20x12 - Episode 12

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Mister Rogers' Neighborhood". Aired: February 19, 1968 – August 31, 2001.*
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Rogers speaks directly to the viewer about various topics, taking the viewer on tours of factories, demonstrating experiments, crafts, and music, and interacting with his friends.
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20x12 - Episode 12

Post by bunniefuu »

-It's a beautiful day
in this neighborhood.

A beautiful day for a neighbor.

Would you be mine?

Could you be mine?

It's a neighborly
day in this beauty

wood, a neighborly
day for a beauty.

Would you be mine?

Could you be mine?

I have always wanted to have
a neighbor just like you.

I've always wanted to live
in a neighborhood with you.

So, let's make the most
of this beautiful day.

Since we're together we might
as well say, would you be mine,

could you be mine, won't
you be my neighbor?

Won't you please, won't
you please, please

won't you be my neighbor.

-Hi neighbor.

See who's sitting beside me?

This is a rag doll that some
friends of mine made for me.

I'm still thinking
about that music,

the [INAUDIBLE] combo
played last time.

You can pretend anything
you like about dolls.

You can make them be
happy and dance around.

You can make them
play hide and seek.

Or you can pretend that doll
isn't feeling very good.

Why don't we do that.

Take this pillow.

Not feel very good right now.

Just used my
handkerchief for a cover.

It's not feeling so good, I'll
just play the piano for it.

I like to take care of you.

Yes I do.

Yes I do.

I like to take care of you.

Yes I do.

Yes I do.

My father used to sing to
me when I was a little baby.

And that helped me feel so good.

Somebody at the door.

-Oh, it's Mr. McFeely.

Come in Mr. McFeely.

-Betsy finally found it.

-Found what?

-Remember you wanted
to show your friends

how people make
adhesive bandages?

-Oh yes.

-Well I have a videotape
of it right here.

-Oh good.

-And I have this, and I have
more materials in the bag.

But do you have time
for all this right now?

Do you?

-I do.

I've taken a big
interest in this.


-But I'll need a level
spot to lay things out.

-How about the kitchen?
-That's fine.

The kitchen table
will do just well.

I'll show you, a demonstration.

-A demonstration about bandages.

-About bandages.

That's right.


-Now this is the padding.

-This is?

-That is.

Just take about a foot.

-Want me to take that?

-Mmm hmm.

Just undo it, that's right.

That's-- knives
and scissors here.

Some special scissors
to cut it off.

Right about there I guess.

All right, now--

-It's going to be
a very big bandage.

-Well the next step is the
adhesive tape, you see.

There's the adhesive tape.

-Oh yeah.

-I'll take a piece of that off.

Now this is what's
sticky, you know.

Bandages are sticky.

-Adheres to you.

-That's right.


-Do you want to hold
the end of that?

This is--


-Hard to get.

I'm going to cut
a piece off first.

-All right.

-Let's see.

-It is sticky.


There we go.

-Now do you put this
across like this?

-No, no, not that way.

Right down the middle.

-Like this?

-That's right.


-That will be a big bandage.

-That's a big
bandage, but here's

how you make smaller bandages.

See, just cut one of these off.

And I think it'll
look familiar to you.

An adhesive bandage.

-I should say.

-I just wanted to show you this.

-So that's how people
make these bandages.

-That's right.

And when you see the
videotape I think

you'll have a better
understanding of it.

No here's another one.

There's another, uh--

-Two bandages.

-Two bandages.

-Two adhesive bandages.

-But when you see
the videotape, you'll

see that the machines do the
work that we did right here.

-Oh I see.

-But it takes people
to make sure machines

are doing their job.

-It certainly does.

-Now let's see it.

-I'd like to see that.

-All right.

I'd like to show it to.

Now let me take some of--

-Do you want to keep these?

-I do.

I do.

I'll fold this up and I
can use it a little later.

-All right.

-I'll put these all
back in my bag here.

Padding, adhesive tape.

-Very interesting.

Will you explain to me--

-I will, we can do it
on picture, picture.

I will do that.

-Very good.

How people make bandages.

-Here's the factory.

-Lot of machines there.

-There are certainly.

Now these women run
one of the machines

that make the bandages.

-Those looks like wheels.

-Well they look like wheels
but they hold, they hold,

the unfinished bandage.

-I don't see anything
familiar yet.

-Oh, you will.

You see that roll?

-Oh, yes.

