A Royal Christmas (2014)

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A Royal Christmas (2014)

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ If snowflakes were wishes ♪

♪ Then all your kisses
make my dreams come true ♪

Thank you.
Merry Christmas!

♪ Presents piled high
under the tree ♪

♪ A very special one
just for you ♪

♪ Holidays come
and holidays go ♪

♪ But one thing
I know is true ♪

♪ Your sweet kisses
is all I need ♪

-♪ My Christmas wish is you ♪
-[doorbell buzzing]

♪ Your sweet kisses
is all I need ♪

♪ My Christmas wish is you ♪

May I help you?

Your Christmas decorations,

Oh, I think you have
the wrong apartment.

I ordered Chinese food.

Really? At 9 a.m.?

Yeah, don't you eat Chinese food
with your pancakes?

What type of pancakes?


Blueberry? Chocolate chip?

No, no, no.
None of that nonsense.

Just original, homemade
buttermilk pancakes.

Oh! I think
I'm in love with you.

Well, you might as well
just come in then.

Emily Taylor and pancakes.
What else is there?

Except maybe... bacon?

-You ate all the bacon.

Yesterday. Three BLTs?

Oh, yeah.
Those were great.

Oh, wait, we have to toast to
our first Christmas together.

The first of many.

For you.

What is that, a kidney?

It's a heart.

Oh, you're giving me
your heart.

And a kidney if I have to.

No, I'm good for now, thanks.

Oh, how come
I don't have a boyfriend

that comes over
to make me breakfast?

He came over so I would
make him breakfast.

Morning, Toni.

I'm late.
Your dad's gonna k*ll me.

-You're late every day.
-But this time, I'm late-late.

Tell him I'll be
at the shop soon, okay?


This is so nice.

I can just sit here.
I can sit here indefinitely,

watching TV and eating.

You can start that, but first
can you try on a jacket for me?

Not again.

It'll take seconds.

Is it a woman's jacket?


Then that would be a no.

Oh, come on.
It's unisex.


-Is this one of your creations?

I love that you can make
something out of nothing.

You're such an amazing
clothes designer.

Don't be too impressed.

I haven't actually
sold anything yet.

But you will.
Your designs are beautiful.

It's gonna be a great Christmas.

Yeah, it's your first Christmas
with my family.

I mean, if that doesn't send you
running, I don't know what will.

Do I look like I'm running?

Not yet, but it's only the 18th.


Oh, hold on.


Okay, I may have lied.


-Carry on.
-Arms down.

Okay, let's see what we
got here. I'm thinking...

I want the sleeves gathered,
but not too much.

Bring up the hem
an inch and a half,

take in the waist,

and one more button
on the back.

So what,
are you a stylist now?

-On second thought, bring up--

-She's all yours.
-Come here.

Hey, Dad!

Hey, baby!


Hey, Leo!

How's the big job search
coming along, Mr. MBA?

He just graduated.
Give him a break.

When the time is right, I'm sure
the right job will come along.

I'm not too worried,
Mr. Taylor.

You can drop
the "Mr. Taylor" stuff.

You've been dating my daughter,
what, about a year now?

Almost, yeah.

Do you know how many of her
old boyfriends I approve of?

Maybe 2%.

I mean, not that
there have been that many.

Well, I am honored
to make the cut.

Hey, you're coming over
for Christmas, right?

Wouldn't miss it.

We go all out.
Don't we, Emily?

-We should go out to eat
-[phone ringing]

because, Dad, your cooking...

What's wrong with my cooking?

Uh, sorry.
I have to take this.

I kinda like him.
He's gotta get a job, but--

He's working on it.

I told you I have plans
this Christmas.

I know!

All right.
I'll be there.

Okay, okay, okay,
what exactly did he say?

Is that he needed
to tell me something.

What, in a public place?

People break up with people
in public places.


Chez Louis.

Ah, that's good.

People propose at Chez Louis.

I know three people
that got engaged there.

I think we're
getting ahead of ourselves.

-Are we?
-Okay, you know what?

If he breaks up with me,
then you can hold the Kleenex.

And if he proposes,
then you can be my bridesmaid.

You're not nervous?

No. Why would I be nervous?
It's Leo.

I'm not nervous.
Should I be nervous?


Thanks for coming.

Of course.

Well, this is so formal.

It's kind of unlike you.

Emily, I'm...

I'm not quite sure
how to say this.

Okay, now you're
making me nervous.

There's been a change of plans.
I can't stay here for Christmas.

Is everything okay?

Yes and no.

It's kind of a family thing.

Oh, I understand.

No, you don't. Um...

I should've told you this
as soon as we met,

but we got along so well.

And you liked me for me, and...

then we fell in love
with each other.

And then time
started flying by,

and it kept getting harder
and harder to tell you--

Oh, no.
You're already married.


Are you married?

No, no. I'm a... prince.

Wait, what?


Prince Leopold of Cordinia.

I'm sorry.

Wait, what's--where--
What's Cordinia?

It's a small sovereign state
near the south of France.

So you're not Leo James.

No, no, no. I am.

Just with a few more names.

It's Leopold James William Henry
Quincy Archibald Devlin...

the Fourth.

So what was this?
I mean us?

It was pretend?

No, no, no.
It's quite the opposite.

I feel that my entire life
before you was pretend.

But it's like
I don't even know you.

-I'm still the same person.
-No, no, you're not.

Leo, the Leo I know
wears jeans

and watches reruns
and eats pancakes.

I eat pancakes in Cordinia.

Look, I am so sorry.

You don't know how much
I wanted to tell you,

but I had a ridiculous promise
with my mother.

The only way she would
let me study abroad

with no bodyguards or handlers

was if I kept my identity
a secret.

Then I met you
and everything changed.

Can you ever forgive me?

Maybe one of you.
I haven't met the other one.

