My Santa (2013)

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My Santa (2013)

Post by bunniefuu »


Uh-oh, eric.

I'll make eggs.

[Sighs] okay.

A mike maxim
action man!

What, honey?

Mike maxim! See?

Oh, yeah. That's neat.

This is what I wanted
for christmas!

Oh.more than anything!

Well, we'll see if it's
not too expensive

And maybe we can manage it.

Don't worry, mom.
Santa will get it for me.

I'll put it
on my wish list.

You do that.

Don't you just
love christmas?

Yeah. Love it.

Ah, yep.

It's exactly
what I had in mind.

We're gonna have
some luck here, jack.
I know it.

Okay, would you wipe
the stars from your eyes

And listen to me
for half a second?

Yeah, sure, sure.

No no no. Really.
I mean it.

Just one second, okay?what?

Chris, it is a matter
of simple mathematics, okay?

If you're looking
for the perfect wife,

You'd have much
better odds finding her

In new york or
chicago or miami.

I mean, there are tons
of women in those cities.

Been there, done that.
It's never clicked.

It's time we try somewhere
off the beaten path

And I got a really goods
feeling about this place.

Okay okay. You want to
waste your time hanging
out in podunk , u.s.a,

Be my guest. But listen,
if this doesn't pan out,

Don't come crying to me.

[Woman] yes, it's a wonderful
engagement photograph.

But we need it at
a much higher resolution.

Send me a jpeg by noon
and we'll make the deadline.

Wonderful. Ta-ta.

Lori wilson's getting married.


Four's the charm, they say.

What ever happened to,
"three strikes and
you're out"?

Jen, never say that.

You've got to be in it
to win it.

[Man] gertrude?

Yes, martin?

Do you have plans
for lunch?


I have some ideas about
the society page.

If you don't mind
a working lunch,
the paper's buying.

Sure, I'd love to.


And are we still on for that
business conference tonight?

Yes, absolutely.


[Clears throat]

Working lunch?
Business conference?

Why all the euphemisms?

Just admit it.
You guys are dating.

Because according
to him, we're not.

Why, because he thinks it's
unprofessional to be dating
one of his employees?

It may be old school,
but it's romantic,

So don't knock it.

No, I'm so happy for you.

I never thought speaking
in code could be so exciting.

Hi. I'm the new guy.

That desk behind you
is empty. Must be mine.

Sam. Sam franklin.

Oh. Jen robbins.
Nice to meet you.

Human interest reporter.

I was brought on to help
on the crime beat,

So if you got any
hot tips, I'm all ears.

Here. It's my card.

I doubt I will,
but thank you.

Franklin. Uh, jim pickard's
car towed again.

That's $800 worth of
unpaid parking tickets.

That's a freebie.
Now run with it.


What are you
laughing at, robbins?

Nothing, sir.

Where are my pages?

Oh, I know. I am so sorry.

It's just really hard
to find christmas magic

In this shopping frenzy
we call the holidays.

Look, I need it warm and
sappy, and I need it quick.

Now, in the spirit
of the holidays,

I'm extending your deadline
for three more days.

But that's it. Get it done!

Yes, sir.

Okay. I need fuel now.
You want to join me?

Yeah. Uh, I'll
show you where it is.

I have no motivation
to write this article.

I mean, christmas
these days has just
become so commercialized.

Right you are.
Kids do love it.

But hey, they don't do
any of the work, do they?


Well, your editor
is getting anxious.

Yeah, I know.

I was supposed to turn
the story in yesterday.

Gotta feed the beast.

I am sorry to disappoint
you fellas,

But we cancelled santa
for this year. Not
in the budget.

Okay, listen, mister,
it won't cost you a penny.

In fact, we pay you.

Is that so?

Yes. The mall gets 50% of
every photo a parent buys

Of their kid sitting
on santa's lap.

I suppose you'll be
in the santa suit.

No, that's me.

I can see you're worried.
Um, you know what? Here.

Here's a list of all the malls
we've been to over the last
nine christmases.

Just look it over. And you can
even call them if you like.

It'll make you feel better.

Huh. So what's the catch?

No no, there's no catch.
There's no hidden fees.

We just-- we like
spreading good cheer.

Yes, that is us. We are
good cheer spreaders.

Look, this might sound corny,

But for me, it's
a labor of love.

It's what I was born to do.

I don't know why, but
I get a good feeling off you.

And I'd hate to disappoint
the kids just because
we're having a lean year,

So, welcome aboard!

That's the spirit!

Thank you, sir!


Yay! Oh!

What's this?

I'm sorry, but he insisted

On getting the christmas
decorations out of the closet.

Can we put it up now?

No, not now, buddy.
I'm so tired.

Maybe this weekend, okay?



You should be careful
with that. It's old.

Can we just get
a real tree this year?

No, because that's
a waste of money.

And we have a tree.

Oh! I almost forgot
to finish my wish list
for santa.

If he was any more pumped about
christmas, he would explode.

He wants a mike maxim
action figure.

Honey, you should have
gotten that weeks ago!

They've been
sold out forever.

You see? That is
the problem with

They've turned it into
one big marketing campaign.

Christmas isn't about presents.

It's about counting
our blessings

And loving one another,

And all that other
sappy stuff.

Maybe for you, but what
I remember about christmas

Is being left with an infant
when my husband walked out
on us.

Okay, yeah, um, there's that.

Listen, for the sake
of your son,

You have to snap
out of it, girlfriend.

It's been six years.

It's time to move on
with your life

And, you know, get into
the christmas groove.

That's easier said
than done.

Hey, I have an idea.
Let's take eric to see santa,

At the mall. I read online
that he's starting tomorrow.


Eric can get his picture
taken with santa.

He would really like that,
wouldn't he?

Oh, just a tad, yeah.

Hey, mom?yeah, honey?

How does santa have
time to do all this
christmas stuff?

Oh, well, I don't know.

I think he's got super powers.mmm.

Oh. So, santa's
like a superhero?

Yeah, that sounds right.

Yeah, and cookies
give him his mojo.