-Is that the same stuff you
showed me in the kitchen?

-Adhesive tape, or you can
call it flexible fabric.

And she's putting that
on to the machine.

The roll I have is, is
much smaller thought.

-Mmm hmm.

That's a huge one.

That should make a
whole lot of bandages.

-It does.

There it goes on to the machine.

She makes sure it's locked on.

-The dark part isn't sticky.

-No, it's not.

-But the underneath part.

-You see there's the
underneath part and that's

the sticky part,
the adhesive part.

-Mmm hmm.

Where now where's
that, what, oh.

-See there is it.

Does that look familiar?


-It's the padding.

-That white strip that
goes down the middle.

But where does it get
connected to the big--

-You'll see.

Just watch where it goes.

-All right.


-See it's going down the center.

Then a moment, there.

The rollers press the pad
and the fabric together.

-And what's happening here?

-Well the fabric is
being cut into a bandage.

-It's hard to see.

The machine moves so fast.

-I know but just wait.

The videotape is
going to slow down,

so you can see-- there , there.


-You can see a
little easier now.

-Just like you
were cutting them.

-Right, and then--

-That machine's
doing that cutting.

-And it lifts each one up
and puts into the roller.

-Now how does it get some-- oh
there's the, the cover for it,

isn't it?

-Yeah this is the outer
wrapper, it's added.

-Now pretty soon you'll see them
coming down the conveyor belt.

There they are.


Now why's she opening them.

-Well once in a while
she checks one just

to make sure the batch they're
working on is just right.

-Uh huh.

-She also sometimes
adjusts the nubs

so that the paper and
fabric are lined up.

She wants to make sure
everything is right.

-Mmm hmm.

-Now the finished bandages--

-Oh they're dropping into
those little slots there.

-Well you know why?

They're being counted and
separated by this machine.

-Oh, so just so many go into--

-That's right.

-To each one.

-Now you see she is
straightening them

and putting them
into a metal box.

-So just so many
go into that box.

-That's right.

-And then she's putting
them into another white box,

it looks like.
-Well, yeah, that's right.

The small metal
boxes of bandages

are put into a bigger white box.

And those are stored in even
bigger brown shipping cartons.

Now you'll see
those in a moment.

There you go.

There's a lot of cartons
with a lot of bandages there.

-That man's putting
a tape around them.

-Now they're ready to be
taken to a very special room.

-Very special room?

-And this is the
way they take them.

-Oh a forklift.

-That's right.

They're very heavy so have to
use a machine now to life them.

-I like to see that.

What is this special
room they're going into?

-Well it's called a
sterilizing chamber.

And it's like a room where the
bandages are kept for 10 hours.

-They go in there for 10 hours?

-For 10 hours.

They get rid of all germs.

That way they can make
sure that the bandages are

perfectly clean
when we buy them.

-And they're able
to do that right

while they're in
the boxes like that?

-That's right.

-Isn't that interesting.

-Bandages have to be clean
to help the hurt get better.

-After 10 hours, I
guess they take them

out and put them somewhere else.

-That's right.

Now here they're coming
out, they're clean

and the bandages are ready
for the warehouse where

they're stored on these shelves.

All the bandages.

-And they just stay there?

-Well, until they're
ready to be shipped.

-Where where's it
taking them now?

-To the back of a trailer truck.
You'll see.


-It drives it right
into the trailer truck.

-You mean that's
a back of a truck?

-That's right.

-It must be a huge truck--

-Oh it is.

-For that forklift to go into.

-You'll see.

There's the front of the truck.

-Where's it going?

-Well it's going to
stores or other places

where people will
eventually buy the bandages.

-I see.

Lots of bandages in there.

-There certainly are.

And I hope it's a
speedy delivery.

-That is really interesting.

I always wondered
how people did that.

-Well now we know.

-Now we know.

-Of course there are
many different kinds

and sizes of bandages too.

-Oh, I realize that.

-Do you think the rag doll
over there could use a bandage?

-Oh, good idea Mr.
McFeely, want to put it on?

-Oh I can't, I have many
pickups and deliveries today.

So I'll just say goodbye or see
you around the neighborhood.

-Well I certainly thank you.

And I thank Mrs.
McFeely for finding

all that material for us.

-Well I'll thank her.

Betsy seems to be able to
find a lot of good things

in this life.

-She certainly does.

She found you.

-Well, thank you Mr. Rodgers.

Good day to you,
speedy delivery.