Well, come home with me
for Christmas, and you'll see.

I promise that Leo James
and Prince Leopold,

they're the same person.


And you promise
you're not married?

I swear on the royal crest.

Queen Isadora,
breakfast is served.

Your toast and marmalade, ma'am.

I mean Your Majesty.

What flavor is the marmalade?

Mandarin, ma'am.

I prefer quince.

And 1%, not 2% milk.

Yes, ma'am.

Your tea, Your Majesty.

You are pouring
from the wrong side.

You might ease up on them.

Will and Olivia are new.
They'll get it right.

Well, alert me when they do,

and we'll commemorate
with an oil painting.

What happened
to the previous footman?

The same thing that happened
to the previous three:


I suppose I'm a little
on edge lately.

I hadn't noticed.

I just want everything
to go well... with Leopold.

I'm sure it will.

I feel that
I don't know him anymore,

and he's bringing home a girl.

-An American?

I hear some of them
can be quite pleasant.


Well, I certainly hope
it's nothing serious.

The tea is tepid.

TONI: All this time
you've been dating him,

and he's secretly
been a prince?

Oh, I can't believe it.

When my boyfriends
withhold information,

it's that they're unemployed,
and I'm paying for dinner.

I wish your Mom was here.

I know. Me too. We never
spent a Christmas apart.

I can't stand the thought
of you being alone.

Hey, he's got me.

Yeah, like you said, alone.

[horn honks]



-How are you?

I don't know whether
to shake hands or bow.

Oh, come here.

Leo, you don't mind, do you?
For the shop wall.


Anything for the shop wall.

-He's embarrassing.

-There you go.

Oh, this is going right next to
Sylvester Stallone's brother.

Wow. That means a lot.

Now you have a good time.

-What's the matter?

I don't know.
What if she doesn't like me?

How do I know
she's gonna like me?

Who couldn't like you?

You just be yourself.

Be proud of who you are
because I am.

You're my princess.

-I love you.
-I love you.

Have a great time.


-Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas to you.
I love you, baby.

Merry Christmas.

Bye. Bye!

Call! Have fun!

Welcome to my humble abode.


Come on,
let's meet the staff,

although they're
more like family.

Victor, good to see you.

You're looking well,
Your Royal Highness.

America seems to suit you.

You have no idea how much.

I think I might.

Emily, this is Victor,
head butler.

It's so nice to meet you,

And you too, miss.


Hi, everyone.

It's really nice
to meet everyone. Hi.

Oh. You have guards
with feathered hats.

Yeah. I've been trying to get a
reaction out of them for years.




LEO: The last time
Cordinia ever got snow

was over 40 years ago.

They still call it
the Cordinian Christmas miracle.

Oh, wow.

You're here at last.

And wearing
someone else's clothes.

Were you robbed?

Good to see you too, Mother.

Is it?

Because if it was, you would
have come home more often.

Mother, this is Emily Taylor.

Hi. It's very nice
to meet you, Mrs...


Your Majestyness.

And so nice to meet
an acquaintance of Leopold's.

Emily is more than
an acquaintance.

She's my girlfriend.


Well, you can't imagine
my delight.

Wow. What a beautiful room.

I love your Christmas tree.

I brought you a gift
from Philadelphia,

the city of brotherly love.


How thoughtful and unexpected.

A cracked bell.

Oh, it's the Liberty Bell.

And a bald man with glasses.

Benjamin Franklin.

I find it fascinating
that your Mr. Franklin

has been credited with
discovering electricity

when in fact it was
discovered 150 years prior

by William Gilbert,
an Englishman.


Only you could find fault
in Benjamin Franklin, Mother.

Everyone has faults, dear.
Some more than others.

Well, thank you
for your charming gift.

Would you put this
someplace special?


Oh, look at you!

Oh, you're so cute!


Oh, and I think I have
a sweater just like this,

only not as nice.

This is Wheaties.

Mother is very attached
to her dogs.

Well, they're very loyal,
and they don't leave home.

Would you mind if I had
a few moments alone

with Leopold, dear?

Oh, sure.

Victor will show you
to your room.

Take our American guest
to the Gold Room.

Oh, the Gold Room.
That sounds beautiful.

Yes. It's also the farthest room
possible away from my room.

It has an excellent view.

Of the cemetery.

Victor, take Emily
to the Cardinal Suite.

It's being renovated.

You know what? The cemetery
view, that's gonna be fine.


See you later.

-This way.
-Thank you.

Why am I only just
hearing about this now?

Because if I told you
about it earlier,

it would only have given you
more time to ruin things.

-You've been infatuated before.
-We love each other.

I know you like to be
in control of things,

but my feelings,
they're not in your realm.

One day you're going to be king,
whether you like it or not,

and with that position
comes responsibility.

You don't even know her.

I don't need to.
She's a commoner.

Actually, she's the most
uncommon girl I've ever known.

I should never have allowed you
to go to America.

You were supposed
to get an education,

come back here
and marry Natasha.

What happened to the plan?

That was your plan, Mother,
not mine.

We have 2,000 acres,

Do you have MapQuest?

You get used to it.

-How long have you lived here?
-All my life.

My father worked for
Queen Isadora's father.

Oh, so you and she kind of
grew up together.

In an Upstairs, Downstairs way,
I suppose.

-She's beautiful.
-She is that.

-And terrifying.
-That too.

Do you think she'll ever
warm up to me?

Miracles do happen.

Dinner is served.

Seared duck,

orange duck,

and the Queen's special goose.

Duck, duck, goose!

And last, but not least,
jellied eels and haggis.

Really, Mother?

I thought Emily might enjoy some
traditional European dishes.

Thank you.

Yes, it's certainly not
something you can find

at the local diner.

I'm sorry.
What is haggis?

Don't ask.

Here we go.



Mmm! That's--

That's delicious.

