Angel of Christmas (2015)

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Angel of Christmas (2015)

Post by bunniefuu »


[Radio dj]: good morning!

It's the first of december,

So you better remember,

There's just 24 more
shopping days 'til christmas...

And here's a holiday favorite

To start your day off
with a smile!

♪ Deck the halls
with boughs of holly ♪

♪ Fa, la, la, la, la
la, la, la, la ♪

"Deck the halls?"

[Bangs alarm,
music continues]

♪ Don we now our gay apparel

[Loud crash]


It's going to be a long month.

Just one?
Coming right up.

Wow, I didn't know anyone
read newspapers anymore.

Very old school.

Well, I work for the paper,

So I like
to keep the illusion going.


I wish.

Copy editor.

I get all the news
I need to know online.

Mm, yes,
they do such in-depth reporting

On facebook and twitter.

Well, sometimes,
you need to know

What your friends had for lunch.


Um, medium drip,
room for milk, please?

House, or christmas blend?

What makes it
a "christmas blend?"

Is it brewed by elves?

I don't know...

It's just a thing...

For the holidays.

People like it.

You want it?

Mm, that's okay,
I'll stick with the house.

Sure you don't want
to roll the dice?

Not with my coffee, no.

Oh, can I also get
a multigrain, gluten-free bagel,

Exactly one tablespoon
of light cream cheese?

Thank you!

Wow, you are
a thrill-seeker.

And you've got paint
on your face, and in your hair.

Hazard of the profession.

["Deck the halls"
plays on radio]


"Deck the halls."
That's my favorite.

Mm... That makes one of us.


I'll take a christmas
coffee, please.

Extra large.

Ooh, is that
their christmas blend?

Oh, hey, hales.

No, it's holiday-free
coffee, thankfully.

Uh-oh, here
it comes again...

The i-hate-christmas-blues.

You have such
a vivid imagination.

No wonder you work
in the creative department.

You do realize
it's been two christmases

Since steve proved

What a worthless excuse
for a boyfriend he was.

Isn't it time you gave
the holidays a break?

I am overflowing
with christmas cheer.

Hey, watch it
with the reindeer!

You are so not
overflowing with cheer.

I'm stressed.

I have a meeting
with yvette

About my story pitch.

Oh, the one
about the dog weddings?

That's great! That must mean
she really likes it.

Or she just wants
to reject me face to face.


I'm sorry, it's a pass.


'Cause I feel like
a lot of our readers

Who love dogs would...


Maybe you were just meant
to edit other writers' work.

There's no shame in that.

It's a compliment.

Thanks, yvette, but I'm tired of
being a copy editor.

I mean, I want to be a writer.

Well, then bring me an idea
with some magic.

Something authentic,


I mean...
Do you even have a dog?

No, but...

I rest my case.


Okay, fine,

I'm going to give you
one more chance.

[Exhales in relief]

Something just fell through
for the christmas day edition.

Pitch me
an amazing holiday story,

And the slot is yours.

You are into christmas,
aren't you?



Are you kidding?

I live for christmas!

I mean, I am, like,
the queen of christmas.

Outline on my desk in two days.

Two days.
Two days!

Why do you still bother
with these lights?

Half of them don't work,
they always get tangled up,

And you just end up
throwing them out.

And buying new ones.

That's just what we do,

Well, it doesn't seem
very practical.

You should write about this.

A story
about an old piece of wood...

I smell pulitzer.

You can make jokes,

But this "old piece of wood"
is a story...

One filled with magic.

Oh, mom, please,
not that again.

Well, be "cynical susie,"
if you want,

But this little angel
brings people together.

Oh, hon,
that's old family folklore.

How did you and I meet?

Is that a trick question?

You met on a blind date.


So what was I doing
the first time

Your father called
to ask me out?

I was decorating our...

Family christmas tree!

You were "literally
placing the angel on top of it

When the phone rang."

That's right...

And 10 months later,
I was walking down the aisle.

Mom, it's sentimental,
but it's not a feature story.

Thank you, though.

I'll tell you what...

Take it,
it's yours.


How is it mine?

Don't I have to get married

the big "angel pass-down"?

Isn't that the family rule?

Rules are made to be broken.

Since when?

Maybe the angel will help
inspire your article.

Which is to say,
help find you a boyfriend.


Preferably before
the holidays!

Oh, hon...

And someone special, please.

Thank you, mom,

But I'm not looking
for "someone special," okay?

Not right now, anyway.

That just might be
up to this little angel here.


Got it!

And then
it seems my great-grandpa

Carved the angel
for this actress he fell for,

But, in the end, he married
my great-grandma maggie...

And gave the angel to her.

You should at least
write about it.

Maybe the thing with your
great-grandpa and the actress

Was really romantic...

Or, better yet, tragic!

The problem is,
no one knows much about it.

According to my mom,

He never talked
about the actress.

Well, maybe not to your mom.

Look, you want
to be a journalist, right?

So go investigate...

And would you please get
that angel a christmas tree?

She works one month
out of the year.

Don't deprive her!

Even if I wanted to,
I can't, remember?

No backyard.

Oh, right.

Your wacky family custom...
Outdoor christmas trees only.

Who started
that brilliant idea, anyway?

Mm, my great-great-grandfather,

Ages ago, in wales.

"So the tree
could look up to god."

That part's actually
sort of nice.

Yeah, it is.

you nail this article,

The sky's the limit.

Wow, you are an optimist.

Gotta think
outside the box, sister.

♪ Silent night

-Hi. How's that pitch coming?

Fabulous, yvette...

Uh, can't wait for you
to read it.

And I can't wait, period.

If it's not on my desk tomorrow,
I look elsewhere. Understood?


You know,
for "the queen of christmas,"

You're a little light
on your decorations.



[Tv clicks,
plays "silent night"]

[Turns tv off]


You win.

[I.m. Beeps]

I read your pitch.

You hated it.
Message received.

Maybe I'm not meant
to be a writer after all...

