All I Want for Christmas (2007)

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All I Want for Christmas (2007)

Post by bunniefuu »


It never snows in New York
in time for Christmas.

I don't need a therapist
to tell me what that one meant.

When is the building
inspector stopping by?

The inspector will be here
tomorrow at 10,

just like I told you
this morning.


Did we pay these carpenters?

You can ask me
as many questions as you want.

That's not going
to make me forget

what we were talking about.

What were we talking about?

That volunteer,

Ben, your next door neighbor.

I've seen how he looks at you.

First of all,
you're exaggerating, as usual.

And second,
we're just friends,
and that's all we'll ever be.

Sara, you're wasting
the best years of your life.

Come on, it's been seven years
since Pete died.

Seven years.

And how many serious

have you had in that time?

Define serious.

Sara, you're 38-years-old.

In romantic years, you're 88.

Oh, Lil, I appreciate
your concern,

but I already have
a man in my life,

one that I love more than
anything in the whole world.

Yes, the only problem is
he's 10-years-old.

It's open.

Hey, sport.

You're late.

Hey, do you have
any orange juice?

Oh, sorry, fresh out of O.J.
All right. We do.

I'm just going to get a glass.
I'll be right back, okay?

Hey, what happened to you?

You plan to tell me
what happened

or is there something else

you want to run out
and get from your apartment?

Oh, yeah. I fell off the bus.
No big deal.

Wow, that must have hurt.

You know, it looks worse
than it really is.

Now, I'm going to throw
my change in the wash

so my mom doesn't have
to do it later.

Oh, so she won't find out

you've been playing
tackle football again.

How'd you know?

Well, for starters,

there's not a whole lot
of grass on the sidewalk

where the bus drops you off.

I probably should have said
I fell in the school yard, huh?

Well, I still wouldn't
have believed you,

but I probably would've
pretended a little bit longer.

Can I assume there's a bruise
underneath that pant leg?

Come on.

All right, put some ice on it
for 15 or 20 minutes.

That should get
the swelling down.

Are you going to tell my mom?

Well, Jesse, she did ask you
not to play.

But it's just football
and all my friends are playing.

And don't say,
"If all your friends
jumped off a bridge,

would you do it?"
because I'm not stupid.

I just want to play football.

She's just trying
to protect you.

Yes, I know that,
but I'm 10-years-old.

And really, I'm just trying
to protect her, too.

All right, smart aleck.
Go get changed.

Listen, but make sure

that you wash your jeans
before she gets home.

All right?

Have you seen these figures?

Kramer Toys is already

backordered through New Year's
with the Suprematron line.

Nobody's buying Morph Man.

Our family has been
in this business

for over 100 years,

and we're getting creamed
by an upstart.

Yeah, Dad, that's why
I fired the ad agency,

and I put Erin--
Come on in here--

I hired Erin Davis
to be head of marketing.

We have less than eight weeks

until Christmas.

What if I told you that was
enough time to turn this around?

I would say my son hired
a yes man.

Okay, look, Dad,

we have a new idea, or at least
the broad strokes of an idea.

In a few days,
we're going to be ready

to lay out the whole
ad campaign for you.

All right, what's the concept?

I don't want to show you
until we have

the whole thing worked out.

All right, you've got 24 hours.

But if I don't like it,

I'm taking over
the marketing myself.

Hey, Ben, why didn't
you ever ask my mom out?

What? Like on a date?

We're just friends.

Yeah, but boyfriends
and girlfriends

are friends, aren't they?

That's true.

Anyway, I have a girlfriend
at the moment.

Oh, yeah. Amber?

She's cute and all,
but she could be
a little stuck up.


Amber's very nice

once you get to know her.

Okay, she can be
stuck up sometimes.

That's what I thought.
You're unbelievable.

All right,
we're all clipped up.
Oh, yeah?

All right.

All right, pull out
the safety pin.

Nine, eight, seven, six, five,
four, three, two, one.

I can't believe
it's almost Thanksgiving.

I love Indian summer
in New York.

Yes, well, enjoy it
while it lasts.

What, it's only 42 days
before Christmas?

Don't remind me.

My parents want Jesse
and me to come to Arizona
for the holidays.

Really? You going to go?

Are you kidding?

I'd never hear
the end of it from Jesse.

He likes everything
just the way it's been.

Sometimes a little change
is good.

Did you make other plans?

Are you kidding?

It's okay if you do.

Wouldn't have it any other way.

Neither would Jesse.

He's got the whole holiday
planned out like a roadmap.

Tell me about it.

December 1st,
he gets out his calendar.

Then boom, the three of us
go shopping for our
Christmas trees.

December 3rd, we decorate.

Yes, then it's clear sailing
right to Christmas Eve.

Clean up after dinner
at the center.

We go to midnight mass.

We're home for cookies,

and Jesse leaps into bed
so that Santa doesn't
pass him by.

You know, he told me he doesn't
believe in Santa anymore.

Well, maybe. But I don't think
he's going to take any chances.

We're very lucky
to have you in our lives.

I'm the lucky one.


Come on, give me that.


Okay, so, yeah, yeah,
yeah, yeah.

Okay, so we don't pitch
to the kids.

We pitch to the parents
and grandparents who make

the last-minute
purchasing decisions.

Focus on the image
of the company,

not the image of the toy.

We focus on Toyco
as the company

with heart that Americans
have trusted for years.

Right, right, but how do we
get the message out
before Christmas?

Parents, grandparents,
family Christmases.

Family values.

What kids really want

for Christmas.

All I want for Christmas.

All I want for Christmas.

That's what it is.

We'll do a contest.


Sorry, I didn't mean
to do that.

It's okay. Take your time.
Take your time.

I'm done.

All right.

Okay, last part of the test.

Name two uses
for the bowline knot.

Sailing and climbing.

Sailing and climbing.

All right, and the bowline knot

is also known as the what?

A rescue knot.

Jesse Armstrong,

you've just earned your
pioneering merit badge!

All right.
All right.

Okay, that's it
for tonight, everybody.

Take the chairs over there.

Thanks. Good job.
Great job. High five.

We'll see you guys later on.
Good job.

Good job, everybody.

Mom, I did it.
I got my badge!

Was there ever any doubt?

Well, I think Ben
was a little nervous.

It was a nail-biter.

I have an idea.
Let's make a night out of it.

We'll go to the Starlight
Palace for dinner,

and then we'll do
a couple of games of bowling.

Pizza, smelly bowling shoes.
Lead the way.


That's going to be good.


All right, Jesse. Yeah.

