02x31 - Here Comes Treble

Episode transcripts for the Web series, "Monster High". Aired: May 5, 2010 – February 9, 2018.*
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Animated web series follows a group of teenage children of famous monsters in media and film who attend high school.
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02x31 - Here Comes Treble

Post by bunniefuu »



i just gotta tell jax and i can't see

him anymore quick and easy oh

look at jackson just standing there

looking all cute maybe i should break up

with hyde instead

the double h who do you have more fun

with electricity you hit it right on the

bolt holt all right i've made up my mind

don't do it i get you and i'm smart and


of a dog hey come on cut it out

this isn't helping oh yeah



you two are tearing me apart frankie

wait i just need a moment to think by


oh yeah

hey cleo can't talk right now why where

are you going to find deuce and tell him

it's over over crikey cleo cleo deuce

oh cleo i've been looking all over for

you how dare you embarrass me like that

and with operetta of all ghouls what let

me explain there's nothing to explain

you made your choice and may i just say

it was a tacky one whoa cleo you're

wrong if you just listen for five

seconds i get it i've wasted enough of

my precious time with you you fix to get

something done right gotta do it



oh is this a song about me yeah it's all

the stuff i wanted to tell you but just

didn't know how you wrote this yeah uh

with operetta's health it's the most

beautiful thing i've ever heard

this is what you guys were doing

together surprise

i can't believe i ever doubted you

if i gave apologies i would give you one

right now i'll take it oh

you should sing my song at the school

assembly on friday then everyone can

hear you and of course be reminded of my

wonderfulness oh no i don't sing live

ever my voice kind of does stuff to

people it's only safe to listen to on a

recording i've got to go play this song

for all my ghouls they'll be so jealous

yeah i don't understand i'm not sure i

do either so you like both of us um

frankie check out what my super amazing

boyfriend did

how can he like both of us i liked you

first but you bailed on me so many times

and holt was always around we're two

completely different guys


jackson what's happening




yo what is everybody looking at oh wait

that'd have been me



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