892 - November 26, 1969

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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892 - November 26, 1969

Post by bunniefuu »

[ eerie music ]

NARRATOR:On the great estate at Collinwood,

Barnabas Collins has finally returned from .

But he has been further into time than anyone knows,

and the man who has come back to

is far different from the man who left.

And in an antique shop in the village,

two young people examine an ancient box

that Barnabas has given them,

not suspecting their lives will be devoted

to serving a strange and evil power.


Philip, I heard something inside the box.

It sounded alive.

There couldn't be anything alive in there.

But I swear I heard something.

It was only the warping of the wood.

It's a very old box.

I wish we could open it.

Well, we tried and we couldn't.

Now I've gotta look at that list Mr. Collins gave me.

Certainly hope he's willing to give up that Hitchcock chair.

[ dramatic music ]


Philip, what's the matter?

Now we can open it!


What do you mean no?

I have a feeling that if we open it,

our lives will never be the same.


What do you mean?

Oh, Philip, I don't understand you.

I don't understand myself, but that's the way I feel.

What could possibly be in the box?

Philip, we have to open it.

You're right, we have to.

[ whistling ]

What was that?

I don't know, it sounded like something came out.

I didn't see anything.

Open it, Philip.

Once and for all, let's find out what's in there.

[ mysterious whistling music ]

I wonder if Mr. Collins knew there was something in the box.

Why, it's not in English.

What language is this?

Nothing I've ever seen before.

What a strange looking book.

I'd better take it back to Mr. Collins

when I go for his furniture.

Do you think he understands it?

I doubt it.

This is very old, too, Philip.

But at least it's in English.

PHILIP: What does it say?

The water shall nourish each grain of sand

wedged between ancient sacred stone.

And guide us to a threshold of time

and restore our flesh and bones.

What's all that about?

I have a feeling I almost know.

When I see Mr. Collins,

I'll ask him about that, too.

Well, all this ancient exploration

has given me quite an appetite.

What's for dinner?


Don't you dare mention that we had spaghetti last night.

And the night before.

I thought that this box was gonna make a change

in our lives,

but I see everything is exactly the same.

Hi, what is this?

They're giving things away at Shepherd's today.

Oh, I wish I'd known.

Do you like it?

I certainly do.

They had a blue silk there

that you would've loved.

Why don't you come with me tomorrow and take a look at it?

Oh, I can't, Maggie.

I promised Megan and Philip I'd help them in the shop.

Well, how about I stop by and pick you up when you finish?

It might be late.

Oh, not too late for what we have to do.

[ mysterious music ]

BARNABAS: Megan, Megan.

Today you came to me.

Tonight I come to you.

Tonight I am different than I was today.

Because you have opened the box.

Because you have read the scroll.

I know that soon the flesh and bones will be restored.

You know too that the book will guide you

when they are restored.

I know it.

Now it is time to prepare.

Listen carefully and do as I tell you.

MEGAN: Yes, Master.

As you have become the chosen one,

so this room will become the chosen room.

And now you must make it ready.

How, Master?

You must close off all the windows,

so that no light may come in.

The room must be dark,

for darkness knows us as we know darkness.

Yes, Master.

You must remove all furniture

except that which is necessary.

Do you understand me?

I do.

And most important,

you must not let anyone come in this room

except those who believe.

No one will ever enter this room, I swear it.


But what shall I say, how shall I explain?

You will tell those who ask that your sister

has entrusted you with this, this thing.

But I have no sister.

You have many sisters.

At the right time, you will meet them.

Yes, Master.

You have been chosen wisely.

And now I must go.

I will return

when there is reason to return.

Sleep well, my child, without dreams.

And when you have finished your little sleep,

you will not recognize me in the waking world.

All that you will remember

is what must be done.

And you will do it

without question.

MEGAN AND BARNABAS: Without question.

Without question.

Without question.

Without question.






Philip, where were you?

Philip, what are you going to do?

The windows must be closed off

so that no light can come in.

Who told you to do that?

I don't remember who.

But it must be done, without question.

Without question?


we both had the same dream.

[ eerie music ]

[ hammering ]

Now where in the world did this come from?

And what in the world is it?

And most important, who's going to buy it,

whatever it is?

[ phone ringing ]


No, Megan is busy right now.

