21x05 - Episode 5

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Mister Rogers' Neighborhood". Aired: February 19, 1968 – August 31, 2001.*
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Rogers speaks directly to the viewer about various topics, taking the viewer on tours of factories, demonstrating experiments, crafts, and music, and interacting with his friends.
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21x05 - Episode 5

Post by bunniefuu »


-[SINGING] It's a beautiful
day in this neighborhood,

a beautiful day for a neighbor.

Would you be mine?

Could you be mine?

It's a neighborly day
in this beauty-wood,

a neighborly day for a beauty.

Would you be mine?

Could you be mine?

I have always wanted to have
a neighbor just like you.

I've always wanted to live
in a neighborhood with you.

So let's make the most
of this beautiful day.

Since we're together, we might
as well say, would you be mine?

Would you be mine?

Won't you be my neighbor?

Won't you please?

Won't you please?

Please, won't you
be my neighbor?

-Hi, neighbor.

Look at that toy.

People call that an earth mover.

Maybe I'll just play with
that right on the carpet here.

It wants to pick up
something, doesn't it?

I think my shoe is too
big for it to pick up.

I have a couple blocks
in here, I think.


Come on in.

It'll be a block mover now.

Move it over to
there, and back here.

Pick this one up.

Have to have some repair here.

I have some sand out
here in the kitchen.

I'll let it be a sand mover.

How about in here?

Pick up some sand.

Move it over to here.

Try that again.

When I was a young boy, I used
to like to think of real earth

movers as I played
with my toy ones.

People can imagine all kinds
of things as they play.

There's a book that
I'd like you to see.

I'll be back later fish.

It's a book called, "Are You
My Mother" by P.D. Eastman.

And it's about a little
bird who is getting hatched.

And its mother goes
off to get some food

before the bird hatches.

And when it comes
out of the egg,

the bird says,
where's my mother?

And sees all these
different things.

And says, are you my mother?

To our cow, and a
cat, and a chicken,

and all sorts of things.

And finally it sees
this earth mover.

And it runs up to it
and says, "Mother!


Here I am, mother,' he
said to the big thing.

But the big thing
just said, 'Snort.'

'Oh, you are not my
mother,' said the baby bird.

'You are a snort.

I have to get out of
here.' But the baby

bird could not get away.

The snort went up,
it went way, way up.

And up, up, up
went the baby bird.

But now where was
the snort going?

Oh, oh, oh, what is this
snort going to do to me?

Get me out of here!

Just then, the snort
came to a stop.

'Where am I,' said
the baby bird.

'I want to go home.

I want my mother.' Then
something happened.

The snort put that baby
bird right back in the tree.

The baby bird was home.

Just then, the mother bird
came back to the tree.

'Do you know who I am?'
she said to her baby.

'You are a bird.

You are my mother,'
said the baby bird."

I like that book.

To this today, I
still call machines

like this snorts
once in a while.

This is a book you could
probably find at your library.

You could read the whole thing.

And if you don't
have a toy like this,

and you want to play earth
mover, or steam shovel,

or snort, you could use your
arms, and hands, and fingers.

They're the best things anybody
has to play with anyway.

Just like this.


-Oh, There's
somebody at the door.

It's Mr. McFeely.

Good day to yo.

-At last, I have it for you.

-The toothpaste video?

-There it is, the
toothpaste video.

I've been busy
these past few days.

Do you have a few
minutes to watch it now?

-I certainly do.

Shall we show it on
the picture picture?


-You have the time?

-I have the time.

And I can tell you
about as you watch.

I've learned a lot
from my research.

-I bet you have, Mr. McFeely.

How people make toothpaste.

-That's right.

-Incidentally, do you know why
I call this picture picture?

-Because there are two picture
frames around the screen.

-You're a very observant person,
Mr. McFeely, picture, picture.

-That's right, picture picture.

I'm interested in
all sorts of things.

-Well, now we can all be
interested in toothpaste.

-All right.

-All right.

How people make toothpaste.

