I’m Not Ready for Christmas (2015)

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I’m Not Ready for Christmas (2015)

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ I'm not ready for Christmas

♪ Don't need a gift list

♪ Don't give a spit

♪ How many shopping days
are left ♪

♪ This holiday season

♪ Give me one reason

♪ I should believe this ever

♪ Gotta change it

HOLLY: Hey, I'm gonna be
a little bit late

coming into the office today,

I'm looking everywhere
for a taxi,

and they don't seem
to be out this morning

for some weird reason.

I have to pick up my car
from the mechanic on the way in,

so we have to bump
the 9:00 with Ben Cameron.

Are you sure? We've already
canceled on him once this week.

Oh, send him one of those
holiday cookie baskets.

Tell him I had to get
on a flight to Dallas

to put out a fire.
That oughta do the trick.

Okay, sure, but you'd better
hurry up and get in

for your
10:00 conference call.

Oh, I should be able
to make that.

Call the mechanic and tell him
to have my car ready to drive

the instant I get there.

Okay, bye.

- Thank you very much.
- Thanks.

MAN: Taxi!


Oh! Hi. Are you trying
to get this?

Um, kind of,
but if you're in a rush.

Oh, I am in a very big rush,

Yeah, my sister is
actually in the hospital,

so I gotta get there

Oh, I'm sorry.

Yeah, no, it's
actually a good thing.

She's having a baby,
but her husband is gone,

so I have to be there
for moral support.

Yeah, of course,
it's all yours.

Yeah? That's very nice of you.
Thank you.

- Boy or girl?
- I'm sorry?

Your sister.
Is she having a boy or girl?

The baby? Yeah, the baby,
it's a little girl.

- Yeah, Anna.
- That's a beautiful name.

That's very sweet of you
to say, yes.

Well, I should let you go.

Don't wanna keep
your sister waiting.

That's a very good point,
yes, thank you.

- Congratulations, auntie!
- Oh.

♪ I'm not ready for Christmas

♪ Don't need a gift list

♪ Give me your stockings
and I'll stuff 'em for ya ♪

♪ I'm not ready
for sleigh bells ♪

♪ Two months of carols

♪ Leaving all the way
from California ♪

♪ I'm not baking, no

♪ Or dressing up the dog

♪ You can keep your yule log

♪ I'm still burning up

Oh, Miss Nolan!

How are you enjoying
your new parking space?

Not as much as you
are going to enjoy

your Christmas Day
basketball tickets.

My grandson
would be so excited.

Well, he is lucky to have
such an amazing grandpa.

You get those
basketball tickets

for old Brouhard
at the front desk yet?

I'm trying,
but Christmas games are tough.

- How's my day looking?
- Tight.

And don't forget you have
a 3:00 Christmas tree lighting

at your niece's school.

Oh, Anna.

Hopefully you can make the
office Christmas party later?

Well, if I'm still
standing by then.

Oh, and forget about
your lunch break.

Mr. O'Connell just scheduled
a staff meeting at 1:00

to talk about some huge client
that he's trying to land.

It's Graydon DuPois.

The fashion designer?


Good girl.

Anything else?

No, that'll do it.

Hey, on second thought,
there is something.

Come on in.
Close the door.

I can't emphasize enough

how important
this new account would be

if we can land it.

And that's why
I want to make sure

that I get the best
possible person from our team

to run point on the pitch.

And I've narrowed it down to the
two biggest movers this year,

Holly and Ted.

Thank you so much,
Mr. O'Connell.

That's a real honor.

Thank you.
So who's the potential client?

- [phone ringing]
- Oh, excuse me one second.

I'm sorry.


Oh, what a delight,
Mr. DuPois.

To what do I owe
the privilege?

Um, tomorrow, the symphony?

Wow. I didn't even know
they were still in session.

7:00. That would be

Do you need me
to call you again?

No, I'm good, Mr. DuPoi--
Oh, Graydon.

I don't know
why I keep doing that.

Silly me.


Whew. I am so sorry about that.
What did I miss?

[bell ringing]

Hey, you guys,
I'm so, so sorry.

I got a call from
an angry client on my way over.

I had to stop by there
and smooth things over.

I'm so sorry I missed
your tree-lighting ceremony.

- It's okay, Aunt Holly.
- It's really not okay.

But I promise you
I will be at your next one.

I have a holiday music show
tomorrow night,

if you want to come to that.

I'm singing a solo:
"We Wish You a Merry Christmas."

Oh, I love that song!

So will you be there?

I wouldn't miss it
for the world.

Yes, I will be there.

Yes! I love you, Aunt Holly.

I love you too, Anna.

Hey, kiddo,
can you give us a minute?


Tree lighting and pizza,
how hard could that be?

Well, it was in
the middle of my work day.

Kind of hard to get away
at 3:00 in the afternoon.

If it had been 4:30,
it would've been no problem.

Your work can't be

a get-out-of-jail-free card

You make a promise,
especially to Anna,

you gotta follow through.

Hopefully 'cause you want to.

All right.

♪ Oh, Saint Nick's got
a new bag of tricks ♪

- Hello.
- Hey, there you are.

I didn't think
you were gonna make it.

Oh, yeah, of course.

I just hit a little traffic
on my way in.

What did I miss?

No one's dancing
on a table yet, so...

Oh, there's Mr. Shea.

So, Ted, did your wife come?

No. She had a conflict.

I figured you'd bring
Graydon DuPois as your date,

since you two are so close.

You may have fooled

but given your track record
with the truth,

I'm pretty confident that you
and iconic fashion designers

don't run
in the same circle.

I have no idea
what you're talking about.

DuPois and I go way back.

We met at Fashion Week in Miami
a couple of years ago,

and now he calls me whenever
he comes through Denver.

Look, Holly,

you're smart,
and you're good at your job,

but I am too.

So there's no way I could have
actually won this account

because I earned it?

No. That's just the point.
You could.

But now we'll never know.

- What was that about?
- Oh, nothing.

I definitely need a drink
though. Are you all set?

- Oh, no, thank you, I'm good.
- Okay.

Thank you.

- Here.
- Thank you.

Hey, it's you.

Oh! Taxi cab guy.

Exactly. So why aren't you with
your sister at the hospital?

Oh, my sister.

I mean, she just had a baby,
so she needs some sleep.

