03x02 - Game of DeNile

Episode transcripts for the Web series, "Monster High". Aired: May 5, 2010 – February 9, 2018.*
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Animated web series follows a group of teenage children of famous monsters in media and film who attend high school.
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03x02 - Game of DeNile

Post by bunniefuu »

falling apart

Oh Draculaura stealing my heart ha

shouting will be make me howl of the

moon this is a good I feel the now you

so big I'll even though you so far and

do says stone cold I'll these are my

boobs my skeleton crew a little strange

but so are you

have never been to slumber party before

haha slumber parties are the best

sometimes we just need to stay up all

night and catch up and give each other

make over and do each other's Tony and

talk about boys aren't you forgetting

gargoyles to gargoyles what is these

gargoyles to gargoyles Leo's favorite

party game we play it every time we stay

over I happen to be undefeated three

four five diabolical demon card Oh lose

500 points you're out cam I mean boo I

think I'm going to go into the bathroom

and cry a mountain troll ruins your hair

and makeup before school pictures

Clawdeen's out oh I better go in the

other room before I make a scene you

know you still have one card that you

can play why I have a Double Trouble

card which means I can take any opponent

out with me and I choose Frankie oh dang

I guess it's just you and me

Abbi your move looks like you've

stumbled into the fire pools of moment

police I have royal reversal card we

trade places you are now in pools of

fire what how I don't get cold quick

time out this was good move now we love

gargoyles to gargoyles but Cleo is super

competitive better move is to let Clea

win what point of playing game if you

just let her win a cave or troll social

network lose it dog Couture wizard

curses your closet go back five spaces a

wooden Impex your phone lose 1,000

points it is over you are out I win oh

my brother finally a worthy competitor

we're playing this game all night oh

let's do

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