Last Word, The (2023)

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Last Word, The (2023)

Post by bunniefuu »

[ Applause ]

Ohh. [ Groans ]

Coming soon.

You'll miss me one day.

How prophetic.

And how many days is this

"missing" gonna last?

[ Sobs ]

I need my muse!

Come on, Jillian!

Where the hell are you?

[ Doorbell rings ]



Redecorating, I see.

Yeah, I know, it's a mess.

I know, a mess.

Mirrors my life.

You look like a mess, buddy.

Did you come over here just to

get on my ass to make me feel --

I don't know --

I don't know --

to point out

how badly I'm doing?

Don't worry about me, Fred.

I'm fine.

Fine and dandy.

I've got work to do.

For someone fine and dandy,

you're doing a good job

of hiding it well.

How is the book coming?

It's not.

I can't focus.

I just need her.

I-I sit down, I put my fingers

on those keys, and I'm --

I'm blank.

Well, not exactly blank.

I-I wait.

I wait for her to chime in.

Are we having a hissy fit?

No hissy fit.

Reality check.

None of this means anything

without her here.

Buddy, she's been

gone almost a year.

Maybe it's time to --

-Time to what?

Time to what?

Let's see -- move on?


Stop living in it?

Which, Fred? Which?

Make some choices.

You know, you could just stop.

Stop writing?

Oh, yeah.

-I just want you to get a grip.

Brett, my boy,

she ain't coming back.

Hard to hear,

but it's the reality of it.

You think I don't know that?

You're lucky.

You still have Madge.

Makes me crazy

most of the time.

Oh. I'd sell my soul to be

driven crazy again.

To not feel like I'm drowning.

Well, I'm not your life vest.

But I'm your buddy.

And, no, I can't know

how you feel.

But I do know you can't

keep on like this.

Ever hear of a laptop?

You ought to get one.

I've written every novel

on that baby.

It's my lucky typewriter,

and I can't give it up now!

Maybe when this novel is done?

I'm just saying,

it's not 1980 anymore.

And, Brett -- take a shower!

Tell Fred to go!

I'm gonna come downstairs.

Whoa, hold it, hold it.

Did you get hit by lightning?

Is that what they talk about

when they say

writer's block unblocks?

Yeah, hey, sort of.

Fred, could you go?

I need to write.

The juices are flowing,

and I don't want

to miss my opportunity.

Just go!

Hey, hey, hey!

Thanks for caring, man.

I really, really mean it.

I'm just -- I'm just not ready

for the world yet.

I've got to get

my novel finished.

Okay, okay.

I'll give you a call.

I'll help to clean the place.

No offense, but it stinks.

I'll bring Madge back with me.

She'll make the place sparkling.


[ Both laugh ]

I thought he'd never leave.

[ Laughs ]

Honey, I-I-I can't feel you.

I know.

I can't feel you, either.

You can't hug me.

Won't work.

I'm not huggable.

Oh, Brett.

I go away for a little while and

you turn into a complete slob?


Uh, Jillian?



Oh, I've really lost it.

You are...

Still dead, Brett.


Yes, that's what this is --

a dream!

Yeah! It's a dream.

-Still here.

-What's going on?!


Feel that?

-Uh, no.


Because you are a...

Ghost. Bingo.

Oh, God!

Brett Harper, I've never

seen you at a loss for words.

You asked for your great

American muse back.

Another great American novel

by the Brett Harper.

If so, I'm ready.

Talking about the novel

that I-I started bef--

-But I never read it, did I?

-No, you didn't.

You said you'd read it once you

got close to the last chapter,

and then you...

This is unreal.


I'm not going crazy, am I?


Oh, holy heavens,

you're still here!

We have a novel to finish,


You kept asking for me.

How could I keep you

in the lurch?

If this is a dream,

I don't want to wake up.

You left me, Jillian.

How could you?

My heart broke.

You knew it would break,

so why did you go?

You do know there's no choice

in this dying stuff, right?

I mean, I didn't expect

to get hit by a car.

And then, lying there,

I sure didn't expect

to end up like this.

And no offense --

while it was all happening,

I really wasn't

thinking about you.

I mean, I knew

I'd miss you terribly.

But then I just started thinking

how, "Oh, someone's gonna

find out all my secrets."

Forget to feed the fish and

cancel my dental appointments,

stuff like that.

So breaking your heart?

Nope, it wasn't on my mind.


-My God.

Oh, yeah,

about the "God" thing,

I haven't met Him -- or Her.

There were no cloud-like beings,


No puffy sidewalks.

I just sort of got stuck.

I haven't seen anything yet.

I got stuck between here

and there.

-Good heavens.

-Yeah, yeah, so I've heard.

You know, we talked enough

about the heaven and God thing.

I was disappointed, too.

I expected a greeting party,

you know?

Mom and Dad.

Capiche, amore mo?

Y-You speak Italian now?

Why not? I have literally

an eternity of time to fill.

In fact, do you remember

how I always used to want

to play the saxophone?


-W-What are you doing?

Oh, uh...

I just thought maybe your old

sax was still in here, but...

maybe that was before.

Yeah, before you left.



I always loved this wall

of photos.

So many memories.


That -- That wasn't

a fabulous vacation.

Oh, you got so sunburnt.

Remember that book

you were reading?

Ended up like a big white square

right on your stomach.

It wasn't that funny, Jillian.

It hurt for days.

I want to stay!

Stay until the book is done.

Write those last words,

just like I always did.

No, no, no, no.

Why are you here?


I don't get it!

Oh, honey, will you quit

doing that, please?

You're gonna hurt yourself,

and I'm still gonna be here.


so much left unsaid.

But in death, there's no reason

not to tell the truth.


say it all.

You must have so many questions,

dozens of them, so just ask me.

Ask me anything.


I-It took me months and months

to accept that you were gone.

It hurt.

Worse than that time

when we were separated

and I thought

our marriage was over.

This cut me to shreds!

Can you imagine?

You think it didn't nearly

k*ll me when it k*lled me?

I mean, you lost me,

but I lost you, too.

I mean, and I remember

how many times you left me

on your book tours.

So many times when I know

that you didn't have to go,

but it was like

you wanted to leave.

So, yeah, I know what loss is.

Did you come back for a fight?

No, but you're talking

about loss

like we lost

the perfect marriage.

Look, we weren't

the perfect couple.

You were good for some things.

And just rotten for others.

You ignored me half the time,


Went on the road a lot,

and you blamed it on your -- ha!

-- your editors

and your deadlines

and your adoring fans.

I'm not stupid.

I knew the difference.

No, no, I never ignored you!

And I didn't leave you.

You drove me away at times.

It was exhausting being

the breadwinning superhero,

author extraordinaire, lover,

friend, therapist, and...

Oh, forget it, forget it,

forget it.

I shouldn't have come back.

-No, no, no, no!

No, no, no, no, no!

I-I'm glad you're here.

And I'm a little completely

confused and baffled, but...

I get more time with you.

More -- More time.

More time I hope to say

the things I've wanted to say.

We loved each other.

In spite of it all,

we loved each other.

We did.

But I need to move on,

and you need to let me.

I came back for us to find a way

to make that happen.

We get a second chance, darling.

Nobody gets that, but we do.

So, just tell me what you

couldn't or wouldn't say before.

And then ask me --

ask me anything.

Okay. Um...

Did it hurt?

That's your first question?

I guess I didn't

want it to hurt.

The accident, I know,

just had to.

But the dying part, was it all

softness and lights

like the movies?


Nah, didn't actually hurt,

the actual dying part.


-You kind of accept

what's happening

and get in the rhythm of it.

The winding down, just the...

buh-buh, buh-buh...

Buh-bum, buh-bum, buh-bum...



No light at the end

of the tunnel?

If there was a tunnel,

I missed it.

Or maybe I haven't seen it yet!

No, after I...



...I ended up here.

Upstairs, just staring at you,

watching you sleep, just...

tapping you on the shoulder over

and over, and you never woke up.

Just this push and pull

and push and pull.

