08x07 - Bone Voyage

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "CSI: Miami". Aired: September 23, 2002 – April 8, 2012.*
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Follows a group of detectives assigned to the Miami-Dade Police Department's Crime Scene Investigations.
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08x07 - Bone Voyage

Post by bunniefuu »

Where's the desk sergeant?


Someone help me,please.

What seems to be the problem?

My daughter's missing.

She's only 22,she's blonde...

Well,ma'am,there's nothing we
can do until she's gone 48 hours.

She's out there!

In danger,don't you understand?!

I understand,ma'am...

I'm talking about my daughter!

Why won't anyone listen?!

Ma'am,I'm listening.

My name is Lieutenant Caine.

How can I help?

My daughter's in trouble.

Her name is Ashley Tanner.

This is her picture.

We're from Pine Castle,up near Orlando.

She's just a small-town girl.

Something terrible's
happened. I just know it has.

Why do you say that?

Because she left me this message.

Mama,it's me,Ashley.

I'm coming home. Some things
happened here,uh,bad things.

I need you,Mama. I'll be...
I'll be there in an hour.

She never made it.

That was yesterday.

What was she doing in Miami?

She drove down all by herself.
She was going to be a model.

Is it possible that she's just run away?


I know my daughter.

She would never,ever do
anything to leave me to wonder.

She would never do that.

Okay,what kind of a car was she driving?

A Nissan.

There's the license number right there.

Tell me you'll help me.

I will.

Attention,all units,this is an
interagency alert for all jurisdictions.

Be on the lookout for a Nissan,license

Miami Dade.

Yeah,I found an abandoned car.

License number

Tripp said you put out
a BOLO on a young lady.

Have we found her?

We found her car in the glades.
Apparently,there's blood at the scene.

Okay,so,let's go back to the
scene and turn over every rock.

You want to work it as a m*rder?

I'm trying to prevent one.

Season 08 Episode 07


Well,both back tires are off the riMs.

First responder did a good job. He said
he spotted tire treads several miles back.

I've got triangular
indentations on this rim.

It looks like she ran
over a spike strip.

The blood spatter,it
extends out on the pavement.

Yeah,medium velocity.

The blood volume says head wound.

Probably looking at BFT.

You see this?


Parking stub.

Town South Hotel,dated yesterday.

That could be where
she got the tire damage.

You know,Jesse,there's a lot
of overlapping footprints.

I think she was att*cked.

It looks like two sets.

One male,one female.

Looks like she was fighting
off a single attacker.

So,where the fight went out of her,

the footprints turned into drag
marks and then they disappear here.

Could be a second car.

I'm thinking she may have been abducted.

It's possible she's still alive.

I'm gonna run her cell phone,her credit
cards and send someone out to the hotel.

All right,I'll try to figure out
what kind of w*apon our attacker used.


Applied mechanical
force using a metal bat.

Produced medium-velocity
spatter,average range.

Not consistent with the
blood pattern at the scene.

Welcome to our hotel. Ticket stub?

Not here for a car,pal.
I'm looking for a girl.

Who isn't,man?

Ah,this girl's missing.

Recognize her?

You know,I don't really notice faces.
My job's all about the stubs and keys.

Well,her stub says that she took
a car out of your lot yesterday.

And I also think she
ran over a spike strip.

People take off the wrong
way all the time,man.

I park them and go get them.

I don't get paid to try to stop them.

Okay,look,buddy,you got no
video surveillance out here.

So,you're the only help
I got,all right,genius?

Here's her car.

You recognize it?

Jog your memory?

Yeah! Yeah,yesterday.

Yesterday right after
I started my shift.

She was a hottie in a real hurry.

Beyond that,look,I got nothing.

How'd it go with the valet?

He remembers her driving out.
Besides that,he's dumb as a spoon.

Okay. We'll go check out the inside.

Good morning. Welcome
to the Town South Hotel.

We're looking for a missing
girl-- her name's Ashley Tanner,

and we have reason to believe she
may have stayed here at the hotel.

Miss Tanner stayed with us for a week.

Single with a city view.

Then she upgraded to a waterfront suite.

Who paid for that upgrade?

Her suite was compliments
of Mr. Jimmy Burris.

And is Burris still here?

He just charged a round
of drinks out by the pool.

Thank you.

With a bang-up bod like that,you
could make serious bank as a model.

People always tell me that!

Difference is,I can
actually make it happen.


- I'm Jimmy.
- Molly.

- Nice to meet you,Molly.
- A pleasure.

And here's my card. I
make dreams come true.