MR. MCFEELY: This is the factory
where they make toothpaste.

That man is raising
up a big bucket.

It's got hot water in it.

And he's going to put
it in the mixing vat.

MR. ROGERS: You mean
they start with water?

MR. MCFEELY: They do.

The big bucket is filled with
just the right amount of water.

And it all goes
in the mixing vat.

There it goes.

It takes a while
for that to fill up.

MR. ROGERS: Look at the steam.

It must be really hot.

MR. MCFEELY: Oh, it is.

Now he's put all
the hot water in.

MR. ROGERS: Sets that aside.

MR. MCFEELY: That's right.

MR. ROGERS: Now what's that?

a special liquid

that keeps the toothpaste
from drying out.

Now, here's the detergent.

MR. ROGERS: Detergent?

Is that like soap?

special kind of soap

that's just for toothpaste.

It helps clean your teeth.

MR. ROGERS: Foams a
little, doesn't it?

MR. MCFEELY: It does.

Now comes the dry materials.

You'll notice the man is
wearing a mask over his mouth

to protect him from the dust.

MR. ROGERS: Yes, I noticed that.

MR. MCFEELY: In it goes.

This dry material helps
to give the toothpaste

just the right texture.

It's actually a
little gritty so it

helps the toothbrush to
clean your teeth too.

MR. ROGERS: How does
he know much to put in?

MR. MCFEELY: He has a list
of all the ingredients

that tells him how
much to use and when

to put each ingredient in.

MR. ROGERS: That sounds
like a cooking recipe.

MR. MCFEELY: It's sort
of like a cooking recipe.

MR. ROGERS: Look at that.

MR. MCFEELY: Doesn't it
look like mixing a cake?

MR. ROGERS: It does
look like a big mixer.

MR. MCFEELY: Those blades are
mixing everything all together.

This man watches
everything very carefully

to make sure it
mixes just right.

MR. ROGERS: It always
takes people, doesn't it,

Mr. McFeely?

MR. MCFEELY: It sure does.

MR. ROGERS: It's fun
to watch the mixing.

MR. MCFEELY: Now, after
it's mixed altogether,

and it stays in a vat
for a little while--

sot of like cooking-- then
it's ready to be poured

into big cans, just like
that one you see right here.

Here's the man who's
going to do that.

MR. ROGERS: Whoa, look
at it going there.

Look at all that toothpaste.

of toothpaste there.

And after the toothpaste stays
in the big can for a while,

it's ready to be put
in to toothpaste tubes.

MR. ROGERS: That looks like a
garden hoe he's using there.

MR. MCFEELY: It's sort
of like a garden hoe.

He pulls it out of the big
can and into the funnel.

then what happens?

MR. MCFEELY: Well, it goes down
the funnel into the machines

in the room below.

MR. ROGERS: I see.

MR. MCFEELY: This one
puts the empty toothpaste

tubes in the machine.

The end with the cap goes down.

And the open end is up.

You mean they feel
the toothpaste

tubes from the back end?

MR. MCFEELY: Yes, they do.

Just you wait and see.

Look how carefully
this woman works.

MR. ROGERS: Wonder if she thinks
about the children who might

use this toothpaste
as she works.

MR. MCFEELY: I bet she
thinks about a lot of things.

Now here's where
the toothpaste gets

put in the toothpaste tubes.

The silver pipes put
the toothpaste in.

Can you see the white
toothpaste going in?

MR. ROGERS: There it is, filling
up the tubes, just so much

in each one.

MR. MCFEELY: That's right.

MR. ROGERS: Oh, and then
they close up the back

end of the tubes.

that machine squeezes

the end shut and then
seals it up tight.

Now watch this.

This is the part I like.

Down the sh**t.

MR. ROGERS: Oh, yeah.

MR. MCFEELY: It's like
a toothpaste slide.

MR. ROGERS: It is, two
by two, down the slide.

Here they come.

MR. MCFEELY: Now the toothpaste
tubes are put in boxes,

one in each box.

MR. ROGERS: Look at that.

