1144 - November 12, 1970

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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1144 - November 12, 1970

Post by bunniefuu »

NARRATOR: The great house at Collinwood in the year .

On the day that is just ended

a funeral was held for Roxanne Drew.

Only Barnabas and Julia were aware

that when darkness came again,

Roxanne would become one of the living dead.

Hoping to spare her a life of eternal darkness,

Barnabas instructed Julia to drive

a stake through Roxanne's heart.

But Julia arrived at the mausoleum too late

and became the victim of a vampire.

[door unlocking]

Surely, you're not surprised to see me, Julia?

You caused.

I caused you to fall asleep this afternoon.

So you got to the mausoleum too late to destroy Roxanne.

Where am I?

You're in an old lighthouse.

I had Roxanne bring you here.

She is completely under my control.

What are you going to do to me?

Why, nothing,

dear sister-in-law.

I'm simply going to allow nature to take its course,

and let you die.

[eerie music]

And, after I die?

You will become a vampire.

Does that frighten you, Julia?

Oh, I suppose I could have destroyed you

in a more conventional way,

but that would've given me no joy.

It will give me great joy to see you

rise from the dead and walk the night.

And just think, Julia,

in your new existence, you'll be able to understand all

that Barnabas has gone through.

You'll be closer to him than

you ever have been before.

Isn't that what you've always wanted?

Barnabas hates you, you'll never have him.

Perhaps not, but neither will you.

Nor will any other woman.

Now, I'll stay here with you

until Lazlo comes to guard you.

So, Julia, try to enjoy the last night of your life.

[eerie music]

Barnabas, hello.

Good evening, Quentin.

I'm looking for Julia, she was supposed to have met me

at the old house at six o'clock, but she never showed up.

Well, she left here before dark.

Now, don't be worried, I'm sure she was

just detained somewhere.

I suppose so, but I just don't like the idea

of her being out at night alone,

especially with all these att*cks.

Well, if she comes, tell her that I was here, will you?

Yes, of course.

[eerie music]

[knocking at the door]

Oh, Gerard.

Hello, Quentin, how are you?


Quentin, I'd like you to meet an old friend of mine.

This is Charles Dawson, Mr. Quentin Collins.

Hello, how do you do?

Gerard has spoken very highly of you.

Well, that's very nice to hear.

Come on into the drawing room, I'll fix you a drink.

Well, tell me, Charles, are you impressed with Collinwood?

It's everything you said it was.

Where do you come from, Mr. Dawson?

Oh, well Boston, originally,

but I settled in Bucksport a few years ago.

I have my practice there.

Oh, you're a lawyer?

Oh yes he is, a very fine one.

You wouldn't think that behind that facade

would lie one of the most

extraordinary legal minds of our time.

Take my advice, Quentin, don't ever tangle with him in law.

Well, I don't anticipate having any

legal problems in the near future.

But tell me, Quentin, I wish to take Charles

around your house, with your permission, of course.

Go right ahead.

Oh, if you gentlemen don't mind, I won't join you.

I have some things to take care of downstairs.

Of course not.

By the way, is your father here?

Yes, why?

Well, I have something for him.

I wish to give it to him.

He's in his study, I'll tell him that you are here.

Enjoy your tour, Mr. Dawson.

Gerard here knows the house better than

anyone in the family, I think.

Thank you, Mr. Collins.

I want you to study that man well.

Know his strengths, his weaknesses.

For he is to be the instrument of my vengeance.

As Judah Zachary was beheaded in ,

so shall Quentin Collins be in .

[dramatic music]

Too bad, Quentin Collins really seems

like a very friendly chap.

Yes, he is, but he is a Collins.

And therefore must he pay for it.

As with all the Collinses.

Every last one of them.

They will all pay.

And soon, I will make Collinwood all mine,

and everything.


Why, Mrs. Collins.

How lovely you look.

Why, thank you, Mr. Stiles.

How nice to see you again.

I'd like you to meet Charles Dawson, Valerie Collins.

- Hello, how are you? - How do you do?

Charles and I were just partaking in a brandy.

Would you care to join us?

Why, of course, I'd love to.