And you know what?

That's okay
because I'm thinking,

Maybe I should just quit

Susan, I liked it.

Just pack up my stuff...
Wait, what?

What'd you just say?

I said, I liked it!

It's good!

It's the perfect
christmas piece.

It has hope, love,

And a teaspoon of mystery
to polish it off.

Best of all?
It's true.

Yvette, I'm so glad.

Of course,
you could drive a truck

Through the holes
in the story.

Number one, who was this actress
your great-grandfather loved,

And whatever became of her?

I will find out everything.

And I don't need
to remind you

That you need an ending.

"Angel comes full circle,
family mystery solved,"

That sort of thing.

There's a great ending here.
I know it.

Thanks, yvette!
Thank you.


How'd it go?

She actually used
the word "perfect."

Oh my gosh,
that's fantastic!

See, I told you
it would happen!

What's "fantastic?"

Susan's writing
the new feature

For the christmas day issue.

I like that. Congratulations.

Thank you!

Right back at you, mr. New
vice president of advertising.

We should go out
and celebrate our victories.

Cafe solana?
Tomorrow night?

Doesn't that place have,
like, a six-month wait?

The owner's
an old family friend.

That's a really tempting offer,
thank you,

But I've got
a lot of work to do.

No problem.

If you change your mind,
let me know.

"I've got a lot
of work to do?"


I can't go out with
someone I work with.

Steve worked here.

And there you have it.

I gotta go...

So, I just have to figure out

How my great-grandpa
met this actress,

Who she was,

Why he carved her the angel
for her,

And why they broke up.

Piece of cake, right?

My money's on you...

And the magic angel you carry
around with you, of course.

Oh, stop it.

I just didn't want
to leave it at work.

It's not magic.

Ugh, I forgot...

I promised I'd go
to this gallery opening.

Wait, come with me!

What? No, hayley,
I have to get home

And start my research.

Oh, come on,
it's right around the corner.

-Five minutes.
-No, no, no, no, no.

Come on.
You're coming with me.

But, but... No!

You're coming with me!


This is interesting...

look at this...

"Broadway at christmas, 1925."

That actress was probably
starring in a play

Right then and there!


I never thought of them
meeting in new york.

See how much more
you already know?

Oh, look at this one!

This one's
my favorite.

I especially dig how the light
is cast on the lovers' faces,

And it's all reflected

In the store window's
christmas display.

Coffee shop guy?

Newspaper girl!

Wait, you two
know each other?

No, not really.

Well, we crossed swords
the other day

At the brewing station

'Cause I like "deck the halls,"
and she does not.

Uh, brady howe,
assistant gallery manager

And artist in residence.


Oh, yikes, I'm sorry.


Hi. I'm hayley.


Tell the nice man your name,

Oh, susan.
Susan nicholas. Hello.

So, "artist in residence."
What does that mean exactly?

Uh, basically means

That the gallery owners
let me use their storeroom

To work on my masterpieces...

That is, when I'm not hosting
gallery openings

And giving my two cents

About what's hanging
on the walls.

Your "masterpieces"?

Well, you've got to aim high.

Anybody want a guided tour?

Oh, yeah, it's just so late... I
feel like...

We'd love one.

Uh, yes.

Follow me.

Great, great.

And this one's is called
"christmas at the white house,

Even though it's really just
a white house in ohio somewhere,

But what's cool about it

Is the way that the light
lands in a way...

It looks like it's daytime above
the house,

But night time below.


Uh, hayley,
we really have to go.

But brady's not done yet.
Are you, brady?


I could talk about this stuff
for days,

So you should probably
get out of here

While you have the chance.

Okay, well,
thank you for the tour.

You are a wealth
of information.

It was a pleasure.


There's one important thing
I don't know, though.

Uh, what's that?

Whether or not I could take you
for an adult drink sometime.




Eggnog if you're into the whole
seasonal beverage thing?

[Laughs nervously]

Please don't make me drink

Does that line really work
for you?

Don't know.
Does it?

Mm... Not so much.


I'm excellent company.



Are you insane?
He was adorable!

I don't trust artsy types.

I'm an artsy type!

Are we dating?

You're not dating anyone!

There is nothing on earth

That could make me
consider that idea.

[Brady]: hey, hey!

Sorry for invading
your umbrella space.

You forgot this
in the coat room.

Uh, thank you.

No problem.

Nice meeting you.

Absolutely nothing
on earth, huh?

She's coming.

Oh! Coming!

I see someone's getting
her caffeine fix.

Hi, derek.

Yeah, 3:00 rolls around,

And it's either this
or a power nap...

And since
no one ever got a raise

By dozing in their cubicle...

Say no more.
I'm with you.

How's your christmas story

You all swept up
in the holiday spirit?


Not sure "swept up"
would exactly describe it.

I'm still in research mode.

How about you?
Are you a holiday kind of a guy?

Can I be completely honest
with you?


I'm not a big fan
of christmas or new year's.


It all feels so forced
and manufactured.

I mostly can't wait
for the week to pass

So I can get back on schedule
and back to work...

And I know it's early december,

But if I have to hear
"deck the halls" one more time,

I can't be responsible
for my actions.

A man after my own heart.

I mean...

I feel your pain.

Hey, enjoy your coffee!


Hey there!

What? What?
Hi, brady! Hi.

Susan nicholas.

Leaving so soon?

What? No, no, no.

I mean,
I didn't even see you here.

I was just walking...

That is a lovely angel.

Careful, she sees all
and knows all.

If you believe in angels.

Let me guess... You don't.

Let me guess...
You do.

Well, in art,
angels are everywhere,

So it's hard not to.

So what are you doing here
other than window watching?

Actually, I was about
to pop in somewhere warm.

You up for that drink?

Oh, no,
I have to get home.

Work to do for tomorrow.

Yet here we are...

You, me... An angel.

Something's going on.

Come on, one drink.

Then you can go back and be
the responsible employee.