Push, pull what?

Push to you and then away

again, over and over again.

Until today.

And I get to stay --

for a while.



I'll let you know.

Jillian, t-there's blood

on that gown.

Do you want to change

or something?

No, no.

News flash -- when you die,

you go in the clothes

you're wearing at the time.

And I can't change.


I'm a --

-Well, it's just so, uh...

It's just so...

-Red, right?


Yeah, just stays red.

Sort of like

spilled tomato juice.

-Spaghetti sauce.


Much better -- marinara sauce.

Think of it as marinara.

You didn't lose your sense

of humor, I see.

All these months...

Oh, Jillian, every day I pleaded

with God to send you back to me.

I prayed, I chanted, I raved,

I wanted you hear with me, Jill!

I didn't want us to end.


-Me either.

Oh, honey, if I could hold you

in my arms again, I would.


Darling, don't, please.

I'm here, right now, in this

moment, to finish the story.

Well, two stories --

ours and the novel.


Ours, then the novel,

and then...

we'll see.

Jillian, we knew each other

so well, so long, better,

I think, than most couples.

I don't need to know

anything more.

And what good would it do?

Rehash the not-so-good times?

Tell me some big secret?

Come on, Jilly.

What still needs to be said?

Hoo! Oh, boy.

You remember that old joke

about the town drunk

who cheats on his wife,

embezzles money,

and then he dies?

Friends and family gathered

to listen to the preacher rave

about his goodness and all

the things he did in his life.

Then the wife turns

to her friends and says,

"Are we at the right funeral?"

Yeah, I remember.

It's still funny.

Our lives moved along.

To the outside world, seamless.

A match made in heaven.

There was stitches missed

and stitches dropped.

Things you should know...

things I couldn't say it in time

but I need to say now

to find closure.

So, Brett...

Did you have lovers

while you were on the road?

That's your first question?

Good Lord, no!

Of course not!

Did you think that?

[ Laughs ] No.

You never came home

wanting me?

Come on.

I-I-I was traveling and tired.

We weren't newlyweds.

Come on, Jillian,

I don't want to rehash all that.

It's old news!

Just tell the truth.

I found that old

"lipstick on the collar" thing

a few too many times.

And I obviously

didn't care enough

to confront you about it then.

Or maybe I was just too scared

to confront you

about it like I was

about so many things.


a mouse.

Well, I'm not that mouse


So just be honest.




I slept with a few women.

God, I don't even

remember their names!

I mean, that's how much

it didn't matter!

Why care about this now?

Come on.

Are you gonna keep this up?

-No, absolutely not.

Just think of this

as the last AA meeting

where I spill it all

and apologize, sort of.

Whoa, hold on a minute.

Are you trying to tell me

that you had an affair?

Random lovers?

You weren't a saint.

I wasn't a saintess.

With who?

Here in this house?!

With who? When?

For God's sake, Romeo...

I didn't have a string

of lovers.

Remember that year

your first book was published?

Number two on the bestseller

list, like, forever.

Traveling from city to city.

Gone most of that year.

-Yeah, I remember.

It was one of the most

exhilarating times of my life.

I felt like a Hollywood star.

And I felt like a golf widow.


Pushed to the side.

Did you know days would go by

and you hadn't even called me?

Oh, no, I didn't realize that.

Was I that bad?

I am sorry, Jillian, truly.

Let's make a deal here, okay?

No "I'm sorrys" while we say

what we have to say, all right?


Did you know I was pregnant

when you were gone, Brett?


No, you never told me

you were pregnant.

You never told me!

You lost it, didn't you?


You lost it before

I ever knew it was!


We'd already had

two miscarriages.

I decided to wait

to tell you so...

we didn't get our hopes

up again.

Besides, I wasn't sure

if it was yours.


But it -- it wasn't mine?

It wasn't mine!

Holy shit!

How stupid was I?!

Was this to get back at me

because I wasn't sure

of having kids?

Was it to get back at me

for some stupid lipstick

on a collar?

I was lonely, and I just --

I-I made a mistake.

And then I lost it anyway,

so it didn't matter.

It damn well matters now.

It's like I never knew you.

Who was he?

Did I know him?

No. Oh. Yes.


Uh, he was the new pool guy.

-The pool guy?

-I was lonely.

He was there.

How old was he?

Old enough.

He was in college.

He was accepted into college.

So you got knocked up

by some snot-nosed pool kid?

Well, gee, Mrs Robinson,

all I can say is "How clich."

I-I'm shocked.

Completely shocked.

Shocked to think of you

being so -- so slutty.

Nice, Brett.

So nice.

I am no more of a slut than you.

Why are women called slutty,

and men get this sort of pass?

Don't beat it up.

I just -- I wanted you to know.

Sometimes it's best

to not know everything.

Yeah, well, I knew you and

accepted you for who you were --


It's just one page of our story

now out there.

I'm so done carrying it around!

You can earmark it,

but don't let it wound you.

It was 30 years ago.

It's done.

Just a page.

It's the Madge and Fred Friendly

Neighbors cleaning company.


At your service.

I'm not doing your laundry.

I'll clean up a bit,

and I can't promise

any miracles.

Guys, I appreciate the offer,

but I --

Need our help? You're welcome.

Dear me.

Got company?

Like who, Fred? Like who?

Of course not.

Must've been the wind.

Uh, the window's open, left it

open, slept with it open!

Fresh air all night.

Breezy -- gets breezy -- breezy.

-It's just a joke.

Calm down, buddy.



-Get me the vacuum cleaner.

-Oh, Madge...

And remind me,

what color is your carpet?

Ha ha. Funny, Madge.

What a mess.



Listen, Your Highness,

how do you expect me

to clean up this disaster

with you --

Go over there.


this is way beyond

what friends do for friends.

I haven't cleaned this place

in months.

Really? No kidding.

Fred, open up the --

the door to the patio.

No offense,

but this place smells like

a teenager's sweaty jockstrap.


-Yeah, this is embarrassing.

Oh, what?

What she said, or that my wife

can make a sailor blush?


You ought to think

about selling this house.

Move in to an apartment,

make life simple.

Been in this house

for over 30 years.

I'm not going anywhere.

They'll have to carry me

out of here.

Listen, guys, carry yourself

back to the sofa now

so I can clean over here.

-Thanks, Madge.

If I recall, Brett, you really

weren't around all that much.

Jillian ran around here alone

a lot.

Yeah, I regret

all those months and months

of leaving Jillian home, alone.

You know what?

She seemed okay.

She had her garden.

Didn't complain much.

Boy, would she be pissed

if she saw

how I let her garden go, huh?

Start it up again.

Get a gardener.

Maybe the next person

will love it, too.

You'll have someone

in your life sometime.


-Never's a long time, buddy.

Because this is her house.

Our house.

I just have to...

learn to adjust to living

the quieter life, you know?

[ Sighs ]

[ Vacuum whirring ]

Quiet life.

Uh, Madge.



You know, Madge,

it looks really great.

And thank you very much,

but I need to get back to work.

I-I need some quiet,

so thank you so very, very much.

But I need, uh...

Well, I just have to.

Well, it's, uh...

I-It's a start.

It's our pleasure.

'Cause we love you, kid.

But I'm only doing this once.

I'm not your new cleaning lady.

Do yourself a favor --

learn to use the vacuum.

It's really quite simple.

On, off, push.

Got it.

Just go, you two.

Thanks a million

for being there for me, really.

-All right, buddy, bye.




Hey, Jill.



Jilly, are you still here?!


[ Applause ]


Spoiled again?


Thank God you're back!


That Madge, huh?

What a gem.

And, yeah, Brett --

cut the grass.


Do you eat? Can you eat?



Because you are...



Kicked the bucket.

Passed on.

Not of this Earth.

Met my maker.

Well, not yet, but I will.

Okay. Um...

I-I'll try not to ask

any more stupid questions.

I'm still trying to wrap my head

around you

being knocked up

by some oily pool boy.

It just blows me away.

It happened.

