858 - October 8, 1969

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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858 - October 8, 1969

Post by bunniefuu »

[ eerie music ]

NARRATOR:On this night, near Collinwood,

at the turn of the century,

a girl has died because she opened a door.

For having gained Quentin Collins' body,

Petofi plans to go to the future

as soon as he has found the right hexagram,

the right I Ching door.

Behind the door that Wanda Paisley opened

lay death.

But there are other doors,

and Petofi has vowed to try each one

until he gets what he wants,

no matter what the cost.

[ wind howling ]

PETOFI: Oh, that's enough, my boy.

I would've buried her even if you hadn't forced me to.

Of course.

I felt sorry for the poor girl.

She died for you.

You and your mad scheme.

Oh, my dear fellow.

You're altered in form, yes,

but you are still as sentimental as ever.

[ tongue clicking ]

It's embarrassing, what would people think of Petofi?

You can't just go on k*lling until you find

the right hexagram.

You try and stop me.

Do you think I care how many people

die along the way?

Do you think I care how many leaves are on this tree?

All I care about is reaching the future.

And believe me, I will reach it.

[ dramatic music ]

[ waves crashing ]

[ eerie music ]

You can go now.

I said go.

I am not going anywhere.

- What do you mean? - I'm going to stay with you.

I'm going to watch you.

You're not going anywhere, either.

Oh, but I am, I assure you.

I'm going to .

- Not in my body. - It is my body now.

You should've had these second thoughts

before you accepted my offer of help.

Now, it's too late, you can't stop me.

Do you think I'll give up?


I would suggest that you watch for Petofi's enemies.

That's a full-time activity.

Yes, watch for the gypsies.

You notice how easily I can say the word now?

Without fear, even.

Yes, you watch for the gypsies

because they are looking for Petofi

and they are going to find him.

And when they do,

you will know what fear really is.

But you are Petofi and they'll know that.

[ chuckles ] Will they?

I don't think so.

Oh, come on now, cheer up.

They might not be here for a little while.

You know how gypsies are.

Oh, by the way,

I'll let you know if I need any more graves dug.

You could use the exercise.

[ dramatic music ]

[ light music ]

Do you like it?

Oh, my dear, it's very beautiful.

- It's my traveling dress. - You going somewhere?

Yes, we're going somewhere.

We're going on a trip, Friday,

right after our wedding.


Yes, on Friday.

And don't try to renege.

I don't care if we go through the rest of our lives

together like, like two balky horses

pulling in opposite directions.

You are going to marry me, Quentin.

My dear.

You are the most beautiful balky horse I've ever seen.

Quentin, romance from you?

No, my dear, not romance, realism.

I've taken a long, hard, cold look at both of us

and decided that we deserve each other.

Yes, no question about it.

Come Friday, you shall get exactly what you deserve.

[ telephone ringing ]


Yes, yes, this is she.

Why are you calling?

What's the matter?


I don't know what's the matter, but,

but I've been feeling terribly strange

since-- since morning.

ANGELIQUE:Can you describe it to me?

No, no, it's-- it's nothing I've ever,

I've ever felt before.

Angelique, I think you must come here immediately.

Yes, yes, you're right.

I had better come and see for myself.

Hmm, a secret admirer on the eve of our wedding?

Now, Quentin, you are becoming a romantic.

It was my milliner.

It seems she has a terrible problem.

She can't decide what color ribbon

to put on a hat, a red one or a blue one,

- so I said I'd come right over. - And solve it for her?


- Excuse me, Quentin. - Hmm?

Well, I can't keep the poor lady waiting, can I?

[ dramatic music ]

[ knocking ]

- What do you want? - I must see you.

I'm sorry, I have no time to speak with you,

Count Petofi, I'm busy.

I am not Petofi.

I am Quentin.

Don't you know me, Beth?

You love me.

I love Quentin.

I know you do.

And that's why you're the only person in the world

who must know,

in spite of all appearances,

that I am Quentin Collins.

You must know that if you love me, Beth.

Don't touch me.