-Good day to you Mr. McFeely.

It's true.

Mr. McFeely is a find person.

OK, let's uh, let's see.

Mr. McFeely had
the idea of putting

this bandage on the rag doll.

So let's do that.

Open it like this.

Oh, that should be
just the right size.

Let's see now,
where will I put it?

Maybe here.

Sort of like, like mine.

There, now you have one too.

When I was a little boy and I
played with stuffed animals,

and dolls, and toys
like this, sometimes I

would pretend that
they came to life,

and I would pretend
that they talked to me.

And they would walk
all by themselves.

And we would play
together, those toys

and I. We could
pretend that now.

In the neighborhood
of make believe.

Let's do that.

Come along.

We'll pretend about a doll like
you in the neighborhood of make


Get the trolley.


-Let's pretend that someone,
maybe Prince Tuesday, makes

believe that a rag doll
like this comes to life.

Let's think about that
now as the trolley goes

along the trolley tracks, in
front of the castle garden,

in the neighborhood
of make believe.


-Oh, hello there trolley.


-Oh, this is Tommy.

He's and old rag doll.


-Oh, I guess so.


-Oh, here comes daddy now.

-Trolley I presume?

-Correct as usual daddy.

-It's a beautiful day
in this neighborhood.

-Oh, I guess it's all right.


-Oh, of course you
may go trolley,

you have your schedule.

Carry on.

-Goodbye trolley.

-Yes, farewell trolley.


-Yes Tuesday?

-I wish I had
somebody here to play.

-What about Anna platypus?

-She's sad with her sore paw.

-Or you could play with
Daniel, striped tiger.

-He's doing his homework.

-Ah, well, uh,
there's always Tommy.

-Oh, he's just a doll.

-Well make believe
he's really alive then.

-Oh sure.

-Anything's possible
in make believe son.

So long as you believe it.

-Oh, dad.

-It's true.

-Dad says you can
get to be alive.

-He does?

-Who said that?

-I did.

-I don't believe this.

-If you don't believe
then it won't happen son.

-It is happening.

-Very well.

Let's both believe together.

-Very fine piece--


-Of make believing son.


-How nice to be like this.


-Wait a minute.

Who made believe me?

-My daddy an I did.

-You're Prince
Tuesday aren't you?

-I am.

-And you're King Friday
the 13th, aren't you sire?

-I am, and I welcome
you to play with my son.

-Oh I'm glad to play.

I'm always glad to play.

-I didn't know there
was so much to you.

-Oh there's much more to
every doll that meets the eye.

-I guess so.

-Do you dance Tommy?

-Do I ever.

-I shall play for you to dance.

-Oh would you?

-Of course.

I go to get my base violin now.

-Wow, can you imagine what
a surprise this is for me?

-And what a surprise it's
going to be for me too.

-Here we are, are you ready?


-Wow, that was great.

-Bravo, bravo rag doll Tommy.

-Thank you King Friday.

-You're really
something special.

-Thanks for believing in me.

-Why do you have that
bandage on your hand?

-Oh, so I can look underneath
and see that I'm all there.


Mr friend Anna has a
bandage on her paw.

-Why don't we go and visit her?


But we have to ask my dad.

-King Friday?

-Yes Tommy?

-Could Prince Tuesday and
I go visit his friend Anna?

-Of course you may,
just so long as you

stay together, and come back
before the trolley comes.

-Oh thanks dad.

-You're welcome.

And farewell to you both.



-Suppose I dance you over
to your friends place?

-I'd like that.

It's right over there,
beyond the museum go around.

-Here we go.

-What a day this is becoming.


-You look like somebody
I've seen before.

-I'm Prince Tuesday's rag doll.

-How did get to be so big,
and talk and walk and all?

-Prince Tuesday and his
daddy made believe me.

-What do you think
of that daddy?

-I think it's wonderful
what people can do.

And, uh, may I ask
you a question Tommy?

-Of course Dr. Bill.

-Why do you have that
bandage on your hand?


So I can look underneath,
and see that I'm all there.

-Oh, what a wise
rag doll you are.

-And why do you have
a bandage on Anna?


I hurt my paw.

-Oh, I hurt mine once too.

But it got all better.

-And now you're
dancing all around?

-I bet you could too.

If your daddy played the pipes
and we did it all together.

-I'm not sure.

-Well do want to try?


-OK, come on.

I think it'll be fun.


-Come over and play
after awhile Anna.