Now you know.

So just let it go, sweetheart.

Anything else you want to know?



-Yeah, sit, please.


I do. Um...


Um, here I go.



Jillian, why did you stop

talking to your sister?

It's been bugging me for years.



That's what you want to know?


Remember I told you that I left

university after just two years?

Abruptly left?


Truth is, I was asked to leave.

Asked? Why?

My sister.

Two years younger than me,

and the jealousy followed me

all the way to college.

Hundreds of schools she could've

picked, she had to choose mine.

That's kind of weird.

It makes no sense.

It makes sense,

given what she did to me.

Long plotted and planned and

carried out like a professional.

You said she was jealous.

Jealous of what?

I mean, nothing could be so bad

that you would cut her

out of your life forever.

She just thought Mom and Dad

loved me more.

You know, siblings say that,


I got straight A's in school,

she squeaked by.

I-I had lots of friends

and a boyfriend or two, and...

she didn't.

Well, still, that's no reason

to be mean.

My sister...

She started spreading

vicious rumors about me

that first week she got there.

That I'd cheated

on my entrance exams,

that I slept with an instructor.

Just kept getting

bigger and bigger.

Well, was there any truth

in any of it?

How can you even ask me that?

You know me!

But the university believed her.

They never even

gave me a chance.

I still remember watching her

standing outside my dorm

on the grass,

this big smile on her face,

big smirk, really,

as I got in my car and I...

drove home.

What did you tell

your parents?

That I'd dropped out.

Wanted to go to work instead.

And they believed

that an A student

who wanted to be a writer

would do that?

You didn't tell them

what she did?

You -- You threw it away

over that?

You -- You are right, Jillian.

You were a mouse.

Oh, honey,

I spent decades mastering

the art of being a mouse.

And, yeah, I watched

opportunities pass me by.

My self-esteem was shattered.

I lost my sister.

And I lost the career

that I wanted.

I never spoke to her again.

I moved away,

and I just started to work.

And then, you came along.

The only thing or person

that I didn't push away.

You missed your chance

at being a writer,

possibly even a great writer?

Didn't you see

you were just a -- a doormat?

I got to add to your novels.

That was okay.

It was enough.

Don't be sad

or feel sorry for me

because I made a choice

not to fight.

And if it hadn't happened,

I never would've met you, right?


I was a pretty good writer,


Professor Wilder said

I was really talented.

He must've believed the rumors

because he never

spoke to me again.

Now I really wish I could

feel you in my arms.

I'm tired.

It's been quite a day.

I'm going to bed.


You go. I'll be around.

-You promise?



If this turns out

to be a dream,

it sure was a doozy.




How I've missed this.


And the writing.

And the creating.

And, oh...

how I have missed you.

[ Applause ]


-Oh, come on!

Oh, you scared me.

You just pop up.

Boy, Brett, you need

to get out of the house.

You know what you need?

You need a dog to walk.

Get a dog.

-Dog, right.

Good morning, Jillian.

-Good morning.

-Are you --

Are you, like, everywhere,

watching me all the time?

Well, not every minute.

And, Brett, I'm serious --

you need a dog.

Uh-huh. Mm-hmm.


I'm out of coffee.

I'm gonna run over to the

Coffee Cup and get some, okay?


Y-You'll be here

when I get back, right?


Don't leave -- please!

-I will be right here.


And I will have one of those

mocha choco lattes, uh,

extra whipped cream,

and extra choco latte.

You -- You mean you can --

you can drink now?

Nope. I just love saying

"mocha choco latte."

Mocha choco latte

Mocha choco latte

Mocha choco latte





I read somewhere great writers

need that morning jolt of coffee

to get the old juices flowing.

So, here.

-You read minds, too?

She's a woman of mystery

and surprise.

Thank you, Fred.


You're all dressed up.


-Let's see.

The pants matches the shirt.

Big leap forward.


I-I didn't know it was that bad.

-Trust me, it was.

Listen, while we were

at the Coffee Cup,

I happened to find this card.

Dog adoption fair

at the shelter.

Fred and I have decided

you need a dog.

Funny, it's been suggested.

Madge has been so rah-rah for

rescue dogs, I bet if she could,

she'd trade me in

for a dozen furry buddies.


Don't tempt me.


I work with a woman --

a volunteer.

Her name is Marie.

A matchmaker if ever I saw one.

She can look at you,

look at the dogs,

and know just

who goes with whom.

Yeah, it's -- it's a marriage,

so to speak.

Plus, Marie is single

and a lovely woman.

Don't go there.

Do I look like a man

looking for love?

A dog is the only being I can

even fathom curling up with.

I think you should do it.

Bring a bundle of furry love

into this house.


And Marie will help you.

I see a four-legged pup

in your future.

Come on. Just do it.

Maybe I will get a dog.

I'll -- I'll let you know.

I, for one, would love a bit

of barking coming

from your backyard.

Oh, yeah, the barking.

You could borrow one

of our pooper scoopers.

Oh, shit, that, too.

I mean, damn, that, too.

No, you got it right

the first time.

Honey, we gotta get going.

-All right, dear.

Listen, let us know

when you've got the dog in.


Coffee. Thanks, Madge.

Any time.

[ As Ricky Ricardo ]

Oh, Lucy, they're gone!


[ Normal voice ] Jillian?

Jillian, are you still --

are you still here?


Fred and Madge want you

to get a dog, too.

Honey, what's wrong?

I-I thought you were gone.

Oh, baby.


I'm hugging you.

Y-You just can't be here

then not here.

It -- It scares me, all of this!

I mean, you came back here

to put our life together,

in order,

and to finish the novel with me.

Well, let's get on it.

Calm down, honey, please.

I know me showing up like this

can't be easy

to comprehend or accept,

but please don't get angry.

God, it's just...

It's just so mind-boggling.

-I know.


Just tell me about the novel.

The story.


Tell me the story.

Young couple, they are

in love, on a vacation.

They end up separated

in a foreign country.

Can't seem to find each other.


He left her at the hotel

to go to a market,

so his knapsack with his wallet

and phone got stolen.

He felt he knew his way back

to the hotel, but he doesn't.

He's lost.

Uh, fork-in-the-road stuff,

adventures as they look

for each other.

Reached the final chapter,

and I'm stuck.

Like you.



you used to get so lost in it.

You were so stubborn.

It's like a clich.

You ever ask for help ever,

for anything, ever?

Back to criticizing me.

I'm not up for it.


Because, for the first time,

you looked up

and said you needed me.

Believe it or not,

that was a first.

So after nearly a year of me

bouncing back and forth

between heaven and Earth,

I finally got to come back today

to stay -- for a while.

To help you know me

a little better.

To help you know you

a little better.

I-I know me just fine.

And you, I do.

Or, well, I did.

Did I let you down that much?

At times.

Not enough to actually

pack my bag and leave.


I guess I just wanted more.

More what?

Oh, more...


More trips to Hawaii.

More sex.


You --

You never said anything.

You know, for a guy

who writes romance novels,

you sure couldn't

read the signs.

Like me, lying naked in bed,

two glasses of wine,

and lovely music,

and you ask, "Aren't you cold?"

I just wanted the romance in my

life like you put in your books.


felt guilty.

I had cheated on you.

Well, had a one-night stand.

I-It was me, not you.

I thought it was me.

That's all I ever needed

to hear.

Now go get those fingers

on those keys.

That you understand.



You warmed up there, maestro?


my wondrous muse.


So, they're lost, right?




Oh, Brett.

I never thought you'd even

consider another dog

after we lost Sparkle.

Oh, I'm just thinking

about it.

Little birdy whispered

in my ear, "You need a dog."

Wonder who that was.


Brett, let's go

get a rescue dog.

I don't think so.

I mean, I travel.

I-I don't need the barking,

the early-morning walks,

the chewed-up slippers,

the squeaky toys, and the --

-Actually, that's exactly

what you do need -- rescuing.

Dogs rescue us just as much

as we rescue them.