You know,
you have paint on your nose.


I'm going to take that
as a yes.


It warms the cockles
of me heart.

Best irish coffee in the city.

just a little crazy in here,

And I've got a lot on my mind.

Everybody needs
to relax sometimes.

That's not a word
on my schedule right now.

Is it ever?

Brady, with all due respect,
you don't know me.

No, um...

I'm trying to.

Want to give me a hand here?


I'm kind of stressed out

About this christmas article
I'm doing.

So you're writing.
That's great.

Your wish came true.

I feel like I'm driving
without a map.

I mean,
I know where I have to go,

I just don't know how,
or even if I'll get there.

Enjoy the ride...
The destination will unfold.

And did you just
make that up now,

Or steal it
from an old "star trek?"


That's funny.

So, tell me
about your art.

What are you working on?

Oh... All kinds of stuff.

Portraits, landscapes...


Sculptures, mosaics,
mixed-media... You name it.

Well, at least
you've narrowed it down.

Choice is
one of life's great luxuries.

You think you'll choose
to run your own gallery one day?

No idea.

Have a buddy, zack...
He found a space a while back.

He thought we could go in
on one together...

But I don't know.
I just...

I want to create.
I want to stay liberated.


But think about it...

If you had your own gallery,
you could show your work

Without anyone else's

That's liberation.

It's good, right?

It's not bad.


Well, if it doesn't work out
with your article,

At least you have christmas
to look forward to.



Let's just say I have
a complicated relationship

With christmas.

Have you seen
a couples' counselor?

I tried.

Santa kept missing
the appointment.

Something about
his "busy season?" I don't know.

I'm all about christmas.

Yeah? You should
meet my mother.

On second thought...

Hey, what are you doing
tomorrow night?


This was nice.

I mean, you're...


I just don't have room
in my life right now.

I just asked you what
you were doing tomorrow night.

How do you know?
Maybe I'm taking a poll.

What are you doing
tomorrow night?

Thanks for the drink.

Bye, brady.

See you.

[Doorbell rings]

susie q!

Hi, grandpa!
Sorry I'm late.

I'm just glad you made it.

I was afraid you might
need a passport

To come all the way out
to long island.

Well, I don't know exactly
what I'm looking for, anyway.

Just some history
of great grandpa owen's life...


Like my organizing system?

You really don't throw
anything away, do you?

Yep... Ever since
your grandma rose passed,


Yeah, I kind of just
let things pile up.

Uh, your great grandpa
owen's stuff

Should be
in one of these boxes.

Not there.

Oh, boy...

I haven't seen this thing
in ages.

I remember that.

Yeah, it was
grandma's favorite.

She painted it herself.


Our family loves
its angels, huh?

Oh, yeah.

Does your mom still have
the family angel?

She gave it to me.

That's kind of what got
this whole thing started.


Yeah, my dad was so proud
of that thing.

He used to say it was--
"it was made with love."

He carved it back in 1926.

He spent weeks working on it,
as I recall.

He wanted to get every detail
just right.

Did he ever talk about
the woman he carved it for?

That actress?

The actress...

Of course!

Fashioned the angel
after her...

Especially the eyes.

At least... That was
what he told us.

Any idea how they met?

How they met...

How they met...

Actually, I do know.

It was christmas time...

I want to say
around 1925.

My father took a trip
into manhattan...

And one night,
he went to see a play,

On broadway...


...and it was there
that he laid his eyes

Upon the most beautiful woman
he had ever seen.

She was an actress performing
in the play that night.

[Applause, cheering]

I remember him telling me

About her long, golden hair
and beautiful lavender eyes.

He said it looked as though
she were sent from heaven.


Yes? May I help you?

I'm, uh, owen thomas.

I'm visiting
from bethlehem, pennsylvania.

Oh, thank you.

Please don't be taken aback,

But I loved your performance
this evening,

And I also happen to think

You're the most beautiful
woman I've ever seen.

that's quite a declaration,

Owen thomas from bethlehem.

I know...

And I realize
it's christmas week,


If you have any free time,

I'd be honored
if you'd spend it with me

While I'm here in new york.

[Susan]: wow...

That was a pretty bold move.

It must've worked...
Because she said yes.

Unlike me, who would've filed
a restraining order.

Never turn your back on love,
susie q.

You wouldn't happen
to remember the actress's name,

Would you?

Nope, can't say that I do.

My father said they wrote
to each other for about a year,

But that was it.
He never mentioned it again.



In fact, it usually took
a couple of slugs of scotch

For him to bring it up
in the first place.


Sorry it's such a mess.

So, do you think

Our family angel
has magic powers?

Mom seems to think
it's the next best thing

To having a matchmaker.

Well, you know how I met
grandma rose, don't you?

In a supermarket, right?

No. Hardware store.


One christmas eve,

I dropped the angel
and broke its nose.

When I went out
to get some wood glue,

Who was in the next aisle
buying christmas lights?

Only the prettiest gal
I'd ever seen.

Special powers?

Who knows...

But I'm sure glad
I dropped the darn thing.


That moment changed my life.

[Rings bell]

[Derek]: how's the
busiest bee in the hive?

Oh, ha...

New tie?

What's the occasion?

Wining and dining
some prospective advertisers.

Big spenders.

Could help me reach
my annual goal.

Goals are good.

Well, I've got
a million of them.

Really? Name three.

Make v.p. By next year.

Buy a condo.

Meet the woman of my dreams.

That shouldn't be
too hard for you.

It is when she's too busy
to go out with me.

I meant, like,
to buy a condo.

What's with, um...

All the angels?

Oh, yeah...

They're for this article
I'm writing.

Long story.

The only angels I believe in
play in the baseball team.


Mm-hmm, yeah.

Yeah... Oh!

My offer to celebrate
still stands, you know.

We could go out...
Or stay in.

I cook a superb branzino.

I love branzino,

But I love my job more.

I need to focus
on this.