All right!
Here you go.

That's what I'm talking about.

All right.

Sara, listen,

try to build on
what you did last time.

I got two pins last time.

Yes, but that's double
what you got before.

You're not helping.

Drum roll for Sara Armstrong.

She's coming up.


All right.

That's okay, shake it off.

Come on, it's not fair
if I beat you

by more than 100 pins.

Can I just quit now?


All right.

This is it.

All right.

Try to hit a pin.
And drum roll.

OK, here we go.


Who's buying dinner? You are.

There you go.

Where's Sara?

Bowling with Ben and Jesse.

She took the night off?

What are you doing?

I'm looking for pigs
flying over the blue moon.

Who's that?

Mr. Gidian.
He owns the building.

Why do you think he's here?

I don't know, but I bet
it isn't good.

Oh, beets.

Love you.
Love you, too.


Can I ask you a question?

Of course.

What is love?

I know what it is between a mom
and a son, like you and me.

But what's it between
a mom and a dad?

Where's this coming from?

I don't know.

I've just been
thinking about it.

Well, your dad used to say
love's not about sparks.

He said it's a feeling
that you're not complete unless

you're with
the person you love.

And that's the way
your dad made me feel.


You and dad must've
loved each other a lot, huh?

We did.

Hey, Lil.

Oh, Sara, I'm sorry
to call you so late.

It's no problem.
What's up?

Mr. Gidian came by
after the dinner rush.

Sara, he said somebody's
made an offer on the property.

It's open.

Hey, what are you doing?

I thought you were tied up
with work all night.

I know, I thought I would be,

but the deposition was quicker

than I anticipated.

So I thought I'd stop by
on my way home.

Honestly, I didn't think
you'd be here.

I don't know what time you
finish with those Ranger kids,

rowing boats or building forts

or whatever it is you guys do.

Well, we're usually
over by five.
Hey, want some wine?


Hey, Jesse finally
got his pioneering badge.

We went out for some pizza
and bowling to celebrate.

That's great.

We should go bowling sometime.

You know, there's a lot
of things I consider fun.

Bowling's not one of them.


Come on. It'll be a blast.

We'll get silly.

We'll get some hot dogs
and some beer,

and we'll throw
some gutter balls.

I just want to warn you

that I'm a ringer and I will
take you downtown to Chinatown.

That's okay.
I think I'll pass.

What is this?
What are you working on?

Oh, that. That's the piece
on the Harlem Farmer's Market.


Did you ever call the agent
I told you about?

Oh, no. Not yet.

I don't want to show anyone
my novel until it's finished.

The novel is dead.

All my friends in publishing,

they say there's
no money in it.

Honestly, Ben, you're such
a good writer.

You really shouldn't
waste your life with
this community newspaper.

I mean, if the circulation gets
any lower,

they're going to have
to pay you in peanuts.

I like peanuts.

He can't do this!

Mr. Gidian leased us
this place for 10 years.

We still have six years
left on this lease.

He can't sell it.
He can.

He even showed me
the place on the lease
where it says he can.

It's in the middle
on page three.

If he gets an offer

and we don't buy it
for the $750,000,
we agreed to,

he can give us
a six-month's notice.

Why didn't the attorney
tell us about this?

I guess he thought Mr. Gidian

wouldn't sell it
out from under us.

And if there is a new owner,

he makes the decision what
happens to the community center.

We'll talk to them.
We'll tell them how important

the center is
to the neighborhood.

It's a development company.

I called it first thing
this morning.

They don't take renters on.

They build co-ops
and skyscrapers.

We'll call NYPD.

They helped us open
this place after Peter died,

and maybe they can help us
raise the money to buy
the property ourselves.

It's a lot of money, Sara.

And a lot of people
out on the street
with no food

and a lot of kids with nowhere
to go after school.

The impossible,
we do every day.

Miracles take
a little longer.

Well, then we
better get calling.
Come on.

I don't see why we can't launch
this new one off the roof.

Really? Well,
because what comes up

must come down,
and we really don't want it

to come down
on somebody's windshield.

And now it's time
for kid's news.

Hey, kids.

I'm your host,
Tyler Brandon,

and I'm here with Toyco's CEO,
Arthur Nelson,

who has a very
special announcement

about this year's
Christmas ad campaign.

For all you kids
watching at home,

Toyco is the company
who brought you Morph Man.

Morph Man's lame.

So, Arthur,

tell the kids and us
about this contest.

Well, this year,
we are launching
the first annual

"All I want for Christmas"

open to children
five to years old.

You just send a video
telling America

what you want most
in the world,

and one lucky boy or girl
will get his Christmas wish.

So you heard the man, kids.

Send your entry to the address
listed on the screen.

But hurry, because the contest
only lasts one week...

That's enough TV.
I need to enter that contest.

Whoa, whoa, wait.
I thought you said

that Morph Man was lame

and now you want to enter
a contest to win it?

Ben, the prize isn't the toy.
It's what you ask for.

I'm going to ask Toyco
to find my mom a husband.

You're going to do what?
I'm going to ask Toyco

to find my mom
a husband for Christmas.

Jesse, the toy company
can't find someone a husband.

But she needs more
in her life than just me.

She needs to feel
complete again, Ben.

Thank you so much, sir.

I can't tell you how much
I appreciate your help.

Take care.

How'd you do?

With the 100,000

the police department
thinks they can give us,

that's just over 150.
Not bad for the first day.

We're still 600,000 short.

Well, if the property company
wants to close by December 1st,

like Mr. Gidian says,

that's 3 weeks, 21 days.

That's just a little
under 30,000 a day.

We've gone to all
the obvious places already.

Well, then we have to go

to the not-so-obvious places,
you know?

We did pretty well with
that bake sale last year.

What, you've got a recipe
for $1,000 brownie?

My mom is smart, pretty,
and funny.

Any guy would be really
lucky to have her.

So thanks so much,

and even if I don't win,
good luck with your contest.

So I'm either going to do
photosynthesis or fuel cells.

I'm kind of leaning
toward doing fuel cells,

because, you know,
photosynthesis has
been done to death.

Last year, Lester Dorfman got
first prize just for growing
a geranium in a pot.

What do you think?

Mom? Are you listening?

I'm sorry, sweetie.
What were you saying?

You said you'd help me with
my science project, remember?

Of course.

Did you have anything in mind
that you wanted to do?

Mom, are you okay?

I'm sorry, baby. It was--

It was a tough day
down at the center.
Eat that carrot.

Would you like
to talk about it?

It's not your job
to worry about me.

I hope not
because I don't get paid.