Madge talked about

a dog matchmaker

who runs a rescue center,

someone who can help me

make the right choice.

I don't know.

You're gonna call her,

aren't you?

I'll have Madge call her,

set up a meeting,

see if I really want to do this.

[ Both bark ]

[ Applause ]

[ Doorbell rings ]

[Madge] Yoo-hoo!

It's me.

[Brett] Hey, Madge!

And I have the Dolly Levi

of dogs with me.

Brett Harper, I'd like you

to meet Marie Lancaster,

dog whisperer extraordinaire.



And I brought some muffins.

Oh, well, just set them

over there, Madge.


-Sweets for the sweets.


-Marie, you're gonna see.

This is a kind

and wonderful man, right?

Stop it.

Please, sit.

-Sure, sure.

Do you know that I live

just down the street?


-That green house on the corner.

How convenient.

-Mm-hmm, yeah.

Yeah, how convenient, right?

You know, I've had a million

and one things to do today,

so I will leave you two to it.

Matchmaker, matchmaker,

make him a match

Find him a find

-Dog. She means a dog.


Yeah, dog, dog.


-Okay. So, uh --

So Madge tells me that

you're looking for a rescue.


I-I would love to help you find

just the right pup

for you, you know?

Do you mind if I ask you a bunch

of questions,

get to know the type of dog

you'd love to share

your life with?

Well, when you put it

that way,

it sounds like such a big deal.

To me, a dog is just a dog.

Well, you know, yes and no.

But think of it like this.

You decide to start dating

again, and you --

Oh, yeah.



Madge told me about your loss.

I'm -- I'm so sorry.

But, uh --

But let's just say

that you sign up for

one of those dating websites --

Never gonna happen,

but I'll, uh, play along.


This should be interesting.

Let the games begin.

Oh, God.

Excuse me?

Oh, it just sounds like, "Oh,

it's such a big deal," is all.

Well, in a sense, it is.

Uh, do you want to move forward?

[Jillian] Oh, please say yes.

I can't wait to hear

how this all turns out.


Great! Great. Okay.

So, you know, first question --

how would you describe yourself?

Oh, um...

Writer, um...

workaholic, when I'm writing.




Uh, okay.

But I was talking

about a type of person.

You know, are you are a loner

or life of the party?

Jogger, mud slug, couch potato?

[Jillian] Let the therapy begin.

Stop interjecting.

Let me think.

Just offering some examples.

No, it wasn't --

Yes, thank you.


I see myself as a, uh...

manly man.

[Jillian] You sound like

a commercial

for Irish Spring soap.

What I mean is, I see me

with a man's kind of dog --

something big.

You know, something you'd see

a man with.

You know, bigger.

You know...

So, size matters.

[Jillian] You guys get so hung

up on the size thing.

I'm just talking about a dog.

-No, no, I get it, I get it.


Now, um, are you gonna

take this dog with you

wherever you go --

on walks, in the car,

on vacations.

You know, your wingdog?

I-I want the company.

I do get lonely now.

Big house and only the sound

of me trying to type.

Um, I don't want some yippy dog,

but I'd like to get greeted

with a bark and a lick.

Okay. Kind of a buddy

to give you inspiration --

for your novels, you know,

your -- your future.



You know, um...

I-I've been widowed

for five years.

Yeah. Well, having my dogs

around helps keep me alive.

Makes me have a reason to

wake up every morning, you know?

You'll see.

Uh, okay.

I'm gonna get going.


Uh, you just --

you hang in there

while I go tell

all the dogs about you.


-Oh, hey -- Sorry.


Uh, and I'm also a dog trainer,

so, uh, you know,

when we find you your Fido,

I'd be happy to stop by

and help make the transition

go more smoothly.

[Jillian] Boy,

I never heard anyone

make such a big deal

about getting a dog.

I'm gonna give this a whirl --

the whole thing.

Oh, great!

This'll be fun --

for all three of us.


Yeah -- you, me, and the --

and the pup.

Oh, yeah!

Well, thanks for coming by.

Appreciate it.


And I can't wait to see

who you find for me.

Yeah, me too.

She's nice.


And around your age, I think.

And a dog matchmaker!


-Don't be ridic--

You sure Madge

isn't being the matchmaker here?

Do not be ridiculous.

It's about a dog,

only about a dog.

You heard her.


Said I might be inspired

to write more novels

after we finish this one.

Well, maybe she can be

your new muse.

Stop it. Just stop it!

Everyone wants me to move on.

You want me to move on,

but do you really?


I want to get my novel done.

I need you for that,

your brilliant writing.

So let's concentrate on that

and not a new muse.

You know, you never encouraged

me to write my own novels.

Wonder what would have happened

if we both ended up

on the bestseller list

at the same time.

I-I never knew you needed

my encouragement.

You could have written anything

you wanted at any time.

Oh, but I didn't want

to give you the competition.

I mean, I would have if you said

it didn't matter,

that it wasn't a "competition."

I never would have thought

you were competing with me.

You never said anything.

You never asked.

I can't read your mind.

You just should have

started writing,

and I never stopped you.

I didn't need your permission.

I know that.

But, Brett, you reveled

in being a big star!

I didn't want to compete

with your big ego.

-Oh, really?


All that resentment,

all that martyrdom.

And I never --

never had a big ego.

You took all that resentment

with you to the grave!

Don't raise your voice at me.

I hate it when you

raise your voice.

You do that, you know,

when you get all defensive.

Defensive about hearing a truth.

Well, here is a truth.

You never -- not once -- made me

feel like a success as a man.

Oh, sure, you said all those

"I'm proud of you"

things when the books hit

the top of the bestseller list,

but that wasn't for me.

It was for an inanimate object.

You were proud of these.

You were proud to be the wife

of someone famous.

You were ecstatic

to have this house

because of the words

on these pages.

You were vicariously

that writer you wanted to be

because you wrote

the last chapter of my books!

Were you ever...

ever happy

with just plain old me?

Oh, my God.

Now it all comes out.

30 years of you thinking

I stayed because of this house?

That's a crock.

And you don't think I could

write as well as you?

That is bullshit.


Check the hall closet.

There's a box in there

with the novel that I wrote.

Read it and let me know

what you think.

[ Clattering ]

[ Coughs ]

"Life Is Me at the Beach,"

by Jillian Harper.

When -- When did you write this?

Right after we were married.

Somewhere between your third

and fourth great novels

getting published.

Somewhere between

you spending a month

teaching in Portland

at that writers' conference

and then going

on the road again.

Jillian, I-I know you don't

want to hear me say I'm sorry,

but I just have to say it.


hurt you in so many ways

without even knowing it.

You know I didn't mean it,

don't you?

Not sure.

But I hurt you, too.

I never told you how

you made me feel sometimes.

It's a two-way street.

Our own little fork in the road,

you on one side

hearing the applause,

me on the other just...

waiting to be found, noticed.

I can't go back.

You can't, either.


It's brilliant.


If the rest of the book

is as good

as these first three pages,

I'm gonna have to have

a chat with Walter.

This is great, great stuff,


[ Applause ]

You've been up all night

staring at me?


Just started.

Well, cut it out.

You need to have a party.

Invite Fred and Madge.

Okay. Marie, too.

Adult conversation is good

for the soul.

Cocktails, maybe dinner.

You used to be

a pretty good cook.

Get back in the groove.

Was I ever in the groove?

Oh, yes, when you were being

a manly man.

Show Marie

your manly man skills.

Just don't start getting

some fantasy in your head.

I may have had a few

one-night stands on the road,

but not for all of

our married life.

I am...

I'm not ready to meet someone

new, not now, not ever.

I am so far from ready

to meet someone new.

No one is impossible

to replace.

Besides, I don't want you

growing old alone.

That would be a terrible thing.

Everyone always seems

to tell you

you're gonna find someone new,

and yet you keep

saying you won't.

-I won't.

-You will.

Now, where did we leave off

with this?



our two characters

are about to reunite,

but how that happens

will be written by you.

So think about it.



-[ Chuckles ]

Okay, here goes.