It looks like a whole
train of toothpaste.

another part that I like.

Watch how this machine
closes up the top of the box.

See, first the two
side flaps go down.

On down the assembly line.

There's the top being closed.

MR. ROGERS: Now they're
ready to go to the stores.

MR. MCFEELY: So people
can buy toothpaste

to help them keep
their teeth clean.

-That is really
interesting, Mr. McFeely,

how people make toothpaste.

-I enjoyed finding out about it.

Now I'm on to other things.

-There's always something for
a speedy delivery, isn't there?

-That's right.

I'm glad there is because
that's our business.

-Thanks again, Mr. McFeely.

-You're welcome.

Happiness to you
in your life ahead.

-Oh, well same to you.

-Thanks and speedy delivery!

-Speedy delivery.

I like the way he said,
happiness to you in your life


There's lots I like
about Mr. McFeely.

You know that.

Let's have some make believe.


-We've been pretending that
Lady Aberlin has turned

into a tiger for a little while.

That's something she's
always wanted to be.

But Princess Zelda came
to look for Lady Aberlin.

And she doesn't know
that she's a tiger.

So she can't find her.

Let's make believe
that she does find her,

as the trolley comes
along the trolley

tracks in the Neighborhood
of Make Believe.


-Trolley [GIBBERISH].




-Yeah, Robert Troll.

-I looking for Princess

-Meow haven't meow her.


she'd like to see

-Meow, she meow princess.

Princess [GIBBERISH]

she'd really want to see it.

-Meow meow scooter meow.

-Yeah, I call it Quick Scoot.

legs get all shaky.


-Meow meow show
me meow meow goes?

-Sure, I'll go around the
tree once. [GIBBERISH].



-Meow meow, meow,
meow, wonderful.

--[GIBBERISH] you want to take
a ride with me? [GIBBERISH].

-Meow, sure, meow meow,
my way, meow work?

-Well, it's not very far.

But we could take the
long way. [GIBBERISH].

-Meow fine.

-I'll come around
and pick up up.




-You sure got ready fast.

-Meow like this.

-This nice?


-Round and round,
and where we stop.

-Meow, good driver,
Robert Troll.

-Oh, we're so glad to
see you, Miss Pussycat.

-Meow hope meow not late.

-We just took a little
ride. [INAUDIBLE].

-It's just that the day
care center is a bit upset.

MISS PUSSYCAT: Meow happened?

-Oh, well, a big
tiger came to visit,

said it was a relative
of Lady Aberlin.

But it scared the children.

-Oh [GIBBERISH] where
did that tiger go?

-I think she was going
to visit Daniel Tiger.

She said she knew him well too.

-That tiger have
great big teeth?

-Oh, the children thought so.

-That's the same

-Meow meow, Lady
Aberlin meow self.


-Meow, meow better
tell meow children.

-I'm going to tell
Princess Zelda. [GIBBERISH]

I'll see you girls later, OK?

-Meow meow, Robert Troll.

-Goodbye, Mr. Troll.

-Meow, for the ride.

-You're welcome.


-Hmm, you know, I
thought there was

something familiar
about the tiger.

-Meow, meow imagine
tiger meow Aberlin.

-Imagine, well, let's
go to the center.

-You're still a tiger.

-Yes, and I've been
scaring people.

-What are you going
to do about it?

-I don't know.

But you know who I
am inside, don't you?

-I think I do.

-I don't like to scare people.

-You like to take care
of people, don't you?

-Ugga mugga, Daniel Tiger.

-Ugga mugga, now I know
for sure who you are?

-What am I going to do?

-Do you want to look
like Lady Aberlin again?

-Part of me wants that.

-And another part
wants to be a tiger?


So I can be related to you.

-What do you mean?

-Well, you're a tiger.

And if I'm a tiger,
then I'm in your family.

And I can be related to you.

-Oh, you're part of my family
no matter what you are.

-I am?

-Sure, it doesn't matter what
you look like on the outside.

-It doesn't?

-No, you and I are
related by our hearts.

