02x29 - Phantom of the Opry

Episode transcripts for the Web series, "Monster High". Aired: May 5, 2010 – February 9, 2018.*
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Animated web series follows a group of teenage children of famous monsters in media and film who attend high school.
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02x29 - Phantom of the Opry

Post by bunniefuu »

m o n s e r Mon Mon yes we are


steal wolf make me the


this you so even you and de Stone Cold

sty these are my boobs my Skeleton Crew

a little strange but so are you don't

you want to be a monster






that Cleo like to hurt my feelings now

I'm on caddy

wus I figure Cleo must pay so I'm going

to take her man just cuz I

can yo

Frankie what do you want hold I think we

got off on the wrong foot I know I came

on a little strong a little look I don't

know what comes over me I mean sometimes

I just feel like there's another person

inside of me just you know trying to get

out huh stupid huh not at all I totally

understand I think we all feel like that

sometimes I always wanted an electric

guitar here it

comes oh man I'm so sorry ain't nothing

I near about ran you

over I can be such a heid here you go

thanks what are you listening to

graveyard smash you've heard of them

they rock my little old face

off yo

Frankie yo yourself so Hey listen

Franken fine I was thinking you were huh

I was thinking that I really like you

you know and I thought maybe we can hang

out sometime yeah that might be nice

really yeah girl likes

me it's pretty crazy how much we have in

common I know right are you doing

anything later oh oh hey I mean I would

love to but you seem like a totally

great ghoul but I'm with Cleo that can't

be serious right yeah I think so but you

guys are nothing alike total opposites I

know she just brings out the best in me

you know makes me want to be a better

Deuce so you really like her huh totally

so much and you told her how you feel I

got a hard time expressing my feelings

and stuff and when I try I just fumble

all over my words I'm so the same way

the only way I can express my emotions

is through my music I wish I had

something like that you okay I'm I'm

just so touched by your story you know

what I'm going to do I'm going to help

you write a song that tells Cleo

everything you've been wanting to tell

her then you can give it to her and

she'll be as touched as I am really do

that for me oh it would be my honor come

on where we going heading down to the

catacombs I put together a little old

recording studio down



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