All I Want for Christmas (2013)

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All I Want for Christmas (2013)

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Oh, we wish you
a Merry Christmas ♪

♪ We wish you
a Merry Christmas ♪

♪ We wish you
a Merry Christmas ♪

♪ And a Happy New Year

♪ Good tidings we bring

♪ To you and your kin

♪ Good tidings for Christmas

[phone ringing]

What's up, Ella?

What's up?
I'll tell you what's up.

You were supposed to be at
my place for dinner last night.

That's what's up.

Really? I thought
that was next Sunday.

No, it was last night.

We invited Tom's friend Paul,

Ugh. The ventriloquist?
The guy with the dummy?

He was really looking forward
to meeting you.

Which one? The ventriloquist
or the dummy?

You're so funny.

I'm sorry.
I must've forgot.

You only hear
what you want to hear

when you want to hear it.
You drive me crazy.

I am trying to help,
you know.

That's what sisters do
for sisters who are...

- Workaholics?
- I was gonna say spinsters,

but they both work.

I do appreciate your efforts
on my behalf, I really do.

Look, I want you to check out
this new website I heard about.

Ugh, please,
not another dating site.

It's called
The guy who designed it

is a mathematical genius
or something.

According to the radio,

it's meant to be the next
big thing in dating.

Do you believe everything
you hear on the radio?

You do realize
I work in advertising.

Mom, remind her about
this afternoon.

Max wants me to remind you
about this afternoon.


Please don't tell me
you've forgotten that, too.

No, of course not.

You're taking him
to see Santa

because I'm volunteering
at the soup kitchen.


I'll drop him
at your office at 3:00.

Got it.

♪ Can you feel
the magic in the air ♪

Ho ho ho!

Spare a penny,
help the homeless!

Ho ho ho!

Spare a penny,
help the homeless!

Hey, lady, how about it?

Hey, stop ringing
that bell at me.

Do you know
how annoying that is?

Yes, I do, but it got
your attention, didn't it?


Hey, how much do you make

in, say, an hour's worth
of ringing that bell?

I don't know.
A couple of bucks.

Five dollars, maybe?

Yeah, sure, maybe.

You know, minimum wage
is $8 an hour,

if you get
where I'm going with this.

Listen, lady,
I got a nighttime job.

I'm only volunteering here
to help out, okay?

The money's not for me.
It's for the needy.

Hmm. A volunteer.
Well, that's different.

All right,
I'll give you $5.00.

Stop ringing that bell
for the next hour.

- Sheesh.
- [ringing]

Can you hear me now?
Ho ho ho!

Ho ho ho!

I will have a large.

Three sh*ts today,
extra strong and--

Hi. Your usual?

- Two, please.
- Great.

Uh, excuse me, there's a line.

I know, but I'm running late
today, so if you don't mind...

So I guess the rules
just don't apply to you?

Uh, no, of course, they do,
but I'm on my way to work.

Oh, like none of us
have anywhere we need to be.

I'm sorry.
I've upset you.

But you see, I'm an executive,
and a lot of people depend on me

to be at a certain place at
a certain time or it's chaos.

- But I'll go to the back.
- No, no, no!

Since you're running late
and you're a busy executive,

- I'll let you cut in front.
- Great, thanks.

I'm gonna need to clear it
with everyone else in line.

Uh, show of hands. Does anyone
have a problem with--

What's your name?


With Elizabeth cutting
in line in front of you?


Democracy rules.

Here you go.

You are a lifesaver.

You work at the Conroy
ad agency, right?

I do.

I just graduated from NYU
with a degree in advertising,

and I was wondering if you could
maybe take a look at my resume.

You should really submit
your resume to human resources

like everyone else does.

Time is money to me,

and I don't work
in the employment department.

I'm vice president, so...

Oh. Sorry, I didn't know.

What I meant was,
sure, of course. Why not?

Here's my card. E-mail me,
and I'll see what I can do.

That's so nice of you.

Don't mention it.

Ho ho ho!

Spare a penny,
help the homeless!

Ho ho ho!

Spare a penny,
help the homeless!

Ho ho ho!

How about it, sir?

Spare a penny?

Hey, Santa, how's it going?

It's a little slow.

There's a lot of Scrooges
out there this year.

I'll bet, but it's guys like you
who are changing all that.

Well, I think people should
try to care a little bit more.

You're preaching
to the choir, Santa.

So how about it, huh?

Well, I'm starting
a new job today.

Maybe this will bring me
a little luck.

Well, I do know that will
certainly bring good luck

to some unfortunate person.

Well, I sincerely hope so.

Well, thank you
for your generosity, sir,

and taking the time out
to listen to an old man.

Not a problem.
And you are not an old man.

You're Santa Claus.

Ho ho ho! Good luck
with your new job, sir!

Now, that's a nice man.

Ho ho ho ho!

Spare a penny,
help the homeless!

Ho ho ho ho!

Well, when you consider
the impact,

I'm sure that you're gonna see
the market potential, yes.

I'd never
steer you wrong, Scott.

You can thank me later.

Hey, give the kids a kiss
from Uncle Bob.

Wait. Could you hold the door?
Hold the door, please?


Got it.

Whoa! Aah!



Good morning, Elizabeth.

Morning, guys.

- You all right?
- Fine.

You got a little something
right there.

Morning, Liz!

Wait. What happened?
Are you okay?

I had a little accident.

Don't worry about it.
There's a free cappuccino bar

set up in the break room.

- A free cappuccino bar, really?
- Yeah.

Somebody paid
for the whole thing.

How nice of them.

I printed everything up
on the Strohman account,

just like you'd asked.

Oh, thanks, Kevin.
Have we heard from Charles?

Mr. Conroy is waiting
in his office.

Huh. Wonderful.

People, this company has
suffered a serious setback.

But we've just had
our best year ever.

Please. Strohman's Cookies?

Fiber Bites Cereal?

We just lost the Janus account
to Rossmore Concepts,

our smallest competitor.

And they constituted

Rossmore Concepts?
That's impossible.

They don't have an original idea
inside their entire building.

Well, I don't know how
they did it, but they did.

Now, as your CFO, I am
telling you we need new clients.

Clients with deep pockets.
It's time to modernize.

Charles, did you know
about this?

The company's been backsliding
for a while now,

so we had to address this.

the big ad agencies

aren't family businesses

They're conglomerates.

We're talking branding,

sales promotions,
multimedia productions,

interactive marketing,
all the...

You've got 10 days

before these offices close
for the Christmas break.

We need to turn up
the heat, fast.

A lot can happen in 10 days.
What's the quota?

- Wow.
- I've got some good news.

You can tell the board of
directors that I have a plan.

- Really? A plan?
- Yeah.

I'm bringing in someone
to assist with our efforts.

That means
you're spending more money.

What do you mean, assist?

He's one of the fastest-rising
young executives

in our business.

He singlehandedly got the
Carter Corporation account

for OmniPublic.