Okay. How do I look?

Jolly good, I'd say.


Ho ho ho ho!

Ladies and gentlemen,
boys and girls,

May I have your
attention please?

Just in the nick of time,

Straight from the north pole,

The man you have all
been waiting for,

Live and in person,

Can I have a big
round of applause

For the one, the only
santa claus!

Well, hello!
Merry christmas,

Ho ho ho ho ho ho ho!

Thank you all for coming and
visiting with santa today.

I look forward to meeting
each and every one of you.

Merry christmas!
Ho ho ho ho ho!

Merry christmas!

And you get to
meet santa first!

Yeah!ho ho ho ho!

[Santa] come on in!

Come on in. Your name
must be john.

Come sit right up here
on santa's lap.

Tell me what you want
for christmas.

Okay, we are gonna count
to three and then you're
gonna smile.

Okay. I need you to
look at the camera.

One, two--

[Both] three, smile!

A strapping young boy!
Hey, buddy.

Hi.come sit here on my lap.

Oh, it's okay. I don't
think I need this.

Because I already know what
you want for christmas.

You do?

Let me think. Um,

A mike maxim action man?
Am I right?


Well, don't worry.
I got a good feeling

Because I saw your name
on the "nice" list, eric.

How do you know my name?

Well, because
I'm santa claus.


You must have read it
on my wish list.

Okay, well, let's see here.

Then your name must be "my".

I never should have
doubted you.

Oh, ho ho ho!

That's okay, buddy.
I'm used to it.

You just gotta have faith.

Oh, and there's
something else I want too.

Well, what is it?

See, my mom doesn't
really care about christmas,

But I want a christmas tree
this year.

A real one.

Your mom doesn't care
about christmas?

But she brought you here
to see me today.

Mom says a real tree
is a waste of money

Since we already
have a fake one.

Okay, all right, buddy.

I'll see what I can do
about a christmas tree.

Okay, are we ready
for the picture now?

Oh, yes! Let's do it!picture!

One, two, three, frown!

Ah, we do that one every time.

Okay, this is the real one.

Okay, I need a big smile
on three.

One, two three, smile!

Look at that!

I was thinking of
buying some lingerie--

He knew what I want!

He knew I wanted
a mike maxim!

Now, jen, hold on.

Let's just stay here
while mommy's busy.

[Knocking on door]

Can I talk to you for
a moment, please?

Uh, well, uh, sure, yeah.
What can I do for you?

I would appreciate it
if you would not promise
my son

A toy that is
impossible to get.

Okay okay. Okay, you
know what? Let's take five,

And you two can chat
about this in private.

Good.good idea.

Don't worry, boys and girls.

Santa's taking
a little tiny break, okay?

But we'll be right back.

Oh, uh, right this way.

Hey, look!

[Gasps] eric, um,
it's not what it looks like.

Santa can't be
everywhere at once,
so he has helpers.

Stop treating me
like a baby!

I know what's
going on here.

Okay, what is going on,
smarty pants?

When santa's not working,

He disguises himself
as a regular person.

He does?

Yeah, like when superman
becomes clark kent.


Mike maxim action man too.

All the superheroes do it.

So santa shaves his beard
to blend in,

And wears a fake beard
when he's on duty?


I never thought of it
like that.

Does your mother know
how smart you are?

I'm really sorry.
I never meant to upset you.

I'm just trying to spread
a little christmas cheer,
that's all.

Everywhere that kids look,
all they see are ads

For these extravagant toys
they just gotta have

While their parents are
just trying to figure out
how to pay the bills

And give their children
a merry christmas

And it's doubly difficult
for single parents like me.

I've got to be the bad cop
and the good cop.

I could use a little help

I just don't want to
disappoint my son, that's all.

Oh, no, you're not gonna
disappoint him. Trust me.

All he really wants is
to embrace the christmas
spirit like everybody else.

And so should you.

What makes you say I don't?

Intuition, I guess.

I just-- I get this feeling

That christmas holds some
really bad memories for you.

How could you know that?

I'm santa claus, remember?

Oh! [Laughs]

Actually my names is chris.oh.

It's a pleasure
to meet you, jen.

How did you know my name?
I didn't--

Lucky guess?

Yeah. Oh, right.

My son must have
told you, right?

Yeah. He's a really good boy.

You must be so proud
of him.

Oh, well, I am.

Thank you. Listen, i--

I'm sorry. I shouldn't have
gone off on you like that.

No, I'm a big boy.
I can handle it.

I think it's really sweet
what you're doing,

And the kids, they
absolutely adore you,

The parents do too.
Well, mostly.


Let's just call it a draw.okay.

'Cause I gotta get back
to my throne.

Oh. Yeah, I should go too.

Yeah, all right.


Oh, hey, jen?oh. Yeah. Yeah?

Why don't you try to
have a little fun?

It's christmas time!right! I will. Okay.


Oh, excuse scared me.

You forgot this.

Oh. Oh, thank you.

Oh, that's great!
That's so great.

All right. I-- okay.

I'll just, um, go.
Okay. All right. Thank you.




Hi, mommy!

Hi. How about
some ice cream?


Oh, wait a minute.

Oh, you're not falling
for humbug mommy, are you?

Aw, no no no no no.
I heard what she was
saying to you.

No no no. She's hopeless.

So what happened?

The strangest thing.

I walked over there wanting
to give him a piece of my mind,

And I left kind of liking him.

You could do worse than santa!

And from where I'm standing,
he look kind of fine.

Oh, please stop.

You should be looking
for serious candidates.


You only have until
midnight christmas eve.

Time is running out.

Yeah, I know.

Then you need to
start acting like it.

Chris, you are the heir
to the legacy.

You're the son of santa claus.

Oh, by the way, your son
saw santa without his beard.

Oh no!relax.

Superheroes have alter egos
and so does santa. End of story.

Good thinking!

I'm not as dumb as I look.

Let's see. You know your father,
he can't dso this forever,

He is counting on you.yeah.

You don't want to let
him down again, do you?