-All right.

Thanks for coming here.

-You're welcome.

You never know what can
happen in make believe.

-That's for sure.

-It's almost time
for the trolley.

We better get back.

-You're right.

Off we go.

Bye Dr. Bill.

Bye Anna.

-Goodbye friends, see you soon.

-What are you all up to?

-We just went over
to cheer up Anna.

-What's wrong with her?

-She has a bandage on her paw.


What's so bad about that?

-Not so much now that
Tommy here cheered her up.

-What do you mean, Tommy here?

-This is Tommy.

Aren't you Tommy?

-That's not Tommy.

I know your doll Tommy,
and that's not he.

-Yes it is.

I believed into being alive.

-I don't believe it.

-But daddy said--

-What's you're daddy
know about believing?

-He knows.

-Let me get a good
look at you Tommy.

Now you're not really Prince
Tuesday's rag doll are you?

Just as I thought.

-What happened, Lady Elaine?

-I just brought some
reality into this scene.


-Want your name to be Tommy too?


-Everybody's fine.

Only in make believe could
a doll really come alive.

But, it's fun to pretend.

And it's important
to make believe

about something that
we feel strongly about.

I know about a little girl
whose daddy is far away.

But she sometimes pretends that
he takes her to a ballgame,

and they have fun together.

Well when he really does take
her some day to a ball game,

she'll be ready for it.

Because she had some good
make believe time about it.

-Lady Elaine doesn't
want to consider anybody

else's make believe
but her own .

How do you suppose
everybody will

feel about what Lady Elaine did?

We'll think some more
about that next time.

-Right now, it's time
to feed the fish.

You like that don't you fish?

We give them just enough.

Not too much.

I like to watch fish.


-Who is that?

Sounds like Mr. McFeely.

Is that you Mr. McFeely?

Can I help you with something?

-Speedy delivery.

-What is that?

-Twice in the same day.

Well, this is something my
father used to play for me,

and I thought you'd
like to see it.

It's a music box.

-Oh, I would like to see it.

-Let's put it on the couch.

-It's heavy isn't it?

-It is heavy.

This has been in our family for
a long time, this music box.

I'll put in on the couch and
show you how it operates.

-Thank you.

-There we go.

-It's beautiful.

-That's, that's wood.

Inside there's beautiful music.

-I'd like to hear that.

Oh, my.

-There you go.

Now you see this--


-Piece right here that
looks like a comb.


-Well when this gold cylinder
turns, it has bumps on it,

and it makes music.

-It plucks?

-It plucks, yeah.

Can you see?

This is a bell.


And it looks like there's
a drum in the middle.

-Small drum.

And it'll sound--
there'd be a drum sound.

Would you like to hear it?
-I would.

-Well there's a
lever over there,

you just want to turn that.

-What do you do?

-Down and up again.

There we go.

-Look at those.

-There you go.

-And to think that
people could just

sit and listen to
that kind of music.

Isn't that beautiful?

-That's right, you know,
my father played it for me.

And now I play it
my grandchildren.

And someday they'll
play it for theirs.

-And it'll mean all
the more to them

because it's had such a
long history in your family.

-Well I like family things.

In fact, I like all
sorts of things.

-I know you do.

And we like you Mr. McFeely.

-Well, I guess that's
why I come back so often.

-Well, I hope so.

-Well, I've better get this back
because the grandchildren are

coming today for a visit
and they like to hear it.

They always play
all twelve songs.

-All of them.

-There's twelves songs on here.

-Oh, I'd like to hear
some more of them someday.


I thought you'd like at
least to hear one of them.

Now if you can get
the door for me there.

-Of course.

-All righty.

-You can get that all right.

-I'm find now.

-Speedy delivery.
-Speedy delivery Mr. McFeely.

Thank you for that treat.

Isn't that wonderful.

Boy, Mr.McFeely has
so many good ideas.

Showing us the bandages and
then that fancy music box.

It always gives
me a good feeling

to know that I can have these
television visits with you.

Really does.

It's such a good feeling
to know you're alive.

It's such a happy feeling,
you're growing inside.

And when you wake
up, ready to say,

I think I'll make
a snappy new day.


-It's such a good feeling.

A very good feeling, the feeling
you know, that I'll be back,

when the day is new, and
I'll have more ideas for you.

And you'll have things
you'll want to talk about.

I, will, too.

And I will be back, next time.

And I'll be thinking about you.

Bye bye.

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