Well, paid or not,

there will be
no worrying tonight.

We've got too much to do.
You've got homework,

I've got laundry,
we've got DVDs and popcorn.

Not a minute to spare.

Who would have thought
the evil stepmother

was actually a CIA operative

being controlled
by a brain chip?


My big guy.

Always trying
to be the man of the house.

I wish things
had been different...

...for both of us.


Oh, I saw that piece
on the local animal shelter.

It was good.
Oh, glad someone likes it.

What are you talking about?
It was a great story.

Really? You don't think
I'm wasting my talents?

I thought you wanted
to be a novelist.

Oh, Amber says her friends
in publishing said that
the novel's dead,

that there's
no money in fiction.

I don't know about Amber,
but I'd love to read
any book you wrote.

I know it sounds
like a lot of money,

but with $20 million,

I could be the first kid
to go to space!

All right, next.

My name is Grace.

And my name is Sharon.

And what we want
for Christmas--

...more than anything
in the world-- a new black Mercedes.

S Class convertible.

S Class convertible.

Thank you very much.

Merry Christmas.

They're cute.

Look, I'm not buying
the kids' mother a new Mercedes.

Next. Come on.

Hi, my name is Jesse Armstrong,
and I'm 10 years old.

And what I want for Christmas
is a husband for my mom,

Sara Armstrong.

My mom's been through a lot

and she deserves
to have a man in her life.

Well, a man other than me.

My dad was a cop
here in New York,

but he was k*lled in the line
of duty when I was only two.

And since then,
it's just been the two of us.

I know it seems like
a really crazy thing
to ask for,

but my mom is smart,
funny, and pretty,

and any guy would be
really lucky to have her.

So thanks so much,
and even if I don't win,

good luck with your contest.

Now, that kid's perfect.

Yes, I like him, too,
but it's November.

We can't find a husband
for this kid's mom by Christmas.

We don't have to.

Most of the contestants
on The Bachelor

don't end up getting married,
but America doesn't care.

They're only interested
in the romance of the courtship.

That, we can give them.

She'd be the perfect
America's sweetheart,
Mr. Nelson.

Her hero cop husband dies
and leaves her with a toddler.

People will eat this up.

Yes, I think we've got a winner.

Hey, Jesse,
your phone's ringing.

All right, I'll get it.
I'll be right back.


Hi, I'm looking
for Jesse Armstrong.

This is Jesse Armstrong.

Hello, Jesse Armstrong.

My name is Erin Davis
and I'm calling from

the "All I Want for Christmas"


I've got some exciting
news for you, Jesse.

Your entry was chosen
as our winner.

Oh, yes!

Now, listen, Jesse.

Does your mother know that
you've entered our contest?

Well, no.

I thought I'd surprise her.

Well, actually, so do we.

What about the Police
Ladies Auxiliary?

They sponsored our student
breakfast program.

I'm not sure how much
more they have to give.

Call them anyway.

We were supposed to raise
$30,000 a day.

We barely raised
that much this week.

Hi, Mrs. C.

Hi, there's some reporters
out here.

They're asking for you, Sara.

Did you call them?


Careful what you wish for.

Sara Armstrong, hello.

My name is Erin Davis,
and I'm an executive
at Toyco International.

A toy company wants
to help us?

You bet we do.

Your incredible
little boy, Jesse,

sent us a tape saying what
a wonderful mother you are.

Jesse, come over here
with us. Come on.

You did this, sweetheart?


So we have decided

that out of thousands
of entries,

we're awarding Jesse
first prize

in the Toyco "All I Want
For Christmas" contest.

You won!

And as the winner,
we at Toyco International

will hold a nationwide
dating competition

to find you
the perfect husband.

What did you say?

The new phase of the Toyco
competition starts today,

so all you eligible
bachelors out there,

get your entries ready.

You're not going anywhere,

Local do-gooder and widow
of hero cop Peter Armstrong,

Sara Armstrong,

is now the face
of Toyco International's

"All I Want for Christmas"

Now, some of you
may remember Ms. Armstrong

turned tragedy into charity

when she used
her husband's pension

to open a neighborhood
community center.

The switchboard is lit up.

People are calling for rules,

they're recommending
their fathers,

their brothers,
their local barber.

Don't worry, we're going
to find Sara Armstrong

the man of her dreams.

This is better

than we could have
possibly imagined.

Here's to the best Christmas
season we've ever had.


Who will the lucky winner be?

Well, Channel 13
will be with you

every step of the way
as this story unfolds.


I can't believe
you did this.

Do you think
that I'm so desperate

that I need
a toy company to search

all 50 states
to find me a date?

Not a date, Mom.
A husband.

I need a lot of things,
but I don't need a husband.

The only friends you have are
the people down at the center,

and the only times you go out
are with me and Ben.

You need to be
complete again, Mom.
You need to be in love.

No, I don't.
I'm not unhappy.

It's just--

Things have just gotten
complicated lately,

and we might lose the center.

What? Why didn't you tell me?

Because I didn't want
to upset you.

I know your heart
is in the right place,

but you can't just
manufacture love.

It's something that
it happens in its own way

and in its own time.

Can't you just
give it a try?

Got to come over here, buddy.

Whoa, 10 little boys

are kind of like a hurricane,
aren't they?

Hey, Mom.

Hi, honey.

That's putting it mildly.

So how goes the hunt
for a new husband?

I haven't agreed to it yet.

It's kind of ridiculous,
a toy company working as
my dating service.

Not ridiculous
for them.

They stand to make millions
on this gimmick,

whether you find
someone or not.

Can Michael get you anything?

Oh, just some water
if you have it?

Of course.

No, just regular water.

I'm so glad that you decided
to be a part of this.

We're all very excited.

Now, we'll have lunch
in the executive dining room

and you'll meet Mr. Nelson
and his son.

What did you want
to speak to me about?

I'm not completely sold
on this whole thing,

and so there is something
that I will need

in return from you.
Anything. Name it.


I'm sorry, Miss Armstrong,
but we are not going
to pay you--

Oh, no, no, no, no, no.
I'm not asking you to pay me.

My community center,
which I know you all love

for the publicity value,
is in danger.

Our landlord wants
to sell it to developers

and we've been trying
to raise the money

and we're $555,000 short.

Well, I know that Toyco made

nearly a billion dollars
last year.

And the lion's share
of the profits

are made over the holidays,

so I'm pretty sure
that you'll be making
a pretty penny

from exploiting
my son and me.

I hardly think exploiting
is an appropriate word.

