live? (mummy growling)

Can you spell that for me? - Rrr.

- Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. - Rrra. Rrra.

- Where do you live? (whinnying)

So that's how you want to play this, huh?

Well, I can play tough too.

- Question number ... what's your favourite food?

(electronic beeping)

Mine too! I'd go for some of that right now actually.

- Word on the street is you like rainbows.


It would be a shame if something happened

to this rainbow. (upset whinnying)

So I'll ask you again...

...where do you live?


That's not an answer!

- So, what's your favourite food?

(mummy growling)

I can't understand you.

I think a bandage is stuck in your mouth.

Here, let me just get that for you.

Oh no! Oh no. Oh no.

(Olive sighs.) OK.

I'm not the bad guy here.

I'm on your side.

Just let me help you.

Tell you what,

I'm gonna put this pencil on the table,

then we'll see what happens, OK?

(The unicorn whinnies and snorts.)


two... (unicorn snorting)

(pencil scratching on paper)

(It whinnies and snorts.)

You've done a good thing here today.

(It snorts and whinnies.)


(dramatic music)

- So, did you guys get your answers?

- Yep. Turns out it was way easier than I thought.

- Time to go to the Mathroom.

- Nailed it!

- Greetings, agents. - Mathroom, please make a chart

with the characters along the top

and the questions on the side. - Generating chart.

- Man, I feel like I know these guys from somewhere.

- Remember, if the chart shows that they all said

the same answer, that's what they have in common.

"Question . Where do you live?" Unicorn said,

"The magical land of Farfarnia."

- Robot said, "Galaxon-."

- Mummy said, "Pyramid." (buzzing)

- That's not it. "Question .

What's your favourite food?" Unicorn said, "Carrot."

- Robot said, "Carrot."

- Mummy said, "caramel corn."

(buzzing) - "Question .

Who wrote the book you came from?"

Unicorn said, "W.W. Williams."

"W.W. Williams."

"W.W. Williams!" (ringing and clapping)

That's what they have in common! - Looks like we need to pay Ms. Williams a visit.

- Hey, you need any backup? - I think we can handle it.

- OK, right, 'cause, you know,

I've got lots of exciting... lab stuff

to do in the lab, like make a sandwich.

Ham or salami? Doesn't really matter. I mean,

I think I'm gonna have a ham sandwich, but, um...

(Oscar smacks his lips.) ...come on.

(It screams like a hawk.) - So you know how when you read

a really good book, it's like the characters come to life.

Well, your books are so good that your characters

are really coming to life. - I had no idea that

was happening. Does that mean I can't write my books anymore?

- Of course, you can. It just means you have to wear this from now on.

- Oh!

(cell phone ringing with Odd Squad music theme)

- Go for Olive. - Olive, it's Mr. Fonts

from the library. I found another character

that left his book. - I am Alfonsio,

the greatest sorcerer

who ever lived! - Oh, the greatest?

You were trapped in the janitor's closet

for days, OK? Can you not just...

Hello? - Um, Odd Squad,

I didn't write a book with a sorcerer.

- Uh, Mr. Fonts, gotta go.

- But you had to! Characters are coming out

of the books that you wrote, and that's what they have in common.

- Sorry, I didn't. - Could you excuse us for a second, ma'am? Thank you.

So we were wrong. We don't know what they have in common.

- Wait! If it's not the writer, then maybe it's the reader.

- Keep talking, I'm listening.

- The reader's the one with the overactive imagination.

- Mm-hmm. - So characters are coming out

of every book he or she reads. - So we have to find

the person that read the unicorn book, the robot book,

the mummy book, and this new book

about the sorcerer. Let's go!

- Ma'am, I'm gonna need the helmet back.

- So that's why that clock never worked.

Oh, dear. (The logo honks.)

- There are so many books and people,

I made this chart to organize everything.

Now, lots of people read one of the books.

Some people read two or three books,

but only one person read all four books.

- Agent Oscar?! - He's the one

with the overactive imagination? - We need to find him, now!

- Oh, that's easy. He's right over there reading

The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. - But that books starts

with a tornado! - Yes. Oh no!

- (both): Oscar, put the book down!

- Oh! Hey, guys.


- Oh no! There goes the non-fiction section!

- How do we stop it? - I don't know!


- Do not fret, I've got this!