But we all have to eat,

So call me
when you come up for air, okay?


No, no, no, no...

[Text chime]

[Text chime]

Maybe... It... Should... Be...

["Joy to the world" plays]


[Text chime]

[Loud clatter]

I already know
what you think I should do.


Back to the scene
of the crime.

Interesting choice
of words.

Glad you came.

Why did you?

I thought maybe if I did,
you'd finally leave me alone.

That's as good
a reason as any.

So why am I here,

You, my new student,

Desperately need
your christmas spirit back,

And I'm going to be your guide
to all things yuletide.

What if I say no?

Then you'll never
get rid of me...

Unless you change
your cell phone.

That might work, too.


Where are we going?

It's a surprise.

Oh, no. No, no, no.

I'm not big
on surprises.


Well, kiss that boring chapter
of your life goodbye.

[Susan]: this is
why I hate surprises.

[Brady]: why,
'cause you might have fun?

No, because
I'm a total klutz.

Oh, come on,
you're doing awesome.


I think I'll quit
while I'm ahead.

Just take my hand.

Now who's got
commitment issues?



Brady, this isn't
the class I signed up for.

What about
your christmas spirit?

The world will live
without it.

Yeah, but will you?

[Bells ringing]

[Derek]: what's that,
your guardian angel?

Oh! Oh...

Oh, my gosh.
Derek, I'm so sorry!

Are you okay?

Boy, I don't think
that angel likes me.

Uh, can I get you
a tissue or something?

No, no, no.
It's okay.

It's fine, really.

Oh, great!

on my brand-new hugo boss tie.

There's 100 bucks
down the drain!

Listen, I will pay
for that dry cleaning.

you can't dry clean a tie.

They're never the same.

What are you doing
with that thing, anyway?

Uh, it's being photographed
for my article.

Listen, I said I was sorry.

Oh, susan, good,
you're here.

We're all set up for the...

What happened to you?

Well, you could say
I was "touched by an angel."

Hmm. Clumsy one,
from the looks of it.

We're sh**ting in my office.

Okay, I'll be right there.

I just wanted to look good
for my new client meeting today.

I know it was just an accident.

Then again, maybe
there are no accidents, huh?

Mom, come on...
You can't really believe

The angel was trying
to tell me something.

Do you like this derek?

I might.

I don't know, maybe a little...

But since the tie incident,
I'm not so sure.


Angels see all
and know all.

That's exactly
what brady said.

Smart man.

Who's brady?

He's this artist I met.


Do you like him?

Mom, I barely know him.

That wasn't what I asked.

Well, I'll say this...
He's different.

Now, that sounds promising.

Okay, you're just saying that

Because he's male
and breathing.



I'm saying it because
nothing would make me happier

Than to see
my only daughter happy...

And don't thank me.

It's my job.



So were you surprised
to get my text?

Probably not as surprised
as you were that you sent it.

Oh, please,
I had a little writer's block.

I thought
it might be good for me

To get out.

Fair enough...

So, um, how did you remember

That you used to make
your own christmas ornaments?

Was that hypnosis?

Regression therapy?

Photographic memory...

My mother's.

Well, what better place

To revisit your glory days
of ornament-making

Than an art studio?

Especially one that comes
with its very own artist.

And a talented one at that.

Why didn't you tell me
you were so good?


Probably all kinds of things
we haven't told each other.

[Susan]: worst part was...

He left me
for our yoga instructor.

Here I was, thinking,
"oh, it's so great!

"Steve and I have
so much in common.

We even both love yoga!"

Little did I know
what he loved was the teacher.

That's a bummer.

At least he left you
for a person, though.

My last girlfriend, anna,

She said
that she would rather be alone

Than be with me.

Ugh, that's awful.
You're not that bad.

Gee, thanks.

I'm guessing
she didn't dump you

On christmas day.

He did?


Yeesh, that's low.

No wonder
you're so weird about christmas.

I've always been kind of funky
about the holidays...

All that pressure
to enjoy yourself...

I know,
it's such a chore.

After steve,
it went into overdrive.


When anna left me,
I was a mess, but...

I realized...

It wasn't really her
that I missed that much,

It was just being
part of a couple, you know?

A team.

So I just told myself,

"I'm going to go out
and find someone better."

Well, that's impressive.

Me, I just turned in
my yoga mat,

Called it a day.


Yoga's boring, anyway.
Nobody talks.

Rule number one,
no rulers.

What? Why?

I don't want
a lopsided gingerbread house.

Just eyeball the pieces
and glue them together.

It's not supposed
to be perfect.

It's supposed
to be handmade.


No, see, that's just goofy.


I know, right?

So, um...

I was thinking
about what you said...

About running
my own gallery.

It kind of
makes sense.

And you're not worried
this might qualify

As an actual life plan?


I don't make plans...
I... "Envision."

Oh, well,
I stand corrected.

Miss neat,

You've got a little spot
of paint on your face there.

-Where? Here?


There. Here.

There you go.

Good as new.




Who are those from?


"Sorry I snapped.
Please forgive me. Derek."

Nice move.
Point, derek.

I saw brady again

Point, brady!


And nothing.

We made christmas ornaments...



He and his favorite bottle
of wine

Are coming over later.

I have no idea
what I'm doing.

You don't have to know.
You're just hanging out.

This is good.

It is?

Because it's feeling
a little whirlwind to me.


Lucky you.

[Cell phone rings]

Everything okay?

Spring cleaning?
In december?

I figured your grandma's
been gone three years now.

She would have wanted me
to downsize a bit.

Must say, it was quite
the trip down memory lane.

Wha... Grandpa!

How in the world
did you do this?

Well, the neighbor kid
needed some christmas money,

So I hired him as my assistant.

Don't tell anyone,
but he did most of the work!


I found this box
stuck in a corner.

It's just a bunch
of old ledgers, invoices...


There was also this.

A blueprint?

[Grandpa]: yeah.

Of what?

As soon as I saw it,
I remembered

A whole other part of that story
my father told me.

