Case for Christmas, The (2011)

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Case for Christmas, The (2011)

Post by bunniefuu »

Get the heart started, Charlie...
Thank you, thank you...

What did we do before
they invented cappucino?

Whatever it was,
we did it a lot slower.

Charlie, I've been trying
to figure this out all night.

I think it's defective.

We might want
to stop production.

Power it on there...

There you go...


I spent half the night trying
to figure that out.

Kids play with them
for hours.

It's been the biggest
request of the year.


Don't worry, sir,
the kids want you

to deliver the game,
not show them how to play it.

I think that just
might be our problem.

What do you mean?

I'm going to show you
something I've shown

to no one and I don't
want you to mention it

to any
of the other elves.

Okay, cover your ears
and close your eyes!


Looks like
a Christmas ornament.

I wish.

You see, that green there
that represents all those

people that believe
in the Christmas spirit,

the red, that represents the
people who are losing faith

and the white, well, the white
represents all those people

who don't even
believe we exist.

Why would they
do that?

Well, the world is becoming
a lot less real, Charlie.

I mean, our entire operation
is pretty unbelievable

when you think
about it.

Delivering toys to children
all over the world

in a couple of hours.

You can't blame
people for doubting.

But, it's magic.

If people stop believing,
we have a real problem, Charlie.

This workshop is powered
by Christmas spirit.

If that graph turns white,
we're gonna have to shut down.

What is this place?

<i>What are you</i>
<i>looking for?</i>

Can we help you
with something?

This is gonna sound silly
but there's this business guy

down in the States
who's suing Santa Claus.

He's suing
Santa Claus?

I know!

I know.

It's some sort of a,
like, publicity stunt.


They hired me
to go up to the North Pole

and serve a summons
on Santa Claus.

You came all the way
up here just for that?

Well, I didn't think I'd
find a toy manufacturing

operation out here in
the middle of nowhere!

What are you
guys making?

illegal knock-offs?

There is nothing illegal
about this operation.

don't worry.

I'm not going
to say anything.

I'm just gonna tell
them that I came up

to the North Pole
and couldn't find Santa Claus.

But you did.

Excuse me?

I am Santa Claus.


With the red
and the Beard...

And the fat...

Under the laws
of the State of New York,

you've been served.


Breakfast is ready!
Let's go!

Daddy, can we have
waffles for breakfast?

Sorry, honey, I already
made you cereal.


You can't wear that
to school.

I don't have
school today, Daddy.

It's a teacher work day.

I'm going to the
courthouse with you.

Oh, it's Friday.

Of course...

Good morning,


Hey, Lauren!

you look beautiful.

Are you a princess?

No, I'm a fairy.

Well, then
where are your wings?

I don't have them yet.

But I can do magic.

Hey, honey, maybe your
magic can help Lauren

get the Galaxy up
and running.

Hey now.

Rome wasn't
built in a day.

That's true, Lauren,
because if you had been

the architect of Rome,
that city would still

be under

Ha ha ha.

To Rome.

To Rome.

Oh, here's an idea,

how would you like
to stay here and help Lauren

in the garage, instead of going
to the boring courthouse?

Yeah, you can be
a mechanic in training.


you promised.

Lily, I'm not just
your Dad's mechanic,

but I'm also
an awesome babysitter.


Okay, fine, but you
cannot wear that dress.

But, dad,
it's pretty!

It is pretty.

<i>Where do</i>
<i>the big doors go to?</i>

Those are
the courtrooms, sweetheart.

Is that where
you work?

I try to... Um, if I can
get find any clients.

Is that why you
get sad about money?

Honey, I don't get sad
about money.

Listen, there's a little waiting
area outside the clerk's office

and I'm gonna ask you just
to stay while I go inside.

I'll be really quick.

Why can't we stay
in the snack room I saw?

That way,
I could get a treat.

Yeah, honey, no.
We'll get a treat after.

You just sit
right here.

Take this off for you...

Okay, and we'll
get your jacket off...

Get you nice
and cool.

One second...

there we go...


Okay, you just wait
right here, okay?

If you need anything,
that nice lady

will go
and get me, okay?

Okay, thanks.

He will see you now.

Great, thank you.

That's my daughter Lily.

She's just going to wait
right there while I go inside.

If she needs anything,
just please let me know.

Yeah, honey,
just colour away.

I'll be right back,

Oh, my...

Well, hello.

What a pretty picture
you're colouring.

Thank you.

Kringle, Kris.

Your case isn't up
for another couple of days.

Do you have
a lawyer?

Yes, I'm meeting him
in the snack room.

Where is that?

Back down the stairs,
keep to your left.

You'll see it.

Thank you.

This is for you.

Why thank you,
my dear.

You are quite
the artist.

Would you like to share a
peanut butter cup with me?

Yes, please.

Then have a seat.

You're him,
aren't you?

Him who?

Santa Claus.

You're absolutely

I am Santa Claus.

I knew it!


Why are you here?

I thought you lived
in the North Pole.

Well, I do.

And I'm here because
somebody is suing me.

They think I'm responsible
for ruining Christmas.

That's stupid.

I agree!

But what are you
doing here?

Fairies don't usually
hang out in court houses.

I'm not
a full fairy yet.

I still need
my wings.

Don't worry sweetie,
you'll get them.

My name
is Lily Sherman.

to meet you.

You brought me a Fairy
Tea Party Set last year.

I remember.

And... Monkey Hunt.

That's my
favourite game!

You really are Santa!

And you
really are Lily.

But tell me, what are
you doing in a courthouse?

I'm waiting
for my daddy.

He's in a meeting.

I'm not supposed
to leave the office

but when I saw you,
I had to say hi.

And I'm so glad
you did.

If you need a lawyer,
my dad's a lawyer

and if you're being sued,
he can help you.

He needs clients.

Well, the truth is, I'm
already meeting someone here

who's supposed
to represent me.

I understand.

how's it going?!