Yeah-- no. No.

Then it's time to
step up to the plate.

If you don't qualify
for the job to be santa
the next generation,

Somebody else will
have to take over.

You don't want that.

Of course not.

So it's just time to
put your game face on.

It's not as easy
as you think.

Come on, chris.

You've just got to make
this one simple connection

To get that extra power,
or, you know, confidence,

whatever you call it.

Don't worry, jack. This year
it's gonna be different.

No, it really is.
I know it.


Now we're talking.

$400? Who would be stupid
enough to pay these inflated

Got plans tonight?

Oh, just a cozy evening
with eric.

Eric, huh?

I was gonna ask
you out to dinner

But I guess
I should back off.

Oh, eric is my
seven year old son.

Seven. Wow.

Well, who's looking after
eric until you get home?

Um, my neighbor suzie.

Well, it's happy hour.

Why don't you call suzie
and charm her into staying
a little later,

And join me for a drink?

Okay. But not too long.



And once I traced the payments
to the senator's account,
I knew we had him.

We published and he's serving
three to five for tax evasion.

Wow. You must have
been very proud.

Yeah, unfortunately
the paper folded.

Oh. Well, that's
how you got here?

More or less.

What about you.
What do you want to do?

Oh. Well, I mean of course

I'd love to break a big story
like that one day,

But for now I feel
like I've got more
than I can handle

With this christmas
spirit assignment.

Yeah, yeah.

You know you do have
a beautiful smile.

Well, you should have seen
me at ages 12 to 13 with
the braces.

It was just, uh--

I guess I should
just say thank you, huh?

You're welcome.

You know, it's nice to find
somebody I can connect with.


Yeah, it's um, nice.

But, um, I really gotta
get home now.

I understand.
That was our plan.


How about we get lunch
on saturday,

When you're not in such
a rush to leave?

Okay, yeah.

Sure, that sounds nice.

And in the meantime I'll
see you at work tomorrow.

Cool. You run.
I'll pay up here.

Okay. Thank you.

Have a good too.

♪ Jingle bells
jingle bells ♪

♪ Jingle all the way

♪ Oh what fun it is to ride

♪ On a one horse open--


♪ Sleigh

Ribbit! That was great!

Why doesn't mommy
like christmas like us?

Oh, honey, mommy's just busy.

Okay, let's do one more song.

This time let's be ducks.

Okay. Quack quack!

Oh, hi!mommy!

Hello! Oh my gosh!

I have to go. I have just
a little more christmas
shopping to do.

Thank you so much
for staying later,

And be careful out there
with all the crowds.

Oh, I don't mind it at all.

It's so festive!

Hi, bud!


So I was thinking--

You were thinking, huh?

What were you thinking
about, young man?

You know how we have
that fake christmas tree?


It doesn't smell.

You want a smelly
christmas tree?

Yes! One that smells
like christmas!

Oh, but honey, we'd
have to bring it home
on the roof of a car.


A real christmas tree is messy.
It gets needles everywhere.

But the needles on our fake
tree are falling off too.


We'll see.


I said we'll see.

[Gertrude] I really think we
need to update the layout

On the social section.
Why not distribute

The engagement announcements
on different pages?

That will pull the readers
through the whole section.

You know what?
You're a very clever
woman, gertrude.

The advertisers
would love that.

I say let's do it.

You're very sweet to
take my suggestions, martin.

And if it's successful,
I'll take full credit.


Yes, sir?

The picker case,
the traffic ticket scandal,

What have you got for me?

Oh, you were serious.


Um, it's serious.

I'm gonna need more time.



Yes, martin?

I got a resource
for you.

The johnson family--

Former advertiser--

They've been through
some tough times

But they've got two kids

And the whole family
is crazy about christmas.


Yeah, well, you're having
dinner with them tomorrow night.

Oh.well, come on,

We need these feel-good

Print is dying.
Schmaltz sells papers.

It's those kinds of stories
that keep us in our jobs.

I understand.

So get into the feel-good
spirit. You do that

And the story
will write itself.


Put it right
under this arch...

All right, we're here.

You sit still and
I'll come get you.

No looking.

Okay, lean forward.

Two steps.

Can I take off
my blindfold now?

Not yet.

Come on, mom,
what's the surprise?

You'll see.

All right. No peeking.

I want you to tell me
if you smell anything
out of the ordinary.

Real christmas trees!yeah!

Awesome! You're
the best mom ever!

I've never seen
so many christmas trees!


Oh, you're so--


Oh, yeah. Santa claus
by day,

Christmas tree salesman
by night.


I try to pick up
as much work

As I can around
the holidays.



Uh, no. No. Hey, buddy.
My name's chris.

Nice to meet you.

As in kris kringle, right?

Can't fool me.
I know who you are.

Sorry. He saw us
talking yesterday
with your beard down.

Oh. No, I'm sorry.

It's okay. Don't worry.
Your secret's safe with me.

Well, the secret's out,
so mum's the word.

That goes for you too.

Oh. Aye aye, mr. C.

So, eric, I was waiting
for you to come.

And I picked out the perfect
tree for you and your mom.

You did?yeah.

It's actually right here.

What do you think?


How could you have known
that we were coming?

I only just decided
less than an hour ago.

Oh, it was on his wish list,
and you said you didn't want
to disappoint him,

So I thought
I better be prepared.

Wow. It's perfect!

Yeah? You like it?

And look what
it says right there.

I put your name on it.

It says my name!yeah, that's right.


I can deliver it for you too.

Oh, no, that's okay. We'll--

Okay. Yeah.


On one condition.

Oh, what's that?

That you'll stay and have
some christmas cookies with us.

I'm baking.


Santa's coming
for cookies and milk

At our house?

Well?i would be delighted.

Thank you for the invite.

Great. Do you have something
to write our address down?

There's no need.

You know where we live?

No! No, that
would be creepy.


Uh, no, there's no need
to write it down.

I'll just remember it.

Oh. Okay!

It's 135 fillmore street.

Okay.all right.


Ready? Here we go.

