01x04 - Just One Kiss

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "CSI: Miami". Aired: September 23, 2002 – April 8, 2012.*
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Follows a group of detectives assigned to the Miami-Dade Police Department's Crime Scene Investigations.
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01x04 - Just One Kiss

Post by bunniefuu »


This would do wonders for tourism.

Yes. Who called it in?

Jogger from the Lowles found
the victims at 6:15.

I'm only seeing one victim.

No, there was a girl down there.

A Jane Renshaw. Age 24.
Here from Iowa.

She was beat the hell, unconscious and
half drowned. She's over at St. Luke's.

Well they made sure he was dead.

Did you get an I.D.?

No, and she was too
out of it to help.

He was running away.

Why k*ll a guy who's running
from the scene?

Yes, there in lies the rub my friend.

The evidence, as always,
will speak for itself.

Why did you die so far
from the girl, huh?

What's he telling you Alexx?

Sustained blunt force
trauma to the head.

Multiple blows based on the blood.
Liver temperature is 87.2.

So he died around midnight.

Juggular. Not a knife though.
Irregular object.

Bled out.

What's this mark on his
cheek right there?

Burn mark. Little bit of ash.
Something brown.

Smashing and slashing
aren't enough.

Gotta burn him too huh.

If I'm gonna mess somebody up like
this, I don't do it out in the open.

Unless you're not worried about it.

Male victim's hair is black.

Got blond here.
Just like the female vic.

So our guy and girl grab a blanket;
have a little fun in the moonlight.

Until they are rudely interrupted.

She's assaulted.
Tossed into the ocean left to die.

Guy tries to escape.

Half dead, scared out of his
mind, he runs.

And someone catches up
to him over here.

So that makes these the last
footsteps of his life.

Megan Donner.

I'll be right there.

Sart nurse. They've completed their exam.
We can talk to her now.

Keep me posted.

Got it.

Who wants to help me
search around the girl?

We're working on the m*rder scene.
You ask for the girl?

I like a challenge.

Tide can come in at any moment.

Too much.

Hey check this out.

What have you got?

It's still sharp. No erosion.

Damn good chance that could
be from last night.

This is everything she had on.

Any indication of r*pe?

We recovered what
looks like semen.

Tears on the lower part of her vag*na.

Six, seven and eight o'clock.
Also a grade three concussion.

She give you a name?

She suffered a pretty severe trauma.
She doesn't remember the last twelve hours.

Oh listen. She got antsy when I tried
to administer an oral swab.

Sense memory.
She's repressing.

She's right there on the edge.

I'll see what I can do.

Thanks Megan.

Hi Jane.

My name is Megan Donner.
I'm a crime scene investigator.

They said I was att*cked.

We don't know by whom.

They won't tell me if my
boyfriend Paul's okay.

Paul Vernet?

We don't know yet.

Right now, I'd like to
concentrate on you.

We have evidence of
a sexual as*ault.

If we're gonna find the
person who did this to you...

I need your help.

The more evidence we collect from you,
the better our chance of catching him.

Would you let me complete
the exam?


Can you open?

That's good.
That's good.

Do you wear a retainer?

Would it be ok if I removed it?

I'm gonna, um, take
this for now, ok?

Detective Fenwick will be
here in a few minutes.

He needs to ask you some
questions about Paul.

I'll be right outside.

What are you up to?

Sands from the hot area
around the male victim.

Didn't you already sift
around that area?

Yeah. But there was a struggle,
paramedics came through,

sometimes things get buried.
So I dug a little deeper.

Oh my gosh.
Aren't you ambitious.

Yeah, look at this.

Nose piece from eyeglasses.

That's right.

Proof of blood.
Pink always was my favorite color.

I'll get this over to DNA.

I'll take it. I'm going
that way anyways.

You sure?

Something in the neck wound.

Looks like glass.

We found a lot of broken
glass at the scene.

Approximately five meters from the body.
Is your glass green in color?

Copy that.

So that means somebody jabbed our
guy with a broken bottle, doesn't it.

Interesting. Because I'm thinking
he was a bartender.

Based on?

Lime peel on his fingernails.

And these rashes.
Occupational dermatosis.

You can get it from squeezing a lot of
lemons or limes in direct sunlight.

Female victim stated that her
boyfriend was a CPA.

Maybe he moonlights.

Also said the boyfriend had
light brown hair.

This guy's is black.

Check his eye color please.


CPA has brown.
You know what that means.

This ain't her boyfriend.

This ain't her boyfriend but it might
be why he's on your table Alexx.

Thank you.

Detective Fenwick.

This is Horatio Caine.

Meet me at the female victim's hotel.
The Agramont.

That's right the Agramont. I'm on
my way. Thank you Alexx.

Who are you guys?

Paul Varnette?

What's going on?