This is my room and I want you to go.

No, I won't go.

Not until you go to Collinwood to your Quentin Collins

and make him prove that he's what he claims to be.

His face is his proof.

No, it's not enough, because I can unmask him.

I want you to go to your Quentin

and ask him why Jamison rejected him.

- I don't want to. - You must.

Jamison rejected me when you tried to k*ll yourself.

He rejected me for my hurting you.

You've helped me many times before, Beth.

You must help me again or I'm lost.

Go to your Quentin.

Ask him about Jamison.


Ask him!

[ dramatic music ]

[ wind howling ]

[ knocking ]

I came as quickly as I could.

- Do you hear that? - Hear what?

A sound like, like the wind wailing.

No, I don't hear anything at all.

It stopped.

[ sighs ]

But it'll, it'll start again.

It's all part of everything else.

Everything else?

Yes, I know it has to do with,

with the way I came to this time.

What do you mean, Julia?

When I arrived from my own time,

only my-- my astral body came.

Count Petofi tried,

tried to have me k*lled, but he couldn't

because I'm not alive in this time, so I can't die.

Well, if you can't die, then what can happen to you?

I don't know.

But I only know that you must be ready to do

everything necessary to complete our plan.

No matter what happens to me.

Are you willing?

Yes, yes, I am.

- Good. - What is it?

Oh, the pain. Again.

Are you all right?

Julia, listen, Barnabas came here from the future.

Nothing like this ever happened to him.

Maybe you're wrong, maybe this has nothing to do

with your-- your displacement in time.

No, I've thought about that.

When Barnabas came here, he had a body to inhabit

because he had lived in as well as .

He was flesh and blood, not an essence.

Come, we must hurry.

Now, help me.

[ wind howling ]

What is it?

It's the wind, the wind again.

MAN:I cannot tell how long it will be

before we can--

[ gasping ] Do you hear that?

I don't hear anything at all.

However, I do know that the vital life signs

have not been suspended.

I hear somebody, somewhere, speaking.

I hear talking.

MAN:Change, I'll let you know.

[ gasping ]

Stokes, Stokes, it's Professor Stokes.

[ dramatic music ]

Beth, do you think it's wise coming here?

You said you would come to see me today.

Oh, well, but I intended to, later.

But you were busy.

As a matter of fact, I was busy.

Advising Angelique on what to wear for her wedding?

Oh, is Angelique getting married?

Beth, listen.

I told you that I would take care of her.

Now, if you just give me time,

I promise you I will.

Now, you do believe me, don't you?

Everything will be exactly as it was between us.


- Well, better.

Believe me?

You do believe me, don't you?

Yes, Quentin, I believe you.

Good, then everything's going to be perfectly all right.

It would be, if it weren't for one thing.

What is it?

Jamison, of course.


Yes, Jamison.

Well, what about the boy?

That's just it.

He isn't acting like a boy.

He's as angry and determined as any grown man

never to speak to you again.

I've never seen him like that.

I've never seen him like that, either.

You must feel terrible about it.

Well, yes, I do.

What could you have done that made him so angry?

Well, I'd, I'd rather not talk about it.

But surely he must've misunderstood what you meant,

your motives.

- It was a very personal thing. - What?

It was something personal,

too painful to talk about.

I don't even like to think about it.

I know how painful it must be, Quentin,

but perhaps if you talked about it.

Beth, I told you, I would rather not talk about it.

But Quentin, I want to help you.

- Help me? - Tell me!

By picking and pulling and nagging at me?

Quentin, I only want to help.

Quentin, I only want to help.

I am sorry, Quentin.

I thought talking about Jamison would help you.

- I was wrong. - Yes, you were wrong.

And so was Count Petofi.

[ dramatic music ]

BETH: What do you mean, Count Petofi?

He came here to see you, didn't he?

Didn't he?

He came to see me, yes.

How did you know?

It's a pattern he's been following.

He was bound to.

He begged you to come here and test me, didn't he?

I knew he was talking nonsense.

And yet you couldn't stop yourself

from coming here and testing me.