Well, think of it this way,

it's another great piece
of publicity for Toyco.

It'll show
how civic-minded Toyco is.

Donate the money
for my community center,

and I will go along
with any crazy,

hare-brained idea you have.

I can't make a decision
like this on my own.

She wants what?


That's extortion!

I'm not going to give her
a damn penny.

It's not for her,
it's for the place she works.

The landlord's selling the
building out from under them.

It's the Peter Armstrong
Community Center.

It's named after her husband,
the cop who was k*lled.

It's a good charity,
and it's a great photo op.

It's a lot of money.

Well, we can use every bit
of PR we can get.

Do you want to cancel the
"All I Want for Christmas"

I'll head
the search committee

and Erin will be in charge
of publicity and the makeover.


It would help if you gave us
some search parameters.

We've already received
over 8,000 videos,

so any way you can
narrow down that field

would be a good place
to start.

Well, and that's just
in the last two days.

Just wait.

Let's talk about
this makeover again.

What's wrong with
the way I look now?

Nothing. You're beautiful.

Our experts are only trying
to enhance your beauty.

I promise you'll be very
pleased with the results.


Well, now I know how
the ugly duckling felt.

Well, no.
No, these are only ideas,

but first let's talk
about search parameters.

and he has to be good
with children.

Well, what about looks,
you know?

I don't know.

All right.
Well, then how
about careers?

Do you like drive,

I don't really care
what he does.

I mean, honestly,
he could do anything

as long as he cares
about what he does.

But he has to be
a good father to Jesse.

I mean,
Jesse needs a good dad.

This is the second dinner
Miss Armstrong's missed
in the last two weeks.

Feels so weird
without her here.

Well, we might not like it,
but she out fundraising
for this community center.

It isn't exactly fundraising.

Well, yes, it is in a way.

I mean, when something
is important,

you do what has to be done
even if it is crazy.


But I can't move.

Yes, you can. You just don't
want to lose your rook.

Hey, my favorite guys.

Hey, Mom.

Who's winning?

Ben, he's just about
to take my rook.

Oh. Hey, I have an idea.

I feel like ice cream sundaes.
Who's with me?

But we didn't have
dinner yet.

Aren't you the one who always
says we're supposed to have
dinner before dessert?

Eh, it's a special night.
I say we have ice cream first,

and then you two fine gentlemen

help me choose the first
of my lucky suitors.

I'm sorry,
you have plans tonight?

Oh, no.
No, not at all.

All yours.

Well, let's see.

I made my first million
at 26,

took my first company
public at 28.

I own three houses, a yacht.

I enjoy all
the finer things in life.

What am I missing?
The love I've sacrificed

to get where I am
in my career.


With the right woman,

I'm ready to take
that next step.

No, you're not.

This is nuts.

I've seen so many guys
I can't even see straight.

Well, you found two
that you liked.

No, I don't know.
I guess, but what do I know?

I don't know anything
about these people.

I mean, most nice people
are too modest to say so.

And the people that think
the most of themselves,

well, those are the people that
I wouldn't want to spend five
minutes with,

let alone go on a date with.

If I was looking,
which I'm not,

the guy I'd be interested in

would never even send in
one of these videos.

I mean, you can't gauge
chemistry with someone
by watching them on TV.

It's about how you feel
when you're with the person.

What do you mean?
I don't know.



I don't know.

Hey, Sara.

There's something I want to--

Mom. I'm thirsty.
Can I get a glass of water?

Sure, baby.

Shall we begin?

You look beautiful.

That's a nice smile.
Thank you.

Oh, beautiful.

Got it.
Look this way, please.

Sara, over here.

Just one more.
Come on.



I don't think
I'm ready for this.
Oh, yes, you are.

I met David. He seems
like a genuinely good guy.

I'm not talking about that.
It's just-- It's been--

Well, it's been a long time
since I've been on a real date.

How long is a long time?

A while.

I guess it just got
too difficult,

working and raising a child.

It's hard to find time
for a social life.

Oh, I suppose I could have
squeezed one in.

It's just I didn't want Jesse

subjected to
a different boyfriend

every six to eight months.

I know I deserve a life,
but not at the expense
of my son.

Every boy needs a father,
you know?

Someone to look up to
and emulate.

Someone to show him how
to be a good man.

Everything important I've ever
learned came from my father,

from how to open
a bottle of champagne

to how to pick
the right polo pony, so--

I do the best I can
with Jesse,

but I know there's some things
he can't learn from me.

I have a feeling you've taught
him more than you realize.

My business keeps me
on the road about six
months out of the year,

but you wouldn't have to travel
with me if you didn't want to.

I like to tango in Paris.

To us.

Mrs. C, your sweet potato
pie was a hit last year.

Let's keep that on the menu.

And you're handling the pumpkin
pies again, right, Sara?

Earth to Sara.

I'm sorry.
What were you saying?


Pies. Right.

Someone's been
painting the town.

You can hardly keep
your eyes open.

Are you kidding?
Our girl's seen

every eligible bachelor
our fine country has to offer.


Can we just get through
this menu

because I have another date
in about an hour?

Sure. So four 30-pound turkeys
like last year?

Oh, the Nelsons and the rest
of the people from Toyco

are going to come
and help us serve the meal,

and they're going
to announce their donation.

Arthur and Roger Nelson
are coming here

to serve Thanksgiving dinner
in the soup kitchen?

Do they even know
what a ladle is?

It's a lot different
than a shrimp fork.

they're very nice people

once you get to know them.
Oh, God.

You've gone over
to the dark side.

No, I'm just trying
to keep an open mind.



Careful with those scissors,
all right?

You don't want
to cut your hand off.

Hey, there, Cinderella.

I can't believe how much money
they're wasting on these

Do you know that Erin won't let
me wear any of them twice?

She thinks the press
would have a field day

if I actually wore one
of these outfits more
than once.

Ben, I'll see you later.

Jesse, you need to be showered
and in bed before I get back.

All right.
Have fun.


Hot chocolate.


Wow, you look fantastic.

So, are you ready for another
fun-filled dating adventure?

Honestly, no.

I thought you were
having a great time.

I guess.

You know what?

Let's ditch him.

Let's ditch the date.
I'll call him up

and I'll say
you're not feeling well,

and we'll go out
and do whatever you want.

You know what I'd love?

To go eat at some bad diner,
no brioche, no roulade.

I want griddle pancakes
and greasy bacon.

It's eight o'clock at night
and you want pancakes.

You rich kids
got a lot to learn.

Come on. You'll love it.

You're a troublemaker,
Sara Armstrong.

