A Very Merry Daughter of the Bride (2008)

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A Very Merry Daughter of the Bride (2008)

Post by bunniefuu »

- Passport?
- Yes.




The bridal bouquet, Roxanne.

Got it, ma.

Let's go, let's go, let's go.

Let's go.

We're late.


Oh gosh.


Oh, Tish.



No, don't worry.

We're on our way, right now.

We're on our way.


Tish, calm down.

Mom and I are coming.

Tish, Tish, slow down.

Tish, I can't hear you.

No, of course, you're
doing the right thing.

Rose speaking.

Tish, have my assistant
Becky give me a call.

What do you mean there's
a problem with the cake?

She stepped out?

The driver didn't show?

Tish, just don't
worry about it.

It's no big deal.

Brides change their
mind all the time.

You are not gonna get married
with snot green napkins.

All right.

It better be iced and
ready to walk out the door.

I will be there in 10 minutes.

Tish hates the color of
napkins she picked out.

The cake hasn't
left the bakery.

They lost a driver.
- No way.

OK, look.

Drop me at the bakery, I'll get
the cake, you go to the studio.

I'll go to studio, I'll
pick up the gold napkins,

and we'll go agree
with the color scheme.

And we're gonna make it.
We always do.

Mom, we have booger
napkins, the cake is missing,

and the bride is freaking out.

And it's not like she
hasn't done this before.

No, first or third,
it doesn't matter

when you're getting married.
- Fifth.

It's her fifth time.

You'd think she got
this down by now.


Pull over.

I will see you in--

20 minutes.

20 minutes.



He'll be there, Tish.

There is tons of
traffic out here,

because of the Christmas
shoppers, and--

has Becky shown up yet?


She hasn't.


Well, you know what?

Mom and I are minutes
away from pulling up.

The groom hasn't shown up,
and Becky is still MIA.

Oh, dear.

Let's get that closed.

Oh, mom.

That looks amazing.

Look out!

I really need this
wedding to be over.

I wish I was going to the
Paris bridal shows with you.

It's OK.

It's OK.

We're breathing, and we're
gonna make a beautiful wedding.

This is gonna take
a little work.



Tish, gold napkins.

They're so pretty.

You guys were right
about the other ones.

They're awful.
- You know what?

I want to show you the cake.

You are gonna love it.

It's beautiful.

So, you ready, Tish?

Now, look in that mirror.

What do you see?

A four-time loser.


You see a beautiful bride.

And there is nothing more
beautiful than a bride

on her wedding day.

Look at you, Tish.

You're gorgeous,
and you're ready.

Now all we need is the groom.

And Becky.


You guys, it's gorgeous.


Oh, hey.

We're just gonna call you, guys.
We've just had a problem.

He had a problem
with his zipper,

but I think that we've
got it all figure it out.

So it should be fine now.

Hey, we were just
rearranging the closet,

and I had a little
problem with my zipper.

And she helped me out, and
then her phone started ringing.

Oh, wow.

You look beautiful, honey.

You're fired.

This is bad luck, isn't it?


Only me and you.

Don't wink, don't hesitate.

It's our finest hour.

You know the spark is there.

You sure know how to
throw a party, Rose.

This is the best
wedding I never had.

I'm really glad you decided
to go through with it, even

without your groom.

I paid for it.

Here's to the next one.

Next one?


Why not?

I love weddings.

Just need a new groom.

What do you think?

Slim Pickens, I'd say.

The only one worth a second
look is the minister,

but it looks like Rox
has got dibs on him.

And he's got some moves.

What's so funny?

We are planning
my next wedding.


What took you so long?

Maybe that is my problem.

I like the weddings more
than the being married part.

So, you all set for Paris?

Oh, I wish I was
going to Paris.

Oh my gosh.

I moved out of my place.

I have nowhere to live.

I gotta find a job.

What am I gonna do?

I have an idea.

Why don't you come work with us?

You can help Roxanne
while I'm gone.

We need a new
assistant, didn't it?

All of the weddings
you could want,

without any of the
messy marriage part.


- Yeah, really.
- Yeah.

I know.

You could stay at my
apartment while mom's away.

- Great.
- Really?


And if you want, you could crash
with me at mom's house tonight.

- Really?
- Really.


Come on.

Let's go.


I'll see
you in my dreams.

Imagine what he's
like without his collar.

- Tish!
- What?

Not your type?

I don't think
Roxanne has a type.

But what about you?

Isn't he your type?

Ah, mom and I don't have
time to make ..

Listen, you did a
wonderful job today.

Thank you.

I couldn't have
done it without you.

Sure, you could.

Well, have fun.

Bring me back
something fabulous.

I promise, baby girl.


It's Dylan.

Are you there?

Oh my gosh.

What's he doing here?


You guys look busy.

I'll just--

Where are you going, handsome?

Some wedding dresses.

Anything but white.


Just take a step
back into the room,

and I will send someone
out to help you.

Tish, can you go help them?

- Who, me?
- Yeah.


Come on, Tish.
I gotta make this call.

Well, what do I do?
I've never done this before.

It's no big deal.

Just ask them what they need,
what they're looking for.

Come on.
Go, go, go.




All right.

Oh, wait.

We got to get the samples.

Mom, mom, mom.

Hey, hello?

Well, the order for the
bridesmaid dresses has to be

in today, mom, and I
cannot decide on the color.

Chocolate sundae brown
or teddy bear brown.

Oh, hey you know
what guys always say.

You can't go wrong with
girls covered in chocolate.

Wh-- You know what?

You're right.

The darker one is
more flattering.

Chocolate sundae brown it is.

Mom, what would
I do without you?

I'm barely getting
through the week.