This is good, jack.
This is really good.

So why is this good?

Don't you see? I knew
she was gonna be here tonight.

That could have
been a hunch.

No, it wasn't a hunch.
I knew it.

This is what you've
been coaching me for--

A connection, right?
A real connection.

When we looked into
each other's eyes,
I felt it.

Well, I think you're wasting
your time with this one.

I really do.

I hope you're wrong, jack.

For the sake of christmas,
I hope you're wrong.

Me too.


Eric, my man!

You ready to put
this beauty up?


Oh, hey.hi.

I can see you're up
to your elbows in cookie dough.

I'll go wash my hands
and I'll come back and help.

Oh, no, I wouldn't
hear of it.

We can handle it,

Yeah, it'll be up in a snap.


So where
should we put it?

Right here.

That's a perfect corner.

Oh. Oh, thanks, buddy.

You're welcome.

Let's get it in there.

Watch the top.

A little more right.

Okay, I think that's it.

What do you think?perfect!

It's perfect. I agree.

Hey, how's it going
in here?

Oh, very good. Almost done.
How's it going out there?

Really good. I want you
to come and see it.

Okay.okay, come on.



Okay, here we go.

On the count of three.

One, two, three!

Oh! Merry christmas!wow!

This is wonderful,

Do you smell something?

The cookies!

Oh my goodness!
I'll get 'em. You stay here
with eric, enjoy the lights.

No, wait--relax. I got it. I got it.


It really looks
like christmas now.

Yeah. Sure does.

Okay, here we go.

Boy, chris.

Mmm, cookies.

Oh, chris,

This is so lovely.

I can't believe
you just did this.

Did you really just
make these cookies?

Yeah, it's nothing,
nothing at all.

And we got hot chocolate
with marshmallows.

I love marshmallows!

Well, then we'll give
you extra marshmallows.

I like a lot of marshmallows
too. I don't know about you

I love a lot of

Then you're gonna get
this one right here.

That one is for you, buddy.

Thank you.

And there you go.thank you.

This one's mine.

Uh-- we almost forgot the star
for the top of the tree, guys!

Oh.oh, I know where it is.

Uh, will you excuse me
for just one minute?


Okay. Just one minute.

So are you
wrapping things up?

Have you made a christmas
convert out of humbug mommy?

No, not yet, but--

See? The clock is ticking.

No no, it is time
to move on, chris.

You don't cook.

I hope this isn't just you
mooning over a pretty face.


He is sound asleep.

Oh, good.

I bet he has visions of
sugarplums dancing in his head.

You're not from here,
are you?


So, where are you from?

Uh, I'm from the north--

The north canada.

Um, northern canada.
And you?

I'm from here.
Born and raised.

Hey, it's a great town.


So, you got married
eight years ago?

How did you know that?

Oh, I just figured.
Eric is seven, and
I did the math.

Oh. Yes, I was married,

And very unceremoniously
dumped when eric was one.


Well, you know,

Sometimes people can't
rise to the occasion.

When people really want
to leave, it's usually
better that you let them go.

Hey, why don't I
come by tomorrow night

And help put up some
more outdoor lights?

Oh-- oh, I can't.

I have this dinner with
a local family tomorrow night.

Oh, okay.

No, its research
that I'm doing

On an article
on christmas spirit.

You are?


Really? That's great!


Yeah. Hey, maybe
I could help you.

I could come with you.
As santa, of course.

Help spread a little
christmas cheer.

You definitely could do that,
judging on tonight,

Yes, I would say you could.

What about your
christmas tree lot?

Oh, jack can handle it.

That's not important.

Besides, i, um--

I really like your company.

It's not a date.


Because it's my job.

No, of course not. I know.

And I'm a professional.

That's right.

So it would be two
professionals working.

Yes. Correct.



I should go.okay.

Yeah.all right.


So, um, tomorrow night.tomorrow night.

Okay.oh, oh--

What time?

Meet me here at 5:30.



Okay, the bidding on this
mike maxim is only $140

With 60 seconds left to go.

I'm gonna put a bid in at $150

When there's only 10 seconds
left so nobody can outbid me.

First of all, that's the same
strategy everyone else uses

And second, are you insane?

$150 For a $20 action figure?

Okay, suzie, I know
it sounds insane,

But I am exhausted
looking for this thing.

I just want to get it done
and pay through the nose
if I have to.

Cross your fingers.

Oh no!

"Sorry, you have been outbid!"

Oh!winning bid is $475!

See? This is what
I told you!

I am so sick of
this time of year!

I've had it!

Jen, you're just putting too
much pressure on yourself

Trying to make
everyone else happy.

Yeah, that's because everyone's
all happy happy happy

And I'm-- I don't know.
I'm lonely.

Hey, hello?
What about me?

What am i,
chopped liver snaps?

Not that kind of lonely.
You know what I mean.

Oh. Oh.

You know, I've just had it
with these dreamer flaky guys

Who won't grow up.
I'm done with boneheads.

I want a nice guy who will
really know how to treat
a lady right.

Amen.i think I deserve that.

Well, of course you do.
And welcome to the club.

Wait. You go on dates
al the time.

Dates, yes.
Mates, no.

At least not this week.

And what are you
complaining about?

You have two guys
fighting over you.

That one guy at work
took you out this week.

Sam? Oh, he is handsome.

I don't know. I'm just
not really feeling it.

Well, that chris seems nice.

And he makes a mean
christmas cookie.

Wait. No more. That's it.

No more. Get 'em away.

Yeah, but my kid thinks
he's santa.

You could do worse than
a guy who wants to spread
joy to the world.

What I'm saying is,
what if it goes really great

And then really bad

And then eric ends up
getting terribly hurt.

You're never gonna know
if you don't take a chance.

It's like winning
the lottery.

You gotta be in it
to win it.

That is do weird. Gertrude
from my work said the same
exact thing.

So how many times
to you have to hear
the same thing?

Oh! Okay okay,
I've gotta be in it to win it.

That'll be my new motto.

Oh no! Sam is here!
I forgot that I promised
lunch with him!

