01x02 - Losing Face

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "CSI: Miami". Aired: September 23, 2002 – April 8, 2012.*
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Follows a group of detectives assigned to the Miami-Dade Police Department's Crime Scene Investigations.
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01x02 - Losing Face

Post by bunniefuu »

Julisa ... Julisa ...

Aure ...




Estado hacienda aqui?

Why didn't you come to bed?

Julisa... ayude me

Back it up and
set a perimeter

No one within five hundred feet!

Quiet calm of this Coral Gables

was shattered early this morning by...

Want a cup of coffee, H?

No, thank you

That smells good

A little café cubano

Put some hair on your chest

Don't you just say the sweetest things

That stuff's no good for you

It'll rot your stomach out

It is believed that the b*mb squad

- ... is inside this house right now
- Is it serious?

Change the channel

It's not known if anyone else is

in the house or if...

Live on the scene of a b*mb scare...

... b*mb in a Coral Gables...

County Dade b*mb squad...

I didn't know they made body
armor in triple extra-large

They make jockey that size

but you wouldn't know
anything about that either

Horatio Caine

Back from the dead

Found any good fiber lately?

Just enough to keep me regular

What do we have here?

Schedule-80 PVC collar

clamped around the vic's neck

Going to have to "John Wayne" it

That's not the way you
taught us, Big Man

I don't have much choice

Can't do remote

Got to be hands-on

Best hands in the business

Look, I gota go do this thing

but let's grab a beer later
Catch up

I-I keep my insurance policies
in a wall safe upstairs

It's good to know

I keep mine in a sock drawer

Would you tell my wife ...

tell her I love her

You can tell her yourself
in a couple of minutes

You two will be knocking
back mojitos in no time

All right, we lost the family today
this is top priority

- Where's Horatio?
- Inside

Have you talked to him?
Because, uh, I think he knew the guy

Yeah, Al Humphreys

He brought him on to the
b*mb squad, trained him

They were close

Give me a minute alone with him, okay?



Victim's name is, uh,
Aurelio Moreno

He's a successful
Columbian importer

This is obviously the seat of
detonation right here

The shattering effect here
indicates high expl*sive and blast

and frag pattern indicates that

the expl*sive, uh,
was packed up front

Everything above the
neck is blown away

Below remains intact

Horatio, this isn't a great idea ...

Is everybody outside?


You should stand down
let us work this one

This is a crime scene like any other

We should at least wait for
the M.E. to clear the bodies

What I need you to do

is I need to get everybody in here
right now to process this

I want every hair, nail, fiber and
every ounce of Al's blood recovered

There are no other crime
scenes in Miami today

Three types of damage here:

Frag from the container thermal
effect from the release of gasses

and blast pressure

Potentially the most damaging

Blast pressure forces air
outward in a shock front

of up to twenty-nine thousand
feet per second

When did you ever
work a b*mb scene?

I happen to read books


What does your book say ... about this?

Blast pressure has two phases:

positive and negative

When the air is pushed outward

it creates a vacuum in the center

So everything gets sucked back in

It also means that the
components from this device

are still in this room

They're in a thousand pieces,
but we should find them

So, Calleigh, let's find out

who had access to the house

Eric, we've got to find
that ransom note

And Speed, you Megan and
I will look for the b*mb

Find the b*mb, find the bomber

Bomber came in through
an unlocked window

in the maid's room

Yesterday was her regular day off

Means the bomber knew their routine

And Moreno's wife said

he liked to stay up late and watch TV

My guess is he got jumped right
in the middle of Letterman

"Top ten ways to get
your head blown off."

I'm sorry, lieutenant. I didn't mean ...
it's okay

I also found some type
of fabric on the frame

Let's get that to trace, all right?

Is this the note?


Note's got some flash burns,
minimal blood spatter

certainly readable

I mean, "this is a b*mb

deliver $50,000 ...

Fifty grand?

Did you see the size of that place?

He could've asked for ten times that

Let's get this to chemical processing

You got it, H

Are you okay?

Yeah, I'm fine

Horatio, what are you doing?

I'm giving Al's wife his
wedding ring back

That's evidence

I know that

You can't just give it away

I'm not giving it away ...