I'm sorry, Quentin.

Are you finally rid of him now?

Are we both finally rid of him?

Yes, we're rid of him.


And I'll be rid of Angelique

and her wardrobe, very soon.

And you won't have anything else

to worry about again,

just as long as you never doubt me again.

[ dramatic music ]

[ wind howling ]

MAN:There is no way.

Succeeded, but I tell you this, Roger.


MAN:Did you hear someone calling your name?

Roger, Stokes?

MAN:Like her voice.

How could the--

They can hear me.

They can hear me, Stokes!

Stokes, Roger, Roger, it's Julia!

MAN: That is her voice, Julia?

Julia, my God, where are you?

In the past!

Oh, Stokes, I'm in the past and I'm,

I'm frightened.


- To me, please. - I'm frightened.

MAN: Speak to me, Julia, try.

I'm frightened and I'm,

I'm alone!

- All, all alone. - MAN:Are you?

Are you?

[ knocking ]

Count Petofi, I'm sorry, I can't talk to you now.

I've no time.

Julia, you must take time to hear me.

No matter how you feel about what I'm going to tell you,

I implore you to hear me out.

[ eerie music ]

How was your visit to the milliner?

Oh, I didn't see you there.

But I saw you.

You didn't go into town, you went to the rectory.

Don't deny it.

You followed me.

Yes, my bride-to-be, I followed you.

Now what were you doing there?

Don't you think you're living a little dangerously,

- following me? - [ chuckles ]

If you make that mistake again, you'll be sorry.

And if you use that tone of voice with me again, I--

Listen, you're the one that'll be making a mistake

if you think you can act like this once we're married.

Do you know to whom you're talking?

Yes, the future Mrs. Quentin Collins.

And you better understand what that means.

I'm giving you my name

and you are giving me your obedience.

He cannot go to

unless he has a host body there to receive him.

That's why he needs my body.

You know that what I'm saying makes sense.

You're the only one who knows that this

incredible exchange makes sense.

I am Quentin Collins

and you are the one person

who can help me prove myself.

Ask me questions, questions Quentin can answer

and Petofi can't.

Ask me anything.

What did we speak about when I came out of my trance?


David was dead and then you saw he was still alive

and you told me I would not be a ghost in the future.

You see, I do know.

You can believe me now.

Can I?

Whatever I say, you'll think it's some kind of trick.

[ wind howling ]

- What's that? - What?

An eerie wind, it's strange.

[ wind howling ]

MAN: Her presence can be felt.

And a voice, I heard a voice.

- You heard it? - Course I did.

Presence can be felt.

Who was it?

I don't understand.

I don't understand, you,

you couldn't have heard it unless...


Wait, you say that,

that Petofi saw Quentin in the future

- and he wanted your body. - Yes.

I have a body in the future,

which is why I can hear.

If you can hear, then you must have a body there, too,

and that body, that body must be Quentin's.

Hey, you believe.

Yes, yes, I believe.

There's no other possible explanation for it.

You-- You must be Quentin.

Thank God, at last someone...

Julia, you're in pain.

[ grimaces ] Yes.

I have a strange feeling.

I've never known anything like it before.

Quentin, Quentin, listen to me.

Quentin, I want to help you

and I will try to help you,

but I don't know,

don't know how much time I have left.

But someone is coming.

Someone is coming who will help you,

who can help you.

Petofi will not get away with what he's done to you.

Who, tell me.

You must tell me, you must!

I can't be satisfied with just that.

All right, then.

What's the matter?

You look and you sound so much like him,

it frightens me.

If I'm making a mistake, if this is a trick cleverer

than I can imagine--

I swear to you, Julia, it's no trick.

You must help me, not only for myself,

but for the whole Collins family.

Believe me, Julia, it's what Barnabas would want you to do.


Yes, it-- it is what Barnabas would want.

All right, Quentin.

Quentin, when I came here,

I discovered that...

Julia, what's happening to you?

Julia, where are you?

Julia! Julia!

[ suspenseful music ]

[ eerie music ]
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