Mr. Gingerbread!

Mr. Gingerbread...


Lily, honey, what did
I tell you about staying

in the waiting room?

I did, daddy,
but when I saw Santa,

I had to say hi.

Santa, meet my dad,

Uh, Santa, hi,
nice to meet you.

Honey, do me
a favour, go upstairs,

grab your book bag
and your jacket

and come directly
back here, okay?


Go, go, go, go...

I'm sorry about that.

She has a really
wild imagination.

I hope she
didn't offend you.

No, of course not.

I don't mind
being called Santa.

Well, good.

Thanks for hanging out
with my daughter...

Uh, what
is your name?


Kris, Michael.

Very nice
to meet you.

Although, I must say, you really
do look a lot like Santa Claus.

I certainly hope so.

You know, I thought
of shaving but I think

it would disappoint
a lot of people.

Well, especially around this
time of year, you know?

The holidays must be
a busy time for you.

Yes, it is.

It's my busiest time.

Many people think I work only
one day a year but so not true.

is the easy part.

Managing the workshop
is a full-time job.


Okay, well it was
very nice to meet you.

Uh, Lily tells me
you're a lawyer.

Uh, yeah.

Yeah, I've been
practicing for two years.

Have you had
many clients?

You know, it's always
a struggle to get established.

I'm ready,

There you are,

Okay, we gotta
get going.


Again, pleasure
to meet you...

Let's go, let's go...

Bye, Santa...

Uh, you know...

I'm looking
for a lawyer.


A man's suing him.

He thinks Santa
ruined Christmas.

It's true, I have a
class-action suit against me.

Your name
is Kris Kringle?

And you live
at the North Pole.

This is serious,
the court accepted these?

I'm afraid so.

So, you can see
I need a good lawyer.

You gotta help Santa.

Uh, well, I have
to look this over.


How about
over lunch?

I'm buying!






Sorry for dragging you
all the way down here,

but I've just hired Lily's
father Michael to represent me.

Thanks anyway.

<i>North Pole!</i>

Put Charlie
on the phone!

Plaintiffs claim
you are responsible

for severe
emotional distress.

I know.

Right there.

Braxton Bennett.

He's practically advertising
for support in this lawsuit.

He's a

How much emotional
distress can he have?

Apparently enough to warrant
a class-action lawsuit.

He's from a rich family
that made their fortune

in sporting goods.

Parents were never around
and despite his best efforts

to contact you during
holidays he was always left

without the
Christmas gifts he wanted.

States the disappointment
was so devastating

that he has spent
years in therapy

and feels children
should not be exposed

to such a misleading
myth as Santa Claus.

Sounds more like
poor little rich kid

who's frustrated
by his parents' neglect.

Braxton Bennett
always was a troubled boy.

the things he asked for
were way beyond my abilities.

Right, the letters...
Do you happen to...

No, unfortunately, we don't
have the space to archive

every letter we receive, so
I don't have them anymore.

In the complaint, he says
he asked for a yacht,

lion cubs,
and a cannon.

So, clearly, you never
received those requests.

No, I received them,

but you try putting
a lion cub in the sleigh.

Apparently a lot of people had
the same experience as him,

they asked for things
and never received them.

Kris, you seem like a very smart
and very sweet man.

Obviously the legend of Santa
Claus means an awful lot to you

but you cannot
go into a trial

and perjure yourself
to save his honor.

That's a crime.

I have no
intention of lying.

This whole thing is
a publicity stunt.

He wants to
prove I don't exist.

He wants to have me
removed from everything

that has to do
with Christmas.

If that happens,
I'm out of a job.

There are other jobs.

Not for me.

Will you take my case?

As an attorney,
I would advise you to...

Just forget this
whole thing...

Do not show up
at the trial,

just go home to
wherever you're from.

Okay, believe me.

I can't do that.

Thank you...

I've accepted service
of the complaint.

A complaint filed
against Santa Claus.


You're serious?

You really want
to go on with this?

We're all answerable
to the law.

And I want you
as my lawyer.

The law was
always your passion.

Which is why you were so
persistent in your requests

for the Legal
Beagle as a child.

Legal Beagle?

How did you know
about that?

The dog dressed
as a lawyer that says

things like "I object",
"I want a sidebar?"

and "I call
my next witness"

when you pulled
the string.

I loved that dog.

You and
Johnny Cochran.

But my mother gave that
to me that for Christmas.


Let's make a wager.

You call her
and ask her.

If she says that
she gave it to you

well then you can forget
all about this case.

But if she says that
I gave it to you,

then you have
to represent me.

Go ahead.
Call her.

I'm not going
to call her.

Because you know
I'm right.

This is really
going forward, huh?

'Fraid so.

And you're sure
you can pay me.

Of course
I can pay you.

I'll do it.

Lily, honey...

Come on,
we gotta go.

Are we going back
to the courthouse?

Uh, no, honey,
we are not.

Daddy has
to go home.

I got a lot
of work to do.

Kris, where
are you staying?

I can drop you off.

I really don't have
a place to stay.

You're kidding me.

You can stay
at our house.

We have
a spare room.

I think that's
a wonderful idea.

But I don't want
to impose.

What does that mean?

It means I don't want
to be a problem.

Santa's never
a problem.

Right, daddy?

You don't have
a place to stay,

but you're sure
you can pay me?


Please, Daddy.

Come on.

Sweetheart, hold this
for me will ya...

Oh, this is great...


Yeah, come in!

my favorite lawyer!

I hope you're gonna
wear that in court.

My PR people will
be out in force

and I want you looking
very photogenic...

Mr. Bennett, you are
going to be very pleased.

Fifty more people
have joined the lawsuit.


Just one tiny
little hiccup...

I don't like hiccups,

Well, then not really
even a hiccup, then.

Then what?

Somebody up at
the North Pole who um...

It's kinda funny...

Actually calls
himself Kris Kringle

accepted service
of this complaint.

