A Christmas Kiss II (2014)

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A Christmas Kiss II (2014)

Post by bunniefuu »

[ music playing ]

♪ Dashing through the snow
in a one-horse open sleigh ♪

♪ O'er the fields we go,
laughing all the way,
ha ha ha ♪

♪ Bells on bobtails ring,
making spirits bright ♪

♪ What fun it is
to ride and sing a sleighing
song tonight... ♪

No worries, Mia.

Yeah, I'll go straight
to the seventh floor
and check it out.

It's under control.
See you soon.

Robotic voice:
First floor.

Great, boom. Nice.
It's going to be good.

Okay, I'm just looking here.

Show me.
Very nice.

- Morning, Helmut.
- Oh, Jenna, darling.

Got you a cappuccino
with a sprinkle of nutmeg
just like you like.

You're an angel.

Yes, I am.
Morning, guys.

Helmut, I need to get
plenty of close-ups
of this ring.

Lots of light
bouncing off of it,
lots of sparkle,

especially when Alec
is about to get on one knee
and propose.

I know.
It's all about the ring
and the romance.

Got it.

Oh, Tiff, looks like you're
wearing the wrong lipstick.

It's supposed to be
Forever Yours Red,
not Come Hither Red.

- [ clicks tongue ]
- Makeup.

Morning, Mr. Dyer.

Yes. Okay.

Yeah, I'll be down
in a minute.

- Jenna, it's good to see you.
- Hey, Ms. Hall.

- How do you like
your new Trend location?
- Oh, my gosh, we love it.

And you did such a great job
designing the offices.

Designing the Trend offices
was a dream project.

Well, you've made us love
this building even more.

I never thought I'd meet
anyone who clocked
more hours than me,

but you and Mia
certainly have me beat.

Yeah, well, I guess
working for Mia has
been my dream project.

She has built
a very impressive
fashion empire.

Pretty much

Well, I hope
she doesn't have you
working through Christmas.

Robotic voice:
First floor.

[ chuckles ]
Not this year.

This year
I am spending it
with my dad.

Oh, the one man who always
thinks you're his princess
and never lets you down.

Oh, I wish.

Actually, things have been
a bit estranged between
me and my dad

ever since he remarried
a woman who's become a bit
of a step-monster.

Oh, that's a tough load.

Yeah. What about you?
Any special Christmas plans?

Let's just say I think
I'll be enjoying this Christmas
much more than the last one.

- Oh.
- I have some materials for
Mia, so I'll see you soon.

Have a great day.

- Hi, Jenna.
- Hi.

Hello, ladies.

Morning, Audrey.

- Morning.
- Hi.

Got some flowers for you
from John Ford.

Please give those
to whoever you
give them to

and write him a lovely
thank-you note from me.

You don't even want
Mr. Ford's flowers, huh?

No, they're far
too Christmassy and red.

I thought you were
just as bah humbug about
the holidays as I am.

You know,
not this year.

This year, I'm kinda
looking forward to Christmas.

Oh, so, uh,
your lunch meeting
with designer Kiko Komodo

has been moved
from 12:30 to 1:00

and I've adjusted
all of your afternoon
appointments accordingly.

- Oh, what about--
- And the contract is being
messengered to Mr. Dyer.

- I called him to confirm.
- Terrific.

- How'd the sh**t look?
- Christmas romantic.

Glad I missed it.

I'll give 'em
to Accounts.


Man on radio:
Good evening, Boston.

Temperatures are dropping

and there's a chance of snow
in the forecast.

Better bundle up.
It's beginning to look a lot
like Christmas out there.

[ cell phone chiming ]

- Hey, Dad.
- Hi, Jen.

So I, uh, got your text.

Are we good for me to book
my flight from the 21st to
the 27th like we discussed?

Uh, you know,
why don't you make it

the 23rd through the 26th?


Um, that doesn't really
give us much time together.

Yeah, I know,
but Ruth's kids
and the grandkids

are gonna be here
and the place is just
gonna be crazy.


Okay, yeah, um, I can book it
for the 23rd to the 26th.

All right, good.
It's all set.

Uh, Ruth's calling me.
I-- I gotta go.

- Bye, Dad. Love you.
- Love you, too.

[ knocks on door ]

Hey, neighbor.
Hope you're hungry.

Don't come in unless
it's something I want.

Chengdu chicken
and chow mein

and Chengdu chicken
and chow mein.

Oh, tough choice.

Wow, look at these designs!
These are stellar.

Look at you
cranking 'em out.

You show 'em to Mia yet?

No, I haven't.

I'll probably wait
till after Christmas.

What? No.
No, you always
have an excuse.

A holiday, Christmas,
graduation, a birthday.

Do it now.

I will. I'm just--
look, I'm not ready yet.

You're ready.

All right,

- have you heard
from Abby?
- No.

What kind of girl breaks up
right before Christmas?

I don't know.
Maybe one who wants
something more.

Like a commitment.

Well, I guess I'm just
not ready for that, then.

But at least I have you
to commiserate with.

Mm, not this time.

I think
I'm on Abby's side
for this one.

What? Okay, no,
just because you had
a bad experience,

don't lump me
into that group
with the other guys.

Okay, let me
ask you this,

Since you
just let Abby down,

why is it so easy
for you guys?

There's not enough beer
in the world to answer
that question.

So what are we doing
for Christmas?

Oh, sorry.

Yeah, this year
I'm spending it
with my dad.

What? No.
No, you never do that.

I know, but my mom
is going on some
tropical vacation.

She's gonna be in
the Caribbean frolicking
with her book club friends,

so my dad knew
I was gonna be alone.

Thanks, Dad.
Now I spend Christmas alone.

Well, not unless
you call Abby.

[ coughs ]

- No.
- [ laughs ]

[ coughs ]

- Hey.
- Morning.

You have your designs
with you?


Go back and get them
and show Mia.

I don't have time today.
Not today, Sebastian.

Go! If you don't,
I'm not bringing you
any more dinners.

You wouldn't dare.

Yeah? Try me.


[ car horn honks ]

No, no.


So I have some options

for January's Mexican ruins
bathing suit sh**t.

I got exclusive access to use
these specific locations.

Some of them
are your top choices.




Um, I also have something else
I'd like to show you.

- Like or need?
- Like.

I don't really have time
for "like" right now.

- Is everything
okay there, Mia?
- No.

My brother just texted me
that he is coming into town
very soon.

Oh, the playboy brother.

Yeah, I'm just not
in the mood to deal

with Cooper's shenanigans
and cleaning up his messes.

You know, at Christmas
it's hard enough to
come out unscathed.

Oh, hold on.

Hello, Pierre.

Pierre, we're
already sh**ting.

Okay, look,
if you want to add
a necklace and earrings,

you're gonna have to
get it here ASAP.
I mean now.

I'll let everyone know.

Pierre wants to add
some expensive jewelry
to the sh**t.

Of course he does.
That's what he always wants.

How long do we have
Alec and Tiffany for?