That was a $350 million deal.

Well, who is
this miracle worker?


Hey, Boss.



I'm sorry.
I'm at a loss.

I can fix that, though.
I'm Robert Morgan.

Elizabeth, Louis,
I'd like you to meet

our newest team member

- How are you, sir?
- Robert.

Charles, how could you do this
without consulting me first?

This is my VP,
Elizabeth Watson.

And thank you for
the generous gift to the staff.

- It's very thoughtful.
- It's my pleasure.

Just wanted to thank everyone
for the opportunity to play.

I'm sure it's gonna be great.

No, thanks.
I'm already wearing one.

And no offense,
but I am perfectly capable

of handling this situation
on my own.


- Sure.
- Sweetener?

- Sure.
- I'm sure you can.

I just want to contribute
however possible.

Charles, please.

Elizabeth, no one's doubting
your talent or creativy.

It's just that Robert has...
people skills.

People what?

Elizabeth, if you really want
to succeed in this business,

you have to get the client
to like you.

And to do that,
you have to listen.

Listen to the client,
listen to the marketplace.

I wasn't asking you.

Elizabeth, I'm told
you were actually texting

while meeting
with one of our clients.

Well, you know, with all the big
deals I have spinning around,

I have to stay
on top of things.

And besides, it was
one of our small clients.

We don't have any
small clients.

Thank you.

I understand.

And you know what?

I'm gonna reach the quota.

And I'm gonna do it
without your help.

Okay. Well, if we're not
gonna do it as teammates,

I'll just figure out
another way.

You do that.
And you know what?

I can't be bought
for the price of a cappuccino!

Excuse me.

I think that went rather well.


Oh! Are you okay?

Help me up.

Thank goodness
those were iced cappuccinos.

Shut up with
the cappuccinos already.


Your 3:00 is here,
and it's 4:00.

Oh, no.

♪ Whoo

I don't listen to people?
I mean, can you believe it?

Me? What's that all about?

- I don't know.
- Me neither.

I mean, I'm listening to you
right now, aren't I?

I guess so, but I'm not
really saying anything.

Well, that's just my point.

I can hear that you're
not saying anything,

which proves
I'm listening, right?

I think so.

- This place is so cool!
- Mm-hmm.

Oh, I love that game!

I think you're supposed
to turn here.

Oh, okay.

Hey, look!

Oh, I'm sorry, Max.

Mom said we had to be here
by 4:30.

It's after 5:30 now.

I know.
It's all my fault.

I guess I wasn't
paying attention

when your mom told me
about the time.

Maybe you don't really
listen very good after all.

You think?

Hey, kid!

You missed out
on seeing Santa.

- I guess so.
- It's all my fault.

I was running late
from work and--

And now he's gone
for the rest of the day,

and you're in a real funk.

That about sums it up.

Maybe I can help.

Really? How?

You know, me and old Mr. C.,
we're just like that.

So tell you what,
come on over here,

tell me what you want
for Christmas,

and I'll make sure
it gets passed on

all the way to the big guy.

Would you?
Could you?

I can and I will.

Gee, that's great!

Come on over here
and sit next to Calvin.

There we go.

Now, tell me, what would you
like for Christmas?

Danger Dog action figure.

How original.

What's wrong with Danger Dog?

Look, if a magical elf came all
the way down from the North Pole

and told me I could have
anything I wanted,

I wouldn't waste it on
a Danger Dog action figure.

All right then.
How about a motorcycle?

Too late.
You asked for Danger Dog.

Uh, we'll start with this.

And maybe, just maybe,

if you're a really good boy,

Santa will bring you
the real thing on Christmas.


All right.
Come on, sister, you're next.

Oh, no, no, no. I'm just--
I'm just here--

Come on over here.
Take a load off.

I got a quota.

That's funny.
I got a quota too.

Go on, Auntie Liz.

All right.

You know
what I'm talking about.

Now, what can I get you
for Christmas?

Oh, that's all right.
I'm here for my nephew.

My sister's volunteering
in a soup kitchen, so.

Soup kitchen?

Wow. She's a really
caring person.

Oh, she is.
She's very caring.

And I just messed up because
I stayed late at work and--

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

There must be something
you want for Christmas.

How about...

your own personal elf?

Okay, there's someone at work

that says I don't have
any people skills,

that clients don't like me,

and I never listen to people.

Oh, so you want some rockin'
people skills for Christmas.

Oh, no, that's not it.

I just want to prove to them
how wrong they are about me.

Oh, so--

Excuse me, let me do
the talking, all right, buddy?

Lay it on me.

I want to understand

what it is that people
dislike about me.

I want to know what
they're really thinking.


That's a heavy responsibility.

Are you sure
you're ready for that?

You're not gonna always like
what people say.

Well, I thought I could ask
for whatever I wanted.

It's not like you're gonna
give it to me or anything.

Oh, that is so cheap-looking.

You're never gonna get any girls
handing out stuff like that.


This pin is infused with
the magic of Christmas.

The magic of Christmas?
How does it work?

Oh, you wait till
the stroke of midnight,

and then you look
to the Christmas star,

and you make a wish.


Mm, no, not really.

It's a pin.
You wear it.

Thanks, but it's not my style.

Take it.

I don't want it.

Take it. I have a quota.

And this is only for you.

Okay, fine,
if it gets me out of here.

You do realize
I've only just met you,

and I already dislike you.

Wow. Seriously?

You have no idea.

Oh, wow.

What do you know?

Come on, let's go.

You'd be surprised.

♪ I'm so sad this Christmas

♪ This lonely heart
walks you around ♪

That's pretty cool.

And it wasn't even from Santa.

So I heard.

Guess you're pretty lucky
that elf came along.

We were.

Sorry about that.

Show Mom
what the elf gave you.

Oh, no, that's okay.

It's nothing, really.

Let's see it.
Come on.

The height of fashion.

No, it's pretty.

You should wear it.

You think so?

No. I meant
it's pretty hideous.

So cheap and gaudy looking.

If you don't like it,
why don't you just say so?

Who says I don't like it?

I think it's gorgeous.

Oh. Okay.

And I have a big surprise
for you. Paul?




Now, Edgar, don't be rude.

Say hello
to the pretty lady.

Hubba hubba hubba!


I'm really sorry.
Boys will be boys.

Oh, dear.

Paul forgot his hat here
last night

and just dropped by
out of the blue to pick it up.

Isn't that great?

Now you two can have dinner
together after all.

That is so great.

Wow. What a knockout body
on that babe.

Wait, tha--
You're really good at that,

I didn't even see
your lips move.

Oh... Mama's gonna need
a Christmas miracle

if I'm gonna
pull this one off by myself.

"Companies to target."

Any ideas, Bailey?

I didn't think so.

[phone chimes]

"Ella, I can't decide
if you really love me

or you really hate me."

"Tired of being alone?

We've got a patented
mathematical method

to find you
the love of your life."