But everything went okay
with the birth and all?

Oh, absolutely.
It was perfect.

healthy baby girl.


Really good memory.

Well, I'm good with names,
I guess.


- Holly.
- Okay, Holly.

Well, it looks like we got
another minute or two to k*ll,

so what exactly do you do?

I'm in advertising.

Cool. You like it?

I love it, actually.

My job, basically,

is to sell people
what they want the truth to be,

and I'm very, very good
at that.

How about you?

Wait, don't tell me.

Um, head of a charity?

Grade school music teacher.

- No, seriously?
- Mm-hmm.

That's really sweet.

Good sweet
or condescending sweet?

Good sweet.


So has advertising
always been your dream job?

Let me put it this way.

If things go well,

I might actually get to work
with Graydon DuPois soon.

- The fashion guy.
- Mm-hmm.

Handsome, rich, trend-setting.

Who knows? I may end up
becoming the next Mrs. DuPois,

running his company
alongside him.


I'm just kidding.



Would you maybe like
to get together again sometime?

Oh, I'm not really looking
for anything right now.

My job doesn't leave me
much time for dating

this time of year.

Okay, great,
so how about January?

It was nice
meeting you, Drew.

It was nice meeting
you too, Holly.


Oh, please, come in, sit.

Wow. I love what you've
done in here.

Great Christmas vibe.

I overheard your call

at the meeting
with Graydon DuPois.


Oh, he would
fire his own mom.

It's not like he would show me
any preferential treatment.

While your personal relationship
certainly doesn't hurt,

it was more of a tie-breaker.


Ted's done a lot
of great work for us,

but I'm gonna give you a go
at landing the DuPois account.

And if it goes well,

then a partnership's
yours too.


Um, I don't know
what to say.


Sure you do.

Thank you, sir.

I will knock this
out of the park.

All right.

Hey, sweetie, getting excited
for your big show tonight?

So excited!

Me too.
I can't wait.

Remember, Aunt Holly,
you promised you'll make it.

Yeah, I'll be there.

ROSE: Please just
make this one, okay?

Thank you.


I don't mean to intrude,
even though I am.

- [laughing]
- Where are my manners?

My friends and enemies
call me Graydon DuPois.

I know who you are.
It's so nice to meet you.

I'm Holly.

I just wanted
to congratulate you

on being chosen
to try and land the campaign.

And now that I've met you,
to ask you to join me

for an early dinner.

I like Domini's.

6:30 tonight?

That sounds incredible.

Is there any chance
that we could do that

tomorrow night instead?

Well, if you plan
to be in Miami then.

No. Tonight at 6:30,
Domini's, sounds perfect.



See you then.


We're gonna save this seat
for your Aunt Holly, okay?

Everything okay, Anna?

It's my aunt.
She promised to be here.

Well, if she misses this,
it's her loss

because you're gonna be
absolutely amazing tonight.

Ladies and gentlemen,
will you please take your seats?

We are about to begin
tonight's Christmas recital.

HOLLY: So what
you're saying is,

if you can't be number one,
why bother?

In my line of work, Holly,
you either lead from the front

or you get buried.

Of course.
I completely understand that,

which is why my job
is to figure out

what it is that's gonna attract
the consumer to your brand

above all others.

Yeah, innovative design.

Right, but that's your job.

Hmm. Reasonable pricing.

True, but if customers mainly
want inexpensive clothing,

they're gonna just buy
cheap knock-offs

or go to discount outlets,

so that's not really
the angle you're looking for.

Well, then an emphasis
on quality.

We never use synthetics.

Our fabrics are
of the highest grade

and contrary
to industry norm,

strictly made in America.

And as a Brit,
I'm proud of that fact.

- That's it.
- What?

That's it.
"Made in the USA."


You imagine
that'll sell clothes?

Oh, absolutely,

given the patriotic mood
in this country right now.

Yes, "Made in the USA:

"It's not just a slogan,
it's the right thing to do."

You're serious?

Dead serious.

Well, in that case, I'm afraid
we are done with this wine.

- Garçon? Young man?
- Yes, sir.

Bring us some of
your finest champagne.

- With pleasure, sir.
- Thank you.

I like it.

Wait, you do?

Of course I want
to sleep on it,

but, uh,
you're on to something.

Well, thank you very much,
Mr. DuPois.



[piano playing
"O Christmas Tree"]

[phone vibrating]

HOLLY: And that's
pretty much my story.

Oh, one minor detail:
Is there a Mr. Holly Nolan?

Oh, no.
I'm married to my work.

Oh, I should have
known that about you.

Since we're such old friends,

or at least, I gather,
that's what your boss thinks.

He does?
That's so strange.

Where would he have gotten
an idea like that?

Don't kid a kidder,
Miss Nolan.

Your secret's safe with me.

Or at least safe-ish.


Well, all right then.


DREW: And our next holiday treat

will be sung by fourth-grader
Anna Geller.



♪ We wish you
a Merry Christmas ♪

♪ We wish you
a Merry Christmas ♪

♪ We wish you
a Merry Christmas ♪

♪ And a Happy New Year

♪ Good tidings we bring

♪ To you and your kin

♪ We wish you
a Merry Christmas ♪

♪ And a Happy New Year

♪ We wish you
a Merry Christmas ♪

♪ We wish you
a Merry Christmas ♪

♪ We wish you
a Merry Christmas ♪

♪ And a Happy

♪ New Year

Mommy, can I have some money
to give to Santa?

Uh, yeah, sweetie.

Here you go.


I'm glad you caught me.

I just got back
from feeding my reindeer.

They need to eat at exactly
8:00 on the dot every night.

Finicky little critters.

I'm just glad
you're here now.

Well, thank you, Anna.
That's very sweet of you.

Now, what is it you
most want for Christmas?



I wish my aunt would tell
the truth about everything,

like when she promises
to be somewhere.


Did she promise to be
at your show but not make it?

- Yeah.
- [growls]

She's not a bad person,

but my mom thinks
she tells too many fibs.

If she would just
tell the truth,

then I wouldn't get
my hopes up all the time.

Hmm, well...

I'll see what I can do,

Thank you, Santa. I can't wait
till my wish comes true.

- Good night.
- Good night.

Hey, kiddo,
what'd you wish for?

Is it Channing Tatum?
I'd like Channing Tatum.


