06x01 - Epilogue

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "CSI: NY". Aired: September 22, 2004 – February 22, 2013.*
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Follows a group of investigators who work for the New York City crime lab.
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06x01 - Epilogue

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on CSl: New York...

Get the door! Get the door!

Help me get her in the car.

Hang in there, Jess. Stay with me.

She's gone.

Everybody raise their glass.

Jessica Angell
was one of those rare people.

The kind who reaffirm
our faith in humanity.

* Out here In the flelds

* I flght for my meals

* I get my back Into my llvlng

* Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah *

* Last tlme that I saw you
It was dark

* I remember
cos I thlnk you're pretty

* You shlne brlghter, baby,
In my heart

* Than all the brlght llghts
In thls New York clty

* All the brlght llghts In New York

* And I see It all
* And I see It all

* I see thls postcard on your wall

* And I see It all *

That's all right. I'm at the office.

And you believe her?

I'll pick you up.

You're sure this is the place?

This is where she said.

I assumed you'd be alone.

Guess I should have realised...

It's a little tough for me
to get around right now.

You said you had something
to tell me?

- You plan on using that?
- Not if I don't have to.

What's your name?

Before I say anything...

you have to promise that you'll
do what you can for my brother.

We're not here to negotiate. Was
it your brother who fired that g*n?

Your brother put me
in this wheelchair?

I need to know I can trust you.

You said you had information
on a suspect.

Was he in the crowd that night?

Why don't we start with who you are
and how you're involved in all this?

The three of them
are planning something else.

Only Jake doesn't know
what he's doing and what he's done.

Look, I don't want my brother to die
or go to jail.

He's a scared kid, caught up in the
middle of something bigger than...

This is bigger than him. Look at me.

You wanna see this happen
to someone else? Look at me!

We need to know everything you know.

- I want names.
- I shouldn't be here.

- This was a bad idea.
- No, no. Wait!

I'm sorry about what happened to you.
I tried to stop them. I did.

I swear to you, I did.

- Danny!
- I'm OK, Mac. Go! Go!

Just hold on. Hold on.

I'm gonna get you some help.
Just hold on.

Come on. Just hang on.

- Are you smiling?
- She reminds me of Angell.

Yeah. A little bit.

Do we know who she is?

No. Mac and Danny didn't get a name.
No ID on the body.

COD is exsanguination. Fatal g*nsh*t
was here to the carotid artery.

Second shot pierced her deltoid here.


It's amazes me how you know
which shot was first.

Oh. This is her bloody handprint.

It appears
she grabbed her shoulder in pain.

And to transfer the blood,
she had to already be bleeding.

Exactly. I'm brilliant,
but sometimes I get help.

Let's hope we get a lot of help.

If the b*ll*ts we extract
from these wounds are a match

to the ones recovered from the bar,

it'll be our first lead in a month
to point us to our sh**t.

Looks like you need some sleep.

Are you still volunteering at the
Manhattan Parks Medical Unit?

Only on the weekends. It beats
wrestling with insomnia, you know?


- Is he OK?
- Yeah. He's fine.

What the hell
were Mac and Danny doing here?

So the tips hotline transferred the
call to my cell. It was our Jane Doe.

She specifically asked for me.

She had information on the sh**ting
at the bar,

gave me an address and a time to meet
so I called Mac.

The sh**ting at the bar
was a month ago. Why wait so long?

Maybe she didn't know
who the sh**t was till last night?

Why not tell you what she knew
over the phone?

On the phone, she was scared.
She was confused, getting indecisive.

She nearly hung up.
I kept her on the line.

She said she wanted to meet me
and it had to be last night.

And I'm thinking, "I wanna see her.
I want her to see me. "

Look. Did our Jane Doe give you
anything that we can run with?

She said we're looking for a Jake.

But I'm working this one, Stella.
I'm officially on duty here.

Aren't you on a leave of absence?

I was, but I heard Mr Messer
was out here acting a superhero.

- I can't let him show me up.
- You've been through a lot.

- You shouldn't be here.
- Mac, I'm fine.

What? I'm sitting at home.
All I do is think about Jess.

I think about the sh**ting. I'm...

It's better for me if I'm on duty.

- What have you got?
- We've got a missing security guard.

Albert Pelton. 28 years old.
Worked the night shift.

Hired just two days ago.

This here is playback
of the surveillance video.

Here's where you and Danny entered
the building, flashed your badges,

gained easy access.

Still no evidence of our Jane Doe
entering the building.

- What about the sh**t?
- Uh...