Gimme a break.

Who writes their copy?

So what do you think, Bailey?

Am I that desperate
that I need a website

to find the love of my life?

[Baliey whines]

Hmm, yeah, you're right.

Thank you, Santa,
for bringing happiness

to the children of Mars.

And he Christmas spirit
to all of us.

Sure. From the bottom
of my heart,

I wish you and yours

the very best of everything.

Ho ho ho!

Merry Christmas, everybody!

Captain Claus is here!

Ho ho ho!
Merry Christmas!


All right,
hope you're hungry, buddy.


Did you just say something?


Okay, no more all-nighters
for me.


Look, if you wanna say
something, just say it.

Huh. That's what I thought.

- Wish me luck.
- [mumbles]

[bell ringing]

Ho ho ho!

Spare a penny!

Oh, great.

Here comes
Miss Grumpy Pants.

Wait, what did you
just call me?


You just called me a name.

Don't tempt me, lady.

I didn't say anything, ma'am.

Would you like to make
a donation?

Don't get greedy.

Ho ho ho!

Great. I was hoping I'd never
have to run into her again.

Are you talking to me?

Hi, Elizabeth. Usual?

Are you really gonna
cut the line again?

Um, no. I came in today

to tell you that I'm not
cutting the line today.

I don't need any coffee,
so there.

Ugh, get real.

Should I mention the resume?

Why didn't I ask if she got it?

Oh, your resume!
I completely forgot.

But I promise
I'll get to it ASAP.

Oh, I wasn't even gonna
bring it up.

I know you're busy.

Yeah, busy making people

Hey, I'm working on that.

What? I--


How weird was that?

See you tomorrow.

Wow. Where's she get that
cheap, junky-looking pin?

Hey, Elizabeth. Coffee?

Uh, yeah. Thanks.

Man, she is looking hot today.

I wonder if she's into
younger guys?

Just so you know,
I'm barely 30.

You-- You look much younger.

You're darn right I do.

Wonder if he's into
younger guys?

I'm glad you're here.

I thought maybe something
had happened to you.

I just got caught up
in a late show,

and I overslept.

She's probably
nursing a hangover.

Thanks, Kevin.
I'm fine.

- What?
- Oh, you know what.

You know what? Just keep
your thoughts to yourself.

Liz, are you okay?
Are you having a migraine?

I'm not having a migraine!
I'm not.

I'm just... stressed.

Oh, not to add to it,

but Charles said he'd like
an update on your new clients.

Okay, well, get the books.

I'm already on it.
But are you?

Shouldn't you be leaving
just now?


Oh, hey, there she is.

So, any progress?



The quotas.


Oh, as a matter of fact,
I have a couple of leads.

Hot ones. Hot.

Sure you do.
You are so faking it.

I am not.

Excuse me?

She's having a migraine.

No, I told you
I'm not having.

I'm not--

You said mi-- You--


I'm having a migraine.
I need to sit down.

You're looking a little pale.

I have to go.
I'm not feeling well.

But we have
a lot of work to do.

I really want a latte,
but my dietician would k*ll me.

The cashier is single.

Guess I 'll be spending
another Christmas alone.

Next year will be different.

This brownie
tastes like cardboard.

What am I gonna get her
for Christmas?

[several people
talking at once]

[talking stops]

It stopped.

I don't hear anything.

Maybe Kevin was right.
It was just a migraine.

That or I'm going crazy.

What a lousy tip.

Maybe I can buy a stick of gum
with it later.

[talking continues]

[talking stops]

What is going on?

[talking continues]

This isn't possible.

So you see,
the naughtier you are,

the more of a reverse sort
of energy field you can make.

So that's good, you know?

The naughtier, the better.

You! We need to talk.

Hold that thought.

Wait, so you're telling me
that this pin

allows me to hear
other people's thoughts?

Will you pipe down?

Do you know how much trouble
I would be in

if the big guy heard that
I gave a human magical powers

for Christmas?


This just keeps getting
better and better.

So now you're telling me
that you're a real elf,

like from the North Pole.

You want proof?

Here's proof.


This is Max's wish list.

I saw him give it to the mailman
like 3 weeks ago.

How did you get this?

Okay, so let's just say,

you're a real elf.

Why would you give me
a magical pin?

Because I thought,

that you being able to hear
what other people were thinking

might give you a lesson
in how to listen.

We're not always
supposed to know

why things are
the way they are.

If you want change,

you have to effect change
from within yourself.

So true.

Now can I have my pin back?

Oh, no, don't be silly.
This thing is priceless.

I just have to learn how to
use it and control it better.

Just shut out the voices
I don't want to hear.

That's not exactly the lesson
I wanted you to learn.

Maybe so, but a gift
is a gift is a gift.

Thank you.

This is gonna be
my ticket to the top.

- You wouldn't.
- Oh, but I would.

Merry Christmas.

Cheaters never prosper.

Oh, don't worry.

I'm just gonna use it
to become a better...

people person.

Oh, now I've really
messed things up.

Tonight on Eye on Frisco,

we have a special guest
in studio.

And, ladies, hang on
to your hats on this one

because we have a mega
action movie star,

not to mention a regular
He-Man, Larry Eastwood.

Larry, thanks for dropping by.

Thanks, Biff. It's great to be
here in the city by the bay.

After your last stinker,

I'm surprised they didn't
dump you in the bay.

You are here to promote your
new movie, Larry of Arabia,

which way hits theaters
this weekend.

Gimme some details on that.

That's right, Biff, and
I'm very happy to be engaging

in the type of film my fans
have been requesting for years,

a nice, light romantic comedy.

And the ladies
definitely line up

when Larry Eastwood
puts a pic in the theaters.

Yeah, they line up
to get their money back.

Well, you know, Biff, after
the success of my first film,

Something About Larry,

I started getting into
action films.

But now I feel like
there's a new way to go.

I'm tired of all that gunplay,
the gratuitous v*olence,

the fightings, the bloodshed.

But you had some success
with the movie

you filmed last year
in San Francisco.

What was that movie?

That's right. Dirty Larry
broke box-office records.

Yeah, it broke
the record for being

the worst film of the year.


And there you have it,
ladies and gentlemen...

This thing is good.

Larry Eastwood, it's a pleasure
to see you in the studio.

Thanks, Biff,
my pleasure.

Robert Morgan, you're never
gonna know what hit you.


Ella, you don't know
when to give up, do you?

Bailey, Mama's gonna
be back later tonight.

And if all goes well, I'm gonna
get you a big juicy steak.


I couldn't have
said it better myself.


Ho ho ho!

Spare a penny,
help the homeless!

Ho ho ho!

- Spare a penny, he--
- Morning, Santa!

You again.
Here comes another lecture.

Good morning, miss.

Here you go.

Have a good one.

Wow. Wonder what got into her?
Oy vey!

Double espresso no-foam latte,
just the way you like it.

