02x02 - Why We Fright

Episode transcripts for the Web series, "Monster High". Aired: May 5, 2010 – February 9, 2018.*
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Animated web series follows a group of teenage children of famous monsters in media and film who attend high school.
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02x02 - Why We Fright

Post by bunniefuu »




every ghoul in school is going to be

dying for a spot on my squad so we need

to make sure we have enough applications

3 000 should be okay for now are you

getting all this


and no one is to look directly at me

unless it's in amazement

prepare to do my bidding

i don't understand

maybe i have been too hard on them i

thought i needed to be a strong ruler a

tough leader

but i guess i was wrong next time things

will be different if there even isn't

next time

idea i can go recruit people rebuild the

squad for cleo

i know people think she's a total

perfectionist but that was the old cleo

you saw her she's changed

this squad is my legacy



join the fear leading team only every

spot open


hey laguna sorry love but i'm on the

swim team i made captain can't wait to

hear you cheer me on

change your mind about going to the

dance with me yet no no no no no no no

no yes okay fine what ifs oh scorching

did you just say yes to heath burns you

wore me down i'm not proud who do you

want to go with i don't know someone





someone lies hey how's it going hey

claude someone like quad club wolf no

get real he's claudine's brother so so

i've known him since before he was

housebroken but you like him right i

don't not like him but there's a lot to

deal with right now we're friends and

that's how he'll always see me not if

you join the fearleading squad really

totally he'll see you as a part of the



but cleo changed okay i'm in


help cleo sorry sister i'm putting my

poor down i guess it's just me

draculaura and cleo then that'll look

ridiculous wow my whole social life over

before it ever began



if there's one thing a wolf is it's

loyal buddy you're the best

cleo's mellow now right

i knew i'd get my team back and to think

i was gonna mellow out wait what first

things first practice every day nights

weekends eight day weeks you told them

that right well that never really

wonderful we start at 6 00 a.m

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