So we think he's gonna
show up at court.


I knew it was a stupid idea to
send a process server

up to the North Pole!

We had to attempt delivery
to show due diligence.

We wouldn't have been
able to file otherwise.

And this idiot actually found
somebody living up there?

Somebody who has a toy
manufacturing operation

and claims
to be Santa Claus.

Wait a minute...
This could very good for us.

Yes! Before I was just
gonna sue Santa

and have a no-show,
but now, I'm actually

gonna have a full-fledged
nut case who's

swearing he is
the Claus man!

In person.

He's a single man living
with eight little people.

It's like a...
reality show.

Hm, yeah, brobably skirting
child labor laws too.

Uh, yeah.

Yeah, yeah,
this is good.

This is very good.
The worse, the better.

We're swaying public
opinion against Santa.

Take a look at this...

Look at this!

People are
eating this up.

"Santa's evil
because I didn't get

what I wanted
for Christmas."

Now, wait until they see you
grill this Kris Kringle lunatic.

I want to show you
something, Dina.

This is the new prototype
for "Santana Snow."

Isn't she lovely?

Does she looks a little bit
like a frozen supermodel, sir?

Well, we're still
working out the design details,

but she is
going to replace Santa.

That's a brilliant idea.

You prove once and for all that
Santa's an outdated myth,

all those poor kids are going
to need a replacement.

Enter moi.

Santana Snow.

The lovely fairy who
brings happiness

and sporting goods
to every boy and girl.

I tell you, Mr. Bennett,
it takes great courage

to break such an
age-old tradition.

Well, the time of the old
fat man in red is over.

The future belongs to the
sleek woman in blue.

<i>I can't believe you're</i>
<i>representing Santa Claus.</i>

I'm representing
Kris Kringle.

Same thing.

Aren't you excited?

You're gonna be the lawyer
who saves Christmas.

It's just
a silly, little,

frivolous law suit that
will be dismissed

before anybody
hears about it.

Hey, get your nose out
of the law books...

Everybody is
talking about this.

It's all over television
and the internet.

And a lot of folks agree
with Braxton Bennett.

Yeah, do you?

Were you ever
disappointed by Santa?


He gave me my first
set of socket wrenches.

Your dad probably
took an old set of his

wrapped it up and threw it
under the tree.


They were toy wrenches
made out of plastic.

So you believe
in Santa Claus?


He's playing rock, paper,
scissors with your daughter.

He's so sweet.

I am making
a huge mistake here.

You just have
to believe.

I don't want to have
the reputation

as the go to guy
if you're nuts.

What am I going
to have next?

The Easter Bunny?


Win or lose, this case
right here

could end my career
before it even starts.


<i>Hi, Michael Sherman!</i>


<i>Is Kris Kringle</i>
<i>with you?</i>

Yes, he's here.
May I ask who's calling please?

<i>Oh, this is Charlie.</i>
<i>Santa's head elf.</i>


Hold on, please...

Kris, phone call
for you...

Thank you.

Do you mind
if I take this outside?

Be my guest.


Who is it?

Uh, apparently, it's the The
head "elf" from the North Pole.

And his name
is Charlie.


It's ridiculous!

Althought he goes
to great lengths

to keep up this

Do ever think he might
actually be Santa Claus?

and I'm Peter Pan.

Then why are you
representing him?

Because I need
the money.

I know what
Braxton's lawyers

can do to him
on the stand.

He doesn't.
And that guys needs

a defense lawyer more
than anybody I've ever met.

I found a new lawyer...

Though he is
pretty convincing.

Honey, honey! Let Kris
make his call in private.

Did you beat him
in rock paper scissors?


That's my girl!

But I don't need Barney!

Barney researched
this Michael Sherman.

The guy's barely
out of law school.

He's gonna fall apart like
a dried-up Christmas tree.

when I met Michael,

my Santa senses
starting tingling.

Michael is the one
I want.

Now, trust me!

How is the workshop?

<i>The chart's turning more</i>
<i>white everyday.</i>

and the frivolotron is
making funny noises.

I think it's on
its last legs.

I knew we should have gotten
the extended warranty.

I'm coming up!

No, sir, this case
is too important.

The frivolotron adds the
fun to every toy we make.

Without it,
I might as well be

giving children
building materials.

You can help Michael
prepare the case

while I fix
the frivolitron!

Is that an order, sir?

I'm afraid so, Charlie.

I'm on my way.


The door is open, Kris!


Whoa, whoa, whoa!

I don't know who you are,
or what you're selling,

but I don't want to
buy any candy so that

the school band can
go to an amusement park, ok?

Whoa! There seems
to be some confusion.

I don't sell candy.

I give it away.

All right, let's go.



Kris sent me.

He had to go up to the North
Pole on urgent business.


Dear Michael, I hereby
authorize Charlie Elfkin...

That's me.

to act on my behalf
until I return.

You're an elf!

Sure am!

That's amazing!

No it's not,
and no you aren't!

Get out of here!
I've had enough...

Wait, it's notarized
by the state of New York.

No, it isn't,
I just looked at it...

Look again.


is that spaghetti?

I love spaghetti!

This is crazy.

Kris'll return, just as soon
as he's fixed the frivolotron.

Oh, that's good!


Got a retainer
check for you.

So, I did some research
on Braxton Bennett.


Will this be wrapped
by Christmas?

We need to have
the spirit by then.

<i>The spirit?</i>

Have you
been drinking, Charlie?


My gosh, no!

Just that cases this big
usually take a few months.

Not an option!

We need to fina a way
to disprove Braxton Bennett.

It's not just
Braxton Bennett.

It's a class-action
lawsuit, there are lists

of names
of people who are

accusing Kris of ruining
their Christmas.

Research will prove Santa
did nothing of the sort.

I agree.

Me too.

You guys
aren't helping.

And, and, Charlie!
This is not working!

Okay? I need to speak
with Kris right now

or this case
is over!

