886 - November 17, 1969

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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886 - November 17, 1969

Post by bunniefuu »

[ eerie music ]

NARRATOR: Night over Collinwood,

but this night, Barnabas finds himself

back again in pursuing Josette,

reliving the night

when Angelique lured Josette to Widow's Hill

and showed her a terrifying vision

of what she would become

if she ran away with Barnabas Collins.

And now Josette, on the edge of Widow's Hill,

hears the footsteps she fears so much.


No, no!

I won't become what you are! I won't, I won't!


Stay where you are!

If you come near me I'll jump, I swear I will!

Josette, Josette!


No, don't! Don't!

[ eerie music ]

Josette, you must--you must come away from the edge!


Whatever has happened, we'll make it alright, Josette.

[ Josette sobbing ] You don't know, you don't know!

You will tell me,

just as you told me when you were small

[ stammering ] and--and I helped you.

You can't! You can't this time!

NATALIE: Tell me.

Oh Aunt Natalie, I know.

I know, I know, I know.

There's nothing to do.

This time I know and I love him.

Come, come, the carriage is--is waiting at the road.

You must rest.

- He will come for me! - No.

- He will come to me! - No,ma petite.

- He will, you don't know! - I know more than you think.

I know that one that we thought dead is not.

I know the mysteries of that house

are not explainable. Come, come!

[ knocking ]

- Who is it? - NATALIE: Countess du Pres.

What has happened?

May--may Josette stay in here for a few moments,

- Milicent, please? - Yes, of course!

Is she ill?

No, no, she is not ill, Millicent,

but she's--she's had a shock.

Oh my poor Josette.

JOSETTE: Are you going to him?

[ sobbing ] I don- I don't know what to think.

Do you want to chance it?

I-I must.

He was the one who told me where you were.

I must tell him that you are safe.

[ crying ]

Was your shock a romantic one, Josette?

No, no!

Of course.

How silly me, you have no such interests now,

since Cousin Barnabas has died.

[ sobbing ]

Is it still his death that affects you so?

Oh my poor Josette.

Did he really want me to be that way?

Did he?

I can't believe it, I won't believe it.

He loves me!

[ knocking ]

BARNABAS: She's safe?

You found her at Widow's Hill.

If you had gone--

If you had gone for her she would have run from you

and she would have died.

I know.

The witch--The witch showed her a vision of herself

as she would be if she went with you.

How she must loathe me.

You are--You are dead, Barnabas Collins.

I saw your lifeless body carried from your room.

You must let her live.

I kept her alive, didn't I?

NATALIE: You must not see her again.

- I will see Josette. - No Barnabas.

I don't know what you are

or what pact you've made with some devil

to bring you back here.

Return to your grave, Barnabas.

I have not even that privilege.

You must have, I-I know about these legends.

They're in my country, there are others like you.

Are there, Madam?

NATALIE: Yes, others who are not allowed to rest.

You don't know what kind of creature I am, do you?

You think I'm a ghost.

What are you?

Are you afraid of me?

I don't know why.

You are wise to be.

- Bring Josette to me. - No!

BARNABAS: Don't make me force you.

- You cannot. - I will see Josette.

Bring her here to me.

I will not let you stop what must happen.

Don't touch me!

Josette and I belong to each other!

You will bring her here!

- Look at me! - No!

You will do as I tell you.


[ dramatic music ]

You speak of Cousin Barnabas as if he were still alive!


But that is wrong, Josette, very wrong!

It is a delusion and should not be encouraged.

What if I still want to be with him and see him?

His death has not stopped your love, Josette.

No, no it has not stopped it.

I'm so afraid.

Uh, I will tell you a secret, Josette.

I have always been afraid to love.

I have always known that when I do,

some tragedy will occur, as it did to you.

[ cries ]

Oh no, you must not cry.

Do not think of Barnabas.

[ stuttering ] When something upsets me,

I do not think about it.

I simply force myself to think of s-- [ stops abruptly ]


What is this?

Millicent, give that to me, please.

You would not try to do anything, Josette?

I know how unhappy you have been.


I can think of no one but Barnabas. [ crying ]

Oh, my poor darling.


Josette, you--you can go to your room now.

You'll be quite safe.

- JOSETTE: You're sure that-- - Quite, quite sure.

You'll come with me.

No, I must--

[ stammering ] stay and thank Millicent.

You'll be alright.

MILLICENT: You should not leave her alone!

It--It does not matter.

But it does!

I'm quite concerned about her well-being.

Why does she think

Cousin Barnabas Collins is still alive?

- [ sobbing ] - Countess, you are crying.

Why are you crying?

[ ominous music ]

[ crying ]

I am here, Josette.

[ screams ]

No. No, my darling.

I know what you think, but you must hear me out.

[ dramatic music ]

Don't be frightened of me, I beg you.