This is Carolyn Stoddard, may I help you?

Yes, yes, I think it still is available.

Would you wait and let me check?

[ suspenseful music ]

Hello, yes, yes, Mrs. Cortwright,

it is available.

Shall I hold it for you?

No, no, it's no trouble at all.

You see, Carolyn, there is someone for everything.

Maybe even this.

How are things going?

Megan, I have a surprise for you.

I've sold Philip's folly.

Philip's folly?

Yes, this cradle we thought we were all

gonna grow old with.

It's not for sale.

CAROLYN: But Megan, Mrs. Cortwright wants to buy it.

And she doesn't even know it's reduced.

I said it's not for sale.

All right.

It's your cradle and your shop.


CAROLYN: Oh, hello, Maggie.

Are you almost finished?

I have to make a phone call.

What's the matter?

I don't know.

Maggie, did you ever have the feeling

that you suddenly didn't know someone,

someone you thought you knew very well?

Sometimes I get that feeling when I look in the mirror.

Hello, Mrs. Cortwright, it's Carolyn Stoddard again.

I'm afraid I've made a mistake.

The cradle was spoken for.

Yes, I'm terribly sorry.

What's this?

CAROLYN: I don't know, it's new.

New, that's the last thing in the world I'd call it.

Well, come on, let's go shopping.

When we finish, we can stop by the Blue Whale for a drink.

Maggie, I don't feel like shopping

and I don't feel like having a drink.

Carolyn, you can't let me down now.

I'm just not in the mood.

Well, then, what you need is a visit to the Blue Whale,

give you a whole new outlook.

Could change your outlook considerably.

Soon it will be time.


We must close the shop.

But what about Carolyn?

Tell her to leave.

Suppose she questions me.

She'll know soon enough.

Everyone will know.

Yes, you're right.

I'll tell her to leave.

And then I'll shut the door after her

and pull down the shades.

In darkness, it will come, in darkness it will grow.

And darkness it will bring.

[ wood creaking ]

What are you doing?

Entering today's sales.

Don't bother, Philip can do it.

CAROLYN: Oh, it's no bother.

I said Philip can do it.

The fact is, we're closing.

But it's not time.

It's almost time.

Hey, I'd like to buy this.

Oh, sure, Maggie.

Well, it will be here tomorrow.

I really have to close the shop now.

All right.

Come on, Carolyn.

Megan, are you all right?

Yes, of course I am, now scoot.

Come on, scoot.

[ lock clicking ]

[ suspenseful music ]

I don't care what you say, Carolyn,

I did think that dress looked good on you.

I don't know, some days, nothing seems right.

Carolyn, is something bothering you?

I don't know, I've been feeling

sort of odd for the past few days,

as if something were going to happen.

Maggie, I shouldn't have gone shopping with you

and I shouldn't have come here.

As a matter of fact, I'm just gonna finish this drink

- and then go home. - No!

Why not?

Well, you just shouldn't, that's all.

It's time, isn't it?

Yes, it is.

You can't go.

Have another drink.

I don't know what's the matter with everyone today.

First Megan behaving so strangely.

Now you, Maggie.

You know what, I used to like helping out in the shop,

but today I got the feeling that I was just in the way,

that I was some rich girl just amusing myself

while they had serious things on their minds.

I didn't like that feeling at all.

I don't think I'll go back there again.

Do you think I should?

Why don't you have another drink? We'll talk about it.

- No, I have to go. - [ sighs ]

Well, what's the matter?

That man that just came in.

MAGGIE: What about him?

I've been seeing him around Collinwood

for the past few days, sort of skulking around.

Once I ran right into him and I asked him what he wanted.

And what did he say?

He couldn't give me a straight answer.

Maggie, he's coming to our table.

Maybe he'll give you a straight answer now.

I don't want to talk to him.

I think you should.

Miss Evans.

Hello, it's good to see you again.

Well, if you two will excuse me.

CAROLYN: Maggie, where are you going?

Well, just to give you two some privacy, that's all.

May I sit down?

I don't understand any of this.

Well, I would admit it's a rather strange situation,

introducing yourself to your own daughter.


Yes, Carolyn.

I am Paul Stoddard,

your father.

[ dramatic tone ]

[ eerie music ]
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