02x24 - Abominable Impression

Episode transcripts for the Web series, "Monster High". Aired: May 5, 2010 – February 9, 2018.*
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Animated web series follows a group of teenage children of famous monsters in media and film who attend high school.
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02x24 - Abominable Impression

Post by bunniefuu »



we simply cannot have this kind of

behavior monster high stands for


understanding and tolerance to help you

learn these qualities you will spend the

entire day together not possible these

magic bracelets will bond you together

you must stay less than three feet apart

until three o'clock you will spend every

second together until then and i think

learn something valuable and if more

than three feet apart

the study howl of eternal homework

oh and fiery demons will descend upon

both your homes but

mostly that study howl of eternal


okay being stuck with you is less than

the ideal stitch but i say we make the

best of it just tell me why did you

start the snowball fight i don't get it

i mean i'll totally understand i'm very

understanding it's kind of my thing

these i don't get this frankie acts so

nice but then why she does these lies to

me it was you who was instigator well

guess you don't want to tell me we'll

deal with that later so where are you

from mountaintop in himalayas oh cool

which one i think you would not know


um i really like your necklace this

small talk is not necessary people here

talk too much about too little sometimes

it's better to just close the mouth wow

rude but i am not rude i am helping to

save her breath so confusing frankie

does not like me already we must get to

class you're right i can't get another

tardy i'll be in toad's trouble let's go

we'll make her like me more by showing

most efficient route to class

hey wait wait we have to stay together

stop i think

ah you ruined it i can't drink this

but that is how we drink it in the

mountains is the best i hoped she would

love this hey baby yeah i mean abby uh i

didn't introduce myself earlier burns

heath burns wow

cold hands


but i know how to warm your heart

glacial facial

this heath he is hailstone that thinks

it is iceberg yeah that's him

uh i guess

you better run didn't

no horseplay in hull this includes the


wow you really saved my bolts right

there do not mention it



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