Only about another two hours.
I'll let Helmut know.


My first choice, too.

Let's do it.

Hey, Dad, it's me.

I wanted to see if you got
my e-mail about my flights.

I'm coming in
on the 23rd

and I'm kinda hoping you can
pick me up from the airport.

If you can't, it's fine.
I can get a rental car.

I'm really looking forward
to seeing you.

I love you. Bye.

Okay, slow the pose.
Turn to me. That's good.

- That's good.
- So Pierre wants
to add some jewelry.

A necklace
and two earrings.

- Yeah? When?
- Soon, we hope.

Okay, we wait.

Keep going.

You did say soon,
didn't you?

Hours ago.

so what's the holdup?

You know,
it's a different
excuse every time.

I'm just gonna
call him again.

You do realize
with Tiffany long gone,
you're going to have to model.

- I don't see why.
- Well, Mia's certainly
not going to.

- It's too late
to get anyone else.
- Oh, you're right.

With the new website deadline,
there's no other choice.

Oh, my goodness.

Please tell me
you're from Pierre.

- Awesome.
- Relax.

You're going
to look gorgeous.

- [ chuckles ]
- Whether or not I do,
I do this one for you.

- Thank you, baby.
- You're welcome.

- [ chatter ]
- [ phone ringing ]

Let's go.

I'm just gonna
wait here, darling.
My feet are k*lling me.

Aww. And leave me
to suffer the wrath
of my sister alone?


- I'll be down
in a few minutes.
- Okay.

- [ elevator bell dings ]
- Robotic voice: First floor.


That's what
I'm talking about.

You look fabulous.


Turn, turn.
Nice, nice.

Slowly, slowly, slowly.

Let's see the--
yes, yes-- necklace.

Hold that.
Hold it.

Very good.

Loving it, loving it.
Love. Love. Love. Love.


Cooper Montgomery.

Hi. Wow.

Hey, sis.

I warned you
I'd be visiting.

I just didn't think
it'd be so soon.

What, aren't you happy
to see your big brother?

No, I'm not.
I don't have
the time or energy

to deal with you
and clean up your mess.

I'm not here
to make a mess.

I'm just here
to celebrate Christmas

with the beautiful Brittany.

Wasn't there a Brittany
a few flings back?

We are working on
our third re-hookup.

- She gets me.
- Ah.

Anyway, I'm here to celebrate
Christmas with her family.

- How novel.
- I know, right?

- Mm.
- So what do you say?

What do I say about what?

Do the Christmassy thing
with us this year.

Roast chestnuts
and drink eggnog?

[ sighs ]

We are the last
of our family empire, kiddo.

- Would it k*ll you
to relax and...
- [ cell phone chirps ]

...clink a champagne
flute with us?

Yes, actually,
it would.

Fasten your seatbelts, Mia.

I'm in town for a spell.

Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas.

We're done. High five.
You're free as a bird.

♪ Jingle bells, jingle bells,
jingle all the way ♪

♪ Oh, what fun it is to ride
in a one-horse open sleigh ♪

♪ Dashing through the snow
in a one-horse open sleigh ♪

♪ O'er the fields we go,
laughing all the way,
ha ha ha ha ♪

♪ Bells on bobtail ring,
making spirits bright ♪

♪ What fun it is
to ride and sing
a sleighing song tonight ♪

♪ Oh, jingle bells,
jingle bells, jingle
all the way ♪

♪ Oh, what fun it is to ride
in a one-horse open sleigh ♪

♪ Hey, jingle bells,
jingle bells, jingle
all the way ♪

♪ Oh, what fun it is to ride
in a one-horse open sleigh ♪

♪ A day or two ago,
I thought I'd take a ride ♪

♪ And soon Miss Fannie Bright
was seated by my side ♪

♪ The horse was lean and lank,
misfortune seemed his lot... ♪

Oh, hey!
Great idea.

There's a woman
down the hall,

all the way down,
you can't miss her,

in dire need
of some Christmas cheer.

♪ Oh, what fun it is to ride
in a one-horse open sleigh... ♪

Hey, excuse me.

That was my floor.

- Oh, sorry.
- Yeah, I'm sure you are.

- [ sighs ]
- Mrs. Claus, right?

Back in her showgirl days?

I am not Showgirl Claus.

I'm standing in for her.

- You're feisty.
- Mm.

I think you're stuck
with me.

I'm not stuck with you,
so think again.

- [ banging, rumbling ]
- Whoa.

- Great.
- I guess you really are
stuck with me.

- Wow.
- Do you have a cell phone?

- I do, um...
- Can you please call somebody

so that we can let them know
that we're stuck and I can
get back to work?

Why would I want
to do that...

when I can do this?

- [ elevator bell dings ]
- Robotic voice: First floor.

You can't keep your hands off
a bimbo model wearing diamonds?

You actually think
I'm a bimbo model?

Those diamonds
suit you well.

Although, a little bit
more cleavage would enhance
the overall look.

- Hey.
- Huh.

[ elevator bell dings ]

- Those were real diamonds
she was wearing.
- Are you hungry?

I am famished.
Let's go have dinner.

Well, you certainly
look ready for a cold
drink to cool you off.

Nothing happened.
Nothing for you to worry about.

I'm not worried.
I'm amused.

Besides, I have you,
and my manicured hands
are not about to let you go.

How's the Chateau
Kevy Wevy?

A touch bland,
just like his company
this evening.


It's been a long day.
I'm tired.

I'm gonna go freshen up.

That should give you
plenty of time

to get your mind back
where it belongs--

on me.

[ sighs ]

[ cell phone vibrates ]

- [ sighs ] - [ footsteps
approach ]

- [ groans ]
- [ knocks on door ]

I just heard that groan
from the other side of the wall.

- What's wrong?
- Yeah, I just spent,
like, 15 minutes

trying to hang
these lights and they all
just collapsed on me.

Okay, seriously,
what's wrong?

- Did plans fall
through with your dad?
- No, those are still on.

Can you help me out here?

So today,
this guy at work

decides randomly to just
kiss me in the elevator,
like majorly kiss me.

And then when we get down
to the bottom floor,

I guess
it's his girlfriend,

she looks at me
and she calls me
a model bimbo.

Why'd she call you
a model bimbo?

I was wearing
a skimpy little outfit

because I was standing in
for a model for a sh**t
this evening.

It was in, like,
a sexy Mrs. Claus outfit.

Please tell me
you have these pictures.

- See?
You guys, you're all--
- Uh-uh. No, no.

Don't lump me in
with "you guys."

Well, the only reason this guy
kissed me is because I was
dressed kinda bimbo-y.

And now all you care about
is how I looked in
the skimpy dress.

Okay, just because
I'm your neighbor doesn't
underestimate the fact

that I can't appreciate you
dressed as a sexy Mrs. Claus.
That's all I'm saying.

[ chuckles ]
You just made my point.

- [ laughs ]
I did, didn't I?
- Mm-hmm.

