912 - December 23, 1969

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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912 - December 23, 1969

Post by bunniefuu »

[eerie music]

VOICEOVER:A gray, cloudy day at Collinwood,

a house with many tragic memories,

and a house marked for new tragedies.

A web of evil which is slowly encircling the great estate

grows and grows,

for in the neighboring village, a little girl,

running to escape a man she believes to be a ghost,

makes a horrifying discovery.

AMY: David.

David, don'’t hide anymore.

He'’s downstairs.

Make him go away.

David, please?

Oh, David, where are you?

You won, David.

Come out, come out wherever you are.

[ragged breathing]


[ragged breathing]

David, don'’t try to frighten me again.

[ragged breathing]

I won'’t let you frighten me.

[ragged breathing]

[door creaks]

[shrill scream]

[dramatic flourish]

[surf whispers] [eerie theme music]

[eerie music]

[bells chime]



[eerie music]

Come here.

Didn'’t you hear me?

Yes, I heard you.

Obviously, you didn'’t.

Or, you would have obeyed me.

If you want Megan or Philip, they'’re gone.

It was you I came to see.

[suspenseful music]

Why did you let Amy into your room?

Who told you?

Never mind.

Did she?

[suspenseful music]

It was David, wasn'’t it?

[paperweight clanks]

Pick that up.

You pick it up.

When you'’re grown, I will do as you say.

But you are still a child, now pick it up.

[dramatic music]

He shouldn'’t have told you.

Don'’t try to get even with David.

I will not permit it.

Now, David is your friend, Alexander.

He realizes the seriousness

of the situation that you have caused.

He'’s looking for Amy, now.

You still haven'’t told me why you did it.

I hate her.

[Barnabas] Hate is no reason,

especially when it endangers our plans.

She won'’t say anything, she'’s too scared.

How long will she stay that way?

I'’ll scare her again.

You will not.

You aren'’t in charge of me.

You are wrong, I am.

And, don'’t you forget it.

Haza and Oberon entrusted you to me.

You could be kept completely secret, you know.

You can be kept locked in your room, till the time comes.

Would you like that?

Megan and Philip wouldn'’t let you.

I tell them what to do.

[suspenseful music]

Now, do we understand each other?

Answer me.


Look at me when you say that.

I understand.

You will not let it happen again.

I will not let it happen again.

It is for your own good.

I must do what is destined for me to do.

Let me do it.

Now, you will be kept locked in your room,

as long as you'’re in there.

Is that quite clear?

Megan and Philip will be informed.

Now, I cannot stay here any longer.

Where are you going?

To undo what you have done.

[mysterious music]

[knuckles rap]

[suspenseful music]

[knuckles rap]

[suspenseful music]

[knuckles rap]

[suspenseful music]

I brought you a hidden Tate portrait for you to admire.

I expect Chris Jennings told you what Osmond uncovered.

It'’s Amanda Harris.

How do you know?

Because Tate painted several portraits of her.

Well, in any case, I think Osmond did you a service.

It looks far better as a portrait

than it did as a landscape.

Wait until you see the new landscape I found.

MAN: Another one, another Tate?

You tell me.

[dramatic music]

Extraordinary that a man

with that talent for portraiture

should waste his time painting Indian Hill.

And you think this is a Tate, huh?

A very late one, yes.

All right, look.

[eerie music]

Harrison Munroe.


But Osmond told me Tate died years ago.

WOMAN: Well, he could be wrong.

Julia, why are you developing this obsession

with Charles Tate?

I really can'’t explain it, now.

But will you take this to Professor Osmond,

since he is the authority on Tate,

- and see what he says? - Yes, of course, I will.

But, immediately,

and find out if he knows anything

about this Harrison Munroe,

and where we can find him.

And, if I'’m not here when you come back,

stop at the cottage. I'’ll be filling Chris in.

May I ask one question, please?

How did you get Chris Jennings so interested

in late Victorian art?

That would seem to be almost an impossibility.

He'’s doing it for me.

Why, Julia?

I'’ve always been too curious.

I'’ve always been impatient.

I'’ll find out what you want to know,

then I'’ll try to satisfy my own curiosity.

