Supporters, The (2021)

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Supporters, The (2021)

Post by bunniefuu »


- Right here we're gonna walk down

to the Capitol and we're probably not

gonna be cheering so

much for some of them.

- Derek and Dale.

- Welcome to "The Derek and Dale Show."

I'm Derek.

- And I'm Dale.

- Let's get right to it.

We are just 10 months away

from the 2020 election

and I've got a special

weather report for you.

It is a blizzard out there.

There are snowflakes all over the place,

the people reporting the news.

Of course, I'm talking

about the lame-stream media.

My name's Derek.

- And I'm Dale.

- And we are the hosts of

"The Derek and Dale Show."

"The Derek and Dale Show" is a podcast

that we do right back here

in the back of my wife's van.

My wife makes us take 'em

off whenever she goes out.

She says following one man blindly

will ultimately lead to our destruction.

Now we've been reporting on

Trump rallies since 2016.

- CNN sucks, CNN sucks!

- We're reporting live here

for "The Derek and Dale

Show" at a Trump rally.

Lock her up, lock her up!

We're journalists, you know?

What we're doing is journalism.

- Allentown is actually

a pretty beautiful city.

- I'm gonna say it,

Dale is my best friend in the whole world.

I love Dale, I really do and

he's always there for me.

I can't tie my own shoes and

Dale has the same problem.

- Yeah, I can't tie my shoes at all.

- Dale handles all of the online stuff.

He's our social media guru.

- I write a lot of fan

fiction on the internet.

My friends online seem to really like it.

- 4chan, 8chan.

Jackie Chan.

I'm not PC.

This is my friend Dale, he's an incel.

He hasn't talked to a

woman in like 10 years.

- Hi, Dale.

- So it's an involuntary celibate.

So that means you kind of

maybe wanna but they don't.

- Yeah, this is the house I live in with,

well, when I'm allowed

to with my wife Caitlin

and my beautiful daughter.

That's my daughter, Ivanka.

- Oh, that's awesome.

- No, no, Ivanka, my daughter

is, I named her Ivanka.

She's four years old.

I enlist her in all of

the beauty pageants.

- I actually don't really like

his wife and his daughter.

- Yes.

- I think that they're b*tches.

- I'm gonna let that one

slide, I'll tell you why.

Because Dale has some

severe emotional problems.

His dad left him, told

him not to trust women.

- Yeah, my dad left when I

was young and his parting

words were "Don't f*cking

trust your f*cking mom.

There's a f*cking reason

I'm f*cking leaving.

Get it through your f*cking

thick little skull."

I miss him so much.

- My wife kicked me out of the house.

Yeah, she said I gotta get a real job

and contribute to Ivanka's college fund.

So I came up with a plan.

We're leaving tonight to go get jobs

at Fox News in New York City.

- That's right, "The Derek and Dale Show"

is gonna be the newest

show on the Fox lineup.

Tonight's the night.

- We're getting jobs at Fox News.

- I love Ivanka.

Hopefully when I become

a big Fox News star,

she's not gonna look at me like

some loser doing a podcast.

She's gonna look at me like

I'm worth something, you know?

- New York City, here we come.

- God, did it just start raining?

What's that thing you always keep saying?

- The calm before the storm.

- And what's that other thing?

You're always like "Where we go," what?

- Where we go one, we go all.

- We should go, right?

- We should go.

- Yeah.

- We here at "The Derek and Dale Show"

are cutting through the lies and a lie is

anything that Donald

Trump says isn't true.

- And sometimes some stuff

that he hasn't even

mentioned, like robot people.

Hillary Clinton is

actually a robot person.

- Wait Dale, I'm gonna stop you there.

Please do not bring this up

when we're at Fox News, okay?

- That person flipped me off.

- Tomorrow, we're gonna

be huge stars at Fox News.

- We're gonna be cheersing

Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity.

- 2020 is gonna be the greatest year ever.

All right, let's get some sleep.

- Tomorrow's a big day, huh?

- Tomorrow's a big day.

Goodnight, Dale.

- Goodnight, Derek.

- Good morning, Derek and Dale nation.

We have some exciting news.

Can you imagine if we

were on that billboard?

"Derek and Dale Show" right there?

That would be the key to my happiness.

Do you know where Fox News is?

- I hate Fox News.

- Today is our first show at Fox News.

Welcome to "The Derek and Dale Show."

I'm Derek.

- And I'm Dale.

- Let's get right to it.

This is our very first show

right here, live at Fox News.

I think if they see us

out here doing our thing,

they're gonna see

that we're the real deal

and they're gonna offer

us a prime time show.

- That's right.

- Do you work in the building?

- Yep.

- We're "The Derek and Dale Show."

- Yeah.

Welcome to "The Derek and Dale Show."

I'm Derek.

- And I'm Dale.

- Let's get right to it.

- Yeah.

- We want a show on Fox.

- Maybe they're talent scouts.

- Are you guys talent scouts?

- You're security?

Is it possible to get a

meeting with the CEO right now?

Suzanne Scott, that's her,

that's the CEO, right?

She's the CEO right, Suzanne Scott?

- What are you saying?

- If we could get a meeting

with her right now.

- Derek, we're here to meet a woman?

- Yeah.

- I don't want to meet a woman.

Derek, I'm an incel.

Are you serious?

- Yes.

- Why didn't you tell me this?

I don't talk to women.

- Dale, Dale.

Hey, it's fine, it's fine.

We'll take a midday

show, it doesn't matter.

- Stop it.

- This isn't a reflection

of what wed be like on air.

- Ugh!

- Why do we have to leave?

Are we getting a show today? Yes or no.

- You're not getting a show.

- We're not getting a show?

- You lied to me.

- No, no, I promised Ivanka.

- Do you guys talk to women?

Sometimes when I'm feeling insecure,

I gotta get into the comment section

and just troll some people.

I'm so stupid.

Of course Fox News doesn't

want anything to do with me.

I'm such an idiot.

I'm just gonna go home and

beg my wife to take me back.


- I'll f*cking find you.

- Of course, we should make a deal.

"Art of the Deal," what

would Donald Trump do, right?

- Make a deal.

- Make a deal.

- Let's make a deal.

- Let's make a deal.

- Let's make a deal.

- Let's make a deal.

- Let's make a deal.

- That was not cool that Derek lied to me.

I didn't know I was gonna

have to speak to a woman.

- Dale.

- Derek,

I'm glad you found me, we

gotta go back to Allentown.

I don't want anything to do with this.

- What would Donald Trump do?

- I don't know, what do you mean?

- He wouldn't give up, he'd make a deal.

- Okay, I just don't think Fox News wanted

anything to do with a

couple of loser podcasters.

- We're entitled to whatever we want

just like Donald Trump is.