Want to hear?

Yes, I want to hear!


That first christmas week
in new york,

Before my dad went back home,
he came up with a plan...

Next christmas,

I'd like to come back
to new york...

And bring you home with me,
to bethlehem.

that's a whole year away...

And what exactly
will you be doing all that time?

Building a cabin for us...

With a christmas tree
outside the front door,


That sounds so beautiful...

And I'm so flattered,
really and truly...


My life is here, in new york.

Maybe so, and I know
you love what you do...

But next year at this time...

I'm hoping you'll say yes.

And this was his design
for the cottage?

Drew it himself.

See his initials
here in the corner?

Did he ever build it?

Well, if he did,
I never saw it.


I found something else...

My parents' wedding picture.

What a lovely couple.

Your mother was so beautiful.


"As beautiful
inside as out."

That's what my dad used to say.

She'd have to be
to accept that angel he carved

With his ex-girlfriend's eyes!


In fact, it was
because of my mom

That he even kept the angel.

How do you mean?

Well, if I remember correctly,

It was on the day
they first met,

At their church,
back in bethlehem...

Excuse me?


Can I help you?

Is pastor boyd here?


I'm maggie,
the new church secretary.

Well, um,

Maggie, I'd like
to give this angel

To the church,

For their christmas tree.

It's top quality,

Let me guess... By you?

How did you know?

The way you're holding her.

So proud...

Like she's a part of you.

Well, she was, but...

Not anymore.

Would you like her?

It's very generous,

And I'm sure pastor boyd
would be grateful...

But just between us...

Why would you want

To give away
something so beautiful?

You should keep her.
She'll bring you luck.

She already has...

Bad luck.

Can I make
a suggestion, um...

Owen! Uh...
Owen thomas.

Okay, owen thomas.

Here's what I think.

Why not keep the angel
until next christmas?

If she doesn't bring you
better luck,

Then you can come back
and leave her here with us.

Something tells me
my luck is changing already.

and it sure did.

Six months later,
they were married.

So I guess you could say
the angel brought them together.

I mean...
Sort of, in a way.

Honey, take it
from your old grandpa...

If you want to believe,
you have to take a leap...

But look too close,

And the magic's gone...

And, really,
where's the fun in that?

Blueprint aside,
it's just random stuff.

No clues
about the actress...

Unless this carburetor
receipt from 1958

Has some hidden meaning!

Well, lookee here...

Baby susie with
great-grandpa owen.


You were adorable...

Of course.

He died
when I was two.

I just wish
I could've gotten to know him.

Yeah, he could've told you
about the actress first hand,

Saved you
all the research.

Right now, I'd just settle
for knowing her name.

I used to have
an old relative

That acted
in the theater, too...

According to
my parents, anyway.


I think every family has
at least one starry-eyed member

Who tried acting
at some point.

Hey, look at this.

[Susan]: "opening night crowd
enjoys the christmas surprise."

December 3rd, 1926.

His second christmas
in new york.

Wait, is that...?

I think that's
my great grandfather.

Well, at least
we know he was there.


We still don't know

The name of the actress
he fell for.

Google the title,
see what comes up.

"The christmas surprise."

Premiered on broadway, 1926

At the orpheum theater
in manhattan.

That's all it says.

It's a dead end.

Not necessarily.

That theater's still there.

Might be worth a visit.


You're a genius!

I mean,
thank you.

Any time.

they're all austrian crystal.

wow, it's just beautiful.

[Guide]: it's one of the oldest
theaters on the broadway.

[Susan]: really?

Now, as I told you
on the phone, miss nicholas,

We're very proud of our history
here at the orpheum theater.

So you think
you can help me?

I know I can.

If we're going
to find anything,

It will be in this.

How long have you
worked here at the theater?

All my life.


Yes. I started as an actor,
you know?

Now, here we go.


This is october, november...

Oh, december!

Let's see
what's in here.

Wait, there.



"The christmas surprise."


No wonder my great-grandfather
was crazy about her.

She was a beauty.

"Jessica rose.

The girl with
the lavender eyes."

[Hayley]: "did 'the girl
with the lavender eyes'

"Ever truly consider a life

"With the pennsylvania
coal miner?

"Did she ever really see beyond
the lights of broadway

"To ponder a future with someone
as kind and loving and true

As her unexpected admirer?"

Readers are going
to eat this up.

It's so emotional, so romantic.

Yet with
a zippy yuletide twist!

Oh, and get this--

The angel's eyes?


Just like jessica's.

Sweet, or creepy?

Totally sweet.

Meanwhile, how's "the boy
with the hot hazel eyes"?

How do you remember
what color brady's eyes were?

Actually, they--

They have these
little gold flecks in them.

How close to them did we get?


I need a refill.

Is all forgiven,
or am I still an idiot?


At least by me.

I can't vouch for her.

Put in a good word for me,
would you?

Just in case.

Will do.

Thank you, by the way,

For those flowers.

They're gorgeous.

My sentiments exactly.

What was that?

What? What was what?

You tell me, flirty mcflirt.

What about brady
and his gold flecks?

Brady and I
are just hanging out.

You said it yourself.

Which makes derek, what,
some handy diversionary tactic?

Now, see, there's goes

That vivid
imagination of yours again.

[Brady]: now, choosing
a christmas tree

Is one of the most important
decisions of the holiday season.


So, which tree
has your name on it?

Which one doesn't?

I do have to go small.

You know, apartment living.

Well, if I was getting a tree,
it'd be that one,

And I'd put my great-grandpa's
angel right on top.

Oh, yeah?

Your angel might find
a home this christmas.

No, no.

You're not talking about

That little charlie brown
tree, are you?

Actually, I was thinking

It would look awesome

On the tree outside
our country house.

You have
a country house?


Relax, it's my parents'.

And it's more of a cabin.

My great-grandparents bought it
ages ago as a vacation place.

Sounds nice. Is it?

It's totally nice.

