01x18 - Shock and Awesome

Episode transcripts for the Web series, "Monster High". Aired: May 5, 2010 – February 9, 2018.*
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Animated web series follows a group of teenage children of famous monsters in media and film who attend high school.
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01x18 - Shock and Awesome

Post by bunniefuu »

werewolf or vampire hmm why not choose

both we are both totally well you know

talking about boys not this time the new

movie is coming out

do i hope actually try hard three twy

hotter the final sparkle i've seen the

first two like a thousand times each how

many times have you seen it oh i've

never seen a movie

what's the malfunction 16 days old never

had an opportunity ghouls we have a

mission to the auditorium hey out of the

way a situation coming through here's

the first movie making out the second

movie the keychain it is critical that

frankie's first movie experience be

perfect draculaura you plug in the

projector laguna turn up the sound i'll

handle the woofers don't forget the

popcorn oh the tissues uh can i help no

no don't lift your finger just enjoy the


uh hey guys um i do know a little about

electricity and um

that looks like you're about to overload

how are we going to watch the movie yeah

i was totally sparking at the bolts to

see it



uh how's the movie oh awesome

you are gonna love it

this makes
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