02x18 - Desperate Hours

Episode transcripts for the Web series, "Monster High". Aired: May 5, 2010 – February 9, 2018.*
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Animated web series follows a group of teenage children of famous monsters in media and film who attend high school.
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02x18 - Desperate Hours

Post by bunniefuu »




but so are you


is behind all of this it makes perfect

sense that fraudulent felines trying to

set us up when your parents see that pic

of you and laguna in the fear book then

you're gonna blow up i gotta call them

and explain that it was all a big


hey mom i need to explain something to

you and dad

laguna wait


you've always taught me that saltwater

people weren't as good as us freshwater

people you said that they were

untrustworthy uneducated that they

smelled terrible hey

but above all that they were dishonest

well now i know that you were wrong

i have a um friend and she's the most

honest decent amazing monster i know

she's from the sea

what did they say they don't

feel the same way but i've never felt




hey um see at swim practice pal yeah see

you there mate

we know it was you don't try to deny it

the most perfectly epic plan ever of

course it was me

that's right ghoulia the balloons will

fall at the end of graduation and one of

them contains a spoiled gargoyle egg

releasing an ectoplasmic stink b*mb and

mr rotter is going to think it was us

exactly then you'll be expelled but why

because with you gone the fear squad is

ours for the taking we'll rule the


you just admitted your plan to us how

dumb is that it's too late graduation

already started come on let's go

they'll never make it


this is a perfect spot to watch the show

i can smell it i know which one it is

it's there great we know which one

how are we gonna get up there why don't

we do what we do best


i can't get high enough reaper

we gotta hurry we're running out of time

hey frankie lend me a hand

we did it

julia on your computer when important

things are happening


800 math credits each julia you're a


three of our students have achieved

their highest math scores in the history

of monster high they are awarded full

scholarships to attend the prestigious

tribular calculometry summer camp

effecting immediately i wonder who those

three uber nerds are




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