Just a few hours
west of here,


We should go!

Christmas eve.

What? No.

My article's due that day.

And anyway,

I'm not going away with you.

I've known you
for all of, what, two weeks?

Well, by then,
it will have been 23 days,

Which is the life span
of a worker bee.

Oh, wow.

Thank you
for that little factoid,

And for the offer,

But I will pass.


Guess I'll just have to
figure out something else

Closer to home.

Think this'll fit
in the back of an uber?

I think it could fit
in the glove compartment.

That's very funny

For someone who managed

To get out of there

Uh, hello...

These bags weren't going
to carry themselves!

[Derek]: susan?




What are you doing here?

I just made an offer
on a condo around the corner.

That's fantastic.

You two look like

You've been doing
some shopping yourselves.


Brady, this is derek.
We work together.

Derek, meet brady. We...

What do we do?

We annoy each other.

It's actually
pretty entertaining.

That's quite
the fashion statement.


Yeah, it's all part of
"operation jump start."

Which is...

Brady's personal mission

To revive
my christmas spirit.

That's a joke, right?

No, it's as real as
the santas on that scarf.

It's... Complicated.

I'm sure it is.

Not really.

Hey, good luck with your condo.

I'll see you
at the office, okay?

Merry christmas!

Wow. Should I be jealous?

Of who?

The male model-looking,
condo-buying office guy

That has zero appreciation
for christmas wear.

Well, I don't know.
That depends.

What exactly are we?

Aside from two people
who annoy each other?

More than that, I hope.

Don't you?

You're right.

He has no appreciation

For christmas wear.


[Susan]: hey, so why are we
on your roof?

[Brady]: okay, we have
this weird tradition

In my family.

We only put up
our christmas trees outside.

The idea is
that it helps them--

Look up to god.

Brady, this is unbelievable.

My family has
the same tradition.

Come on. No way!

That's crazy.

No, we've done it forever!

I just thought
it was an old welsh custom.

Well, apparently,

A few irishmen
picked it up along the way.


That's why the small tree.

Because anything bigger
would blow over up here.

Make sense?

About as much sense
as anything right now.



He arrived in time

To attend the opening night

Of a new play called
"the christmas surprise."


[Knocking on door]

Owen, you made it,
and just in time!

Curtain is in 20 minutes.

You made this yourself?
For me?

It's gorgeous.

And the eyes...

They're lavender, like mine.

You were all I could see
while I was carving it.

You don't have
a christmas tree in here?

I'm surprised.

Someone once told me

That the only place
for a christmas tree

Is outside, where...

Where it can look up to god.

Well, marry me,

And every year,

The angel will crown the tree
in front of our new house.

[man]: ten minutes, miss rose.

You don't have
to decide now.

Go. Have a magnificent
opening night.

We'll talk after.

So who was your friend?


-You scared me.

I was saying,
who was your friend?

From yesterday?

Oh, brady?

He's an artist...

And a holiday enthusiast.


And what?

Susan, I thought
you were on a deadline?

I was. I am.

But dating's not quite as out
of the question as you thought?

Brady and I
aren't exactly dating.


Then you and I can revisit
the idea of dinner.

Or even do
something christmas-y,

If that helps
your little experiment.

I'll let you know, okay?


But I gotta tell you,



[I.m. Beeps]

Wait, why would you order
a backup feature

From another writer
for my christmas day slot?

Just in case.

In case of what?

Susan, you've edited

Your share
of backup articles.

You know how this works.

Yvette, I've got this.

You don't need a backup.

Oh, really?

What if you don't find
your ending?

Then what?

Who says
I don't already have it?

Do you?

Not... Completely...

But I will.
No question.


Then you have nothing
to worry about.

From now on,

It is all writing,
all the time!

In fact, I'm going
to call brady

And tell him
I can't see him tonight.

We'll have to go
caroling another time.

No, no, no!

Right now,
being around brady

Is the best thing for you
and your article.

How do you figure that?

Susan, if you want
to be a great writer,

You have to experience life,

And it's been a while

Since I've seen you
this happy.


Yes, really.

You've even got
this bounce when you walk,

And your skin,

It's glowing like it was lit
by birthday candles.

-Okay, that's ridiculous.
-No, I'm serious.

Brady's bringing out
your creative side.

♪ ...heedless of
the wind and weather ♪

♪ Fa, la, la, la, la
la, la, la, la ♪

Cheers, you guys.

I think somebody's officially
found their christmas spirit.

That was actually
really fun.

Thank you.

For the record,
you crushed "deck the halls."


And there was nothing silent
about your "silent night."

Oh, and let you sing
louder than me?

I don't think so, buddy.

Oh, want to stop for one of

Those "best irish coffees
in all of manhattan"?

My treat.

How about some place
more private?


To saint nick

And the sled
he rode in on.

You working on something new?

Oh, it's just something
I'm messing around with.

Yeah? Can I take a look?

Yeah, no...

Maybe when I'm finished.


So, you remember
the friend of mine,

Zack, I was telling you about?

He was looking
for gallery space?


Well, he started looking again

And he found
what he thinks is a primo spot.

I like what I'm hearing.

Yeah, he'd put the money up,
I'd run the place.

We'd split the profits.

That is fantastic.

Where is it?
Soho? Chelsea?

Wait... Brooklyn!

Los angeles.

Los angeles?

Place called echo park.

Real hip.

Place needs
a ton of work,

But that's why we can
do the lease.

Wow, california...

Yeah, honestly,

I had no idea
where he was looking.

I just assumed
it was new york.

the worst dump

Is, like, through
the roof here, so...


This is huge.

Running a gallery in l.a.!

Think about the work
you can do out there.

I mean,
the weather alone

Should inspire greatness.


When do you leave?


I'm not even sure
I want to do this thing.

Well, how could you not?
It sounds perfect!

What if I was trying to leave
myself open for other things?

Like what?

This could be
the chance of a lifetime.

You don't want to blow this.