<i>- CRASH!</i>
<i>- Oh!</i>

That's him.

Hope there's nothing
breakable in the garage.

Are you okay?

Holly and ivy!

I appear to have
missed the house...


Come on, come on...

I got you...

I'm sure I put my finger
along side my nose...

Kris, there's a little guy
in my kitchen

eating me out
of house and home.


He's my
right hand man.

I gave him power of attorney.
Did you get it?


<i>Charlie can juggle</i>
<i>kitchen chairs!</i>

<i>I've never</i>
<i>tried 4 before!</i>

I'll be
right there, honey!

This check
you gave me?

It's not going
to bounce, is it?

I swear on Frosty's
magic hat.


This is gonna be a beautiful
car when it's finished.

Ford Galaxy...

How long have you
been working on it?

Since spring time.

It's got a lot
of problems...

But, I'm only working
on it part time.

I've got
a full-time job.

I'm just doing this
as a favor.

I can tell it's
a labor of love.

Yeah, it belonged
to Michael's father.

It's just been sitting
here for years, so...

I thought,
why not fix it up?

I almost have the engine
running exactly as I want it

but uh, I don't know,
the tires and the paint job

are a problem.

It's beautiful work

You know
about engines?


You've been paying for this
out of your own pocket?

Michael's still
paying off

his late wife's
medical bills,

But as soon as he
gets his practice up

and running
he'll pay me back.

How long have you
been in love with him?

Is it that obvious?

not to him.

You know, in my many, many
trips across this planet,

I've noticed one
universal truth:

men are really stupid
when it comes to love.

You really need
to tell him.

No, no...

He wouldn't be
interested in me.

Michael dated all the
girlie girls in high school.

And Lily's mom was the
most beautiful of them all.

He doesn't want a girl
who drives a truck

and can change
a transmission.

So what happens when you
have the Galaxy finished?


He'll probably be grateful
but he'll never see me

as more than a friend.

I'm a firm believer that the
truth all comes out eventually.

Oh, chimney soot! The
frivolotron's acting up again!

I gotta go.

Now the guy is...

Where's Kris?


He was right there.

That elf just broke
my grandmother's chair.

I must be out
of my mind.



I'm representing
Kris Kringle.

Yep, and because of that,
your daughter's dreaming

of sugar plum

Could be worse.

He did pay up front.

You're doing
what's best for Lily.

I have an pasta-loving elf
sleeping in my guest bedroom.

I'm not so sure social
services would agree with you.

He's a diminutive,
well-paying client.



It's times like these...
I really miss Andy.

She had a way of making
sense out of all the crazy.

She was
an amazing woman.

to replace.

I should get going.


Thank you,

Mmmm apple cinnamon,
Santa's favorite.

I figured.
His picture's on the box.

He is public domain.

For some unknown
reason, the judge

put this trial on the fast
track so it would finish

before Christmas.

I had
a feeling he would.

Look, Charlie, a lot
of people in town

are siding with
Braxton Bennett.

They've even started a
"Dump Santa" campaign,

Obviously It's a joke, but it's
starting to pick up steam.

For example, a number of malls
have fired their Santas.

Oh, that's going
too far!

I gotta call
the big guy.


Oh, they've crossed
the line now.

I'm coming
back there!

I've jerry-rigged
the frivolotron.

You'll hve
to monitor it.


I'll call you if it
starts to overheat again.

Wait, Charlie!

Charlie, hey...

We got a case
to prepare for!

Charlie, where are
you going?

We got business...

Why did they fire
the mall Santas?

Where did you
come from...

I know the North Pole,

Are you two the same
person or something?

What possible reason
could there be

for denying children
the chance to visit Santa?

People say they're doing the
kids a favor by preventing them

from being disappointed
on Christmas morning.

I have never
disappointed any child.

Okay, let's just assume
for a moment that

everything you've told me
is the honest truth.

What is
Braxton Bennett's deal?

Braxton Bennett already
had every toy money could buy.

The one thing that he needed
the most was not mine to give.

His parents' love.

You understand
what I'm saying?

I think I do.

And if I could convey that
to a jury...

You can
and you will.

Now do you
still have it?

Have what?

Well the Legal Beagle!

I chose right,
didn't I?

You don't give up,
do you?

You do still have it.

Yeah, I still have it.

Well, come on!

Tell me how it inspired
you to become a lawyer.

if you must know, uh...

My wife, Andy, died
from cancer a few years ago.

And I was in law school
at the time, so I quit...

So I could help
take care of her.

And... after, um...
Lily was just a toddler

so I had to take care
of her,

I couldn't go back
to school at that time.

It was a really
hard time for me.

Lily was pretty much
my only reason for living.

And then I was at
my mom's house

and we were cleaning out
the attic

and I found
my Legal Beagle.

And... suddenly, all my
dreams came rushing back to me.

And I decided right then
and there...

No matter
how long it takes,

I'm gonna do whatever
I have to become a lawyer.

You see?

It's my job to remind
you of your dreams

and give you a gentle kick in
the backside when you need it.

For instance, my Christmas
gift to you this year is

to tell you to get your
life moving again.

What are you
talking about?

You've been in an
emotional standstill

since you lost
your wife.


Which is
perfectly natural.

Andy was wonderful and you
and Lily loved her deeply.


But life moves on
and so must you.

And it's no disrespect
to her memory...


I can't.

If you think "can't," you'll be
just like an ordinary reindeer.

You'll never fly.

You know, uh...
We have to prepare.

For tomorrow.

Okay, so, did you
or did you not

know Braxton
as a child?



Okay, so tell me
about those meetings.

I never met him.

You never met him, never
had a conversation with him,

never went to dinner with
his family, nothing?

That's correct.

Sherman residence.

It's spitting out feathers
and playing Twelve Days!

Oh ribbon rot!

The Slitheranamator
is pumped!

What should I do?!

Touch nothing!
I'm on my way back!