Three days seems like forever.

No, no, no.

Tish is still here.

She's doing great.



OK, well-- All right.

I miss you.


Everything's good.

Did you see this?

Uh, CJB Bridal.

Cheap and cheerful.

They did my first
three weddings.

Evil empire.
Everything my mom and I hate.

Pitch it.

That looks terrific.

No, it doesn't, Tish.

Flowers are my mom's department.

Me, it's just not so good.

I can't wait until
she gets back.

Hey, you know, thanks for
jumping in and helping out,


Who would have thought that
multiple marriages is gonna

be a job qualification?

Oh, we did.

Hey, I've got to
stop at my apartment,

and pick up some stuff
before I go to mom's.

Can you close up?




Can I help you?

Nice store.

I agree.

Especially if you're
getting married.

Are you?

Something like that.

Something like that?

Doesn't sound like yes,
definitely, I'm madly in love

with my bride, and can I spend
the rest of my life with her

now, does it?

So, is there something specific
I could show you, umm--


Is there something specific
you'd like to show me--



I just met the
man of my dreams.

And what is that?

Dreamboat number six?

Well, if anyone can get me
over the last train wreck,

it's this guy.

Only I think he might
be getting married.

Ah, Tish.

That sounds like
a leaky dreamboat.

Oh, he hung around forever.

He asked for my phone number.

So maybe he's not
quite getting married.

And I could take
a nap on his lips.

I do not know how
you do it, Tish,

but personally, I
need the real thing.

Like what?

Like your mom and dad?


Like that.

Or like Dylan?

How's it going with him anyway?

It's not.

I was there.

You looked very
presentable in your undies.

Trust me, Tish,
it's complicated.

We grew up together.

He lived next door.

We were engaged briefly,
and then one day, he

left without an explanation.

I never heard from him again.


I thought that stuff
only happened to me.


You're sure it's OK if
I stay in your apartment

a little longer?

They said my new place will be
ready by the end of the week.

Oh, are you kidding me?
It's perfect.

Mom comes home tonight.

It will give us a chance to
spend some time together,

just the two of us.

You've been dealing very well
with your mother being gone.

You say that like
I'm a little kid.

I am perfectly fine on my own.

Sure, you are.


I'm leaving.

Make yourself at home, Tish.

See you at work tomorrow.

Can I help you with those?


How'd you been?


Dad finally sold the house.

Yeah, I saw the sign.

So, I'm over there just
getting stuff, boxes,

because the new neighbors
are moving in January.


How is your dad?
- Really good.

- Good.
- Good, yeah.

Long over that whole
nightmare with mom.

Got remarried to a really nice
woman who's crazy about him.

They live in Florida.
- Good.

- Yeah.
- Good.

You have to tell
him I said hello.

- I will.
- Good.

What about you?
Or your mom?

Did she remarry?


Remarry, no.

No, she didn't.

You know, I don't--

I don't ever think that she'll
ever really be able to move on.



What about you?

Did you--

Move on?

Yes, Dylan.

What do you think, I spent the
last six years trying to figure

out, 1 minute we're planning
the rest of our lives together,

and next you dropped off
the face of the earth?

No, you--

I meant after your dad died.






No, it's OK.

I mean, that was a bad
time for you, me, for us.

You know, Dylan.

This is kind of a
personal conversation

to be having with someone I
haven't seen in six years.

I know.

I mean, I don't even
know where you've been or--

I don't even know.

Or you've whatever'd.

I was traveling.

Taking pictures
all over the world,

on assignment for
different magazines.

What about you?


Mom and I, we started our own
wedding consulting business.

Well, I'm only in
town for a little while,

but I'd love to show
you some pictures,

if you want to have dinner.

Well, tonight, mom is
coming home from Paris.

We're-- just the two of us,
you know, that kind of thing.

- Of course.
- Cool.

Maybe some other time.

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

- Maybe.
- OK.


OK, thanks.

See you.

By the way, you looked
really hot line dancing

in your underwear.

cast a spell on me.

I was blind but now I see.

You work your magic,
that's the key.

You wave your wand,
cast a spell on me.

ROSE: Roxanne, honey.

I'm home.

Ohhh, mom!

I missed you so much.

Hold on, I'm in the kitchen.

I'll be right there.

ROSE: Looks beatiful.

Oh, thank you.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Did you bring him the new gowns?

ROSE: Uh-huh.

Oh, did you bring me
home something fabulous

for Christmas?

I did.

Roxanne, this is Jack.

He's my fiance, and I
think he's pretty fabulous.



That was delicious, Roxy.


Not exactly
enough to go around.

I wasn't expecting company.

I'm hardly company.

I'm practically your dad.


Here, have some of mine.

I haven't been
hungry since we met.

Nice full Cab too, Roxy.

Jack's a wine connoisseur.

He was in France on
a wine-tasting tour.


So, what else do you
do Jack, besides wine?

Well, I'm a businessman.

Different kinds of
businesses, you know.

Real estate development,
retail, import, export.

I've mostly turned it over.

I've decided to, you know,
sit back, and enjoy the finer

things in life.

Like me.

Like you, Rosie.


Are you guys done?

Oh, yeah.

Thanks, Roxy.

You know, Jack, could
you maybe not call me that,

cause umm--

Oh, sure.

Roxanne is my name, after all.


Thank you.

Roxy is the name her
dad used to call her.

Let's give her a little bit
time to get used to all these.

Oh, yeah.

OK, that should do it.

Now hit the button
on the camera.


All right.


What happened?

I couldn't resist
the opportunity

to nibble those naughty knees.

Excuse me, ladies.

All right.

Ah, so this is Paris.

And the Eiffel tower, which
is where you picked me up.