- Okay, but how do we get it?

- A demo tape.

- Demo tape?

- A tape that shows we can do

everything that Fox News does

and we bring it back and

we put it on their desk.

- I don't know, Derek.

- It's the perfect deal.

- I just want my old life back.

- Okay, let me take you somewhere.

If you're not convinced, we

can go back to Allentown.

- Okay, you promise?

- I promise.

- Okay.

- Come on, follow me.

- So Derek took me to Trump Tower

and it was basically like

a religious experience.

I mean it was gold all

over like everything

and we just know that it can all be ours.

- So I've been studying

"The Art of the Deal"

and I put together a checklist

for everything we need

for the perfect demo tape.

Success is so close, we

can practically taste it.

Your eyes do not deceive you.

We have changed our look here

at "The Derek and Dale Show."

We have ditched our MAGA hats

for some crisp button-downs

and we're looking great.

We are going cross-country right now.

From New York, we're

heading to the Iowa Caucus.

- Democratic Presidential hopefuls

crisscrossing the Hawkeye State.

- Every Iowan is worth 1,000 Californians.

- This is where the action is.

This is where all the journalists are.

This is where Fox News is.

Hey sweetheart, no, no, no.

I'm actually not heading home,

I'm actually heading to Iowa.

On the phone with my wife,

trying to explain to her

I'm heading out to make a demo tape.

She was like, "You gotta go

home and raise our daughter."

It's like this is important to me.

I'm here, sweetheart, I'm here.

Honey, no, no.

Put Ivanka on the phone,

put Ivanka on the phone.

Put Ivanka on the phone,

put her on the phone!

Sorry for yelling, I love you.

"The Derek and Dale Show" is reporting

live from Iowa at the Iowa Caucus.

There's a lot of Democrats up for election

and it's gonna be the media capital

of the world for the next couple weeks.

So we're gonna report on it as unbiased

journalists who are supporting Trump.

- That's right.

- The second item on our demo checklist

is an investigative report that

we're doing on voter fraud.

It's a very important

issue in the election

and Trump says it's

happening all the time.

- Yeah, it's pretty

scary because if the libs

can voter fraud enough,

they'll win the election.

- A lot of people are out

there committing voter fraud.

- Oh, you don't vote?

- Hey ma'am, how are you?

Who would you be voting for?

- Biden and the other one,


- Oh yeah?

And you and you wouldn't

vote twice, right?

- I might not even vote at all.

- No, that's good,

that's good, that's good.

- Trump 2020, Pence 2020.

- Can you do a quick interview?

- Oh yeah.

- Voter fraud's a real

problem in the country.

- Yeah, I know, I know all about it.

- Have you ever seen any voter fraud?

- Yeah, me, I did it.

- You committed voter

fraud, what'd you do?

- Voted twice for Trump.

- Really?

- Four years ago, yes.

- Did you get in trouble for that?

- Yeah, I'm still on probation for it.

- Really?

- Yeah.

I spent a month in jail, yeah.

Now if I had voted for Hillary,

I would've got a gold medal.

- Do you think a lot of people

voted twice for Hillary?

- There's people who voted

for Obama eight times.

- Where did you hear that?

We should look into that.

- On Facebook.

- On Facebook, you saw it on Facebook?

- Yeah.

- What advice would you

give to people out there?

- Don't vote twice.

- Don't vote twice?

- Yes, don't vote twice,

it's not worth it.

- I'm having like a big crisis because

I honestly thought it was

like libs that were doing it.

- Yeah.

Well we did find some voter fraud.

- Yeah, just not who

we thought it might be

but we're still allowed

to check the box, right?

- Yeah, of course.

We found it.

- Right.

- Yes.

- Okay.

- Moving on, if we want to be

taken seriously by Fox News,

we're gonna have to up

the production value.

Unfortunately for us, we

lack the funds to do that.

Enough about that, let's

talk about why we're here,

which is the Democratic Caucus

and we're gonna see

somebody called Andrew Yang.

You heard at one point,

there's an Asian man running

for President who wants to

give everyone $1,000 a month.

- Wait, what do you mean $1,000 a month?

- He just gives it away like an idiot.

- That's a typical liberal

giving away $1,000 a month.

Um for $1,000 a month could go a

long way, I mean we could-

- I asked a member of the Yang g*ng

because I happen to live

with one, my five-year-old.

I asked him, "Why are you

voting for Andrew Yang?"

And here's what he said,

"His face looks fresher than Bernie's."

So he's here today,

let's give a warm welcome

to this fresh-faced

candidate for President.

- Thank you for the warm introduction.

Thank you all for being here today.

I'm running to address a

challenge that we've been

struggling with as a country

for the last several years

that we haven't fully

understood and apparently-

- I'm kind of low on cash right now.

Do you think I could get an advance

on the Universal Basic Income?

If there's like two or $3,000,

you could just give me now.

- We have to make this

happen for everyone.

- Can you just give me

the money in your wallet?

A couple bucks right now? That'd be great.

- I gotta go man, thank you.

- Okay.

- You can go out this way.

- Okay.

- Sorry about that.

- No, not at all.

- I think what we gotta

let everyone know is that Andrew Yang

talks a lot about robots and

it's because he is a robot.

He's trying to take all our

human jobs, including President.

If we don't stand up for ourselves,

the robots are gonna take over.

The robots are gonna take over.

He is a robot.

The robots are gonna take over.

- So as I was saying

before we were interrupt-

- We need money to revamp the van

and Dale did some research.

- Yeah.

There's actually a candidate out there

who's a billionaire,

plenty of money to spare.

- Billionaire Tom Steyer says

he's the candidate for America.

- I am a different person from

everybody else who's running.

- And if there's one thing

billionaires are afraid of, it's lawyers.

My dad made a lot of money back in the day

getting hit by cars, tractors,

anything with wheels and you

get in the way by accident

and then you sue for a lot of money.

Now if you pick the right people,

that can be very lucrative and that's how

he finally made enough money

to leave me and my mom.

- For 40 years, all the increased

income in the United States has gone

to the richest people and

the biggest corporations.

Basically I'm running because

these corporations own the government

and let me give you some examples-

- Everybody listen, one second.

Tom Steyer hit me with his

car in the parking lot.

He ran over me and I'm injured

and I don't know what to do.

- No.

- He ran over me with his

car and I'm injured.

- Has this ever happened to you?

You might be entitled to a large cash sum.

Call me, the Fixer Lawyer.

and you won't pay unless

you collect, period.

Ellipses, that sentence is not true.

- How about a million?

I'm a little worried that Tom Steyer

might come after us legally because

if there's one thing podcasters

are afraid of, lawyers.

I've spent all my money.

I spent all of our family's money.

The only money I have left

is Ivanka's college fund, you know?