-Our hearts are related?

-Of course, that's the way it
is with a family of friends.

They don't look alike.

They feel for each other.

How do you feel?

-Oh, I feel better, why?

-Because you look like your
Lady Aberlin self again.

-I do?

But I didn't feel anything.

-Because it's natural.

It's real natural.

-You are special, Daniel Tiger.

-Thanks, Lady Aberlin.

-Lady Aberlin!

Everybody's been look
for you everywhere.

Where have you been?

-Oh, I've been around.

-I'm glad I finally found you.

I have a research job for you.

-Oh, Zelda, you do know
my relative Daniel Tiger,

don't you?

-Oh, sure, hi, Daniel.

-Hi, Princess Zelda.

-Say, I've seen that
sticker someplace before.

I know.

It was on that big
tiger's forehead.

Now that's something to
do some research about.


-Incidentally, where
is that big tiger?

-Oh, she's exactly
where she wants to be.

-Wherever that may be.

Well, anyway, I want you
to see if you can find out

something about this
old cousin of mine.

-What's her name?

-Princess Ella.

-All right let's go to
my office, the Research

Office in the R Room, and check.

-At last.


-True friends are
related by their hearts.

-Yes, thank you, see you later.

-Come on, Betty.

-On my way, Zelda.

-Well, well, well, look who's
arriving at this castle.

Congratulations to
you Princes Zelda.

-What for?

-For finding Lady Aberlin.

-That was easy.

That's what all
fine detectives say.

You have my royal felicitations.

-Thank you.

-And you, Lady Aberlin?

-Yes, Uncle Friday?

-Have you completed
your laughing research.

-In a way.

-And what have you discovered?

I found that everyone
is different.

And I think I learned
as much about myself

as I did about my subjects.

-Then you have been successful.

Now, Zelda here has
a project for you.

-Yes, it's about my
cousin, Princess Ella.

I think there's quite a
story about her somewhere.


Hi, Robert Troll.

-There you are ladies.

I think this book will help.

-Oh, it with certainly might.

"Live of Famous Princesses."

-Look up Princess Ella.


-Princess Ella,
Princess Barbara.

-Page four.

-What page?

Oh, yes, here it
is, Princess Ella,

distant cousin to
Princess Zelda.

-Her name is Ella.

And she used to sweep the
cinders from the fireplace.

And her sisters didn't
have to do a thing.


Your cousin is Cinderella!

-I thought you might like that.

-You are a marvel, Robert Troll.

Cinderella, wow!

-So we learned
something old every day.


-So Princess Zelda's
cousin, Princess Ella,

started out as Cinderella.

And Lady Aberlin and Daniel
are related by their hearts,

no matter how they look.

That's our story in the
Neighborhood of Make Believe.

The fish are using
their mouths to eat.

They seem to be
hungry every day.

What are some things
that people's mouths do?

They eat.

They sing.

Can you sing?

They yawn.

They whistle.

I hope you can grow up
to whistle better than I.

They whisper.

[WHISPERING] Yes, they whisper.

And they hum.


And they laugh.

We've talked about all
those things, haven't we?

One thing that people's mouths
do that most other creatures

don't do is say
words like I'm just

saying words to you right now.

Isn't it wonderful that I
can say certain words to you

and you can understand
what I mean?

But you know what's even more
important than saying words?

It's the things
we do, the things

that our hearts understand.

When people say
they love you, that

can give you a
very good feeling.

But when they do things that
show you that they love you,

that can give you some of
the best feelings of all.

-[SINGING] It's such a good
feeling to know you're alive.

It's such a happy feeling.

You're growing inside.

And when you wake
up ready to say,

I think I'll make
a snappy new day.

It's such a good feeling,
a very good feeling,

a feeling you know that I'll
be back when the week is new.

And I'll have more
ideas for you.

And you you'll have things
you'll want to talk about.

I will too.

-You know, that's why I come
back to visit each time,

because I want to
show you that people

can love you exactly as you are.

I'll be back next time, goodbye.

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