Across a crowded room.

Nah, that's too clich.


By a wishing well?


Turning a corner

and bumping into each other?


-You like?

Turning a corner?

-In this moment,

you are the writer,

so go for it.

You haven't said a word.

About what?

The book.

The book.

You read it, didn't you?


Your professor was

more than right.

You are a great --

Well, you were a great writer.

Very, very gifted.

You could have easily seen your

name at the top of

the New York Times

bestseller list.

Truth is, you are a much better

writer than I will ever be.

I doubt that very much.

But coming from you,

I'll take the compliment.

All I ever needed

was your opinion.

I didn't need book signings.

Though a spot on

the bestseller list

does sound pretty darn nice.

Though it wasn't what I wanted.

I'm gonna make it happen.

Just hang out here

long enough to see it, okay?


[ Doorbell rings ]

[ Dog barks ]

-You better get that.

-Hey, Jill.

Uh, Jill.



I hate it when you disappear

like that.



Um, you know, you can never

be too prepared,

and yesterday I got the feeling

that you weren't

at all prepared,

so I went to the pet store,

stocked up.

You didn't have to do that.


So much stuff.

Well, you know, think of it

as getting ready for a new baby.

Takes lots of stuff.

Well, I do thank you

very, very much.

-You're welcome.

-Do you have --

Do you have time

for a cup of coffee?

Uh...yeah, I would --

I would love one.

Just black would be great.


And, uh,

if you have any questions,

now might be a good time

to ask me.

[Brett] Okay.


Tell me about you.


You and dogs, I mean.


Um, how about both?


I, uh --

I grew up here in Miltonville.


Uh, moved away for about 30

years and came back last year.

Madge and I worked on

the Miltonville

Beautification Project.

We built the dog park.

That's how we met.

-And the dogs?


Why, I-I just love them.

You know?

Older dogs, puppies, big, small.

Never met a dog I didn't like.

People I have.

Dogs, never.

Do you, um, have any children?

Oh, okay, personal question.

Uh, no, no children.

Me neither.

Just, uh, wasn't in the cards.

I couldn't get pregnant.

Oh. Too much information?

I'm sorry.


-Uh, your wife -- same thing?


and we stopped trying.

I don't even know

if I was dad material.

I was on the road so much.

My -- My father was a traveling

salesman, so he was always gone.

I-I grew up not really

knowing him.

I didn't want to do that

to my kid,

so I was kind of glad

when children didn't come along.


Yeah, I wanted them.

You know, five, six.

I love kids.

Now I take that love

and I give it to the dogs.

I've gone to the dogs.

[ Both laugh ]

And I love the training.

And I'm really good at it.

You'll see.

You know what?

I once helped a woman break

her dog of a very bad habit.

Let me guess.

Let me guess.

Uh, peeing in the house?


-Uh, stealing socks?


-Food snatcher.

-Kind of.

Kind of.

You see, the woman

is a notoriously bad cook.

So, uh, yeah,

I can attest to that.

Worst chicken I have

ever tasted.

How anyone can ruin a chicken

like that is beyond me.

Anyway, her little dog would sit

underneath the dining room table

and take chicken from the guests

when they didn't want it.

So you had to break the dog

from begging.

Uh, not exactly.

You see, her dog couldn't

stand her cooking, either.

So he would take the food

from a guest

and hide each bite

around the house.

Oh, let me guess.

Let me guess.

Mice infestation?


Oh, God, luckily no,

but when the woman decided

to get new carpeting,

they had to take out

all the furniture so,

you know, they could rip out

the old, put down the new.

And there behind

every nightstand,

every chair, every dresser,

even the sofa, were little piles

of food hidden by her pooch.

So -- So, what did you do

to get the dog to stop?

I got his owner to stop cooking.

Told her about

home meal delivery.


-Thank you.

I'd love you to work

with my dog -- and with me.

Oh, I make no promises.

Do you cook?

-Um, yes.

Uh, I live alone now.

I do my own cooking,

nothing special.

When Jillian died --

that was my wife's name --

I-I gave up on cooking.

On most things, really.

My novel sits unfinished.

My house became a stack

of empty pizza boxes.

Went on for a long time.

I think I'm done with that now.

I got to get back to my novel.

You will.

I-I still feel her...

wanting one more conversation,

to do things differently.



They say you do that

for a while,

feel like your person

is still around.

Strong memories.

You know, I'm no philosopher,

but I believe that everything

that we've ever experienced

takes us to where we are today,

and so I never think about

what I could have done,

just where I am now and seeing

where it all leads me.

It's taken me to getting a dog

and -- and meeting you.

I can't wait to see

where it all, uh...

takes me.

Well, you know, I should have

a dog for you real soon.


-Um, thanks for the coffee.

I appreciate it.

Oh, one more thing.


Boy or girl?

Doesn't matter.

Right answer.

I'll see you later.


[ Applause ]


Thank you for calling me back

so quickly.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Walter, I promise.

I will finish my novel now.

I found an ending.




I-I was going through the front

hall closet the other day,

and that's where

I discovered it.


It is very good, Walter.

Jillian wrote something

very, very good.

As great as mine?

Of course, Walter.


Actually, uh, better, I think.

I want it published.


I'll, uh, put it

in the mail to you.

Thanks, Walter.

You won't regret it.

-Excuse me.

-Oh, God, you scared me again.

Did I say you could

publish my novel?

Did I?

I-I thought you'd be pleased,


Well, you do realize

I'll be long gone

before it ever happens, right?

I mean, okay, so I'm gone now.

But pretty soon

I'm gonna be long gone.

And then I guess you'll see

if it hits the bestseller list,

but I sure won't.

Well, just be honest.

Come on, now.

I-I -- You --

You'd love your name on top

of that bestseller list,

but I'm not doing it

for any list, Jillian.

The book is good.

People will love it.

Wh-What do you mean,

you're gonna be long gone?

I'm not --

No, I'm not ready for that.

I'm not ready at all.

We have a novel to finish,

Mr. Harper.

Let's worry about yours,

not mine.

-Jillian --

-Let's write.

I want to tell you something,

uh, about that woman --

Marie, the -- She's gonna be

coming back here, so...

-She's perky.


Gee, perky.

Um, she's been working

with dogs a long time.

Mm. Can't wait.

She's a dog trainer, you know,

someone to help me find a dog

and then tame what I'm sure

will be a barking, digging,

trash-spreading buddy.


Oh, Jillian,

you can't possibly

be jealous of a dog trainer!

I'm not!

Of course not.

Don't be silly.

Funny that Fred and Madge

want me to get back out

in the world again.

You came back here

to finish our story,

finish the novel, and move on.

Move on?

I don't get it.

I just don't get it.

Brett, I do want you to start

a new chapter in your life.

I'm just sort of stuck

in the old news cycle.

I'm yesterday's news.

Hardly, Jillian.

I mean, hardly!

I don't mean that

you should forget me.

It's just that...

life is meant to move forward.

You're gonna finish your novel,

and you're gonna send it off

to your publisher.

And then I'll be ready

to move forward, too.

I can feel it.

I think it's getting closer.

Um, let's not go there yet.

Let's concentrate on now

and the book.


So, we left off and...

they were going to the police,


Yeah, they're at the police

station, and, um-mm-mm --

police station,

and let's see.

Um, she files

a missing-persons report.

Uh, but there's

a language mix-up,

and the policeman thinks that

she is more than likely

a woman who's husband has

run off with a younger model.

Oh, that's typical.




He, her husband, is totally lost

on a country road.

And he's trying to hitch a ride.

And finally a guy on a tractor

comes to pick him up.

At about 10 miles per hour.

I love it. [ Laughs ]

Hey, where you going?

We were on a roll.

It's okay with me, you know.

In fact, it's very okay

if you marry again.


How did you leap to that?

Just don't want you to spend

the next 20 or 30 years

alone in this house.

Life was meant to be shared.

I'm not ready to even

contemplate that.

It's too soon.

But a month will fly by.

