01x18 - Milk Melodrama

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Jakers! The Adventures of Piggley Winks". Aired: September 7, 2003 – January 23, 2007.*
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The show chronicles the boyhood adventures of Piggley Winks, an anthropomorphic pig from Ireland, and how he relates these stories to his grandchildren as a grandfather in the modern day.
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01x18 - Milk Melodrama

Post by bunniefuu »

- Jakers! ♪ It's the tale of our pal Piggley

♪ Ireland is the world he loves so well

♪ He wiggles out of spots that are down right stickley

♪ How he does that only he can tell

♪ Piggley, Ferny, Molly and Dannan

♪ Never miss a chance to have too much fun

♪ In Tara or Raloo

♪ Lots of excitement for everyone

♪ Curiosity's in a hurry

♪ Leaving no time to stop and think

♪ The line between wild and crazy gets blurry

♪ Jakers! The Adventures of Piggley Winks!

♪ Something in the way his eyes start blazing

♪ Tells us he's on to a brand new plan

♪ His lips curl up its downright amazing

♪ Looking for mischief, well he's your man

♪ Piggley, Ferny, Molly and Dannan

♪ Never miss a chance to have too much fun

♪ In Tara or Raloo

♪ Lots of excitement for everyone

♪ Jakers!

♪ They go to bed just to wake up early

♪ To get in trouble or on the brink

♪ The line between wild and crazy gets blurry

♪ Jakers! The Adventures of Piggley Winks!

(upbeat music)

- Hurry Seamus, hide.

Do you think she saw us?

- Hold on there boys, just what kind of shenanigans

are you two up to today?

- Nothing grandpa, we're just um, playing

a little trick on mom.

- Kind of a joke.

Don't tell her we're here okay?

- Okay, boys, me mouth is tight as a clam.

- Boys, I know you're out here.

- Boys, what boys?

Oh dere's no boys out here, love.

- No, of course there's not.


But if you should happen to see them Dad

tell them there will be no TV today until

their bedrooms are spotless.

- Oh dear, alright then.

I'll tell them if I see them.

- No TV.

- That means no video games either.

- Sure it's a hard life isn't it boys.

Of course, you could just clean your rooms

and be done with this.

- No way grandpa, it's Saturday.

- Well now, cleaning your rooms can be great fun, you know?

- Huh?

- What?

- And sure who knows what kind of treasure you might find

under all of that mess?

- Treasure?

- Treasure?

- That's right, treasure.

I once found a wonderful treasure

when I was doing my chores.

Or rather one time while I was trying not to do me chores.

Dannan and Ferny and I had turned ourselves into slime

aliens determined to capture earthly Molly.

- The earth girl sips her tea unaware of the fate

that awaits her at the hand of...

- Feelers.

- What, aliens don't have hands, they have feelers.

- Yep, she's right about that Piggley.

- Fine then, feelers.

The earth girl was about to be...

- Piggley!

- Ahh, no.

- Didn't I ask you to finish your chores before you started

playing with your friends?

- But Mammy, it's Saturday and...

- Now, Piggley.

- Coming, Mammy.

- Don't go away, I'll be right back.

- Feelers.

(cow mooing)

(suspenseful music)

- Piggley, why the long face?

- Uh, Ferny and Dannon and I are playing a great game.

We're slime aliens but mom says I have to do my chores

now so I guess our game is over.

- Hmm, I see.

Well now, starting the job is half the job done.

But maybe he can start the job a little later today?

- Wuh, I need the eggs now dear.

- Ah well then, let's say he fetches the eggs now

and does the rest later.

- But I...

- Piggley, be sure to get the rest of your work done

before supper time, alright?

- Yes, I will Dad, I promise.

- Your Mother needs those eggs now, remember.

- I'm on my way, wahoo.

- I don't what you're up to darling but

it better be something good.

- Oh I'm pretty sure it might be.

(upbeat music)

- [Narrator] Just like that I was flung free.

All I had to do was gather some eggs

and I was free to do what I liked.

- Are you telling me that all we have to do

is collect eggs and your chores will be done?

- Not done Ferny, Dad just said I could do the rest later.

But look at that?

- What?

- That's a mighty fine father you got there, Piggley.

- I know.

- Huh, what, who's there?

Chickens, hey you there, chickens.

Keep it down, huh, we're resting here.

Okay, okay, that's it.

I'm going over there right now and

giving those chickens a piece of my mind.

