01x06 - Broken

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "CSI: Miami". Aired: September 23, 2002 – April 8, 2012.*
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Follows a group of detectives assigned to the Miami-Dade Police Department's Crime Scene Investigations.
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01x06 - Broken

Post by bunniefuu »

Make a wish!

Mommy, see?
Do you see?

Yeah, I saw you.
I saw you.

Mommy, I'm hot.

Okay, all right.
You having a good time?


All right.
Back you go.

Ruthie, stay where I can see you.







Lady, what's wrong?

I can't find my baby.


Hold it.

Hold it right there.

Ruthie, where are you?

Ruthie Crighton, five years old.

Paramedics just pronounced. She was found
by an employee in the handicapped bathroom.

Nobody leaves.

Mother lost a child here.

To get to the bathroom the guy had
to go past the arcade past the food court ...

... and past who knows
how many people.

This place is a buffet for these creeps.
Where is she?

In the back.

Fifty witnesses.

Fifty suspects.

Welcome to the next forty-eight hours
of your life ladies and gentlemen.

Eric, first, let's extend this inner perimeter
from the playground to the rear bathroom.

Speed, photograph
everything, please ...

Calleigh, let's check into the
surveillance system right here.

When and where was
the victim last seen.

Exactly right. Live-scan every finger including
children, and let's look at that videotape.

Let's trace the victim's path. Maybe the
k*ller took the same one, okay? Good.


Right behind you.
Let's go.

We have what appears to be
glitter in the northwest quad.

Path cleared?

Door to the body, right there.


Cut hair ...
boys' clothes ...

It's like he was disguising her,
maybe to smuggle her out.

That means that he didn't plan
to k*ll her here, doesn't it?

He was going to
take her with him.

Something stopped the plan, didn't it?
Maybe she was screaming.

Maybe the alarm system
here in the store.

If it was the alarms we
could have a fish in the net.

Not a fish.

A shark.

It's locked solid.

Yeah, it's a storage room.

Does this lead into Zany Town?

No. No public access.

You have gates,
so you must have protocol.

Uh, each em ... em..., uh ...

employee. ... Employee checks out
a different section of the store.

I noticed stamps on people's hands.

My own kids come here.


I'm going to need you to calm down
'cause I need your help.

Can you tell me about the stamps?

K-k-k-K ... k-stamp, k-stamp.

Kid check, kid check.

You match the stamp on each child's hand to
the stamp on the accompanying adult?

Okay, that's great.

I don't even know how
we're going to start this.

All right, people.
Listen up.

We're crime scene investigators.
This is a very serious situation.

We're going to need your full

I need everybody to stay with their families.
Please watch your children.

This is Officer Delko.

He's going to take your fingerprints.

I know you're all frightened and we're going to
try to get you home as fast as we can, okay?

Thank you for your cooperation.

Okay, I need everybody to just go ahead
get behind me form a single-file line.

So, kids, please stay with your parents.
Parents, please, keep an eye on your children.

Northeast quad is clear.
I'm going to dust.

Glitter is Locard ...

... but not from her clothes.

What'd you get?

Uh, a*t*matic lock-up system.

Windows barred doors gated.
Storage unit's on a keyed alarm.

It's your basic kid playground turned
into a high-security prison.

What about a crime kit?

I've been overtly searching the
crowd subtly checking it out and ...

I didn't see any abandoned
bags or backpacks.

Well, maybe he stashed it. Ninety-nine
percent of all violent pedophiles are male.

Speed, also add glitter transfer.


This guy's a pro...

prior planning, no witnesses.
He brought everything he needed.

But he didn't get
everything he wanted.

So he's probably very
frustrated right now.

Means he's got to look
for another victim.

Unless we get there first.

The clothes ...
they've been worn.

Where did he get them? From his own
family? Or more likely, he already had them.

You ready?
Here we go.

Affirmative on blood.

Recycled from his last victim.

All right. Step up, please.
I think it's the last one, man.

Okay, you're clear.

Excuse me.

Yeah, can I help you?

Look, I'm a third-year law
student from U.of M.


And I know that it's illegal for
you guys to keep us here.

You know what?
You're right, actually, but...

as a human being, I think you have an
obligation to cooperate like everyone else.

so why don't you get back in line
for me, okay? Thank you.

Hey, is that true?
Can I go?

No. Look.
No, you can't.

You know why?
Because NOW you're a suspect.

Go ahead and get
comfortable ... legally.

Okay, let's go.


This lock is broken.

So, how did he keep people out?
There's nothing ...

wait a minute.

Look at this.
"Out of order."