You and your very manly dog

will be out there in the world,

and you just never know

when you'll meet someone.

Even just for good company.

You never know.

Talking like that means

you're leaving soon.

I can feel it.

I am not quite ready for that.

Get back in the ball game.

You are ready.

And you don't even know it.

[ Doorbell rings ]


-Did you forget something?

Uh, you know, I guess

I could have waited,

but I baked these biscuits

this morning

and I forgot to bring them in.

Oh, thank you.

How kind.

I'll have them with my coffee

in the morning.

Oh, uh, well, they --

they are human edible,

but unless you like super

crunchy beef-flavored biscuits,

I would save them

for the dog.


Is this -- Ah.

Good old Miltonville Marauders.

I have one of these old caps

at home, too.

You like baseball?

No. I found it in the garden.

It was -- It was my wife's.

She was the baseball fan.

She dragged me to the games.

Wannabe players

with lots of heart.

Got to admire that.

Yeah, well, they still exist.

And, you know, they're pretty

good for a minor league team.

Maybe we could, uh --

Maybe we could catch

a game sometime.

Oh, I-I don't think so.

I-I don't know.

Oh, come on.

You're acting like a teenager

on his first date.

Just relax.

Marie, excuse me

for just one minute.


It's just a silly

baseball game.

I hate baseball, so no!

And it's not a date.

She's a dog trainer,

d-o-g trainer.

Go upstairs or somewhere else.

I mean, you're distracting me.

No date, my ass.


I'll leave.

And now I'm distracting you,



-Cute, Brett.

Ugh! Ugh.


Oh, is everything okay?

Oh, yeah.

Yeah. Um...

I'm gonna -- I'm gonna pass

on the baseball.

Thanks, though.

Oh. Yeah, sure, sure.

But, uh, you know,

if you change your mind

and you want a rubbery hot dog

on an over-steamed bun

while watching paint dry,

you just let me know.

I'll even bring my old cap.

You can bring yours.

It's a deal.


I just want to say,

thanks for putting up with me.

I feel like I'm, uh --

Coming out of hibernation?

Ready to say and do all the

things that you've been keeping

in the safety of your cave,

so to speak?

Ready to start living

in the real world, right?

Never thought about it

like that.

It's -- You're probably right.

Putting all the things I should

say in between the covers.

Well, you know,

let 'em eke out once in a while.

I, for one, would like

to get to know

Brett Harper a little bit more.

[ Doorbell rings ]

Oh! Marie!

Well, this is a nice surprise.

I'm just getting Brett ready

for a dog.

Looks like you made

quite a haul.

Lucky puppy.

Getting nervous, old man?

A little, but I think we'll be

in good hands with Marie.

Hey, I got an idea.

Why don't the four of us

go to dinner this week?

I-I don't know.

I've got the novel.

I've got to get on it

while my juices are flowing.

You got to eat, buddy.

It's just dinner.

Come on. Our treat.


I think it would be lovely.

Okay. Uh, but why don't I

make dinner for us here?

I'll try that chicken dish

that Jillian used to make.

You don't have to go

to all that trouble.

No trouble at all.

You'll be doing me

a favor, actually.

I could use the practice.

Well, we'll be

your guinea pigs.

Try not to poison us.

Fodder for a new book.

Then I'd have to change

my genre to m*rder mystery.

Uh, tomorrow work

for all of you?

Say, uh, 6:00 PM? That good?


-Good for me.

Works great.


That has been, uh, fun.

I'll see you all

for dinner tomorrow night.

-See you.


And you know what?

I'm hoping to introduce you

to a really great dog

over the weekend.

Hey, Fred,

where you headed, buddy?

I want to see how the yard looks

since you got the new gardener.

No, he isn't.

Fred swears

he's seen Jillian back there.

Too many late-night

martinis, Madge?


You know Fred.

He gets something in his head,

and suddenly he's in an episode

of "Ghost Hunters."

Fred's a ghost hunter.

Who knew?

Oh, God.

Relax, kid.

No one's coming to get you

from the great beyond.



Humor Fred. It'll pass.



Yard looks great.

Let us know

if you want it mowed again.

Our grandson's Grant's here

for the summer.

He'd like to make

a few extra bucks.

We love that kid.

Come on, honey.

Let's get going.

-Yes, dear.

So, tomorrow night for dinner.


-And I shall bring dessert.

-Thanks, Madge.

I'm looking forward to it.

Me too.

Tomorrow is good.

I'm actually getting excited

about it.

[ Applause ]

Are you here?



I thought you said

you couldn't change clothes.

I thought I couldn't,

but then I saw you saved

my favorite robe.

Thank you.

Ah, so I closed my eyes

and I wished so hard

that I could touch it

just one more time.

Took a chance and -- surprise --

it worked!

Whoo! Ooh.

-Hey, hey, hey, you okay?


-It's a good surprise.


I was having a hard time

seeing you

in that hospital gown.

Too much a reminder of that day

that you left.


I-I can't feel you.

I know.

I can't feel you, either.

Maybe it's...

time that you took a chance.

Marie's lovely. Really.

Don't you go turning

into a matchmaker.

I'm not saying to marry her.

I'm just saying,

why not take a chance

and get to know her better?

You need more than Madge

and Fred in your life.

I'll consider it.

Jilly, are you done

putting our life together,

or are you gonna start managing

my life going forward?

[ Laughs ]

Touchy, touchy, touchy.

Oh, God, I wish

I could kiss you.

Ohh, I mean, I could,

but you wouldn't feel it.

You remember when we were

first married

and your old friend Max

came to visit for a few weeks?


What --

What made you think of him?

You ever hear from him again?

No, come to think of it,

I never did.

That was such a strange visit.

By day five, I thought

he was practically

falling in love with you.

He was.

He said so.

No, no way.

Little Max?

Come on, Jillian.

He asked to kiss me.

And -- And you said no, right?

You said no, right?

I said yes.

It was so flattering.

Finally had to ask him to leave.

So that's why he made

such a quick exit.

And you are -- you are

telling me this because...?

Because our life together

was so much more

than just about your success,

your novels.

There were so many pieces

that you seemed not

to even notice or care about.

But I was there, too.

And I'm telling you this

because I want someone new

to come into your life, Brett,

someone to share your life.

"Share" being

the operative word.

Not someone who just

stood outside at times.

I was a terrible husband.

Yeah, at times.

Bit slow on reading

the signals, babe.

But mostly wonderful, really.

All your romance went

between the covers,

just not the ones on our bed.

I stayed in it until I didn't.

Just don't make someone new

question staying,

that's all.

That's -- That's it?

That's all?


Tomorrow we start

finishing the novel.

Good night, my love.

[ Applause ]

Oh, I'm a wreck!

I should have bought a frozen

lasagna and just baked it.

Your chicken's gonna be great.

Will you relax?


Besides, they're not

coming here to eat.

It's a dinner.

Of course they're

coming here to eat.

You really do live in your own

little world, don't you, Brett?

Fred and Madge want to see

how you get on with Marie.

Marie's not the only matchmaker

in the neighborhood.

-I don't think so.

-Think so.

Just don't burn anything.

Food or bridges.

Oh, please don't bring up

that fried turkey

Thanksgiving expl*si*n

ever again, okay?

But you just looked so cute

with no eyebrows.

Hey, just a simple plan here.

Just concentrating on being

your witty and sociable self.

That, and wear your blue shirt.

I am not fun

or social or anything.

I'm just a boring writer,

not a planner.

I'll leave that up to Madge.

Oh, God, I hope I have

all the ingredients.

What the hell

did I get myself into?

Where the hell is your recipe?!

Top drawer, left.

[Brett] Oh.

I'll help.

I'll be your chicken muse.

I'll be around for

your coming out party.

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

I don't want you watching

my every move.

Oh, not every move.

I'm just curious.

Curious? About what?

Frankly, I want to see you

with another woman.


Two things, Jillian.

First, I'm not exactly new

to this

"talking to a woman"

sort of thing.

And second, you told me

to take a chance.