Really good.


So, Emily,
what do your people do?

Well, my people--
or my person--

he's a tailor.

-A tailor.

We have a shop. It's been
in our family for 47 years.

How quaint.

This castle's been in ours
for 900.

Oh, well, it's not
too far apart then.

So you work
in your father's shop?


You must have
other aspirations.

Emily's a clothes designer.

She made the dress
she's wearing.


And what label
do you design for?

Well, none yet, but I just
finished a line of dresses

and jackets and hoodies that
I have really high hopes for.


Well, the world awaits.

That was excruciating.

Nah, I'll live.
It's just a flesh wound.

Now you know where the term
"royal pain" comes from.

How did you grow up
to be so normal?

Well, she wasn't always
like this.

Since Father died,
I'm all she really has left.

And her kingdom.

Yeah, but she can control them.

You know, why did
I say "hoodies"?

I should have said

I don't think
it would have mattered.

You're right. I should have said
I was a cardiac surgeon.

No. She hates doctors.

Come on. Let me give you
a tour of the castle.

Should I grab my hiking boots?

Very funny.

My favorite is
the weapons room.

Wow! Okay, what is this for?

To fight
a fire-breathing dragon?

Exactly. Oh!

Should we fence?

-No, absolutely not.
-I'll teach you.

I don't even know
how to hold a sword.

You'll love it. So back a bit,
hand behind the back.

-En garde.

And lunge.


And one...

two, three.

Those are the perfect shoes
for it.

When you put it all

it looks a little
something like...

Wow. That's amazing.

I think you have fenced
for a girl or two.

Not in a very long time.

-Your turn.
-My turn?


Okay, my turn.

I can do this. Okay.

-Elbow down.

En garde.

[swish, thwack]

It was an accident.


Anyone asks,
we were never here.

And this is the ballroom.


The palace has held
the Christmas ball here

for over a century.

Mother still hasn't forgiven me
for missing last year.

It's her favorite night.

But everything
has to be perfect.

Well, if it has to be perfect,

then I think I'll be spending
the night in the Gold Room.

No, no, no, no.

You'll be here with me

Yeah, because I'm so known
for my waltzing.

I know what we need.
Some music.

Oh, no.

-No, no, no, no.


Oh! Oh, where do I go?

-I'm leading.
-Okay, so where do I go?


-That's it.
-Oh, yeah, this is waltzing.

I don't think this is waltzing.

This is more fun.


[laughter continues]

They look so happy together.

A pity.



[thunder rumbling]

It's not a dream.

Where was the kitchen?

This isn't the kitchen.

Oh, do you know where
the kitchen is, kind sir?

Ooh, look at this sword.

May I borrow your sword,
kind sir?

What's that?
You want a duel?

You want a duel?

And you want a duel?

You don't know who
you are messing with.


I'm so sorry,
Your Majesty.

I just was looking
for the kitchen.

I was hungry.

A knife and fork
are the usual utensils.

Everything all right,
Your Majesty?

Please escort our guest
to the kitchen

before she draws blood.


[phone ringing]



Toni, hi.

Where are you
at this very moment?

The Gold Room.

There's a Gold Room?

Yes, and 117 rooms
in other colors.

Toni, it is an honest to
goodness real-life castle.

So how's Leo's mom?

Well, remember how I always said
I missed out on having a mother?

Yeah, I might have
changed my mind on that.


Oh, I gotta go.
I love you guys. Bye.

-Love you. Good luck.

Good morning.
May I come in, miss?

Yeah. I mean,
mi castle, su castle.

Your tea.

Oh, thank you.

Oh, no, no, no.
I'll do that.

-Oh, let me do my job.

No, I'm so sorry.
I am such a messy traveler.

It's like my suitcase
just explodes.

If you don't
mind me saying,

you're different
than the others.


How many girls
has Leo brought home?

Oh, no, miss.
Royals, I mean.

You're different than most of
the ones that visited here.


Is that a good thing?

Oh, yes.

Yes, miss.

Oh, and it's Emily.

You don't have to call me miss.
What's your name?

It's Olivia.
Pleased to meet you, miss.

I mean... Emily.

It's nice to meet you too.

And thank you for the help.
I can obviously use it.

I don't understand
what you see in her.

I can be myself with her.

But you're not yourself,

She makes me happy.

As you know very well,

royals don't have the luxury
of such frivolities.

You and Father were happy.

Not at first.

Fortunately our parents knew
what was best for us.

Not only did our peerage match,

but we developed a deep affinity
for each other.

A deep affinity. Wow.

That's romantic.

Natasha is from a noble family.

You have everything in common.

Except feelings.

When did you last see her?

I don't remember.

Two years ago
at the Christmas Ball.

She's far more accomplished now.
More beautiful, more elegant.

No doubt.


I'm just trying to save you both
from terrible heartbreak.

As much as you both
believe otherwise,

that girl comes from
a different world.

She'll never be able
to fit into ours.

And I really sewn him
to the tablecloth!


-Good morning!


Oh, wow.

I'm really under-dressed.

That's not important.

Should I change my clothes?

As if that would help.

You look great.

In fact, I can't wait to get out
of this monkey suit.

I trust your room
was adequate.

Oh, it's beautiful.

It's like a postcard.
Thank you.

I'm gonna take Emily into town
this afternoon.

But the ball is in two days,
and we have a dinner tonight.

Your schedule is full.

Surely I can have one afternoon
to show Emily around.

Would you care to join us,
Your Majesty?

Well, as tempting
as that might sound,

I can't just dash off on a whim
and toodle around town.

Don't worry.
We'll be back in plenty of time

to embarrass you
in front of your dinner guests.

I have no doubt about that.

Morning, gentlemen.

Go, Phillies!

Are you sure
they're not robots?

There's only one way
to find out.