New guy from work?
You said you weren't
interested in him!

Yeah, but you said
I gotta be in it to win it!

Well, yeah, but
not two at once!

Share the wealth! Gosh!

holy moly!

He's gorgeous!

Oh, if you aren't feeling it,
let me know!

Because I am feeling it
right now!



Hey. I was thinking
maybe you weren't home.

Oh, sorry.

Aren't you gonna
introduce me?

Oh, yes. This is suzie,
my neighbor.

Hi, suzie, I'm sam.
Nice to meet you.

Hi. I've heard
all about you.
The new guy.

Welcome.thank you.

Suzie's my oldest friend.


My bestest friend
in the world.

And my son's favorite


I rock. If you ever need
a friend or a babysitter,

You know who to call.

Hey look, it actually says
"friend and babysitter" on here.

It does?no. Just kidding.

Oh. Hah!


Well, this is awkward.

Maybe you two should skedaddle.yeah yeah yeah.

Although I'm not sure
I would use that word.


Okay, have a lovely time.


No murders, no robbery,
no arson.

What's a crime reporter
supposed to do all day
in this sleepy town?

So what about you?

How's the christmas
juju story coming along?

You getting anywhere?

Mmm. Actually I am.


Yeah. I really wasn't
into the story initially,

But when I got
into it, I don't know,
something happened.

Just, something's different.

No really, I mean it.

Life this week, it just
seems a little less grim.

Are you making fun of me?

A little bit.

Well, that was fun, you know?mm-hmm.

Let's do it again.



Oh. Uh...

I'll see you
around the office.



Something's happening
to me, jack.

Something new.

Something wonderful.

Okay, you read my lips.

You have got to find a woman
who is 100% into christmas.

The north pole. Elves.
Reindeer. The color red.

I know, but I get this feeling

That the closer I get jen
to believing in christmas,

The more power I have to bring
christmas to everybody.

Listen, if your powers are
revving up, that's great.

I don't know, maybe
she is the one.

But actions speak
louder than words.

You don't believe that my
power's getting stronger?

No. Not really.okay.

Come on. I want to
show you something.

Come here.

I want to show
you something.
Yeah yeah yeah.

Look. All right, you see
that group of kids over there?

Yeah. What about 'em?

I can tell you
which ones are naughty

And which ones are nice.

Give me a break.they're all nice.

Except for the kid
in the green t-shirt.

Just wait. You'll see.

Hey, bobby!
I'm telling mom!


Okay. Yeah. Now
you have my attention.

Well it's about time.

When do you see her again?tonight.


I am warming up
to this, chris.

Warming up.

Hi! Come on in!ho ho ho!

I'm almost ready.okay.

You look amazing!

Oh, thanks.

Hey, where's eric?

Oh, he's at dinner
at a friend's,

So he'll be home later.okay. All right.

Well, ho ho ho!

Hi.this is our neighbor suzie.

Hi, suzie.hi.

I'm chris underneath
all this stuff.

Yeah, I've seen you before.

I was with jen at the mall
when she bawled you out.

Oh. Thanks for reminding us.yes. I remember now.

And you sure gave this house
a christmas makeover!

Oh, thanks.

And your cookies are
a girl's worst nightmare.

I mean, staple 'em
to my thighs!

Thank you so much!sorry about that.

All right, I'm gonna go get
my stuff. Be right back.

All right.

You treat her right,
you hear?

Oh, yeah, of course.
I will.

'Cause that's my
christmas wish for santa.


Oh, just so you know,
the johnsons are going
through a tough time.

Yeah, the father
lost his job--

How would you know that?

Logical guess. They're--


Well, I hardly imagine they're
full of holiday cheer

No matter what my editor says.

[Doorbell rings]

Oh, here we go.


Miss robbins, right?

Oh, please call me jen.

And santa?

Ho ho ho!
Merry christmas!

This is my friend chris.

He is a professional santa at
the mall.

Come on in!
Welcome! Welcome!

Great! Here, let me
take your coat.



Santa! Santa!
He's here!

Oh, ho ho ho!
Merry christmas!
Stella, right?

How did you
know my name?

'Cause I'm santa claus.
I know everybody's name.

Hello! Santa, welcome!


I'm just finishing up
a few things in the kitchen,

So please make
yourselves at home.

Thank you.okay.

Mommy mommy,
santa knew my name!

That's amazing!

You want to come help me
in the kitchen?




My, you're growing up
so fast.

Bet you're excited
for christmas, huh?

Yes, sir--
I mean, yes, santa.

Oh, good, good!

Dexter, let's get our
guests some drinks, huh?


I never told you
their names, did i?

Oh, I think you did.


So, what's your favorite
part about christmas?



And what about you?

Presents too, but I mostly love
the tree and the lights.

We didn't buy any new
decorations this year.

We made everything ourselves.

Well, that's even better!

Yes, I haven't worked for--
well, for quite a while.

We decided to skip
presents this year.

[Jen] I'm so sorry.

Oh no it's okay.
We have plenty to eat
from the church food bank.

The kids did a great job
with the decorations,

We have each other
and we're healthy. What
more do we really need?

Well, you certainly have a
wonderful attitude about it.

Listen, no matter what
life throws at you,

When christmas comes along,

Everything seems
exactly right, you know?



Oh, no!

Oh, no!


No! Oh!

Everything okay in here?

I forgot to cover it!

Ooh. Um, I think I can help.

But it's a cinder! I--
dinner is ruined!

Oh, no, mrs. Johnson.
It's not ruined.

I've got an idea.
Why don't you go and
hang with the family

And let me see what
I can do in here?

I don't know what
you could possibly do.

Maybe some gravy.

I'm afraid no gravy I know of
is gonna fix this one.

Well let me just
give it a shot.

Come on.

Well, santa knows best.

There you go!
That's the spirit!

Go ahead, relax.

Oh, boy.

How's dinner coming along?

Oh, santa insisted
on making some gravy.

That's great. Now you can
just sit back and relax.