So did you show
your designs to Mia?

[ sighs ]
I tried.

Maybe not as hard
as I should have.

But I tried.

You gonna try again?

So why'd this guy
kiss you?

You know,
I have no idea.

There was mistletoe
in the elevator.

That's all it takes?

A little mistletoe,
you're like...

- [ smooching ]
- [ scoffs ] No!

That is not all it takes.

- So then what made him
so special?
- Nothing.

There was nothing special
about him or his kiss.

Morning, Mia.

I have your skinny
double cappuccino.

Your printed schedule.

I also e-mailed it
and I confirmed every meeting.

He's in town
and he wants to be
a part of Trend.

Oh, your brother.

He's never had any interest
in the business,

and now,
all of a sudden,
he does.

He has just always
just cashed the checks
and flirted with the models.

And now-- now he wants
to be involved

right from the very beginning,
starting this morning.

I don't get it.
How? I mean, what does
"be involved" mean?

I have no idea.

I mean, he's not good
at anything

except for partying
and treating women
like disposal objects.

Now he's gonna come in
around lunchtime,

he's gonna flirt
with all the pretty women
in the office,

and then he'll leave
for happy hour.

So just say no.

You don't need him.
You're the boss, right?

I can't.
We're equal partners.

So hold him accountable.
Give him some work.

If he has to
roll up his sleeves
and work for something,

I'm sure he'll get bored of it
and start frolicking back
to his old lifestyle.

[ laughs ]
All right, you're
gonna go and get him

and you're gonna
bring him back here.

Oh, no, no, no.
Mia, you know my schedule
is right down to--

You make the necessary
arrangements because
he has no work ethic,

whereas you-- you are
full of zealous interest
in this company.

And if anyone is gonna
scare him away from Trend,
it's gonna be you.

- Go get him.
- Right.

I only have myself to thank
for my brilliant ideas.
Thank you, self.

Here, I'm texting you
his address.

Great. Thanks.

I hate these lids.

[ sighs ]

- Ooh.
- [ phone clatters ]

Thank you.

Come in.

- Come in, please.
- I--

- I don't want to
interrupt anything.
- No, no, no.

You're not
interrupting anything.
I came home alone last night.

[ exhales ]
So you found me, huh?

[ laughs ]
Don't flatter yourself.

- No, I didn't find you.
- Uh, you're here.

That's 'cause I'm looking
for Cooper Montgomery.

You found him.

Okay, just so
you understand,
I am not here

because of
a meaningless kiss
in an elevator.

- "Meaningless"?
- Yeah.

- Wow.
- Your sister told me
all about how you like to,

uh, pick up models,
give 'em really cheesy
pick-up lines.

So you are from Trend.
[ laughing ]

I'm Mia's assistant.


- But you were
modeling last night.
- Yeah, that's irrelevant.

I'm in a really big hurry.
If you could please get
your things.

I gotta tell ya, um,

I'll be
the first to admit

that I have kissed
many women.

But last night
that kiss,

that was amazing.

I mean that was--
that was different.

- I mean, that kiss--
that kiss was...
- [ sighs ]

- ...electric.
- [ groans ]

You know what
would be amazing?

Would be if you could
just go ahead upstairs
and get dressed

so that I can get
us both to work.

That is, of course,
you are still interested
in helping Mia.

Oh, absolutely.
I'm still very interested.

- All right, listen.
- [ chuckles ]

You-- you--

you are going to
have to show some respect

if we're gonna be
working together.

I'm not gonna be
one of your scores.

No. No. No, no, no.

You are definitely
not a score.

But I am gonna win you over.

Oh, okay.

You and I,
we're gonna be friends.

Just hurry.
We got a lot to do.

I just gotta
put my shoes on.

- Hey, sis.
- You are not here,
therefore you are late.

I am ready for work.

I'm with our beautiful
assistant right now.

Whoa. She's not
a plaything, Cooper.

She's my assistant
and she has work to do.

Actually, since I am
co-owner of Trend,
she's our assistant,

and I haven't had
my breakfast yet.

- So ourassistant is going to
accompany meto breakfast.
- What?

- What?
- What?

Perfect opportunity for me
to get caught up on Trend.

You know what, Cooper?
If you are playing
either one of us,

- I am going to grab you
by the balls and I'm--
- No worries, sis. Love you.

Shall we?
I'm famished.

There is a deli across
the street from Trend.
It's quick and convenient.

- Yeah, I don't do
quick and convenient.
- That's not what I've heard.

[ laughs ]

Don't believe everything
my sister tells you.

She's jaded
when it comes to men.

Well, she comes
by it honestly, it seems.
She's been hurt before.

Sounds like you have, too.

Which is why
I have a keen eye

for men who are

Well, since
quick and convenient
is what you're after,

how 'bout
a chocolate croissant
and a coffee, please?

- What will you be having?
- Nothing.

I already had breakfast,

A chocolate croissant
and a coffee, please.

Last night I perused
back issues of Trend

and checked out
some of the archives
on the website.

That's very
conscientious of you.

Not really.
I was just looking
for photos of you.

Can we keep it
professional, please?

How long have you
been working at Trend?

About two years.

My sister's
a real taskmaster,
isn't she?

Oh, Mia is
incredibly dedicated.

She's honest,

I mean, what
she's accomplished,
I really admire her.

- And I really like her.
- Does she have you working
over Christmas?


Do you have any plans
for Christmas?

I'm not sure
how that's relevant.

I need to know
whether or not

I need to hire a temp
in your absence.

Okay. I am spending

with my dad
and his new family.

His family,
not yours?

Well, he got remarried
and now he has a new family.

Are you close?

We were.

Until he got remarried.

How long ago was that?

When I was a teen.

Our mother and father
were a merger.

They knew it. I knew it.
Mia knew it.

And if they stepped out
on each other

and we got wind of it,
it didn't bother them one bit.

Maintaining the marriage
maintained the merger.

Less costly
than a divorce.

Man, that--

that explains
Mia's cynicism
towards romance.

That and she had
her heart broken

by a really nice guy
who couldn't handle
the Montgomery name.


Well, you seem to, uh,

have romance mastered.

On the contrary.


the one time,
the only time

that I was ever romantic
or even felt romantic

was 12 hours ago
in an elevator.

- Mr. Montgomery--
- It's Cooper.

And I won't mention
our connection again.

- Thank you.
- For the rest
of the morning.

[ chuckling ]

Wow, you have
a beautiful smile.

Well, I tend to smile
when I get a text
from my boyfriend.

- You don't have a boyfriend.
- Excuse me?

You don't know anything
about my life or who
or what I have in it.

I know that if you had
a boyfriend, you wouldn't
have kissed me that way.

Uh, you kissed me
that way

when you had
a girlfriend waiting
for you in the lobby.

Yeah, we're not
that serious.

Well, me and my boyfriend
are that serious.

Whatever you say,
Sexy Santa.

It's Jenna.

I cannot believe that you guys
are just turning up right now.