This is how he
secured his privacy.

So, how ...

did a grown man steal a five-year-old girl
from a public place and nobody noticed?

Maybe someone she trusted.

Could be.

Mrs. Crighton ...
you guys, um ...

did you guys know anybody here?
Somebody she would have trusted?


She was too good for this earth.

Like an angel from heaven.

Maybe that's not even her in that room.
How can you be so sure? Maybe she got out.

I'm sorry.

We're twins, mom!

Facial edema and petechial hemorrhages
indicate raised venous pressure ...

concurrent with asphyxia.

The blue around her lips looks
so turquoise, Alexx.

A little deoxygenated hemoglobin
is usually more purple blue.

Cyanosis coloring is really subjective.
And, I mean, who knows under these lights.

Why no bruises?

Ecchymosis can take up to twenty-four
hours to fully develop, but, yeah...

we should see at least
minimal erythema...

if she was strangled or ruptured capillaries
around her mouth if she was smothered and ....

I see neither.

So how did he k*ll her?

Don't sh**t the messenger, Horatio,

but the brass is leaning, helicopters are
starting to hover and reporters are starting to ...

Give me a minute, please.

Horatio ...


Your k*ller took a souvenir.

How do you mean?

Her underwear.

Lieutenant Caine ...
what information have you learned so far?

Have you detained a suspect?
Can we get some questions over here?

Lieutenant Caine, is it true she was r*ped?

Is there any indication that the
k*ller will strike again soon?

I'm not going to comment on evidence,
but what I will say is that this animal ...

has provided us with a mountain of evidence and we will not
sleep till we've been all the way through it because we know

that beneath that mountain lies his grave.
Thank you very much.

Lieutenant Caine, questions over here!
Lieutenant Caine, some questions!

I don't want you giving Tiger
any more potato chips.

They're not good for kitties, okay?

And have daddy read you a story tonight.
No TV.

Yeah. I love you, too, baby.

Hey, Alexx.


I got the results of the
blue tinge on her lips...

- diglucose and propylene glycol, aka:
Good, old-fashioned candy.

Could be how he lured her.

Come on.

Not very inventive,
but effective and sticky as hell.


Whoa. What's that?

A fingerprint?

She's talking to someone but
whoever it is stayed off camera.

He must have surveilled the place.
He knew how to stay out of sight.

Where are you?

I'm walking towards the bathroom.

Okay, I don't see you ...

I don't see you ... hello, handsome.
I see your hand.

I am passing the bowling pin display where
the toys are mounted on the wall.

How far is she from the shelf?

About three feet.

You couldn't see me.

This is exactly the route he took.
It's perfect.

Straight to the bathroom.

In order to avoid the camera he had
to stay off the beaten path.

It's worse to be seen.

Yes, but the better to
see his footprint.

That's our last lifter.

And more in the van.

Oh, that's juicy.

Yes, it is.

That's a beauty.

No match?

You're kidding. I thought for
sure this guy'd be a repeat.

No wonder.
This print's all screwed up.

Yeah, you're right.
There's no central pocket loop.

Well, human skin is
an elastic surface.

Maybe the print got stretched
when we moved her.

Maybe we're not looking
at one finger.

Maybe we're looking at a cross-section
of a couple different fingers.

Get some rest.
You guys get home safely. Thank you.

Gary, thanks, buddy.

Print results came back.
Not one prior.

Not even a traffic ticket
except for four people.


No, they just refused to give prints.

What about that guy in the
Acapulco T-shirt? Did he give prints?

No, but you think we
could arrest him...

based on the fact that it's a little too creepy
to be in one of these places without a kid?

Could you hold my lifters?
Do you have any ridge builder lotion?

Yeah, in my kit.

Hi, I'm Calleigh Duquesne.

Hi, Brad Repkin.

Oh, let me get that for you.

Your last name is Repkin.

Yeah, Repkin.

Here you go.

Very nice.

Do you mind taking my footprints
back to the lab while you're at it?

No, I don't.

That door is open.

A service entrance.

It looks unbarred, too.

You need a code to get through it.

Who has access to the code?

According to the manager
himself and six other employees.

Two that were on shift and
four we had to pull in.

We looked at 'em real hard
and they all checked out.

I'm sure they did.

You page me?

Got broken ribs.

Five and six on the right consistent
with the blood in her mouth.


Cracked rib punctured her lungs,
her lungs filled with blood.

She was probably fighting him.
So the monster got on top of her.

Crushing her chest. Cause of death:
Positional asphyxiation.

No. Intentional evil.

What you got?

I wasn't expecting anything
unusual, but ...