Thank you.

- Excuse me. You Jimmy Burris?
- Yes,I am.

This conversation's over.

Excuse me.

You paid for the room of a
young girl named Ashley Tanner.

Ashley Tanner,yeah,she's,uh,she's
one of my girls.

She's a new recruit. She's a couple of
bookings away from a magazine cover,actually.

She's missing.

She's missing?

No,no,no,that's terrible.

When was the last time you saw her?

That'd be last night.


Her room.

You know,Jimmy,time
to take a little walk.

Miami Dade Police Department!




The place is trashed.


She's not here.

What's this?

Tequila bottle.


Looks like you guys had a time.

It wasn't a party for kids,okay?

Plastic bag with a lipstick
smear and a blonde hair.

Look,I already told you guys.

Ashley and I,we had a little fun
together but it's no big deal.

What kind of fun involves a plastic
bag over a young girl's head?

Listen to me,the girl's a freak.

I got nothing to hide.

Here,right here,hmm?

- You ready?
- Yeah.

Are you just gonna watch?


Okay,put it away.

We get it.


The only thing I'm guilty of
is giving theirl what she wants

Well,you're a suspect now, so I
wouldn'even think about leaving town.


No,I can't stay put. I got business
all over the world,I'm sorry.

Your business is on hold
until we let you know.


Oh,hey,you are one smoking lady.

I could get you a
magane cover like that.


Can you get this dirt bag out of
here and I'll bag everything up?

Let's go,Heff.

I'll get you a cover
whenever you're ready.

Make some real money.

I'm just in town for a
company golf tournament.

What's the problem?

Wfound your DNA on a cigar in a
young lady's hol room,Mr. Cooper.

A young girl that is nowissing.

This guy,Jimmy Burris,said
hcould get me a girl.

Show me a good time.

Said she she was "anything goes."

He lied. She... she was just scared kid.

Where is Ashley Tanner?

I don't know!

You follow her to the ades
and run her off the road

No! No!

Whatid you do with her?

I-I didn't do anything!

I swear on my- wife and my
daughter. I-I just want to go home.

Well,there's your evidence.

Burris is not a modeling agent.

Guy's a pimp. You want
me to bring him in?

For what,pandering?
He'll be out in 40 mutes.

What do you want to do with him?

I wa to keep him.

- Hey,Calleigh.
- Yeah?

I ran that name "Ashley
Tanner" you asked for.

Anything pop?

Small stuff: cell phone
records,creditard purchases.

Thlast thing was a food
and beverage from the hotel.

B nothing since then?

It's all I got.


Wait,wait,wait,wait. I'm
geing something ght now.

Credit card just approve
Newhall Beach,Calleigh.

Dave,that is our first break.

You are a rock sr.

- Hey,Ashley?
- Yeah?

- Ashley Tanner?
- Yeah.

You got some kind of problem?

No,but you do.

That's not Ashley Tanner.

Credit card theft is a crime.

Where ishe?

No idea.

I-I don't evennow her.

Why are you using her credit card,then?

We found a purse laying in thgrass.

Exit 14 at the rest st.

What,u two were just
skipping through the meadow?

Get up. Get up!

We cooperated. Shouldn't
that count for something?

It just boughtou a trip downtown.

All right,everybody,listen up!

This is a photo of Ashley Tanner.

Her purse was found at this rest stop.

She's missing. We will find h.

You'll walk forward,keep your eyes down.

If you see anything,blow your whistle.

Let's go!


at do you got?

Possible skull fragment.

Walter,this is a turtle shell.

Turtle shell?

Yeah,this is a turtle shell.

Those are your shoes,that's the sky.

Okay,okay,go back to your quadrant.

Minimal blood.

Means this m was cut off
somewhe else and dropped here.

Shoulder joint's still
attached to the remai.

You wanto know what theorst part is?

It's defitely Ashley Tanner's arm.

You e the birthmark right there?

Sames in the photo.

Hey,all right,holdn.

Get this bagged.

Visible decomp.

Been here over a week,easy.

Ashley'snly been missing a day.

Th leg doesn't beng to her.

Where you going?

I'm calling Horatio.

This wenfrom a missing
person to a double m*rder.

Hey,we able to I.D. our Jane Doe?

Not yet,but there is a tiny
buerfly tattoo above the ankle.

Oh,yeah,that should tell us somethi.

Now,DNA did confirm this
is Ashley Tanner's arm.

And what'd youind?

Sever point shows blue-black hematoma,non-gravitational
blood trails; evidence of circulation.