So I did. I am.

I know.

I just didn't think it'd be

quite this soon, I guess.

I could use a friend.

And maybe it's not

too soon for that.

Maybe I've waited too long

to start living again,

to be in my life

and not in your death.


No, Jillian, I didn't mean --




Fight with my dead wife.


[ Applause ]

[ Music stops ]

Hey, Madge.

-Hi, sweetheart.

-How are you?

Uh, listen --

about Fred and the ghost thing.


He gets these funny notions

in his head sometimes.

He probably saw branches swaying

or shadows of something.

You know, he loved Jillian, too.

He probably wishes

she was still around.

We all do.

Hey, Madge, no, hold on.

I want to ask you something.



I'm -- I'm trying to, uh,

move on.

Not -- Not forget.

I'll -- I'll never forget

Jillian, but -- but I, uh...

I, uh...

What? What?

I-I feel like it's a betrayal

to spend time with Marie.

Is it?



Of course not.

Jillian would have -- would have

wanted you to be happy.

Can you imagine

what she would have said

if she saw the state

of your house lately?


-And you such a mess, hmm?

Besides, Marie --

she's lost someone, too,

and she's ready

for a good friend.

Don't think of this

as a big romance.

I like her. That's all.

I mean, she's been good for me.


-Thanks for introducing us.

I needed a push.

That's what friends are for

Listen, I'll be back in a bit.


-Marie's on her way over.

We'll come together,

The Three Musketeers.


-See you soon.


I feel like my life is changing.

I hope I'm ready.

You do know that the only

person holding you back

from living is you, don't you?

Honey, I have guests

coming over any minute.

You want to start this?

I just want you

to start living.

Getting back out there,

getting the applause again.

I really do.

-I don't need applause anymore.

I'm just a boring writer.

I just need to make

a living and write.

Writing keeps me busy.

It's what I do best.


It looks fantastic!




Well done.

This -- This dish reminds me

of the time

when we were in Hawaii and --

and you made this and, um,

we went down to the shore.

We sat on that, um --

-Plaid blanket.

The old plaid blanket.

And we watched the sun sink

into the ocean.

And we ate it all!

-Ate it all!

[ Doorbell rings ]

Just go, okay?

Go. Please.

Hey, hey, hey!

Ooh, I smell

something wonderful!

Did you make

Jillian's special chicken?

-Yes, I did.


-Wish me luck.

-You mean wish us luck.

I brought some wine.

-Oh, thank you very much.

-I'm starved.

Let's eat.

-Yes, um, uh...

Everything is wonderful.

You know you're ready.

Don't wait for me, everybody.

Dig in!


I don't know

what I'm ready for.

It's just dinner

with lifelong friends.

-And a new friend.


Oh, here you go.

I can't wait.

-Me neither.

Oh, my God, it smells so good.


-It does smell good.

-Thank you very much.

-One momento.

-The chicken test.


I'm a little scared.


Brett, this is delicious.



[ Laughter ]

Just kidding.

It's fantastic!


Oh, thank you.

I would like to propose a toast.

To the chef.

-To the chef!

-To the chef!

-Hear, hear!

Oh, God, I miss wine.

I'm gonna get

the other bottle.


-Oh, no, you don't!

-Oh, no, I don't what?

No, you don't hang out

by the table.

It spooks me out.

So now I'm spooking you out?

Well, yes. No.

Maybe. I don't know!

I just --

No one can see you or hear you

but me and I'm distracted.

Come on, Jillian.

My first night actually hosting

since, you know --

since --

-Okay, I get it!

Sort of.

Go enjoy your date.

And it's not a date!

How many times

do I have to say it?!

Enjoy your chicken

with a buddy then!


This is fun.

Yes, it is, Madge.


Marie. Me.

Well, it's definitely fun

for me.

I haven't been out to dinner

with people

rather than dogs in a long time.

Me neither.

People, I mean.

Like I said, you got to eat,

why not dine in style?


-Hear, hear. Yes.

Oh, and I'm so excited.

You are on the brink

of getting a really great dog.

How did I let you all

talk me into this, huh?

I'm thinking of this dog

named Charlie.


-Yeah. He's a snuggler.

And an older dog.


See? I told you getting a dog

would be a great idea.

Come on!

Give me a break!

No, no, what I meant was

I was thinking about

an old dog br-breaking,

uh, his leg,

and I was imagining an old dog

hobbling around the house.

All old beings don't hobble.

Look at Madge.

Comparing me to

an old dog now, Freddy?

Uh, honey, this where

we bring up a new topic.


You have worked wonders,

brought him back

amongst the living,

the Brett we love so much.

Oh, well, thank you,

but I don't think it was me.

It was me that started

you living again -- me!

Yes, it was you.

Now stop it.

Okay, we don't even

have to talk about it.

Me and a dog

coming at my suggestion.

-Don't be that way.

-Aw, be what way?

Brett, did I --

did I do something?

No, what I meant was, don't be

that way, kind and sweet.


You are sweet on her!

I don't get sweet on anyone!

Brett, calm down!

Let's enjoy our dinner.

Excuse me.

I'll be right back.

[ Chuckles, groans ]

Come on.

I asked you for this one night.

Just -- Just go and let me

finish my dinner.


I'll leave.

And I think I'm done talking

about our life together.

Tomorrow we finish the novel.



Great idea.

Great idea.

I'm ready.

I'm ready, too.

Feeling better, dear?

Oh, yes, why not?

Now, where were we?

-We're drinking.


[ Applause ]

I asked you not

to show up for dinner.

And I never was good

at following directions.

I like her, Brett.

I'm glad she met

with your approval.

I'm actually gonna ask her out.

Like on a real date?

Just the two of you?

Yes, on a real date,

just the two of us, Jillian.

I -- I don't know what it's

gonna turn into, but I --

I know I could use a friend,

you know?

I want to get to know

her better, get to know her

without a dog being

the only thing we talk about

or Fred and Madge

tagging along.

I do want you happy.

I know you do.

You had quite a fan

there tonight.



She was very impressed with you

and your cooking.

Bravo to making my chicken.

-I don't think so.

-Think so.

I don't think she was

impressed at all.

I'm beat.

Let's call it a night.

Wait. Don't you want to hear

about my ideas

for the ending of your novel?

I do, but not tonight.

Can you write them down for me?

Can I write them down for you?

[ Laughs ]

No, I can't hold a pen!


I forgot.

Tomorrow, Jilly, tomorrow.

You'll remember

and I'll be ready.

[ Snoring ]

Good night, my love.

[ Applause ]

What the hell?!

-Ah! Oh, God!

-How did you --

-I was -- I'm -- Okay --

-What the --

Yeah. I know. I was on my way

to the Coffee Cup this morning,

and I saw that you --

your front door was wide open.

So I-I figured I'd better

come in and check on you.

-You got to be joking.

-No, I'm afraid not.

So I-I just sort of

came right in,

and you were sound asleep

on the couch.

And I figured you were gonna

be up soon anyway.

You probably have a busy day

ahead of you.

And, well, like Fred says,

you got to eat.



What the f--

...I made a little something.



Oh, God.


-Uh, not to worry.

I have four older brothers.

I am used to seeing men

a mess in the morning.

Come on.

I'm sure you must have tons

of things to do today.


This looks wonderful.


I'm, uh, not much

of a breakfast person, but I --

I will make an exception.

Oh, great.


I, uh -- Eh.



It's good.


This is delicious.


-Marie, you're amazing!

Well, you know, I worked as

a cook for a few summers

when I was in college.


I learned a few things,

but I'm not a cook by any means.

Will you just ask her out

already so we can get to work?

I'd like to spend more time

with you, but I got

I got some errands to run.

I got to get dressed.


really great.

Okay. Well...


-Thank you.

-You're welcome.

Okay, I'll just --

You know what?

I'll -- I'll clean up here

while you go and get ready.






You know, uh, you really

ought to lock your door at night

'cause you never know

who is gonna end up

in your kitchen in the morning.