Are you sure
the kid's asleep?

Oh, yeah.
Jesse was pretty tired.

I think he was out
before his hit the pillow.

Let's go back
to your place.

I can't just leave him.

Why? Come on, he's 10.
He's asleep.

What's the worst
that could happen?
We're 100 feet away.

Plenty, trust me.

Besides, we're doing
the same thing here

we'd be doing
at my place anyway.

Not exactly.

Look, Sara's going
to be home soon.

Let's just watch the movie.
Come on.

Somehow, you don't strike me as
a corned beef hash kind of guy.

Why not? It's just
leftover casserole.

I had it every Thursday.

You ate diner food?

No, I ate boarding
school food. Same thing.

Sara, you're not really into

this dating extravaganza,
are you?

Some of the guys are just...

What? No sparks?

The mountain climber.

I know.

He's interesting to talk to.

It's just I would
never marry a climber.

Why not? I told you,
I picked them out myself.

He met all the criteria.

Well, one day he might decide
to scale Mount Everest

and never come back.

You know,
if this doesn't work out,

I don't want you
to feel pressured.

You know, nobody's expecting
a Christmas miracle here.

I don't know.
You never know.

Sometimes miracles happen
when you least expect them.

No, no. I got it.

Thank you.

That is the most fun
I've had in a while.

Me too.
I like you, Sara.

I'd like to get to know you.

I think we should wait
till this contest is over.

Yes, I think that's probably
the best thing that--

Oh, no.

Uh ...

Have you lost your mind?

You've blown the whole thing.

I'm sorry.

You are the heir
to this company.

This is supposed to be
a nationwide contest.

Now, it looks like the fix
was in from the beginning.

Well, we didn't mean
for this to happen.

I don't care what you meant.

Or it could be
just the Christmas magic

we've been billing
from the start.

No, no, no, no, no.
Our customers will feel cheated.

Unless we give them
a sweet love story

about two people who just
happened to find each other

in the midst of all the glitz
and glamour of the media.

What love story?

Are you sure this could work?

Well, it'll take some work.
I'm not going to deny it.

We'll have to get
the entire country

involved in their courtship.

They already love Sara,

so we just have to make them
fall in love with Roger.

Okay, look.
Can I have a say in this?

Would you just sit down?

How do we start?

Well, it's already been
leaked to the media,

so let's just pretend
that the leak came from us.

That way,
we control the story.

Yes, sure. Then pretty soon,

everyone's talking about
the Toyco Christmas romance.

I like that.
You're very good.

This just might work.

Roger Nelson?

You date some of the most
eligible bachelors
in this country

and you choose
a spoiled brat?

He's not
a spoiled brat.

He's very sweet
and considerate.

And not that it matters,

his father will never
go for it.

In fact,
if we're very quiet,

I'm sure we can hear Arthur

screaming his head off
right now.

Well, if he is the man
you think he is,

maybe he'll stand up
to his father.

Kind of hard
to stand up to a man

who's going to leave you
over $200 million.


Roger Nelson is here.
He wants to see you.

Come on, get up.



How'd it go?

Uh, well,
Dad had some misgivings,

but I think
he'll come around.

Hey, guys.

You remember Roger.

Hey. How's my--

How's my favorite
little contest winner?


It looks like
you won the contest, pal.


I guess
the cat's out of the bag.

Okay, look. You know, I know
all of this is a little sudden,

so why don't you let me

take the two of you
out to dinner tonight

and we can get to know each
other a little bit better, huh?

Yeah, can Ben come?

No, I think it's better
if it's just the three of you.

Hey, what's with you?

Eh, my mom's going to k*ll me
when I get home.

What'd you do?

I was kind of rude
to her new boyfriend.

Hey, Tom, what's it like
having a stepdad?

It's not so bad.

He doesn't bother me
too much.

But do you do things

Like what?

You know, like building
rockets and bowling.

You know, stuff like that.

No way.

Why would I do anything
like that with my stepdad?

He'd ruin it.

If you're lucky, this guy
would just leave you alone

and give you presents
when he's supposed to.

Hi. How was school?


We still need to talk
about your behavior last night.

I said I was sorry.

Okay, I'll let it go,
but only if you promise
to give Roger a chance.

Fine, I'll try.

Oh. Oh.

Why don't I help you
with that, Mr. Nelson?

I don't think mashing
potatoes is your thing.

Why don't you go over there
and help Ben with the stuffing?

Fine, but it's Roger.

Yes, Mr. Nelson.

Lilly said
I should come help you.

I thought stuffing
had bread in it.

Here's a carrot.

Uh, Jesse?


You happy with your mother's
new boyfriend?

Oh, yes, I guess.
It's just too bad

you guys make
a lame toy like Morph Man.

I'm sorry.

Oh, don't worry about it.

This can be rough
on a boy his age.

Well, what doesn't k*ll you
makes you stronger.

Oh, excuse me.

Erin, when
is that photographer--

You and Sara
seem pretty close.

I guess you could say that.

We've been neighbors ever
since I moved to New York.

You've been part of Jesse's
life for a long time?

Oh, yeah. Since he was 2.


Right after his dad died.



She's an incredible woman.

You're a lucky guy.
I know that.

Oh, uh, I don't--



Can I have your attention,

To begin, I want
to thank those responsible

for fixing this lovely meal.

And I also want to thank all
of you for me and my family,

so warmly welcoming us
into your community.

Now, with the new relationship
of my son Roger and Sara's--

I'm sure you've all
read about it in the press--

we feel like we're all
a part of one big family.


Now, having said that,

I am very proud to make
a very special announcement

about the Peter Armstrong
Community Center,

which I know has been
an integral part

of your community
for the past six years.

And I know
many of you are aware

that it's being threatened

by the development of condos
on this very land.

So it gives me
a great deal of pleasure

to announce that Toyco

has decided to donate

the remainder of
the purchase price,


Some pictures?

All right.

Uh, now, you wanted
to say something?


Sara, some more?

I-- I just want to thank Toyco

for their very generous

I have always believed
that miracles happen

when you-- when you
least expect them.

And now-- ha-- I have proof.

I also want to say
that I am so happy

that we will be serving
Thanksgiving dinner

for many, many years to come.

Can we expect any miracles
between you and Roger?

Maybe before Christmas?

Miss Armstrong's
been kind enough

to go out on one date with me,

but I think
it's a little early

to start talking
about miracles, so...

Kiss her!

Kiss her. Kiss her.

Kiss her. Kiss her.

Kiss her. Kiss her.

Kiss her. Kiss her.