Well Paul, your girlfriend, Jane,
is in the hospital.

The guy she was with
last night is dead...

and you look like you've been up all
night, so why don't you tell me.

Got here as fast as I could.

Traffic on the causeway.

I can't believe someone
did this to Jane.

When's the last time
you saw her?

Maybe eleven.
We were at a party and...

I passed out. I woke up at the
guest house an hour ago.

These are illegal you know.

I got them from a guy at the airport.

I'm going to take them into
evidence, if you don't mind.

I don't understand.

It's not important that you do.

How did you get those
cuts on your hands.

I don't no. I was drunk.
Hamilton's throw a good party.

THE Hamiltons? Governors, Senators,
w*r heroes Hamiltons?

I went to business school with
Tyler Hamilton at Vanderbilt.

You know, he said, if we were in Miami,
we had an open invitation.

Pretty girl like Jane,
I don't doubt it.

You know the family?

I do.

Have you, um, ever seen him before?

No. Look I haven't DONE anything?

I never saw this guy and
I never hurt Jane.

Paul, did you teach Jane a lesso
for stepping out on you?

NO! No way.

Then, you won't mind giving us a
DNA sample. To rule you out.

No problem.

But listen, I uh, Jane and I
did have sex recently.

How recently?

Before the party.

Open up.

Thank you.

We were playing around and...things got...

kinda rough.

If you find anything...

You'll be the first to know.

Oh, this guy is a friend of the Hamiltons.

Let's not let him out of our sight, ok?

Horatio Caine.

Come in.

Thank you.

Nice suit.

I'm pulling out my fall stuff.

I heard you got something
from the beach.

A nosepiece with blood evidence.
Lab has it now.

I'm surprised the Hamiltons are still here.
Usually they're in Vermont this time of year.

All this peak foliage.

Calleigh, you seem to know as much about
this family as you do about 9 millimeters.

They're American royalty.
What can I say?

Eric stay off the property
but take a look around.

You got it H.

Here we go.

Horatio. Good to get your call.
I don't think you've been here since, huh...

A while.

Calleigh Duquesne,
Detective Fenwick.

Nice to meet you all. Please come in.
I'm sorry about the circumstances.

Any leads on that beach attack?
It's all over the news.

Actually we think the victims...
we at your party last night.

You're kidding.

No, I'm not.

Well, I wasn't my party.
It was my nephew, Tyler's.

It was past my bedtime.

We'd like to talk to him.

Certainly. Right this way.

Yeah, Paul's a buddy
of mine from school.

His girlfriend is the woman
who got r*ped?

That's right.

Geez. So who's the guy
who got k*lled?

We think he may have tended
bar at your party last night.

I, I don't recognize him. But if she's
ok, can't she tell you who he is?

Well, we're looking at that.

Paul says he never went down
to the beach last night.

That he slept in your
guest house.

Yeah, he was pretty messed up.
I let him crash.

Mind if I take a look at the guest
house to confirm his story?

I'm afraid I wouldn't be comfortable
with that Horatio.

We are merely trying to find evidence
that could exonerate your friend.

And we're cooperating. Tyler will tell
you everything that he knows.

But if you want to conduct a search,
legally you need a warrant.

That's true.

Interesting bottle.

Green glass is similar to the glass
we found on the male victim.

Every house on this beach serves
that kind of champagne.

Every wine and liquor store
in the area sells it.

Look if I let you take it then the
tabloids will be calling this a raid.

And I won't put my family
through that.

Mr. Hamilton, a terrible thing has happened
just outside your property line.

Well, just like that attack
on Hobe beach.

Horatio, you know what Miami
has turned into.

Look at the gangs before you point
at my family or our friends.

I'll keep that in mind.

State's attorney says we might be able
to get a warrant to search this place.

At least the guest house.

We have one chance to get a
warrant against these people.

The first judge who turns us down
we're dead, so let's motor on that.

What have you got?

Got the name of a bartender
who left early last night.

Still hasn't shown up to collect his
share of the tips.

It's, ah, Estebban Ordonez. Guatamalan.
Temporary visa, no relatives.

Black hair, green eyes?

I'll tell you later.

Guess who's prints were on that busted bottle.
The one that we found on the beach.

Paul Varnette.
The boyfriend.

Paul touched the champagne bottle
that end up on the beach.

Champagne bottle is the m*rder w*apon.
I tested it.

Identical float density to the glass
found in the dead guy's neck.

So Paul catches his girl with Estebban.

Tossed the guy.
Assaults the girl.

It's gonna be hard to prove r*pe.

Paul admitted he and Jane
had consensual sex yesterday.

What's the microscope say.

Ten spermatazoa per view.
Fifty percent still have their tails.

Timeline fits his story but that still
doesn't explain the oral cop.

Retainer from Jane's mouth. Found
skin on the inside of the scope.