- Bingo.

- What?

- Use Ivanka's college fund.

- No, my wife would k*ll me,

she'd divorce me, literally.

- What would Donald do?

- Hey sweetheart, it's daddy.

Oh no, no, no, don't put mommy on.

Do you think you could

get on mommy's computer?

Just go to

and then there's something

called Ivanka's College Fund.

I'm gonna need you to transfer some

of that money to daddy's

account, just press send.

All right, thank you, sweetheart.

I love you and I miss you and

daddy's gonna be a big star.

I promise you, okay?

I'm betting your future on it.

- "Derek and Dale."

- Welcome to the new and

improved "Derek and Dale Show."

I'm Derek.

- And I'm Dale.

- Let's get right to it.

Look at this brand new swanky studio

we've got here at "The

Derek and Dale Show."

We have brand new microphones.

We have a brand new computer,

brand new lights and a

beautiful, very expensive

brand new camera here at

"The Derek and Dale Show."

Isn't that right, Dale?

- That's right.

We got kind of a new donor,

I guess you could say.

- We are pursuing our dream.

We're checking another

box on our demo tape,

a gotcha interview and who

am I gonna interview today?

- He's gonna interview

former Vice-President

Joe Biden and current scumbag.

- That's right, current scumbag

and what is a gotcha interview, Dale?

- A gotcha interview is

where you ask the tough

questions sometimes in rapid

succession to make sure

that whoever you're talking

to looks pretty stupid.

- All right, I'm gonna start with Ukraine.

Then hit Hunter Biden and knock

him out with a sleepy Joe.

- Derek, I've never seen you

like this, you are ready.

I'm gonna take this, okay?

- Just take it after.

- Yeah, it's fine.

I'll just do it right now.

Hey, no, no, no, slow down,

slow down, sweetheart.

Yes, I did take the college fund.

Sweetheart, yeah, I did it for

us, I took the money for us.

You're what? You're leaving me?

Honey please, I'm begging you.

I'm f*cking begging you,

please don't leave me.

I don't know what I'm gonna

f*cking do without you.

Put Ivanka on the phone,

let daddy talk to Ivanka.

Ivanka, Ivanka, are you there?


Ivanka, sweetheart?


- So when I hear people talking about age,

I'm over 70, I got news for you, folks.

70 is the new 50s, let's get used to it.

- Please welcome Vice-President Joe Biden.

- John Kerry.

John Kerry is the ideal of

statesmanship and public service.

- Mr. Vice-President, welcome to the show.

My wife recently left

me, she's divorcing me.

What can I do to get her back?

What advice could you give

somebody like me to get her back?

- I'll talk to you afterwards, okay?

- Could we just get this out right now?

'Cause we're live.

- No.

- No were live.

- No.

- If we could just get,

could you please answer the question?

- I'm beginning to see

why your wife left you.

Come on, man.

- Sit down.

- Your wife left you, your wife left you.

Your wife left you.

- The big story today is I am alone.

- Derek's been a little bit down I guess.

The gotcha interview did not go well.

I keep trying to tell him,

someone's gotta get got

in a gotcha interview and

they don't all go your way.

- My wife left me, as Joe Biden

so eloquently pointed out.

- Derek, a lot of our listeners are here

because they want our take on the news

of the day and for us

to cut through the lies.

- I'm beginning to

see why my wife left me.

That's what he said.

"I'm beginning to see

why your wife left you."

- If you're done feeling

sorry for yourself,

I have something to say, Derek, okay?

What would Donald Trump do?

That's what we always ask ourselves.

What would Donald Trump do?

Would he cry?

Would he sulk on his show?

No, he would make his ex-wife jealous

and he'd go find another one.

- You know what else Donald

Trump would do, Dale?

And this is for the viewers at home too.

Donald Trump would talk to a woman.

- Okay, here it is.

You heard it here first on

"The Derek and Dale Show."

If Derek gets remarried,

I'll talk to a woman.

- Put your money where your mouth is.

Just shake my hand on it.

- You really think you're ready?

- I think so.

- It's the right thing to do.

- Are you ready?

- I don't know.

- When you see an

government that works great,

for those with money and is not working

so great for everyone else,

that is corruption pure and simple

and we need to call it out for what it is.

This is about what we

do with our government.

- I just wanted to ask you one question.

Will you marry me?

- Yes.

- Woo!

- My friend Dale, where's my friend Dale?

There he is, he's an incel

and he just wanted to say

his first words to a

woman in a long time, so.

- Hi,

hi, Elizabeth.

- Hi, Dale.

- Thank you.

This is a big moment for me.

- Uh huh.

Thank you.

- I'm glad you're here, Dale

and I'm hanging onto the ring.

- Woo!

- Buh bye!

- She's a great woman, who

wouldn't want to marry her?

I dont understand, who wouldnt want -

- What? Oh, that's my friend.

- He has to, he, this is like -

You're only the second

woman he's ever talked to.

It's okay, you shouldn't

do too much too fast.

- No, I'm saying for him,

he shouldn't go too much, too fast.

This was big, this was

really big for you, okay?

I'm proud of you, hey,

hey, I'm proud of you.

- Wow.

- Well, we have some exciting news

here at "The Derek and Dale Show."

I got engaged to Elizabeth Warren,

the Senator from Massachusetts.

Really proud of Dale.

- I spoke to a woman for the

first time in a long time

and it wasn't that bad,

she was really nice.

- Things are going great for us personally

at "The Derek and Dale Show,"

our demo tape is going great.

We are reporting from South Carolina.

Philadelphia right now,

very exciting to be here.

We are traveling the country,

we are building this tape.

Forward momentum is pushing us forward.

We have the winds at our backs right now.

- Yeah, it's almost as if no one

will say no to an interview

with Derek and Dale.

- But we know a lot more about how President Trump -

did you want to let me

finish speaking first?

- No, we were hoping

we could interrupt you.

- So I don't think experience -

- Play the hits.

Come on, play "Hotel California," come on.

Just play one song, we came

all the way here.

- Joe Walsh, class act,

love it, love the Eagles.

For starters, I keep a lot of balls

in the air because most deals fall flat,

no matter how promising they

seem at first, interesting.

- I used to be an extreme Democrat

and now I feel like I'm

an extreme moderate.

I don't have the same passion

necessarily I used to have

but I sleep better at night.

- Things are going great for

"The Derek and Dale Show."

As long as there are

large public gatherings,

our demo tape is gonna be

finished in no time, right?

- That's right.

- This will be targeted

for workers who are ill,

quarantined or caring for

others due to coronavirus.

- What does this all mean for

"The Derek and Dale Show?"

- I don't know.

I just got a push notification

that Tom Hanks has it.