He gave her barbiturates
with her candy.

Butalbital's a fast-acting sedative.

Wouldn't take a lot to knock a
child out almost immediately.

But what about signs of a struggle?

Found something else.


Poor baby had a cold.

She wasn't struggling.
She was convulsing.

Antihistamine is contra-indicated
with butalbital.

She went into anaphylactic shock.

Oh, god.

This means he wasn't
trying to restrain her.

He was trying to revive her.

CPR, when applied with too
much force, can crack ribs.

He wanted his time with her.

Hey, H, we got someone looking
pretty sweet over there.

Mr. Acapulco?

Yeah, real hard to get out of here.

He's got glitter on his shirt no
ID and refused to give us prints.

I got 'em anyway.

Delko just called from the print lab.

This guy's a registered sex

Hmm ... okay. Get Bernstein.
Where is he?

He's right there.

Brad Repkin?


Hands out of your pockets,
behind your back.

You got a car, Brad?

Yeah. Outside.

Let's go take a look.

Which one is it?

It's the green cadillac.

Right here?

Green caddy?

Yeah. You can't search it, can you?
I mean, I got rights, don't I?

Just shut up, Brad.

You violated your parole when you came
within a hundred yards of a child.

You know the rules, so shut up.

This better not be hers.

I understand that you did quite a bit of
time in solitary on your first conviction.

That was a bogus charge.
My bitch ex-wife -- she ruined my life.

But your daughter made a statement that
you touched her during a swimming lesson.

That's not true.
I would never hurt her.

See, I think, on this conviction the cons
are going to get you before the chair does.

Did you know that they k*ll child molesters in
prison before the rapists before the serial K*llers?

Did you know that?

Look, you don't have anything on me.

I've got footprints, I've got glitter.
I've got your record,

and I'm about to
match a fingerprint.

I was going to take my daughter, okay?
That's it. It's my visiting day.

But instead, you picked up
a substitute, didn't you?

Where are you, you perv?

Sit tight.


He was playing pocket pull just
before the alarms went full blast.

On camera the whole time.

On camera the whole time.

But he still violated parole.
He is still going back to prison.

He is not our guy, then.

Do you know how many children a pedophile
molests during a lifetime on average?


Well, a recent study says 150.
One hundred and fifty.

What if they're caught?

Down to 65.

Then we can still save 85 children.

Let's work for that.

Okay, here comes the magic.

Yeah, got broken ridges running
in all directions. Just like ...

... the cotton candy fingerprint.


That makes three
fingers out of five.

Let's hope he left the
rest right here.

Look at this middle finger.

I mean, there's no arches,
no whorls, no loops.

It's all dots and bifurcations.

But the index has
three radial loops on it.

Malcolm X held the previous record
with two radial loops on one hand.

Well, it isn't a bunch of cuts because those
would just break up otherwise fluid ridges.

It's not a chemical burn. The ridges
would be worn evenly on the hand.

Well, it can't be a scar because the
skin would heal back into the print.

It looks scarred.
It looks like dozens of scars.

It looks like he reached into a blender.
I don't know.


Oh, my god. I'm so sorry.
I closed my eyes just for a second.

Don't worry about it.
You're a morning person.

Horatio, I don't know
what happened.

You're fine. Do me a favor and
take a look at subject B...

and tell me if you see
anything peculiar about it.

His weight's all in the back.

See, normally when someone takes a
step it's heel, ball, toe. Correct?

But in this case there's pressure
on the arch and not the toe.

Are you thinking his shoes
are too big for his feet?

When someone takes the time to put on a
pair of shoes that are three sizes too large ...

it can mean that they're trying
to hide their identity.

Just like he did with cameras.

You know, subject B's steps
peter out near the storage room.

Okay, and we have trace soil
on the fourth print, don't we?

Good. What would you
like in your coffee?


How he got in!


The glitter found on Ruthie is a match to
the glitter found on the Zany Town vest.

He must have stolen one.
That's how he got in.

Probably how he got out, too.
Okay, let's get Bernstein.

This guy probably knows
an employee there.

Okay, so you're a complete pro.
You know exactly what you're doing.

'Cause you've done it before.
You've got a record, you've been to jail.

That's right. So, to escape Megan's law,
no pun intended...

and avoid having the neighborhood
know where the local pedophile lives...

you decide to take someone else's prints
and cover your own with them.

But that wouldn't work,
though because they'd fall off.


He Frankenstein'd himself. He took his own
skin off and put them on different fingers.

And we could still match that to something?

Not if he sliced them into small pieces
first and then grafted them back on.