[Clears throat]

Mrs. Johnson, could you
give me a hand in the kitchen?


But how could you do this?

It's not possible!

Oh, it's very possible
because you're such
a good cook.

It's-- it's perfect.

Yeah. Dinner time.
Let's eat!


[All] ooh! Ahh!

[Santa] this looks good!

Honey, you have really
outdone yourself with
this one.

It wasn't--

Didn't she do a great job
on that turkey? Wow!

He just did something
amazing in there.

Oh, believe me, chris
is full of surprises.

Okay, now before we start,

Who knows how many reindeer it
takes to pull santa's sleigh?

That's easy. Eight.


Well, plus rudolph.

Yes, but only
in foggy weather.

[All giggle]

Well, I'm too.

Let's eat.

How's it going in here?

Oh, good.

Need a hand?

Why, sure. Thanks.

I can dry.


Give me that.

My wife and I take turns.

When she cooks, I clean up,

And vice versa.

Hey, you know the christmas tree
farm down on forest road?

Yeah, I know it.

Sure gets busy
around the holidays.

Could use an extra hand,

I mean, you know,
if you had the time.

Of course I got the time.

Oh, yeah? Really?

It pays pretty good.

Full benefits. In fact,
if you like the place,

We could use someone
to manage it year round.

We're expanding the business.

When can I start?

How about tomorrow?

I do not know how
to properly thank you.

No thanks needed.

Oh, the dishes are done?

And your friend here
just offered me a job

At the christmas tree farm.

Pardon me, but I have to
tell my wife the good news.

You didn't
have to do that.

No no no.

Actually, we could really
use a guy like that around.


I still don't know how

You pulled off that magic
in the kitchen.

Well, I'll let you know when
the story runs in the paper.

Please do.

Bye, santa!

[Santa] goodbye, stella.

[Dexter] bye,
nice to see you.

[Santa] nice to
see you, dexter.

There's, uh,
there's presents--

Merry christmas to all.

And to all a good night!


So, you have no explanation how
a bunch of christmas presents

Suddenly appeared
under the christmas tree.

Maybe they were
just empty boxes

Wrapped up for decoration.

And you perform another
miracle in the kitchen

And give the guy a job?

All right, look.
The bottom line is,

The johnson family
deserved a break

And we gave them one.

Doesn't it just make
you feel wonderful?

I mean, they're
such a great family.

They're so loving
with each other.

Yeah, I guess so.

You guess so?
What's the matter?

Come on, jen.

Talk to me. It might
make you feel better.

You already know
that I was married

And that it ended badly.


On the eve of eric's
first christmas.

I don't understand why
you're so upset with me.

I'm upset because
you tricked me into
having a baby!

You're overreacting.

Look, I married you.

I think I've
done enough, okay?

We're done.

We have a baby, paul.



How could you?

You know how much
this means to me!

That thing was ugly!

I'm glad it's busted.

That was the last present
my mom gave me before she died.

I'm so sorry, jen.

It doesn't matter.

No, it does matter.

You know, all I've ever
wanted for eric

Really is what
the johnsons have,

You know, like, two parents
that love each other

And a sibling to play with.

It's what I want him
to have. It's what I want.


But I can't be hurt
like that again.

And I can't put him through
losing another parent either.

We have each other, and--

That'll just have to be enough.

So, you can see why I've
kind of outgrown christmas.

Okay. Um,

I'm gonna say something
that I believe in

More than anything else
in the whole world.

I now you've been through
some really terrible times,

But you can never ever

Stop opening yourself up
to the chance of magic
coming into your life.

And not just for you,
but for eric too.

There's no magic, chris.

There's just life.

No no. No, there's magic.

You just don't see it yet.

I don't know why, but for some
reason, when I'm with you

I'm so close
to believing that.

Can I see you tomorrow?

There's something
I want to show you.



[Jen's voice] "can there
really be christmas magic

For anyone older
than the age of 12?

I for one had my doubts.

And yet deep down there was
nothing I wanted more

Than to regain that
euphoric holiday spirit

That I enjoyed so much
as a child.

Many of my friends and
colleagues look forward
to the christmas season

And seem to embrace all of it.

So why was I dreading it more
and more with each passing year?

So what's the deal
with the new guy?

Mr. Johnson.
He's a lovely man.

You're gonna really like him.

Conscientious worker.
He's got kids too.

We can use the help.

But have you forgotten
our main objective?

No, jack. Look,

Things are really starting
to happen for jen and me.

Whoa! Whoa, okay!
Details, please.

Okay, so we're
at the johnson house

And mrs. Johnson--
lovely woman,

But she completely
burned the turkey.

And I reverse-cooked it
and it was perfect.

You what-- what?

I'm just getting started.

They couldn't afford to buy
presents for the kids this year.


I did what only dad can do.



I generated presents.

You did it!

You did it! You did it!
You did it! You did it!

You did it! You did it!
Oh, man!

I've never done anything
like that before.

But how do we know
it's because of her?

No, it's totally
because of her!

I know it, jack. Jack,
she's the real deal.

You better be right
this time, chris.

Your dad, he just
can't keep doing this.

I know, and I am right.

You would see it too
if you just got a chance
to hang out with her.

Why don't you meet up
with us tomorrow night?

Okay, tomorrow night
is christmas eve.

If she's not the one,

Then you will have no time
left to find someone else.

We're not gonna need
any more time. Trust me.

[Groans] you're k*lling me.

[Gertrude] I only have
one item on my wish list

And I don't think
it's in the cards for me
this year. Maybe next.

Good things come
to those who wait.

Whoever made up that nonsense
must enjoy watching paint dry.

Everybody, please, uh,

May I have your attention?

As most of you know, uh,

I lost my wife
a year and a half ago.

And, well, I found it a very
difficult time to get through.

Feeling sorry for myself,
I decided then and there

That next christmas was
going to be a whole lot happier.

And once I had opened myself up

To the possibility of love,

I suddenly saw this beautiful
lady in a while new light.

What, the overhead

[All chuckling]

No, my dear.
As I was saying,

Gertrude has been
the society page reporter

For over 30 years.