- Heightened states of

emergency across the nation

as the number of coronavirus

cases soars above 3000.

- Across this vast country,

America's shutdown is now

illustrated in startling ways.

- I see the disinfectant,

it knocks it out in a minute

and is there a way we can

do something like that,

like injection inside

or almost a cleaning?

- With the COVID-19 pandemic still raging,

Joe Biden cancels his plans to accept

the Democratic Presidential

nomination in person.

- This sucks.

Ever since the country got shut down,

we haven't checked a

single box on our checklist

and it doesn't make any sense.

Why is everything shut

down if Donald Trump

said like a miracle, it's gonna disappear?

- Because it's a conspiracy, Derek.

- We need a reopening soon.

- When do we get our country back?

- We have had a complete

and total shutdown of America, right?

- COVID-19, the China

virus, the karate flu,

whatever you want to call it,

it's a hoax perpetrated

against Donald Trump

by top Democrats to shut down the economy.

- I think it was put out there

to undermine "The Derek and Dale Show."

- Reopen "The Derek and Dale Show."

- And reopen America now.

- Everyone say "Trump 2020."

- Trump 2020!

- What do we wanna do, do

we wanna reopen America?

Reopen America, everybody

say "Reopen America."

- Reopen America!

- Reopen America now.

- Reopen America now.

- Dr. Fauci's a scam, f*ck that guy.

- Fire Fauci!

- Fire Fauci!

- All these libs are saying

you gotta wear a mask.

I'm not wearing a mask.

- I'm not wearing a mask.

I haven't worn a mask,

I never even wore a mask

when I was a kid on Halloween, no mask.

- You know what they're trying to do?

They're trying to enslave

us with these masks, right?

- Yep.

- This is how I look at it.

These masks, they're

basically the Jewish star.

This is n*zi Germany and

Donald Trump is not Hitler.

Even though he's the

President and he's in charge,

he's not the Hitler in this situation.

The thing is it's like you start

with the mask and then what's next?

Concentration camps probably.

- I'm on your camp, man.

I agree with you.

- Burn your masks, burn your masks!

Burn your masks, burn your masks!

Burn your masks!

- Who wants a mask to burn?

- Burn your masks, burn your masks.

- Burn the masks.

-Put the mask in the bucket.

- Yeah, burn the masks!

- You gonna light 'em on fire?

- Light it up.

Let's go, lots of masks.

- Yeah.

- I want you to know that

COVID is a lie, it's a lie!

- So things have been getting

a little rocky here in the van.

Come on, hurry up.

Kind of a lazy bones,

a little under the weather I guess.

He's had a lot of stomach

agitation, he's had a fever.

He's had kind of a dry cough

and so we're just kind of trying

to take all the precautions we can.

I'm hoping it's not

the virus but if it is,

we just want to make sure that

we're treating it with

Trump's recommendations.

- God, it burns.

Sometimes the sprays don't get enough.

We don't get enough concentrated.

- Welcome to "The Derek and Dale Show."

I'm Derek.

- I'm Dale.

Let's get right to it.

- Top stories today -

This is just the pure bleach.

- Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!


- We're just hoping we don't

need to go to the hospital.

It could really put a dent

into our "Derek and Dale" demo tape.

- I can't taste the Monster.

- Okay.

- I can't taste the Monster.

What are you doing?

No I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm fine.

- This is it, this is the only solution.

- I'm fine.

- This is the only solution.

- I'm fine.

- Okay, good luck.

I just left Derek at the hospital.

Feel a little bad about it

but I know it was the right thing.

Now I'm gonna go see my dad.

I've been emailing him and

he finally responded to me.

So he's kind of expecting me,

he's probably pretty excited.

I don't want to let him down.

- "Derek and Dale."

- Welcome back to "The

Derek and Dale Show."

I'm Derek.

- And I'm Dale.

- Let's get right to it.

I have to say it is good to be back

here at "The Derek and Dale Show."

I was a little touch and

go there for a little bit.

I was in the hospital with

COVID-19, it turns out.

- We were all a little

bit worried about you

and I gotta tell you,

I was missing you a lot

but I used the time to

reconnect with my dad.

- Oh, wow.

- Yeah, it was incredible.

I finally got the courage to do it

and I showed up at his place

and he was happy to see me.

He said "Dale, take off that damn mask.

Trump says that whole COVID

thing's a Democrat hoax."

You know, chip off the

old block kind of thing

and he said he'd go see

Donald Trump with me soon.

- Oh, that's great.

- Answer this real quick.

- Phone call, live on the

air, a little unprofessional.

- Dale Sr.'s next of kin, yes, that's me.

I'm getting a phone call from my dad.

- Oh, all right.

- So he's just?

Dad, I miss you already.

We're gonna see Donald Trump together

just like we always said we were.

- It's gonna be okay.

Wait, are those his ashes?

- Yeah.

- So we're just standing

on someone's grave?

- Yeah.

- And on that note, I'm gonna put this on

and I think we should do

that from now on, okay?

- Yeah.

- Dale's kind of down in the dumps.

He's upset because he

k*lled his dad with COVID.

So today, I'm gonna take him to see

kind of an inspirational speaker.

Somebody who really believes

in the power of positivity.

- They want to enslave you to a land

of discarded heroin needles in parks,

riots in streets, human

sex-drug traffickers.

You will not recognize

this country or yourself.

Ladies and gentlemen,

the best is yet to come.

- She's also gonna check a

box on the demo checklist,

rub elbow with some former Fox stars, so.

We're getting to

meet Kimberly Guilfoyle.

- To the Donald Trump campaign

and of course the National Chair

of the Trump Victory Finance

Committee, Kimberly Guilfoyle!

- Is everybody having a

good time so far today?

I think I've been everywhere but like

Alaska and Hawaii so far, all right?

- Kimberly, Kimberly, Kimberly.

My dad died of COVID and

I'm still a Trump supporter.

And the best is yet to come!


- Its more like this, "The

best is yet to come!"

- Yeah!

All right everybody, we're

doing a little ceremony,

Kimberly, for you as well.

The best is yet to come!

The best is yet to come!

Man, what a great speaker

she was, it was moving.

- You know dad, Kimberly Guilfoyle

helped me see that I just

needed a little positivity.

It really motivated me to ask you,

will you forgive me for

k*lling you with COVID-19?

Thank you, thank you, dad.

- Welcome to "The Derek and Dale Show."

I'm Derek.

- And I'm Dale Jr.

and this is Dale Sr. joining us today.

- So what is the next

thing we need to do, Dale?

- Okay, the next thing and

maybe one of the most important

things Derek and Dale could

do is break our own story.

- America!

- First!

- America!

- First!

- America!

- First!

- Really?

- Is there a story that's

out there right now

that the mainstream

media isn't reporting on?