I know.

We took a bike ride
on the Champs-Elysees.

I took your mother in
every carousel I could find.

Oh, yes.

You certainly know how to
make a girl's head spin.

That's funny, Rosie.


Oh, that is just
after I asked Rosie

to stay with me for keeps.

And I said yes.

I love you.

You're getting tired, Rosie.

I think we better
take you to bed.

Oh, well, I actually--

I thought that we would
decorate the tree,

and go see the lights
like we always do.

I'm really pooped, in fact.

We should do that tomorrow.


We can all do it together.

You're sleeping over?

Well, of course he is, honey.

So, Jack.

It's just up the stairs,
third bedroom on the right.

JACK: OK, honey.

We'll be quiet.

JACK: Where's my Rosie?


Hey, baby girl.

Listen, I know this is quick.

Quick is a drive-through
car wash, mom.

This is-- this is impulsive.

This is-- this is
not like you at all.

It's nuts.

Listen, I know
he's not perfect.

I have a good idea
of some of his flaws.


Like he's a terrible
dancer, and he snores.

You've slept with him?

Of course I have,
more than once.


OK, too much information.

You asked.

But mom, snap out of it, OK?

He is not your type.

He is everything that we hate.

What's my type?


Dad was your type.

He's classy, and funny,
and he's a gentleman.

I mean, dad-- dad was high-end.

He was.

Jack seemed a little
more, like I don't know,

bargain basement.

You know what, you're right.

He does seem like a bargain.

Kind of refreshing, huh?

I mean, mom.

What's he gonna
do for Christmas?

We're still gonna
have Christmas.

Together, the three of us.

Doesn't Jack have
a family of his own?

Yeah, he's got--

I'm-- I'm turning
in now, Rosie.


I'm coming with you, honey.

Goodnight, Roxanne.

Oh, hey, sweetie.


You don't look like
you slept very well.

Uh, no.

I had a bad dream.

Good morning, ladies.

Oh, it was real.

Rosie, I could
spread you on toast.

Um, Jack, that's--
that's dad's robe.

No, no, no.
No, thank you.


Roxanne's not very affectionate
first thing in the morning.

She certainly doesn't
get that from her mother.


Well, I'm going to work.

Mom, I'll catch you up to speed
when you get down in the store.

Oh, honey, listen.

I don't think we're
gonna come to work today.

We're gonna take it off, do
a little Christmas shopping.

Mom, we have three
weddings in January.

Did you tell her?

Not yet.


Tell me what?

Well, honey,
there is something

I needed to talk to you about.


- Hi.
- Hi.

What are you doing here?
- Hi, Dylan.

What are you doing here?


Well, I'm just in town
for a short while,

but I didn't want to leave
without saying hi, Mrs. Oaks.


Oh, this is Jack.

My fiance.

Hi, Jack.

This is Dylan.

He's the boy next door.

They grew up together.

Mrs. Oaks is like
my other mother.


You're old enough to
call me Rose now, Dylan.

It is really good to see you.

It has been way too long


Well, I'm headed to work.

Why don't you come to
dinner tonight, Dylan?

- What?
- Sure.

- No.
- No?

- No?
- No.


Uh, sure.


OK, well, I'll see
you tonight anyway.

You're staying tonight?


You know, Tish is still at my
apartment for another couple

of days, and there's really
not room for both of us.

Oh, you're welcome
anytime, Roxy.

Thanks, Jack.

Well, I like to think
that Ben doesn't count,

because, even though he was my
first husband, I was only 18,

and he kind of did it on a dare.

But you know what,
they all count.

Number two, it was just a bad
idea from beginning to end.

Number three, he told me he
could see forever in my eyes,

and who wouldn't
want to marry that,

even if only a little while.

Number four, well, his
last name was Dish.

And somehow I thought that
seemed like that might be

enough, you know, to go
through the rest of my life

as Tish Dish.

And then, where was I?

Number four.


Well after four, came five.

William, number five.

I caught him in the
coat closet, well,

you know how that one ended.


You can't blame
a girl for trying.



That's me.

Mostly hopeful.

Rose: Hi!


Hi, you look great.

Paris was obviously good to you.

It was.

Thank you.
The new gowns.

I know.

I totally spaced.
Thank you.

- Was there one in there for me?
- Oh, you're incorrigible.

Mom, come back here.

I want to talk to you.

Yeah, we need to talk, honey.

OK, look.

So I pulled some stuff.

Nothing is set in stone.

Of course, it needs
your special touch.

Well, I think you--

you don't need me.

These are fabulous.

I wouldn't change a thing.

It's fantastic.

No, really mom.

I mean, you could--

No, really.


Now, I want to talk to
you about Jack and me.

I know that you think
I'm rushing into this.

It's just way too soon to
make such an important decision.

What do you think of the cake?

You know what, sweetie?

If I was your age, and I had
my whole life ahead of me,

I would take my time.

But I'm 56 years
old, and I don't

want to miss a minute
of happiness with Jack.

Catch my drift?

Your 1130 is here.

Oh, great.

Come on, mom.
Let's go to.

This is a new account.

You know what?

I think you should go and do it.

I am having lunch with Jack.

Mom, this is really important.

You can do this.

You're ready.

I'll see you at home tonight.

We'll talk.

Jack, you wouldn't
believe these two.

They lived next
door to each other,

but every night,
they're on the phone.

Yak, yak, yak.

You can't get them off.

I finally got fed up with
him, and I bought these.


I cannot believe that
you still have these.

Jack fixed them.

Oh, I just put
batteries in them.

Agent Derp Boy
to Rainbow Girl.

Come in, Rainbow Girl.