It wasn't my idea
to go fetch him.

She is quite fetching.

You know what, Jenna?
Can you give Cooper and I
a minute alone, please?

He's all yours.

- Wow.
- Have a seat.

I want you to stay away
from Jenna.

She's the best assistant
I've ever had

and she's one of the reasons
that I've been able

to build this company
to where it is now.

She's smart,

she's got a great head
on her shoulders,

and she's easy
to work with.

She's a godsend,
and I don't want
you blowing it

just because you
have some itch that
you need to scratch.


There is no doubt in my mind
that she is the best at
what she does,

but the reason that
this company thrives,

little sister,
is because of you.
Because it is your life.

It is your whole life.
You have nothing else.

I would rather
have a thriving,
successful business

where I foster creativity
and I employ over 100 people

than have
some fun-filled,
shallow life

that's meaningless
and chasing meaningless

they had meaning
at the time.

Stay away from Jenna.
She's too good for you.

Just stick
with Brittany.

She's your perfect match.

I'm gonna need
some office space.

Wait, you wanna stay
working here at Trend?


And the office next door
looks quite roomy.

- That's Jenna's.
- Well, yeah.

I mean, who better to
learn from other than you?

And I highly doubt
you wanna play mentor to me.

If you have some
ulterior motive...


Thank you.

- Hey, roomie.
- "Roomie"?

Oh, we're gonna be

Did this come from--
from Mia?

No, that came from me.

Hey, how about
a tour of Trend

that might possibly
involve the elevator?

[ sarcastic laugh ]

I actually had
the exact same idea.
A tour.

Uh, Audrey, could you
come in here for a moment?

- Who's Audrey?
- Oh, um, she's our
lovely receptionist

and she is going to
take you on a tour.

We have several

with their offices
on the seventh floor.

And she's gonna take you
to meet them.

It's gonna be great.
A couple hours' worth
of visiting.

Wow. You don't
play fair, do you?

[ laughs ]
I don't play, period.

This isn't a game.

Show me the ropes,

[ exhales ]

Robotic voice:
Fourth floor.

Robotic voice:
Fifth floor.

Oh, my God, Cooper.
It's wonderful to see you.

I didn't know
you were in town.

A surprise for Mia,

- Yeah, I'm sure that was
one heck of a surprise.
- That it was.

- Are you home for Christmas?
- And then some.

As in through New Year's?

As in today

is my first day
working at Trend.

- Oh, really?
- Mm.

- How is Mia handling it?
- Through gritted teeth.

I bet she is.
Good for you.

Thank you.
Thank you for the support.
Unlike my sister.

- I am supportive.
Change is good.
- That it is.

I was a lot like Mia.

I was married to my job.
Kept my mind busy to
distract my heart.

- Was as in past tense?
- Past tense.

Yeah, you know, sometimes
you just need to meet the
right person to inspire you.

You do, don't you?

- Thank you.
- Welcome home.


[ clicking tongue ]

- You're a maestro now?
- Coop?


[ yells ]

The prodigal brother
has returned.

This is your job,
and I don't need to
tell you what colors to bring.

I just, you know,
I'm givin' my two cents.

I trust you, though.
Send what you want.


Well, you know what?
Merry Christmas to you, too.

- Well, that was quick.
- I'm a fast learner.

Well, you know what?
That-- that is a good thing.

I have something else for you.

These are the annual
account reports

and business portfolio
summary for the company.

You need to familiarize
yourself with every single
detail of the business.

I'm on it.


[ vibrating ]

Hey, baby.

"Hey, baby"?

You remember
what I told you about?

What happened
in the elevator?

He's there with you
right now, isn't he?

Right-- right across from me.
Sitting here right now.

He's actually
Mia's brother.

[ laughs ]
No way. Really?

You want me to pretend
I'm your fake boyfriend,
don't you?

That's right, baby.

Well, now that
I'm your fake boyfriend,

I would like to
address the fact

that you don't respond
to any of my text messages.

Okay, it has been
a very hard and long day.

Have you shown Mia
your designs yet?

Yeah, I just haven't--
I haven't had a chance
to yet, no.

You're going to, right?

Yes, sir.
I am.

You have pleased your sir.

[ laughs ]
None of that.


[ giggling ]

- It's, uh, my boyfriend.
- Yeah, I gathered.

You told him
about the elevator?

Well, yeah.

I mean, he's my boyfriend.
I tell him everything.


Did you tell him
it was a kiss like no other?

- [ vibrates ]
- Oh.

- Hi, Dad.
- Hi, honey.

Hi. So, uh, I assume
you got my message
about my flight?

Yeah, yeah.
I did.

Can you pick me up
from the airport?

Uh, you know, why don't you,
uh, get a rental?


Yeah, okay.
That's fine.

And I e-mailed you
some suggestions

for, uh, a Christmas
present for Ruth.

You know she can be
quite picky.

Yes, I know.
She's quite picky.

So it's all settled, then.

Uh, we're good.
I, uh-- I gotta get going.

Oh. I love you.
Bye, Dad.

Who's the picky woman?

She's my stepmother.

Though she would prefer
that I never called her that.

In fact, if it were up to her,
she would have no contact
with me at all.


Her loss.

I, uh, have to--

I have to,
uh, go to,

um-- I have
a business errand.

So, yeah, um...


And I'll see you later.
Enjoy the reading.

All right.


- Hi.
- Hi.

Hey, so is Cooper
treating you all right?

Either her at the office
or personally?

- I'm wondering.
- [ awkward laugh ]

- Uh, nothing I can't handle.
- Good.

Do you have a second
to just chat about this
Mexican ruin sh**t?

- These locations?
- Absolutely.

- Knock? knock.
- Yes.

- Hey. I see that Jenna's busy
talking to Mia.
- Hey.

I'm going go leave
these photos for her.

You tell her to come talk
to me when she picks

- which one she wants to use.
- Will do.

My main man.


Oh, yeah.

If you have a minute,
I wanted to show you


Check these out.

Oh, who's the designer?

Me, actually.

I didn't know that you had
any interest in designing.

I do.

Very much so.

Uh, don't get me wrong,
I love my job here,

but, uh, it's my passion.

It's ultimately
what I want to do.

What do you think?

You know what
I think, Jenna,

I just think that
you're really good
at what you do here.

You're fabulous.
You're indispensable
to me and--

and I really think
that you should really focus
at what you're good at.

Which is here at Trend.


You're right.

Uh, thanks.


Helmut left
something for you.

He wants you to
see him afterwards.

[ sighs ]


- Hey, you can knock.
- What did you say to Jenna?

Well, that's none
of your business.

Well, whatever it is,
you crushed her.

- That was not my intention.
- What did you say about these?

What, did she
send you in here?

No, no. She chucked them
in the trash when she left.

And these are good.
These are damn good.

- Well,
it doesn't matter now.
- Well, it does to Jenna.

[ telephone ringing ]

[ sighs ]

You a wine or a beer girl?


Well, it's happy hour

and you look like
you could use a happy drink.