Excuse me, is my niece Anna
still in--


You're the aunt
who missed the concert.

So you're sister's newborn
is actually a fourth grader.


It's okay. I get it.

If it means anything,

I did really have
a nice time with you.

It doesn't.

Why does such a pretty lady
look so down?

I'm not really one to share
deeply personal things

with strangers with
white beards and red suits.

Well, I'm not just any stranger
with a white beard,

and this isn't
just any red suit.

Okay, well, I missed
my niece's concert tonight.

I couldn't get away from work.

Hmm. You're sure
you couldn't get away?

It's been nice
chatting with you.

Holly, I'm gonna make sure
Anna gets what she wants

for Christmas.

Anna told you what happened
tonight, didn't she?


Well, for whatever it's worth,
I am gonna be better with her.

I promise.

Oh, I know you are.

- [coin clatters]
- Thank you kindly.

[bell ringing]

[wind whooshing]

[bell ringing continues]

[wind decreases]

Oh, Miss Nolan!

I told my grandson about
those basketball tickets.

I have never seen him
so excited!

I don't have those tickets.
I just keep telling you I do

because I don't wanna lose that
primo parking spot out front.


Whoa! Someone's in a hurry
to get to work.

And somebody is in a hurry
to stick his nose

where it doesn't belong.

TED: The stress of stealing
the DuPois account

must be getting to you.

Let me know
if you need any help.

Me asking you for help
would be like admitting

that you deserve this account
as much, if not more, than I do,

which you totally do.



Hey, is everything okay?

You've been totally
holed up in here all day.

Is that a yes or a no?

That's a ye-- no, no.

You know what?
I am not okay.

I am about as far from okay
as you can possibly get.

Is there anything
I can do to help?

Do you have
a doctorate in psychiatry

that I don't know about?

- Uh-uh.
- Then no.

So I know you told me last week
that we're way too busy

to let me take a break
before Christmas,

but my grandma is super sick,

and I just really want to
spend some time with her.

I would only need
like two days.

That's no problem. You can
take a couple of days off

because the truth is we don't
really need you anyway

because you mostly
just do fluffy stuff.

I am so sorry, Jordan.

I totally meant that.

Wow. Okay.

Thank you?

[bell ringing]

Hello, Anna.

[coins clatter]

Thank you, Anna.

- You're welcome, Santa.
- [horn honks]


I can walk home
with my friends.

I know you're
really mad at me right now,

and I don't blame you.

I'm really, really sorry.

Okay, are you gonna stay
mad at me like this forever?

'Cause you're gonna be
a teenager soon,

then you'll be
mad at everything,

and I'll have no chance.

That depends on how many times
you're going to lie to me.

Hey, Anna.

All I wanted was
to have you at my show.

It was a really big deal to me.

Well, I was with a client,

and it was more important to me
than your show.

[Holly coughs]

[clears throat]

Um, oh, goodness.
[clears throat]

I, uh...


Okay listen, I know you don't
like me very much right now,

but I know what you do like.

HOLLY: Thank you very much.

I swear, you are
the only person I know

that orders triple frosting.

I mean, aren't you afraid
that there won't be any left

for all the other kids,

like for their
birthday parties and stuff?

No, and stop being funny.

It makes it hard
to stay mad at you.

You should be mad at me,

which is true,
but I mostly just said it

to deflect and make you feel
guilty for being angry at me,

so everything would be
cool between us again.

What's up with you today?
You're acting weird.

I-I feel weird today.

Weird how?

Since last night,

I just keep saying things
I don't mean to say.

Things you don't want to say?

Well, things that are true,
that are in my head,

but they just come out
before I can stop them.

But if they are true,
then why shouldn't you say them?

Well, I don't know
how to put this,

but, okay,
adults sometimes

just have to bend the truth
a little bit to function.

You mean like telling a fib?

Yeah, technically, I guess
you could call it that.

So you used to tell fibs,

but since last night,
you can't do it anymore?

That sounds crazy, right?

Remember when you promised
to take me to the movies,

but you had to cancel it because
of a business trip to Boston?

Mm-hmm, although, actually I was
just getting my nails done

because I had a meeting
the next day

that I thought I had to
look absolutely perfect for.

Um, wow, that's--
I just did it again.

That's exactly
what I'm talking about.

I want you to take me
ice skating Saturday.

Pick me up at 11:00.


Are you free then?

Uh... uh-huh.

No fibbing?

No, I... Honest.

It's a promise then.

Yeah, I must have
at least 30 items here,

but I've convinced myself
that my time is more important

than following your rules.

Late to concerts,

but right on time
to clog up the express lane.

Oh, uh, yeah, I'm just
trying to sneak through

an entire cart full of things
at a checkout

that's only equipped
to handle a couple.

Well, you get an A
for candor.

Which is flattering,
coming from you

'cause you're a teacher.

Oh, you're still really bothered
by the whole taxi thing,

aren't you?

And you not showing up
to your niece's show.

I'm seeing a pattern here.

Yeah, I completely understand

and, to be honest,
if I were in your shoes,

I would probably be doing
the same thing you're doing,

looking away, pretending you
can't hear anything I'm saying

and pretending
I'm not standing here

and just basically
ignoring me.

You're something,
you know that?

Yeah, I do know that.

Okay, I had a really good time
with you the other night,

and the truth is I just work
really hard at my job,

and I'm in the process
of trying to make partner,

and I don't give very much
priority to dating.

But if you would be willing,

I'd really love to take you out
for a coffee or something.

I suppose I could use your help
with something tonight.

You know, just so you
can make it up to me.

Oh, I should pay her.


HOLLY: You need to be
more decisive.

Just pick one.

DREW: Holly, you can't
rush perfection.

Oh, come on, you are
making this way too hard.

Seriously, all you have
to do is visualize

what your perfect tree
looks like,

and then it will appear.

This is not something you can
just use a checklist for.

You have to feel it.


Sorry. We're almost done.

A beautiful,
young couple in love?

There's no hurry.

Um, we are just friends.

I am helping him
pick out a tree.

Whatever you say.

We are just friends,

but actually
I'm hoping to change that

because I think
he's really handsome.

I can see that.

Are you ladies
talking about me?

- HOLLY: Yes!
- WOMAN: No!

Oh, this is a fine vintage.

