01x11 - Cyrano De Ghoulia

Episode transcripts for the Web series, "Monster High". Aired: May 5, 2010 – February 9, 2018.*
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Animated web series follows a group of teenage children of famous monsters in media and film who attend high school.
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01x11 - Cyrano De Ghoulia

Post by bunniefuu »


something's wrong with ghoulia she looks

upset how can you tell i'm telling you

she's upset about something

let's down

hey julia

how's it going

oh so you like slo-mo but you're too shy

to talk to him

don't worry honey your girlfriends are

here to help

okay ladies let's orchestrate the most

important thing to remember

whatever happens do not be yourself

draculara will tell you exactly what to


got it

status he's passing coffin corridor

julia's not ready frankie evasive

maneuvers go

that was for you ghoulia

compliment him point out how beautiful

his eyes are

show him you're interested in him


here's what you need to do toss your

hair gently then lean in like you want

to hear what he has disabled not too

close you'll freak him out then blink

like twice

i can't wait until i'm 1700 years old

and i can date see just like i said all

she had to do was be herself
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