I'm giving it back

Avulsive destruction of the
face and frontal calvarium

Thermal damage of the epidermis
at the edges of the defect

Thought I'd seen everything

I'm surprised he didn't take his head clean off


I rushed tox

Traces of chloroform in his system

That's how the bomber

got the collar on him

You didn't know what
hit you, did you, sugar?

Rest of him doesn't look
too bad considering

Looks can be deceiving

My god ...

what happened?

"White Butterfly" effect

Pressure can cause massive
internal damage

Lungs burst

Other organs turn to soup

How's Horatio holding up?


At least that's what he's telling me

He told me he wanted to
be down here for Al

For his post?


He said he could handle it

What did you say to him?

Told him I didn't need him down here

But I knew someone who did

We've missed you since
you left the squad

Been too long, Felicia

Al was just saying ...

we need to have you
over for dinner sometime

I'd like that

He never wanted to talk about ...

you always know there's a possibility

something could go wrong ...

Felicia, everything I am I owe to Al
Everything I know, he taught me

How do I tell them?

What do I say to them?

You know what, Felicia?

I don't want you to worry about it

I want you to let me handle it

This is for you

It's not here

Casing came back positive for TATP

Homemade expl*sive

Very sensitive

Wouldn't want to get the shakes

Not this guy, this guy's a pro

Well, he sure made a beauty:

Dummy switches, alternative
power source, collapsing circuits

We are still missing a component

The action switch is not here

We covered that scene on
our hands and knees

We got it all

Let me say it again, it's not here

Evidence just can't get up
and walk out of the room

Yes, it can

On their boots

And there it goes

So let's get it back

Three engine companies
responded to that b*mb call

It was like a freeway
through that house

And we're going to check them all

Any chance

it's going to lead to anything?

You tell me

Electric photocell


This is what k*lled Al

I'm sorry about that, H

Yeah, me too

Me too

Got something on the fabric?

Flanders mesh pattern

Machine-made. Size ten

French lace. Tres couteux

- Tres bon
- Hmm

- Hey
- Hey

Our bomber's quite
the clothes hound

He has expensive taste

If he is a he

A lot of women's clothing is
made with french lace

Blouses, scarves...


What? I shop on Valentine's Day

How you doing on the note?

Great. I ran thin-layer
chromatography on the ink

It's, uh, garden-variety laser printer

and you can find them at any copy shop

Which made me realize
I was barking up the wrong tree

You analyzed the paper

Exactly. It's bagasse pulp

It's a treeless paper made
from sugar cane fiber

It's imported primarily
from Colombia


We need to find out if any
local area stores sell this

There are four high-end
stationary stores here

in Dade County

All of them are sold out
and they're awaiting

a shipment from a Columbian
import company

that's owned by one Aurelio Moreno

And I did some other fact checking

There's been a string

of necklace b*mb cases
just like this one

inand around Bogota

The bombers stalk their victims for weeks

get their routines down cold

They pick only high-profile targets

They're wealthy enough to pay the ransom

Just like Moreno

Where's that paper shipment now?

It's waiting in customs impound

Then I'm wondering

who else might have had
access to that paper

Charlie Berenger, Customs

Eric Delko, CSI

So my boys tell me you're
looking for paper

Coded watermarks, actually

It's a design pressed into
the liquid paper stock

It can tell us when a particular
lot was manufactured

Is this, uh, is this a restricted area?


Doesn't mean there's no access though

Security guards, dock workers
plus any number of federal inspectors

through here on a regular basis

Any of them have it in for
a guy named Aurelio Moreno?


That's a real piece of business

He's been investigated by the cargo cats

The who?

Cargo cats

It's a name we have for ourselves

on the counter-smuggling task force

You have a file on this guy?

Yeah, sure

Looks like Moreno was
doing all right for himself

Better than all right

Nothing moved between
South Florida and Colombia

without going through him first

Who's this?

That's Moreno's wife


That's not his wife

Esposa number two

And you didn't know that?

Now in order for a b*mb to do its job

it needs three components

Power source

it needs an action switch

and it needs an expl*sive load

We wired in a photocell like the one we found

melted into the fireman's boot

So Al

followed a render-safe procedure

and he drilled in in an attempt

to disrupt the power source

Once the pipe was breached,
the light hit the photocell

closed the circuit


What kind of person
makes something like that?