- If you're gonna kneel

during your football game when

you're feeling oppressed,

don't kneel, respect the flag.

- You know what I hate is when you see

people sometimes and

they'll desecrate the flag.

Have you seen that?

Like they don't respect the flag.

They'll like put markings on the flag,

they'll like put text over a flag.

They'll change the colors of the flag

and I'm like, that's the American flag.

You never, ever do anything

to desecrate the American flag ever.

- Still no Trump 2021 in America

as we see here Operation Flag

Drop that Facebook group.

- Yeah, the text going

right over the flag there

and it looks nice and then

it's splattering, that's cool.

- It is though, yeah and-

- A little help.

- Oh jeez, this guy.

We've talked to a lot of people

but we haven't broken a story yet.

We need to find somebody

who's an expert on a subject

and we need to ask him

some tough questions.

- Q, baby.

- Is there any story you can think of that

is being under-reported

by the mainstream media?

- Of course, Qwaynon.

- Qwaynon, okay.

- Q.

- Q, okay.

- So you're a fan of Q?

- I'm a fan of Q.

A big diehard fan of Q.

- So youre saying Qwaynon,

I've heard QAnon.

- They say QAnon, I consider it Qwaynon

because the A is silent.

- Which A?

- The second A.

- Who is Q?

- Who is Q?

- Yes.

- There's two people.

It could be the President

of the United States,

which is Donald Trump or JFK Jr.

- Either there is somebody named Q

who's working in the White

House, it could be Trump.

- This is what I was telling

you, this is the stuff I write.

- Absolutely and Major Taylor Green.

- Yeah, keep going, we'll be right back.


- These are the stories

that I've been writing.

The stuff I write late at night, you know?

- What do you mean?

- I have a lot of fun with it because

it's basically like Q and

Trump are like two superheroes.

- Wait, what are you saying?

- I'm saying I'm Q.

- You're Q?

- Yeah.

- That's your fan fiction?

- That's my fan fiction, I know

it's so stupid but people

believe it I guess.

- This could be a huge thing for us.

- Oh no, it's just stuff

I write late at night.

- This is our news story right now.

If we break who QAnon

is, that would be huge.

- We'll break the story.

- We'll break the story.

- Derek and Dale will break the story.

- Yes, all right.

So this guy Q, he is a smart guy, right?

- Genius.

- He's a genius?

- I don't know if he's a genius.

Some people say like they

don't know who's written this.

- Q might not be a person.

Q might be the President

of the United States.

- But what if it's not?

What if it's an incel who lives in a van

with an American flag bandana around his?

- Yes.

- Okay.

You know I was thinking maybe

this could be big for the demo tape.

We get somebody who's like running

for office in politics

who believes in QAnon.

The only problem is that you kinda

have to be a f*cking moron

to believe in this stuff.

- Q is a patriot, it's

an anonymous person.

According to Q,

many -im-ern- our government are

actively worshiping Satan.

- Satan.

- Kennedy getting k*lled

in the plane crash.

That's another one of those

Clinton murders, right?

- Clinton murders.

- There's a once in a

lifetime opportunity to take

this global cable of

Satan-worshiping pedophiles out.

- It's pronounced cabal.

- They're doing exactly

what they want to do

and that's why they passed a $1.9 trillion

spending bill that only

9%, less than 9% actually-

- Where we go one, we go all.

- No, no, no.

- Thank you, Q

Congresswoman, thank you.

- Get out, get out.

- Stop pushing me,

there's a misunderstanding, okay?

She believes in me like a

kid believes in Santa Claus.

I love Marjorie Taylor

Greene, she believes in me.

- Isnt that sad?

- Ow!

- Get outta here.

- I just don't know what

everyone was so mad about.

Marjorie Taylor Greene actually

believes in my fan fiction.

So what's the problem?

- You just look like a guy and QAnon

is supposed to be this

kind of magical being

that's like a fairytale

almost, a superhero.

Do you picture QAnon

looking a specific way

when you're writing your fan fiction?

- Yeah.

- This is exactly what you

pictured in your stories?

- This is exactly what

Q looks like exactly.

- All right, let's spread the word.

Ready, guys?

Q, you do a Q and then you put

your head down until

it goes over like a Q.

- Seeing these adults,

the look on their faces when they saw Q.

- It's Dale from "The

Derek and Dale Show."

- Stop it.

- Right?

- I see it now, okay, okay.

- Exactly.

- And the storm is upon us.

- It just warms our heart, it's darling.

You love Q, right?

- Oh yeah.

Me and my boyfriend follow him hard.

- It was almost like

dealing with children.

Hey, where we go one.

- We go all.

- There we go.

- Yeah.

- Who is Q?

- Where we go one, we go all.

- Where we go one, we go all.

- God bless America.

- Donald Trump created a

miracle for this nation

and that miracle is this

room tonight is awake.

- Excuse me, I'm Q, nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you, I'm Q.

- Taken for granted.

- If you have any

questions about the storm

or the cabal any of my other

stories, just let me know.

- Where many can live.

- Hey guys.

Oh hey, not cool, hey, I'm

supposed to wear a mask.

Gimme that.

General Flynn, don't let them

kick me out, that's an order.

I'm allowed to wear this, it's my mask.

Hey, no, no, no.

Hey, that's my mask, hey.

- Does he got any questions?

- Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

- We have a very special

guest for the show today.

QAnon is joining us in the studio.

Q, thanks for joining us.

- Anything for "The Derek and Dale Show."

- We understand that you will reveal

who you really are on

"The Derek and Dale Show"

but only if "The Derek and

Dale Show" is on Fox News.

Is that correct?

- That's right.

I am willing to do the unthinkable

if Derek and Dale get a show at Fox News

and then Derek can refill his daughter's

college fund and then Dale

can get a van twice the size.

- That's awesome, it's

gonna be a huge story.

- So I do the two bunnies, right?

- Yeah.

- Vote no for Joe and the ho.

- Oh, cool.

You got children's sizes?

- Yeah, I got super extra small.

- Oh yeah, let me see,

it's for my five-year-old.

What does the back say? Can I see it?

Because my daughter is gonna wear it.

- "Trump those b*tches."

- Okay, that's fine.

That's great.

Hey, sweetheart.

I'm sorry, I can't say that anymore.

Are you calling to congratulate

me on my engagement?

Trying to get a job right now?

That's what I'm doing actually.

If I don't have a job by

the custody hearing on

November 4th, you're gonna take

Ivanka away from me forever?

Put Ivanka on the phone,

put Ivanka on the phone!

My ex-wife, she just said

if I don't have a job,

she's gonna take my daughter

Ivanka away from me.

I don't know, maybe it's fate

because the hearing is the

day after the election.

So we can get the job on election day

and then I'll get my daughter

the day after, you know?