♪ You make me wanna move ♪

♪ You make me wanna move ♪

♪ You make me wanna groove ♪


♪ You make me wanna move ♪

♪ You make me groove
make me play ♪

♪ Make me rock
and make me sway ♪

♪ Gotta do it night and day
Yeah ♪

Nothing? Really?

We'll get you next time.
We're coming back.

-That was good.

Thanks, Ivan,
but I think I'll drive today.

-Yes, Your Royal Highness.
-Come on.

-You going incognito?
-It's just easier.

You're like a rock star.

Yeah, just with
no discernible talent.

You waltz, you fence,
you make pancakes.

What are they actually for?

-To protect me.
-From what?

From people who don't like
my mother.

Oh. I get it now.
They gonna follow us everywhere?



-Me, yes. You, no.

-Oh, good.
-You get used to it.

Though I have to say,
it was rather nice

not having them around
in Philly.

Made me feel so...


I was gonna say "free."

-Can I take your picture?
-Hey, Santa!

Ah. This one looks like
it's still growing.

Aw. My Dad and I have
this Christmas tradition

where we would try and find
the scrawniest tree,

the one that needed
to be loved the most.

I never thought of it that way.

Well, it was just his way
of making the tree special

instead of telling me
it was all we could afford.

That's nice.

Would you like to buy a tree?

-Can we?
-Of course.

I'm Poppy.

Well, hello, Poppy.
That's a pretty name.

This is Leo, and I'm Emily.

Do you go to school
at St. Francis?

Yes, and I live there too.

St. Francis is an orphanage.

Oh, I see.

I'm only there until I can find
a permanent family.

Well, I'm sure you're
gonna find the perfect one,

and hopefully very soon.

Yep! I'm not too picky.

I grew up without a mom.

I know how hard that can be.

So you're half an orphan?

Well, I suppose I am.

But you turned out okay, right?

She did indeed.

And you will too.

You know what?

My best friend Toni gave me
this friendship bracelet, and...

I would like
to give it to you.

Thank you!

You too, Prince Leopold.

So much for incognito.

Would it be possible
to buy all the trees

so that we can donate them
back to the town?

Wow. Thank you.

Sister Agnes!
Sister Agnes, look!

Wow. So this Prince Leo guy
is a pretty nice guy, huh?

He is, as far as princes go.

I don't really know
that many princes,

but I'd say you're in
like the top 2%.

Why not the top 1%?

Well, you'd have to do
more princely deeds.

Okay, um, does this count?

-He's right over there!
-Prince Leopold!

Oh, my goodness!
You bought all the trees!

Thank you!
Thank you so much!

-Nice to meet you.
-Excuse me.

-Merry Christmas.
-Pardon me.

[chatter continues]

LEO: Oh, and you.
Merry Christmas.

I mean it'll be cute
once we decorate it.


Get some lights,
some ornaments.

-Little mini Christmas tree.
-Where have you been?

Oh, we just went into town,
then the vineyard,

then a few museums
and the lake.

Yeah, we kinda
lost track of time.

Well, you better hurry
and change.

People will be here
very soon.

-What's that?
-Oh, it's a--

Oh, never mind.

Will you please have this
taken to someplace special.

Of course.

I think she's warming up to me.

She'll come around.
Just give her time.

I don't think
I have that many years left.

Where do you suppose this
"someplace special" is?

The composter.

First it was my snow globe,
then it was the tree.

You don't think I'm gonna end up
in someplace special, do you?

And have you ever noticed how
she makes absolutely no sound

when she approaches?

She's like a cat or a ninja.

Do you think we could not
talk about my mother?

I would love to not
talk about your mother.

Oh, Leopold!

I have missed you so much.

Uh, I didn't expect you
to be here.

Don't be silly.

Your mother invited me,
like she does every year.

Ah, Mother.

Emily, this is Natasha.
Natasha, Emily.

How spectacularly unexpected

to meet the girl
who stole my Leopold's heart.

Thank you, I think.

Natasha's an old family friend.

Well, we did go out for a bit.

Although, as I recall,
we mostly stayed in.

Only because
we weren't allowed out.

So how long have you two
known each other?

-About a year.
-Oh, how sweet.

So this is your first
Christmas together.


Last year was the first
Christmas Leopold and I

spent apart.

Well, that's a lot
of Christmases.

We've known each other
since birth pretty much.

We've grew up
doing everything together.

Uh, not quite everything.

Well, we did get into
a lot of trouble.

Do you remember that one time
we snuck past your security

when we climbed
the palace wall?

Yeah. The looks
on the guards' faces...

After they caught us


I'm gonna go change.

Yeah. I should go too.

I look forward to catching up.

Emily, can I help you?

If only.

I take it you met the duchess.

No. She's a duchess?

The Duchess of Warren.

Great. The unmarried
Duchess of Warren?

I'm afraid so.

Oh, this is lovely.

Thank you. I thought it was
when I made it.

-You made this?
-Yeah. I made all of them.

You know, I thought they were
nice and appropriate,

but now they just seem
so unroyal.

Let's go with this one.

You know, she's pretty,
but you are beautiful.

Thank you, Olivia.
You're the best.

You ready, Emily?

Yeah, almost!

Okay, let's go.

And then the chandelier fell!


Good evening.

Shall I make
the introductions?

The Baron and Baroness
of Newberry,

you do know
the Duchess Natasha,

and the Count and Countess
of Exeter,

the Count and Countess
of Surrey,

and the Count and Countess
of Devon.

I've lost count.

Just nod and smile.
That's what I do.

Emily Taylor from...

South Philadelphia. Hi.
It's very nice to meet you.

Leo, I would like you
to sit beside Natasha.

And, Emily, I would like you
to sit beside the baroness.

Could you have sat her
any further away?

There's a table
in the kitchen.

So, Natasha, how long
are you staying here for?

Your mother's invited me
to stay through the holidays.

