906 - December 15, 1969

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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906 - December 15, 1969

Post by bunniefuu »

[eerie music]

VOICEOVER:The great house of Collinwood

is surrounded by danger.

The force of evil that is at work here has no name as yet.

And still goes unseen.

But it is real and terrifying.

And it stands poised to strike terror

into the hearts and minds of all who stand in its way.

[distant rhythmic thumping]

What's that?

MEGAN: What?

That sound, it's coming from upstairs.

I don't know.

Now Carolyn, we've got to finish unpacking.

Megan, don't you hear it?

Yes, I hear it.

It sounds like someone bouncing a ball up there.

Don't you think you should check?

There, it stopped.

[distant rhythmic thumping]

It was a ball being bounced.

Megan, who does this belong to?

Not the baby.

There he is.

There's my darling now.

[eerie music]

[spooky theme music]

Alex, here's someone I want you to meet.

This is Carolyn Stoddard.

And she works here in the shop with us.

Carolyn, this is Alexander Todd.

How do you do, Alex?

Hello, Carolyn.

Megan, you knew that was Alex bouncing the ball.

Of course.

Why didn't you tell me?

Alex and I wanted to surprise you.

Didn't we, Alex?

Alex is Phillip's nephew.

Phillip took the baby back to my sister earlier today,

then he went to his brother's to pick up Alex.

He's always wanted to come here and visit us.

Haven't you, Alex?

My, he certainly seems fascinated by you.

Welcome to Collinsport, Alex.

Thank you.

Megan, you didn't mention that the baby was gone.

I know.

My sister just got back from her vacation yesterday.

When she called I told her I'd become terribly attached

to the baby, but she made me give him back anyway.

Oh, but Alex is such a darling little boy.

I can't possibly be sad with him around.

Alex, I'm going to be finished unpacking in a few minutes.

If you like, you can go upstairs and wait for me there.

I want to help you work.

Oh, that's a wonderful idea.

But you must be very careful unpacking things.

I won't break anything.

Megan, you deserve to have children of your own.

You'd be such a wonderful mother.

Look what I found!

[Carolyn and Megan laughing]

[Alex growling playfully]

Oh, Alex.

Oh, Alex stop it. [laughing]

Oh, you're so frightening.

[telephone ringing]

CAROLYN: I'll get it, it's probably Dr. Hoffman.


Yes, Julia.

I see, no longer than that?

All right, I'll be right there.

I can visit Grant now, but Julia says,

I can't stay with him longer than minutes.

Please don't go.

Oh, I'll be back very soon, Alex.

I must go and visit a man who is very sick.

I don't want you to.

MEGAN: Carolyn, I think he's jealous.

[laughing] Well, I couldn't be more flattered.

Goodbye, Alex.

You and I are going to be seeing quite a lot of each other.

[door bell tinkling]

I like her very much.

We knew you would, Alex.

Now listen.

I've got to go upstairs to do something.

Do you think you're old enough to watch the shop

for a few minutes?

Yes, I'll work on my drawings.

Oh, that's my darling boy.

[paper rustling]

[door bell tinkling]

ALEX: May I help you?

Well, are you the only one here?

ALEX: Megan is upstairs.

I see. Well, I'm looking for Carolyn Stoddard.

She isn't here.

PAUL: Well now, do you know when she will be back?


I see, well, in that case I'll just wait

if it's all right.

Well, I haven't seen you before.

I knew the Todds had a little baby,

but I didn't know about you.

I'm Carolyn's father.

- And what's your name? - Alexander.

You wouldn't happen to know where Carolyn went, would you?

Well, what are we drawing here, let me see.

MEGAN: Oh, good evening, Mr. Stoddard.

He's waiting for Carolyn.

Yes, I know.

She went to visit someone at the hospital.

She won't be too long.

Make yourself comfortable.

Oh, well, thank you Mrs. Todd.

[paper tearing and rustling]

Why did you do that?


That's when my birthday is.

You wanna come to my party?

Carolyn's going to be there.

Is something wrong, Mr. Stoddard?

Oh, no, no, no, nothing.

This woman and child are in on it with Barnabas.

They're helping him.

And what is the meaning of that date?

Aren't you going to wait, Mr. Stoddard?

Oh, well, no.

No, I just thought of something I had forgotten to do.

Please tell Carolyn that I'll be at the hotel.

Well, Mr. Stoddard, how nice to see you again.

You know I telephoned you earlier

to tell you that it won't be long now.

Not long at all.

Everything's going splendidly.

[suspenseful music]

MEGAN: Good evening, Mr. Collins.

Good evening, Megan.

And who is this handsome young man?

Phillip's nephew, Alexander.

Isn't he a fine, healthy-looking boy?

He is indeed.

And where is the baby, Megan?

MEGAN: Phillip took him back to my sister.

I imagine you're sorry to see him go?

I think Alex will make me forget all about the baby.

Alex, this is Mr. Barnabas Collins.

ALEX: How do you do?

How do you do, Alex?

Yes, I quite agree with you.

I think he will make you forget.