Kiss her. Kiss her.

Kiss her. Kiss her.

Kiss her. Kiss her.

Kiss her. Kiss her.

Kiss her. Kiss her.

Kiss her. Kiss her.

Kiss her. Kiss her.

Kiss her. Kiss--

Hey, so you really buy
five trees every year.

Seven. Five for the center
and one for each of us.

You are amazing,
you know that?

As a matter of fact, I do.

Mom, we found the perfect tree
for the living room.

Except that it's

Oh, sweetheart, we go
through this every year.

No, it's 9 feet.


Up in my family's place
in Connecticut,

we've got a 20-foot tree
in the front hall

and a 40-foot tree
in the parlor.

You can come up there and
see it anytime you'd like.

Yeah, we'll see.

I'm sorry. It's going
to take a little time.

Luckily, we've got
plenty of that.

I've got to go.

Thanks for lunch.
I'll see you later.

Wouldn't miss it.

Now, we are getting
somewhere at last.

Morph Man is finally beginning
to move off the shelves.

We can get ourselves
off the hook yet.

Oh, and did Erin talk to you?

She talked to her friend
over at Spector Comics.

There may be
a Morph Man comic book

on the newsstands
this spring, eh?

Oh, that's great, Dad.

You didn't hear
a word I said, did you?

You know, I think I'm going
to buy her some flowers.

What, Erin? What are you going
to buy Erin flowers for?

She's only
earning her paycheck.

Not Erin, Dad, Sara.

I think I'm going
to buy her some roses.

Bad move.

Bad move.

Then they expect it.

That's how I got into all
that trouble with Muffy.

Hey, you're not turning
soft on me, are you?

What-- Uh-- No, Dad.

No, don't worry about it.
I've got to go.

What-- hey, Roger.

Got some relish
for this thing?

I still don't see
why Roger has to come over.

We just saw him an hour ago.

Because he wants
to get to know us better.

Why did Ben leave?

We always decorate
our trees together.

Sweetie, he has
a girlfriend this year,

and she wants to be
a part of his life, too.

But we're doing the community
center trees tomorrow,

and Ben will be there.


That must be Roger.




Thank you.

They're beautiful.

Come on in.
Let me take your coat.


Oh. Hi.


What's that?

Oh, Jesse made this
for me when he was 6.

Don't you think
you're spending

a little too much time
with those people?

When you say "those people,"

I'm assuming you mean
Sara and Jesse?

You act like you're family.

You're not family.

So what am I supposed to do?

Walk away from Jesse
after eight years?

And it's not your relationship
with the boy that bothers me.

I see the way you look at her.

The way you look
when you talk about her.

Tell me I'm wrong.

I'll never
bring it up again.

I can't.

Goodbye, Ben.

I don't understand.
Where does all this go?

It's called garland,
and we put that around
the bedroom window.

I can't believe you do
all this yourself.

It's so much work.
I could hire somebody

and have them decorate
the whole apartment.

Can I go to bed now?

It's an hour
before your bedtime.

then I'll go to bed early.

Jesse, why don't you c--

Sorry. I don't know
what's gotten into him.

Oh, he'll come around.
I promise.

Hey, now, let's
you and I sneak out
and we'll get a drink.

I can't just leave
Jesse here by himself.

Why not?

And I can't ask Ben.
He's got a date.

That's good news.
Don't you think old Ben

spends too much time
with Jesse anyway?

No. I take it you do?

Let me get you a nanny,

She could do all
the cooking and cleaning.

She could look after Jesse.

I don't want a nanny.

Oh, come on.
What's wrong with nannies?

I was practically raised
by nannies

'til I went off
to boarding school.

Look how I turned out.

I can't
even begin to tell you

what's wrong
with that statement.

I'm sorry. I just want
to spend more time with you.

That's all.

Okay, um, tomorrow night,
all right?

We've got more volunteers
at the soup kitchen

than we can handle.

I'll sneak out.

All right. Ready?
Let's try this.

Hey, yourself.

Oh, yeah.
Nice decorations.


Lilly said you wanted
to talk to me.

I just want to know
if you and Jesse

wanted to do another round
of bowling tonight.

I can't.

Oh, okay.

Well, can I take Jesse?

Uh, Jess, you want to go
bowling with Ben tonight?

Are you coming?

Not tonight. I can't.

Just you and me, sport.

All right.

Nice job.

Hey, why don't you get Amber
to give bowling a shot?

I don't think Amber will
be coming around anymore.

I'm sorry.

No, no.
Trust me, it's a good thing.


All right. Um...

Well, I'll see you guys
when I get home later.


Have fun.

Bye, Jesse.
Goodbye, Mom.

It's beautiful.

So are you.

Thank you.


Thank you, Maurice.
Thank you.

Where is everyone?

We can't be
the only ones here.


Oh, I bought out the restaurant
for the evening.

You paid the restaurant
to turn customers away?

Oh, yeah. Yeah.

That's crazy.

Oh, no.

I wanted us to have a special
evening all to ourselves.

This way,
we won't be disturbed.

It's nice, right?

I had a fun time bowling.

Yes, I'm glad you did.

Hey, I'm sorry you have
to look after me tonight.

I know you're pretty tired

of sitting around here
playing stupid old chess.

No, I love
spending time with you.

Believe me, my mood
has nothing to do with you.

It's about Mom and Roger,
isn't it?

Did you ever feel
like you're not complete

unless you're around her?

That's what my dad
said love was.

When I was
making that video,

why didn't you just
tell me you liked her?

Well, because
I didn't know then.

What is it they say?
You don't know what you've
got 'til it's gone?


Did you ever tell her
how you felt?

Jess, I don't know
what your mom needs.

I'm just a geeky guy
wasting his life

stringing along
at the local newspaper.

Mom says
you're a good writer.

Really? She said that?


Well, it's too late.

She's got Roger.

Come on, what does Roger
have that you don't?

Well, for starters,
about $100 million.

Oh, you know my mom
doesn't care about money.

Besides, how could she
make a decision

when she doesn't
even know how you feel?


Are you all right?

Doesn't it bother you

that everyone's
staring at us?


The maître d', the waiters,
the cooks, the band.

Oh. Oh, yeah.
No, I hadn't noticed.

I feel like we're
inside a fishbowl.

Maybe that's because
they've never seen anyone
as beautiful as you.

Don't you see that?

This isn't about
anybody else, Sara.

This is about you and me.

Hey, Dad,
you wanted to see me?

Yeah, Roger. Come on in.

How are you and Sara doing?


