1136 - November 1, 1970

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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1136 - November 1, 1970

Post by bunniefuu »

[spooky music]

NARRATOR: Collinwood in the year .

Barnabas Collins and Julia Hoffman have found

that an evil force threatens those on the great estate.

But Barnabas is unaware that Julia and Leticia

have already fallen under the spell of this evil.

On this night, Julia is preparing to conduct

a dangerous experiment which will bring back to life

Judah Zachary, ex*cuted for witchcraft in .

To succeed, she must have a ritual mask

with supernatural powers, and now Leticia

in Rose Cottage searches for the mask.

[suspenseful music]

[lock clinking]


[intense music]

Oh, oh, you've taken me a start, Gerard.

Tell me, what are you doing

in that dark room all by yourself?

Well, it wasn't dark just a moment ago.

I only just put the lamp out.

You're lying to me, Leticia.

I was at the head of the stairs.

I saw you enter this room just a moment ago,

only you never did light the lamp.

Now, what are you up to?

I don't think that's any affair of yours at all.

-What do you have here? -Nothing.

-Let me see. -No, you can't!

Let me see it!

[slow dramatic music]

What do we have--

You give that back to me.


Now you tell me, where did you get this?

[spooky music]

[slow dramatic music]

I asked you, where did you get this?

I found it.

You're lying.

This must be worth a fortune.

This gold and all these jewels.

Jewels? [laughs]

Oh no, they're only pieces of colored glass.

The lot of them wouldn't fetch us a farthing.

Oh no, it's just a plaything.

Don't take me for a fool, Leticia.

Now where did you find it?

In the bottom of an old trunk.

-You're lying to me. -No.

Look here, I don't have to stay and listen

to that kind of talk.

Is there more where you got this?

No, there's nothing more, honest.

You were trying to run away from me, weren't you?

No, no, I'd never do that, Gerard,

no matter how mad you made me.

I would never would run out on you.

You've got to believe that.

Yes, all right, I do believe you.

But tell me, where were you going in

such a hurry just now?

Well, I was going to put it back

where I found it, but if it will help you

to stop doubting me, I'll take it right away

and have it appraised.

At this late hour?

Well, I know Mr. Braithwaite, the jeweler.

I could call on him at his home.

Yes, I suppose you could, yes.

It's not too far away, is it?

Of course not.

No, of course, and now you take this

and go right over there, and I will wait for you here.

Oh, oh, thank you, Gerard.

I promise you won't be disappointed in me.

Just go.

[ominous music]

[stone scraping]

It's exactly as I saw it in my dream, every detail.

I wonder what power it has.

We'll know soon enough.

Everything's ready.

You mean we can begin now?

No, not yet.

First will be the storm, and then everything will be ready.

[door knocking]

Well, it's the inscrutable Miss Harridge.

Good evening, Mr. Stiles.

Ah, you might as well get used to calling me Gerard.

I'm going to be around for quite a long time.

As long as I'm at Collinwood,

I shall address you properly as Mr. Stiles.

I see.

Well tell me, I'm looking for Julia Collins.

Is she here?

No, I haven't seen her all evening.

Do you ever smile?

When there is something to smile about, yes.

I'm sure that you would even be more prettier.

If you'll excuse me, Mr. Stiles,

I really don't have time for idle conversation.

I have work to do.

Good night.

Oh, there is one question I wish to ask you.

What is your real name?

[dramatic music]

[slow music]

My real name is Daphne Harridge.

Whatever made you ask such a ridiculous question?

Please answer me.

When we first met, you told me your name

was Daphne Harridge and you lived in the town of Roxbury.

Well, what about it?

Well, I took the liberty on checking on your records.

There is no Daphne Harridge that ever lived in Roxbury.

I see.

Now would you like to explain yourself?

Yes, I lied to you the other day.

[chuckling] Well, there is a direct answer for you.

Now may I ask why?

Because you did not hire me,

you are not a member of this family,

and you had no right to interrogate me.

It seemed to me that it was absolutely

none of your business where I came from.

I guess could one could say

one has just been put in one's place.

I suppose one could.

Do you know that I like you more and more all the time?

May I ask why you took it upon yourself to investigate me?

Well, shall we say it was finding

the p*stol in your purse.

And you didn't believe my reason for having it there?

I'm afraid not, not at all.

You see, I'm rather skeptical by nature.

Quentin is my best friend.

I acted out of mere concern for him.

Oh, and it never occurred to you that Mr. Collins

might already have investigated my background?

Mr. Collins sometimes trusts his instincts and impulses.

And is there something wrong with that?

Well, as far as you're concerned not at all.

And I do apologize for bothering you.

Your apology is accepted.

Oh by the way, where is Quentin?

Mr. Collins is upstairs somewhere.

I'll tell him you're here.

Oh no no, don't bother.

I'll wait for him down here, thank you.

Good night, Mr. Stiles.

[dramatic music]

You are truly a wizard, Julia.

I tell you, I don't know how you do it.

[distant thunder clapping]


The storm's approaching.

It's time now.

What do you want me to do?

I want you to get the blood.

I need to fill his veins.

Soon, soon you may be able to be alive and walk about.

[piano music]

Gerard, what do you think you're doing?

I'm sitting here playing the piano while waiting for you.