There are 2,500 nerve receptors
in the finger per centimeter.

That must have hurt like a bitch.

Yeah, that's how badly
he wants these kids.

So, he rejiggered his fingerprints thinking
that he could avoid his previous crimes.

He was almost right.

AFIS didn't find it, but we cut up his prints and
figure out where the pieces actually go ...

Like a human jigsaw puzzle.

Let's go.

Did you know the glitter found on
Ruthie's body came from Zany Town?

It couldn't have been an employee.

Nobody with a record can work there.

The k*ller had the code to your
storage room. Explain that, please.

I don't know.

Where do you keep it?

On my desk.

On your desk?
In plain view for everyone to see?

Oh, my god.

That's using your head.

I am so sorry.

All right, we need a
bifurcation with dots.

Okay, uh ...
bifurcation with dots.

Here, try this.

Not it.

Okay ... all right. Try that one. That
has some whorls in it.

How about an ulnar loop?

Right here.

Yeah ... yeah ... yeah, that's it.

Yes, it is.

You were waiting for that, huh?


Papilio aristodemus
ponceanus and torchwood.

Translation: The dirt that you found on subject
b's shoes was full of swallowtail eggs.

Book says swallowtails are
a really rare butterfly.

Only three have been seen in Biscayne
National Park in the last four years.

I need a map.


Got a print match and a name.

Stewart Otis. Registered pedophile,
long record starting at age 12.

All we need is an address.

Damn it. No Stewart Otis.

Right, but if he changed his prints there's
a chance he changed his name.

So, Bob, let's do a property
search for the name Otis.

Anything in or around Biscayne
National Park. Let's do that.

Look at this. We have a match. William
and Margaret Otis. 2430 Black Creek Road.

That's a quarter mile from the park.
Let's go.

No one inside, sir.

Okay. House is clear! Glove up!
Kits and gloves! Let's go.

Well, he's not shy about
his pornography.

This is just the tip of the iceberg.

And he doesn't live here.

He plays here.

What do you got here?

I don't know. These cartons--
he must have ...

he must keep them like some
sick kind of trading cards.

They're not trading cards.

They're headstones.

That makes four and one partial.

I'll call the office and get an autopsy
room prepped for the remains.

At this point, closure's the only thing we
can give these families.

Until we catch this guy.


Hey, Alexx!

What do you think?

Sandy soil minimizes decomposition.

There's marbling ...
... but very little skin slip.

The soil is cool.

Well, I'd say she's been here three,
maybe four weeks.

So he's not even waiting a
month between kills, is he?

Well, don't serial K*llers
accelerate as they progress?

Yes, they do, and that's
when they make mistakes.

Maybe you can tell us
some of them, angel.

That's from the little girl we
dug up at the house.

Is that blood?

This freak ...
plays with them like toys.

Until they break.
Keep me posted.

Speed... what do we got?

Carbon, oxygen and hydrogen
combo and propylene glycol ...

sugar and blue dye ♪1.

Well, there's our cotton candy.

How did it get on her underwear?

I thought he just used it to lure
them and to drug them.

Well, with no presence of butalbital
maybe he has another use for it.

These crystals aren't elongated.
They're square. Not fibrous.


Meaning they haven't
been exposed to heat.

Like a cotton candy machine.

This is unprocessed cotton candy.

So he makes the stuff. Let's find out
where he's delivering today.

Thank you.

Hey, Stewart.


How's the cotton candy business?

You move, he's going to put
one right through you.

Those must've been painful.

Nice work.

What do we have here,
stolen uniforms?

"Sir golf-a-lot." You on to
your next victim, Stewart?

That's not mine.

Really? Whose is it, mine?
Take him.

Let's go.

We, um ... we located ...
your stash of pornography, Stewart.

And, uh, I've got to tell you
that's pretty sick stuff.


It's my guess that you couldn't
come by the real thing...

and so you put on your phony uniform and
you went trolling for a little girl.

Mom, watch me!

Mommy, I'm hot.
All right. Back you go.

She was flirting with me.


She ruined it.

It's called anaphylactic shock.

Your sedative mixed with
her cold medicine.

Come on. What are you doing?

Stop it! Stop it. Come on!

What's wrong with you?

I never even got to play with her.

Life ...

Stewart ...

is filled ...

with disappointment.

"...And Hansel, who liked the taste of the roof, ...

... tore down a great piece of it.

Suddenly ... the door opened...

Keep going, mommy.

I want to talk to you guys ...

about bad people.

/Don't think about all those things you fear/

/just be glad to be here/

/don't think about all those things you fear/

/just be glad to be here./
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