Take a look at this.
Can't be her tongue?

Thin epidermis.

Lots of blood vessels and the sebacious
glands are separate from the hair follicles

We're talking penis tore off.

You might want to get a
good hold of yourself.


Still have to chop it up.
Confirm it's Paul's.

I compared the burn residue from the male
victim's face to the tobacco in Paul's cigar.

High concentrations of lantinum
and uranium in both samples.

Same brand, same soil?

That's right.

So Paul kills Estebban, puts the cigar out on
his face as a personal touch for stealing his girl.

Staggers back to the guest house
and sleeps the whole thing off.

One problem. I just ran the penile
tissue from Jane's retainer.

Compared it to Paul's DNA.

It's not a match.

But his prints were on the
m*rder w*apon.

Maybe he didn't do this alone.
Maybe he did the k*lling..

While somebody else sexually
assaulted his girlfriend.

We know you didn't do this alone.

I didn't DO anything.

Paul, in all of your photographs you're
wearing a watch purchased at the airport.

We found the receipt in your room.

And now you are sporting
that hunk of Switzerland.

Huh, 13 thou worth of gold.

Paul, I don't think you can afford a
watch that expensive. Do you?

Good morning everyone.
Brian Coupler.

I'm on retainer for the Hamiltons. They asked
me to represent you as a friend of the family.

Paul, if you buy into this, the Hamiltons
will hang you out to dry in two seconds.

Like you aren't?
Paul you don't..

If you're innocent,
explain it to us.

Stop goading him.

Paul, this man is not your attorney.
You did not hire him.

This is about you,
this is your life.

It was kind of a gift.


Just one kiss.

Just one kiss.
That's all he kept saying.


Tyler Hamilton.

Com'on. Just one kiss.
Trade you my watch.

Com'on. Just one kiss.
Trade you my watch.

She was upset.

Com'on. It's no big thing.
It's friends.

I told her I was sorry. I grabbed a bottle
of champagne. I said let's go.

She grabbed the bottle. She walked off.
I lost track of her. I figured she went down to the beach.

I stayed and I got drunk.

But you didn't follow her
out to the beach.


But I should've.

Look I screwed up.

Yes you did.

Yes you did.
Had you not traded her,

none of this would've happened.
But that's the past.

Paul let's go.

I need to take a look at your watch.

If you want me to buy your story,
I need to look at your watch.

What have you got?

Paul was telling the truth.
Found three sets of male DNA on this watch.

Ok. Separate out Paul...

and then cross-reference the unknowns with
the sample from the retainer. Let's do that.

You got it.


I'm here for DNA sample.

Have you got a warrant?

This is your opportunity to clear your name.
I suggest you take it.

We have been through this Horatio.

Yes we have. Back when I was a green CSI and
driver's side airbags weren't standard issue.

Lucky for you though, huh. Not so lucky for
the young girl you had in your car.

I have never forgotten your help.

You know what I haven't forgotten?

That chemical burn on your
arm on that airbag.

And your watch imprint.
I haven't forgotten those things either.

Well, you have some memory.

Seen this before?

Yeah, it's the watch I gave my
nephew a few months ago.

Where did you find it?

There are skin cells embedded
in the band.

Skin cells.

Did you know that our entire genetic
code is stored in a single cell.

Now in this case, I have the
DNA of two males.

One of which forced Jane Renshaw
to have oral sex.

And the other one is a close relative.
Now. Which one are you?

I was with her on the beach.
In a sexual way, you know?

Why didn't you mention
this before?

Paul's my friend.

Besides, once I hit that mouse trap in
her jaw, I was pretty much over.

That must have been
disappointing huh.

k*lled the mood.

I'll tell you that much.

I left her alone out there; I went
back to the guest house. I went to bed.

You didn't see Estebban the
bartender out there.


Do you have your clothes
from that night?

In the guest house.

I'm gonna need them.

Sure if my uncle says it's okay.

He's already admitted to a
consensual act, Horatio. Let it go.

A man was m*rder*d out here.

Yes, but the girl is the one who will pay.
The press will eat her alive. To protect her...

Are you suggesting that I protect a woman?
That's rich.

More Hamilton hardball?

I'm officially over them. Can you forgive
me for ever thinking that they were ever all that?

Well, I made the same
mistake myself once.

What do we have?

Filed with the city.

Public access. So is the beach.
And the property line ends here.

What's this right here?

Boardwalk dock.

That's also a public access.
We'll take that.

Wait a minute.

I've got blood drops right here.

More over there.

Pattern exclaimation points.

Spots point the direction of the path.

Yes they do.

And this being a public access.
Ours for the taking.

Blood you found belongs
to Estebban Ordonez.

Of course we can't tell if it was from him
or someone with his blood on 'im.

Ok but it doesn't matter because the m*rder*d
man's blood leads up to the Hamilton's house.