Excuse me.

I feel I owe you an apology.

Why, whatever for?

Well, you see, when we first met, I,

I ran out on you quite suddenly.

You see, I was burdened with very serious personal problems.

And I take it your personal problems have been resolved?

GERARD: Oh, yes, very satisfactory.

Gerard my boy, Quentin tells me

you have something for me.

Come along, I'll see you in my study.

Right away, Mr. Collins.

I hope you will entertain this lovely lady.

If you'll excuse me.

Are you just visiting Collinsport, Mr. Dawson?

Yes, I have been giving some serious thought

to moving my law practice here.

Oh, I gather that you and Gerard

know each other for a long time?

Oh yes, a long, long time.

Although, until a few days ago,

I hadn't seen Gerard in several years.

I find him a most fascinating man.

You must tell me all about him,

and about yourself, of course.

Now, tell me, tell me all about it.

Well, I'm afraid I can't tell you any more

than what your horoscope says.

Oh, but I never can make sense of these things.

They're always full of mumbo-jumbo that

Well, let us say that the interpretation

lies amongst the stars.

Yes, yes, of course, that's what I want you to do for me.

Well, I'm afraid it will take quite a long time.

Perhaps you could set aside an afternoon?

But you said that the horoscope would explain

what is in store for me in the future.

Or is there something that

you are purposely withholding from me?

Some terrible tragedy in the future?

No, no, of course not.

FATHER COLLINS: Well then, what does the thing say?

Very well, sir.

The sum of the substance is that you will live

a very long and fruitful life.

Does it really say that?

But there is one important thing.

FATHER COLLINS: And what is that?

That you will, in the future,

be very disenchanted with someone very close to you.


With whom, and why?

Well, I'm afraid astrology can't give answers.

It only provides a guide for the future,

offering no solutions.


Someone very close to me.

I find that very distressing.

Gerard must have made quite an impression on you

the one time you met him before tonight.

I'm sorry, I have been going on

about him, haven't I?

Well, shall we talk about you now, Mr. Dawson?

I think I would much prefer to talk about you.

[door opening]

BARNABAS: Valerie, I must speak to you immediately.

Oh, my husband, Mr. Dawson.

How do you do?

He does seem to be upset about something.

Would you excuse us?

Why yes, of course.

I don't need to tell you why I'm here.

Well I suggest you do.

I have no way of reading your mind.

[door closing]

GERARD: Where is Mrs. Collins?

In the drawing room with her husband.

Very good, listen, there's something

I want you to do for me.


Do you know where the old house is?


I want you to go there.

I'm not gonna play games, where is she?

VALERIE: Where is who?

Julia, what have you done to her?

I haven't the faintest idea what you're talking about.

I'm warning you, you are not leaving this place

until you tell me everything.

[dramatic music]

Oh, Barnabas, you of all people

should know how ridiculous it is to thr*aten me.

You found out what Julia planned to do this afternoon

and you went to Roxanne's grave and stopped her.

You are imagining things.

I just came from the crypt

and I found the stake and hammer,

but Roxanne and Julia were gone.

Oh, well what a pity.

Julia must have gone there to put

poor Roxanne out of her misery,

and arrived too late.

Angelique, I will do anything you ask,

if you will release Julia unharmed.

I'm not interested in striking

any bargains with you, Barnabas.

But why do you hate her so?

She is not your enemy.

She represents no thr*at to you, nor never has.

Julia and I are very good friends.

We've never been anything but friends.

I am aware of that.

The real problem is that Julia knows too much.

Not about you, but about me.

And you see, you have only yourself to blame for that.

Now, if you'll excuse me.

You are not leaving here until this is resolved.

Well, I'm terribly sorry.

I didn't know anyone was in here.

That's quite all right, Mr. Stiles.

My husband and I were just discussing

an unimportant family matter, weren't we, darling?

GERARD: I see, nothing really important, that's good.

Mr. Stiles, I wonder if you would tell me

why Daniel was so pleased to see you

this morning when you arrived?

Of course.

You see, I prepared a horoscope for him.

Perhaps I could prepare one for you and your husband.