- Thank you, thank you for the pep talk.

I really appreciate it.

- 10 days and counting,

election day is drawing near.

- This is going to be a

fraud like you've never seen.

- Show up and vote.

- We are getting close

to the end game here.

- Absolutely, after we

broke that big story with Q,

the world started to take notice

but we realized we had one more thing.

- Yes.

- We want acknowledgement

from Donald Trump

before we head back to Fox News

and Derek had a great idea.

- We are here in Washington D.C.

for a very important

part of our demo tape.

Today, we are going to interview

the one and only Donald Trump.

Does Trump ever come out

for interviews or anything?

- Why, what happened?

- He never comes out of the

front door of the White House?

That seems crazy.

All right, so we can't interview him.

We gotta think of a new

way to get his attention.

What's going on over here?

- What do you think of everything?

- I dont know.

- It feels like they're talking

a lot about like white privilege.

I don't know, have you

ever experienced that?

- I don't think we have, right?

- No, not us.

- Yeah.

- It's not about us.

Like the stuff we do, like

interrupting politicians,

like anyone could do that.

- There wouldnt be different consequences.

- It's got nothing to do with privilege.

- Hey guys, you gotta move

these, they're blocking traffic.

You gotta move all the cars.

You gotta get 'em out of here,

they're blocking traffic.

Nobody can get through.

Guys, wrap it up.

You gotta move 'em.

- Are you okay? You

seem a little agitated.

- Yeah, yeah, I'm okay.

Hey, if we're ever separated

for whatever reason,

our paths go a different direction,

let's meet right back here

at the Washington Monument.

- Okay, sure Derek. Promise?

- Promise.

- Yeah.

Now we just gotta figure out a way

to get Donald Trump's attention.

- We've gotta do something

big, something monumental.

- Dale that's it, monuments.

- The unhinged left-wing mob

is trying to vandalize our history,

desecrate our monuments,

our beautiful monuments.

- Donald Trump keeps talking

about Confederate monuments.

He says these protesters want

to tear down these beautiful

monuments and that kind

of got the wheels turning.

- Yeah, we thought if Donald Trump

loves these Confederate monuments so much,

we should dedicate them to him.

- I want to apologize for

being agitated lately.

Ever since I talked to a

woman for the first time,

I started to have a lot of romantic urges.

I just want to explode.

- Like sexually?

- Yeah.

- Yeah.

I've been there before but

anyways, back to these statues.

I think Donald Trump's right.

These things are beautiful, you know?

They're gorgeous statues,

they're just built nice.

The curves on them are amazing.

Imagine being on top of one

of those statutes, you know?

This is a statue of Robert E.

Lee here in Charlottesville,

the most famous Confederate

statue and today,

we're gonna turn it into a

big statue for Donald Trump.

Hopefully this gets his attention.

- Derek, I'm gonna hang back for a second.

- Yeah?

- Yeah, yeah.

I'll see you at the van.

- You sure?

- Yeah.

- Okay.

- All right, sure.

- Our monuments, our beautiful monuments.

Beautiful monuments.

- I got the podcast all

set up if you're ready to.

- Oh no, oh, oh, oh.


- Yeah?

- You were right, that's incredible.

- That wasn't really

what I was talking about.

I wasn't talking about f*cking em.

We will admit when we fail at something.

We failed at getting Donald

Trump's attention with these

Confederate statue re-namings

but on the positive side,

you lost your virginity, right?

- Yep, I did f*ck a fair

number of those statues.

- Right, "Derek and Dale Show"

says f*ck Confederate statues.

But we've gotta stay focused here.

We only have five days to

complete this demo tape.

Kind of a crazy idea

but I just read online

that Donald Trump, his motorcade

is gonna literally

drive past our hometown.

I'm thinking if we can get

on camera with Donald Trump,

that could put us over

the edge with Fox News.

- And just a little selfish thing,

I'm gonna get to see

Donald Trump with my dad.

- It's a human interest story.

It's the final thing for our demo tape.

It checks all the boxes

and it has to work.

- Thanks for being here with me.

- Of course, I'm glad you guys

could come and do this together.

- It's something I kind of

always wanted to do with him, you know?

- Yeah.

- Aww.

- All I know so far is that hes en route.

- All right.

- Hey, can I hold it? It's my dad.

I'd rather you put it

on the hood of my car.

You can have it afterwards.

That way, nobody has to worry about it

so it doesn't become a big deal.

- But the whole thing

is he wants to show him.

- He wants to show a bag of

white powder to the President?

- This is my dad.

Still a pretty good view for dad, right?

- Past the Biden house,

here he comes, everybody.

- I see it, thats the limo.

- Yeah thats it.

- Here he comes.

- Donald, my dad wanted to be here.

He died of COVID.

He loved you so much.

That was incredible.

Dad, I'm so glad you could be here.

Oh my gosh.

Did you see my dad got to see that?

There it,

there it is.

See it, you see?

- That's us.

- In a tweet from Donald

Trump, can you believe that?

- There's me, there's Dale.

Derek and Dale were

tweeted by Donald Trump.

- Can you imagine walking

into Fox News and not

having them roll out the red

carpet and give us a job?

- I've been staying up late

working on the demo tape

almost every night and

it's going pretty great.

- Welcome to "The Derek

and Dale" demo tape.

- I'm Derek.

- I'm Dale.

- Let's get right to it.

- Featuring investigative reports.

- You committed voter

fraud, what'd you do?

- I voted twice for Trump.

- Talking to women.

- Hi, Elizabeth.

- Hi, Dale.

- Thank you.

- Gotcha interviews.

- Here's the thing, you keep predicting

all these things are gonna

happen, it never happens.

- I gotcha.

- Are you serious, you're

just walking out of here?

I don't think you are who you say you are.

- I'm Q.

- This is looking really good.

We basically have jobs already,

they just have to see it.

- Burn the DVD, let's do it.

Pretty cool, right?

- Yeah.

Fox News, here we come.

- Hey sweetheart, it's Derek.

I know we've got this

custody hearing coming up.

I'd just really love to have you there.

So give me a call back when

you get this, Elizabeth

Warren, I love you.

Dale, hey come on, we gotta

get back to New York City.

We don't have time for this.

- Good morning, election day 2020.

America heads to the polls.

- All right, we're here in New York City

on election day, dropping

off the demo tape.

- Dale, what is it?

Ivanka, this has been a crazy journey

but I've been doing it all for you.

We deserve this, we really do.

With a lot of hard work,

the demo tape is done.

- That's right, we have our secret w*apon.

We're going back to Fox

News and we did everything

we could have wanted, so

nothing can stop us now.

- You know what, you see that church?

I'm gonna use the bathroom.

- Oh, okay?

