02x07 - Falling Spirits

Episode transcripts for the Web series, "Monster High". Aired: May 5, 2010 – February 9, 2018.*
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Animated web series follows a group of teenage children of famous monsters in media and film who attend high school.
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02x07 - Falling Spirits

Post by bunniefuu »

hurry up i want to see how many views

our video has yeah i could hardly sleep

last night i was so excited only a

million hits and we are off to gloom

beach beer leading camp baits at 150 000


only six people have watched it that's

impossible we got a hit yesterday and

there's six of us oh i haven't watched

it yet what i got busy you think these

pores just shrink themselves i can't

believe this who kills i'm so sorry come

on ghouls we can't give up yet the

website says the deadline was three

o'clock it's over it's not over look you

guys picked me up when i thought it was

hopeless and now as your beloved and way

beautiful leader i'm going to do the


not now gulia i'm being inspiring in my

freakonomics class they taught us about

marketing how things get hot there are

things we can do to make this video go

viral trust me ghouls

students of monster high your fear squad

needs your help watch our videos tell

your friends

well that didn't work huh not now gullia

frankie do your thing gotcha

that's only 15 more views at this rate

we'll get a million hits in about a

million years oh i'll be too old to go

to gloom beach by then

nothing is working cleo what are we

gonna do we're running out of time oh oh

got it

we wait until the night of the full moon

and then i will uh uh

don't got it

what would get people to notice this

video and

sent oh michael what is it already

you can do that put our video on the


are you serious every time somebody

clicks on the video it'll give the

viewer the choice to send it to everyone

in their address book that's amazing

that's total genius why didn't you say

anything before

it's working

i can't believe it we're gonna make it

we're so close

why did it stop
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