Oh, that would be marvelous, wouldn't it, Barnabas?

Of course, I will have to know a little more about you.

Where you're from, how old you are, where you two met.

- Things like that. - I see.

Well, we'll have to make an appointment, won't we?

Sit down and have a long conversation.

I'm afraid I haven't time right now.

If you'll excuse me.

BARNABAS: Valerie?

Oh, Mr. Collins, uh,

your wife is very extraordinary.

Yes, she is.

Tell me, where did you meet her?

In England. Now, if you'll excuse--

Ah, but she isn't English, is she?

No, she isn't.

Now, please forgive me, but I must be going.

[eerie music]

QUENTIN: Gerard, I want a word with you.

What's the matter?

My father's become quite agitated

over that horoscope you gave him.

GERARD: Well, I'm terribly sorry, Quentin.

It wasn't intentional.

I don't care whether it was intentional or not.

You should have known better.

His heart is very weak.

Something upsets him, it could be the end.

Quentin, I, I don't know what to say.

Well, of course you're right, I'm sorry.

It was foolish of me acting that way.

I only wanted to show my deepest gratitude

for his kind hospitality.

Now look, I'm very sorry.

I didn't mean to get angry.

It's just that, well he's very dear to me.

Incident is closed, completely forgotten.

Mr. Dawson, I was wondering what happened to you.

Oh, uh, I went out for some air.

I really would like to see the grounds

sometime during the day.

GERARD: Just let me know when.

Oh, Gerard, I was wondering,

could you come over to the house tomorrow evening?

I have a surprise for you.


Yes, but I don't want to talk about it now.

Tomorrow at seven, hmm?

GERARD: Of course.

Very well, you gentlemen will excuse me,

I have more work to do.


I searched everywhere in her room.

There is nothing at all to connect her

in any way with anything supernatural.

Well, that's not surprising.

If she's the woman I think she is,

well, she'd be foolish to leave evidence lying around.

Would you mind telling why you are so interested in her?

I think her name is Miranda DuVal,

the woman who betrayed me in .

But Miranda lived years ago.

I have found ways how to survive, Charles.

Perhaps she did, too.

Anyway, we must find out before it's too late.

Too late?

She tried to destroy me once.

Perhaps she'll try it again.

Anyway, we'll find out all about it this evening.

[dramatic music]

If she is Miranda, I should think

it won't be easy to prove it.


I won't have to prove anything.

She'll do it all herself.


You still don't know me very well, Charles.

You see, the human mind is the most potent of weapons.

I will prove that to you this evening.

But if she is the woman you think she is,

it's possible she's developed

abilities of her own over the years.

More powerful than mine?

I wouldn't have put it that way.


Anyway, she will be at the house this evening,

and then we will find out everything.

Won't we, Charles?

[eerie music]

Don't try and speak, Julia.

Preserve whatever strength you have left.

It may give you a few more moments of life.

I simply wanted to tell you that I spoke to Barnabas.

And his devotion to you continues to amaze me.

He's searching for you everywhere.

Because he knows what will happen

to you if he doesn't find you.

But he's not going to find you.

Not until it's too late.

And just think, then you'll be like him.

And much more like a brother and sister than you are now.

Goodbye, Julia.

[eerie music]

How long are you planning to wait?

Until she gets here.

Have patience, Charles.

What if she doesn't return before she goes

back to the old house?

You may be right about that.

[door opening]

Wait, there's someone coming.

[eerie music]

Is someone there?

AMADEUS: Miranda.


VALERIE: Who is that?

You have nothing to fear in the courtroom.

You will stand in the witness box

draped in the protective cloak of the Almighty.

You will be immune from prosecution

and be given safe escort out of the country.

But only if you help us dispatch the heathen

Judah Zachary back to the hell from whence he came.

Speak up, child, be with God or with Satan.

Amadeus Collins, I banish you from my sight,

from this house, and from the face of the Earth.

Be gone and never return to this place again.

[eerie music]

Now I know who you are, Miranda.

But you don't know who I am.

You have survived this long,

but I will have the final satisfaction of destroying you.

[dramatic music]

[eerie music]
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