Or beyond if need be.

The Christmas ball wouldn't be
the same without Natasha.

Thank you, Isadora.

My fondest holidays have been
spent with you and Leopold.

Last Christmas just wasn't
the same without you.

He's going to make it up
this Christmas.

Apparently I already am.

Oh, please.

-Third fork to the left.
-Thank you.

Galina told me the other day
that she's publishing a book.

Not a tell-all, I hope.

it's a children's book.

Wow! Congratulations.

That's wonderful.
Were your children

the inspiration
for the book?

Unfortunately not.

Having children is not
in the cards for us.

I'm so sorry.

Truly, I... I'm sorry.

Tell us, Emily, how do you
occupy your time in America?

Oh, Emily comes from
a long line of tailors.

She works at her father's shop.

Yes, it's actually
where Leo and I met.

He came in
for a missing button,

and I needled him
into asking me out.

Well, how refreshing.
You have a trade.

It pays the bills.

She's also a very talented
clothes designer.

Leo looks great
in all of my clothes.

Well, I don't mean my clothes.

I mean he just looks great
in everything.

And even my father thinks so,

and he thinks everyone
needs alterations.

Emily's father and I
have become very close.

Yeah, which is kind of amazing
because he never approves

of anyone I go out with.

Oh, how many have there been?

Oh, no, not that many.
Like six.

I mean, like four...
or two.


This soup is delicious.

That is the finger bowl.

No, I can't say
or do anything right.

I am a total loser.

You're not a loser.

No, I am here.

Oh, and his ex-girlfriend
is here.

And she's hot.

Okay, but you're hot.

Anyway she's old news, right?

Not old enough.

What does she have
that you don't?

I don't know. Royal parents,
a title and a fortune.


-Oh, I gotta go.

-That is my ladies' maid.
-Ladies' maid?

Please send send her
to our apartment.

-I love you.
-Love you back. Bye.

Come on in, Olivia!

[tooting fanfare]

No, no, no, no!
Please, please don't look!

-I look hideous!
-I like your hideous look.


You still wanna talk to me
after last night?

It wasn't that bad.

All right,
it was a little bad,

but I'm sure everyone's
forgotten it by now.

Well, that's nice 'cause
I'll be reliving it every day

for the rest of my life.

I love you
just the way you are.

Even with all my
unsuitable qualities?

Even with your blue alien face.

It's a beauty mask.

Come. Your short stack, madam.

-Did you make these?

You did not.

All right, the chef did,
but I supervised.

You know, I should get you to
feel sorry for me more often.

It's you who should be
feeling sorry for me.

Mother's scheduled me every
minute from now until Christmas.

Well, you have

Yeah. That's one way
of putting it.

Wait. That looks
suspiciously like coffee.

Smuggled in
from the staff kitchen.

Thank you. I don't think
I can take another drop of tea.

I've always hated it.

So before you go,
Your Majesty,

shall I go over
your schedule?

Shall I go over yours?

-I think we both know mine.

Your ride at 10:00, followed by
the royal procession.

Tomorrow the benediction
at 11:00,

statue dedication at noon,

groundbreaking ceremony for the
new children's hospital at 1:00,

embassy signing at 3:00.

Yes, yes, but have the flowers
for the ball been delivered yet?

Red and green.
More red than green.

I thought I told you
to get rid of this.

No, you told me to put it
someplace special.

And by somewhere special,
I meant in the charity bin.

I must have misunderstood.

I highly doubt that.

You like her, don't you?

She has a certain way.

Could you be more

There are others
I like less.


And who and who would that be,
besides me at this moment?

That list would occupy
most of the day, I'm afraid.

Do you remember
my mother's lectures

about choosing
the right partner?

As if it were yesterday.

I wanted to run away,
just like Leopold,

but she wouldn't let me.

This throne is far greater
than any one person's wishes.

It's a thousand years
of history.

History is past.

But if we turn on our backs
on it, what then?

In a few years,
the only kings and queens

will be found
in a deck of cards.

Good morning, Your Majesty.

Natasha, darling!

Ah! Just look at you.

You remind me of myself
when I was your age.

Thank you.

Perhaps that's the problem.

What boy wants
to marry his mother?

He needs time with you.

It seems that he's forgotten
how perfectly suitable you are.

I'll do my best to remind him.

I'm sure you will.

Shall we ride?


There you are.
Mount up.

Emily, will you not be
joining us for the morning ride?

No. Just seeing you off.

Emily doesn't know
how to ride, Mother.

I believe I told you that.

I'll see you
in a couple of hours.

Or later.

Come, Leo. Let's take
our favorite trail.



-Go on.
-A strawberry and a kiwi

run into each other
at the supermarket.

And the strawberry said, "Look,
I'm in the shape of a heart."

And then the kiwi said,

"Would you please
change the subject?"



-How may I assist you?
-Oh, no, please, don't get up.

Really, don't. Sit down.

Thank you.

You kept the tree.

Oh, yes. We were just
about to decorate it.

Would you join us
for a cup?

I would love to.
Yeah, thanks.

And maybe I could help you
decorate that little tree.

Oh, yes.

Hmm. Nine-letter word for
"small but beautiful."

I don't know about you guys,
but this?

This looks like
a royal Christmas tree.

Yeah, I think
it's so beautiful.


That's it! Thank you!


I heard laughter.

An unusual sound
for around here.

May I help you, Baroness?

Actually, I was
looking for Emily.

I am so embarrassed about
last night, Baroness.

If what I said hurt you.
I'm truly sorry.

It's Galina,
and you did nothing wrong.

Oh, I did everything wrong,

but I do appreciate
you saying that.

Left behind
on the morning ride?


I didn't learn to ride until
well after I'd met Kent.

You know, it's not easy
fitting in with these people.

Aren't these people
your people?

They are now.