And I wanted to take
this opportunity to announce

That for the
last eight months

She's also been
my secret sweetheart.

Hear hear!

My god, some of you
actually looked surprised!

I thought it was the world's
worst-kept secret.

Now, this next part
nobody knows about,

Including you.

So, let's get on with it.

Gertrude, will you marry me?


You bet I will!

Yes! Yes!

There we go. Oh!

[Workers ooh and aww]

All right all right.
Let's enjoy some punch!


Yes, martin?

I must say
I was surprised.


Your article on
the christmas spirit.

Oh. What were you
surprised about?

It was so optimistic
and hopeful.

Not at all like you.

Gee, thanks!

I don't know. Maybe
santa was rubbing off on me.

I like it.

So what's your secret?

What do you mean?

The last time we talked
you were having writer's

How'd you shake it?

Oh. I don't know. I uh,

I just stopped fighting it,
I guess.

Fighting what?

Well, when you're writing
a piece on the spirit,

It helps if you believe in it.

Aren't we as journalists
supposed to be objective

Hmm. Every piece
has its own point of view.

I can't quite figure you out.

What makes me so mysterious?

Don't you ever dream of writing
more than just human interest

You're smart, savvy,

You could do anything
you want.

Like what?

Like you could be reporting on
women's rights in afghanistan

Or be in switzerland
covering the financial crisis.

You could be anchoring
at a major news channel

Doing something important.

Oh. Like, what I'm doing
is not important.

No, I'm sorry. That--

That came out wrong.

What I meant to ask is this--

If you ever get the itch
to write a story

With a little bit
more meat on the bone,

I could teach you the ropes
of investigative reporting.

You'd be great at it.

Heck, we'd make
a really good team,

Knock this town on its ear.

I'll admit
that sounds tempting.

Well, no pressure. I'm here
whenever you're ready,

So just think about it.


Thank you.

Thank you.

Suzie, it's christmas eve!

I know! I'm so excited!

Whoa! Ho ho ho!

All right, thanks, suze.

I'm just gonna get him
to bed before I go to--

Okay, good night!

Good night!

Santa's coming!



If santa's going
with you, then

How will he deliver
everybody's toys?

Oh. Well, you know
santa doesn't deliver
everybody's presents

Until everyone
is sound asleep.

And we'll be home
long before that.

Um, honey, I was meaning
to ask you,


What if santa doesn't
bring a mike maxim?

But he's bringing one
tonight. He said so.

Right, but what if he doesn't
have enough of them for

You mean another kid
wouldn't get one if I did?

Sure, something like that.

I guess he would bring me
something else, hmm?

Yes, of course he would.



Come on in.oh, thanks.

Wow, you lost a lot of weight
since I last saw you.

Oh, yeah.and you got really cute.

Jen's just putting eric to bed.
She'll be down in a minute,

So just come on in.

Okay, all right.

Can santa tuck me in?

I'll go ask.
Good night, honey.

Good night.

I love you.

I love you too.


He was just asking
if you'd tuck him in.

Hi, santa!

Hey, buddy!

Yes, of course.
I'd love to.

I'll go et my things
and I'll meet you
by the door.

Okay. Bring something warm,
'cause it's gonna be kind
of chilly.

Okay. Good night, honey.
I love you.

I love you too, mom.

Hey, buddy! Merry christmas!

Merry christmas to you!

You all ready for bed?

Yeah. Uh, santa,

Can I ask you for one more
thing for christmas

Or is it too late?

No, I think that'd be
okay. What is it you
want to wish for?

See, the thing
I really really want--


Is for my mom to be happy.

Um, you don't think
your mom's happy?

I guess she's happy.
It's just that--

What is it, buddy?

My dad went away
before I can remember.

Oh, I know.

I just think she's
lonely sometimes.

Yeah, but she's got you.

And she's got suzie,

And all of her friends and
the people she works with.

Yeah, but,

I just want her to--
you know--

You mean fall in love
with the right guy?

Yeah. And--

You always come through.

I'll do my best.


Are we really
gonna make it?

Yeah, completely.

So, where are we going?

It's a surprise.

Ooh. Well, you should
probably let me know

So I can get us there.

Oh yeah. Yeah,
I'm the co-pilot,

So you just leave that to me.


[Chris laughing]

Oh! I haven't been here
in so many years!

When I was a little girl I used
to dream of a white christmas

And of course it
would never snow.

But this was
the next best thing.

It was my favorite
thing to do,

To come on christmas eve--

How could you know that?

Uh, good guess?

Well, come on, let's go
on the ice!

I can't believe that this place
has hardly changed at all.

It's all part of
the spirit of christmas.

You still don't believe,
do you?

I really don't know
what I believe anymore.

Jen, it brought us
together, didn't it?


And look what
the spirit of christmas

Is doing all around us,
right here, right now.

Okay, you see this
young couple right here?


That young man, he
has a ring in his pocket.

In a little while he's
gonna get down on one knee

And he's gonna ask
his girl to marry him.

How could you
possibly know that?

Okay, yes, your intuition
is off the charts,

But you're not
a mind reader, are you?

Are you?

Well, I am santa's son.

You know what?
I would almost believe that.

I've never known a grown man
to be quite so into christmas

Look, jen, I'm leaving
for the north pole

Tonight at midnight and
I want you to come with me.

And you have such
a goofy sense of humor.

I really love that
about you.

In fact, I think I'm
falling in love with you.

Oh, jen,
I'm in love with you too.

That's what I've been trying
to tell you. I love you.

I love you and
I love eric too.

I want you both
to come with me

Because you see, jen,

You've made me ready.

You've made me ready to finally
take over for my dad

And become santa myself
so christmas could continue.

I guess I was a little lonely
at the pole, okay,

But I read a lot, and I spent
a lot of time with the elves
in the workshop.

And my dad-- santa,
that is--

He taught ne all about
the different local
traditions for christmas--

Jen, are you okay?


I'm feeling a little queasy.