Well, I know I, uh,

wouldn't find anyone as, um...

uh, thoughtful and wonderful

as you.


Um, do, uh --

Well, um, are you sure

that maybe you don't want me

to run some of those errands

with you?

I thought we were gonna

finish your novel today.

I didn't know I was

gonna have a cook

in the kitchen, so to speak.

She's leaving soon,

and then I'm all yours.

I promise.

Um, I'm gonna run

those errands later.

I've got to work on the novel.

I feel like I have

an ending of it

just about ready to unfold.

We shall see.

You wanted him to move on,


Looks like you got your wish.

Well, all cleaned up.

You too.


Um, have a seat.

I -- I would like

to ask you something.



tell me about your husband.

-He was a vet.


No. A veterinarian.


-We worked together for years.

Oh, that explains

your love of dogs.

Oh, God!

I'm so sorry!


It's just water.

It's really okay.


I bet I could do that.

I bet I could.



I could get a dish cloth.

-No, no.

God, this is just great.

-I'm really --

-It's okay.

-I do have another question.

-Oh, boy.

Curiouser and curiouser.


-About dogs?

Uh, no, it's -- it's, uh...

It's about me, actually.

-I hope nothing's wrong.


Nothing -- I mean,

something is really quite right.



Well, former outfielder,



You know, there's a lot

you don't know about me.

There's a lot I'd like to know

about you and then...

you about me.


I was wondering whether

you would like

to have dinner with me

on Saturday night.



Um, you can bring Charlie.


-And we could celebrate, and...

you could teach me

some new dad tips.


Just -- Just the two of us?

Three of us, actually.

Oh. Uh...

Just --

Just dinner with a friend and,

you know, have a plate, two,

and we'll eat and talk.


Oh, God, for a writer,

I'm really bad

at this communication thing.

I would love to.


That's great.

It's almost noon, lover boy.

Oh, look at the time.

I've, um, got to run.



I got to work on the novel.

-Oh, yeah, yeah.

I do have a bit of short time.

Yeah, I'm just gonna --

I'll get going then.

Yeah, well, that's swell.

No, what I meant was

breakfast is swell.


And then I'm really glad that

the door had been left open.

You're welcome.

-Thank you.


Yeah, I'll --

I'll -- I'll see you --

I'll see you

Saturday then for dinner?


-I'll wear something dry.

And, uh, you're --

you're very welcome.


[ Applause ]


No more, uh, silk robe?


Back to normal.

My normal.

-Something wrong?


Nothing's wrong.

Just getting close

to me leaving,

and I'm getting prepared.

So, it's really --

it's really coming then?

I guess I didn't want it

to end, but...

You're --

You're ready, aren't you?

Let me tell you the ending

for the book.

If you like it,

I can leave you in peace.

Maybe we never finish it.

Not an option.

Now go sit.

Let me give you my ideas.

Big question for me was,

do they reunite?

Do they find each other?

And I thought --

[ Cellphone rings ]

Hold that thought.


Hi. Yeah.

Yeah, sure.

Yeah, well, Marie is gonna

be here on Saturday night.

Fred, it's just a dinner.

Don't make such

a big deal out of it.

Full report on Sunday.

Help yourself to the mower.

You know where it is.

I got to run.

Okay, bye-bye.

Like I said, I'm torn

between the lovers

finding each other or not --

happy ending versus

a not-so-happy one.

My choice is a happy one.

My readers like a happy ending,


Then happy ending it shall be.

Hey, you okay?


As okay as someone who's --

-I know. I-I know.

Just getting ready to go look

for the fluffy clouds, I expect.

Meet Him.

Or Her.

Not what I wanted to hear.

I -- I knew one of these days...

it would -- would happen,

but I'm so -- I'm so confused.

I want you to stay.

I can't.

Once this chapter's done,

I am, too.

That's how it works.

But I'm anxious

to get settled now

and to see you settled.

That's how it works?

You get your rules

for this little visit

from some higher-up?

Do you get your wings

or something,

stroll through

some pearly gates?

Ba-bum, ba-bum, ba-bum,


Don't, don't, don't.

Please just...


And come sit.

Write with me, please.

[ Sighs ]

Time to get a laptop.

Put old Bessie out to pasture.


-Save a tree.

I-I'm ready.

Me too.

Here goes.

"There was a knock at the door.

She slowly rises,

then runs to open it,

in the hopes that he will

be standing on the other side.

Flinging it open

with great anticipation,

she's instead met

with disappointment.

Police officer Cowan

is standing there

with a crestfallen look

on his face."

So, you decided that

they don't find each other?

Brett, I'm on a roll here.



Where was I?


"'We haven't found him yet.'"

-Ha, ha!

Sorry. Sorry.

Mum's the word.

"'Yet?' she screams.

'So that means

I shouldn't give up?'

Officer Cowan turns to go

as he states,

'Don't give up until you must.'"

Ooh, I love that, Jilly.

"Closing the door,

she goes to the window."

"Gazing out at the street below,

she remembers all

the good times they had."

"She yearns to see him

come around the corner,

as she's done dozens

of times before,

but the street remains

empty and cold."

Late winter?

Yes, yes.

Make that, uh,

"Empty and cold and blanketed

in newly fallen snow."

Ooh, I like that, Jillian.



Ugh. Mnh.

I-I'll retype this

when we're done.

Uh, carry on.

To continue --

"Just as she is ready

to give up,

she sees a figure

coming through the snow."


That's terrible.

Uh, uh, I can do better.


-Hmm. Mnh-mnh-mnh.

Instead, try this.

"In desperation, she grabs

her coat and runs outside

to look for him one last time.

She frantically searches down

every street

and looks

into every shop window,

hoping to find him lost

and looking for her."

I hope she wore boots.

Brett, I'm serious!

Are you kidding me?


To continue --

"Just as she is ready

to give up,

she turns a corner

and bumps into a man."

"He's shivering in the cold.

He has no coat.

And only one shoe.

She looks up into his face,


"'s him."

"Her unbridled joy is quickly

replaced by the immediate

need to get him back

to the hotel.

She wraps her coat around him,

and together the two of them

slowly retrace her steps."

Oh, good.

I wanted her to find him.

What happens next?

Once they're back

at the hotel,

she's finally able to tell him

everything she's always

wanted to say.

All the things that someone

who is deeply in love must say.

I'm ready.

Me too.

Here goes, the last of it.

I fell in love with you

the first time

I heard you speak

at that summer symposium.

And I fell more deeply in love

with you every time I saw you.

Or listened to you speak about

your plans for your future.

And even more so when you talked

about your plans for our future.

You always said that we have

each other for such a brief time

here on earth, that we must make

the most of each day together...

each moment.

I have cherished every moment

with you...

from the good times

to the not-so-good times.

Being with you has made

whatever brief time

I am here on earth the absolute

best that anyone could wish for.

We have built memories

that will last to eternity...

until death do us part...

and beyond.


[ Crying ]

I can feel that!

I hoped you could.


I want to hold you in my arms

and tell you how much I --

how much I loved you, too.

And I will always hold you

in my heart...


I know.

It's too soon.

It's too soon.

She will take

good care of you.

Please don't go just yet.


I can't stay, my darling.

Time I moved on.

And so must you.


[ Doorbell rings ]

Your future's calling.

No, no, no, no.

I thought I was ready.

I want you back.

I want the past.

We can't live in the past,

my darling.

Our future awaits us always.


[ Doorbell rings ]

You better answer that.


Everything is waiting for you

on the other side of that door.

I love you, Jilly.

And I love you so very much,

my darling.

I always will.

Remember that.

[ Doorbell rings ]

[ Sniffles ]



I-I'm sorry.

I didn't mean to catch you

off guard.

I -- Um, I-I just --

I just couldn't wait

for you to meet Charlie.


Ah. Hey.


He's, uh, so, uh --

He's so, uh...

[ Laughs ]

He's so small.


You're white as a sheet.

You look like

you've seen a ghost.

[ Laughs ]

Oh, yeah.

[ Applause ]
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