Go on, bring it up.
You have to ask her.

Oh, by the way, I haven't had
time to get to your resume yet.

Yesterday was a little crazy,
but I promise I'll look at it

as soon as I can.

Don't worry.

If you're too busy,
I understand.

Why did I just say that?

I'm such an idiot.

A promise is a promise.


Please just stay away from me.

There she is. Just the person
I was looking for.

Hey, Elizabeth.

You know, we haven't
had a chance to talk

since Robert came onboard.

So how are you holding up?

I know she's a hard worker.

I just need to make sure
the company's in good hands.

Actually, things are looking up,

and I think I'm gonna make our
quota without any difficulty.

Oh, I wish I believed her.

That's good news.

Don't worry.
Things are about to change.

If you want change,
you have to effect change.

My dad used to say that
all the time.

So true.

I ever tell you that my father
wanted to give this business

to my Uncle Jake and not to me?


He wanted me to be a priest.

- Can you imagine that?
- No.

Me neither, but I promised him
I could handle it,

and this company
would always be in good hands.

It is in good hands.

Then why am I so worried?

Don't be.

I'm gonna turn things around.

Thank you, Elizabeth.

The way you say that,
I almost believe you.

You can.

Listen, can you meet
me and Robert in my office

- in 10 minutes?
- Certainly.

Great. I'll see you up there.

Morning, boys!

Oh, and, Philip, I'm afraid
he's not your type.


Dude, what's she
talking about?

I-I don't know.

No need to get
the straitjacket.

All I needed was
a good night's sleep.

Any messages?

Yeah, your sister called.

She wanted to know if you
got her text message

about that

Ugh. Unfortunately, yes.

Oh, and there's a resume
in my inbox

from a recent graduate
named Jenny.

Make sure it gets
to human resources.


Oh, yeah,
and then she said-- Yeah.

- Great time.
- Morning, Robert.

Hey, good morning.

Feeling better?

Much, thanks.

You look like
a million bucks today.

Well, first of all,

I'd like to apologize
for my behavior yesterday.

I had a severe migraine.

I'm sorry about that.

Now where are we
on meeting our quota?

Well, I was just thinking
about that, actually.

Actually, over at OmniPublic,

we had been looking
at pharmaceuticals.

A lot of really strong firms
coming into play right now.

If you look, especially
just turn to page 47...

Medical companies
are so unpredictable.

Of course, uh, pharmaceuticals
can be very unpredictable.


And if the board
is already nervous,

then we might want to go with
something a little more firm.

Not bad.
Maybe something in tech.

Something a little more firm.

I was thinking something
in the technology sector.

Uh, maybe dot-coms?

We'd have to make sure
there isn't another bubble.

That was a disaster.

Now, I know that
the tech bubble hit hard,

but a lot of these companies
have found their footing now.

In fact, there are
a lot of opportunities

in some smaller firms.

She's actually not bad.
Beauty and brains.

So could you do
some research on those firms

and give us
some revenue reports?

Of course.

You know...

if you were to choose a whale,

a company that stands out
from all the other startups,

one company,

what would you choose?

Well, um, uh...

Uh-oh! Busted.

How about, um...

The online dating site?

Why didn't I think of that?
I'm even a member.

You are? You?

Uh, what?

Well, it's not
just a dating site.

My research shows me that, um,

it actually is...

a very, um,
advanced way of...

matching people together, yeah.

She doesn't know
what it's about at all.

Be more specific.
Tell me exactly how it works.

Well, it's all
very scientific, really.

Um, they use
advanced algorithms

to pair people based on
compatibility and...

Interests, occupation,

Interests, occupation,

Whoa, that was spooky.

How many members do they have?

Oh, a million or...

Try 10 million.

Ten million, actually.

give or take
a few lonely-hearts.

Robert, didn't you say

that you were a member
of MatchMe?

I've heard of them,
but who hasn't?

I like this, Elizabeth,
I like this idea a lot.

And when I land them
as a client,

it'll be bigger
than the Janus account.


Get out there!
Make it happen!

Sorry to interrupt
your pharmaceutical thing.

Your instincts are uncanny,

I may have misjudged you.

Well, it's all
in the research.

I'll bet.

So how did you know
that I was on that site?

Didn't you mention it?

Nope, never mentioned it
to anyone.

Huh. Lucky mistake, I guess.


Could she be spying on me?


Tonight on Eye on Frisco,

we have a special guest
in the studio, Kroeger Johnson.

Of course, Kroeger from
Kroeger, Nash, and Barnholtz.

He'll be performing at Pier 87
New Year's Eve.

Kroeger, welcome to the show.

Peace out, brother.

Does this guy even know
where he is right now?


I understand you'll be
performing all of your big hits

from the '60s and early '70s
at the show, correct?

That is, if you can
remember the words.


I-I think that's right, yeah.

Fantastic. Can't wait.

I can't wait to get
the hell out of here.


Is that New Year's Eve?

Kroeger, New Year's Eve
is next weekend.


Maybe I should come back then.

Please don't.

This is the best show ever.

All right, Kevin,

let's see if we can't beat
Robert Morgan at his own game.

I've made a list of all
up-and-coming tech firms

and dot-coms in the city.

- Let's set up meetings.
- Sure.

Call MatchMe and set up
a meet-and-greet.

I want to sign them
before Robert Morgan does.

I'll track down their number.


Okay, let's see
what you can really do.

Now if I'm right, I'm sensing
hesitation about effectiveness.

I can offer your site
an accumulative audience

across the board.

I'd say it's like
you're reading my mind.


Ms. Watson, you have
an uncanny ability

to know the answers
to all my questions

even before I ask them.

I try.

You strike me as someone
probably concerned with value.

What would you say about a flat
rate with a forced combination?

I would say
we both think alike.

I'm guessing you might be
interested in a broader target

than the other guys
are offering.

Have you ever thought about
a scatter package?

It's amazing.

You seem to know
exactly what I like.

Well, thank you, Mr. Carter.

And yes, I'm a natural blonde.

I'd like to get
my hands on that.

Shame on you, Mr. Carter!


It's amazing, Liz.

It's like you were in tune
to exactly what they needed.

I try.

Five clients?
Not only is she beautiful,

but she's got
the magic touch as well.

You're darn right I do.

She's on fire.

Louis, heard you
wanted to see me.

Yeah, come on, sit down.

Are you sure
this is a good time?

You look a little occupied.

"Worried" is the proper term,
and who wouldn't be?

I have a lot to be
worried about.

Well, I hope that I can
alleviate some of that.


That's what concerns me.

What do you mean?

Robert, you have
a sterling reputation.

Real go-getter.

As Charles pointed out,
you're a people person.

- I like to think so.
- Yeah, and yet,

here you are, just a few days
before Christmas,

available to drop in
on a moment's notice

and save the day.

Why is that?

Why is what?

Why is it
that a guy like you,

with everything
you've accomplished,

needs a job at Christmastime?