Is there anything
I can get you?

Do you want to leave?


Yes, I think
I should leave.

Suzie can't stay
that late anyways.

Jen, what is it?
What's wrong?

I've done it again.

I've wasted my time on another
guy who can't grow up,

Who thinks he's the frickin'
son of santa claus.

What's wrong with me?
Why does this keep happening?

You! You're delusional!
You're a fraud!

No, jen. No,
it's the truth.

Can't you just see that?

What am I gonna tell eric?

The truth!


Finally I get to meet her!

I really hope things are going
as well as you said they are.

I blew it.

She was the one and I blew it.

Hey, okay, we'll
figure it out. Come on.

Come on, we'll figure it out.

[Sam] hello?

Hey, um, it's jen.

Hey. What's wrong?

Well, um, we need to talk.

That sounds loaded.

Yeah, I know it's late,
and it's christmas eve,

But would you mind meeting me
for a drink, please?

I'd really like to
do this face to face.

Okay, sure. Our usual hangout?

Okay. Yes. I'm on my way.

So, what is this all about?

Uh, well,

Um, being a single parent

Is something that
I take very seriously.

I admire that about you.

Thank you. And I'm very
proud of my son

And I'm proud of the job
I've done raising him on my own.

That being said, I would,
you know, uh--

If I found someone, the right

Would like to have a man
in my life.

I think that's great.
You deserve it.

Okay. The problem is that, uh,

When I'm dating someone
and things start to click,

I can't just
think about myself.

I have to consider
whether or not this person

Would be right for my son
as well.

Of course.

I mean, if you're looking
for a serious relationship,

But I hope you weren't
thinking, well, us,

Like you and me.

I didn't know what to think.

That's what I'm here
to find out.

Jen you're an amazing woman.

I'm just really not ready
to settle down.

I'm just not that guy.

Thank you for being honest.

Couldn't we keep it
the way it is?

Casual, no strings attached?

No. It's not enough.

I'm looking
for something more.

Please don't go.

Merry christmas, sam.


Hi! Jen, this article
you wrote is so beautiful!

How was the date?

What is it, honey?

He's not the one,
no more than sam is.

You mean chris?

He wants us to go with him
to the north pole.

I don't understand.

He loves me and eric.

And tonight he wants us to go
home with him to the north pole

To live there
with santa, his dad,

And I guess mrs. Claus
and the elves, and
the reindeer--

Oh, he's just joking.
He's got that quirky
sense of humor.

No he's not.
He's out of his mind.

No. I met him. He's not crazy.
Trust me, I know crazy.
He's not one of those.

I saw it in his eyes.

He believed every word
that he was saying.

I can't believe I did this.

What did you do?

I fell in love
with him, suzie!

I thought that he would actually
love me and be a father to my

I've ruined everything!

I just wanted a sweet,
beautiful christmas

For that wonderful
little boy in there

And now I've given him one
that will make him miserable!

What am I gonna tell eric
when he never sees chris again?

Oh, honey.

And I don't even have
a mike maxim action figure!

I'm a complete failure!

No, you're not.
You're not at all.

I just want to go to bed.

You gonna be okay?

I have to be.
For eric.

It's christmas tomorrow.

Yeah. Well, you're gonna
feel better in the morning,
I promise.

I'm gonna head out now.okay.

But I'll see you
tomorrow, okay?


Thank you so much
for everything.

I don't know what
I'd do without you.

Me either.

Because I'm awesome.

See, you're smiling.
You're gonna be okay.

Merry christmas.

Merry christmas.


Why don't you believe
chris is the real santa?

Honey, chris is
a great santa.

I know that you
like him very much.

I do.

But chris just
pretends to be santa

To try to make people happy.

Because nobody ever sees
the real santa, right?

He comes when you're
asleep and leaves
before you wake up.

And what would happen
if you stayed up all night?

Then he wouldn't come.

That's right.

So how could he be
the real santa?

Because I believe
in chris, mom.

I can't believe
I did it again.

Maybe I'm just a washout.

Well, you got a half hour
left before it's midnight.

Who knows? Maybe
a miracle will happen.

I just felt so very
close to her, jack.

It was incredible!

When I was with her
I felt power and peace

And excitement and love
all at the same time!

That is exactly what
your dad said you would feel

When you met the right one.

She's changed you.
You've changed her.

You're both better, stronger.

You gotta do something, chris.

Use your magic.
Christmas needs you.

She needs you.

Mom, what's that over there?

I don't know. Santa
hasn't come yet, honey.

A present, see?
And it's for me!


May I open it now, please?

Uh, of course.

A mike maxim action man!

I told you santa
would bring it for me!

Oh, honey.yeah!

There's another box!

And it has
your name on it!


Oh my gosh.


Come on, we have to go.

Where are we going?
It's christmas eve.

Where are we going?

Put your shoes on.where are we going?

I'm getting your jacket.

I've got the keys.
You ready, buddy?

Mom, just tell me
where we're going!

Okay! Okay! We're
gonna go see santa.


[Jen] oh, it's suzie.

Honey, where are you going
at this godforsaken hour?

The north pole.what?

Oh, and here, before I forget,

My christmas present to you,

With sincere blessings
and best wishes.


Bye, suze.

Bye, suzie. I'll miss you!


"Sam franklin."

[Gasps] sam the new guy!


It's almost midnight. Man,

I don't think that miracle
is going to pan out, my friend.

I've done everything
I can, you know?

If she doesn't respond, maybe
it's just not meant to be.

No! Not red! Green!
Turn green!

Whoa! How did that
happen so fast?

It's green,
mom! Just go go go!

Okay okay!

Come on, mom!

We're too late!

They've already gone!


I'm sorry, buddy.

Mom, who's that over there?

It's santa!


I believe!

Not a moment too soon.

I believe in
the christmas spirit
and I believe in you!

Every year from now on
I promise to show you
the wonder of christmas.

Because for
the first time,

I found my strength
in you, jen.

And I found it in you!

Hey, mom, it's snowing!

[End music playing]

[Music ends]
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