She was alive en they didhis to her.

That's horrible.


If she was cscious,then
she would have struggled.

Bruising on her forearm is defensive.

When I did the blood spatter test,I confird
it was a heavy object used to hit Ashley??

something with an inch
to a half inchn diameter.

Perhaps a pipe?

I don't know. This bruise
looks more like a tire wrench.

Yeah,go ahead,search your asses
of You ain'going to find squat.

Tire iron's clean. No bloodn it,H.

Yeah,that's rightI told you.

Okay,my voice,maybe,but I
never raise a hand to my girls.

Sh up,Jimmy.

Hold him.

I have no idea how that got there.

Maybe it was after you att*cked
Ashley in the Everglades.

Want to know who att*cked that girl?

Talk to Burris.

He recruited her to be a model,then
forced her to turn tricks.

Sounds like you know
an awful lot about it.

He didn't want her to
run,give him up to the cops,

so he dropped a Benjamin in
my pocket to flatten her tires.

But that's it-- that's
all I did for that guy.

Th's not all you did.

Stay put.

Come on! What are you hooking me up for?

You turned Ashley into a hooker. She
tried to run,and you k*lled her,Jimmy.

Yeah,you try proving
that,Litenant Caine.

Jimmy,like I said befor shut up.

Sign right there and right
there for your property.

Is there something wrong?

Why has there always
got to be someing wrong?

Heard we brought in
suspect on our Jane Doe.

We did,and I'm wondering if
you can connect him to oururder.

Speaking of our Jane
Doe,take a look at this.

I tested her hemorrhagic tissue.

Sever site shows no sign of bruing.

There's no blood flow.

So,she was dismembered postmortem.

Circle gets the square.

I don't get it-- why would
our k*ller change his M.O.?

Maybhe was interrupted.

Maybe he was altering his signature.

Tom,have you got any idea what
that residue is on her foot?

It looks like some kind of alkaline.

But I can't be sure.

I'll take it to trace.
Maybe they can figure it out.

Your unknown trace
is... salt... and sand.

om a beach?

Any one in particular?

Let's see if I can
narrow it down for you.

My old crony,the trusty ICP.

Check out that salt concentration.
It's five times higher than seawater.

I' only seen that hi a
concentration in natural salt flats.

Salt flats are dert terrain. I
mean,that's a long way from Miami.

I'm also getting iodine and plutonium.

Okay,how would our mystery leg
get covered in salt and plutonium?

Radioactive lt flat?

Nevada was the primary test site for nuclear
devices in the '50s,and they have salt flats.

This kind of plutonium has
a half-life of 89 years,

which means that soil
could still beontaminated.

our girl spent time
in the Nevada desert.

It would appear so.


Trace from our Jane Doe's leg may
have came from-- get this-- Nada.

So,Janeoe has a lot in
common with Ashley Tanner.


k*lled in Vegas,dumpedn
Miami. It doesn't make sens

Call the Vegas crime
lab-- they'll help us.

Digi-conference almost ready.

Synching up in three,two...

I'm Dr. Raymond Langston.

Hi,Dr. Langston. I'm Caeigh Duquesne.

It's nice to meet you,even
if it's on diamond vision.

Nice to meet you,too. What
can I do for you,CSI Duquesne

We have a partially
- decomposed right leg that has traces of radioactive salt on it,

and it's most likely from youarea.

Any idea about the age
and sex of the victim?

Our M.E. has confirmed the
victim was female,around 22.

Do these remains have a
butterfly tattoo on the ankle?

Let me confirm that.

Yes,they do.

Confirms my worst fears. Her
name was Samantha Matthews.

Her mother reported her
missing about ten days ago.

I'm sorry.

Thank you.

Was your victim from a small town?


She ca to Vegas to be a model.

We've got the same story here.

Okay,so your viim's leg was severed
through the head of the femur.

Our victim's arm was severed
through the body of the humerus.

Does that mean anything to you?

It'd be very difficult to say without
first taking a look the evidence.

We'd love another t of eyes on it.

I'll be there as soon as Ian.

Great. Thk you.

Dr. Langston,Horatio
Caine. Welcome to Miami.

Nice to meet you,Lieutenant. Calle Ray.

CatherinWillows speaks highly of you.

And of you.

Would you tell her when you speak to
her that I'm versorry about Waick Brown?

I'm sure she'll apeciate hearing that.

What have we got so far?

The dump site's this way.

Well,this is where we
fnd Samantha's leg,Ray.

We have maggot migration
trails here,Horatio.

I think we're lookg at
the original dump site.