When I first met
the Baron's family,

I tried to greet them
in German.

I ended up calling them thieves

and breaking
a priceless Grecian urn.


Okay, that does make me feel
a little better.

I'm going into town,

which is my official excuse
to go Christmas shopping.

Come with me?


Thank you.

It's kind of you
to get gifts for the staff.

They're just little
stocking stuffers.

But it's the thought though,
isn't it?


Oh, Poppy!


I would like you to meet
the Baroness of Newberry.

Greetings, milady.

You can call me Galina.

And how do you two
know each other?

We're friends for life.

Yes, we are.

And how are you?
How are things?

Well, Prince Leopold bought
all the Christmas trees,

so now we just have
some wreaths to sell.

I wish we had
more things to sell.

We're almost out.

You know, maybe I can help.

QUEEN: The crowd seems
even smaller this year.

LEO: They're probably
bored of us by now.

Same clothes, same smiles,
same waves.

Perhaps next year you can
ride in on a skateboard

with a backwards-facing hat.

I'm just saying
the world's different now.

I'm different, but you
never want to talk about it.

Yes, that's because this is
exactly the type of conversation

I'd been hoping for
on our way to the benediction.

Hold on.

It's Emily.

Merry Christmas,
Your Majesty.

It's a scarf for you.

Thank you.

Now, that's what I call
Christmas spirit.

I'm sorry I have
so many obligations.

Don't be sorry.

It's not always like this.
You could come with us.

-I'd be in your way.
-No, you wouldn't.

Okay, I'd be
in your mother's way.

Okay. After the ball tonight,
it's just us.

And the old us.

I miss those losers.

Yeah, me too.

This is my favorite spot.
You're gonna love it.

Oh, wow.
It's beautiful.

It was built
in the 18th century.

So you have a church
and a cemetery.

Yep. You can get baptized,
married and buried

without ever having
to leave the grounds.

And hopefully
in that order.


all the royal weddings

are done in the Grand Cathedral,
where it seats about 2,000.

I always thought
if I was to get married,

it'd be nice to do it here.

So you've thought
about getting married?

Well, on occasion.


Oh, no, never.


Okay, maybe once or twice...

...a day since I was
eight years old.

You know, if we ever to,
you know,

we could do it anywhere.

I wouldn't care.

Me either.

Back of a tailor shop.

International House of Pancakes.

In matching hoodies.

And barefoot.

Look, I can be Prince Leopold.

And sometimes I'm good at it.

But you have to realize
that I'm still Leo from Philly.

Hello! There you are.

Your mother sent me
to find you.

Of course she did.

Chop chop. You're due
at the royal unveiling.

I haven't been to this spot
in ages.

Since our pretend wedding.
Remember, Leo?

Oh! So you're
already married.

We were kids.

Leo gave me
the prettiest ring.

-He made it himself.

No, no. It was nothing.
It was just a piece of straw.

And I still have it.


Oh, Natasha, darling,
I see you found them.

Emily, do you have your gown
for tonight's ball?

I did bring something.

Yes, I'm sure you did, but I
have the perfect dress for you.

I wore it to the Christmas ball
the year that I got engaged.

-Well, it's timeless.

Thank you, Your Majesty,

but we're probably
totally different sizes.

I'm sure you can
make it work.

You are a seamstress,
aren't you?

I'll have it sent up
to your room.

-It's okay.

Oh, dear me.

Okay, so I'll see you
in a couple of hours?


Don't do anything
I wouldn't do.

Love you.

You too.

Look! A $100 bill!

$100? No?


Hey, Victor.

Priceless tapestries
line these walls,

but many are
filled with holes.

I don't see any holes.

They're there.

Thank you, Victor.

Actually, Victor,
could I ask you a favor?

A hot dog perhaps?

No. I...

I'd like you to prepare me
for the ball.

I'm not sure
we have time enough for that.

Well, we have all day.

We'd need all year.

You might be surprised.

I believe I might be.

Follow me.

Now pretend I'm
the Grand Duke of Canterbury.

How do you do?

No, don't reach.

Hello, Grand Duke.

That's quite a grip.

Thank you.

It wasn't a compliment.

Very good.

Now, just like that.

The trick is to move briskly
and with aplomb.

Look at this.

I'm doing it.
I'm totally waltzing.

Now triple time.

-Triple time?
-Here we go.

One two three,
one, two, three.

One two three,
one, two, three.

Let's go on to basics,
shall we?

Yes, please.

Now the curtsy.

Watch me.

Whenever it's a princess,
you always curtsy.

Under no circumstances
is there any touching,

hugging or handshaking.



Was that a high-five?

Yes, it was.

My first one.


The canapés.


Gloves off for eating.

No, no.

You're not a gardener.
You must do it discreetly.


Very good.

Now, come on.
Lots of work to do.

Mmm! Really good.




And finally the gown.


This is the dress
the queen wants me to wear?

I'm afraid so.

This is gonna need
a lot of work.

If we're gonna make it to the
ball on time, we better hurry.

VICTOR: Ah, there you are, sir.

I've been looking all over
for you.

The guests will be here soon.

Victor, you've known me
all my life.

That I have.

Have you ever seen me happier
than I am with Emily?

That I have not.



I'm going to propose to her
tonight after the ball.

I must say that makes me
very happy as well.

I thought it might.

I just wish Mother
could be happy for me.

It's not forbidden to dream.

Excellent party.

Have a lovely evening.

Ah! Lord and Lady...


Where's Emily?

Perhaps she couldn't
fit into the dress.

Fitting in does seem to be
a problem for her.

Ah, lovely to see you again.
How are you keeping?

How are you?
Good to see you.

[woman gasps]

You look amazing.

Thank you.

Remember this look

because I might be
turning blue soon.

I couldn't let out the waist.

Well, after least let me
introduce you to some people

before you lose consciousness.