Do you have to go right now?

- Yeah, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

- Okay.

- I'm just gonna pee, okay?

- All right.

This is kind of weird, right?

He's been in there for like 10 minutes

but he'll be out soon, he

wouldn't miss this for the world.

He's been in there like an hour.

Could you give this to Suzanne Scott?

- I can't give that to her.

- I know but it's "The

Derek and Dale" demo tape.

- I can't give it to her,

nobody can give it to her.

- Can you give it to her?

- Read my lips, no one

can give that to her.

So take it and throw it in the garbage.

- But Derek's gonna be so pissed.

- Well then Derek is f*cking

pissed then, I don't know.

- Ugh.

- Former Vice-President Joe

Biden will win Pennsylvania and

Nevada to become the 46th

President of the United States.

- Welcome to "The Derek and Dale Show."

I'm Derek.

- And I'm Dale.

- Let's get right to it.

- Well, it's been a crazy few days.

All the news networks

said that Joe Biden won

the election but Donald

Trump is refusing to concede.

- Frankly, we did win this election.

- And I just don't know

what to think about it

but Derek's so good in these situations,

I just haven't seen him in a few days

since he went to use the bathroom.

- I've just become a member

of the Church of Scientology

here in New York City

and it is really an

exciting time in my life.

- No, no, no, no, no, no.

- I did miss the custody

hearing but that's okay.

The Church said they have all the tools

I need to become really, really famous.

They said they might even put me

on a billboard in Times Square.

- Well Dale, there's been

a lot of stuff in the news.

- Yes.

- All right, let's go.

- Get this guy a stress test.

- Stress test?

- Yeah.

- All right.

- Dale and I were trying

to become successful

by reading "Art of the Deal"

and listening to Donald Trump

when really we should have just been

reading "Dianetics" and

listening to L. Ron Hubbard.

- No, why?


Oh, everyone's saying

online that it's a cult.

They're just listening to one guy

like he knows everything, that's crazy.

Wait, do you think

Derek is stuck in there?

Oh gosh, okay.

Derek, I'm coming for you.

Don't let them brainwash

you, I'm on my way.

Hi, have you guys seen Derek?

Derek, you gotta get out of here.

You have to get outta here.

- Come take a stress test.

- No, I don't want to take a stress test.

I don't want to take a stress test.

This place is a cult, everyone's

listening to one person.

Nobody's free thinking for themselves.

Derek, you have to leave.

- Okay, you're being a

suppressive person right now.

- No please, Derek.

Come on, do the podcast.

- I'm done with the podcast.

- Please do the podcast.

- I'm done with the podcast.

- Derek, please.

- Welcome to "The Derek and Dale Show."

I'm Derek.

- And I'm Dale.

Come on, let's get right

to it, Derek please.

- I'm really sorry about

him, let's get him out.

- I need you to leave, this is a cult.

- Will you help me get him out?

- Derek, please.

- It's not a cult.

- Derek, please.

- It's not a cult.

- We had a good thing going.

- It's not a cult.

- Do you even remember

"The Art of the Deal?"

- Get out of here.

- Do you even remember?

- I'm so sorry.

- This is a cult.

- What is your problem?

- You need to come back to the van.

- Don't ruin my life for me.

- This isn't you.

- Yes it is.

This is me.

- No, it's not.

- All you do is listen to

what Donald Trump says.

Okay, you know what?

All you do is what L. Ron Hubbard says.

- L. Ron Hubbard is the smartest

person who's ever lived.

- No he is not, okay?

- I'm not putting that on.

- Wear the hat.

- I'm not wearing the hat.

- Put it on.

- It doesn't matter what I

wear, I'm still a Scientologist.

- I don't have to wear this

stuff to be a Trump supporter.

I don't even know who you are anymore.

I don't even know who you are anymore.

- I'm a Scientologist.

- Derek, you're in a cult.

- You're in a cult.

- You're in a cult.

- You're in a cult.

- You're in a cult.

- You're in a cult.

- You're in a cult.

- You're in a cult.

- You're in a cult.

I'm not stressed, you need

to come back to the van.

- I'm so sorry about this,

guys, this guy's insane.

- Derek, stop and come back to the van.

- I'm going back to the Church.

- You've gotta come back to the van.

- I'm going back.

- Scientology is a cult.

- You know what?

I'm proud.

I'm proud of my beliefs.

- Welcome to "The Dale

and Dale Show," I'm Dale.

- Tonight, President Trump

refusing to admit defeat.

- You're gonna find fraud

of hundreds of thousands

of votes per state.

- When you say there's no evidence.

- I've actually been

doing a little research.

The votes that were in Georgia

were actually placed in China.

Why are the ballots made of bamboo fibers?

- So I'm on a billboard in Times Square.

All my dreams came true, I'm happy.

I'm not really good at the internet,

which is good because

they keep telling me,

"Don't look at the internet."

- The only person that's looking out

for you is yourself and Donald Trump.

The Dominion Voting software

was developed in Venezuela.

- At the direction of Hugo Chavez.

- I need to sign more people up

or I'm gonna go back in the hole.

- I don't want to be sad anymore because

you made me sad for so long

but now I can just be mad.

- What we're doing at Scientology,

we are making the world great again.

- That's it for "The Dale and Dale Show."

I'm here at the Donald Trump rally

and I just think it's gonna be incredible.

He's gonna be right

here in a little while.

CNN does suck.

This is gonna be perfect for

"The Dale and Dale Show."

- Would you like to take a stress test?

- No, sorry.

- Are you sure?

You just hold on.

You want a stress test?

You want some L. Ron Hubbard

in your veins, inject some of that?

Hey, do you know how to tie shoes?

Dale's my best friend in the whole world.

I love Dale, I love Dale.

- You're in a cult.

- There's a Galactic w*rlord named Xenu

that put all of our, these souls into volcanoes

and $150,000 to get there, this is crazy.

Have you read any of this stuff?

Dale was right, this is a cult.

This whole thing, it's a cult.

It's a cult.

This whole thing's a cult, Dale was right.

Oh my god, Dale was right, Dale was right.

Oh my god, I'm in a f*cking cult.

Ah, f*ck.

Dale was right, Scientology is a cult.

I gotta find Dale, I

gotta find Dale, Dale!

- Yeah, Donald!

Donald Trump is here and

this is gonna be awesome.

- Yeah!


- Ladies and gentlemen, please

welcome the 45th President

of the United States, Donald J. Trump.

- This is gonna be the best episode

ever of "The Dale and Dale Show."


Donald Trump.

- Thank you very much for being here.

We did a great thing.

As we stand together in the rain,

it's supposed to bring

luck, we'll take it, huh?

Thank you very much and I love you too.

- Thank you, we love you!

- Or I wouldn't have done this.