Smooth and full-bodied.


So why do I get the feeling
you've done this before?

We had an artificial tree
as kids,

so I can appreciate
the real thing.

So I come here every year
to pick out the perfect one.


My parents,
my sister, and I

always used to come
pick out a tree

on a lot almost exactly
like this one.

Your folks live around here?


Is that a bad topic?

No, no, they passed away
when I was 13.

Car accident.

- Holly, I'm so sorry.
- That's okay.

My sister, though,
she did a remarkable job

of raising me
almost all by herself.

You guys must be
really close.

We were. We're not as close
as I'd like right now.

So since this is obviously
a two-person job, I have to ask.

Did you have someone else
originally lined up

to help you with this

I mean, before
you had asked me?

You totally don't have to go
there if you don't want to,

but I'm more curious
than you could possibly believe

beneath this facade
of mild indifference.


Well, I was two weeks
from proposing

when I found out
my last girlfriend

was seeing her German coworker
the whole time.


Yeah, they're now living
in Munich together.

It's a little jarring
when you find out

your whole relationship is based
on a lie you never saw coming.

Wow. That's really awful.

I'm so sorry.

But not sorry enough to wish
you were still with her

'cause I don't.
I'm glad you're not with her.

Thanks, I think.

It's better to not be
in a relationship

than to be with someone
who doesn't actually love you.

Yeah, you're right.

[car doors closing]

I had a really fun night.

So I'd really like
to do this again, soon,

because I think you're
really cute and funny.


Wow. I don't know why...

That just came leaking out.

No, I'm glad
it just leaked out

because I feel exactly
the same way about you.

Well, good then.

- Good night.
- Bye.

[car door opens]

[engine starts]

ANNA: Hi, Aunt Holly.

Excited for skating
this weekend?

ROSE: Don't miss it,
kid sister,

or I'll give you
a major swirly.

Just like old times.

ANNA: We love you!

ROSE: Yeah, what she said.

- For the most part.
- Mom!



Oh, Anna,
such a cute little kid.

I am so glad
you're still here.

Good evening, Holly.
Nice to see you.

Is there something special
you want for Christmas?

Um, control over my life again
would be a nice start.

Now, I've been told
I'm a pretty good listener.


Nah. You'll never believe me.

The guy who delivers toys

to several billion children
in one evening

won't believe you?

Ho ho ho ho!

Well, it's just...

been a lot of weird things
happening in my life right now.

A lot of changes.

Really strange changes,

Well, we all go through times

that turn us
a little upside-down.

I mean, look at me.

Toy technology moves forward
every year at warp speed,

and I have to try
and stay ahead of it.

But it's how we deal
with these moments,

these truly challenging
times that count.

They can even make us better
than they were before.

It's just been
a lot to deal with.

Hmm. Before all this
happened to you,

were you happy?


and no.


Well, then give it
a little more time,

see how it plays out.

Maybe they'll end up being
something really good,

these changes of yours.

That's very generous of you.

My pleasure.

Before we even discuss
the Graydon DuPois Collection,

I'd like to get your thoughts
about my new city bag,

which we intend to market
as a "Made in the USA" answer

to Louis Vuitton.

All right, so let's
pass it around the room

and have each of you
describe it.

It's an intriguing fusion
of form and function.

Clean, chic, practical.

Classic, yet cutting edge.

Uh, timeless and handsome.

Well, I want one.

I'd-- I'd rather not.

But your bosses bragged to me
about your keen eye for detail.

Let's hear it.


It's a bag, and you can
put things in it.

That aspect did not escape us
on the design end.

Anything else?

I could probably find
a more stylish and useful one

at the first street vendor
that I walk to.


And when I first saw it,

I thought of my
82-year-old grandmother,

but then she probably
wouldn't want it either.

You and me outside
right now.

Would you excuse us
just for a minute?

We'll be right back.

What was that?

I have no idea.
I'm so sorry.

You probably cost me
a $20 million deal.

I'm gonna be under
some serious pressure

to fire you immediately.

Oh, Mr. DuPois,

I want to apologize
for Ms. Nolan's behavior.

I assure you I'm relieving her
of her duties on the campaign,

and I will personally
be leading it.

Well, that's a shame because
I just made up my mind.

The campaign is yours.

The kind of honesty
and straight sh**ting

just displayed
by Ms. Nolan,


is exactly what
my company needs.

What your boss doesn't know
is that that bag

actually was just bought
from the street vendor

before I came up here.

I needed to know that someone
had the guts to tell me.

Oh, I'll be needing
your best mockups

for both print and TV
within three days.

Our unique Christmas Eve show
could well turn out to be

the biggest event
of your career to date.

Let's go to work.

♪ I'm not ready for Christmas

♪ Don't need a gift list

♪ Don't give a spit

♪ How many shopping days
are left ♪

♪ This holiday season

♪ Give me one reason

♪ I should believe this ever

♪ Gotta change it

♪ Why should I be merry

♪ When every January

♪ I come back
so very brokenhearted ♪

♪ I'm not ready for Christmas

♪ I think I'll skip this one

♪ And, Santa, I will
see you next year ♪


Miss Nolan, there you are.

It seems someone must have
finally called the police

to have you towed from
that illegal spot out front.

I tried to call your office,
but no one answered.

A shame.


Come help me with this, Mom.

Oh, okay, okay.
Turn around.

So listen, sweetheart,
you know that your Aunt Holly

might not make it
'cause sometimes

things come up for her, right?

She promised me,
so she'll be here.

I wish I could
bottle your outlook,

you sweet little thing.

I'm not a sweet little thing.

- You are my sweet little thing.
- [horn honks]

- That's her!
- Hey, come here, come here.


- Bye, Mom!
- Okay.

- Hi, sweetheart.
- Hey, Aunt Holly.

- Hop on back.
- Okay.

[engine starts]

HOLLY: Oh, this is
gonna be so much fun!

Although I kind of wish
I had my own skates.

These smell a little bit like
the corned beef and cabbage

your grandma used to make
on St. Patrick's day

when I was little.

Eww! You really need
to put new skates

on your Christmas list
this year,

so we can do this
more often.

Consider it done.

Stinky skates or not,
I love this place.

I had my eighth
birthday party here.

Only one kid
broke a bone that day.

Oh, that's really encouraging.
Thank you.