Hey, can we get a playback
up on this one again?

sh**t came right in the front door.

Albert pursues, perp knocks him down
and heads for the elevator.

That's the last visual we have
on either of them.

So the sh**t left the building
through another door.

Security's collecting all CCTV
footage to send to the lab,

but I don't know
which cameras were working.

Some areas
don't have cameras at all.

It's a fairly new space.

Tell them to start with the elevator.

No camera in the elevator.

- Linds.
- Danny.

- I can't, I can't get up.
- What?

- I can't feel my legs.
- It's OK.

I can't feel my legs.
My legs won't move.

- OK. OK.
- Lindsay, they won't move.

They won't move.


They won't move.

- What are you thinking about?
- Nothing.

Thinking that,
you know what this wheelchair needs?

A sidecar for Lucy.

Sounds like you need
to pimp your ride, yo.

Some spinners, a sound system,

Adam. Process the scene.

Relax, chlqulta.

Don't get too comfortable
in that chair.

It's been a month
and I haven't felt a thing.

No movement, no tingling. Nothing.

Danny, you gotta be patient.

We gotta start thinking this might be
the way it is, is what we gotta do.

The doctor said there's
no permanent damage to your spine.

Inflammation from the g*nsh*t wound
is causing temporary paralysis.

How do you forget words like "more
than likely", "best case scenario",

"60% chance of recovery?"

- How do you do that?
- Well, for one, I'm an optimist.

Another, if you don't recover,
I'm gonna kick your butt.

So you getting tough with me now?
Is that it?

- You threatening me?
- I am.

You know what?
You didn't even use profanity.

- You're too cute to do that.
- Don't make fun of me.

What's that? You call that a push?

* I don't care what
you sald so long ago

* The double Insane love

* It don't move wlth a soul
save anyone

* Sure can't say rlght

* Sulclde

* Sulclde

* You never look
at what you see around here

* You only look
at what you see In the mlrror

* You never look
at what you see around here... *

There's still something there.

You used to file unsolved cases

in a single folder
on the corner of your desk.

Yeah, well... None of those cases
put someone I know in a wheelchair.

Or threatened the lives of people
I cared about.

None of those cases was personal.

Mac, what happened last night?

You and Danny.
No backup, no heads up.

Not to mention, it was dangerous.

I've been studying these walls
for the past three weeks,

trying to answer one question...

Who had a reason to want one of us
or all of us dead?

Despite all this evidence -

crime reports, possible suspects,
witness accounts...

I'm no closer to the identity of the
sh**t than the night it happened.

Three people were seriously wounded.

The bartender died,
Danny's in that chair...

- So, when he called...
- You had to do something.

Damn right.

What did Shakespeare say?

"Tempt not a desperate man. "

Going to that building
seemed like my only option.

You keep using words
like "my", "me", "I".

You are not in this alone, Mac.



It's happened again.

Same calibre and brand as the one we
collected from the office building.

We didn't recover any casings
at the bar.

The g*n ejected them
into the back seat.

We're gonna need to find a b*llet

to prove it was the same g*n
used at all three scenes.

There were about 20 people in line.
Thankfully, no one was hurt.

Couple were grazed
and a few suffered minor injuries

trying to get out of the way.

And all who saw the car
gave the same description -

grey Sedan,
tinted windows, no plates.

This sounds like the same vehicle
I saw that night at the bar.

That's what our Jane Doe
was trying to say.

But I think the three of them
are planning something else.

She knew something was gonna happen.
That's why she had to meet Danny.

Oh, this is crazy.

These sons of b*tches are fearless.

Do you have anything to say?

- Was anyone hurt?
- Will you be making a statement?

Is it linked to the Astoria sh**ting?

No comment.

Did you see the signs
at Times Square?

"Do we have your attention?"

"Pay us and we'll stop. "

These signs showed up in Times Square
within an hour of the sh**ting.

They're implying a ransom
should be paid.

These guys are cocky.

- They're not as bold as they seem.
- A Times Square billboard is bold.

Or the ultimate form of panic.
They know we're on to them.

They have no idea what Jane Doe
told us before they k*lled her.

They're accelerating their plan.

They have to get theirs
before we get them.

- Meaning they'll make mistakes.
- Hi.

I researched
that reporter's question.

There was a sh**ting two weeks ago
in Astoria, Queens.

The restaurant awning was damaged.

- Why didn't we know about this?
- The place was closed.

The owner called about the vandalism
the next day.

They did find a b*llet fragment. It's
too small to get a match in IBIS.

