02x32 - Dueling Personality

Episode transcripts for the Web series, "Monster High". Aired: May 5, 2010 – February 9, 2018.*
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Animated web series follows a group of teenage children of famous monsters in media and film who attend high school.
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02x32 - Dueling Personality

Post by bunniefuu »




are you okay


what happened jackson i have something

pretty big to tell you okay tell me

what's going on maybe i better let you

tell you hide what does that guy want to

tell me so i guess if i'm watching this

that means i'm not me anymore i'm you

what just keep watching apparently we

are the same dude dude

whoa so hyde and i are the same person

yeah afraid so so every time i wake up

in some dark alley alone and confused

it's all because of him i have so much

to say to that guy and i can't even

confront him about it because because

he's me hey you can tell that stuff to

me then i can tell whole well you tell

him that it makes me sick that we're the

same person he's everything i'm against

loud obnoxious crude rude conceited

rude crude conceited

conceded how does he think i feel i just

found out that i'm half naughty and half

door frankie doesn't seem to mind she

likes smart guys like me frankenfond she

likes cool guys

like me she was only hanging out with

you because i didn't show up and we all

know whose fault that is she was gonna

break up with you she was gonna break up

with you


frankie we can't keep doing this you

have to decide between us it's so hard i

like both of you how can you like both

of us when we are such totally different

dudes yo wait you're the same guy

underneath i think that's what made me

like you both she's right yo yeah so i

can't pick one of you over the other the

stress has got me tearing my stitches

out so you're breaking up with us yes

well no

don't think of it as breaking up i'm

just hitting pause until you two get

your act together there's no room for me


seriously you guys have to start

communicating i want you to start

texting and when you work it out i'll

still be here oh it ain't right okay

okay yeah all right frankie principal

bloodgood has called an emergency

meeting of the fearleading squad come on

all right boys remember k.i.t

are we in trouble

ghouls it is a testament to your hard

work determination and discipline that

you have once again brought monster high

fearleading back into prominence

and i want you to know that you have the

full support of the administration as

you prepare for monster nationals we

will not let you fail that is why i am

bringing in a new coach the most

decorated fear captain in monster high


never a denial

meet the new queen same as the old queen



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