- Wow!

- I'm so reading that guy's book. - Me too.

(It trumpets like an elephant.)

- Good work, agents.

All the characters are back in their books.

And, Oscar,

you only need to wear that thing when you're reading.

- Oh, ha, I know,

I just really like it. (helmet beeping)

It's tingly.

Ms. O, could you read us a story?

- Oh, I'll read you a story.

"The end."

Now, get back to work!

Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Hmm.


- Hey, guys. The first step in dealing

with a Tiggle or a Taggle is to find out if you're looking

at a Tiggle or a Taggle. As you can see, they have a lot in common.

(weird croaking)

But we can use the chart to see if there are any differences.

They both have eyes,

legs, arms...

Hold on. When you look at the antennae,

the Tiggle has antennae, but a Taggle has .

(Ding! Ding!)

That's how they're different. 'Cause this monster has antennae,

it makes him a Tiggle. Just quite fortunate,

because if it was a Taggle, it would have eaten me by now.

(weird croaking)

Like this guy. He's adorable. (soft croaking)

The other way to find out is to ask them to sing.

Tiggle has a beautiful voice. (The Tiggle sings melodiously.)

But the Taggle has a horrible voice.

(The Taggle sings horribly.)

They're both excellent dancers!


- Thanks for coming, Odd Squad.

My office is on the second floor,

but every time I try to go there...

...this happens. - Whoa!

- I'm so late for work. - Hmm...

I have an idea.

Use the elevator.

- Thanks, Odd Squad. - Have a good day.

Let's go.


- (both): Oh no! Odd Squad!

(It hoots like a bird.) (Ms. O slurping)

- You wanted to see us, Ms. O?

- Yes. I need you

to go to a playground in the park.

- Sweet! - I'm not finished!

- Oh.

- Disguise Dan will meet you and give you a briefcase.

That briefcase is very important.

Bring it back to me immediately.

No questions asked.

- What's in the briefcase?

- That would be an example of a question.


- Ah... Hey, Olive,

when you are in the tubes, does it feel like

your insides get mixed up and turned around?

- That's because when you're in the tubes,

your insides do get mixed up and turned around.

- Oh... that makes sense.

- So, where is this Disguise Dan?

- Right here.

Nice doing business with you.

- You as well.

- So, what do you think is inside?

- We're not supposed to ask questions, remember?

- Aha! That was a question.

- Fine.

- It's locked.

No sound.

Maybe if I weighed it.

It's sort of... heavy light-ish...

- Partner, if we're going to weigh it,

we're going to weigh it right. (ringing like a cuckoo clock)

This seesaw is like a balance scale.

- A what? - Balance scale.

It lets you compare the weight of different things.

Right now, the briefcase is lower. That means

it's heavier than this rock and traffic cone.

But if we add more weight to this side,


- Where did the pineapple come from? - Hawaii.

Closer. I just need to add a little more weight

to the lighter side. - Allow me.

- Good.

Both sides are equal. The scale is balanced.

- So that means Ms. O's briefcase

weighs the same as the rock, my shoe,

the traffic cone, and your pineapple.

- Do you know what's inside now? - No idea.

- Great job, sweeties!

- Ms. O? - I'll take it from here.

- Ummm...

Are you sure? - You bet, you little cutie.

And you, such a face.

Why don't you take the rest of the day off

for being so adorable. Toodles!

- I think she's starting to warm up to me.

(cell phone ringing with<span> Odd Squad<span> music theme)

- Hello? - Where's my briefcase?!

- Ms. O? But we just gave it to you.

- That's impossible! I'm in my office!

- Then who's that?

We've got trouble, partner.

- Grrr!

- Whoa! - Otto,

meet the Shape-shifter.

- Hi.

- She's always stealing from Odd Squad.

- So, Shape-shifter, you can change shape with anything?

- Hm. - Like a chair, or a bike, or a rocket?

- Great idea.

I'm a rocket! I'm a rocket!

- Oopsies.

- Let's go.

♪♪ (Otto panting)

- Why didn't I say snail?

(It roars.)

- Great! We lost her. Now what?

- Now, we get fired from the Odd Squad.

What am I gonna do for a job? Be a notary...

or a professional trumpet player...

(Otto sighs.)

...or a trash collector.