Well, bombers are ego-driven

They make bombs to gain control, get
revenge, sow terror

Some believe they've been
betrayed by society

Or betrayed by someone
they trusted

Our Moreno was a busy boy

He had one wife in Miami,
the other in Bogota

Customs inspector at Port of Miami
told me that wife number two

... came in a week ago. High season

Maybe they found out
about each other

Sounds like motive

Yeah, maybe it's time
to talk to the wives

I don't know anyone who
would want to hurt him

He was hard-working, honest

Aurelio was a good man

He loved his family

My husband was
very devoted to family

He traveled quite a bit

but he hated to
be away from us

If there was even a weekend
he could get away

he would come home

Of course he had to travel for business,
but he hated it

He didn't like to be away from me

He never wanted to leave me

I miss him so much

You have no idea how
much I miss him

I'm sorry for your loss

We're trying to figure out who did this

What's that?

I'd like to ...

take a swab of your
hand, if I may

It might help me

identify the k*ller

Would that be all right?

Let me see your left hand

Would you mind if I

took a hand swab?

I don't understand

What could be on my hand?

It's just to rule out

any possibility of

If it will help

Beautiful blouse

Is that french lace?


So, old Aurelio's got it
coming and going, huh?

Plus he got a two-for-one
discount on

clothing and jewelry

Where does he find the energy?

Okay, I'm going to go run these

I'll see you in a minute

Hey. Morning

Take a look at this

His American's wife's
hands were clean

while Lauriana had trace elements

of triacetone and triperoxide -TATP

This is our bomber

All your years on the b*mb squad ...

how many bombers were women?

This is my first

I've called the INS to see

if we can hang on to her

while her extradition
papers come through

Horatio, stop

Listen to yourself

No, you listen to me

This woman is not going
anywhere until I clear her

How can anyone go
anywhere with you running

roughshod over the evidence?

Can't you see this isn't about you

finding out what happened to Al?

The day Sean died

The day Sean died, I was at his scene

Restaurant sh**ting

Girl k*lled by her boyfriend

I didn't realize that Sean
had gone across the street

to the boyfriend's apartment

He found him

on the fourteenth floor balcony

ready to jump

Sean tried to talk him down,
like any good cop would do

Guy took him over the side

I saw them hit

Didn't know who it was at first

I worked that case

I insisted on it

I wanted to be there for him

I couldn't

Grief is grief; work is work

Don't confuse the two

You're thinking...

You're thinking that maybe
I've missed something. Hmm

Well, did you notice
Lauriana's hair and nails?

Acetone and peroxide

Base elements of TATP

Also of nail polish and hair dye

Those two women

didn't bat an eye when
they got on the elevator

I'm a woman, and I'm telling you

they don't know each other

They probably had no
idea the other exists

Excuse me


Where are you?

We've got another b*mb

Any closer and I might have to file

a sexual harassment suit

Yes, but it wouldn't stick

We don't work together anymore

Why do I the feeling this
isn't a social call?

Well, we have information on
the first b*mb that you need

You're going to have to
render-safe in the dark

The device that k*lled Al

had a photocell just like this

When light hits it, it detonates

Bill, would you dig
out the tarp, please?


Who's the target?

Vic's name is Maura Burgos

High-end antiques dealer

She was in her kitchen
when she got jumped

Woke up from a
chloroform bouquet

to a necklace b*mb
around her neck

Burgos? Is she Columbian?

Hard to say

Unless that's code for
scared out of your mind

How did she contact the police?

Garage door opener

Neighbor called it in

That was quick thinking, Maura,
flapping the garage door

Did you have the
opener in your pocket?

My purse

It was on the table
when I came to

Okay. Now stay with me, Kat

I'm going to walk you through it

I think this is a twin
of the other device

which means the expl*sives
are packed up front

and the safe arm will be
on the victim's right side

Copy that. Approaching from the right

Now remember

you have to keep her calm

Hey, Maura.
You know any Stevie Wonder?

Hey, babe ...
everything is all right, uptight

out of sight

Sorry, I'm giving you dandruff

Keep singing darling

Everything is all right, uptight

out of sight

So, let's follow along the seam

and that's where
the frag is largest

I'm trying

Housing's as smooth as a baby's butt

That's because he used silicone gel

sanded and buffed
with an electrostatic cloth

Trying to hide this sucker

but he can't hide from us,
can he, Maura?