- [giggling]
- Whoo!

- Okay, let's move this way.
- This way?

No, don't do that.


Oh, don't push me!
Oh, my goodness, don't do that!

I'm stuck!


When did this whole
superstar skating thing happen?

Mom took me a few times
since we went last.

Well, you were just awesome.

And you kind of stink.


But in a cool way.

Thank you very much, I think.

So how are things
going at home?

I miss my dad a lot.

It's weird.
The longer he's gone,

the less I remember
the bad things.

- Do you know where he is now?
- In Texas.

Mom says he got engaged
last month

to some big-haired
Dallas girl.


She didn't tell you?

Your mom and I
love each other very much,

but I don't always
make as much time

to spend with her
as I should.

She says you're totally
self-absorbed, whatever that is.

That's when you only
think about yourself.

And I guess
she's kind of right.

There's something
that I need to tell you.

Yeah? What is it?


I want to skate some more.

Okay, go ahead.

Um, this is Grandma?

She's looking kind of fit.

Holly, what are you
doing here?

I was gonna ask you
the same thing.

Give me a minute.

So you lied to me?

I'm so sorry
and embarrassed.

I'll do anything
to make it up to you.

Well, how am I supposed
to trust you again?

Was there something
you wanted to say?

Okay, look,
no intended disrespect,

but I've sort of watched you
bend the truth a lot,

and I just thought that it'd be
okay if I did it sometimes too.

Am I in trouble?

No. Let's just call it even.

Okay, cool.


Who was that?

Oh, just someone from work.

I'm having a great time
with you today, Aunt Holly.

I'm having so much fun
with you too.

Do you promise you'll
do this with me again?

Yes, I promise.

Do you want to go
skate some more?

Do I have to?

- Yes! Come on!
- Okay.


Here are your keys, ma'am.

Oh, thank you very much.

And I have something for you.


I don't have anything,

I don't know why I'm doing
this thing with my hands,

where I'm patting myself down
as if I have money

because I don't have
any money to tip you,

and I won't be able
to tip you

because I was gonna
go to the ATM earlier,

and then I got stuck in traffic,
and I had, um...

Well, it's the thought
that counts.


Do you see
what I'm talking about?

That's exactly what I mean.

I have no idea
why I said all that stuff.

I can't even stop myself.

Happy Holidays to you too.

Well, well, well,
look who's here again.

Yeah, well, I was just
driving back home,

and this was
sort of on my way,

so I figured I'd stop and
give you another donation.

Well, thank you, Holly.

And how are things
with you and your niece?

Wow. You have
a really good memory.

Ah, it's part of the job.

Long lists,
separating naughty and nice,

that kind of thing.

Sure, well, yeah,

things are better
between me and Anna.

Well, that's good to hear.

Well, with everything
going so well,

is there anything else
you'd like to talk about?

Yes, yes.

Um, okay, this is kind
of hard to explain,

but for the last few days,

I keep having these really
strange urges to tell the truth.

And I don't mean
just in a normal way.

I mean about everything,
like all the time.

You're an expert
at telling the truth, right?

So what do you think?
Can you help?

Well, I don't know
how much I can do for you,

but I can offer you
one very good piece of advice.

Yes, anything, thank you.

Keep living your life...

just as you are now.

You might like
what you end up finding.

Thank you.

Now, you've actually just
given me a really good idea.

HOLLY: So it suddenly
dawned on me

that you'd be the perfect person
with your musical expertise

to lead our Christmas caroling
in the old neighborhood.

I'm more than happy
to do it.

It's going to be
so awesome tonight.

I have to admit,

I've been kind of trying
to get out of it for a while.

They keep asking me
to volunteer,

but the truth is,
I'm just using tonight

as an excuse
to spend more time with you.


That's putting your cards
on the table.

Are we all gonna
sing together?

Yes, we are, Anna.

Now, I know your credentials,

but your aunt's are a little
more shaky, from what I hear.

I don't know what my wonderful
niece has been telling you,

but I can carry a tu...

[clears throat]

I am a terrible singer.

- Happy?
- [laughing]

So is everyone ready?

Not really.

Come on, Aunt Holly,
you'll be great.

♪ [hums]

♪ Deck the halls
with boughs of holly ♪

♪ Fa la la la la
La la la la ♪

♪ 'Tis the season
to be jolly ♪

♪ Fa la la la la

♪ La la la la

♪ Troll the ancient
yuletide carol ♪

♪ Fa la la la la

♪ La la la la

That was wonderful.

And so sweet to see you
trying so hard.

Bless your heart.

Thank you, sir.

No, I was talking to her.

Thanks, I think.



MAN: Yes.

WOMAN: Be sure to come back
next year, okay?

We will.
And Merry Christmas.

- Merry Christmas to you.
- Merry Christmas.

Great job, everyone.

I felt good about that.

- You should. You were great.
- Yeah?

ANNA: Definitely.

HOLLY: Okay, here's your stop.

ANNA: Best night ever.

DREW: I tend to agree.


Mr. Vincent is really sweet.
Be nice to him.

I will.

- Bye.
- Bye.

Bye, Mr. Vincent.

Good night, Anna!
You were awesome!

Night, Rose!

Thank you.

Well, thank you for
coming out with us tonight.

Anna had a great time.

What about her aunt?

No, I had a great time too.



What were you
just about to say?

I've just never met
anyone quite like you.

In fact, I'm pretty sure nobody
has met anyone quite like you.


Well, uh, thank you.

I am glad to hear you say that
because I really like you.

A lot.

I'm sorry. I don't know
why I keep doing that.

No, it's okay.
I'm glad you said that

because I feel the exact
same way about you.

So there's a great new piano bar
in my neighborhood.

Would you like to maybe go
Sunday night?

Yeah, Sunday night
would be great.

Uh, pick you up at 7:00?

It's a date.

Good night.

By the way,
I also would have been okay

with you kissing me
good night.




It's so unlike you
to just drop by and see me

in the Republic of Suburbia.

Well, I missed you.

It's been a while since you and
I got to just sit down and talk.

Is that sentimentality I hear?


I thought you seemed
happier lately.

There might be another reason

why I'm a little happier
lately too.

It's Anna's music teacher,
isn't it?


Well, I hope so
because he is super cute.

He's also incredibly nice.