So will these trails
lead to more body parts?

Unfortately,maggot trails
don't give directionality.

Lo at these animal tracks.

Body parts were dumped.

Animal scavengers dispersed them.

So,Walr,grab Ryan and Jesse.
We need to expand the search.

Will do.

Excuse me,sir?

It's an nor to meet you.

Thank you.

If these tracks get
lost in the wat--

I'a little out of my element here
any tips on how to conduct the search?


Think... like a bear.

Dr. Loman... I'd like
you to meet Dr. Raymond...

Langston. I know who you are.

- I read your book,In Front Of My Eyes. Inspiring.
- Thank you.

No,thank you.

You had the courage,the temerity,the cojones
to stand up to a broken,abusive system.

Thank u,Dr. Loman. It was
lovely toeet you,as well.

Can we take a look
at the remains,please?


is is the girl from Las
Vegas-- Samantha Matthews.

Take note of the wound.


Butterfly tattoo.

Significant decomp.

Exposure to the elemts...
a week to ten days.


Oh,clean planar cut
to the medial condyle.

Striae indicate it was
made with downward motion.

What we'd like to do is match
the striae to a particular blade.

Well,I brought along a series of slides
showing the effects various blades onone.

See if we can get a match.

Right. The thickness of the hip
bone suggests a hacking blade.

Well,that would bring us to large-end
carving knives,machetes,cleavers.

No false starts.

Kerf floor is uneven.

Bone fgmentation at the chop mark.

Which fines to a
smooth ge at the bottom.

Unique blade leaves that kind of mark.

We... are looking for a
cleaver,commercial grade.

Sosomebody that works
with meat professionally.

Perhaps we're looking for a butcher.


Thank you,Doctor.

So,I'm isolating butcher shops,restaurants,butcr
shops attached to restaurants.

How wide an area?

Wellusing the hotel and the bo dump as axis
points,wee looking at about a 50-mile radius.


Several hundred possibilities.

Okay,okay,let's try this.

Let's look for butchers who have
restaurants in Vegas and Miami.

And several hundred
possibilities become one.

Good evening,ladies and gelemen.

Welcome to The Big Grand
Steakhouse,where steak is art.

My name is Nathan Cole.

And tonight,you eat with style.

Hey hey,hey,esperate! Esperate!
What do you think you're doing?

Oh,just admiring your work,M Cole.

We need to,uh... run a
friendly battery of tests.

That's all.

Mr. Cole,you have a very distinct style.

You use a single stroke
clean all the way through.

It's my signatur It's why people
pay lot of money to watch me wor

And why my house is
bigger than your precinct.

I understand you were
in Vegas two weeks ago.

For the opening of myestaurant. So?

It's the same ekend that
Samantha Matthews disappeared.

I don't know who that is.

She's from Vegas,but we
found heleg here in Miami.

that's a very expensive,handcrafted
carving instrument

Con permiso. I'd just like
to run a hematrace on this.

I've done nothing wrong.


you have a g*ng history with the Zetas.

That was a lifetime ago.


Blood's human.

How do you explain that?

what is this?

Bad news.

The DNA is too degraded for a
positive match to either victim.

Buhere's what we do
know. The blood's human.

The stri on Samantha's bone
is a mat to his cleaver.

Okay,so he killthe girl in your
town,and dumps her in my town.


Take a look at the
Band-A on the finger.

What could tt be?

I have no idea,but it ipossible
he mig have an infection.

Can we get a warrant?

Of course we can.

Extracting marrow from Samantha
Matthews' right upper femur.

What story do you have to tell,Samantha?

Somee mind telling me y
I'm suddenly a blood donor?

You know,Nathan,blood's a funny thing.

It tells a story.

Samant Matthews had Hepatitis C.

Her family told us she picked it
up on a family vacation to Egypt.

What has that got to do with me?

We ran an antigen test on
your blood sample. Guess what?

It turns out,Nathan,that she
infected you wi the virus,

and w you have Hepatitis C.

Signature strain.

Only found in the Middleast.

There's only one way you could have
picked up Samantha Matthews' virus.

She gave it to you when you cut her up.

Zetas bankrolled my fst restaurant.

- In return,they asked for certain... favors.
- Like k*lling Samantha.

No,,I cut her up. I did not k*ll her.

- Then who did k*ll her?
- I don't know.

Then tell us why she was k*lled.

They don't tell me that information.

Probably she didn't wa
to turn tricks anymore.

That's the only thing I could think of.

We have a feeling that you
know more than you're saying.

Look,I got a call.