I wouldn't have done it

but we're doing well.

Together, we will save our country

and that's what we're doing.

I see people with Trump stuff on

that never cared about a

politician in their life.

Now they got the hat and

the sash and the belt

and the shoes, the shoes,

the shoes, the shoes.

- Yeah, I can't tie my shoes

at all, at all, at all.

You're in a cult!

- We will stop the radical

indoctrination of our students

and restore patriotic

education to our schools.

We will teach our children

to love our country, honor

our history and always respect

our great American flag.

For years you had a President who apologized

for America, they couldn't do

anything, it was all a mess.

- You're a cult leader.

Derek was right, admit

it, Derek was right.

You're a cult leader!

You're a cult leader!

Admit it, Derek was

right, Derek was right.

Derek was right, Derek was right.

We can all just leave,

we can all just leave.

We can all just leave, let's go.

He can't hurt us anymore,

he can't hurt us.

- That guy, he's going

home to his parents now.

Hes gonna be in big trouble.

- It's a cult, it's a cult.

- You were on him,

this guy hadn't gotten the first word out.

That's the kind of guy I want

working for me right there.

- It's a cult.

I gotta find Derek, I gotta find Derek.

We're just listening to this

guy, he tells us what to do.

- Come on Dale, pick up your phone.

How did I not see this? It's a cult.

- This is Dale, you can

find me wherever Trump is.

- President Trump says he

will be at The Ellipse Park

here in D.C. at 11:00

a.m. tomorrow, January 6th

to continue claiming

the election was stolen.

The crowd size based on permits

- This is Dale, you can

find me wherever Trump is.

- Dale, it's Derek, let's get right to it.

Listen, you were right.

I was in a cult but you're in a cult too.

I know you're going to D.C.

and I'm coming to meet you there, okay?

My phone is about to die, Dale

but I will meet you in D.C.

Don't do anything stupid, okay?

Ah, bit my tongue.

- Washington, okay.

- Welcome to Derek's voicemail,

please leave a message.

- Come on, Derek.

Okay, I guess I'm meeting you in D.C.

- It's Wednesday, January 6th.

Thousands of President Trump's

supporters have gathered

in Washington to protest.

Some Republicans say they will vote-

- We're sorry, all circuits are busy now.

- Derek, where are you?

- I see lots of incels but no Dale.

- Is your phone working?

- Nope.

- Hey, have you seen my best friend?

- There's so many people

down that way and that way.

- Do we love Donald Trump?

The people

who did nothing to stop the steal,

this gathering should

send a message to them.

- He's like an incel, he's

got like a weird mustache.

- Hey, have you seen, he's like tall?

- Bro, who are you?

- Derek, where are you?

- Let's have trial by combat.

- He's a little taller than me, no?

- Right here, we're gonna

walk down to the Capitol

and we're probably not gonna be

cheering so much for some of them.

- I'm at the US Capitol

and people have just

broken through the police

and rushed the Capitol.

I really hope Derek didn't get mixed up

in any of this trying to find me.

Oh man, I gotta go find him.

- You better run, cops!


- Derek, where are you?


Stop the steal, stop the

steal, stop the steal.

- People are saying the Trump supporters

have been in the Capitol

for about a half hour now.

I still haven't seen Dale, I

just hope he's not in there.

- Police have finally taken back

this section of the Capitol.

If you can take a look

just right behind me,

you can see them clearing out

the final demonstrators and protestors.

- Both the House and the Senate will try

to reconvene at 8:00

p.m. Eastern to continue

the certification of the

Electoral College vote.

- Where are you, Dale?

Of course.

I'm coming for you, Dale.

I'm coming for you.


- Derek.

- Dale.

- Derek.

- Dale.

- I missed you so much.

- I missed you too.

- Welcome to "The Derek and Dale Show."

I'm Derek.

- And I'm Dale.

- Let's get right to it.

I love you.

- I love you too, Derek.

Put the mask in the bucket.

Sexy statue, gonna f*ck it.

Current scumbag Joe Biden

Joe Biden his time.

Derek and Dale, one more time

What's up, guys?

- Yeah, a lot's changed since

the last time you guys saw us.

- Yeah, we're done with Trump.

- Done with Scientology.

- No more cults for us.

- Right now, we're just focusing all

of our energy on improv

comedy here in New York City.

- That's right.

- Put your hands together

for Derek and Dale.

- Welcome to "The Derek and Dale Show."

- I'm Dale.

- I'm Derek.

Let's get right to it.

- Let's get right to it.

- Dale has been talking

to some girls in class.

- Yeah.

- Literally just talking

and doing scenes with them.

Saying "Yes, and" to-

- To my whole life really.

I've never had such a smart dog before.

Say people words.

- People words.

- So when you start improv classes,

you have to buy book called "Dianetics,"

"Comedy Improvisation Manual."

A giant octopus man, boosh.


- And we're here to fight the w*r.

- My dearest Maria.

- In personal news, I'm allowed

to see my daughter again.

My wife has given me a couple

hours visitation every month.

- One tiny hole in the umbrella.

And my dad comes to

almost all of our shows.

So at the end of the day, I guess I do

kind of have a little bit

of a relationship with him.

- We're done with Trump.

I mean, we'll make fun of

Donald Trump with our comedy.

- We'll burn him pretty good.

- That's our show everybody,

thank you guys so much.

That was awesome, great job.

That was so funny.

- That was really good.

- The part where you were-

- You got Elizabeth Warren's

vote, it's gonna be a winner.

No, no, no, no.

- Hey, that's my friend's fiance.

- I'm sorry.

Where is he?

You know what, I was gonna go somewhere.

Theres just way too many cameras.

There was definitely an Indian

joke in there somewhere.

- Don't worry, your dad loves you, Junior.

- Let me ask you a question.

When you're on the air,

do you have a couple

drinks before you go on?

- Never.

- Because I watched you one time

and you were slurring

your words a little bit.

- I was never slurring my words.

- When you were on your

show on "Judge Jeanine,"

you were slurring your words a little bit.

- But that's what we liked about it.

- Because it's funny.

- This is what's fun about the show.

- He's saying that I

was slurring my words.

- Well, just you've had a couple-

- You just had a couple drinks.

- Not at all, what's your name?

- Hello and welcome.

I'm here on January 6th

and the biggest gathering

of losers in Washington

D.C. in a long, long time.

Here's one now.

- I'm gonna have you take one of me.

- Yes sir, what would

you say to Donald Trump

if you were talking to him right now?

- I'd say you're the greatest President

of our lifetime and I'm 65 and I've seen

a lot going on that is

so false and fraudulent,

it sickens me

and I will die standing

in my boots as a patriot for this country.

If this goes wrong,

it's not gonna be good.

- There you have it.
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