I didn't think your work left
much time for relationships.

Well, maybe it does now.

What? What's wrong?

What do you really want?

What are you talking about?

Well, you're following through
with Anna,

coming here to see me,

talking boy talk
for the first time in years.

Gotta be a reason.

I told you. I'm trying
to make up for lost time.

I mean, with Anna,
but with you too.

And that is so nice.

But what's different now?

I can no longer tell lies.

- What?
- Mm-hmm.

You're kidding. Since when?

You have been the best liar
I've known.

This is gonna sound bizarre,

but ever since I missed
Anna's concert that other night,

I walked outside,

I talked to this Santa Claus
that was standing there

and, I don't know,
a cold wind blew,

there was a full moon,
and everything changed.

Maybe you should be
talking to someone

a little more qualified
than me.

- I'm not crazy.
- [laughs]

All right, let me
test out your theory.


Last summer,

when you said you had
a business trip in Toronto,

when I asked if you could watch
Anna over my reunion weekend...

I was wine country,
trying to win a new account.

Okay, um...

New Year's Eve,
two years ago.

[soft gasp]

Did you really forget
to put my name on the guest list

at that VIP ball downtown?

No, I had to use that spot
for a potential new client,

and I tried to text you,
but it was too late, so...


Okay, um...

Last one.

Has Anna ever come
before your job?


But I want to change that now.

With all my heart.

No way is it better.

DREW: Seriously? I thought
you were more old school?

I am old school, but what could
be more old-school awesome

than Jimmy Stewart
and a kindly angel?

Ebenezer Scrooge, that's who.

You are sorely mistaken.

Well, we'll have to continue
this tomorrow night at dinner.

I've got to get some sleep.

Okay. I'll prove you wrong then.

I'm really looking
forward to it.

Plus, we haven't kissed yet,

so there should be some
really fun tension on tap.

Please tell me you had hung up
before I said that.

DREW: I hung up
before you said that.

See you tomorrow.

See you tomorrow.

Good night, Drew.

Good night, Holly.


Some really great
tension on tap?

Who are you, Holly?

[phone rings]

You're calling me back because
you missed me already, right?

GRAYDON: No, but I am intrigued.

Oh, hello! I'm so sorry.
I thought you were someone else.

I gathered as much.

In my defense,
it is a little weird

to get a call after 9:00
from a client,

even a really rich one.

Look, I know it is
a bit spur of the moment,

but I need to see where
the collection campaign is at

tomorrow in Aspen.

Tomorrow? Aspen?

Yeah, well, this is where I am,
and so we should meet here.

I may need you
for 24, 36 hours.

Well, I have plans tomorrow,

really important plans
tomorrow night.

I'm glad you agree.

You were just emailed
a plane ticket

and all of the details.

You fly out at 6 a.m.

Graydon, I--

Unless the next thing out
of your mouth is "thank you,"

this conversation
is about to go south.

- Thank you?
- Good choice.

See you in the morning.


♪ Well, the snow outside
keeps comin' down ♪

♪ It's covering the trees

GRAYDON: Well, I reckon
you were being far too modest

about your talent
on the slopes.

It's been a long time
since I went skiing,

but that was fun.

It's like riding a bike,
isn't it?


I think we should capture
this moment for posterity

- with a dreaded selfie.
- Okay.

♪ Won't you spend Christmas
here with me ♪

Thank you again so much
for having me.

This is a beautiful place.

Perfect place,
for work and play.


People ask me all the time,

how did I manage to build up
my brand in 10 short years.

And I nearly always say,

"Well, if I tell you,
you'll put me out of work."

Funny, I've said almost
the same exact thing

to many of my coworkers.


How quaint that must be
to have peers.

Well, coworkers or no,

I think I stack up
pretty well against you.

Oh? Well, that's
a pretty high bar,

since you'd need my rare mix
of business sense, talent,

personal charm,
and charisma.

Don't forget untethered
arrogance, tone-deafness,

and slightly thinning


Feisty. I like you.
So what's your poison?

Oh, I'm not really that--

You know, I would absolutely
love a drink, if you have it.

I'm just feeling
extraordinarily stressed.

[phone chimes]

Well, relax because
that's what we do here.

But do show me
what you've got,

since you're gonna be up
on the stage with me there.


- Cheers.
- Cheers.

Okay, um, well,

the team and I were working
on a couple of concepts,

but this is the one
I feel is the strongest.

This is likely to play well
with a suburban demographic

that's looking
for a touch of city cool,

but will probably
feel out of touch,

where they're even
slightly alienated

by the typical big-name label.

Spot on.

I don't think I've met
anyone quite like you

in this game before.

Classy, beautiful,

refined, k*ller instinct.

I am so very sorry,

but I'm afraid
I'm gonna have to leave.

I promised someone that I would
be somewhere with them tonight,

and I have to
keep that promise.

We've got work to do.

And I promise you
I will finish it all on Monday,

but there's somewhere
I have to be

with someone
I care a lot about.

I can't imagine anyone
in your place

having the nerve
to jump ship right now.

You're not mad?

I'm not used to no.

But I believe you, when you say
you'll finish this by tomorrow.


if you fail to do so,
I'll find someone who can.

I know that you will,
and you have my word.

♪ [piano]

Well, this is a great place.

Yeah. I was hoping
you might enjoy the music.

I do very much. It's--
It was a good call.

So how was your day?

It was really good.

I spent the whole day in Aspen
with Graydon DuPois.

I didn't know you and your team
were gonna be up there today.

Pretty quick trip.

It wasn't my team.
It was just me and him.

Just the two of us
all day long.

We actually went skiing,
in fact.

It was fun.

He took a cute selfie of us.

Let me show it to you.

That's interesting.

I'm gonna take that back.


I was hoping you weren't
gonna find out,

but I find it impossible
to keep any secrets that big,

so yeah.

I can understand.
Stranger things have happened

than marrying him
and running his company, right?

Mm, no, I said that
so long ago, Drew.

I was kidding, mostly.

Actually, that's not true.

I was half telling the truth.
I meant it.

You meant it?

I mean, he's rich,

he's handsome,
he's very talented.

There are worse people
an ad exec could befriend.

He wanted me
to spend the night.

To work.
Just to work.

Um, but I came back
because I told him

it was very important to me
to keep these plans with you,

and I said
there was someone special

that I wanted to spend time with
today, and that's true.