I was told to drive to the salt flats.

She was dead wn I got there.

I did what I was told.

Cut her up.

So then you just left her there?

Somebody else picked up the body
parts and dumpedt. I don't know.

Who? We need a name.

You're not listening!

I don't know a name.

Who's that?

Yo other victim.

I never seen that bitch in my life.

I cut up the one in
Vegas. Her I didn't do.

All right,enough. Who's
your contact at the Zetas?

- Answer the man.
- I can't.

Who is your contac at the Zetas?

I will die first.

let's go

You believe him?

That he cut up Samantha,yes

And that he's claiming he's not
involved inshley Tanner's m*rder.

Unfortunately,yes,I beeve him.

So do I.

Dr. Ray...

That means the k*ller's still out there.

It also means,Horatio,that I'm not
leaving until we solve this thing.

And th is good news.

I heard you got a confession.

Partial confession.

Nathan Cole admitted to dismembering
Samantha Matthew body pomortem.

So he copped to your girl.

Did he say anything about
our victim Ashley Tann?

He said that he wasn involved.

And unfortunately,these cuts prove it.

How's that?

Well... mantha's leg was...
separated at the hip joint.

The cuts were clean,professional.

Whoever did Ashley was lot less precise.


This... this is the work of an amateur.

These cuts are sloppy,hurried.

Well,you know,we've
got an ateur in holding

Do you think there's any way you
cod connect him to Ashley Tanner?

I'm working on it.

In the meantime,how's your team
doing with their evince search?

I'll get you a progress report.

Thank you,Miss Callei.

Thanks,Dr. Ray.


I-I didn't know what you were,man.

Don't panic.

Just make yourself small
and non-threatening.

I n't be small and non-threatening.

I'm running for it.

Don't-- you can't
outrun a bear.

I don't have to outrun the bear.

I just have to outrun you.

It's okay,hey,hey. You're safe w,girls.

Where did you get at thing?

Huh,this? From the ranger.

Somehow,I thought it
might come in handy.

Wait a second,wait a second. Hold on.

Th-That's a foot.

Looks female,too.

All right,why don't you collect
it and get it back to the lab?

You know what? I'm just
gonna call thisn to the M.E.

So,what havwe learned from
the new set of remains?

I found cuts in the
bone shaped like a"W."

You see,this shallow
cut is a false start.

The grooves tell me that he was using
a hand saw that was removed m-stroke.

These shallow cuts here suggest
a... less efficient w*apon.

Maybe a pocket knife.

At any rate,Ashley's
k*ller used two weapons.

And ey worked hard,didn't they?


When you work hard you sweat,on't you?

The harder they work,the
easier they make it r us.

Miss Boa Vista,I need
youn DNA right now.

Why e you showing me these?

Because you k*lled Ashley Tanner.

Well,you can't prove that.

As a matter of fact,we can,Jimmy.


We found your DNA on her rains.

I told you guys,we
played a little bit. Okay?

We partied a little bit.

- And hey,you know...
- Jimmy.

- I hit that,yoknow?
- Jimmy? Your DNA on her bones.

Her bones. You understand whathat means?

It means you cut her up
in pieces Like livestock!

And you worked up quite
a sweat while you did it.


You work forhe Zetas,don't you?

You heard me. You work
for the Zetas,don't you?

Answer the man.


Yeah,Jimmy. Zetas.

Hey,man,you know,they,uh,they
gave me a life.

They,uh,they financed my business.

You pimp.

Every time,Jimmy,one of these girls
disobeys you,you k*ll her,don't you?

I can't ally let these girls run
off on me,can I,Lieutenant Caine?

If I waso do that,wouldn't be
around too much longer,now,would I?

I didn't dump the body.

Then who did?

I'm sorry. I can't help you
guys; it's abovey pay grade.


avoid a date with the needle and testify

Zetas run like a maj
company now,gentlemen.

And you know what the
great thing is,you guys?

You can't touch them.

Jimmy,I don't care about them.

I am satisfied with you.

Take him.

Just one offic,huh?

That's all I need.

I'll see you,Lieutenant Caine.

Yes,you will,Jimmy.

Well... at least we'veaken
two K*llers off the street.

Ye,we did.

But Dr. Ray...

Who dumpedhese bodies,DrRay?

And how many more of them are out there?

It doesn't end he in Mia,does it?


What's wrong with you?

I??m fine.

Yeah,u are fine.

And you're mine.

I have to go to the bathroom.

Make it quick.

I told you to maket quick.

help me. he's going to k*ll me

to be continued
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