If you're talking about us,
I agree.


You're a talented artist.

Your should put the work first.

You have to put
your work first.

As for us...

Who knows what we are?

Look, you're a writer.

I get that.

You're all about words,


Not everything
has to have a label.

I think we've started
something really good here.

I think it can only get better.

Yeah. Maybe,

But I'd feel terrible

If you didn't move
because of me.

You can't do that.



I was kind of hoping

That you were going to try
and talk me out of this.

How about...

We table this
conversation for now,

Just finish up
our work,

And enjoy the holidays?


Yeah. Together.

Well, brady,
we're thrilled

You could
join us tonight.

We thought
we'd never meet you.


You'll have to excuse
my wife, brady.

When it comes
to matters of the heart,

She's incorrigible.

No worries.

It's good
to finally meet you.

I'm stoked to help you
decorate this tree.

And outdoors, too--

Just like
your folks do it, right?

Yeah. That's
a crazy coincidence, huh?

Or not.

Who knows?

Brady, there's some cider
on the stove.

Would you mind
getting it for us?

Yeah, sure.

Thank you!

Oh, I love him!

I like him, too.


What's wrong?

I told brady we could spend
the holidays together,

But now I'm thinking
maybe we shouldn't.

I don't want us
to get too close.

I mean, if he goes
to l.a., That'll be it.

So, what's the point?

Yeah, logically speaking,
I can't disagree.


If you and brady
are supposed to be together,

It may already
be out of your hands.

Mom, please,
I need a real answer.

Look, when the time comes--

I mean, if it comes--

Make the decision together.

[Brady]: okay!
Who wants some cider?

-I want some cider.
-Yes, sir.

Thank you.


-For you.
-Thank you.

Aw this is so nice.

Merry christmas!
Ho, ho, ho!

Does eating dessert
always make you this happy?

That's part of it.

Okay, listen,

I... I told zack
I'm out of the l.a. Deal.

If he wants to do it,
he's on his own.

Brady, that's crazy.

I told you,
you can't not go because of me.

No, you said

That you'd feel terrible
if I didn't go because of you,

But then I realized
I'd feel terrible if I did go,

So it's on me.


I thought we weren't going
to get back into this

Until after the holidays?

Well, zack was pushing me
for a decision,

So I made one.

Well, we should have
made it together.

Why, so you could talk me
out of it again?

Brady, you just--

You don't know me well enough
or long enough

To make such a major life choice
like this.

Okay, so tell me everything
I need to know about you.

Don't leave anything out.

It's not that simple.

See, I think it is.

Yeah, because you're more...
Freespirited than I am.

I'm a free-spirit?

That's not a criticism.

Did you ever think

That maybe you're not
free-spirited enough?

Only every single of my life,

Which is probably why i...

You could be good for me.

Just not good enough.

If I thought that,

I wouldn't even be here
right now,


I probably shouldn't be.

I should be home
finishing my article.

Yeah, maybe you should be...

Or maybe you should take a cue
from your great-grandfather,

Who fell for somebody
that he'd only known for a week,

Yeah, and I think you know
how well that turned out.

Brady... Wait.

Maybe we should
just slow down a little,

Take some time.

Just like that?

What about the holidays?

I'm sorry.

I just think it's for the best.


Just know

That that jerk

That dumped you
on christmas eve

For his yoga teacher?

I am not that guy.

[Pop music playing]

What if I've totally
blown it?

I'm sure brady will accept
your apology in a second.

My apology?
For what?

Thinking of his future
and trying not to hold him back?

I mean my article!

It's due tomorrow.

I still don't have
an actual ending

To the owen-jessica saga.

Couldn't you just
make something up?

I mean, who's going to know?

You can't make up the facts.

That's called "fiction."

I call it flexibility,
but, hey, that's me.

As for brady, I'm not sure
what your problem is.

Who wouldn't want
a guy who puts her first?

It's too much, too fast,

And I don't trust it,

But, hey, that's me.

More wine? Yes, please.

So, i...

Evening, ladies.


Where's your
artist friend?

Uh, we're...

Taking kind of a "time out."

From what,
"not exactly dating"?

That sounds
about right.

If you're going
to ask her to dance,

Would you do it already?

we're getting a refill.

Sure, okay.

Care to dance?



[Pop music changes to
"angels we have heard on high"]

Perfect timing.

"Angels we have
heard on high?" Really?

You can't get away
from christmas,

Especially at
a christmas party.

Good news.

They accepted
my offer on the condo.

I close next month.

Wow. Look at you,

Knocking down those goals
like bowling pins.

The place looks great.

I can't wait
for you to see it.

[Music stops,
power shuts down]

[Music starts,
power turns on]

That was not
perfect timing.

Or maybe it was.
I don't know...

Derek, I'm so sorry.

I have to go.



You having a good time?

You'll have my article
right on schedule.

Tomorrow, 4:00 p.m.

Just so you know,
the backup piece came in,

And it's pretty terrific...

But I'm expecting yours

To be even better.

Got you a tea.


I know this isn't news,
but relationships are hard,

And don't even get me
started on marriage.

I just wasn't
ready for this.

Well, I mean,
who's ever ready for love?

You know, it happens.

You know, it finds you...

You jump in the deep end
and swim for dear life.

What if you drown?

Sweetheart, did I ever tell you

That your mother and I
almost split up

That first christmas eve

That we spent together?


She always says

How you two were

Crazy about each other
right from the start.

Oh, yeah, we were.

"Opposites attract,"
and all that...

But, you know what,

We were both
jockeying for control.

We had different priorities,
different approaches...

And on that
particular night...

Our own ways
of decorating a christmas tree.

mom and her christmas trees.

Oh, yeah.

I wanted to start
at the top and work down,

She wanted to start
at the bottom up and work up,

And that was
just the start of it.

You know, there was
the lights, the tinsel,

The number of ornaments,
the kind of ornaments.

I mean, we disagreed

About absolutely

We were both so set
on our own family traditions.