What's happeneing?

The Frivolitron is on
the blink again!

I gotta go!

Wait, where
are you going?!

He's the only one who knows
the right merriment setting.



See, not everybody wants
to dump us.

Hi, Santa!

Where you off to?

Oh, here you are...

Charlie, Charlie,

Would you just sit here
for a moment, please.

I have to go meet
with opposing counsel.

Watch my coat.

Well, well, Mr. Sherman,
we finally meet.

Dina Smiger.

Yes, I know.



No, no, no...
Just um...

Full of energy
and enthusiasm.

Uh, ready to get
this trial underway.

Don't you have a team
of lawyers on this?

Bad form to bring
everybody into chambers.

How is your team doing?


I'm fine.

It's just you?

Just me.

Well, this is going to be like
sh**ting fish in a barrel.

Attorneys Sherman
and Smiger...


I'm not going
to waste time.

The reason I called you
in is because we seem

to have a high-profile
trial on our hands.

I hate high-profile trials.

You are not going to make this
a spectacle, understood?

The defendant is being
sued because he allegedly

caused irreparable
emotional distress.

The fact that he's
named as Santa Claus

in the complaint
is irrelevant.


Kris Kringle,
Your Honor.

No matter.

You will treat him like
any other defendant

in my court room.

And I don't want
to hear about elves,

or candy canes
or flying reindeer.

My courtroom will not be
treated as fantasy land.

You got it?

Yes, sir.


Now let's get through this
as quick as possible.

That is all.

Have you ever appeared
in front of Judge Stewart?


His nickname is
"pit bull".

Very little patience and
despises incompetence.

Good luck.

See you
in court.



There was a...


You okay?

Ah, let me guess-

Charlie has
left the building?

I needed him
up North.

He relates
to the elves better.

I needed him to quell
the Christmas dispirit.

He'll be back.

Quell the
Christmas dispirit?

See those lawyers
out there?

They want
to eat us alive.

Michael, my
reindeer can fly,

because no matter what
anybody else believes,

they believe
the impossible.

You can do this.

You were born
for it.

You guys must have
had a rough day.

Charlie came home
this afternoon

and went straight
to bed.

Yeah, poor Charlie.

He had to quell the
Christmas dispirit.


Never mind...

He's little... metabolism
probably wears him out.

I noticed he eats
a lot of sugar.

No wonder he
always crashes.

He told me when he dreams,
he goes to the candy cane

forest where the
chocolate stream runs.

You know how hard it is
to find a jury that

believes in
the Easter Bunny?

Or even likes
the movie Harvey?

You ready
for the trial?

I think so.

The first few
witnesses anyway...

I wanna go to
court and watch.

Honey, I already got a
baby sitter for you tomorrow.

I can take her.

Don't you have work?

It's Christmas vacation.

What do you say,

You wanna go
cheer on Team Santa?


Okay, honey, you have
to go to bed then, okay?

Can Lauren read me
a story and tuck me in.

That's up to Lauren.


We'll leave your dad
to make the egg nog.




What was the story
du jour tonight?

Let me guess,
Little's Fairy's Wild Ride?

Nope, The Night
Before Christmas.

Of course.


Can I ask you

About Lily?


Do you think I'm in an
emotional holding pattern?

Who told you that?

Just... wondering.

Michael, I think
that you lost

your wife not that
long ago.

So that's your polite way
of saying yes.


I think you hold too
much inside and that

you'd be a lot happier if
you opened up to someone.

Thank you for babysitting.
So much...

These last few weeks...
When this case is over

I promise,
I will make it up to you.

It's my pleasure.


Thank you for sticking around
the last couple of years.

Cause I know
there's some times

where it couldn't have
been pleasant.

I want to be around.

I should probably...
get back to work.

I owe that to Kris.

Yeah, I'll
leave you to it...

<i>Okay, but why</i>
<i>wouldn't you start</i>

with your weakest
witness and build up

to your strongest
like some kinda grand finale.

Jury fatigue, sir.

I have a hundred
witnesses who are

ready to testify that
they have been

emotionally stunted
because of Santa.

Can't put them
all on the stand.

Because it would
bore the jury to tears.

Besides, my team's found
that a lot of the witnesses

are a little um...


Weird how?

Emotionally stunted.

The case has merit.

Well a couple of
the witnesses

also blame
the Easter Bunny

for giving them
egg allergies.

And you know those little
heart conversation candies?

On Valentine's Day?


Another witness actually
converses with them.


I'd rather keep her
off the stand.

Yeah, I see
your point.

Okay, well you do
what you think is best.

But, not
to worry, Sir.

Out first witness today
is gonna k*ll them.

Prepare to be
dazzled, Sir.


Go long.
Dina, go long...

Go long!

Come on!
I got a great arm, go on!

Dr. Evans, we appreciate
your making time

to be here
with us today.

For the record,
you are the inventor

of the breakthrough
vaccine against malaria,

isn't that correct?

That's correct.

And you've been short-listed
for the Nobel Prize.

that's also correct.


You are at the top
of your profession.

your personal life?

I've had a hard
time fitting in.

A brilliant and successful
man that can't fit in?

Do you know
when that started?

When I was ten years
old, I begged Santa

for a video-game

All the cool kids were
playing these sports games

and I thought if I had the
top-of-the-line console

they would want to
be my friends.

Did you get
the console?


And so nobody ever
wanted to come over

after school
and play with me.

I never made
any friends.

It was like living
in exile.

My deepest

Unfortunately there is no
vaccine for emotional distress.

Your witness.

Dr. Evans...

Dr. Evans, um, what did
you receive for Christmas

the year you begged
for a video game console?

A microscope.

You did?

I can understand how that
would be... upsetting.

Not many ten-year-olds have
an interest in a microscopes.

I certainly didn't.

Do you recall the first time
you ever saw a red blood cell?

Junior high.

My brother found a dead bird
in the yard and I looked

at the blood and feathers
under the microscope.