(Otto groaning with effort)

It's too heavy.

Never be a trash collector.

- Wait. A gum wrapper isn't supposed to be heavy.

It should be light.

I just remembered something about the Shape-shifter.

She can change the size and shape of things,

but she can't change how much things weigh.

So, no matter what she turns into

she'll always weigh the same.

- Including a gum wrapper.

- You seem to know a lot about me,

but I know something about you...

like your greatest fear!

(She screams.)

- Grrr!

I'm a pie! I'm a pie! - Your greatest fear is pie?

- It's a long story. Let's go!

(kazoo sound)

(thrilling music)

- (Olive and Otto): Odd Squad! Odd Squad! Stop right there!

- Oh no! She can be anywhere!

- Or anything. - Wait.

You said the Shape-shifter can't change her weight, right?

- Right. - So all we have to do

is look for stuff that doesn't weigh what it should.

- Good thinking! Spread out.




This feather's heavy,

but feathers are supposed to be light!

- Grrr! Good job, Jennifer. - It's Olive.

- I could turn you into a Jennifer.

(whispering): Think about it.

- Otto, I got her! Come quick! - You fool!

You could have been a Jennifer.

- Where's the briefcase, Shape-shifter?

- Ha! Ha! Ha! I transformed it.

I'd help you find it, but I've got a flight to catch.

- Oooh, I bet she's going to turn into a bird.

- I actually had an airline ticket.

But that's a much better idea. - Otto!

- I'm a bird. I'M A BIRD!

Ha! Ha! If Sheila could see me now!

- We'll never find Ms. O's briefcase now.

- Yes, we can,

because whatever she turned the briefcase into,

it's the same weight as before.

- And we know how much that is. - And we have a seesaw.

- What kind of warehouse is this?

- OK, there's the same rock, traffic cone, pineapple,


my shoe.

- When we find something that weighs the same

as all these things, that's Ms. O's briefcase.

- Too light.

The seesaw barely moves down on this side.

- (both): Too heavy.

- We've weighed everything!

- Except for that pie.

(Olive screams in terror.)

- Do it, Olive, face your fears.

- You can do it.

You... can...

do... it.

You can do it.


- It's the same weight!

(triumphant music)

Here's your briefcase, Ms. O.

- Thanks, agents. You have no idea how important this is.

- It was your lunch in the briefcase?

- Yeah, I forgot it at home this morning.

- Hmm.

- Look, thanks for going out of your way to get this.

Why don't you take the rest of the day off.

- "The rest of the day off"?

- Wait a minute.

- Owww!

- Sorry. Just checking.




- Oh, hey, guys, didn't see you there.

But since we're talking, what should you do

if you stumble upon a Saffron Slimer plant like this one?

(growling) Stay calm.

A Saffron Slimer plant will only slime you

if you are heavier than it.

How can you tell if you're heavier than a Saffron Slimer?

It's easy with the use of a pan balance.

Right now, I'm higher and the plant is lower.

That means the plant is heavier and I'm lighter.

It also means I'm safe from getting slimed.

(growling) Here I am with a smaller plant,

though the good news is we're equal.

That means I weigh the same as the plant.

And the Saffron Slimer only slimes you

if you're heavier than it, so I'm still safe.

- (boy): Hey, Oscar, catch!

- It would appear that O'Connor decided to pass me a football,

and the weight of the football is just enough to tip the scale,

which means I'm lower

and the plant is higher, which means I'm heavier

and the plant is lighter, which means...

...I'm covered in slime.

Hey, O'Connor, catch! - Yeah!

- (Oscar):<span> And now an official message

The time? .

The place? Everywhere.

No one could agree how to pronounce this delicious food.

Some said "tomay-toh";

others said "toh-mahto."

The tomatoes themselves were so fed up

with all the noise that they separated from their vines

and flew far, far away

to the tropical island of Galapanogostosflon- fleesilvaniaopolis.

(people crying) The end of pasta sauce,

the end of ketchup.

Hardest hit was Ms. Gucciardi

whose secret ingredient to her famous cookies

was tomatoes. She had

no choice but to make rocks.

Odd Squad eventually made a deal.

Tomatoes would not be known as "tomay-toes" or "toh-mahtoes"

but forever...


Another instance where Odd Squad saved the day,

and pizza.



(theme music)
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