03x03 - Uncommon Cold

Episode transcripts for the Web series, "Monster High". Aired: May 5, 2010 – February 9, 2018.*
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Animated web series follows a group of teenage children of famous monsters in media and film who attend high school.
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03x03 - Uncommon Cold

Post by bunniefuu »

i can't believe we get to go to monty

scarlow i hear that little old place is

crawling with monsterazzy i cannot wait

to get there and just

frankie stein if you're sick you may not

attend the class three don't worry mr

roger there's no way i'm getting sick

oh man nobody get near her if you catch

what she's got no monty scarlow

sorry frankie i can't risk missing

what are you so happy about

i'm thinking about all the fun i'm gonna

have on the trip without you the bus is

leaving in 15 minutes must hurry drivers

want to go you better get back on the

bus before you catch it too i laugh at

this notion ha i do not get sick

monsters in my village very hard there's

got to be some kind of

cure go yeah find anything yet

monster thistle oh my dad told me it

grows in the catacombs we just need

someone to go find it i know this plant

but has one side effect just go

oh there is monster thief

finally cheers louise

abby's not going to make it too bad

because i'm going to have a fantastic



you said you don't get sick allergic to

monster thiesel that is side effect

the buses haven't left yet come

on monty scarlow monsterazzy
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