Well, let's just say
that I'm not perfect.


Yes, I have helped
some companies,

but I haven't always made
everyone happy doing it.

I think you just lost me.

I tend to be too honest,

or at times,
too honest too quickly.

Ah. Meaning
you get the job done,

but you ruffle a few corporate
feathers along the way.

Yeah, some people think
that I make them look bad.

I'm trying to work on that.

That's why I don't wanna
step on Elizabeth's toes.

I'm trying to get her
to like me,

if that is at all possible.

Well, she is one tough cookie,

but at her core, she's actually
a very sweet girl.

Maybe a little bit of a loner,

but I think you could
win her over.

Just don't be
too aggressive.

Hang around the edges,
work your magic from over there.

You think so?

Well, it depends on how badly
you want her to like you,

if you catch my drift.

I do.

- Uh-huh.
- Appreciate the advice.

It'll cost you.

What do you got for me, Tom?

Ah, there it is.
Thank you, sir.

- Oh, hey, Elizabeth.
- Hey, Robert.

Uh, productive day for you.

Um, any luck with

I've left a couple of
messages for the CEO.

So I was thinking that,
you know, if we teamed up,

we would be, like, stronger.

Oh, no.

- I'm not falling for that.
- Not falling for what?

Look, I know that this whole
thing is just one big conquest

for you and your ego,

but this company, these people,
are important to me.

Elizabeth, I don't know what you
think that you know about me

or what you've heard,
but you've got me all wrong.

Not everything that I do
has an ulterior motive.

Aha, but some of it does.

Okay, all right.

You've done a pretty good job
of reading my mind so far.

What am I thinking now?

How about having lunch with me?

Um, you're thinking...
about filling the quota.

Hmm. And?

And I think that you and I
should have lunch tomorrow.

Lunch tomorrow.
That's a great idea.

I know!

Anything but fish.

How about seafood?

Great, sure.

Seafood tomorrow, good.

Tomorrow, 1:00.

Uh, hey, Tom.

Did I just hear
that someone

is going to have lunch
with Robert Morgan?

Well, you just heard him.

We're stronger
if we work together.

So it's strictly work?
There's absolutely nothing else?

Me and Robert?
No way.


Oh, yeah, she likes him.

ed by
Mindy Barkett.

She is a candidate in
the upcoming spring elections.

Mindy, welcome to the show.

Glad to get
the word out, Biff.

I am not getting paid enough
for this.

Mindy, I understand you are
way ahead in the early polls

amongst voters
in your target demographic.

Is this true?

That's what my figures say,

I think your figure says a lot
more than that, baby. Wow!

What exactly is
your target demographic?

Oh, cats.


Cats and other
disadvantaged animals.

Mindy, cats can't vote.

Well, that's what I'm trying
to change, Biff.

Please sh**t me now.

Don't worry, Bailey.
It'll never happen.

And even if it did,
how many cats you know

that are old enough to vote?


♪ Oh, the countdown's on

♪ Just a few more days
till Christmas comes ♪

♪ Gotta decorate
Got shopping left to do ♪


Hold still, honey.

It's too itchy!

Hey, listen, if you wanna be
a Christmas tree,

then you gotta make
some sacrifices, mister.

But it's itchy.

Oh. Sorry, honey.

How's that?

All right, I guess.

[phone ringing]

Hi, Ella.

Hey, I just wanted to
remind you about tonight.


Max's show, 8:00.

Oh, right.

Come on, Elizabeth,
you promised you'd be there.

And I will.

Sounds like you're in a car.
Where you off to?

Lunch with the infamous
Robert Morgan.

The guy from the office
you don't like?

You know what they say,
keep your enemies closer.

Didn't you tell me
he had a nice smile?

I said his bright smile
made me sick.

There's a difference.

- Uh-huh.
- Goodbye, Ella.

See you tonight.
Don't blow it.

Very good.

[bells ringing]

So five clients. Wow.

You didn't think
I could do it.

- I did not say that.
- But you were thinking it.

You just seemed so uncomfortable
with the quota, I thought that--

Look at you now.

The magic of Christmas.

I could use a little bit
of that magic.

Mmm! All right,
so I gotta ask.

Being as you are the MatchMe
expert of the office--

Oh, boy, here we go.

I'm wondering,
does it really work?

Are you thinking
about signing up?

Well, my sister's threatening
to stage an intervention on me

if I don't.

Oh, well.

Okay, uh, I have gone out
with a few women.

I've had a few drinks,
but, uh,

nothing's really
stood out for me.

I can get you the full report.
I'll even CC your sister.

Wow. Robert Morgan
on a dating site.

Why is that so hard
to believe?

Well, you just seem
so confident, so put-together.

Whoa. Wait a minute.

In a business way.

So what do you think,

that women would just
throw themselves at me?

Something like that.

I wish someone
like you would.

You okay?


This is so cute.

He likes her, she likes him.

Excuse me. We're having
a private conversation here.

So what, you don't think

there's a perfect person
out there for you?

I think relationships
are like business deals.

Everyone has their own
best interests at heart,

and then when the business
gets bad, they sell.

Uh-oh. Sounds like
she's been burned before.

That's one way
of looking at it.

That's just how I see it.

I think that
it is entirely possible

that two people who march
to the beat of the same drum,

who complete
each other's sentences,

and who just
look at each other

and know exactly what
the other person's thinking.

How romantic.

Guess I'm a little g*n-shy.

Maybe I could change
the way you see things.

I understand.

[phone ringing]

Excuse me.


I just got a call back
from MatchMe.


They're having
a fundraiser tonight,

and the CEO,
Mr. Korzo,

seemed open to meeting you.

- Great!
- It's at 7:00.

They put your name
on the list.

I-I can't.

What do you mean? I thought
this was the big client.

No, I have that thing at 8:00.
My nephew's play, remember?

Korzo's leaving town
the night of the 24th.

If you don't do this now,

you won't get another shot
at him until after the 1st.

I know, but...

Look, just stop by,
say hi,

and then go to the play.

All right,
tell him I'll be there.


Oh, so did you land
another big client?

One can only hope.

Well, I would like
to propose a toast.


To Elizabeth Watson,


[clears throat]

hardest working...

and most interesting woman
in advertising.

Thank you.


Robert, is anything wrong?

I'm fine.

There must've been anchovies
in the salad dressing.

Are you allergic to fish?

No, I'm fine.

Check, please.

I'm sorry. I didn't know
you were allergic to seafood.

No, I'm fine, I'm fine.

I just thought
you didn't like fish.

- This is my fault.
- I'm okay, I'm okay.

You sure there's nothing that I
can do to make this up to you?

It's just a little rash.
I'm okay, I'm fine.

Are you going up?

No. I'm gonna get
some fresh air.

Oh, hey, Robert.

- Hi.
- How was lunch?

Oh, lunch was great.
Thanks for asking.

Whoa! Dude, what in the world
happened to you?