[suspenseful music]

[door handle clicks]

[suspenseful music]


What is it?

Tell me.

[suspenseful music]

Amy, what is it?

What'’s wrong?

Something is, tell me.

[breathless noises]

What'’s happened?

[gasping sob]

Oh, darling, I'’ll make it all right.

Why can'’t you tell me?

Is it David?

Have you and David had a fight?

Well, it can'’t be too serious, then.

What was the fight about?

[suspenseful music]

[paper rattles]

Shop? What shop?

[suspenseful music]

Write some more.

[paper rattles]

Amy, what are you doing?

[rapid knocking]


Let me answer the door.

- [rapid knocking] - Honey.


It'’s only Doctor Hoffman.

I'’m glad you'’re here, something'’s happened to Amy.

Amy, what'’s the matter?

Apparently, she can'’t talk.

Doctor, what could cause something like that?

She wrote one word, shop.

[mysterious music]

Chris, go to Collinwood right now,

and find David.

They were playing,

Amy and David were playing at the antique shop

with that little boy today.

Make David tell you exactly what happened.

[mysterious music]

You don'’t mind staying with Doctor Hoffman, do you?

All right, I won'’t be long.

And hurry.

Now, listen, Amy.


You'’ve got to try and relax, darling.

You'’ve got to try and relax,

and then you'’ll be able to speak,

and then, you'’ll be able to tell me what happened.

Oh, Amy, please.

You'’re frightened, and we may be able to help you.

Now, did it have anything at all to do with Alexander?

[dramatic music]

What did he do, Amy?

Amy, turn around.

Turn around and answer me, Amy.

Amy, would you write down what Alexander did?

Amy, Amy, you would be helping us all.

Honestly you would, if you told us.

[suspenseful music]

Yes, you really would,

because I don'’t like Alexander.

I think he'’s a very strange little boy,

very strange indeed.

Now, if you know something about him that I don'’t know,

- you must-- - What a charming picture.

Did I frighten you?


Oh, I thought I had.

Good afternoon, Amy.

Are you all right?

Oh, what'’s the matter, cat got your tongue?

She isn'’t feeling well.

Oh, I'’m sorry to hear that.

Nothing serious, I hope.

No, no I don'’t think so. As a matter of fact,

I was just about getting ready to examine her.

Oh, and Chris is not here.


Do you mind if I wait?

Don'’t tell me, you'’ve become

- interested in Chris, again. - As a matter of fact,

I'’ve been thinking a lot about him lately.

Perhaps I was disturbed when I came back from the past,

when I found out that I could do nothing for him.

What game are you playing now, Barnabas?

Are you suspicious of me, Julia?

Let'’s not talk about it, now.

There'’s no time to discuss it.

If you want to see Chris, come back later.

I am busy later.

You'’ve been neglecting your duties, Julia.

Chris has gone to get my medical bag, now.

Well, then he won'’t be long.

What seems to be troubling you?


Well, get some for her, Julia.

Well, why in heavens not?

A little water won'’t hurt her.

No, a little water won'’t hurt her.

But I will, is that it?

Julia, do be sensible.

I am being sensible, Barnabas.

You'’ll get the water for her.

All right then, I will.


Amy, listen.

Can you speak now?

Well, don'’t.

Do you understand me?

Don'’t, until Barnabas leaves.

Do you understand?

Amy, don'’t talk until Barnabas leaves,

don'’t tell us anything until afterward.

Exchanging confidences?

JULIA: Just asking her how she felt.


[eerie music]

Ah, you were thirsty, weren'’t you.

Are you feeling any better?

[eerie music]

She doesn'’t seem to have a fever.

JULIA: No, just the opposite.

A cold, probably.

[eerie music]

There, I hope you'’re gonna feel better,

I'’m sure you will.

[eerie music]

Well, Julia, tell Chris that I was here.

We must get together and have a long talk about him soon.

You mean, you'’re not going to wait for him?

I would like to, but I have other things to do.

I'’m sure you do.

Let her sleep, Julia.

Look at her sleeping so peacefully.

[eerie music]

Let her sleep, Julia.

Children sleeping.

How beautiful.

A child'’s dreams.

