03x23 - A Perfect Match

Episode transcripts for the Web series, "Monster High". Aired: May 5, 2010 – February 9, 2018.*
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Animated web series follows a group of teenage children of famous monsters in media and film who attend high school.
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03x23 - A Perfect Match

Post by bunniefuu »


i can't believe the dance is this fright

day i have to pick what i'm going to

wear then pick what club's going to wear

so it matches and then change my mind

and pick something else to wear and of

course change clothes outfit then get

upset that i have nothing to wear then

at the last minute change my mind back

to what i picked out first

so abby who are you taking to the dance

not going nobody is that big

is mystery boys find me cold is no big

whoop hey ladies abby check it out

having a serious convo here heath if

guys knew how amazing and sweet abby was

they would all have monthly crushes on

her oh i read in monster beat that the

hot new fang is speed dating where do

you just meet a bunch of guys and spend

like a minute with each one yeah and

whoever you spark to you can see them

again i'm not knowing about this hurry

updating under this modern exterior i'm

still sort of old-fashioned cool come on

what have you got to lose


oh ghouls he's quit messing around this

is serious i'm not messing around

why you wink at me just met you

i'm not i only have too fresh mr next so

hey i uh was uh wondering if um no too

damn it you are sheep in wolf's clothing


hey hot stuff why don't you let me take

you to the dance and i'll melt your




getting down with my bad self you like

out of all those guys you met at speed

dating why did you decide to go to the

dance with he he make me laugh that's it



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