What, this?

Oh, I've got a little
seafood allergy.

It'll be gone in an hour.

Whoa. Who knew?

Well, it's not something
to brag about.

Robert, if you're allergic
to seafood,

then why did you choose
that retaurant?

Oh, I didn't. Liz did.

I thought I could just order
the salad and get away with it,

but I must've gotten tripped up
on the Caesar dressing.

- Anchovies.
- Right.

I'm sure if she knew,
she would've--

Oh, yeah, exactly.

But I just-- Every time I feel
like she's warming up to me,

something weird happens.

I'm trying to help her,
I'm trying to help the company,

and something keeps
getting in the way.



Hey, do you think
it would help

if I asked her out
for dinner tonight?

No! No, no, no. I don't--
She's busy.

What's she doing?

Um, you know,

just, uh, Christmas stuff.

She going to
the party?

No, no, she's not.

How do you know
about that party?

I didn't, but say no more.

I didn't say anything.

- I know. Thank you.
- [phone ringing]

I gotta go.


♪ Ooh

♪ Yeah, yeah

♪ It's the time of the year

♪ When the church bells ring

♪ Magic's in the air

♪ And the children sing

Okay, you can do this.

Just walk in, say hi.

Calvin, work your magic.


You must be
Elizabeth Watson.

I'm Allie,
Mr. Korzo's assistant.

Hi, Allie, nice to meet you.

He's tied up at the moment,

but he's hoping you'll be able
to stick around for a while.


So, what are you guys
raising money for?

It's called Sarah's Dance.

It's a children's charity
named after his daughter,

and it's very special to him.

How wonderful.

I'll let him know you're here.
Excuse me.


Oh, boy.

Okay, come on,
come on, come on.

I wonder which one is Korzo.

What are you doing here?

I don't know, I thought maybe
you could use a little backup.

I see your rash
has gone down.

I'm trying to impress her,
and that had to happen.

It was actually quite mild.

It went away very nicely,
thank you.

I'm so sorry.
I had no idea.

I'm fine, I'm okay.

What say we work together,
reel him in, and save the day?

Like I said,
I'm a one-woman show.

Okay, what is it about me
that makes you so dubious?

Is it my hair?

- And your teeth.
- And my teeth!

Well, that's great.
Well, they're both fake.

The teeth and my hair,
they're both fake.

Okay, she just smiled.
Maybe this is gonna work out.

Do you have somewhere
you need to be?

Why do you ask?

Maybe I should invite her
to dinner after this.

I thought you were
checking your watch.

Uh, my nephew
has a play at 8:00.

Will you excuse me
for just a moment?



♪ Merry Christmas

♪ Christmas, baby

♪ Merry Christmas, baby

I take it Korzo hasn't
shown his face yet.

You would take that

Get you a drink?

Ah, I think I'm out of time.

Come on, get up some nerve,
ask her out.

- Huh?
- What?

I wonder if she'd be my date
to the company Christmas party.

Um, it looked like
you were about to,

you know, maybe...

Were you gonna
ask me something?

Yes, yes, I was.

I was thinking that,
maybe when all this blows over,

that you and I could, um,

I don't know...


Robert, Elizabeth,

I'd like you to meet
Mr. Drew Korzo.

Oh, boy.

Well, well, the wicked witch
of the coffee shop.

Oh, you guys know each other.

Well, isn't this interesting.

We had a little

Great, what a night.
I didn't make enough money

to raise my goal,
and now this woman.

Robert, I'd be happy to listen
to anything you have to say,

but not as long
as she's involved.

Mr. Korzo, please don't let
what happened between you and I

get in the way of something
that could be very beneficial

for your company.


I'm afraid Mr. Korzo
would like you to leave.

If I could just
have a moment--



♪ I'm so sad this Christmas

How are you?

So nice to see you again.
Hey, so nice to see you.

Thank you so much
for that donation.

I really, really appreciate it.

I hope you're having
a good night.

See you soon.

Mr. Korzo.

Uh, Robert, is it?

It is. I think we may have
gotten off the wrong foot,

and I was wondering if we
could maybe talk about that.

Where's your friend?

She left.

Her nephew had a Christmas play
across town at 8:00.

Oh. Good luck in making that.
It is well past 8:00 now.

Well, I think that's
how important this was to her.

It's more of an indication
how she puts her own interests

in front of everyone else
around her.

That's a little harsh,
don't you think, but...

Did you know that I see her

almost every morning
at the coffee shop?

- I didn't.
- Oh, yeah, we're old pals.

She cuts in front of the line
every time I see her.

You know, and it's--

it's always the same excuse:

She's very busy
and very important.

I can't be in business
with someone like that.

See, my whole life,
my business,, my charity,

it's all about
giving of yourself.

Giving back,
giving unselfishly.

Well, maybe you're not
giving Liz a chance.

I don't have
to give her a chance.

This is my party.

But you haven't even
heard her ideas.

I know, but what could
she possibly tell me

on how you reach out
and help those

who are trying to find
their one true soulmate?

See, Robert,

her type...
never listens.

And if you don't listen,

you'll never hear
the heartbeat

of the one that can
bring you true happiness.

That's a great campaign
right there.

It's yours if you want it.

Just not with her.

I understand.

But I can't cut the line
in front of Liz.

I guess that's the point,
isn't it?


So, I guess
we're done here then, right?

Guess so.

Thank you.

All right.

That was the best performance
by a Christmas tree

that I've ever seen.

I wasn't scared at all, Dad.

That was one of the other trees
out there shaking like a leaf.

I know. You were
really good out there.

Steady as a mighty pine.

I didn't even move a branch.

You were perfect.

Now, if we can just
get your father

to bring the car
around front.

All right.
Be outside in two minutes.

- We'll meet you at the curb.
- Okay.

Where's Aunt Elizabeth?
I didn't see her.

She said she would be here.

I know she did,

but something
really important came up,

and she just
couldn't make it.

Oh. What was it?

I think she said she was
having a special meeting

with Santa Claus himself.

- Really?
- Yeah.

She just wanted to make sure
he had your list,

since you guys missed
seeing him the other day.

Wow! Isn't Aunt Elizabeth
the greatest?

She sure is.

Come on.
Let's go wait for Daddy.

I've really messed everything
up, haven't I, Bailey?

First Ella, Max,
and now Robert.

Call me crazy, but I really
felt something special tonight.

Something good.

I just don't know
if I deserve it.

You think it's too late
to fix everything?

It's never too late
to change...

if that's what
you really want.

Yeah, but I'm afraid
the damage is already done.

I know what you mean,

but it's not like you caused
a major catastrophe.

All your troubles
are manageable.

It will, however, require you to
hear and see things differently.

I'm trying,

but this thing isn't
making it any easier.

You'd think
with this kind of power

that my life would be
running as smooth as silk,

but it's not.

I tried to warn you.

Are you ready to give
the pin back now?

Not quite yet.