Come in, Rainbow Girl.

It's what we used to call
each other when we were kids.



So, now you two can
talk to each other again.

Thanks, Rose.

Thank you, Jack.

Yeah, thanks.

Sweetheart, I
thought it was Jack.

No, just me.

You OK?


ROSE: You sure?

Yeah, why?

No reason.

Well, I was just gonna
come in, and say goodnight.

It's nice seeing
Dylan, wasn't it?


How was it for you?

OK, ma.

Don't push it, all right?

He was the one who
ditched me, remember?

It's not like we
kissed and made up.


Well, maybe you should.

Goodnight, mother.


No, wait, wait, wait.

I want to talk to you about--

About Jack?

I know.

You seem to really like him.

No, I--

I am head over heels
in love with this guy,

and that's why we're gonna
get married really soon.


How soon?

Well-- Oh.

- Sorry.
- No, no, no.

Wait, wait, wait.


Jack, stay here,
because I'm just--

I'm just telling Rox that we're
gonna get married this weekend.

This weekend?

But mom, it's
almost Christmas.

You guys--

On second thought, I'll
just use the other bathroom.

But that is the point, honey.

We want to get married
before Christmas,

and before we go to Seattle.



That's where Jack lives.

So, obviously I'm gonna
move there with him.

What about our store?

You're ready to run that
store on your own, honey.

You're ready.

I can't believe
you're doing this to me.

I think it's time for us both
to get on with our own lives.

Maybe you do,
mom, but no, not me.

I'm cool.
I'm fine.

I like things just
the way that they are.

Change isn't necessarily
a bad thing, Roxanne.

Do not tell me
about change, mom, OK?

When dad dropped
me off at school,

and he didn't come back,
everything changed.

There's nothing good about that.

Agent Derp Boy
to Rainbow Girl.

Come in, Rainbow Girl.

Come in, Rainbow Girl.


You there?


Just wanted to see
if this still works.


It still works.


What do you want, Dylan?

You OK?


I mean, about
your mom and Jack.

I'm fine.




I said I was fine, Dylan.



It was nice hanging out at your
house with you and your mom.

Just like the old days.

No, it wasn't, Dylan.

Everything is different.

DYLAN: Not everything, Rox.

OK, well.

Derp Boy, over and out.


Over and out.

I feel like I've been
dumped by my mom.

Oh, don't take it like that.

She'd be thrilled if you
found the love of your life.

Hey, the furniture store closed.

Wonder what's coming next.

There was the cutest
guy who worked in there.

OK, look, Jack is not
the love of her life.

My father was.

You can fall in love
more than once, you know.

I know this for a fact.

I mean, they've known each
other for a little over a week.

I just met that guy
Charles, and I'm nuts for him.

He came by the store again,
and he didn't want to leave.

I think he's interested.

Believe me, you don't have
to know someone forever

to be sure they're the one.

She's making a huge mistake.

You're not losing a mother,
you're gaining a father.

Oh, don't even say it.


Tish, if you met him, you'd
see why I don't trust him.

He calls her Rosie.

That's bad?


I mean, it sounds kind of
cheap, don't you think?

Not really.

What else is wrong with him?

Is he ugly?


Well, not exactly.


He's actually kind of loaded.

Now I get the picture.

He's attractive, and rich,
and crazy about your mom.

What is that woman thinking?

Look, Tish.

He's just-- he's wrong for her.

Wrong for her,
or wrong for you?

Wrong for her.

I mean, look, I just need to
buy some time so she could just

see how wrong he is.

I mean, who knows
what I'll find out?

He could be in a whole
world of financial trouble,

previous wives, victims.


Look, I'm not
ruling anything out.

I'm just looking out for my mom.

You could also end
up breaking her heart.

No, I won't.

But Jack Breen, if that's
really even his name, will.

She'll be sad in the short term,
but then things will go back

to normal, and she will
thank me for saving her

from making the biggest
mistake of her life.

So, how are you gonna
stall things and stop them

from getting married
this weekend?

By doing what I do best,
throwing them the most

fantastic wedding ever,
which of course, takes time.



You peaked.

You're not supposed to peak.

Picked you, didn't I, Rosie?





Hi, Roxanne.

Nice blooms, ma.

Listen, I have been trying
to come up with a really

special present for you.
- Oh no.

You don't need to bother.
- No, no, no.

No, I want to.

And I think that I have come
up with the perfect gift.

Well, now you got me curious.

I'm gonna do your wedding.

All of it.

Flowers, gown, reception.

It will be the best
Christmas wedding

that we have ever planned.

We were just gonna run down
to the courthouse tomorrow.




You deserve more than a quickie
courthouse wedding ceremony.

You deserve the best.

Well, Rosie, if
this is what you want.

A wedding like that
takes months to plan.

No, mom.

I'll do everything.

I'm ready.

I can do this.

Christmas weddings were
always your favorite,

and you won't even
have to lift a finger.

I will take care
of every detail.

Just give me 10 days.


Christmas eve, your wedding.

It will be perfect.

Let me do this for you, please?

If you don't mind waiting
just a little bit longer?

Rosie, I've waited
for you my whole life.

What's another week and a half?

So, it's an OK?




Now, the first
thing I need to do

is get to know the groom
a little bit better.

Come on.

So-- so, what do I do?

Just tell the
truth, Jack Breen.

No right or wrong answers.

You know, just think of it
more of a personality quiz

for brides and grooms.

Of course, if you guys are
totally mismatched, well--

let's just see how you do, OK?


First, we're gonna start
out with some health-related

- All right.

Have you used
tobacco of any kind,

and that's including
the wacky-tobacky.

No, no.

I take the occasional cigar.



Smoker, check.