Is that a yes?

Um, I am remembering something
that your sister said

about you and happy hours.

[ laughs ]

Yeah, I can imagine.

Look, it's just
that it's Friday.

And I wanna
make you happy.

I don't know.

- that's sweet.
- Brittany: Hello, darling.

Coop, I hope you
haven't forgotten

that we have special plans
this evening.

Oh, right.

Crazy day.
Slipped my mind.

How was your first day
at Trend?

It was very interesting.

We didn't officially
meet last night.

I'm Brittany.
Cooper's girlfriend.

Oh, yes.

And not a bimbo model,
it appears.

No, I'm not.

I imagine a model
has a much more exciting life
than an assistant.

[ chuckles ]

you know, it was a pleasure
meeting you, Brittany.

And I hope you two
have a fabulous evening.

It's Friday night, darling,
I'm ready to have some fun.

Wow. When did you
get to be so catty?

I'm not catty,
I'm sassy.

Besides, that's one
of the things you said
you loved about me.

Oh, yeah, that word...

is not part
of our situation.

[ knocks on door ]

Honey, I'm home.

So, do you have
a kiss for your sir?

- Hey.
- Hey, I'm just
playing along.

You're the one
that started it.

So how'd it go
with Mia today?

[ groans ]

I knew there was a reason
why I was hesitant to
show her my designs.

She was less
than thrilled by them.

And then politely told me
to stick to my day job.

And now I have to
deal with her brother
and his girlfriend.

The one that called you
the model bimbo?

That's the one.

Oh, and then
take a look at this.

My dad actually
sent me an e-mail

with Christmas gift suggestions
for Ruth, her son, and his kids.

- Do you even know
these people?
- No.

I mean,
I've met the son once,

but I have to go shopping
tomorrow now.

Will you go with me?

Well, I guess since
I am your boyfriend,
I am duty-bound.

Actually, you should be
duty-bound to Abby.

She was a catch
and a keeper.

I know.
I gotta figure that out.

Although, I am getting used
to you calling me "sir."

[ sarcastic laugh ]
Well, don't.

- ♪ Ho-ho-ho
- ♪ Jingle bells, jingle bells,
jingle all the way ♪

- ♪ Ho-ho-ho
- ♪ Jingle bells, jingle bells,
jingle all the way... ♪

[ bell ringing ]

I think
I'm almost done here.

Lots of shopping.

Hey, that guy that we always see
at the bar is watching you.


Oh, my gosh.
That's-- that's,
uh-- that's Cooper.

That's Mia's--
that's Mia's brother.

- Oh-- oh, my God.
He's coming this way.
- What do we do?

- You're my boyfriend.
- What do we do?
I'm your boyfriend.

- Yes.
- Okay, I'm your boyfriend.
[ laughing ]


- Hey.
- Hi.

- Fancy meeting you here.
- Yeah.

- Wow. How are you?
- Hi.

I'm great.

We're just doing
some Christmas shopping
for my dad and his family.

Very nice.

- Oh.
- Hi. I'm Sebastian.

- Oh.
- The boyfriend.

- Yeah, he's my boyfriend.
- Ah.

- You look familiar.
- Yeah, well, uh,

I bartend over at Verde's.

- That's it.
- Mm.

You're a very lucky man,

Of course I am.

Be with a lady
who's so smart

and talented,

- Charming. Sweet.
- Oh, my gosh.

- Caring. Emotionally--
- Okay, okay.

[ nervous laughter ]

- That she is.
- Yeah.


- I'll see you at
the office on Monday.
- See you then.

- Have a great weekend.
- You, too.

[ hisses ]

Okay, if I was your
real boyfriend, I would be
totally jealous right now.

What are you
talking about? Why?

'Cause he's
totally into you.

No, no.
He has a girlfriend.

In fact, as far as I've heard,
he's got several girlfriends.

Okay, I really doubt
he's giving any of them

that big toothy smile
that he's givin' you.

I mean, there was
genuine interest there.

I mean, did you see
how angry he got

when found out that we were
boyfriend and girlfriend?

Look, he is just
one of those guys.

He's not trustworthy.
He always has to have
a new girl.

A shiny new toy.
Super fickle with women. No.

Okay, he may be
all those things,
but he's still into you.

free for dinner tonight?

It's so nice having
the old Cooper back.

What is it that
you like about me?

That's a silly question.

Okay, you're
drop-dead handsome.

You're sexy.
You're confident.

Women love you,
but I have you.

You have the means to enjoy
the finer things in life,

things we both enjoy.

Good food, good wine.

First-class travel.

We fit.
I'll be right back, darling.

I'm gonna go
powder my nose.

Can I get you
another glass of wine?

No, thanks.

Sebastian's not
workin' tonight, is he?

Nope. Not tonight.

Date night, right?

Yeah, they make
a cute couple.

Sebastian's girlfriend
broke up last week.

No, no, no, no.
I saw him and Jenna
together today.

Jenna's not
Sebastian's girlfriend.

She's not?

No. She's his
next-door neighbor.
They're just good buddies.

- Rally?
- Really.


[ laughing ]

You look happy.

- Brittany, honey.
- Mm-hmm.

Those reasons,
why you think we fit,

I'm not feeling it anymore.

I don't wanna fit
for the reasons
you think we fit.

- My life is going
in a different direction.
- Excuse me?

I need space.

I need to focus on work.

You've never focused
on work before.

Okay, well,
things are different now.
I don't know.

- I'm different.
- They're different
only for the moment.

But you'll come back to me.
You always do.

[ cell phone vibrating ]

Um, hello?


Uh, is everything okay?

Is everything
all right with Mia?

I didn't wake Sebastian,
did I?

[ whispering ]
No, no, no.

Um, we just--

we were falling asleep
on the couch.

He's asleep, so...

Why are you calling?

I was wondering
if you wouldn't mind
meeting me tomorrow at Trend.

Totally work-related.

Well, technically,

uh, today is Sunday.

Yeah, listen.

I have sort of
an interesting contribution

that I want to make to Trend
and I need your help.

- Seriously?
- Seriously.


- Okay.
- [ whispers ]
Why are we whispering?

'Cause I don't
wanna wake up Sebastian.

Oh, right.

- Good-bye.
- Bye.

- [ elevator bell dings ]
- Robotic voice: Fourth floor.

- What is all this?
- This?

This is my contribution
to Trend.


- A picnic, huh?
- What?

No, the poinsettias.

I hate to say it,

I know you worked hard
on all this,

but we gotta get it all out
before the morning.

No. No, no, no.

I know that my sister

is all anti-Christmas,
but they're poinsettias.

Come on, they're beautiful.
They're tropical.

They would look
great in the offices.
Help me set them up.

I'm sorry.
Mia has a very
strict policy

against any
holiday decorations
in the office.

And she's my boss.
I have to respect
her wishes.

As part-owner of Trend,

I have equal say
in the matter.

- I gotta go.
- What?