She will be much better when she wakes up, I'’m sure.

[eerie music]

[suspenseful flourish]

[suspenseful music]

She'’s sleeping.

Has she spoken, yet?

Well, she started to, but Barnabas was here,

I don'’t know why,

but then,

I didn'’t want her to talk before he left,

and then, she fell asleep.

Now, now, did you see David?

I had to wait, and he Alexander came down.

Alexander? You did not

talk to David in front of Alexander, did you?

No, no David told me.

They were playing a game, hide and seek,

Amy was it.

David hid in the shop, Alexander went upstairs.

Then, a stranger walked in the shop, Grant Douglas.

And Amy must have thought that he was Quentin.

She ran out screaming.

Could that have done it, Julia?

I'’m sure the sight of Quentin frightened her,

but I don'’t think it'’s enough

to make her lose her speech.

[soft moaning]

How ya feeling, love?

Better, thank you.

Good, I'’m glad.

Can you tell us, now, what happened?

Oh, Chris.

Come on, now, tell me if somebody hurt ya,

I wanna go deal with them.

[eerie music]

Quentin, I saw Quentin.

[dramatic flourish]

No, no, Amy, it wasn'’t Quentin you saw.

It was Grant Douglas.

No, no, it was Quentin.

I know it.

I know him better than you do,

I remember him better.

I'’d know him anywhere.

Amy, Amy, what did you do,

after you saw the man that you think was Quentin?

I, I--

CHRIS: Tell us, Amy.

I don'’t remember.

But there was something else.

JULIA: What?

I have to think.

I can'’t remember right now, but I will, I will!

[rapid knocking]


JULIA: Well, what have you found out?

I find this exciting.

It'’s like being in the middle of a mystery novel,

not knowing what the end will be.

Hope I'’m not disturbing you, Chris.

No, no, it'’s alright, just tell us.

Osmond is almost certain that the second landscape

was painted by Charles Tate.

So, I was right.

And, here'’s Munroe'’s address.

What'’s this all about?

I'’ll tell you later, Chris.

Where'’s Corinthen?

It'’s a fishing village on the outskirts of Rockport.

Osmond'’s heard of Munroe, but he'’s never met him.

He'’s apparently a very curious fellow, a complete recluse.

Well, we'’ll have to go there tonight.

Wait until tomorrow, I have to lecture tonight.

Well then, I'’ll just go by myself.


To see Charles Delaware Tate.

I think you'’re being unrealistic, Julia.

Osmond himself went to Charles Tate'’s funeral,

years ago.

Well then, how does he explain

the painting that you brought him?

He'’s trying to figure out how that'’s possible.

Perhaps Harrison Munroe is a ghost.

No, I believe that Harrison Munroe

is Charles Delaware Tate.

Chris, take Amy back to Collinwood.

I think it'’s best that I go myself

for the first time, anyway.

[eerie music]

How do you know it worked?

Are you doubting me, Alexander?

I would have made sure.

Amy is in the intermediary stage.

She could have great difficulty remembering, actually,

what happened.

ALEXANDER: They'’re going to question her.

Yes, they are.

[eerie music]

We will not know what actually has happened,

until she walks into this room.

And, if she is with us, she will open the box.

Hon, I hate to leave you.

You know I'’ll be all right, Chris.

Amy, I'’m so glad you came to me.

I'’m the one who has to take care of you.

I know that.

I love you!

[suspenseful music]

Hello, Amy.

[suspenseful music]

This is yours, Alexander.

I'’m sorry I took it.

You should have given it back to me when I asked for it.

I'’m sorry, Alexander.

It will never happen again.

You will follow orders now, I bet.


Yes, I will.

[dramatic music]

[dramatic flourish]

- [wind whistling] - [knuckles rapping]

[speaker crackles]


I'’ve come to see Mister Harrison Munroe.

[distorted barking and howling]

VOICEOVER:You are not wanted here.

Go away.

But I have an important message for Mister Munroe.

- [wind whistling] - [suspenseful music]

The message I have is from Mister Delaware Tate.

[eerie music]

[handle clunks]

[door creaks]

- [wind whistles] - [eerie music]

[dramatic flourish]

[eerie theme music]
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