We got the warrant.


We're not even sure what
we're looking for.

We never are. But be happy for
Tyler's clothes from that night.

Shirt, shoes, anything.

Unless of course he
already burned them.

You know what that means.
Dig in.

That's one way to bury your past.

We've had plans to put in a tennis court
for months. Check our contract.

Oh we are. Believe me.

Horatio, if I had known.

You knew. I want a DNA
sample from both of them.

Just because we can.

Open wide.

Relax. I won't jam it in too hard.

I'm gonna head back to the lab guys.

See you there.

Hey guys.

Hamilton men, try as they might,
cannot hide their zippers.

Very carefully please.

Zipper's from a guy's medium
size warm up jacket.

Manufactured by Fubu.

It's the same kind that Tyler
was wearing at the, uh,

night of the party according
to the pictures from homicide.

You look for trace?

Isolated fragments of glass
in the zipper teeth.

Glass melts at 2700
degree Fahrenheight.

Yes but wood fire only gets up to one thousand
and the Hamiltons' couldn't have known that.

Density matches the m*rder w*apon.

Tyler clobbers the guy.

And glass rains down on his jacket.

It's weird how one kiss can
turn into just a mess.

Cigar you asked me to process
from the guest house.

Same tobacco as the burn
on Estebban's face.

Saliva. Tyler's.
And the material on the end, silica.

Aka beach sand.

Let's go talk to the young Mr. Hamilton.
Nice going.

So Tyler.

You pony up the 13 thousand
dollar watch for just one kiss.

And the young lady runs off with
the bartender anyway.

Bet that kiss is gonna cost you a
lot more than your watch.

So what. The bartender changes
into his street clothes,

and the girl walked off with him?

You just went out there to razz
the guy for stealing your girl.

But once you saw that lowly bartender
kissing the girl that blew you off,

the old Hamilton arrogance
turned into rage.

And you have what you claim
to be consensual sex.

And then you leave the young
woman alone to die in the water.

If you say so.

But that wasn't enough. You go the
extra yard and you burn the man's face.

He ran.

You caught up and you cut his throat
with what was left of that champagne bottle.

You're way off.

Then why don't you educate us.

Excuse me.

I know this is gonna be good.
What's going on.

Tyler Hamilton doesn't
wear glasses.

Excuse me?

The nose piece from the
glasses at the crime scene.

DNA tripled checked it and found
blood from our dead guy on it.

Transfer spatter.

Direct spatter, medium force.

The only way you get spatter from a nose piece
is to be there when the m*rder's happening.

I know but Tyler Hamilton doesn't wear
glasses so it can't be Tyler's nose piece.

Drake wears glasses.
Bring him in.

Thank you.


Yes, Horatio.

I'm gonna need your glasses.

For what?

Either you take them off or I'm gonna
take them off you. You decide.

Good decision.
Now sit down.

You did this.

In your attempt to wipe away the blood, Drake,
you merely pushed it to the corner of your lens.

So slit the juggular. Wet blood.
You had to be inches away.

I, um, I heard a scream.

And by the time I got
down to the beach...

Mr. Hamilton. Hamilton!
Mr. Hamilton?

Somebody help me!
No no. Don't! Wait, Wait!

Somebody! HELP!
There's been a m*rder! HELP!

I'm sorry, uncle.

Shut up.

Get out of those clothes.

Again, you have made this
statement against my counsel.

Let is go, Coupler.

We're looking at life.

Are you aware of that.

Without parole.

What a waste.

What a waste.

You said ...

our entire genetic makeup is in one cell.

How do we escape that?

Your family?

You stop procreating.

Thank you.

Taxi's downstairs.

I'll walk ya.


Bad idea Paul.

Can I talk to you?

I'll meet you in the lobby.

I had no idea that Tyler
was going to hurt her.

She has to know that.
I love her.

If you loved her, you wouldn't
have traded her for a watch.

Mind if I join you?

Not at all.

Hamiltons are all over the TV too.

Deja vu.

The old case?

Fifteen years ago.

I wasn't on the job then.

July 25, 1987.

I found Drake Hamilton's car by the side
of the road after a terrible accident.

Girl in the front seat, dead.
No Drake.

I went up to the Hamilton residence where
I was received like a diplomat.

Glad handing promises,
blah blah blah.

Drake will be right down. Well, he did
come down, four hours later.

With three attorneys in tow and a story
about how Drake lent the girl the car.

So with no clothes at the scene,

solid alibi and a mysterious chemical
burn on his forearm,

we had nothing.

No charges were ever filed.
He walked.

No investigation.

At ME later told me...

that the girl bled out and that all he had to do
was call 911 from the road ...

and she would've lived.

He didn't do that.


We got him.

We got him now.

If I had nailed him fifteen years ago...

Let's hope for the next one.

Let's do that.
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