Have you been exposed to
any infections or contagious

diseases in the last 21 days?

Well, if love is contagious,
then Rosie and I both infected.


Do you and your mate enjoy
the same kind of music?


I like, you know, the
oldies, '50s and '60s.

Rosie prefers that '30s
and '40s romantic stuff.

That is not quite compatible.

Ah, vodka or wine?

Oh, wine.

I have quite a collection.


So you drink, OK.

Wine, a lot of wine.

Well, I like wine.


That's what I said.

You like a lot of wine.

Well, in moderation.

You like a lot of
wine in moderation.

That's what I got there.



60-something and no
prior marriages, Jack?

Oh, yeah.

Yeah, one.




Separated, then widowed.

Separated, and then she died?


I'm assuming of
natural causes?

Of course.

So, this is how you
plan your weddings?

I'm just trying to get the
whole picture here, Jack.

That's all.

I see.

- Children?
- No.

No, you don't have children,
or no, you don't like children?

No, I like kids, I
just don't want children.

I might do.

It's-- it's complicated.

You know, I-- I--

- Well, you know, I have--
- I'll get it.

Probably Dylan.


Can I help you?

I sure hope so.

Is Jack Breen in here?


Hey, pop.

How's it going?

How'd you know I was here?



Well, I guess that makes him
a part of the whole picture.

Charlie, welcome.

Come on in.

Oh, mom.

I've got a surprise for you.

In the kitchen.

Mom, this is Charlie.

Charlie Breen.

Hi, Charlie.

Hi, Rose.

He's Jack's son from
his first marriage.

Yeah, kind of like you.

My daughter from
my first marriage.

I'm really glad to
meet you, Charlie.

I'm so glad you could make it.

Oh, you invited him?


I wanted to surprise Jack.

Mission accomplished, Rosie.

How did you find him?

I have my ways.

And now I have to find out
a few things about you, Rose.

You're quite the
woman of mystery.

Well, ask Roxanne to
borrow her handy quiz.

Let's face it.

Dad handed me the
reins for a reason.

Tea, Jack?

Oh, yes please, Rose.

I mean, business was booming.

He just couldn't keep up
with the 21st century.

Since I took over, we've
doubled our revenue.


Oh, no.

Sugar, sugar.




No, thanks.


I was raring to go.

Oh, yeah.

He was raring for me to go.

Come on, dad.

I mean, we had a little bump
in the road, but with you gone,

it's been smooth sailing.

Charlie, I'm not dead yet.

I'm still the chairman.

Charlie, can you pass
me the milk, please?

Thank you.

And Jack, let me
bite at your pie.

Everything that's
mine is yours, Rosie.

Down to the last
piece of my pie.

He doesn't mean that.

So, what do you girls do?

Well, after
Roxanne's father died,

we started our own business.

We built the ground up.

We just started from scratch,
just like Jack did with all

his businesses, only smaller.

Right, Jack?
- Right, Rosie.

Actually, you know what?

I changed my mind.


I think I would
like a cup of tea.


With lemon.

Now, what was I saying?

About how you built your
company up from scratch,

just like me.

Um, us.

Yeah, like us.

You know, in order
to ensure the future,

I mean, we really had to
work hard, didn't we, dear?

I mean, 24/7 on our
little business.


We own our own bridal
planning company.

Cameo & Cufflinks.

We have a studio downtown.

Oh, shit.


You OK?

I'm fine.

I'm fine.


Dylan, hi!

Hey, look what I found.

ROSE: Jack?

I'm upstairs, hon.

I'm getting my mittens.

My hands were
freezing down there.

ROSE: I'll be right up.

Got your mittens?

Jack: Yeah.

Maybe, I can help warm you up.

Come here, you sexy thing.


Hold that thought.

Make me.

I'm not done with you yet.

DYLAN: Hello?


Oh, Dylan.

Yeah, I'm coming.

We're coming.

Be right down.

Oh yeah, sexy, but from what I
could tell, not the right size.

Oh, excuse me, Charlie.

Look, can we just
cut to it here, OK?

I'm going through a
divorce right now.

My ex-wife is sucking me dry.



So I can't afford to lose even
a little bit of my inheritance

to your mother.

So I'm against this wedding
as much as I suspect you are.

What are you suggesting?

Team up.

I don't even know you.

You know me well enough.

We both want the same thing.

We don't want this to happen.

I just--

I just don't want my
mom to rush into this.

I want the same thing
you want, Roxanne.

Unless of course, you relish the
idea of having me as a brother.

What's your plan?

Make Rose stop wearing
a rose-colored glass.

Give her a dose of reality.

Let her see what my
dad is really like.

Trust me, this wedding
will never take place.



Your mom looks really happy.

It's a fantasy, Dylan.

Paris isn't real life.

They're practically strangers.

Well, maybe they'll
have a great time getting

to know each other.

That usually is supposed
to happen before the wedding,

not after.

My dad dated my mom
all through college

before they got married.

That doesn't necessarily mean
they really knew each other.

It is true.

You can know someone for years
and realize you don't really

know them at all.

You know me, Rox.

I know I owe you an apology.

No, Dylan.

We are way past
the apology stage.

I want an explanation.

You walked out on our future
and never looked back.

You just left.

You told me to go.

Then you played me?


Well, Dylan, we
were kids then.

I guess back then I thought that
I wanted forever and happily

ever after.

So, what do you want now?

I'll call you tomorrow, sis.

Goodnight, Charlie.

What do you have
to talk to him about?


You're jealous.
- No, I'm not.

- Yes, you are.
- No, I'm not.

- Are too.
- I'm not.

Roxanne, Dylan.

Come in here, it's freezing.