Listen to me.

Where did you get that music?

Have you ever heard it before?

Well no, not at all, it was just here on the piano.

[paper rustling]

It's impossible, it's impossible.

I b*rned this music over a year ago.

[dramatic music]

Well, Quentin, I'm afraid you must be mistaken.

Had you burnt that, what would it be doing here?

I don't know, I don't know.

Someone or something is doing this to me.

Now, what are you talking about?

And why, there's got to be a reason

why it happened to me.

Quentin, will you get a hold of yourself?

Gerard, if you think I'm losing my senses, you're wrong.

I'm not.

Then will you kindly please tell me

what you are talking about?

Yes, you're right, I suppose I should.

I really can't handle it.

Listen to me.

You remember when we were at sea,

I told you about a young woman I was in love with.

Yes, I even remember her name, Joanna Mills.

Yes, that's right.

Well, is she still back in your life?

Yes, she's back in my life, but I don't know how.

What do you mean?

I have received letters from her, and that is impossible.


Joanna Mills is dead.

She d*ed months ago.

-Are you sure? -Yes.

Yes. Well...

Yeah, perhaps I'd better start at the beginning.

You see, things were over between Joanna and myself

before we even went to sea, and then when I returned,

I wasn't going to see her again.

But then one night I found this on the foyer table.

[paper rustling] [ominous music]

Joanna is dead, and you are responsible.

Who sent this to you?

I don't know, but I did discover that she was dead.

While we were at sea, she had been committed to an asylum,

where she later escaped and committed su1c1de.

I see.

And when did you start receiving these letters?

The day after I confirmed she was dead.

Can you be sure that they're from her?

Gerard, it's her handwriting.

I'd know it anywhere.

Of course.

But tell me, what did these letters say?

The first one said that we could

have a chance to get together again.

And the second one asked me to meet her

at the great oak tree, which is at the edge of the estate.

Now no one knows about our meetings at the oak tree.

We used to use it as a place where we could leave

messages for each other.

Well, did you go there?


But you didn't see her.

No, but I found a third note,

and the note said that she

had been waiting for me, but that she could wait no longer.

Quentin, you said that you had destroyed

a sheet of sheet music.


But surely you must have other copies.

I made exactly two copies.

One I gave to Joanna, the other I kept myself.

I see, and you destroyed yours, and so, therefore,

this must be Joanna's.

That's right.


Who, what is doing this to me?

Well, there must be two reasons.

Either somebody is deliberately trying to upset you,

or Joanna is trying to communicate with you,

beyond the grave.

[spooky music]

No, Gerard, I can't believe it.

Joanna is dead.

This is the work of the living.

Why are you so quick to disregard

the possibility of the supernatural?

I usually don't, and you know that.

But this time I can't help feeling that the dead

have nothing to do with what has been happening to me.

Perhaps it's also because you think

that Joanna isn't at rest.


Anyway, I thank you for listening.

It has helped.

Although very little, and I'm sorry, but let me know

if there's anything I can do.

Oh by the way, incidentally,

have you talked to Leticia recently?

Oh, I saw her for a moment yesterday.

I see.

Has she been acting rather odd to you?

No, she seemed to be her usual eccentric self.

Have you noticed that she and Julia Collins

have become very good friends recently?

No, I haven't. As a matter of fact,

I've only seen Julia just a few fleeting moments

in past days.

I see.

Why do you ask?

Oh, no reason, I was just curious.

Leticia's acting rather strange, and I'm not sure

that I really like the way she's acting at all.

[dramatic music] [electricity crackling]

[metal clanking]

[stone scraping]

[machine beeping]

[distant thunder clapping]

JULIA: Now we must wait for the lightning

to make contact with the mask.

[slow music]

Can I get you anything, Mr. Collins?

Oh Daphne, no, no, thank you very much though.

Forgive me, sir, I was just wondering.

Is everything all right?

Everything is never all right in this house.

Why do you ask?

Well, I've had the feeling that something's

been troubling you for the past few days.

Oh, has it been that obvious?

I hope you don't think I was prying.

No, thought never entered my mind.

Well, forgive me, sir, I know it's not in my duties

as governess to become involved in other matters,

but you've been very good to me, Mr. Collins.

Well, what I'm trying to say is, if there's ever

anything I can do to help.

Well, as a matter of fact, there isn't.

I appreciate very much your asking, thank you.

You're welcome.

Oh, Daphne?

Will there be anything else?

You know, I never really noticed before

how gentle you really are.

You're going to be very good for Tad.

You and I are going to have to have a long talk soon.

About Tad, sir?

About you, and about your future here at Collinwood.

I want to make sure that you are very happy.

I already am, Mr. Collins, happier than I've ever been.

[thunder rumbling]

[electricity crackling]

[machine beeping]

When is something going to happen?

When the lightning touches the body.

[thunder clapping]

It didn't touch, did it?


Suppose it doesn't.

It will.

Julia, it's got to.

More lightning, and still nothing's happening.

It's not gonna work, Julia.

I tell you it's not gonna work.


It happened, Julia, just like you said it would.

[dramatic music]

What is it?

Julia, we haven't failed, have we?

Tell me!

His heart is b*ating.

Judah Zachary is alive.

[spooky music]
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