I know what you want me to become.


A creature of the night!

That is not true, Josette, not now.

I saw a vision.

That's what she wanted you to see.

- Why would she? - To ruin our love.

To stop me from having the one person I ever wanted.

That's what I would have become, wouldn't I?

Not as she showed you.

We could have been together, but that is over now.

How can you say that? What is over?

When you summoned me before,

I came because I loved you and I trusted you.

That was the way we could have been together.

It was! It is the way!

That's what you mean, isn't it?

No, not anymore.

There is another.

Josette, you must believe me.

There is another time, one hundred years from now.

But what does that have to do with you and me?

I am alive then.

JOSETTE: Huh, I don't understand!

I cannot explain, you must simply accept.

You think I can accept more?

BARNABAS: I am different in that time.

I am free of this curse.

How can you be?

You must not ask, you must trust me.

I cannot ask that?

Has Angelique ruined any trust you will ever have, forever?

I don't know.

Josette, try, please.

And we can be in another century tonight!

How can you say that so casually?

What kind of a fool do you think I am?

How can we travel in time?

What kind of witchcraft are you--


I was in that time, in , not four hours ago.

Do you not remember Kitty Soames?

Kitty? I don't know anyone that name.

Recall being in the old house, waiting for me?

Staring at a portrait.

- But that was in a dream! - No it wasn't!

It happened!

Darling, do not try to understand.

When we go to that other century,

your--your memory will come back to you.

I can't believe this. You're frightening me!

Josette, I am only trying to tell you

that there's more to our lives than you know.

I have discovered that and I will show you

what I've learned.

Give me one last chance.

One last chance, Barnabas?

That's all I'll ever ask,

and then we'll be in that other century

and we will marry and we will be human.

You spin a dream I find difficult to believe.

BARNABAS: It would be difficult to believe,

except that I do know.

What would I have to do?

Go to the old house.

The secret is in the portrait.

I cannot explain.

You have loved me,

and you still love me, don't you?

Don't you Josette?

I will always love you.

Go to the old house. I will be there at midnight.

We must go together.

No I--I must go to Ben at the shack.

Someone will have to stand guard for us.

I will let him know what's going to happen.

He will keep anyone from interfering with us.

Then I'll tell my Aunt Natalie.

- No. - But Barnabas--

You must tell no one.

Well, I'm simply to disappear?

Just write her a note.

Tell her we've run off together, that you are happy.

You are happy, aren't you?

I will be happy if you will come.

But if you don't come then I'll believe that--


That this is all a lie that you've told me

to distract me, to make me forget.

No Josette, it isn't a lie.

JOSETTE: Let it not be!

I promise...I promise to make you forget tonight.

JOSETTE: Please Barnabas, please help me forget.

I promise.

I should be at the road.

What is that?

I've never seen that before.

How is it possible?

I took this path earlier tonight.

This wasn't here.

Where am I?

What has happened to me?

How can I be lost?

Lost at Collinwood, I can't be.

But I am.

I am.

I must go back to the path.

Where is the path?

Where is it?

Where am I?

Who are you?

Tell me where I am!


[ loudly ] Who are you?

[ in softer tones ] Who are you?

What are you doing?

Don't come any closer.

What do you want of me?

What kind of sign is that?

Do you expect me to understand?

Let go of me. Let go of me!

Let go!

BARNABAS: Disappear, I must disappear.

I cannot.

I cannot!

Who are those people?

What strange powers do they have?

How can you be the key?


Why doesn't he come?

Where is he?

"I have gone away with Barnabas."

It is not possible. She cannot have.

She loves him.

But she would have to die.

Many have died for love.

We must find out where she has gone.

- We must go after her! - No.

No, we cannot fight him.

Learned that.

No, I certainly do not intend to give up on her!

Even if you do, Countess.

:. He was to be here at :.

He swore he would not be late.

Nothing could keep him from being here, nothing,

except, don't think of that!

I must trust him.

What if Angelique is right?

What--What if everything he told me in my room

was a lie?

How can anyone go to another time?

What can that portrait have to do with time?

He simply made all that up.

I was a fool to believe him.

Why does he not come?

He's afraid to come.

He will have to admit...

he means me to become a creature of the night,

just as he is.

No! No!

Can I leave here?

For what, for what?

He has lied to me.

There is nothing left, nothing.

We will never have each other.

[ crying ]

[ squealing ]



[ dramatic music and wind whistling ]

I--I can't move.

I'm free!

But I cannot move.

What's happening to me, what?

Earth, Earth.

The Mother Earth.

[ groans ] No.

[ whimpering ] Barnabas.

Goodbye Barnabas.

[ cries ]

[ ominous music ]

Everything is ready.

We can begin now.

He will know us when he rises from this sleep

and he shall show us

the way to a new and everlasting life.

[ dramatic music ]

[ eerie music ]
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