Coming, ma.

You're late.

Your dad's gonna be here any
minute to pick out tuxes.

So, how goes the wedding?


I've done absolutely
nothing, but we

have got to do something.

The wedding is in
less than a week.

Ah well, Roxanne, you and
I know that they're just

not right for each other.

We just have to find a way
to make them realize it.

I mean, can you think of
anything that would convince

your mom not to marry my dad?

Well, she hates it when
she can't trust people.


Like they're late,
liars, sneaky, flaky,

or if they're only
out for themselves.

You think that we could make
your dad look like that?

Oh yeah.

That shouldn't be too
much of a problem.

Tonight is still the wedding
rehearsal dinner, right?


She wants Jack to meet
all of her best friends.


What's this?

It's a wine auction tonight.

He won't be able to resist.

And Jack does love his wines.


So, what else is a turnoff?

Badly dressed grooms.

Oh yeah.

An ugly tux is a real turnoff.

Mm-hmm, and this is bad.

So, if Rose thinks that
he's a liar, and a cheat,

and a scumbag--

If we can get him into this
cheesy tux, no more wedding.

Goodbye, Jack.

Life back to normal.

Getting him into a tux
shouldn't be the problem,

and this is definitely bad.

I was thinking for you, this
was a little more appropriate.

You're not even divorced.

Not yet.

JACK: Roxanne!

Back here.

OK, listen.

So if I can get
Jack into this tux,

do you think we can convince
mom that he's a total flake?

Oh, trust me.

That's the part
that worries me.

I hear this is the place
a handsome groom could find

the latest in
fashionable wedding wear.

You know, I was just about
to pick out some stuff.

You were?

- Mm-hmm.
- Oh hey, dad.

I got some stuff
I wanna show you.

- OK.
- Check this out.



That is some list.

Yeah, we thought they would
have something you'd like.

What time is it?

It's already started.


Ah, Roxanne.

This wine auction that's
going on, it's really amazing.

Could you just pick something
out you know Rose would love?

I'd love to, Jack?

Where's Chambers Street?


It's not far.


That's it?

Just like that, he's off?

That is unreal.

Their dinner is in
less than an hour.

Yeah, that's dad.

He's never where he
says he's gonna be.

He is a total flake.

We really are doing
him a favor, Roxanne.

Oh, mom.


Sorry, we're late.

I know how you hate that.

Liz, hi.

Hello, Rox.

How are you?

Martin, Liz Sandor.

My very dear friends.

Please don't say old.


No, no, no, no.

This is Charlie, Jack's son.

It's nice to meet you.

Liz: We've heard so
much about your dad.

Oh, yeah.

Where is your dad?

Umm, he didn't call?


I thought he was at
the shop with you,

and he'd just come over here.

Wasn't he picking up his tux?

Uh, he was, yeah.

He was--

Well, you know dad.

I mean, sometimes he just gets
so excited that, you know,

everything, and
sometimes everyone else,

just goes right out of his head.

What was he excited about?

I don't know.

It's hard to tell with dad.

He didn't-- he
didn't call you?


You know what, he
probably just forgot.

Forgot about our dinner plans?

That's dad.

He um-- he didn't
even mention it.

Did you remind him?

One time, he forgot to
pick my mom up at work.

He was at his usual, you know,
all night boys poker game kind

of thing, and he forgot that
I was home alone, again.

And he didn't remember
until mom came home herself,

and then he realized, and
boy, was she steaming.

But you get used to it.

You know what?

I think we should
probably just order.

I mean, it's hard to say
when he's ever gonna arrive.

Hey, everybody.

Sorry, I'm late.

I lost my cell phone.

And I got lost, and I didn't
have anybody's number.

You can't believe
where I've been.

Try me.

An auction, but
not just any auction.



Oh, that's a lovely wine.

How much did this
case set us back, dad?

This wine is the wine that
we shared the first night

we met in Paris, and we thought
we would never, ever, ever see

another bottle of it.

When I saw they had
a whole case for sale,

I knew we had to have
it for the reception.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry, I'm late.

Oh sugar, I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.


That is so romantic.

I'm Martin.

Oh, I'm sorry.

This is my wife, Liz.

We've heard all about you.

Guess most of it is true.

I can't take all the credit.

Roxanne and Charlie were good
enough to give me a heads

up about the auction.

Roxanne told you
about the auction?

Uhm, well you know,
it wasn't exac--

it wasn't exactly
like that, Jack.

Well, yeah.

You're the little
wedding planner

who thinks of everything.

That was very thoughtful
of you, Roxanne.

Well, it was,
you know, it was.

It's good to know someone's
looking out for me.

My cell phone.


You left it at the shop.



Colombian roses.

Wait, roses.

I can't find it anywhere
on the continent.

Can you hold on for one second?



Oh, thank you for
calling me back.

Can you do it?

I need a photographer.

Oh, can you hold
on for one second?





Hey, so can you do it?

I know it's Christmas
time, but my mom's wedding,

it's in five days, and
I need a photographer.



All right.



How am I ever gonna
pull this wedding off?

Hey, Dylan.

Come on in.

You're up early.


Well actually, I have
not been to bed yet.

I've been up all night.

Mom's wedding's on Saturday,
and I have so much stuff to do,

you would not even believe it.


Rose told me how you and Charles
tried to sandbag the wedding.

Charles doesn't
surprise me, but--

I was just trying
to protect her.

Protect her or
protect yourself?

That's not fair, Dylan.

Look, I made a mistake.

It was an awful mistake, but--

You want to make it up to her.



I think I'm making it up to her.

Wait a second.

You can do it.


You could sh**t the wedding.

Look, Dylan.