Ah, Princess Julia, I'd like you
to meet Emily Taylor.

Your Highness.

And this is
the Earl of Callenberg.

Fingers down.

It is a pleasure, my Lord.


I do beg your pardon, sir.


Can I present to you
the Grand Duke of Canterbury.

Emily Taylor.

It's a pleasure, Your Grace.

Indeed it is, my dear.

Well done.

-Shall we?

You okay?

Yes. It's beautiful here.


Thank you.
Lovely canapés.

EMILY: Thank you.
LEO: Good evening.




What are you doing here?

Aunt Galina invited me.

Oh, Baron, Baroness.

Oh, we're way beyond that.

It's so good to see you both.

You look positively beautiful.

Thank you. You as well.

Galina and I thought Poppy
might enjoy a night like this.

That is a wonderful idea.

Come on, let's find
the dessert table!


We're talking about...




I barely recognized the dress.

I made a few adjustments.
I hope you don't mind.

Doesn't she look stunning,

-Positively lovely.
-Thank you.

Leopold, we're opening the ball.


I can't think
of a greater gift

than to have our own
Prince Leopold back

from his academic adventure.

And while I'm not
completely sure...

that they were
completely academic,

I can only assume that he has
retained enough knowledge

to resume his royal duties
and to tie a proper tie.

Thank you for that wonderful
vote of confidence, Mother.

So please enjoy
this evening's ball

and may all your holidays
be bright.

Emily Taylor,
would you like to dance?

Leo, it's the opening waltz.
That's us.

Oh, didn't Leo tell you?

We've always danced
the opening dance together.

No, I think he failed
to mention that.

we didn't get to last year

with him being
in America and all.

Even I took a year off
from being royal,

but we all come back.

It's who we are.

Come. Let's make up
for lost time.

I already told the grand duke
you'd do him the honor.

But the grand duke is 80.

He's still upright though.

It would be an honor.

Thank you.

Now where were we?

Oh, yes.

I know you don't waltz,
but we can wing it.

I would love to waltz,
Your Majesty.

Where did you learn
to dance like this?


Ah, Victor.



Shall we go out
onto the balcony?

There's something
I'd like to ask you.

Switch partners?

Should we sit this one out?

A fine idea, my dear.
Thank you.

She's not that good.

You're a terrible liar,
but thank you.

Look at those two.
The perfect couple.

They were made
for one another.

And I drink to that.

Oh, hey.

Don't let me interrupt.
I just... I just need a break.

You've come to the right place.

Oh, Emily,
you look so beautiful.

You look positively royal.

Thank you.

Thank you for the gifts
under the tree, Emily.

-Thank you so much.

-That's so kind.
-Of course.

They're just little things.

I just wanted you guys to know

how much I appreciate you
making me feel so welcome.


I'm starving. Yes.

But you know what? Do you
have anything more filling?

What would you like to eat?

I would k*ll for
a six-foot hoagie right now.

-A what?

Oh! You've never lived
until you've tried one.

Oh, I never tire
of watching the two of you.

And we never tire
of being watched, do we, Leo?

Where's Emily?

Oh, she's somewhere.

Leopold, you must say hello
to the Count of Glendower

and the Duchess of Wingate.

You have so much
catching up to do.

You have outdone yourself,

Everything is splendid.

Not everything.

I'm not one to give up.
You know that.

But maybe Leo and I
aren't meant to be.

Natasha, this has been planned
since you were children.

But you've seen the way
he looks at her.

I've seen him look at you
the same way too.

Not in a long time.

Perhaps we're not
going about this the right way.


Where is she?

So this, my friends,
is a Philadelphia Hoagie.

We have cheese, chicken,
salami, pickles.

You can never have
too many pickles.

Oh, you know what we need?

Oh, we have mutton.

Okay, that'll do.

Wait. What is mutton again?

-Here's some jellied eels.
-No, no, no.

We're gonna draw the line
at that.

Not putting that on there.

-What is this?

Your Majesty,
we didn't expect you.

So it appears.

I was just making them
a little American cuisine.

And what might that be?

Kentucky Fried Chicken?

It appears that
it is more important

for you to take care
of your stomachs

than attend to your jobs
and take care of our guests.

You two, you are fired.

It's Christmas Eve,
Your Majesty.

Please don't punish them.
This is completely my fault.

They know their places.

Perhaps the problem here
is you don't know yours.

You're still under the illusion
that you belong with Leopold.

But he belongs with a royal,
not a commoner.

The throne is more than just
a bench covered with velvet.

It is so much more.

You have no idea
of what it takes to be a royal.

I'm so sorry.

I'm--I'm so sorry.

You didn't know.

No, but I should have. I...

Don't worry, miss.


You are a guest of the prince,
and I'm the maid.

I'm so sorry.

I would do anything
to fix this, Victor.

I don't think
I could feel much worse.

To Prince Leopold's
return home! Cheers!


-[glasses clink]
-So nice to have you back.

Pleasure. Thanks for coming.
Nice to see you all.

Apparently I can feel worse.

I believe Miss Taylor will be
heading home for the holidays.

Is this really what you want?

What I want doesn't matter.
It's the way things are.

You of all people know that.

And you of all people
can change the way things are.

I would've thought you've
seen enough broken hearts

in this castle.


I've been looking all over
for you.

What's wrong?

I think I've had my fill
of the royal treatment.

Is this about Natasha?

You know she means
nothing to me.

Except for the fact that
she's perfect for you, Leo.

No, she's not.
She's perfect for my mother.

I got the staff fired.

-I got them fired.

Look, she would fire
the whole of Parliament

if it meant you would leave.

I'll fix everything.
I promise.

Come here.

There something I've wanted
to ask you all night.

In fact,
pretty much since we met.

Now, this isn't exactly
how I planned it, but...

This ring has been in our family
for centuries.