The microscope
Santa brought you?


If Santa hadn't brought you
that microscope,

is it possible you would
never have developed

an interest in science
and cellular research?

An interest that lead you
to the development

of a vaccine
for malaria?

<i>Your Honor!</i>


I would like to
hear the answer.

It's true.

I never though of it
that way before...

<i>Thank you,</i>
<i>Dr. Evans.</i>

No further questions,
your honor.

When is Daddy
coming home?


He has to wrap some things
up at the court house.

He was good today.

Yeah, he was.

Why are all those
people mad at Santa?

They think Santa
wanted to hurt them.

He'd never do that.

We know that, but sometimes
people need

to blame someone and those
people chose Santa.

My daddy told them
all they were wrong.

Let's let him relax
when he comes in, ok?

What's wrong?

Don't ask.


You did so good today.

Thank you, angel.

Where's Kris?

He had some
production line problem

and he said that...

would cover for him.

He can eat all our cookies
as far as I'm concerned,

as long as he pays.

Honey, it's
way past your bedtime.

Ok, daddy.
Night, Lauren!

Night, Lily.

After Dr. Evans, it
all went downhill.

Ten witnesses calling
him a fraud under oath.

They're wrong.

Well, Smiger had the jury
eating out of her hand today.

You'll get your day.


What am I going
to prove?

Do you honestly believe
I'm gonna be able to convince

twelve rational people that
Kris is actually Santa Claus?


You have more
faith than I do.

I need more.

I need something concrete,

Like pictures!
of the North Pole.

A reindeer
with a red nose.

Or, I'd even take
an elf right now.

I heard that!

No, a real elf!

Not a pint-size eating machine
with a funny hat!

He can't do that,

Can't do what?

Reveal the
Christmas magic.

It would ruin everything.

Well, I got nothin'!

I'll call the Pole.

See if I can
pull some strings.

Can you get some
of the elves

to check the archives
for any kind of records

of naughty
and nice lists?

We really don't keep archives,
Charlie, you know that.


I'll have a look
in the recycling.


See if I can find
leftover lists!

<i>I'll see what I can do.</i>

Thanks, sir!

Don't worry
about today.

We're going
to win.

Charming place.

It's a good place
to avoid the media.

Personally, I
love the media.

Would you
like anything?

No, no, I'm particular
about what I eat.


And drink.

Witness list.

Thank you.

Just one name?

It's my client
against yours.

And my client is a lot
more sympathetic.

I can prove damages,
loss of income.

Not to mention
violations to his

his first amendment

Doubling down on
Kringle's character.

It's Risky.

So, everything you've
argued to date just

goes out the window and
it all comes down to...

I know.

Do you?

In the interest
of full disclosure...

take a look at that...

This is real?


Psychiatric Hospital.

Admitted 1972.

He even went by the
name Kris Kringle.

Just take a look
at his face...

You can see it's him.

Didn't your client tell you
about that little incident?

Tsk, tsk.

You're representing a
certifiably insane fraud.

Still want to put
him on the stand?

Michael, Michael,

let me give you
some off-the-record advice.

You're smart, you know
how to play to a jury,

and you have a
bright future...

If you drop this case.

I'm the attorney
of record.

Then file a motion
to be relieved.

Credibility is everything.

Walk away while you
still have yours.

So, he's crazy.

No more than
Braxton Bennett.

You and I both know Braxton
Bennett didn't expect

somebody to show
up and actually claiming

to be Santa Claus.

This suit was a good faith
attempt by my client

to dispel a myth
which he believes

does great harm
to children.

Kris is remarkable.

My daughter loves him.

Is he worth throwing
away your future for?

No wonder you don't
like the press.

You're a laughing stock.

The public
thinks you're crazy.

Lose this case
and, believe me,

every freak show in
town will be knocking

on your door, wanting
you to represent them.

It doesn't have
to be that way.

Think about it,

You could have
a very bright future.

Maybe even with us...


You know
what it means.

Take a fall.

You have a very
young daughter.

You worked your way
through law school.

Don't throw it all
away for some myth.


rld are bobbing,

Then's the time
for orchard-robbing;

Yet the fruit were
scarce worth peeling,

Were it not for
stealing, stealing.

Santa, do the reindeer fly
the same way fairies do?

Well, I don't know
that much about fairies.

I know that our reindeer can
fly because they believe

in the impossible
when others give up.

Can all reindeer fly?

Like eagles, but most of
them don't believe it.

Which is why we've had
the same team for so many years.

Hey, guys...


Santa was just reading
me a story about fairies.

That's nice, honey.

Why don't you
get ready for bed now?

Can you read me the rest
of the book before bed?


Goodnight, Santa.


Love you daddy.

Love you too,

Be up in a minute...

So, how did your meeting
with Ms. Smiger go?

<i>Not well.</i>

They're about
to drop a bombshell.

They found
your photographs

and admissions papers to
Bradshaw Psychiatric Center.

It's not what
you think it is.

Enlighten me.

All right, I was there.

But not for the
reasons you think.

They had a children's
ward that needed my help.

The only way I could get
in was to be admitted.

So you became
a patient to help kids...

They didn't have
a chimney.

Oh, they didn't
have a chimney.

Of course not!

Kris, you betrayed
my confidence.

You deliberately
did not bring this up

because you knew there was
no way I'd take this case

if I knew you had been

Those kids were being deprived
of all holiday celebrations.

It was the only way I
could think of helping them.

I can't go on with this
charade any longer.

I'm resigning
as your counsel.


You can't.

They are portraying me
as crazy.

And guess what,
the man I'm supposed

to be representing
is certifiably crazy!

After this trial you get
to go back to the North Pole

or wherever
and live your life.

But I have to stay here
and deal with the fall out.

My credibility is destroyed.

I don't believe that.

And I don't believe you.