Dylan, I wouldn't ask if I
wasn't totally desperate,

but I've called every freaking
photographer in town and--

Rox, I'm leaving.

I wanted to do it right this
time, so I came to say goodbye.






If I thought--


You don't get to
do that anymore.

Um, I got a lot a--

I got a lot of stuff that I got
to get finished, so I just--

hope you don't mind if
you just let yourself out.



I brought you your dress.


Oh, baby.


It's just-- it's dreamy.

Thank you.

Mom, I'm sorry
about last night.

I really am.

I just-- I wanted to
show you what kind of guy

Jack really was.

You mean the kind of guy who
would drive halfway across town

to drop a small
fortune on something

special for our wedding?

I know.

I just thought he
was wrong for you.

I mean, he's nothing like dad.

Thank goodness.


Oh, honey.

I never wanted to ruin your
image of your dad, but--

your father loved you so much.

He was a fantastic father.

He adored you until
the day he died.

But he wasn't a great husband.

What do you mean?

I was miserable for years.

He lied to me, and he cheated
on me over and over again.

It's the truth, honey.

And when he was gone, I
swore I would never ever

be in another relationship.

And then I met Jack.

And he just kind of reached in
me, took a hold of my heart.

I trust him, and I am so happy.

Roxanne, I need you
to be happy for me.

I am happy for you.

I really am, mom.

I am.

I could see how much Jack loves
you, and how much you love him.

I am gonna plan the most amazing
wedding that you've ever seen.

I promise.

I know you will.

I love you, mom.

I love you.


Now let's get this wedding dress
put away before Jack sees it.

It's bad luck.

We don't need bad luck.

Who's that?


He's here for dinner.

You want to stay?


I would like to propose a
toast, ladies and gentlemen.

To our wives and lovers.

Hear, hear.

Wives and lovers.

May they never meet, hey, dad?

Oh, Charlie.

It's real classy, Charlie.

Is that what happened
to your marriage, Charlie?

Lie and cheat on your wife?

Not really good
qualities in a husband.

Well, I'd like to
make a toast too.

I have used the word
love all my life.

Yeah, no kidding.

Knock it out.

It wasn't until I met you
Rosie that I really understood

the meaning of the word.

I love you with all my heart.

And I'm so happy you'll
have me as your husband.

Oh, I really hate
to eat and run, I do,

but you know what, I got
business to attend to.

Thanks, Rose.

I'll see you, dad.

See you later, Charlie.

I'm just getting going now.

Something's holding me up.

- Oh!
- Are you OK, Roxy?

- Roxanne, are you all right?
- I'm fine.

Give me half an hour
until I'll be there.

Where are you going?

I'm going to keep up
my end of our bargain.

OK, look.
Wedding's on.

Deal's off.
- Oh, no, no, no.

You just give up
too soon, sister.

Bye, mom!

Bye, Jack!

Oh no, oh no, oh no.

What I hit?

Oh my gosh.

Oh my god.

What did I hit?

What did I hit?
What did I hit?

Oh my god!

- I'm fine.


Oh my god, are you OK?

I'm fine.

Oh, Dylan.

What are you doing here?

I thought you left.

Oh, easy.

I decided to stay,
sh**t your mom's wedding.


Well, do you want to get in?


Where are we going?

I don't know.

Dylan, what's he doing?

I don't know.

I can't tell.

It's a-- sort of file.

Can I see?


All right, look.

Hold it.


What are you thinking?

I can't see anything.

You tell me.

What do you think
he's doing up there?

I have no idea.

Is he moving?



He's coming.



Style 4007.

OK, great.

Thank you.

Yeah, I'm gonna need
you to overnight them.


Thank you.

Early bird gets the napkins.

Ah, I have so much to do,
and I have three days to do it,

and all of my mom's favorite
flowers are out of season.

I had them flying in
from Chile, Costa Rica--

I thought you
were moving slowly,

so you had a chance to
break your mom and Jack up?

That was last week's plan.

Now, I'm trying
to move fast so I

can stop Jack's son from
trying to break up the wedding.

Oh and so my mom can have
her Christmas wedding.

Oh, OK.


Do you know what he did for her?

He ran all across town just to
get a case of the first bottle

of wine that they
shared together

to serve at the reception.

Oh, that is so romantic.

I know.

I was wrong.

He's a great guy.

I mean, he snores, and he eats
too much, but he's a great guy.

Of course, he is; otherwise,
I'd be marrying him.

Want some coffee?

Oh, I would love some.

I've been up for
two nights straight.


Dreamboat report.

This is him.

Uh, Charlie?

That's Jack's son.

Um, OK, Tish.

Well, could you excuse
us for a second?

Boy, Tish, I really could
use that cup of coffee.



Don't let him
leave until I get back.

How you doing?


Oh, I'd say awful.

It's like amateur
hour around here.

You know, if you and I are
gonna break up this wedding,

we really gotta get to work.

Charlie, you've
got to stop this.

Your dad's great.

He loves my mom, she loves him.

You've got to be happy for them.

Don't think I
can do that, and I

know that I can't let Rose come
between me and my inheritance.

Charlie, this wedding is going
to happen whether you like it

or not.

Roxanne, how do you think Rose
is gonna feel when she finds

out that my store, my and
my dad's bridal store,

is going in just down the block.

We bought the building last
night, I closed the deal.

You have a bridal store?

CJB Bridal.

Maybe you've heard of us?

Wonderful worldwide weddings.


That's the place that's
gonna put us out of business.

That's you?

Well, it's me and my dad.

You know, and it's too bad,
because you have a really nice

little store here.

It's too bad it won't
be around very long.

I can't believe it.