And now it belongs on you.

Marry me.

I would love nothing more if
it were just... Leo and Emily,

but it isn't just us anymore.

Leo, your mom was right.
I don't belong here.

Not upstairs or downstairs.

I'm not a princess,
and I'm never gonna be.

LEO: That's not true.

Yes, and we were
so happy at home.

But here I just feel like I have
to be someone that I'm not.

And the truth is
I don't want to be anyone else.

I'm not ashamed of my people.
I'm proud of them.

And I can't lose who I am

to fit into a place
that I don't belong.

You belong with me, okay?
Wherever that is.

We can go back to Philly.
I'll renounce my title.

-You can't.
-If I have to choose

between being Prince Leopold
and being with you,

I chose you.
Every time.

I can't let you do that.
I can't let you give up

everything that your family
has built for you.

Your future is here.
It's not with me.

Nice knowing you guys.

I speak for the entire staff

and for those who are
no longer part of the staff

when I say that it has been
a true pleasure to serve you.

Thank you, Victor,
for everything.

I'm so sorry again
for what happened.

OLIVIA: It's okay.

WILL: Don't worry, Emily.

You don't have
to do this, Emily.

This will always--always be
the best year of my life.

I love you.

And I love you.

Surely that's enough.

In my world maybe, but...

not in yours.


Well done, Mother.

She's gone.

Merry Christmas.

[bell tolling]

Another successful ball.
You must be pleased.

Do I look pleased?

I was being polite.

That girl has affected
everyone here.

And then some.

And yet she's managed
to stay true to herself,

which is more
than I can say about me.

I'd like to disagree,
but I can't.

You've known me a long time,

Some may say too long.

I fear I've made
a terrible mistake.

I don't believe
I've ever heard you say that.

And you never will again.

I hope it's not too late.

It's never too late
when love is involved.

Leo, you look
positively miserable.

Come, let's go for a ride

-That always cheers you up.
-No, thanks.

That's not like you.

And what am I like?

You're... I don't know.

Who you've always been.

I'm a prince,
and you're a duchess.

But those are just titles.

It's not who we are.

I want to be more
than a title to someone.

And you should too.

Time heals all wounds.

I don't suppose
there's a chance for us,

after a suitable
grace period?


I thought not.

You know, I did get
a New Year's invite

from the Count of York,

who I hear has
quite a good-looking son.

He does.

Unfortunately he's nine.

That is unfortunate.

I have to say that,
despite my behavior,

I was quite impressed
with Emily.

Yes, well, if I ever
see her again,

I'll be sure
to mention it.

I am sorry.

Your Royal Highness, the queen
wishes a word with you.

What word would that be,

That's not for me to say.

But it would be nice
if "sorry" was amongst them.

I assumed you'd have
thrown that away by now.

Did you know that Ben Franklin
invented the lightning rod?

And the swim fins, I'm told.

Do have a seat, Leopold.


Before I met your father,
I fell in love with a commoner.

He couldn't have been
more unsuitable.

But I didn't care.

We understood each other.

And he called me Izzy.

To my parents' horror,
we wanted to marry.

Sometimes I wish we had,

but then I wouldn't
have you, and...

you are my greatest

Your father was a good man,

and we were happy
in our own way,

but... we never
laughed together,

we never had what you and Emily
have together.

And what happened to him,
the commoner?

He did what he was
supposed to do, as did I.

He went into service,
and I became the queen.

Leo, I want so much for you.

But more than anything,
I want you to be happy.

What are these two doing here?

I rehired them.

In fact, I gave them each
a promotion.

Your toast and marmalade,
Your Majesty.


Yes, ma'am.

Your tea, Your Majesty.

Well done.

Well, I think an oil painting
is in order.

You approve then.

Well, the day is young.

Not as young as we'd
both like though.

So true.


I'd like you to make
a royal announcement.

Prince Leopold is in love.

Not with a duchess,
but with a clothes designer.

And I give them my blessing.

I love you, Mum.

And I love you too, Leo.

Victor, fuel up the jet.

I've already taken the liberty.

I'll pack a bag.

As it happens,
you're already packed.

It's been a long time
since he called me Mum.

And there you were
afraid of losing him.

I can't remember
a better holiday.

I remember one.

A long time ago.

So do I.

Will there be anything else,
Your Majesty?

Just one more thing, Victor.

Call me Izzy.

Dad, don't.

Leave it up.

Sorry, kid. I could've sworn
he was the one.

-Me too.
-Me too.

Look at the bright side.

You'll have more time
for your clothing designs again.

And the world awaits.





what are you doing here?

I asked you in the castle,
and you said no,

so I thought
I'd give it a shot here,

in the place we first met.

We do come from
different worlds,

but that doesn't matter
because we found each other.

And the only titles
I care about

are you and I
as husband and wife.

So I'm asking you again,

this time
as Leo from Philly...

and Leopold from Cordinia.

Emily Taylor...

will you marry me?

You have no idea
how much I want to say yes.

But, Leo, your mother
would never--

Say yes, Emily.

Your Majesty.

I am so sorry, Emily.

I just hope
you can forgive me.

I was so wrong about you.

I've been wrong
about a few things.

Just a few?

I have a dress
that needs alteration.

I've saved it for the woman
that would marry my son, and...

I truly hope
that it will be you.

As your Ben Franklin
would say,

"I think you could bring some
much needed electricity

into the realm."

So you need me to ask you
a third time?

Do you mind? I forgot to press
the record button the last time.


I would like to hear it,

All right.

Emily Taylor, will you--

Yes! Yes!



So come on, everybody,
let's celebrate!

Celebrate! Whoo!

[organ playing
"O Come All Ye Faithful"]

You'll always be my princess.

This is like a fairy tale.

It's better.

It's real.

LEO: It's a Cordinian
Christmas miracle.
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