Ugh! You're k*lling me, babe!

You know what
I'm thinking, baby?

You know what I'm thinking?

- Should I mention the resume?
- Oh, her again.

Now where are we
on meeting our quota?

You're so faking it.

That's a heavy responsibility.
You sure you're ready for that?

- You know what I'm thinking?
- Mention the resume?

- Her again.
- Meeting our quota.

- You're so faking it.
- Heavy responsibility.

Thinking... Resume...
Her again... Quota.

Faking it... Responsibility...



This has to stop.

How'd it go?

Let's just say that Liz
doesn't have as many friends

as we had hoped.

Oh, really?


Yup. The guy
who runs the company,

Liz has been rude to him
on more than one occasion.

Imagine that.

Go figure.
I went back over to him,

I tried to patch things up,
but he wasn't having it.

So... no interest at all.

Oh, he's interested,
and he'll listen,

but I would have
to dump Liz,

and I... am not doing it.

Thanks for that.

Maybe it'll all turn around.


Just not sure how.

Hope it does.


Elizabeth, come in.

- First, let me explain.
- We heard what happened.

Before you say anything,
I just want to say that--

I know, I know,
you did your best,

and it's not your fault,
I get it.

It's true that MatchMe would've
put our company back on top,

but it's not always
about that.

You know, when my grandfather
founded this company,

it was just he and his son,
my dad,

and my grandmother would come in
and cover the phones,

but it was just them.

They didn't have a board
of directors or a CFO,

but they always listened
to their clients

and heard what they needed.

They made something
really special here,

something that has
endured to this day.

I can turn MatchMe around.
I know it.

It's too late.

It's not!

It'll be a heck of
a Christmas party this year.

We can win this client.

If that means rolling up my
sleeves with Robert, so be it.

Wow. That is quite a sacrifice
you're willing to make.

I would've thought you two
would've got it together by now.

You guys could've been a force
to be reckoned with, Elizabeth.

If we don't
k*ll each other first.

Got it.

Excuse me, do you know
where Elizabeth Watson is?

Thank you.

Any luck?

As soon as I said I was from
the Conroy Agency, she hung up.

They also said
a few choice words first,

but that's besides the point.

You know, Korzo humiliated you

right in front of everyone
at the party,

but you got to bounce back.

If there's anyone
who can fix this, it's you.

That's sweet,
but it's gonna take

more than a little holiday magic
to pull this one off.

Elizabeth, let me help you.


Jenny from the coffee shop.

Hi. I just came in
for my interview,

and I wanted to stop by
and say thank you.

Jenny just graduated from NYU
with a degree in advertising.

She's applied
for a position here.

Wow. Great.

- What are you working on?
- [chuckles]

Well, remember that guy
from the coffee shop

that got angry at me
for kinda sorta cutting in line?

- Yeah.
- Well, it turns out

he runs this company
that we're trying to land.

And they won't
return our calls.

He's holding a grudge.

I'd love a chance to help out
and prove myself.

Any thoughts?

I'm sure you've already
apologized, right?

I would if he'd listen.
If only.

Then you'll have
to find a way

to make it impossible
for him to ignore you.

Such as?

Find something he wants.

But what could we possibly offer
him that he couldn't refuse?

I don't know.

His charity.

- His charity?
- The fundraiser the other night

didn't raise enough money
to reach his goal.

It didn't?
How did you know that?

That's not important.

But suppose we were
to help fill in the gap?

That would get his attention.

I'll tell Charles to change
the Christmas party

into a fundraiser
for Korzo's charity.

And then he'll have
to hear our pitch.

- Perfect!
- Exactly!

That's amazing!
I knew you'd think of something.

Jenny, thank you.

You're gonna make
a great member of this team.

Hi. Get me, please?

Thanks, Jenny.

[phone ringing]

Drew Korzo's office.

Hi. Elizabeth Watson
from the Conroy Agency.

I already told you,
he's not interested.

Actually, I'm calling
about Sarah's Dance.

You have two minutes.

Here's what I had in mind.

Girl, I like
the way you're thinking.

All right, let's cover all
the radio, television, online.

Dinner is served.

Ah, what has the chef
prepared this evening?

We have got...

Mmm! Flat noodles
in orange sauce.

How Christmassy.

Kevin, why don't you go home
and get some sleep?

We're good.
I've got a lot of work to do.

No, it's-- it's late.
It's fine.

You sure?

Yeah, we got this.


Kevin, for the road?

Oh, you're awesome.

All right, then.

All right, let me see it.

I've been working on it
all day.

So what do you think?

I don't know
if I should be honest.

I know how hard
she's worked on this.

Please be honest.

Everything needs to be
perfect for tomorrow.


I think it's missing

What do you mean?

It's just a little
too on the surface.


No, not superficial.
Maybe something softer.

I've really been listening,
more than you know,

and I think this is in tune with
what the people want to see.

And I think that
that's the problem.

I think it is exactly
what people want to see.

I think it is exactly what
people will be expecting.

Well, and that's a bad thing?

Yeah, if they don't
connect to it.

Liz, where's the risk?
Where's the heart?

The heart?


Look, in these few days
that I've known you,

I have seen you open up

and connect with
so many people around you.

And I want to see that
in this campaign.

I want to see that mysterious
glint in your eye,

that amazing smile
that I saw last night,

that personality
that comes out.

Put that into the campaign.
It's wonderful.

Just be yourself.

That's the problem.

It's not me.

What do you mean,
it's not you?

I've been cheating.

What do you mean,
you've been cheating?

You're gonna think I'm crazy.

You want exactly what I want.
At least I think you do.

We just have get through
this one roadblock.

And as far as the crazy thing,

I'm not gonna let you off the
hook that easy, migraine girl.

Calvin the elf
gave me a magic pin

that lets me hear
what other people are thinking.

- Calvin the elf?
- No, I'm being serious.

It's how I knew that Drew
hadn't met his goal,

how I knew Charles didn't like
your pharmaceuticals pitch.

I think you might be
a little tired, Liz.

It's how I knew
you were on MatchMe.

I'm sorry.
What are you talking about?

What are you doing?

You know what?
I'm telling you the truth.

Without this pin,
I'm nothing but the real me.

Is that so bad?

You just said it yourself.

There's no connection,
no risk, no heart.

At Drew Korzo's party
last night,

for just a moment,

you were thinking
of asking me out.

How'd you know that?

That's what
I'm trying to tell you.

I could read your mind.

Look, I don't know
what this is,

but I need to get
some fresh air.

Robert, what about
the pitch, the quota?

Quota? Liz, there's
only one prospect

I really wanted to win over,

but I guess
you already knew that.

Robert, wait, wait.


[door closes]

[bell ringing]

♪ Promises, promises

♪ Hope's gonna find me

♪ When it feels like
the opposite ♪

♪ You're there to remind me

Rough night?

I lost a big account.

I let my family down,

my company down.