Yeah, well, we're not
getting as much coverage

with the tabloids recently.

You know,
we're losing momentum.

Well, you know,
the press isn't interested

in boring,
happy people, so...

we've got to change that,

and I think
I've got just the thing

to bring the press
back to the story.

Oh. Well, what--

A Christmas engagement.


Dad, I've-- We've only known
each other for a few weeks.

Yeah, but everybody loves
a Christmas engagement.

Or a Christmas wedding.

Way better still.

Whoa. Whoa. No, no. Whoa.

No, I never said anything
about marrying Sara.

Well, you love her, don't you?

I don't--
I don't know if I ...

Do you love her or don't you?

I-- you know,
I have feelings, but...

There you go. There you go.
Let's talk about that.

I mean,
when you hear her voice,

do you-- do you just feel
tingles all over?

And then when you touch her,

do you feel
like you're just on fire?

And when you kiss her,
do you see fireworks?

Okay, okay, okay.
I do. I do. But, Dad--

Well, all right.
It's all right.

All right,
then you love her.

Dad, that's fast.

Look, son,
we are on the 1-yard line,

and you just said
you love her.

you know, I guess I do.

Well, then get married.

Okay. Okay.

I'll do it.

There you go.

What do I do?

Put a piece of chicken on.


It's very simple, okay?

Thank you.

Hey, it's good to see you,

How're you doing?

Have you met
Roger Nelson?

He's dating Sara.

Oh. Okay.

Well, it's very nice
to meet you, Manny.

I see.

What are you doing?

Oh, excuse me.

I have to take care
of something.


Hey, Frank.

Want some more water?


Are you sure this is
the best time to do this?

there is no better time.

I wish I'd thought to have
Erin dress her for dinner.

That's not exactly
her best color.


But I guess it'll have to do.

Erin, did you-- is your camera
guy-- we're all set, okay?

We are ready
when you are, sir.

Guys, come in. Come in.


let's get on with it.

Uh, ahem.

Can I have your attention,

Yes, thank you.

Thank you.

Uh, Roger?


Well, uh, as you all know,

Sara and I met each other
just, uh, six weeks ago

when we received a video essay

from her wonderful son Jesse.

We were all so moved
by his Christmas wish.

It was one of the few
entries we received

that didn't ask
for material goods.

But then I realized
just last night

that we still hadn't
granted Jesse's wish.

You see, Jesse didn't ask
for a boyfriend for his mother.

He asked for a husband.

And then I realized
how important it was to me...

to grant that wish.

Oh, dear God.

Sara Armstrong,
will you do me the honor

of becoming my wife?

You want me to marry you?


You don't even know me.

Well, if you become my wife,

I promise we'll spend
the rest of our lives

getting to know one another.


Yes, I'll marry you.

You didn't stay
for dessert.

I wasn't really
that hungry, kiddo.

Listen, Ben,
you've got to tell her.

See, I don't remember my dad,

and you're the only dad
I've known.

Hey, she's going
to marry him, okay?

She doesn't love me.

You don't know that.

She'll end up
marrying the wrong guy

when the right one was living
right next door to her

the whole time.

And throughout your life,
you'll be wondering

what would have happened
if you would have just
told her.

And then I'll lose you.

No, you won't.

Yeah, you say that,
but I will.

We'll drift apart, and--
I don't want to lose you.

Hey, what are you doing
out here?

Enjoying the snow.

Yeah, who says
it doesn't snow in New York
before Christmas?

Oh, it's too bad
it won't last.

Says who?

I guess you never saw
this much snow

when you were growing up
in Arizona?

Yeah, try never.

It wasn't until I married Pete
and moved to New York.

It was the first time
I'd ever seen snow.

Now I think it's my favorite
thing in the world.

Me too.

Congratulations on your
engagement, by the way.

Thank you.

You don't think
it's a little sudden?

Well, sometimes in life,

when you just know, you know,
things fall into place.


In my experience...

life never
just falls into place.

Do you love him?

He's a good man.

That doesn't
answer my question.

He loves me, and he wants
to be part of our family.

And that's all I've ever
wanted for Jesse.

And with Roger
comes grandparents
and aunts and uncles

and, most importantly,
a father to Jesse.

Which means nothing
if he's not the husband
that you deserve.

What do I deserve, Ben?

The world.

We shouldn't have done that.

I'm so glad that we did that.


Because, Sara,
I love you.

I can't--

Just stop.

It took some wrangling
and a hefty check,

but the cathedral is ours
for the Christmas Day ceremony.

Oh, a wedding planner

We can't get in

until after 12 o'clock,

but my people
have guaranteed us

that the church will be ready
as soon as the guests arrive.

And, of course,

has agreed to give us

their main dining room
for the reception.


Tavern on the Green.

Is everything all right?

Oh, I...

I was just thinking that we
would have a small ceremony.

You know, just immediate
family, a simple affair.

Sara, you and Roger
are America's sweethearts.

You're everyone's
perfect couple.

Now we have to
fulfill their fantasy
with the dream wedding.

I thought
that's what you wanted.

Is that what you want?


No, look. I know it seems
overwhelming right now,

but I promise you,
we're going to make this

the day of your dreams.




A toast
to the happy couple.



Oh, sorry. Sorry.

they don't make this easy.

Can you just tell me
why they didn't do this
down at the bridal shop?

Because I told them
that I didn't have all day

to spend at the salon,

so Arthur said to bring
the whole show here instead.

Oh, it's a gorgeous dress,

My friend,
you look amazing.

Thank you.

Oh, well, I just...

I wish I had gotten
to choose it myself.

Could you both give us
a moment, please?

Thank you.

Are you sure
you want to do this?

Marrying Roger, I mean.

Of course.

He's the perfect man,

and he's going to make
a wonderful father to Jesse.

Oh, he's the perfect man.

I feel like Cinderella.

Well, you say that
like it's a bad thing,

but it's every woman's
dream to be Cinderella.

It's every girl's dream
to be Cinderella.

I haven't been a girl
for a very long time.

I've already had
my fairy tale wedding,

and I always thought
if I got married again,

I'd get married
right here in the center.

Arthur Nelson would
have a heart attack

if he had homeless people
and welfare mothers

at his publicity coup.



Sara, where--
where are you?

Oh, listen, the plumbers
are having a problem
with the main line.

They have to replace it,

but they can't do it
unless you approve it.

All right. Help me up.

Sara, this is
your wedding dress.

I'll try
not to get it dirty.

Wow, you look beautiful.

Thank you.

Well, listen,
about the other night.