So it won't give a match on any
of the b*ll*ts we got from the bar,

the office building
or last night's club.

I don't get it. Why sh**t
the place up if no one's in there?

There was a party scheduled
for that night.

They cancelled it at the last minute.
They couldn't have known.

Even if they had,
I don't think they'd care.

These guys aren't looking to k*ll.
They want to scare.

Then why not use something
other than g*ns?

Think about it. All that g*nf*re
and there's been one fatality.

At both the scene last night
and the restaurant,

most of the damage was to the awning
in the top of the building.

Their w*apon of choice - Steyr SPP.
Auto machine p*stol. Small w*apon.

High recoil.
Certainly not known for accuracy.

So these thugs are in the business
of fear.

- They want the city at their mercy.
- That's power.

If people are too scared to go out,

clubs, bars, restaurants
start losing patrons,

it's a financial crisis for the city.

That's messed up.

Let's go over what we know
and don't know.

Well, we clearly know that
this is not about targeting cops.

Not one of the patrons at last
night's club had any affiliation

with law enforcement.

So the night they att*cked us, they
chose a bar full of cops by chance?

Now, the message
on the Times Square LCD

was paid for with a stolen
credit card and made by phone.

A disposable phone.

Jane Doe also used a disposable phone
to call the tips hotline.

So no paper trail on either case.

We're waiting for extra CCTV footage
from the office

and the guard is still missing.

from the office building elevator?

Uh, no. Nothing.

Fire him, Mac.
This kid's slacking off.

Oh, and Ballistics confirmed that
it was the same g*n used at the bar,

the office building
and last night's club.

And possibly the restroom.

That leaves us with
what we started with - our Jane Doe.

And her brother, Jake.

We need a last name.


Do you know the woman
standing in the hallway?

- No.
- Well, you're about to meet her.

She claims
there was unrecovered evidence

in the elevator at the scene.


There's an undocumented print
on the ceiling of the elevator.

- Specifically, a bloody print.
- How do you know?

I'm a crime scene
clean-up technician.

I checked the number identifiers for
everything collected and photographed

and this print is not among them.

- What did you say your name was?
- Haylen Becall.

Well, Haylen, uh, that's impossible.
So thanks for stopping by.

- Adam.
- I did my job, Mac.

She isn't accusing you
of not doing your job.

Actually, if you hadn't done your
job, I never would have noticed.

Did you spray
the leuco-crystal violet in the lift?

- Yes.
- That was early in the morning.

I arrived much later
in the afternoon.

You're suggesting a critical
temperature change.

An increase of over 20 degrees.

In a closed lift, you've in essence
created an LCV fuming chamber.

The chemicals vaporise
in the high temperatures

and ultimately, develop prints
on any and all surfaces in the space.

Which is why Haylen saw
the bloody print, and you didn't.

Adam. It sounds like
you've got some work to do.

Um... um...

- I should go with him, I guess?
- Perfect.

Mac, you discharged your w*apon twice
in the sh**t's direction, right?

A b*llet could've grazed him.

Then how does his blood
end up on the ceiling?

I pulled the fire alarm
to alert security.

Maybe he tried to escape
out of the top.

There was no surveillance evidence
implying he went out the front door.

We might have found the DNA
to identify our sh**t.

Look. I didn't mean to embarrass you.

- OK.
- No, really.

I know how this must look.

I get it.
You're just, uh, trying to show off.

Well, I like to think of it
as trying to impress the boss.

- I want your job.
- Ah!

I mean, not your job,
but to do what you do.


It's not like I just got lucky. I had
to know that print was important.

Anyone else would've just
wiped over it and moved on.

I've spent a lot of hours
washing blood off of pavement

and scraping flesh off of everything
you can think of.

Trust me.

Cleaning up crime scenes is not
at the top of my part-time job lists.

But it's one step closer
to doing what I really wanna do.

I wanna work in the lab.

So I was just wondering, if there
are any entry-level positions?

Part-time? Weekends? Night shifts?

I'll clean test tubes and sweep
if I have to.

I'm the low man on the totem pole.

If you think that I have any type
of pull or influence, you're wrong.


Is there any chance you could put
a good word in with Detective Taylor?

Wow. Gutsy. Um... No.

Come on. Why not?

I've only known you
for the past two hours.

Not to mention, there's a hiring
freeze, budget cuts, layoffs...

So like you were just saying,
the job you're after...

It's mine. OK?

I'm not giving up.

* Well, hello
Do you?

* Do you?

