850 - September 25, 1969

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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850 - September 25, 1969

Post by bunniefuu »

[ eerie music ]

NARRATOR: Evening comes to Collinwood

at the turn of the century.

A dark storm begins to blow in from the sea...

[ thunder rumbles ]

...almost as if it were meant as a warning

to the two who mean to escape from their tangled lives.

[ thunder crashes ]

One hour and fifteen minutes.

I haven't even packed, have you?

I'm sorry.

Hey, don't you turn away from me.

Please don't touch me, Quentin.

Of course I'm gonna touch you.

Well, not till I say something.

Something I could never say when your arms are around me.

I've spent so much time

wondering how you can feel about me.


AMANDA: No, please let me finish.

Not knowing about myself

and afraid that Charles might be right.

QUENTIN: But he's not right.

It was a pure coincidence that he painted your portrait

two years ago.

You don't know what's going to happen.

You don't realize how different your life will be.

You have no idea whether one day

you will blame me for the change.

And then, maybe you'll start to think,

"Maybe Charles was right. Maybe she isn't human."

- [ thunder cracks ] - Never.

AMANDA: Oh, it's so easy for you to say that.

Please think, Quentin, for my sake as well as yours.

I have thought.

[ sighs ] Quentin, I want you to go to Collinwood,

and think very carefully, and examine everything.

QUENTIN: Listen, I'll be at the train station.

Don't worry.

Listen to me.

If you're not at the train station,

I'll-- I'll get on that train and I'll understand.

- Now, listen-- - No, there will be a part of me

that will understand why you couldn't come.

It'll mean the end for us,

but maybe that's the easiest way.

Now look, I love you.

And nothing's going to keep me away from that train station.


[ thunder crashes ]


[ eerie music ]

[ thunder crashes ]

[ Quentin whistles ]

REVEREND TRASK: You know something about this, Quentin?

Well, I take pride in knowing something about everything.

Not much, but something.

- What have you done with her? - Her?

Don't play dumb with me, Quentin!

From the moment you first saw her

I knew you would try something like this!

Where is Amanda Harris?

QUENTIN: Well, if she's not in her room--

Her clothes are gone, there is no sign of her!

[chuckles] So I'm the villain?

Well now, have you ever thought that she might have gone

to Charles Delaware Tate?

You are merely trying to confuse the issue.

No, no, no, no.

I am merely offering another possibility.

I am no fool, Quentin! I can see

through your deviousness, your arrogance!

Where is Amanda?

Well now, when I find her, I'll tell you.

- Where are you going? - To my room.

Am I allowed, teacher?

I am not satisfied with your answers.

- That's too bad! - [ thunder crashes ]

When I have proof of your perfidy, Quentin,

I will make your life miserable.

You make my life miserable just by existing.

I see through you, Quentin Collins!

- And don't you forget! - [ Quentin laughs ]

I know you are the source of the evil in this house!

[ Quintin howls ]

And I will find Amanda Harris,

and I will rescue her from your evil!

You will see, Quentin.

You will see.

[ thunder rumbles ]

So now I control Quentin Collins.

If I burn this portrait,

he would become the animal at the next full moon.

But when he discovers it's gone, what then?

[ thunder rumbles ]

Quentin, why is Jamison mad at you?

I told him I bet that you'd take us to the fair

tonight at Collinsport, if the storm stopped.

But he said he wouldn't go even if you did.

Are you going away, Uncle Quentin?

- Yes. - For long?

Well, I hope not for very long.

- Where are you going? - QUENTIN: Oh, I'm not sure.

Nora, would you promise me something

and not tell anyone here that I'm going to leave?


Well, there are certain people in this house that, uh,

don't want to know that I'm leaving.

So you promise me that you won't tell them, huh?

I promise. I won't tell a soul.

Thank you, Nora.

Only I'll miss you.

I'll miss you too.

Hey, you know?

You could do me another favor while I'm gone.

NORA: I will.

You could tell Jamison that I love him very much,

[ man coughs ]

and you try to make him understand, huh?

That'll be very hard.

He's very angry with you because you're going to

marry Angelique.

He doesn't even want to hear your name.

You don't fold your socks the right way.

- [ Quentin chuckles ] - You aren't a very neat packer.

Well, I guess I have a lot of faults.

You can close my bag if you want to.

Are you going to take the picture?



Oh, it's just something I must do.

It's gone! Where's the painting?

I don't know. I don't know.

I've got to get it back!

Well, who would want to take your painting?

You could go without it, couldn't you?

No, no.

I guess I don't understand grownups.

Nora, you be quiet for just for a moment,

and let your Uncle Quentin think, huh?

[ Quentin's thoughts ] Dearest,

something has happened.

We may not be able to leave...

on the six o'clock train.

I'll come to you at the Rectory.

Wait for me. I love you.

Nora, I'm going to ask you to do something for me.

Something very important.

Well, what is it?

I want you to take this note to the Rectory.

Do you know where the Rectory is?

Of course.

I want you to give this to Amanda, and no one else.

Now she'll be at the Rectory until quarter of six.

Now you don't stop on the way.

Do you understand?

QUENTIN: You go straight there,

and don't show this to anyone else.

Can you do that?

Of course, Uncle Quentin.

All right, now you remember what I've said, huh.

I'll remember. Are you going to be here?

No, no.

I'm going to be doing something else.