Uptight, out of sight...

You need to stop as soon as you feel the
pressure ease and before you hit dead space

Just a few zip-zips, Maura

and we're out of here

Easier than a trip to the dentist

Stop the drill

Kat, now wait a second now

That's beginning to separate

I want you to shut that drill down.
Stop the drill

It's a hoax

Damn thing's filled with sand

I'm bringing her out

No, you're not
You're going to stay right there

Nobody moves

Kat, listen to me

There may be a secondary device

Let me get Maura out of here first

No-no-no! It could function in
any number of ways!

Either of you moves, it could blow!

This isn't your handle anymore, Horatio

Am I in the path that you cleared?

Yellow brick road right
under your feet

Maura, should these wires
be sticking out of this clown?

Yes. There was a little
balloon that broke off

Okay, Maura what I need you to do

is take a very good look
around the room and

tell me if anything is different

No, I just ...

I don't know

It's okay

We're clear in here

Deep breaths

You're doing great

What did I tell you? Mojito time

Hey, Bill?

Yeah, boss?

Let's bring out the E.C.M

and let's get everybody away

from this kid on
the bike right now

You got it

Nice bike

- What is that?

That is cool

Electronic counter measure?

He's jamming every radio
signal in the area

In case the bomber's
trying to remote-detonate

Back in my day

I had the, uh sting ray

with a banana seat
and the racing slicks

but that was a long time ago

What's your name?


You know, it is, um,
it is a little big for you

Where's you get it?

The man said I could keep it
if I brought the package

to his friend

He said to wait for him here

I did something bad, didn't I?

No, you didn't, Conner

Everything's fine

Here's what I want you to do, though

I want you just sit tight

and keep your eyes on me

Can you do that?

Good. Now, I'm just going to
take a look at your bike

Hey, you like chocolate?

How'd you know?

All kids like chocolate

Okay, now here's what we're
going to do next, Conner

Very slowly ... in slow motion

I want you to get off your bike


Conner, good job

Now, just as slowly
I want you to walk

not run right to those

police officers right there

Good job, Conner

A new robot?

Yeah, "Andros."

Tracks a little smoother
than the old one

Conner, I'm going to
comb your hair

to see if the man who gave
you the package

left anything on you, okay?

I know the Detective asked you already

but can you remember
anything about that man?

That's okay

I forget too

Especially when I'm scared

You found me my target?

Green is for go if this is

the same type of device

Conner, did the man have light hair?

Yeah ... light brown

Kinda wavy

See? You did remember something

You're right on line, Bill

Right on line

Laser's on target

What's it going to do?

Little gizmo on top's
called a "disrupter."

This of it as a water p*stol only

it fires nine hundred
feet per second

Water doesn't compress,
it sh**t out like steel rebar

If we get lucky, we can take
out this power source

Circuit interruptus

And if we don't?

And if we don't we're going to have
a very large crime scene to process

Let's go

Fire in the hole!

Fire in the hole!

All clear

The thing I don't understand

if the bomber's after the girl

why plant a hoax in her house?

Calculate the distance between
the house and the sign

Couple hundred feet?

I'd say five hundred feet
and that's exactly where

the b*mb squad would place containment
and command post and that's by the book, isn't it?

You're saying this guy
knows procedure?

The victims were decoys.
He's after the b*mb squad

Well, the first b*mb,
ladies and gentlemen

was designed to k*ll the victim
and the b*mb tech

Second b*mb was a
decoy to lure them in

And the third b*mb was designed
to blow them all to smithereens

All those little pieces

It's hard to believe
they can be so deadly

Fourteen ounces of semtex
brought down that plane over Lockerbie

and that's smaller than a bag of coffee

k*lled all 259 passengers
eleven on the ground

And this is gonna bring us
straight to the bomber

so Speed, swab everything

Eric, concentrate on the switches.
They're not handmade

so let's find out the manufacturer's specs
the make and model of every item

And Calleigh let's work on the wiring

Let's look for any cuttings

or tool markings that seem odd, okay?

And let's put a rush on this, people

It is my belief that the b*mb squad is

about to get another call

What are you going to do, boss?

