873 - October 29, 1969

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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873 - October 29, 1969

Post by bunniefuu »

[ eerie music ]

NARRATOR:Night at Collinwood

at the turn of the century,

and this night promises new threats

for those who would correct the misjustices.

For Count Petofi, his mind now in Quentin's body,

has entered the I-Ching trance

in an effort to get to the year .

The future...

at last.

[ suspenseful music ]



Tuesday, October --


I made it.

I'm here.


[ eerie music ]

Who's there?

Who called?



[ screaming ]

Quentin, Quentin, Quentin.

I have to do it.

I have to.

Oh, Quentin please, are you alright?

Where am I?

You're here. You're back here with me.

Oh, Quentin, I didn't want--

Don't stare at me, it wasn't my fault.

You brought me back.

Quintin, the portrait, your picture,

it's gone.

It's not in the suitcase.

Do you understand?

I went to the woods,

and I opened the suitcase to put the money in,

and the painting wasn't there.

Are you listening to me?

I was there.

I was in Collinwood in .

I was in the drawing room.

I heard footsteps coming down the stairs.

Someone, a girl, asked who was there.

And you, my dear, brought me back.

Didn't you hear me?

The portrait.

It's gone.

How could it be?


Who could have taken it?

I don't know.

I only left my room for a few minutes.

I left with Charity Trask.

We saw you in the foyer.

Go get me Charity Trask.

BETH: She couldn't have taken it.

Oh, how bright.

How incredibly bright, my dear.

The question is... why did she come to my room

feeling about me the way she does?

How did she know it was my birthday?

Someone must have told her.

Now who wants that portrait?

- I don't know. - Petofi does.

He wasn't in the house.

No he wasn't was he.

But Barnabas Collins was.

BETH: Barnabas has always been your friend.

You go get me Charity Trask right now,

and we must get that portrait back.

I have seen the future,

and I must return there to stay.

Now go my dear, quickly.

Why does Quentin want to see me?

I don't know.

Well I got nothing to say to him.

Well you had enough to say to him earlier, didn't you?

I was just being nice.

That's all.

I mean what's wrong with a girl being nice?

Won't you come in, my dear?

What do you want?

Well I so enjoyed our little glass of champagne

that we had together

that I thought we should have another little chat.

Well I thought we said everything

we had to say to each other.

So did I.


Beth would you excuse us.

No don't leave me.

I mean, she can stay.

- It's alright with me. - Beth.

Oh my, you really are quite charming.

You know that of course, don't you?

It don't matter if I know it,

it's what other people think is what counts.

Well I find you charming and exquisitely dangerous.

Well if you'll excuse me.

Barnabas Collins sent you here didn't he, my dear?

What are you talking about?

He told you it was my birthday.

Admit it.

No, I looked it up in the family bible like I said.

You are not given the bible reading.

Barnabas Collins wants that portrait,

and you agreed to get me out of this room.

You're hurting me.

Oh, my dear, I shall do far more than hurt you,

unless you tell me everything I want to know.

Ow, you let go of me!

You know all about Barnabas Collins, don't you?

You make me so mad.

I don't even know why I'm nice to you.

Because he wanted you to be.

Admit it.

What kind of person do you think I am?

Nobody orders me around.

You know better than to try and fight me, my dear.

I ain't fighting you.

I was just trying to turn over a new leaf, so to speak.

Yes, he thought up that for you too didn't he?

He was with me when I started coming up here.

I don't mind admitting that.

Where was he while we were having our little drink?

I don't keep track of the comings and goings

of people in this house.

In this case, you know.

Don't tell me what I know and what I don't know.

Alright, dear, I shall tell you what--

Oh, no you won't.

You mister, whoever you are.

MR. COLLINS: Hey there Kitty.

I do hope you're still not bothered

by resemblance to that portrait.

Mr. Collins I should like to speak to you.

Well I'd be delighted to,

but there's something that I must do first.

You must hear me out, Mr. Collins,

before you do anything else.

Now since you have so little time,

I'll be quite direct with you.

I want you to leave Collinwood today, now.

Lady Kitty, I've offended you.

KITTY: You must know why I want you to leave.

No I don't really.

You're not a stupid man, Mr. Collins-- far from it.

You must be away of the effect you're having on me.

I had hoped I'd have some effect yes.

What I'm trying to say is that I think you're responsible

for everything that's been happening to me.

- Lady Kitty. - Yes I believe that.

For some reason, you seem determined to drive me insane.

MR. COLLINS: That's not true.

Mr. Collins.

My att*cks started--

Before I ever arrived here.

But I seemed to have some premonition

that you would arrive.

The first night that I was in this house,

I asked about your portrait.

Not my portrait,

my ancestor's.

Now Lady Kitty, I can explain what is happening to you.

KITTY: How can you?

Because I know.

Now will you listen?

I watched you very closely. Now don't take offense.

At first I didn't understand

why you had this empathy for that portrait in the hall,

but now I realize what is happening to you.


