03x12 - Creepfast Club

Episode transcripts for the Web series, "Monster High". Aired: May 5, 2010 – February 9, 2018.*
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Animated web series follows a group of teenage children of famous monsters in media and film who attend high school.
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03x12 - Creepfast Club

Post by bunniefuu »

i was so embarrassed detention i didn't

even know what i did

you guys too yes miss stein you and your

friends have attention what did we do

one of you is responsible and you will

remain incarcerated

until i get a confession so miss denial

you're hiding something confess fine it

was me

that stupid idol cursed my pizza see

that is not the crime i was talking

about next i did it

oh i just love these perfume samples

sorry that's not it next

well i only did it because mr heck was

going to dissect those poor innocent


i'm telling the truth my brother did eat

my homework no

was it because i burned that book no

burned my locker no the bathroom the

theater the pool no no and no

wait how did you burn a poo full of

water it was an accident no

and then he was all like you know and i

was like whatever and he was like for

real i have no idea what you're saying

but no

someone is guilty one of you took my

glasses and i demand to know oh

those glasses oh um yes

you're free to go

finally i knew we were about two times

way my fountain pen one of you in your



thank you
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