* Do you?
Do you thlnk you can stay?

* Do you?

* Do you?
* Do you?

* Do you thlnk you can stay?
* Do you?

* Do you?
* Do you?

* Do you?

* Well, hello
* Do you?

* Do you?

* Do you thlnk you can stay?

Hey, Sid. Got a minute?
I think I just found us a match.

There's no question about it.
Look at the similarities. Here's Mac.

I recovered a piece of glass
from a wound in our Jane Doe.

It makes sense. The chandelier in the
high-rise exploded from the g*nf*re.

This glass is not
from a crystal chandelier.

It was recovered from a previous
wound in the victim's shoulder.

One that had healed
within the last month.

I first thought it was a b*llet
fragment but the rounds were intact.

EDNA has determined
that it's heat-treated glass.

The colour is a durable paint
resistant to fading,

specifically an oil-based enamel
engineered for sign painters.

It's commonly used
in store front windows.

I think I know
where you're going with this.

There's one way to prove it.

This piece of glass
came from this window.

Depth and placement
in the tissue of our victim

suggested it flew like shrapnel
into her flesh.

Exactly. The result of the b*ll*ts
shattering the glass.

She was there.

Our Jane Doe was in the bar with us

the exact night and time
of the sh**ting.

Our missing security guard?

Yes, ma'am.

Albert Pelton.

The high-rise
is three blocks that way.

Looks like our perp got lazy.
Dumping the body so close?

I don't think it was a dump.

Pardon me
for treading on your territory.

But we got a blood trail
leading from there to here.

The space between
the drops suggests... run.

Well, there's no way our k*ller ran
all this way carrying Albert's body.

It looks like Albert
tracked the sh**t to this alley.

The wound suggests a knife.

If our k*ller had a g*n,
why not just sh**t him?

a*t*matic w*apon jams
more often than not.

A large blood flow. Deep wound.

Looks like it severed
the femoral artery.

And Albert still went after the guy?
That's impossible.

Albert had to have been stabbed here.

Which means the blood trail
belongs to our sh**t.

The size of the blood drop suggests
that the wound was much higher...

Possibly in the arm.

Maybe one of Mac's b*ll*ts
did more than just graze.

And Albert caught up with him
right here.

Know what I don't get?
I don't get the sleeve.

- No blood trail leaves here.
- Yeah?

The sh**t used the sleeve
to bandage a wound.

This is blood spatter, not a stain.
And there's no chest wound.

It's our sh**t's blood.

Yeah, and I think Albert here
wounded our suspect.

Our Jane Doe was already
in the building. Had to be.

Then why didn't the security guard
see her? She didn't even sign in.

She works here.
Employees don't sign in.

She picked the 30th floor
as she knew it would be empty.

- Right.
- But we can't get an ID till Monday.

There's another way.

We need a subpoena for the building's
voicemail system,

especially the voicemail greetings
of all female staff.

You lost me.
We don't know who to look for.

Jane Doe called the tips hotline
and got patched to you.

Every call made to that hotline
is recorded.

I'm thinking we could match
her office voicemail greeting

to that call.

If we can't identify our sh**t
by description,

I was thinking maybe
we'd find him by his injury.

We got it.

The blood that Haylen
and I found in the elevator

is a match to the blood
on Albert Pelton's shirt.

We know it's not his.

- Tell me you got a hit in CODIS.
- We got a hit in CODIS.

David Wilson.
A rap sheet in every area code.

Let's hope that makes it easy
to find him.

You might wanna start
with the hospitals.

Based on these spurting patterns,
I'm thinking that the knife

Albert was stabbed in the leg with,

he used on Wilson.

Slammed it once
into a subclavian artery,

and then again.

And because we didn't find the w*apon
or a blood trail leaving the scene,

that means David Wilson left
with that knife stuck in his chest.

- Boom. There it is.
- Nice.


We got our vic's voicemail recording.

What's the extension number?

- 5506.
- Play it back to confirm.

Thls Is Rlsa. I'm not
at my desk. Leave me a message.

She doesn't say her last name.

Give me a minute. We'll find it
in the directory under the extension.

Let's compare the voices.
Play the tips hotline call.

You're the one that
got Injured In that bar sh**t?

I'm the guy. What do you want?

Sounds like the same voice.

Any chance you'll walk agaln?

Doctor says I got
a 10% chance. You got a tlp or what?

Got a name. Risa Calaveras.

I didn't see a ring on her finger
so I assume it's a maiden name.

- So her brother is Jake Calaveras.
- I'm gonna run wild cards.