I believe you are the reincarnation of Josette Dupree.

Her mind insists upon entering into your consciousness.

Josette is determined to live again.

You've gone mad.

How could be so cruel as to even suggest that.

Because you will be happier if you let Josette live.

Lady Kitty, you know things that only Josette knew.

How do you know that?

How come you're such an authority on Josette Dupree.

You talk about her as if you saw her yesterday.

She's been dead over years.

Now how do you come to know so much about her?

Why do you know what she knew?

Because I am in love with her.

I first saw her portrait when I was a young boy in England.

Oh, not the same portrait, a copy of it.

I thought she was the most beautiful woman

that I could imagine.

There was no girl that could match her,

until I saw you.

Oh, please, Mr. Collins.

I became so fascinated with her

that I was determined to find out

everything I could about her.

I went through the family history.

I read letters and diaries,

until I knew her better

than I did the people I saw everyday.

Why did I ever bother to listen to you?

I should have known you couldn't help me.

But I can...

if you will listen...

if you will believe me.

I believe that you're quite insane.

Now please leave me, Mr. Collins.

[ soft music ]

No, no.

Who'd let that happen?

[ laughing ]


Hey Pansy.

What are you hiding for?

I'm gonna find you.

Come on we had such a great evening tonight.

Where are you hiding?

I'm going to find you.

Why'd you go and hide from me for?

BETH:So you'd have to find me, love.

Well I found you,

and I'm going to hold on to you forever.

Oh, I'd be delighted.

You're so lovely tonight.

Thank you.

♪ I want to dance with you

♪ Want to dance my cares away

♪ I'll be so close to you ♪

♪ In your arms, I'll always stay ♪

♪ Our hearts will beat in tune ♪

♪ In the rhythm of our love

♪ It's always been said ♪

♪ That life is a song

♪ So why don't we both ♪

♪ Just dance along

♪ Around and around together we two ♪

♪ Oh, I wanna dance with you

Oh, my darling.

You're beautiful.

Never leave me.

Never leave me.

I love you always.

Hold me forever.

Oh, my darling.

[ laughing ]

[ screaming ]

[ chiming ]

Back from your appointment?


As a matter of fact, it took no time at all.

I came back, hoping that I'd be in time

to accept your kind invitation for the birthday drink,

but you weren't here.

So now we meet.

A moment after midnight.

Well we shall have to wait until next year.

I wonder if we shall be playing this same game next year.

I don't know what game you're talking about.

QUENTIN: How astonishing it must be

for you to still see the sunlight.

Why shouldn't I?

Well how different it must be,

and how strange it must be to live an ordinary life.

MR. COLLINS: I always have.

You know to know that when night falls,

you will not be at the mercy of your ailment.

I think you have me confused with someone else.

Why don't we quit denying the truth to each other,

and come out and admit that we are enemies.

If you wish, Count Petofi.

I didn't expect you to find out so soon.

Very clever.

You must be an extraordinary, clever man.

I'm sure you are or you wouldn't be here talking to me.

Sometime you must tell me how you have accomplished

all that you have.

I shall wonder about it until you do.

And I shall you wonder how you happened to accomplish

what you have.

But there's one power I have, which you do not.

This rather innocent looking hand.

I want my portrait back Barnabas.

I'm sure you do.

PETOFI: And you will get it for me.

But I don't know where it is.

Are you going to force me

to use this hand?

You have two minutes,

two minutes to tell me where that portrait is.

I need your help.

You have powers.

I know you do, there's no use in denying that.

My powers.

They will help me.

Wait till I think of the things that I've seen you do

in England.

Do you remember the game we played that night?

The game in which you raised your hand,

and whoever it touched had to tell the truth?

When I saw my husband Gerald,

say things that I had never known.

I must know the truth about myself.

I've got to know what's happening.

That's all I ask.



What will it cost you to do it?



I will give you the last of my jewelry.

You must help me, I won't leave here until you do.

Your time is up.

Well Barnabas.

I told you before, I don't know where it is.

Oh, what a silly man you are.

Surely you cannot be without fear,

you know too much about life,

or you should.

You've lived for so long.

You know the prices that men sometimes are forced to pay.

Now what will it be Barnabas?


No, no, no that's much too simple.

No I think you should become what you were.

Yes, I definitely think that it far more interesting.

You shall become the bat again.

Hiding from the day,

unable to speak.

Cringing at the darkness.

Do you feel yourself beginning to change Barnabas?

You should,

because you're going to be changing very soon.

Your arms will begin to feel heavy.

And your body will be filled with excruciating pain.

You will become what you were.

That loathsome bird of the night.

[ laughing ]


Your power,

what has happened to your power Count Petofi?

Let this woman see the truth.

Let her see, who she really is.

Do not spare her.

Let her see.



He was right.

Barnabas was right.

I am Josette Dupree.

I remember everything now.

I am Josette Dupree.

I'm also Kitty Soames.

[ eerie music ]
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