I'm going to look for the signature

Every bomber has a signature

I'm going to find his

I can tell you it's light brown, auburn
in reflectivity a fragment of three inches

with an angle tip cut

Cortical cell is damaged,
medulla, fractional

But none of that is going
to give you a name

I can also tell you that your
standing there is not going to

grow a hair tag at the
end of the sample

I need everybody
in the layout room

You miss it, don't you?

Being on the front lines

The simple answer is no

I saw you out there

Why leave something you're good at?

You ever been in a horse race?

Life's enough of a gamble

Some horses run better in a harness

and the science is

my discipline

I'll see you in there

What do we know?

A couple of components were
brand-name capacitors and switches

but the relay base grommets
were painted, not clear

- Counterfeit?
- Looks that way

Find out where they were sold, Speed?

No sweat, no saliva, no hand lotion

But there were traces of


Banned insecticide

It's still in use in some

coffee growing countries,
but I don't have a manufacturer yet

Keep looking.

All wire ends were straight-edged

standard wire cutters. Nothing fancy.
It's a dead end

Afraid I've also got a dead end, literally

- Hair is human. Doesn't belong to our guy
- How do you know without a skin tag?

Faint traces of silicone adhesive at the root

It came from a wig

French lace -- from the
window at the Moreno house

It's also used on high-end toupees
It gives a more natural look to the hairline

Lace on a rug

Well, sh**t me if it
comes to that

What did you find from the b*mb?

Signature is shrink-wrapped wires

laid end to end ...

leads twisted into a counterclockwise
direction but that, ladies and gentlemen

is not the big deal with this guy

This guy is

a show-off

How can you get that from a b*mb?

Every twist of every wire is about him:

"Look at me. Look at how clever I am."

Still doesn't give us a name

Okay. Let's go back to the top

He's been around bombs

Maybe he has a grudge

Wears a toupee

Out of necessity ... chemo?

Maybe he's had some close calls

Maybe he burned his head

in some sort of expl*si*n

That could account for the wig

And he's making his bombs
out of counterfeit parts

In some place with some

- ... heavy-duty insecticide
- So, where do counterfeit parts

and banned insecticide come together?

Both are illegal imports

And Moreno was importing
goods from Colombia

and so was Maura Burgos

And it has to go through where?

U.S. Customs

Let's go back to that

impound warehouse

What do you got?

These are all the agents

with access to the Moreno and Burgos
files combined with warehouse access

Customs enforcement agent
Charlie Berenger. There it is

That's who Delko talked to

- You know him?
- A long time ago

Radio cars are on their way

Okay, be careful of that

He gets wind of it,
he may set another device

We should stand down and
wait for backup Horatio

This is not a good plan

He's k*lling my friends

And he's talking to me

I'm going in


Charlie B.

Horatio Caine

It's been a while

- Hey, nice work with the kid on the bike
- Thank you

Just a couple of old b*mb
techs talking, right, Charlie?

you when that b*mb blew ...

wasn't it?

You could have
beaten that timer

I would've ... if I didn't have
Humhreys screaming in my ear

Al made a big mistake
with you, Charlie

He underestimated you, didn't he?

But now you're
going to show them

You picked victims
to mislead the squad

You made them think they were
dealing with colombian b*mb

but all the while, you were

setting them up

All right, partner, you know
what you're doing now?

Attaboy. All right. Go on now

Watch yourself, now.
Be careful

And that last device?
A work of art, Charlie

Collapsing parallel circuits

Michelangelo would've been envious

I've done the
reconstruction, Charlie

and Al should have never
taken you off that squad

You were too good for that

I was


Look where it got me

Everybody has a bad day

Today could be mine

Trying to take you down could
get us both blown up couldn't it?

You think I can't get out of this?
I couldn't

I couldn't find the safe-arming switch

Yeah, well, it's easy to miss

You want a second shot at it?

You know, if you're wrong ...


That's true


Turn around, Charlie

We're clear

Okay, get on the ground

Get him out of my sight

So ...

You worked the case
and still cleared it

Guess I was wrong

You weren't wrong

I just got hung up on the wives

You recovered

You know what I'm going
to miss most about Al?

Most people ...


Most people ...
make you earn their respect

And with Al, that's where you started

Coming in?

In a minute


Thank you

For what?

For knowing the difference

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