Alex, show Mr. Collins the first toy

you found here in the shop.

[scary music]

[door latch clicking]

[exhales wearily]

MR. STODDARD: Somebody's been in this room.

I didn't circle that date!

ALEX:That's when my birthday is.

Carolyn's going to be there, Car...

[knock at door]

[relieved sighing]

Thank God you're here.

What's wrong?

Megan said you were terribly upset when you left the shop.

Now Carolyn, please.

Listen carefully because there isn't much time.

We simply have to find a way to get out of here.

There must be some way to get out!

There is a way.

This could take us anywhere in the world we wanted to go.

They must be very anxious to get rid of me.

CAROLYN: Oh, yes.

It's so typical of the Collinses.

They wanted just a little extra for their money.

They want to prove to you that I came back here

for that money and nothing else.

ALEX:That's when my birthday is.

Carolyn's going to be there.

Carolyn's going to be there.

Carolyn's going to be there.

This could make all the difference.

But if I took that it would ruin you and me.

And I don't want that.

[Carolyn sighs with relief]

I carried that check with me for three days.

I was so afraid to show it to you.

Afraid to find out that Uncle Roger was right.

But now I know he's wrong about you.

And I'm so happy.

And I want you to stay that way.

Oh, we'll do fine, you and I.

If we can just get out of Collinsport.

BARNABAS: The man is still on the critical list,

but, well, Julia Hoffman seems to be

convinced that he'll recover.

Had you even seen the man before the accident?

No, never before.

But you say that Carolyn knew him.

Well, she had met him yesterday afternoon.

He came into the antique shop.

Odd that she never mentioned it to me.

Well, I'm sure she intends to do so.

It must have been a shattering experience for you.


I suppose you were subjected to endless questioning

by the police?

Yes, but I've been cleared of any negligence or wrongdoing.

Their duty is to investigate every accident

and they're obliged to take every possibility

into consideration, I understand that.

ELIZABETH: Yeah, I suppose you're right.

By the way, I haven't seen Carolyn

since early this morning.

Do you know where she is?

BARNABAS: No, but I expect she's gone

to see Mr. Douglas at the hospital.

ELIZABETH: I must talk to her

about Mr. Douglas when she gets back.

[spooky music]

[telephone ringing]


[sighing] Yes, the : to Boston.

Does anyone know?

Are you sure?

No, no, no, I'm all right, don't worry.

Yes, it's : now, I'll be finished packing soon.

And I'll come directly to the station.

In the meantime now, stay out of sight.

Don't let anyone see you.

See you soon.

[clock chiming]

Oh Alex, look at how late it is.

Well, you've got to go up to bed now.

I don't want to.

Oh, but you must get your rest.

I'm afraid.

Afraid, Alex, why?

I'm beginning to feel so alone.

Alex, Alex, please, you must tell me what's bothering you.

Please, please I must know,

so I can know what to do for you.

Where is she, Paul?

Where is Carolyn?

PAUL: Well now, I-I-I haven't seen her, Liz.

[door slams loudly]

You're a liar.

Now, I have no time to quarrel with you, Liz.

I'm leaving.

And you're planning to take her with you?

I told you, Liz, that I haven't seen her.

I went up to her room and

she was gone with all her clothes.

I am not going to let this happen, Paul.

You cannot take her away from me.

All right.

Now you listen to me.

She is in danger here!

Danger? What are you talking about?

She is in danger here in Collinwood.

Not only is she in danger, but we are all in danger.

It's some kind of a conspiracy, Liz.

They're like an organization.

They are a, they have, they're evil, Liz.

Terribly evil!

And they have frightening powers.

They can use them to t*rture people, to control their minds.

They've been after me, ever since I got here.

What is it they want from you, Paul?

Don't you think that if I knew I would tell you?

That's why I've been so terrified.

What makes you think we're all in danger?

Because their leader is living right in your midst.

It's Barnabas Collins.


Yes, and I know how evil and how strong he is.

He's a threat to all of us, Elizabeth.

You haven't believed a word I've told you.

I might not have if you hadn't mentioned Barnabas.

I must admit now I've been

terribly distressed about the change

in Barnabas since he's come back.

I kept believing that it was because

of some strain he was under.

But now that you've told me all of this.

And it's the truth, Liz.

I swear to God it's the truth.

And you could do something about it

because you have more power in this town than anyone.

I want you to come back to Collinwood, Paul.

You want me to what?

If you know something about this danger to all of us

then you're the one to help us fight it.

But, you said that you would never

allow me to set foot in that house again.

I have a right to be wrong, haven't I?

Well, yes, I suppose you have.

I don't know how things will work out for us,

but I'm convinced now that you've been

acting out of love for Carolyn.

And that's all that matters to me.

Tell me where she is.

She's waiting for me at the station.

Go and get her and bring her back here.

I will phone Collinwood and tell them to expect us.

[door latch clicking]

Get me Collinsport .

[telephone ringing]


Everything is going to be all right now.

He's returning to Collinwood with me.

[eerie theme music]
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