I had a difficult time
finding clients before

but now, nobody wants
to be represented

by the Santa Claus

Because everyone knows
Santa doesn't exist.

Including me!

I understand.

Kris, I have a
young daughter,

student loans, bills up to here
and a career to consider.

These aren't responsibilities
that I can just walk away from!

I don't want to
ruin your life.

Kris, stop.
You don't have to go...

I'm not kicking you out.

It's better this way.

Don't worry, Michael.
It'll be okay.

My apologies to Lily for leaving
without saying goodbye.

Give her my best.

Thank you, Lauren,
the tree looks great.

How's Lily doing?

Still not
speaking to me.

All she can talk about
is how she misses Kris

and Charlie, but I'm
hoping this will help.

She loves
decorating the tree.

I have to tell you,

I don't think you made
the right decision, Michael.

Don't try to make
me feel guilty.

We've been through this.

I know, but come on.
You were making progress.

No, I wasn't.

Lily, honey!

Come on down,
I have a surprise for you!


Welcome to my life.

What do you expect?
You dumped Santa Claus.

Thank you...

Michael, I don't understand
how you could just quit.

I had no choice.

The man is legally insane,
they have the paperwork

to prove it.

I can't just
throw away my career.

You could still
win this.

No, I can't.

The town refuses
to acknowledge Santa.

It's a sure loss.

And I'm doing this
to protect her.

Are you?

It doesn't look like it.

Okay, fine...

I'll be the bad guy
but I know I'm right.

I disagree.

If you quit on Kris
then that jury will too.

I quit because...

You quit because
you were afraid.

How can you
doubt he is Santa Claus?

Lauren, I would
love to believe in him,

I really would.

And I'd love to believe
the world is

a wonderful, happy
caring and generous place...

But it's not.

And Santa Claus is
just another one of those

fantasies we create
to help us get through life.

When you think about it the
story doesn't make much sense.

What about love?

That doesn't make much sense
if you think about it.

Someone giving up everything
for somebody else?

I looked it up
in a dictionary once

and it doesn't begin to
describe one-millionth

of what it
really means.

That's because our brains
don't understand it,

our hearts do.

That's not the same thing.

I think it is.

And until you realize that
logic and reason and science

don't define
everything in this world,

you're gonna be
living half a life.

Looks nice.

Thank you,

Do you want to help me
hang some ornaments?



Thank you.

It really looks like him.

It does.

Why don't you
believe in Santa Claus?


It's complicated.

But you're not
his lawyer anymore.


Why did he leave?

He was supposed to read
me the rest of the poem.

He thought it was
best that he leave

althought he did
say he was sorry.

Honey, Santa never
wanted to hurt you.

I know.

I'm not mad.

What did you do
in your room all that time?

I wrote Santa
a letter.

I guess we'll
have to mail it.

Yeah, we can
definitely do that.

I have some envelopes in
the cabinet by the microwave.

I'll go get them!


I'm sorry sir,
no visitors until 10:30.

Oh, no,
I'm not here to visit..

I was wondering if I might
ask you a few questions?

I thought this was a
psychiatric hospital.

It was once.

Now it's a
retirement center.

Do you know if there are
any old records from that time?

There was a patient here
once name Kris Kringle.

Are you serious?

I know it sounds strange,
but it's important.

Do you know of any doctors
or nurses who used to work here?

Sir, you have yourself
a Merry Christmas.

Before I call security.

I know Kris Kringle.

Excuse me?

He helped save Christmas
for the children here.

Uh, how do you know
Mr. Kringle, Ma'am?

I was a nurse here
when he used to visit.

Oh, I remember the magic.

Do you mind if
I ask you a few questions?

No, sure.
Go ahead.

Hurry up!

<i>Are you sure it's</i>
<i>filed under K?</i>

I filed it myself!
Don't know why,

Guess I thought it might
come in handy someday.

There's an envelope.
And a photo!


Ho ho ho!

Lily, honey, why don't you get
yourself a peanut butter cup.

We're just going
to talk out here.

I'm sorry I doubted you
and I'm sorry I quit.

You made the best
decision for your future.

I was wrong.

You of all people
deserve to be defended.

And it didn't hurt that this
was dropped down my chimney.

That Charlie.

He's the best
for a reason.

I went to the Hospital.
It's now a retirement home.

But I met
Cindy Hocking.

She was a nurse
when you were there

and remembers you.



She told me you helped every
one of those kids

keep their Christmas spirit.

They made the kids crazy by
taking away everything that

makes childhood wonderful.

I also found that while there's
a record of you being admitted,

there's no record
of your discharge.

Cindy is willing to
testify that

the day after Christmas
you just disappeared.

So you're saying...

We have a case!

And just in time
for Christmas.

I just wish I had something
to nail Braxton Bennett on.

He's got ulterior
motives, I can feel it.

I don't know...

Maybe all this mess
is for the best.

It's made me start coming
to terms with who I am.

You're Santa Claus.

I failed, Michael.


You didn't fail!

You changed the lives of
some very unhappy children.

In a hospital.
A long time ago.

And that is just
the tip of the ice berg.

Kids all over the world
need you.

I needed you.

You made me believe.

And if you can
change me, Kris...

Then what?

You can
change the world.

You know,
for the first time in months,

I feel like
HO-HO-HOing again.

So do I.

Well, then, let's.


So does that mean
you're my lawywr again?

If you'll let me.

Well, of course.
Welcome back!

No, no, no
No, listen to me.

I've got this whole thing
figured out.

Santana Snow
needs to be a fairy.

It doesn't mean she can't
live in a tropical paradise or

someplace good because the kids
will want to send her letters.


Alright, now we want
to launch this thing by Spring.

So set up the meeting
for right after Christmas

cause today we're gonna put the
final nail in Santa's coffin.

Let me call you
right back.

How ya doing,
little lady?


So, you, uh, buying
something or what?

My dollar
doesn't work.


Well why don't you
swap with me for a new one?

Do you know
a real fairy?