I just wanted
to let you know

that I didn't mean to make you
feel uncomfortable.

Oh, don't.
There's no need to apologize.

I didn't say I was sorry.

I love you, Sara, and I just
wanted you to know that.

And even though I wish
you weren't marrying Roger,

I genuinely hope
that you two are happy.



Sara, they are waiting
out here.

Sara, what are you doing wearing
that dress?

Oh, he's right.

The groom should not
see the dress before the--

No, I'm not superstitious.
That's a $25,000 dress.

It cost what?

That's what a designer
dress costs.

Look, we've got to go over
a few things, Sara.

Oh, Roger,
this isn't a good time.

The seating arrangement,
the caterer--

The plumbers are here.
We have to do it today.

Sara, we've got to talk
about these things today.

Okay. No-- all right.

All right, tonight.

Okay, great.
I'll book a table.

No, at my place.

I'll make dinner
for three.

I want to spend some time
with my future bride.

Can't-- Ben can babysit.

No. No, you're going
to be Jesse's father.

The least you could do
is have dinner with him.

No, okay. No, you're right.
You're right. You're right.

I'll get a bottle of wine.


You're going
to ruin that dress.

Just go home. Just go--

Let the plumber guys
under there.

Roger, go home! I'll call you!

Okay. Okay. All rightie.

Ohh! Hey!

Stay dry.


I got it.

I got Venecia to agree
to make the dress again,

so you don't need
to worry about that.


Jesse, why don't you try

some of the salad
that Roger brought?

The salad smells funny,
and the cheese is all moldy.

because it's gorgonzola.

It's a double-fat cheese.
It's aged about six months.

I don't care.
It still smells funny.

Jesse. That's not nice.


Fine. I'm sorry that your
salad smells funny.


May I be excused?


Maybe this wasn't
a very good idea.

It's all right. He just needs
some discipline, that's all.

What is that
supposed to mean?

We can't allow him to talk
to people that way.

I never would have spoken
to my father like that.

He's confused and scared.

He just needs a little time
to adjust to the changes.

This is happening so fast
to all of us.

Can you imagine what it
feels like for a 10-year-old?

And he'll have
a few weeks to adjust

before we take him off
to Mayfield.

Mayfield Academy.

My dad had to pull
a few strings,

but we got Jesse accepted
to begin next semester.

You want to send my son
to boarding school?

Of course.
It'll make a man out of him,

and it'll give us a chance to
get used to being newlyweds.

You're not sending my son
to boarding school.

I want to tuck him in
at night,

not drive up
on the weekends to see him.

No, no. He'll love it.

It's a great way for a boy
to learn how to stand
on his own two feet.

You're not sending my son
to a different state

to learn how to fend
for himself.

I thought you'd be ecstatic.

My husband, Jesse's father,
was taken away from us

when that little boy
was only 2 years old.

I am the only constant
in his life.

Well, you'll see him
every vacation.

It's not as if he's--

It is bad enough
that I'm getting married

in a church
I've never been in,

in a dress that...I hate,

surrounded by 500 people
that I've never met before,

and to a man--

that doesn't
seem to know who I am.


I don't understand.
What's wrong?

That's what's wrong.


Hey, handsome.

I'm sleeping.


Where's your ugly ring?

I gave it back.

You okay?

I think so.

I just wish I'd come
to my senses sooner.

I just wanted a father
for you so bad.

Are you okay about it being
just the two of us again?

It's never just been
the two of us.

As long as I can remember,

there's always been
three of us.

Ben's always been there
for us, hasn't he?

Doesn't seem like he gets
much out of the deal, either.

He gets to play with you.

And you.

Sweetheart, I know
you want us to be together,

but it''s complicated.

No, it's not.

He loves you, and I'm pretty
sure you love him.

You're just too stubborn
to admit it.

Just go talk to him.

Castle's donated
a honey ham again.

I'll send a thank-you note.

Oh, and Anderson's Deli,

they gave us two

Well, it looks like we've
got the entrees covered.

It was awfully nice
of Mr. Nelson

to let you keep the money.

I mean, even though you're
not marrying his son.

What was he going to do?

Take over a half
a million dollars

away from a community center
the week before Christmas?

That would be
a publicity coup for Toyco.

Except that now
we don't have a Santa

or anyone else to read
The Night Before Christmas.

How about Ben?

Ben decided to take
a little time off.

He needed a vacation.

What time are the volunteers

In an hour. Don't worry.
We'll be ready.

Listen, why don't you go

and spend the rest
of Christmas Eve with Jesse?

And we'll see you
at midnight mass.

Are you sure?

No, honestly, you're
not much help to us

in this condition anyway.

Thank you.

All right.
I'll see you all soon.

Thanks again.

Hey, Mom,
should I go get Ben?

I don't think he's in.

But he will be there,

We've never gone to
midnight mass without him.

I hope so, sweetie.

But we better get a move on.

What's your favorite part
of midnight mass?

The carols and when the lights
go on and it's Christmas,

and the magic
Christmas miracle.

Me, too.

We're late.

Hey, Mom, you know,
we never had

a white Christmas before,
did we?

Maybe Ben was right.

What, Mom?

Nothing, baby.

Come on, hurry.

Yeah, it's cold.

Thank you.

Merry Christmas.

Please be seated.

And it came to pass
in those days

that there went out a decree
from Caesar Augustus

that all the world
should be taxed.

And this taxing was first
made when Cyrenius was...

Hey, is this seat taken?

And all went to be taxed,
everyone into his own city.

And Joseph also
went up from Galilee,

out of the city of Nazareth
into Judea...

I missed you.

...unto the city of David,
which is called Bethlehem...

I missed you too.

...because he was one of the
house and lineage of David...

Sorry about Roger. be taxed with Mary,
his espoused wife...

I'm not.

...being great with child.

I should
have never said yes
in the first place.

And so it was that,
while they were there...

I didn't love him.
I just had been so busy

for so long that I--

I haven't been listening
to what my heart wants.

I'm listening now.

What does your heart
want now?

...because there was
no room for them in the inn.


And there were in the same
country shepherds

abiding in the field

keeping watch
over their flock by night.

And lo,
the angel of the Lord...

Will you marry me?

...the glory of the Lord
shone round about them...

I would love that more
than anything in the world.

...and then Angel
said unto them "Fear not"...

I love you.

"...for behold, I bring you
good tidings of great joy..."


"...which shall be
to all men,

"for unto you is born this day
in the City of David

a Savior,
which is Christ the Lord."

Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas.

How do you guys feel?


I guess there really is
a Christmas miracle.
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