03x07 - Sibling Rivalry

Episode transcripts for the Web series, "Monster High". Aired: May 5, 2010 – February 9, 2018.*
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Animated web series follows a group of teenage children of famous monsters in media and film who attend high school.
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03x07 - Sibling Rivalry

Post by bunniefuu »

yo bro what's going on you know digging

romulus and i wanted to see if you

wanted to catch the new scary rotter

flick dude i'm so there oh no yeah okay

mom i know sorry guys i can't go

anywhere till i finish my chores stone

cold bummer man

no way oh yes you need to learn to keep

your paws off my stuff you don't even

wear that anymore why do you think you

can just borrow my dress without asking

um because i look cuter in it oh no you

don't oh yes i do

wow must be tough living with two

sisters who fight like that you know

wolves bro always trying to establish

dominance my sisters can turn anything

into a competition

romulus you're a genius guys give me a

ticket i'll be done with my chores in an

hour tops

hey sis you seen helene why did she

borrow something else i don't know about

no i just wanted to get some tips i mean

everyone knows she's the best at doing

laundry elise she is not the best she

said she was oh i'll show her

i mean i'm not as good as claudine she'd

have the whole yard done in two minutes

huh i can do it in one

that's what she said give me that

she thinks that just watch me

you ready to roll hey mom i'm off to the


yes ma'am all my chores are just about


see ya

wait he

just oh

god you are such a brother

i'll figure it out before you did oh no

you didn't before i did oh you in your

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