No, no, no, no, no, no.
Hey, hey, hey, hey.
Hey, hey, hey, hey.

It's okay.

Brittany and I broke up.

Wait, why are you
telling me this?
Why should I care?

Well, because I hoping that
you feel the same way I do.

I have a boyfriend.

Sebastian is--
he's a great guy.

He's smart
and he's funny
and he's reliable and...

Are those the things
that you like about him?

The things I love about him.

Then why did you kiss me
the way you did?

[ sighs ]

I do this--
it was a mistake.

So stupid.
Like, this was just one
big ploy to get me here.

You had no plans about
working today, did you?

You saw me with a great guy,
I became more of a challenge.

It's just a game, right?

You know, the more
I see you in action,
the more I regret that kiss.

Okay, hey, no.
No, no, no, no, no.
Don't say that.

I have not
been able to think

about anything else.

What's your angle here?

You want one more
romantic encounter with me

to get me
out of your system,
is that it?

So you can have
conquered another woman?

Inflated your ego again?
One more notch on
your bedpost?

And then you can go
sauntering back

to good old faithful Brittany
and back to your playboy ways.

No, I'm sorry.
This is never, ever,
ever gonna happen.

[ cell phone chiming ]

- Hi, Dad.
- Hi, Jen.

Uh, I'm sorry.

There's, uh, there's been
a change of plans.

What do you mean?

Well, Ruth's sister
and her family

are gonna be coming in to,
uh, spend Christmas
with us as well.


Well, we don't have the room
to house everyone.

Um, well, Dad,

I can... [ sighs ]

I can stay in a hotel.
I don't mind.

No, no, no, no, no, no.
I can't let you do that.

Anytime now, okay?

Jim, are you gonna get
those things down from
the attic?

Ruth doesn't want me
spending Christmas
with you, does she?

- Ruth: Anytime now!
- Honey, it's complicated.

No, actually, Dad,
it's not that complicated.

It's pretty simple.
You either want me with you
for Christmas or you don't.

Jen, it's not just about
what I want and about me.

- Ruth: Jim!
- Look, right after
the holidays

we'll spend some time
together, huh?

Just the two of us.

[ sniffles ]

- [ crying ]
- Hey.

I have to go.
I have to go now.

Jenna, wait!

Jenna, wait up!

Robotic voice:
Fourth floor.

Cooper: Jenna!


Jenna, wait.

- Hey.
- I cannot deal with you
right now.

you're gonna, okay?

What, you don't want me
to see you cry? What?

That was a crap move
that your dad pulled
back there.

Oh, come here.

I spent thousands
of dollars on airplane
tickets and presents

thinking I can
finally trust him.

I should have
known better.

What is wrong with me?

Why can't he love me the way
he loves his new family?

Look at me.
Look at me.

There is absolutely
nothing wrong with you.

You are so easy to love.

Don't ever doubt that.

He broke my mom.

And now I feel like
he's breaking me.

You're stronger than that.

I know in the moment
it's hard to find,
but you'll find it.

Robotic voice:
First floor.


Ah. I need this coffee.
Thank you.

I see that Cooper
has put decorations
all over the office.

Except for mine,
of course.

But it makes me worried.

He's up to something.
He's different.

I'm not sure what it is,
but he's called a meeting

with the two of us
in the conference room.

- Me, us?
- Mm-hmm.

- What about?
- I don't know,
but I'm nervous.

All right, I just have
to make a quick call

and then I'll meet you
in the conference room.

- How you doing?
- I'm good, thanks.


what's this all about?

Hey, sis.
Have a seat.

When I came to town,
I wanted to be
a part of Trend.

My motives
were less than noble.

I'll give you that.

But since I've been here,

I've seen how much
this company means to you.

Maybe for
the first time ever,

and it's about time
I started to respect that.

Which is why
I wanna throw

a Christmas Eve
holiday party for Trend.

I will cover
all the costs.


- now tell me
what's really going on.
- Nothing's going on.

I'm sincere.
I promise you.

Okay, I'm not an idiot
and I can feel the zing

between the two of you
and it's palpable.

So whatever it is
that's going on,

whatever's happening,
I wanna make sure

that it's not
just to conquer Jenna.

No offense, Jenna.
It's just his M-O.

I'm not here
to conquer anybody.

I think too highly
of Jenna

to drag her in
to a way of life

that, quite frankly,
holds no interest
for me anymore.

I know, I can't
believe it myself.

Okay. Ahem.

Christmas Eve
is only a few days away.

So you don't have
a lot of time if
you're gonna do this.

I know, which is why
I'm gonna need your help.

If you agree,
if you agree,

I think it'll be a good thing
for you to get involved in

since you're Christmas plans
have changed.

Are you not gonna visit
your father?

[ sighs ]


All right, well,
it's up to you, Jenna.

I think the party
is a great idea.

And I too

would like a clean,
fresh start.

As long as it doesn't interfere
with the rest of your work.

Hey, love
the poinsettias, Coop.

Not too much?

I'm surprised Mia
didn't have a coronary.

Wishful thinking.

All right, I need
your help with something.

- Hmm?
- Take a look at these.

these are marvelous.

- Who's designs.
- Their Jenna's.

- Jenna?!
- Yeah.

I did not know
she had such talent.

apparently nobody did.

Listen, I want your help
with something, all right?

I wanna get these made
and I wanna display them
at the Christmas party.

- I heard about
your little soirée.
- Yeah.

- It's a great idea.
- Thank you.

So what do you think?
Do you think you can get
these to the next stage?

I'll do more than that.

I'll spearhead the project.

Love your genius.
You're a genius.

You play with dolls,
but you're a genius.

Listen to me.
I wanna keep it a secret.


Sure. Okay, yeah.

Sounds good. Bye.

- Hi.
- Hey.

I got some ideas for
the possible locations
for the party.

I'm thinking museum hall,
art gallery.

You have any specific locations
that you wanna scout?

I got a list going
and some other ideas that
I wanna discuss with you...

over dinner.

A work dinner.

Or no dinner just work

someplace where there
may or may not be food.

A work dinner is fine.

Yeah? Perfect.

Shall we?

It's not even 5:00.

It's close enough.

- [ elevator bell dings ]
- Robotic voice: Fourth floor.

- [ elevator bell dings ]
- Robotic voice: Third floor.

- Hi, Jenna, Cooper.
- Hi.

I'm not interrupting
anything, I hope.

- Oh, no.
- No.

Just riding
the elevator down.

'Cause it looked
like you might be taking
advantage of the mistletoe.

- [ laughs ]
- What?

No. But, you know,
mistletoe, Christmastime.

Even if we were,
it wouldn't be a big deal.

- [ elevator bell dings ]
- Robotic voice: First floor.

If a kiss happens
in an elevator...

It stays
in the elevator?

Not always.
Have a pleasant day.

[ chuckles ]

I want a fresh start.

With everything.

Me, too.

I'm glad you said that.
I-- I have to come clean
about something.

Sebastian is not
my boyfriend.