I mean, Charlie's a
shark, but Jack, he

seemed like such a nice guy.


Just when I was
starting to like him.

He turns up to be the jerk
that I was afraid he was.

Mom doesn't deserve to get
her heart all busted up

like that again.

I thought I didn't want
her to fall in love,

and I thought I didn't want
things to change between us,

but I do.

I do.

I mean, at least she had the
guts to take a second chance.

What about you?

I guess I was just waiting
for that perfect moment.

See, that's where
we're the same, Rox.

I'm always waiting for
the perfect moment too,

but sometimes I wait too long,
and I miss my opportunity


But I'm trying not to
let that happen again.

I'm looking for a second chance
at a perfect shot, right now.

I'm sorry, Dylan, but I can't.

I can't.

I'm looking for forever,
and it's never been you.

Hi, honey.

Look who's here, your favorite.


Jack's gonna be back soon.

He's got his new tux.

Mom, I have
something to tell you.

It's about Jack.

What's the matter, honey?

You getting nervous?

I'm the one who's supposed
to have cold feet.



Hi, Roxanne!

Hello, Rose.

Do I look as good
as I feel, huh?

Do you like it?

Roxy picked it out for me.

Oh, Jack.

I think that that is possibly
the ugliest tux I've ever

laid eyes on.

OK, so it's more bargain
basement than high-end

department store,
but hey, it's me.

When are you
gonna tell her Jack?

Tell her what?

About CJB Bridal.

Mom, what I came here to tell
you is the business moving in

down the street is
CJB Bridal, and it's

Charlie and Jack's company.


No, that can't be right.

Our bridal store here?

Charlie was in this morning,
Jack, and I saw the sign.

I don't know
anything about this.

Oh, Jack.

What have you done?

Rosie, I didn't know.

Look, give me a chance to
fix this, to make it right.

How, Jack?

How are you gonna make it right?

You're ruining everything
that matters to me in my life.

Rosie, just give me a chance.

- Stop talking.
- But Rosie, listen.

Just give me a chance to go down
and find out what's going on.


You lied to me.

You promised me that you
would never lie to me.

And you lied.

Take the tux back, Jack.

This is not going to work.

But Rosie.

Mom, you OK?

Rosie, it's me, Jack.

Oh, Rosie.

I'm so sorry, mom.


It turned out exactly the
way you wanted it, baby girl.

Nothing's changed.

I'm returning the tux.

How's Rosie?

Exactly how you would
expect someone to be,

who just found out
the man that she loved

was trying to put
her out of business.

Yeah, the store isn't
gonna be an issue.

Charlie needed my signature
to make the deal happen,

I didn't sign.

I pulled the plug.

I may not run the
company anymore,

but I damn well still own it.

Roxanne, I know I could
never be your dad.

I am nuts about your mother.

I would never, ever have
done anything to harm her.

So you-- you didn't
know about the store?

I really didn't.

What are you gonna do now?


Go back to Seattle
without my Rosie.

You still wanna marry her?

Of course, I
want to marry her.

Roxanne, what I
feel for your mother

comes along once in a lifetime.

Later in my lifetime, I
guess, but I love her.




Up here.


Come on, get dressed.

We're going to go see
the Christmas lights.

Oh, no.

No, no, no, no, no.

Not taking no for an answer.

It's Christmas Eve,
and we're going.

Have you been
good or have you been bad?

Made your parents happy or sad.

It's Santa, gonna make
you glad on Christmas Day.

Make Santa happy.

No coal in your
stocking this year.

You gotta make Santa happy,
if you want a merry Christmas

this year.

So, I have been
thinking about Christmas.

Rox, I don't know if I--

I was thinking that maybe we
should do something different.

You know, change isn't
necessarily a bad thing.

Might do both of us some good.

Look, I know I said that,
but I tried change,

it didn't work.

But you were right, mom.

Change is good, and I think
you need to try it again.

You mean with Jack?


You need to give
him a second chance.

After what that man did to us?

Forget about it, Roxanne.

I don't even want
to see him again.

Maybe you should
just hear him out.

What, you rooting
for Jack now?

Yes, I am.

Mom, he tried to
make things right.

He didn't let Charlie
get away with it.

What did he say?

CJB is out.

Jack shut it down.

For you.

He did?

He did.


Ooooh, isn't that pretty?

What do you say, Rosie?

Will you take a ride with me?


Take my hand.

I have a rose for my Rosie.


I used to wear
my heart on my sleeve.

I'd buy in to the common
mystic, that love was never

meant for me, but
now I'm glad can see.

That you and me, we
were meant to be.

And all it took was
a moment we shared.

A lover's glance, and
now you're in a dance.

A lifelong romance.

We're not in a trance.

And now we're in a dance.

A long romance.

We're not in a trance.



Do you have a minute?

You did a fantastic
job on this one.


I think my mom is
actually really happy.

Thing is, I was
looking for someone

to help me plan a wedding too.




You've come to
the right person.

But it has to be very special.

Do you know what you want?


I always have.

What did you have in mind?

Just a simple ceremony.


A few close
friends, and family.

Are you-- are you the groom?

I hope so.

Just because
sometimes the groom

isn't into the whole wedding
thing as the bride is.

I am.

I'm in it forever.

Thing is, I need a bride
who's in it forever too.

Do you think you
can handle that?


You've come to the right person.

I mean, we are a full
service business.

cast a spell on me.

I was blind, but now I see.

You work your magic,
that's the key.

You wave your wand,
cast a spell on me.

You cast a spell on me.

I was blind, but now I see.

You work your magic,
that's the key.

Your wave your wand,
and cast a spell on me.

I was blind, but now I see.

You wave your wand,
cast a spell on me.
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