You like fairies?


Then yes, I do.

I know a fairy and her name
is Santana Snow.

She brings good boys and girls
sporting goods for Christmas.

What are
sporting goods?

Well you'll find out
next Christmas if you're good.

So Santana Snow's
like Santa?

Better than Santa.

What does
she look like?

Nobody is supposed
to know about this

but because you
love fairies...

I'm gonna give you
a sneak peak.


She's pretty.

Do you really
think so?

Oh, thanks kid.

Thanks a lot.

You're gonna be
seeing a lot of her.

Very soon.

Bye, mister.

I can't wait to see
what sporting goods are.

You're gonna
love them.

I promise.

Are you
expecting someone?

No, no...

for someone?


We had an argument.

I tried to call her
and apologize

but I never heard
back from her,

so I was hoping maybe...

She would
show up today?



Dad, Dad...

What are
sporting goods?

Where did you
hear that, honey?

A man told me in the
snack room that

a fairy named Santana
Snow was going

to bring sporting goods
to kids next Christmas.

He said she
would replace Santa.

He even showed me
a doll.

Honey, take a
look around the room

and tell me if you see
that man in here?

He's at that table.

Right there?
In the blue shirt?


Okay, sweetheart,

I want you to sit at the
very end of the aisle, ok?

Sort of keep yourself

I'm gonna ask you
to come up here

and answer some
questions for me

you just tell me exactly what
you just told me right now.


As you can see from the
pixilation in the 1972 photo

there are no hard edges or
boundaries on these photos

like the other pictures that
were clearly photo-shopped.

Which means that this
reindeer hovering,

or flying outside of this
second story window

is in fact real.

Does the defense rest,
Mr. Sherman?

Uh, no, your honor.

I'd like to call one more
witness, if I may.

Lily Sherman.

your honor.

This is counsel's daughter
he's calling to the stand.

What possible relevance
could she have?

Mr. Sherman?

Your Honor, I assure you
that this witness has

testimony which is
extremely relevent

as she has new evidence
which has recently

come to light that
the court needs to hear.

In that case, proceed,
Mr. Sherman.

But you better not be
wasting this court's time.

The defense would like to call
Lily Sherman to the stand.

Put your right
hand on the bible.

Do you swear
to tell the truth,

the whole truth and
nothing but the truth,

so help you God?

I do.

Miss Sherman...

what were you doing today
right before court?

I got a peanut butter
cup from the Snack Room.

Was there anyone inside
the snack room with you today?

That man.

Let the record show the
witness is identifying

Mr. Braxton Bennett.

Noted, continue,

Miss Sherman, what did
you and Mr. Bennett talk about

while in the snack room?

He told me about a fairy
named Santana Snow that

will bring sporting goods
to good boys and girls.


He said she was
better than Santa Claus.

Better than Santa Claus...

Have you ever actually
seen this Santana Snow?

Yeah he showed me
his doll.

I would like to remind the
court that Mr. Bennett

made his fortune
in sporting-goods.

And has unwittingly
revealed to Miss Sherman

the real reason
behind this entire lawsuit.

Not for retribution for
emotional distress

but to replace
Santa in the hearts

of everyone for his own
financial gain.

I have a letter here
written by Miss Sherman

to Santa Claus.

I would like to present this
as evidence,

and if the court pleases,

I'd like to have Miss Sherman
read this out loud.

I'll allow it.

Dear Santa, this Christmas
you may not be able

to deliver gifts because of
people who are mad at you.

Every year you give me
the most wonderful things...

But this year for
Christmas I just want

to give you my love.

I want you to know that
I still believe in you

and I know
you will fly again.

Just like the reindeer, you
believe in the impossible

when everyone else
gives up and so do I.

Don't worry,
I will still be good

and stay on the nice list.

Thank you for
always caring about me.

Love, Lily.

Now despite the efforts
of a highly qualified

team of attorneys
all that this case has proven

is that Kris Kringle
brought love

to every person
he met.

Because that
is what Santa does.

Santa is good.

Santa is alive.

He exists in the heart of every
single of us who believes.

If you find him guilty, you
are condemning the best

the human spirit has
to offer this world.

The defense rests.

<i>Are you sure</i>
<i>about that, counselor?</i>


Your witness.


Your Honor, my client has
decided to withdraw the suit.

Case dismissed!


I love you, daddy.

I love you, too.

I'm sorry, Santa.

I never realized how...
important you were.

You're welcome.

I hope you have a
Merry Christmas.

You know, for the
first time in my life,

I just might do that.

Ho ho ho!

You better get going.

There's some people
waiting for you.

I think there's someone
expecting you as well.

Merry Christmas,

Look for me in
the stars tonight.

Merry Christmas

Angel, I think it's time
for you to go to bed.

No, daddy, I want
to see Santa.

Something tells me Santa
is not gonna skip our house.

So let's get you
to bed.



She can really just
switch off, huh?

Yeah, she's just
the right age.

I wanted to get you
something really special

for Christmas but I
didn't get it finished in time.

Is it what I think it is?

Uh, everything's done
but the paint job,

I got the first coat of
primer on then I had

to leave
for the court house.

That's fine...
Can I see it?? Please?

Yeah, um...

Meet me out front!



Are you kidding me?!

That is incredible!

I thought you said you didn't
have the time to paint.

I know, I don't know
what happened...

I... I think it's
a Christmas present.

Hop in!

It's a great one!



It's incredible.

When I was little we used
to drive at night

with the top down.

And I would look up
in the sky and see

thousands and thousands
of stars.

And my dad told me the stars
belonged to a galaxy.

And since we owned
a Galaxy,

I thought I was
the richest kid on earth.

Thank you.

Ho ho ho! Lily,
take a look under the tree!

Daddy? Lauren?


What's going on

My fairy wings!

He didn't forget!

Those look great!

But he didn't
bring you anything,

Yes, he did honey.

Yes he did.

Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas.
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