And all I have to show for it
is this empty glass.

It's Christmas.

Don't you believe
in holiday magic?

Trust me, it ain't enough.

You're far too young
to be giving up.

When you get to be my age,
then we can talk.

Thanks, Joe.

Yeah, see you tomorrow, Sam.

[phone ringing]

What do you want?

Ella, you have every right
to be mad at me,

but I really need
someone to talk to.

Look, Liz, I'm not as mad at you
as I am disappointed.

And you don't need
someone to talk to.

You need someone to talk at.

I'm really sorry
for being late for the play.

Late? You missed
the entire thing.

Nothing seems to matter
to you anymore.

I just don't understand you.

I'm trying to change.

I really am, okay?

Well, you're doing
a lousy job of it.

Good night.

Who was that?



♪ Hope will find a way

- ♪ When it all comes
- [line ringing]

♪ Crumbling down

[phone ringing]

♪ When it all comes
crumbling down ♪

♪ When it all comes
crumbling down ♪

Hey, this is Robert.

Leave a message,
and I'll call you back.

At the tone,
please record your message.

♪ Hope will

♪ Find a way

♪ Hope will find a way

What a mess
you've made of things!


I thought you said
I could change.

And you have!

Some change.

I mean, look at me.
I'm a wreck.

My life's a wreck,

and everyone I care about
hates me.

You can turn it all around.
You've already started.

You just don't realize it.

First thing you need to do
is give up that pin.

It was never really your friend
to begin with.

Oh, all right.

You win.


Now, on your own merits,

I want you to go out there

and take hold of what you
really want in life.

Grab the bull by the horns
and don't let go.

With my luck, the bull will
probably drag me to death.

Trust me this one last time.

I know what I'm talking about.

Oh, and Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas.

- Hey.
- Hey.

Mr. Korzo just arrived
with his daughter.

Have you seen Robert?

Hey, don't worry.
You're gonna be great.

You don't need him.

Gosh, why are they all
sitting down?

That's a bad sign.

God, I wish I knew
what he was thinking.

Guess I'll never know.

Is that so bad?

[phone ringing]

It's Charles.

Hi, Charles.
It's almost time for the pitch.

I've decided to let you carry
the ball alone on this event.


Yeah, you planned it.
It's your baby.

I think you and Robert
can handle it without me.

Uh, well, Robert and I--

I don't wanna hear
another word about it.

You said you could
turn this around,

and now it's your time
to prove it.

I'm just gonna hang back
and let you do your thing.

It's gonna be fine.

I wish I was as confident
as you think I am.

Just follow your heart,

And don't blow it.

Well, it looks like
we're on our own.

Look, you're
gonna be fine, okay?

[tapping microphone]

Ladies and gentlemen,

can I have your attention,

I'd like to begin
by thanking Sarah

for allowing The Conroy Agency
to host this party

in honor of the charity
that bears her name.

Now I know it's not normal

to start a pitch off
with an apology,

but there are people here
that I need to apologize to.

Mr. Korzo, I can only imagine
what you thought of me

that day we met
in the coffee shop.

If I'd taken the time
to listen to you,

I would've seen earlier

the amazng work of your charity,
Sarah's Dance.

I shouldn't have
behaved like that.

I'm sorry.

Robert, I should've
given you more credit.

But to be honest,

when you came onboard,
I felt threatened.

Conroy might not be
the biggest agency around,

but it's the best.

And it's the best
because at its heart,

it's the same company
it's always been,

started by a very smart man
many years ago

and run by that same man's
grandson today.

It's not about multinational

or 10-digit accounts.

It's about people,

what they think,
what they want,

and how they feel.

Mr. Korzo,
I was the type of person

who spent
my free time alone,

working, trying to get ahead.

My career came first,
before friends,

before family, before love.

That's why I didn't believe
in the concept of,

a website that claimed to have
a mathematical formula

to help you find
your soulmate?

I thought that was absurd.

But that's the thing
about love.

Sometimes you have to go
to the ends of the earth,

sometimes you need a website,

and sometimes you just need
to bump into someone

on the way to work.

My match was staring at me
in the face,

and I didn't even see him.

I'm sorry, Robert.

I learned that sometimes
you have to stop and listen.

You have to open yourself up
to people.

And that's what
did for me.

It showed me that you have
to trust the facts

that are in front of you.

It helped me listen.

I'm just a regular girl
telling you her story,

and maybe, just maybe,

for those of you out there
who are searching,

it'll help you
find your soulmate.

Thank you.

Robert, I'm sorry.

I never doubted you.

Well, that was one of the most
brilliant pitches I've heard.

And the little touch of you
looking at him throughout

really got to me
right here.

And the money that you're
raising for Sarah's Dance...

What you've done here today
means a lot to me.

So does that mean
I'm forgiven?


But I am going to sign
with you guys anyway.


Thank you.

So where's little Sarah?

Here she is.

Hey! There's my baby girl.

Hi, Daddy.

So, what do you think
of the party so far?

It's wonderful, but it would be
even better if you would... with me, Daddy.

I would be honored.

Excuse me. I'm wanted
on the dance floor.

Come on.

Can I have this dance?

- You're asking me to dance?
- I am.

How can I say no?

♪ You can't imagine

♪ How good it feels
to hold you ♪

♪ Right here in my arms

♪ At this holiday season

♪ I'd like to make a wish
upon a sh**ting star ♪

♪ And ask for just one dance

♪ When I have you near me

♪ I never want to let you go

♪ Just one dance

♪ I'm living
a dream come true ♪

♪ As long as I am
here with you ♪

♪ Here with you

♪ Here with you

♪ Just one dance with you

[doorbell rings]

Hi, Ella.

Hey, Tom, look who's here.

- Hey! Merry Christmas, Liz.
- Merry Christmas.

I wasn't sure if we'd be
seeing you this year.

Well, Merry Christmas, everyone.

So, who's Mr. Handsome
over here?

Robert Morgan.

It's a real pleasure.

- Hi, Ella. Robert.
- Hey. Tom. Great to meet you.

Hey, Tom, how are you?

Max, come say hello
to your aunt and her friend.

- Hey, Max.
- Hey, Aunt Elizabeth.

Listen, I'm sorry I missed
your show the other night,

but I heard you were awesome.

Thanks, Aunt Elizabeth.

Max, I'm Robert.

So you're
my aunt's boyfriend, huh?

Well, she seems to think so.

- Cool.
- Yeah, it is pretty cool.

What's that?

Well, Santa left this
for you at my house.

Can I open it now, Mom?

Go for it.

A Danger Dog
action figure set!


Wow! That's some response.

I wonder who does
their advertising?

Can we wait until
after Christmas?


Can I get you guys a drink?

- All right.
- Let's do it.

Hey, you know
what I was thinking?

No. You're gonna
have to tell me.

Oh, huh.

Hey, look, Mom!
They're under the mistletoe!

And I'm thinking that kid
read my mind.
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