And I mean,
an outside christmas tree?

What was that?


Well, that was the last straw
is what it was.

We had a...
A huge fight,

And I got in my car
and I just drove off.

And I really had no idea
if I was ever coming back.

But you did.

Yeah, about an hour later.


We never talked about it.

We just finished
decorating the tree

And then, together,

We put
your great-grandfather's angel

Right on the top.

You know what?

Suddenly, everything was okay.

So, I don't know...

Maybe there is something
about that angel of yours.

I never knew
that story.

What exactly
are you trying to tell me?


[Mom]: he's trying
to tell you

That running away

Isn't always the only option.

Isn't that right,

Yes, of course, darling.

"In the end,

"Owen and jessica

Clearly made a decision
about their future..."

"But how?

"And did they regret it

Or did they stand
by their choices?"

[Dials, phone rings]

It's brady.
Tell me something good.

[Hangs up]

[Knocking on door]


Hi. Is brady there, please?


Did he say where he was going?

His cabin?

One christmas blend!
Extra large!


Excuse me?

Do you know
where the howe family cabin is?


[Rings door bells]



Oh, hello! Hi!

Merry christmas eve?

What are you doing here?

You said murphysburg, so...

I asked in town,
and they directed me here.

This place is lovely,
by the way.

For somebody
that doesn't like surprises,

You sure know how to give one.

You mean,
like the angel painting?

That was amazing.
Thank you.

You're welcome.

You know, you could have

Just texted me
thank you, though,

Saved yourself
the trip.

Yeah, well...
It's christmas eve.

Friends shouldn't let friends
be alone!

Come on.

I... I went
to the market earlier.

I got some groceries,

Because, you know, the whole
"starving artist" thing

Is a little overrated.

Why did you really
come out here, susan?

Brady, you were right.

You're not steve,
not even close.

But you're also

Not like
most other guys I meet,

And for someone like me,
that's scary.

You throw in
my christmas angst

And your whole...
New york/l.a. Thing...

And there's
so many roadblocks.

What if I told you I was
rethinking zack's offer?

Maybe go on out west
after all?

I'd say that's great.

Do it...

And we'll play it out.

But for now, let's just have
a fantastic christmas eve...



You're... You're okay
with not having a "plan?"

For us, I mean?

I still don't have
an actual ending

For my article,

But I'm turning
it in anyway.

So, yeah, yeah.
I guess I am okay.


For a "free spirit,"

I am feeling
weirdly grounded.

I have to at least try
to wrap this thing up.

I'm just going
to go grab my laptop.

There's a really cool old desk
you can work at in here.

It's been here for ages.

Used to belong
to my great-grandma.

Sounds perfect.


[Object drops] oh!


Brady, are you out there?

"To someone who will one day
write our story."

Were you calling me?

Uh, yeah.

Sorry. I was trying
to find a pen,

And, uh...

These are addressed
to my great-grandma mabel,

In manhattan.

Your great-grandma's name
was mabel mcnutt?

It was her maiden name.

I'm sure she couldn't wait
to change it.

I know I would.

Wait, this one's postmarked
"bethlehem, pa."

They all are.

Brady, that's where
my great-grandfather was from!

Really? That's weird.

What's wrong?

"Owen thomas,

Bethlehem, pennsylvania."

Is that...?

Why would your great-grandpa

Be writing letters
to my great-grandma?

she was your old relative

Who acted in the theater,

Who had the world's

Least glamorous name
for an actress,

So she changed it
to "jessica rose."

Brady, do you realize
what this means?

That your great-grandpa
and my great-grandma

Were once in love?

And something tells me

We were supposed
to find these letters.

Well, go ahead, read one.



"My darling mabel..."

He called her "mabel,"
not jessica.

"It is with a heavy heart

That I am forced to say
goodbye to you forever..."

[Owen]: when you said
accepting the angel

Would mean accepting me
as your husband

And that your true heart
was in the theater,

I was crushed.

But, hard as it is to admit,
I now wonder if that was a sign,

Maybe even
from the angel herself,

That we are not destined
to be together,

And that even greater love



This is the cottage he built
for your great-grandmother,

With that old blueprint we saw!

Looks like she found the place
after all.

And made it
a home away from home

For her and great-grandpa howe.

For generations to come.

So, let's see...

Owen and mabel
both fell in love again,

They both had great families,

And both lived
happily ever after.


Looks like that angel knew
what she was doing after all.

I think she still does.

Did I tell you she whacked
the heck out of derek?

All right!
That's my kind of angel.

You know what else this means,
don't you?


Yes, I now have a phenomenal
ending for my article.

Oh, not a minute too soon!

Which is completely great...

But I wonder

If maybe the real reason

Our great-grandparents
didn't get together was...

So that we could.

Are you still thinking
about that move to l.a.?

Yeah. I'm kind of rethinking
my rethinking.

Brady, no.

I told you,
you have to put your work first.

Why? You didn't.

What do you mean?

Um, who left new york without
finishing her do-or-die article

Just to come after me?

Okay, I didn't exactly
"come after" you.

Oh, you completely did.

You put me first,
which is huge!

So, no, I'm not running away...

And neither are you.

Actually, you should run away.

But just for an hour.

I have an ending to write!



Make me proud, angel.

[Door opens]

You finished?


Now we just wait
for tomorrow's paper

To see if I have a future
as a writer.

No pressure.

Well, in the meantime...

You want to...
Decorate a christmas tree?

More than anything.


♪ O tannenbaum
o tannenbaum ♪

♪ Forever green
your branches ♪


♪ O tannenbaum
o tannenbaum ♪

♪ Forever green
your branches ♪

♪ Not only green
through summer's sun ♪

♪ But also winter's
frost and fun... ♪

ms. Staff writer.

I couldn't have done it
without you.

No... You couldn't
have done it

Without our

Oh, and the angel,
of course.

Merry christmas, brady.

Merry christmas, susan.

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