There's nobody I'd rather be
sitting here with than you.

You know I can't lie.

So I actually have
some news myself.

Oh, good. What is it?

The head band director
at Northwestern

suddenly decided to retire.

Oh, Northwestern?

The Northwestern in Chicago?

Yep. They need someone to
start right after New Year's,

and they offered the job to me.

That's, um--
That is really exciting.

And what I mean by that
is that's really impressive

and not that I want you
to take the job

because I really, really, really
don't want you to take the job.

Are you gonna say yes?

They offered
to double my salary,

and it's a cool city.

Kind of tough to turn down,
don't you think?


[car doors closing]


Let me guess.

Graydon DuPois?

[car door closes]
[engine starts]

Why do yours
look all weird?

They're not weird.
They're unique.

Hmm. They look like
gross blobs.

They're arty.

I get arty
this time of year.


[doorbell rings]

I'll get it.

Well, he hasn't
accepted the job yet.

No, but he'd be crazy not to.

Does he believe you
about DuPois?

I think so,
but the thing is,

I know he had
a really bad experience

with his last girlfriend
not being honest with him.

Probably doesn't help matters
that I told him every detail

of my wonderful day
in Aspen with DuPois.

And then he saw the flowers.

It's gotta be hard on him.

Oh, also I told Drew,
when I first met him,

that I could envision myself
as Mrs. DuPois.

- Oops.
- Yep.

It's so strange too.

Now that I can't lie anymore,

not only am I honest
about everything,

but it's like I have
no filter whatsoever.

Everything just comes
blurting out.

Like with Drew,
I keep telling him

about the feelings
I have for him,

and it's way too soon.

I think I might be
scaring him off.

I feel like
this is all my fault.

Hey, I thought
I sent you to bed.

What do you mean,
your fault?

How could it be your fault?

You said you can't lie

I know it sounds
a little weird,

but, yeah, that's more or less
what's going on.

Why do you look like that?

Anna, what's going on?

Cut her some slack.

She just heard you say that you
magically can't lie anymore,

and you just think
that sounds crazy, right?

It just sounds crazy,
doesn't it?


I asked Santa to make you
tell the truth

all the time, Aunt Holly.


It's what I most wanted
in the world,

have you be honest with me,
to keep your promises,

so I could spend
more time with you.

HOLLY: I don't understand
what happened!

I mean, I took your advice.

I just kept living my life
just like you said.

Thank you.

Everything was going so well.

I was seeing this great new guy,
and my job was going great,

and I was reconnecting
with my sister and my niece,

and now, all of a sudden,
everything just feels...

not real.

Not real how?

Well, I don't know if I'm just
rocking this new account

because the client
has a crush on me

or because
I'm actually good at it.

And then the awesome
new guy I'm seeing

thinks there's actually
something romantic happening

between me and that same client,
which there isn't.

And things are weird with you
and your sister and your niece

because Anna asked for a wish
for me to stop you from lying.


Please fix this.

Sometimes assembly is required
on the presents you get, Holly,

especially the good ones.

But I don't know how
to make this right.

Holly, all these wonderful
things started happening

when you started
telling the truth, right?

Well, yeah.

Well, then I think

the solution is pretty easy.


- Hey.
- Hi.

Come on in.

You're a hard guy
to get ahold of.

Yeah, sorry,
I've just been really busy.

What's going on?

I decided to take the job
at Northwestern.

Been thinking about it
quite a bit

and it just seems like
the right thing to do.

Just like that,
you're leaving?

You can't just leave
like that.

I love you.

Don't, please don't.

Is that really
all you have to say?

They're just words.

They're not just words
because I mean them.

Look, I'm going to Chicago
for a semester

to see if I like it.

You can come and visit.

If things between us
are meant to be,

then we'll work it out.

This is when we're
supposed to figure out

if things between us
are meant to be

because I've just told you
how I feel about you,

and now I'm standing here

waiting to hear if you feel
the same way about me.

So do you?

Yeah, of course.

You know how
I feel about you.

But you need space to see
if you care more about Graydon.

I don't need any space.

Please don't go.

Holly, I have to.
I made a promise.

I promised I would be there
on Christmas Eve

for the retirement party
of my predecessor,

to pass the baton.

I'm sorry.

I'll call you
from there, okay?

No, it's not okay.

It's about as far from okay
as anything could be.

Didn't we already
do this once before?

I told you, I have a change
I need to make with Santa.

This is silly. I don't even
think he's still gonna be there.

[door closes]

- Hello, Anna.
- I'm so glad you're here.

I need to take back
what I asked you for before.

I made a huge mistake.

You don't like your aunt
telling the truth?

No, I do. I did.

But things have just
gotten too crazy.

A lot of bad stuff
has happened,

and I need to replace that wish
with a new wish

that involves someone else.

Can I do that?



Here she is,
preparing for her big show.

Who'd you lose the bet to?

Oh, uh, Doreen made this.
Ever since she left nursing,

there have been a few hobbies
that leave collateral damage.


Anyway, I approved
the final spots and print ads

for the DuPois account.

This is some of
your best work ever.

Tomorrow night's gonna
be incredible for us.

And after that,

I'm gonna approve you
for partnership.

You were right not to have
any faith in me.

I didn't really have
any faith in myself.

I didn't actually know DuPois
before I landed the account.

That phone call you overheard?

I completely made that up so
that you'd give me the account.

[door closes]

I lied too, Holly.

I was actually leaning
toward Ted before the call.

I mean, he's a decent guy,

and he's done
some good work for us

for a really long time.

I never told you this before,
but that DuPois account

and the partnership
you're about to get,

probably should've been his.

Then give it to him.

You've done such a good job
on the DuPois project.

It's not that clear cut.

I don't care.
Ted deserves it.

What about
the DuPois show tomorrow?

I'll still do it,
and it's still gonna be great,

and then once it's over,

you can make whatever
decision you feel is right,

regarding my future here.

And if you decide
to let me go,

I'll completely understand.

♪ ["Joy to the World"]

Wow. This is so fancy.

Yeah. There are our seats.


You look a little nervous.

I feel like
all my internal organs

are fused into
one big ball of anxiety.

Jordan, would you please
get Holly a seltzer?

- Sure.
- No, that's okay.