Don't worry, I'll still have a few pieces left for you guys.

- Only one more chicken to go.

(chicken clucking)

- Go ahead Piggley.

- Finish up your chores.

- Okay then, here I go, nice chicken.

Good chicken, how about you give me a nice round egg then.

(chickens clucking)

- I can't bear to look it, Ferny.

- Me neither.

- [Piggley] Good chicken.

(chickens clucking)

- Maybe this is not a good time to be giving away

a piece of my mind.

- Wahoo, I got it

I got the......


- Oh, that's not an egg, Piggley.

- It's not an egg.

- Definitely not an egg.

- Oh, what is it then?

- I don't know.

- Be careful Piggley.

- Jakers, it's a piece of paper.

- Oh, paper.

- Paper?

- Paper?

- Paper with writing on it.

Listen to this.

A donkey stall is where to go if hunting is your pleasure.

Beneath the floor you'll find a clue,

the next step to the treasure.

What are we waiting for then?

Let's take these eggs for Mammy

and then go find our treasure.

- [Dannon] Wahoo, treasure.


- Their treasure, I think not.

Not while Wiley the sheep is on the job.

That treasure is mine.

Of course, I could use a little help in getting it.

(hooves beating)

- [Narrator] The eggs were delivered to Mammy,

setting us free to find our treasure.

Could this day possibly get any better?

Not even with free ice cream and chocolate cake.

- Alright then, one of us has to move the donkey while

the other two clean the floor so we can look beaneath it.

- Piggley, what is this stuff all over the floor.

- Just hay and straw and you know, other stuff.

- I'll move the donkey.

- Come on now, it's not that bad.

- It is when you've got feet the size of mine.

- Aye, you got a point there, Dannon.

- Yeah, she sure does.

- Okay then, Dannon, you take Finnegan outside

while Ferny and I clean up.


- Come on Finnegan, outside with you now.

Go on.

Come on Finnegan.

- Piggley, why do you suppose that treasure hunt

grows under a chicken.

- Well Ferny, lots of treasure maps

come from under chickens.

- Oh, they do?

- Of course they do.

When a pirate gets a treasure, he hides it but sometimes

he forgets where.

- What does that have to do with chickens?

- It's because of breakfast.

- Pirates love eggs for breakfast.

So every time a pirate gets an egg from his chicken

he remembers where he buried his treasure.

- Would you listen to that.

Just keep shoveling, Piggley.

- Oh, Janey Mac, that's clean.

- The paper said the next clue is under the floor.

So, let's start looking.

- Okay, but try not to get it dirty, alright?

- This floor looks rock solid, Piggley.

- You found it, Ferny.


- I found it.

- Wait, there's something under there.

I can see it.

- It's another box.

- Inside a field there is a tree

with apples you'll approve.

Inside the field are also sheep

that you may need to move.

- The next clue is in the field with the apple tree.

- Well stop your chin wagging and let's get going, boys.

(cheerful music)

- Oh, Janey Mac, that's clean.

- Okay, flock.

(cheerful music)

- Come on flock.

That's it, good.

Higher, higher, think spring, think bounce.

Think treasure, think.

Uh oh, come on, okay flock stop with the bouncing now.

Okay stop.

You can stop now.

Stop already.

- [Narrator] We arrived at the orchard and set to work

moving the sheep next door.

- Come on sheep.

Come on let's move sheep, move sheep.

- [Narrator] But for some strange reason the sheep

were a bit uncooperative that day.

- Woohoo, fresh grass on the other side.

- Okay sheep, let's go.

- Alright now, I want you all to walk that way.

That way, go.

Go on now, go on with you.

Oh, Janey Mac.

- Why won't they move, Piggley.

- I don't know Dannon, the other field is filled

with lovely ripe fresh juicy lush

green delicious sweet grass.

- Oh, you moved the sheep Piggley.


- Good work!

Now let's get the clue from the tree.

- [Narrator] Our next challenge came in reaching

where the clue was hidden.


But we were a determined lot

and there was nothing going to keep us

from our treasure.

- Is it in there, Piggley?

- I can't tell, it's kind of dark and dusty.

It makes me want to snee.


- Snee, Dannon, what does snee mean?


- I think it means sneeze.

- Piggley, are you alright?

- Oh, I'm better than that, look.

- Oh, let's see what's inside then.

Within a garden rich with food are carrots and tomatoes.