He's my best friend
and neighbor.

Thank you
for your honesty.

the two of you together,

it's really something.

Oh, no.

I, uh, I forgot we
were supposed to decorate
Christmas trees tonight.

Oh, we should call it
a night, then, all right?

- Stick with your plans.
- No. Why don't we do both?

I can call him.
I'm sure it'll be fine.

We can all go
get Christmas trees.
We can even get you one.

You're not
just being nice?

No, not just being nice.

Good, because I really wanna
decorate a Christmas tree.

- [ laughs ]
- But I don't have
any ornaments.

we can take care of that.
That's easy.

- I think-- I think that'll fit.
- Take it. Tag this one.

- Make that mine.
- Right here.

Ooh, look.
You guys should get
twins trees.

Oh, my gosh.
Matching trees.

matching trees.

- Look at us with our
matching trees. Aah!
- [ camera shutter clicks ]

[ camera shutter clicking ]

One, two, three.

One, two, three.

[ cheering ]


- Sebastian: ...three.
- [ cheering ]

Not bad.

I love it.

Yeah, I'll send you
an email.

Thank you, dear.

So what happened to you
last night?

Good morning to you,
too, Mia.

Quite chipper this morning.

[ laughs ]
Nothing scandalous.
You're so funny.

How's the party planning going?
How's Cooper doing?

It's actually going
really well.

We decided on Dickenson's
for location

and we got Verde's
to cater.

Wow. Verde's.
That's impressive.

That's hard to get.

Has he been
behaving himself?

You know, he-- he is.

He actually seems like
a pretty decent guy.

He is, but that's also
part of his charm.

So be careful.

I will be careful.
See ya.

What happened to you
last night?


Christmas spirit.

- Past, present, or future?
- Present.

With the hopes that
it might turn future.

How are Jenna's
designs coming?

If you thought they looked
fabulous as drawings,

wait until you see
the reality.


- Eh?
- [ chuckles ]



You're a genius.

Okay, okay.
This is what I wanna do--

I wanna get these
put up on mannequins.

I wanna set 'em up
in the function room.

- Backlight them--
- Wait, Coop.

Don't worry about
the lighting, okay?

Leave it to me.
It's going to look amazing.

All right.
All right.

What you're doing for Jenna

is wonderful.

she's really wonderful.

I noticed
you noticed that.

Everyone at Trend has noticed
that you've noticed that.

Did you even try to get
any sleep last night?

[ laughs ]
Not really. No.

Yeah, me neither.

And it was
totally worth it.

It kind of was,
wasn't it?

Mia: Before we dismantle
the Christmas tree set,

I was wondering if
we could pull a few sh*ts.

Maybe to throw up
onto the blog?

- Yeah, Sure, Mia.
- I'll help.

- No.
- Sure.

You can help.

You know,
it just dawned on me

that this is where

- Helmut shot you
as Santa's sexy helper.
- Yeah, that's right.

Oh, look at that.

Wait. Wait.

- What?
- We can't do this.

- It's not right.
- Oh, yes, it is.
You know it is.

No. We're just caught up
in the moment.

And when the novelty fades,
the feeling will, too.

No, it won't.

How do you know?

I have never
felt this way before.

Right, right.
It's a new feeling.
It'll fade.

- I can't believe this.
- God, I couldn't stand
to be a novelty.

- Especially not with you.
- No, Jenna...

[ elevator bell dings ]

Jenna, are you okay?

Oh, yeah, yeah.

I'm fine.
It's nothing.

Do you wanna talk?

Uh, it's personal.

Is it about Cooper?

I just don't wanna get hurt
by some heartbreaking--

In his defense,
I do think he's earnest
about making a change.

Maybe he's worth
taking a chance on.

I'm not good
at taking chances.

Neither was I when
I had my heart broken.

My love.

And I'm so glad
that I took a chance.

Everything's going to
work out just fine.

Uh, yeah.
I'm good--

I'm good, Helmut.
Thank you.

- Whatever she told you,
take her advice.
- Take a chance.

[ knocking on door ]

- Hello, darling.
- Oh, God.

Brittany, um,
I'm not in the mood

to get into it with you,
all right?

- I am exhausted.
- Oh, you look it, darling.

I'm not in the mood
to get into anything either.

It's just that
tomorrow's my birthday

and I was really hoping
to spend it with you.

I don't think
that's such a good idea.

As friends.

I'll go make you
some coffee.

- Okay.
- Oh, a Christmas tree.

That's new and different.

I am really exhausted

and I just--
I don't really think--


I'll just
let myself out, okay?

[ gasps ]

[ camera shutter clicks ]

[ camera shutter clicking ]


So are you gonna tell me
what happened at work today?

I mean, it's gotta be
something to do with Cooper.

He's had your stomach in knots
every since that kiss.

We kissed again.


Well, I'm not surprised.

I mean, you'd have be
blind and deaf

not to realize
he's crazy about you.

No, no. He's crazy
about the challenge.

I'm a novelty to him.

[ cell phone vibrates ]


Just like I said.

I told him he should
go back to Britney

and less than
an hour later,
there he is.

I don't know.
I mean, he looks pretty
comatose in this picture.

I think it was staged.

No. I'll tell you
it probably isn't.

And it doesn't matter
because I could never trust
a guy like Cooper.

There's always going to be
some Brittany from his past

or Brittany from his future.


I was with you guys
for 12 hours yesterday.

I mean, you're not only
selling yourself short,

you're selling him short.

So I just need you
to look over this

before we go to press.

I just want to make sure
that you pay attention to it.


Will do.

Cooper, in my office.


I told you that
this would happen.

What? What?

- What-- what are you
talking about?
- Jenna.

- I crossed the line.
- Yeah.

I told you
to stay away from her.
She's too good for you.

[ laughs ]


But what if I wanna be
good enough for her?

You stay away from Jenna.

You stick with someone
like Brittany, okay?

She's more
matched for you.

Hey, man.

Will you be joining us
for dinner tonight, sir?

- Yeah.
- It's my birthday
and we're celebrating.

Oh, happy birthday.

We have some
delightful specials
this evening,

but not clearly
as delightful

as the photo and the text
that you sent Jenna last night.

- I'm sorry, what?
- Oh, don't act so shocked.

You were right there
in the photo with Brittany
draped all over you.

Oh, I especially like
the clever text

that went along
with the photo.

I have it right here.
It says, ahem,

"Although you may
get to work with him,

I get to go home with him."

congratulations on picking

such a stellar individual
to date and go home with.

May I offer you a glass
of Chateau Kevy Wevy?

- A word, honey?
- Don't look at me like that.

You know I fight
for what's mine.

I am not yours.

Yes, you are.
You always come back to me.

It's your birthday.
I felt strangely obligated.

But now, we are done.
We're through.

You've said that
we're through before,
but you can't change.

You're drawn to me.
We're too much alike.

You know, before that comment
might not have bothered me,

but now,
I find it insulting.