10% chance of walking?

You told me it was 60.

Linds, I didn't wanna scare you.

What scares me, Danny, is that
you think you have to lie to me.

I want you to know that no matter
what happens, I'm here to stay.

Nothing is ever gonna change
the way that I feel about you.

And you know what?

10%? I'll take it.

That's a chance.

That's hope.

But it seems like you've decided
that it isn't enough.

No, no, no.
I haven't decided anything.

I can hear it in your voice, Danny.
On that phone call, you're giving up.

No, I'm not. I just don't need
a cheerleader, you know, babe?

You're right.
You need a kick in the arse.

Look. If I have to believe in you
all by myself, I will.

I've gone with a long shot before,
Danny. I ended up with you.

They said there was a 10% chance
of rain today.

And I brought my umbrella

because 10% is enough for me
to believe that it's possible.

Our sh**t, Dave Wilson, is dead.

He was dumped in the parking lot
of Trinity General Hospital.

He came in as a John Doe,
died in surgery.

We're checking the hospital CCTV

The driver of that car has to be
partner number three.

- We locate Jake Calaveras?
- Not yet.

Flack sent two unis to his apartment.
It was obvious he left in a hurry.

Guys! Surveillance from the hospital.

The camera caught the plate of the
car that dumped Dave Wilson.

- DMV get us a name?
- Yes. Tyson Menlo.

1027 Bowery, apartment 301.

NYPD, Menlo! We got a warrant!

Drop the g*n! Put the g*n down!

Come on, Jake.
You don't wanna do this, man.

It was Dave who k*lled Risa.
I wouldn't do that, man.

You gotta believe me.

- Jake! Put the g*n down.
- He k*lled my sister!

And we'll handle it.
You don't have to.

She was trying to help. Risa was just
trying to help. That's all!

She wouldn't want you to get
into more trouble.

She wouldn't want you
to do something stupid.

It's too late.

No. No.

It's too late.

It was all just talk at first.

Then Wilson came up with this idea.

What if we make the city work for us,
you know?

He used the word "ransom".

Thought he was joking.

But they kept talking about it,

doing something again and again
and having the city pay us to stop.

Why, Jake? To what end?

Dave said because we could.

Just, because we could.

Because you could?

Is that what I should tell the family
of the bartender who died?

Or all the people who were injured?

Is that what I should tell
my detective who's in a wheelchair?

Hey. They didn't know
there were cops in that bar.

They were just looking for a place
that was crowded.

You keep saying "they". Don't
you mean you, Wilson and Tyson?

No. Cos I didn't go that night.

I didn't.

Risa didn't want me to.

Your sister
thought you were in the car.

I know.

I should have called her,
but I was pissed off.

And, I didn't wanna give her
the satisfaction of knowing

it really did matter what she said.

But she was there.
She was in the bar.

She wasn't involved
if that's what you're thinking.

She was there for me. To stop me.

And it only made it more dangerous
for the both of us.

Wilson and Tyson came after us.
They thought we'd go to the cops.

I didn't think they'd...
I didn't think they'd k*ll her.

I didn't think they'd k*ll her.

Damn it. I, I told her not to go.

She was there for you, Jake.

Her only concern was you.

- Stella. Hey.
- Hey.

- Um, about the other night.
- Yeah, Adam. It was wonderful.

And stupid and spontaneous

and memorable.

- Yeah.
- And we should never do it again.

You took the words
right out of my mouth.


- OK.
- OK.


- You OK?
- Yeah.

It's Risa Calaveras' hotline call.

The only way I could thlnk
to stop Jake was to go to the bar

to tell everyone to get out.

But then I, I saw them.

I wasn't sure at flrst, then someone
told me that a cop had dled. Cops.

And all I could thlnk about
was protectlng Jake.

If I told them what was about
to happen, there would be questlons.

We'd both be In trouble.

So, I thought If he just sees me,
he won't do It.

And Dave and Jake
wlll drlve rlght by.

So, I stood outslde
and walted for the car.

Then I remember the face
of the last man to enter.

Jessica Angell
was one of those rare people,

the kind who
reaffirm our faith in humanity.

I dldn't know Jake wasn't In the car.

* I need another place

* Wlll there be peace?

* I need another world

* Thls one's nearly gone

* Stlll have too many dreams

* Never seen the llght

* I need another world

* Thls one's nearly gone

* I'm gonna mlss the blrds

* Slnglng all thelr songs

* I'm gonna mlss the wlnd

* Been klsslng me so long

* Another world *
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