Now go on. You hurry. Be careful.

It's got to be Petofi or Tate.

It must be one of them.

[ eerie music ]

[ thunder rumbles ]


Where are you going in this storm?

The truth, Nora.

[ eerie music ]

[ thunder rumbles ]

I am waiting for an answer, Nora.

Uh, I, I want to find Jamison.

He is in his room, is he not?

Uh, no, no he isn't.

I told him to wait in his room all evening!

Well, he had to go out.

He, he left something in the garden.

And he went out to get it in this storm?

I'd better go and get it for him.


You just told me that Jamison was already out there.

Oh, honestly, you've got me so confused.

- Are you lying to me, Nora? - No.

- You're acting as if you were. - Well I'm not!

Nora, Nora, Nora!

- What do you want? - My picture.

Well, I have lots of pictures. Take your choice.

I hope you brought a little money with you.

- I'm rather expensive. - You know what picture I want!

TATE: I don't have the faintest idea of what picture you want.

The one you painted. You stole it, Tate.

Now, why should I steal that painting?

I-- I don't recall even liking it.

That portrait has strange powers.

You've seen it change.

Well, then why should I steal it?

QUENTIN: Because you hate me.

TATE: Don't flatter yourself, Quentin.

Listen, Tate, I've been to Petofi,

he doesn't have it so you must!

- You, uh, you trust Petofi? - QUENTIN: Mm-hmm.

TATE: You really are naive, aren't you?

No, Tate. You are.

And I even know why you took it.

Amanda Harris.

You see, if you have that portrait,

you can control me.

Now, you give it back to me, huh?

I told you, I don't know what portrait you're talking about.

All right.

I'll just have to look for myself.

TATE: No you won't.

Well, you just try and stop me, huh.

All right!

[ grunts ]

[ groans ]

[ easel crashes ]

[ grunts ]

[ paper clatters to floor ]

[ thunder rumbles ]

So, Nora, you were going out to the garden.

I had something else to do too.

No, Nora.

It grieves me very much, but you have lied to me.

- No. - Nora, Jamison is in his room.

I went to see.

Who lives in that house?

NORA: I-- I don't know.

You don't know.

Then what are you doing here?

What is that you have in your hand?

Please, Reverend Trask.

You lie so easily, Nora.

We will correct that in time.

Now give me that envelope.

- No. - Nora!

You're an evil child, Nora.

You know it and I know it, and you will pay for it!

[ groans ] Reverend Trask!


You will stay where you are.

You will stay right here,

while I read what is in this letter.

[ thunder crashes ]

[ knocking ]

You needn't bother coming in, Reverend Trask.

I do my duty as I see fit.

Amanda, I cannot let your life here end like this.

My life here has already ended, I'm sorry.

No, I'm not!

I promised myself I'd be honest with myself from now on.

You've always been honest with me.

AMANDA: No, I haven't.

Don't tell me that I do not recognize honesty

when I hear it.

You were lost and you saw the light.

[ sighs ] Yes, I was lost but not the way you thought.

REVEREND TRASK: And now you are tempted again.

- No, I'm not tempted. - My dear child.

Don't start that, Reverend Trask!

I cannot let you commit this sin.

What I'm doing is no sin.

- You do not know. - You do not.

You are running away with Quentin Collins.

Do not deny it.

I won't.

When you first came to me, you were in the depths

of despondency because of a man.

Surely you can see that Quentin is no better!

I have seen what effect he has on women.

I don't want to talk about Quentin.

I want you to understand me.

I came to you with a lie.

It was a trick.

I wanted you to fall in love with me.

It was cheap, contemptible, and, and I hated myself.

But then I saw the way you looked at me.

And I thought, "He deserves it!

"Whatever he gets, he deserves!"

I looked at you with acceptance, with forgiveness!

[ laughs ] Reverend Trask, you're a hypocrite!

And I don't have time to listen to your lies!

- Lies? My lies? - You live them!

I live to help others!

I want to save you from, from misery, from sin!

Don't you realize the path down which Quentin will lead you?

Do you believe for one minute he has meant what he told you?

Yes, I do.

REVEREND TRASK: Do you know where he is right now?

Yes, he's leaving Collinwood to meet me.

Oh, indeed.

Is he going to bring Angelique with him?

When I left Collinwood,

they were together in the drawing room laughing.

Were they laughing about you?

- I don't believe you. - REVEREND TRASK: I wonder.

I did hear them making their plans for the evening.

It's not true.

The carriage was waiting outside.

To pick him up for the station.

No, my dear.

No, to take them to the inn.

They are having dinner there tonight.

I am not telling you this because I enjoy it.

You have heard me, but I will not be guilty

of trying to repay in kind.

Amanda, surely you must face the fact that Quentin is,

is incapable of, of compassion, of morality.

Amanda, you must never speak to him again.

Get out. Get out!

My dear, you must control yourself.

I am your only friend.

I never want to see you again! Get out!

[ eerie ominous music ]

- [ thunder rumbles ] - [ wind blowing ]

QUENTIN: Amanda?



NORA: Quentin?

- Uncle Quentin, he took it. - QUENTIN: What?

The note, he took it!

Reverend Trask took it!

I've got to get to the station.

[ bell ringing ]

MAN: Board!

Well, that's your train, lady.

If you're going, you better go.

[ ominous music ]

[ eerie music ]
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