You're right,
I did come back to you
a couple of times in the past,

but I never found you
so revolting as I do
right now.

Good-bye, Brittany.

On behalf of Cooper
Montgomery and myself,

I want to speak
to the manager now!

[ Sebastian sighs ]

Man, I so got the smack down
on Brittany tonight
and it was awesome.

And now I'm totally done.

That explains this text
I got from her.

I called Brittany out
on the text that her
and Cooper sent.

And Cooper seemed genuinely
surprised about it,

so I think she might have
staged the whole thing.

Wait a minute.
What do you mean
you're totally done?

I mean I'm fired.
I'm done.

According to the management,
it was because

they got complaints from
both Cooper and Brittany.

But Cooper stormed
out of there ahead of time,

so I don't really know
how accurate that is.

I'm so sorry.
This is all my fault.

Are you kidding?
It's like the best thing
that ever happened to me.

I feel totally awesome.

You know, you really are
the only guy in the world
I can trust.

- Thank you.
- Well, you're welcome.

But trust isn't about
having someone you can
rely on all the time.

Trust is about
having someone that

no matter
how bad things get

or how messed up
everything gets,

you still wanna
make things right
with them.

Well, don't tell methat.

Tell Abby.

Figured I'd find you here.

What happened to you?


[ groans ]
Damn it, Cooper.

I know.

I know.

I can't help it,
and I don't know
what to do about it.

You're sure that she's
not just one of your
flavor of the minutes?

I don't want
a flavor of the minute.

I want a lifetime.

I wanted a lifetime
with that guy Tyler.
Remember him?

- What happened there?
- Yeah, he left you.

And he was decent.
He wasn't even a player.

I don't wanna be
a player anymore.

I wanna change.

Okay, well, ahem.

I think that
if you really want
to make this work,

you gotta leave Trend
for like a week.

Just give it a rest
for a week.

'Cause Jenna's
not on her game.

And when you're around,
she can't focus.

And we need her to focus.

So whatever's going on
between the two of you,

just take a break
for a week.

There's something
I wanna show you that
I've been working on.

- Give me a second.
- Okay.

All right.
Take a look at these.

What do you think?

These are fabulous.

They're Jenna's.

I wanna display those
at the Christmas party.

She's really talented.

Yeah. Yeah, she is.

I don't wanna lose her.

I can't either.

You really love her.

Pretty much from the moment
I laid eyes on her
in the elevator.

So what do you say?
You'll help me win her back?

Will you at least
have dinner with me?

I'm starving.

You're buying.

When was the last time
we had dinner together?

- You and me?
- Yeah.

I can't remember.

Well, I hope it's not like
when we had dinner with Father

and he would just hurry up
the dinner so that he could
get back to work.

You're not Father.

- I have his work ethic.
- True.

- He loved us, didn't he?
- Best as he could.

My only real heartbreak
when Tyler and I broke up

was that Father told me

he was disappointed
he wasn't giving me away.

What were you saying
about haikus?

- Mia: Five, seven, five.
- Is that what it is?

- Hi.
- Waiter: Hi. How are you?

- Good, thank you.
- What can I get you?

Uh, where's Sebastian?

He got fired.


You're seriously asking?

You're the one
that got him fired.

I did no such thing.

But your girlfriend
told our manager--

Oh, oh.

Wait, first off,

she is not, was not,
and never will be
my girlfriend.

If Sebastian was fired,
it was under false pretenses.

He didn't deserve
to get fired.

If anything,
he deserves a medal.

[ chuckles ]
Uh, thank you very much.

All right. Bye.

Um, apparently
I got my job back.

That's great!
What happened?

I guess Cooper
made things right.

That's great.

Oh, I gotta go back
to that job now.
[ groans ]

[ Jenna laughs ]

He's not
coming in this week.

- Oh.
- It's not you.

I told him
to take some time off.

He's more heartbroken
than you are.

Mia, I owe you an apology.

You had justifiable reasons
for what you said

and I just ignored it
and fell right in anyway.

And I'm sorry.

Oh, no. Don't be.

You were right.
Cooper is a decent guy.

It looks like you
and I are both going to be
working over Christmas.

So why don't we go
to the party together?
We'll make a night of it.

We'll get our hair done.
We'll get mani-pedis.

You'll see.
We'll have some fun.

Thank you.
It means a lot.

[ sighs ]

[ applause ]

All this applause
is for you, Jenna.
Not me.

This is because of your
talent and your creativity.

We're gonna honor
that there at Trend.

The whole year.
You can count on that.

Oh, my gosh, Mia.

[ laughs ]


Oh, my gosh, Dad.

So proud of you, Jen.

What are you doing here?
What about your--

Never mind about them.
Cooper called me,
and I'm glad he did.

I'm so glad I could
be here to celebrate your
special evening with you.

[ laughs ]
I'm so glad
you're here, Dad.

Oh, my gosh.
It means the world.


Pardon me, Papa.
A few photos, yes?

Yeah. Yeah. Okay.

The beautiful creature
with her beautiful

Nice. Nice.

Next one.

Holy Moly.

- One of my favorites.
- Boom. Perfection.

[ laughs ]
Mia, this is crazy.

Loving it.
Loving it. Loving it.

Nice. Nice.
Nice. Loving it.

One more. With Mia.
With Mia, yeah?

- Mia.
- Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas.

I can't believe
you did this for me.

- Thank you.
- I had nothing
to do with it.

It was actually
all Cooper.


He did it
because he loves you.

And even though I don't
want to admit it,

I actually believe him.

- Where is he?
- He's waiting for you.


He said that
he would be waiting

where you guys
first met.

[ laughs ]

- Hey.
- Hey.

Secret keeper.
Hey, Abby.

[ buttons beeps ]

Robotic voice:
First floor.





I-- I don't even
know where to begin
to thank you.

I mean,

my designs, my dad.

You're amazing.

- Thank you.
- Thank you.

[ both laugh ]

You're welcome.

[ laughs ]

You know,

for a while there,

all I could think about
was that amazing kiss.

But then
something happened

and we started spending
more time together.

And now all
I can think about

is your smile.

And your laugh.

And the sound
of your voice

when you say my name.

When I'm not with you,
you're all I think about.

And when I am with you,
all I can think about

is how lucky I am
to be with you.

[ gasps ]

I asked your father
here for his blessing.

I even offered
to pay his way,

but to his credit,
he refused.

[ both laugh ]

Oh, my.

Oh, my gosh.

I want to spend
the rest of my life

proving my love to you.

I don't want
a day to go by

that you doubt me.

I can't change my past.

But finding you
in my present

makes me want you
for my future.

Will you marry me?


Oh, my gosh.

Oh, my gosh.

[ laughs ]

I love you, Cooper.

I love you.

- Excuse me.
- Oh, so totally my fault.

Looks like you're
having lid issues.

Not anymore.

I promise
I'm not following you.

This elevator can be
a little temperamental.

Robotic voice:
First floor.

I'm game if you are.

[ music playing ]
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