Also grown in the ground are clues and brown potatoes.

- Oh, I love potatoes.

Especially when me dad mixes them with cabbage and green.

- Mmm, me mother makes them that way too Ferny.

Sometimes she adds green onions and kale.

- Oh that sounds good.

- Ahem, if you two are done swapping recipes maybe you could

go and look in the garden for the treasure then.

- Right, let's go.

- Wait for me.

- The next clue must be buried in here

with the carrots and stuff.

- Me Dad fixes carrots with a little bit

of brown sugar and honey.

- Would you listen to that.

(upbeat music)

- Oh, that cabbage, there's nothing as good as woah.

Janey Mac, get ready Dannon, here come the cabbages.

- Good work, Ferny.


- Thanks Dannon.

- Here it is, our next clue.

- Read it Piggley.

- What's it say?

- Your treasure hunt is near the end.

There's not much left to do.

Where milk once was but is no more,

you'll find your final clue.

- Oh, Janey Mac, what's it mean?

- Milk, where milk once was.

- But is no more.

- You know, sometimes there's milk

in your Dad's milk cans, Piggley,

but after he delivers it, it is no more.

- Quiet Ferny I'm trying to think.

- Oh, sorry.

- I know, sometimes there's milk in my Dad's milk cans.

But after his deliveries it is no more, come on.

- Now how do you suppose he ever came up with that idea?


- [Narrator] Now that we knew the next clue

was on the milk wagon our next order of business

was to unload the cans from

the wagon and put them away in the barn.

- Here it comes Piggley!

- Yikes, woah.

- [Narrator] Mind you, I unloaded the cans

from my dad's milk wagon many times before

but today we were working faster than race horses

on roller skates.


- Look at all of those kids.

Such good workers.

I'll just let 'em do the hard stuff

and I'll step in and reap my treasure.

- No.

- Woah, okay, no more treasure hunting.

After all the best things in life are free.

If only I could believe that.

- [Narrator] We unloaded Dad's wagon and put away

all the milk cans in record time.

- Good job lads, we're finished.

- And Dannon found the next clue.

- What is it, what does it say, Dannon?

- Stand back and give me some air.

I'll tell you what it says.

- It's a map.

- You've done quite well.

You found the map but treasure this is not.

- Keep going now and don't give up, a big X marks the spot.

- Oh, Janey Mac.

- Onward to the X.

- Onward to the X.

- [Narrator] Off we went on the last leg of our adventure.

We did take a few round turns here and there.

But nothing could stop us from reaching our goal.

more paces.

One, two, three.

- Don't worry sweets, it's two slime aliens.

- We're not slime aliens Molly, we're treasure hunters.

, , .

- Oh, treasure hunters.

, .

- Look we're almost there.

We're almost to the spot marked X.

- This is my house.

- Oh, the treasure must be buried underneath

your kitchen floor Piggley.

We'll have to dig right through it.

- Oh, your mother will be bothered by that for sure.

- Not after she sees the treasure.

Come on.

Five, six, seven, eight, ow.


- There it is Piggley.

- X marks the spot.


- Oatmeal cookies.

- Oh, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum.

- Now that's a real treasure.

- Piggley, I'm pleased to see that you decided

to do your chores now instead of later.

- But Dad, I haven't done any chores yet.


- But I believe you have.

Let's see now, you've collected the eggs.

You've cleaned out Finnegan's stall.

- Janey Mac, it's clean.

- And you've moved the sheep to new pasture.

- But we didn't do that on purpose.

- And you've unloaded the milk cans from the wagon.


- We were just having fun.

- Hmm, how about that.

- It was you Dad, wasn't it?

You made the treasure hunt.

You made it fun to do the chores.

- That I did, Piggley.

- Oh Janey Mac.

- That's a mighty fine father you've got there, Piggley.

- I know.

- Now I believe it's time to enjoy your treasure.


- [Narrator] Ah, a tastier treasure I've never found since.

It felt good to have earned those cookies.

You know, you can never been sure what kind of treasure

you might find at the end of a good day's work.

- Sean, Seamus, boys, that bedroom of yours

won't clean itself you know.

- Okay, we're coming mom.

- Yeah, maybe we'll find some buried treasure

underneath all of our junk.

- Treasure, I don't think you'll find any

treasure in that room.

- Huh? - What?


- You never know now, huh, you never know.

(upbeat music)
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