03x18 - Undo the Voodoo

Episode transcripts for the Web series, "Monster High". Aired: May 5, 2010 – February 9, 2018.*
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Animated web series follows a group of teenage children of famous monsters in media and film who attend high school.
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03x18 - Undo the Voodoo

Post by bunniefuu »




oh from cleo big emergency

oh my god look more bandages stat


poor thing

it's who dude he's having a bad day he's

a voodoo doll if he's having a bad day

everyone is


frankie you made them you have to fix

them can i do i'm not a oh mind reader

scare us screams

he's so sad


it's doom i like buttons

our only hope is to go inside

when ghoulia hits that button we will

all be transported into his brain

totally empty the mind is like a house

each room serves a separate function

this area controls speech


the memory center earlier today you

student disembodied president you're not

even a real dude dude

he's right i'll never be real


ugh he his problem is self-esteem how do

we fix that this area controls emotions

most important love we just have to

connect him to himself

did it work i like you

oh thank you scara i'm cured i'm cute

looks like our work hair is done

i don't care what you say to me anymore

because i love myself

maybe we should go back in and make a

few more tweaks


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