I can do it.
I could use the walk.

GRAYDON: What they don't know
won't hurt them.

Am I right?

"Made in the USA."

Made in good old Malaysia,
more like it.

Critical. It'll put us back
in the black

six months ahead
of current projections.

Your job is to ensure
that we keep a lid on it.

Thank you.

You okay?
You look a little green.

I just overheard
Mr. Made-in-the-USA saying

that his entire collection
is actually secretly made

in Malaysia.

- What?
- Yeah, I know.

- Are you sure?
- Yeah, I'm absolutely sure.

I just heard him.

So how are we gonna play this?

Canceling the show
would be a good start.

Wait, hold on here, Holly.

Let's think rationally here
for a minute.

This is rational. He's lying,
and we cannot be part of this.

- Holly, shh!
- What? Don't "Holly" me.

Well, are we ready
to do this?

We sure are.

GRAYDON: Outstanding.
Come on then.

Ladies and gentlemen,

I give you the Graydon DuPois
Made in the USA Collection.

♪ ["Deck the Halls"]

GRAYDON: Merry Christmas,
Happy Holidays,

and in the spirit
of the season,

the gifts
the guys are carrying

are all bound
for local charities

for those less fortunate.

Thank you, gentlemen.


On a personal note,
I wanna tell you how proud I am

of this new phenomenon
in men's wear,

and the fact that
it's manufactured right here

in the good old US of A

makes it that much more
special, doesn't it?


I'd be remiss
if I didn't introduce

the architect of
the Made in America campaign.

From the Hartman-Hill agency,
the fabulous Holly Nolan.


I've been creating
ad campaigns

for as far back
as I can remember.

Projecting an image

so that whatever
I'm selling sells.

It's almost become
like a game.

You say whatever
you need to say to get by,

no matter what the situation.

Living your life like that,

you start to wonder
what parts are real

after a while.

Maybe some people start
to wonder whether you're real.

Living my life that way,

I realized
that I was missing out

on some of the very best
parts of life.

And I decided recently

that I'm not gonna
do that anymore.

So today...

I have finally decided
to do the right thing.

[clears throat]

This is part of a lie
that I cannot be a part of--

Thank you for sharing.
A big hand for Miss Nolan.

No, I'm not finished.
Here's the thing.

The Graydon DuPois Collection

is, in fact,
not made in the USA.

My boss
Berkley O'Connell and I

discovered this
a few moments ago,

and I can say
with a very clear conscience

that I want
nothing further to do

with a liar
like Graydon DuPois

and neither should
any of you.

Kid's got
a great sense of humor.

Thank you again, everybody,

and Happy, Happy Holidays.

I hope that was
worth it to you, Holly,

because I am gonna sue you
and your boss

for more money
than the DuPois Collection

would have made me
over the next ten years.

And then I'll start
getting nasty.

Well, good luck with that

because I happen to be
a firm believer

in that time-tested
American axiom:

"Truth is the best defense."

Holly, you disobeyed
a direct order.

I know. It would have been
so much easier

to just stay quiet
about DuPois,

but I can't do that anymore.

That's just not who I am.

You certainly didn't
do it the easy way,

and you probably cost me
a lot of money in the process.

Then why aren't you
yelling at me?

I can't yell at somebody
who did the right thing.

The thing I should have done.

I'm sorry for
putting all that on you.

And that partnership
is yours if you want it.


Um, I don't know
what to say.

"Thank you" works.
"Merry Christmas" as well.

Thank you!

And Merry Christmas.

I just need a little bit
of time off though, I think,

to think about everything
and sort some stuff out.

I understand. You take
as much time as you need.

Just know that you're
always welcome back here.

Okay, that was way cool.


You used to be my hero
for the wrong reasons,

but now you are
for the right one.

I'm so proud of you.

That took incredible guts.

That was so cool how you
told that mean DuPois guy

that he was a liar.


Ah, thanks, you guys.

But it's not like
I had any choice

but to tell the truth,


Santa had already taken away
the truth-telling wish.

That was all you today,
Aunt Holly.

Anna, thank you so much
for everything.

Why are you thanking me?

Because I finally feel
like myself again.

We're gonna see you tomorrow for
Christmas at our house, right?

Of course. I wouldn't
miss it for the world.

Can he come too?


What are you doing here?

It was the weirdest thing.

Just as I was about
to board my flight,

a freak snowstorm
came through.

Yeah, they said it was like
a once-in-a-hundred-years storm

that nobody saw coming.


The snowstorm was
my second wish from Santa.

It came true.

And as I was sipping on
my $7 coffee, waiting to board,

I remembered that you said
you loved me,

and I realized
that you meant it.

Did you realize
anything else?


I realized
that I love you too.


Miss Nolan,
what are you doing here?

Who is it, Grandpa?

Run along, Damon.
I'll be back in soon.

Merry Christmas, ma'am.

Merry Christmas.

What can I do for you
this fine Christmas morning?

Well, I'm sorry
to bother you so early,

but the basketball game starts
in a couple of hours.

I wanted to make sure
you and your grandson

had enough time
to get there.

Why did you do this?

Well, a promise
is a promise, right?

Thank you, Miss Nolan.

You are so welcome.
Merry Christmas, Mr. Brouhard.

Damon, we're going to the game!

DAMON: Really?
That's gonna be awesome!


Oh, look who's back.



DREW: Well, that didn't
take very long.

- Where were you?
- Oh, just keeping a promise.

Hi, Aunt Holly. There's
one more present for you.

It's from me.

Thank you so much!

What could it be?

Let's see.


Oh, wow.

Do you like them?

I love them.
Thank you so much.

I also want to thank you

for that truth wish
that you made with Santa.

'Cause as difficult
as it was for me at times,

it was actually
exactly what I needed.

You're not even
a little bit mad about that?

Mm-mm, not even
a little tiny bit.

Oh, I also wanna thank you

for that last-minute snowstorm
that you wished into existence.

It happened
just in the nick of time.


HOLLY: We're not
talking about you.

- Don't worry.
- No.

Be careful.
Santa's always watching.

Rose, thank you so much for
having me over for Christmas.

It's been absolutely amazing.

Now, is that the truth?

It's the truth.

Are you and my Aunt Holly
gonna get married?



Well, we'll see.


Not at the dinner table!

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