An Avonlea Christmas (1998)

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An Avonlea Christmas (1998)

Post by bunniefuu »

[mellow music]
[crickets chirping]

[animal bleating]

[dramatic music]

- [Narrator] There once was a time

in a place called Avonlea

when life was simpler.

Children grew and years went by,

and yet it always seemed that
nothing would ever change.

- We have one life to live.

Let's live it.

We've decided to leave Avonlea.

Jasper has been offered
and has now accepted

a permanent position
with the Royal Society.

- Leave Avonlea?

You can't.

- Well, we're doing it, Hetty.

- [Narrator] And Avonlea it remained,

though some would go and others stayed.

- [Blond Boy] Miss King says
you'll be going on a honeymoon.

Will you be away long?

- No, when we come back here though,

I mean, thought maybe we'd
take a s*ab at living with you

and the other kids at the foundling home.

[mellow music]

- Mr. Jermaine says you have to nowadays.

I mean, he thinks the way
things are going with Germany,

there could be a w*r in Europe.

- Oh, I don't know about that.

I can't believe Germany would want a w*r

any more than we would.

- Well, I've been reading.

It sounds like they're
trying to start something.

And if England gets involved,
we'll be in it, too.

- Oh, that's just talk designed
to sell newspapers, Felix.

I'm sure that in the end,
good sense will prevail.

- Albert had this brochure,

opportunities in Canada for young men,

a whole list of things.

- That's what's on your mind.

- I haven't told anyone else but you.

My parents will have a fit.

- People will leave our town.

Some may have to.

But Avonlea will never vanish.

Gus and Felicity'll be staying here

to carry on with the foundling home.

And to one day start a
family of their own perhaps.

But wherever they go, all
the young people of Avonlea,

whatever glorious
adventures lie ahead of you,

you can rest easy knowing
you've a place to come home to.

The dearest spot on Earth, our Avonlea.

- [All] Our Avonlea.

- [Narrator] But we were to
learn that all things change,

for beyond our shores, the
clouds of a distant w*r loomed

and soon nothing would ever be the same.

[plaintive music]

[suspenseful music]


[planes whining]



[g*ns booming]
[planes whining]

- Sir, these are for you,

orders from field headquarters.

- Company, ready positions.

[mellow music]

- Felix, if anything
happens, can you promise

that you'll go see my folks?

- We'll both go see them.

We'll both be back in Avonlea before long.

I promise you that.

[mellow music]

- Advance!




- [Felix] Albert!




Come on, Albert, come on.

We got to get out of here, come on.


We're going to make it, Albert, come on.

We're going to go home.

[g*ns booming]

Come on!

[planes roaring]

♪ Silent night ♪

♪ Holy night ♪

♪ All is calm ♪

♪ All is bright ♪

♪ Round yon Virgin Mother and Child ♪

♪ Holy infant so tender and mild ♪

♪ Sleep in heavenly peace ♪

♪ Sleep in heavenly peace ♪


- Thank you, ladies,
for your kind applause,

although as yet such performance
hardly warrants an ovation.

Libby Hubble, a semitone flatter, my girl,

you'll be singing the alto line.

Now, I intend that this concert

be Avonlea School's finest hour,

so that our proceeds may lend

valuable aid to the w*r effort.

With this in mind, it's up to each

and every one of you to give your all.

And as your teacher, I
expect and will accept

nothing less than your very best.

Am I understood?

- [All] Yes, Miss King.

- [Hetty] A drill.

- [All] Yes, Miss King.

- Very well, well, I
release you to your mothers.

On the table, books on
the table carefully.

- [Woman] Edgar, Duffy
Dean, I have your coats.

- Choir will be in form
by concert time, Hetty.

- It will, to be sure.

Let it be said that Avonlea School

can always be counted
upon to do their bit.

- I only wish--

- Wish what?

- Well, I wish the children's concert

didn't have to be so tied up with the w*r.

Couldn't Christmas be the one part

of their life it didn't touch?

- Oh, Janet, a sense of duty

is the most important
lesson I teach a child,

and this Christmas, it's
their God-given duty

to support the Empire and our King.

[mellow music]

- Hetty King hasn't changed a wit

since she taught any of us.

- You can't change Miss King,
there's no point in trying.

- The woman should be retired.

- I can't wait to see Aunt Olivia

and Jasper and the children.

- Here.

- If only Gus could have waited

until after the holidays
to leave for Halifax.

- When duty beckons, one's bound to follow

and Gus understands that, Felicity.

- I know.

He would've enlisted with Felix

if his eyesight had been better.

- Of course, he would have.

And never mind, it's a vital contribution

our Gus is making to the w*r effort now,

doing this Naval telegraphy in Halifax.

We're all mighty proud of him.

Blast this thing.

[mischievous music]

- Miss King?

Miss King, I feel I must comment

on your methods of teaching music.

- Must you?

- There are modern modes of instruction

more effective than
bullying and the drill.

- [scoffs] Modern modes did nothing

to that niece of yours, Ada Hubble.

Hannah was your ward, lest we forget,

letting her run off to
the city chasing a boy.

- Miss King, I did
everything for that girl.

- Clearly, that was her problem.

Good day to you.

[horse neighing]

- Aunt Hetty, in Mrs. Hubble's defense,

Hannah was incorrigible.

- No time today for the
prattling likes of Ada Hubble.

Now, Felicity dear, if you'll excuse me,

I have a train to meet

your Aunt Olivia and Uncle Jasper.

Up now.

[upbeat music]


- Oh, my God.

There you are.

It's so good to see you.


Oh, no, we wouldn't do that.

Look, that's Alicia.

And where's Monty, where'd he go?

- Where is he?
- Monty, come on.

[baby wailing]

- Oh, well, Montgomery.

Cat got your tongue?

- Cat's got my what?

- Gracious providence, Olivia,

he sounds like an Englishman [laughs].

- Well, it's been two years.

- And he's grown to look
more like his father.

Well, let's hope you got
more than his sense, boy.

- Oh, Hetty, don't start on Jasper.

- Well, where is he?
- Who?

- [Hetty] Jasper.

- Oh, he couldn't get away.

- [Hetty] He what?

- Oh, it was a last minute.

- You can't mean, that
scatter wit sent you

and the children on this sea voyage alone?

And in--

- Not in front of the children.

Now, come on, let's just
enjoy being together.

It's Christmas.

- Well, I'll have a porter
put your luggage on the cart.


[mellow music]

Rachel, be so good as to keep
an eye on the little ones

whilst I have a word with my sister.

- [Rachel] Oh, Monty, what do you--

- Well, finally.

- Hetty, if we're inconveniencing you,

the children and I can stay elsewhere.

- Rose Cottage was your home when you off

and married that Jasper Dale.

It's your home still.

- Do you really, you have
to call him that Jasper?

- Where is Jasper, Olivia?

- Hetty, I told you he couldn't come.

- He couldn't come?

- Jasper is doing very necessary work

with the Royal Engineers in London.

His work has an important
military application.

- That man, Olivia, has always been

an idol dreamer, prone to distraction.

- Hetty, you're entitled
to your opinion of Jasper,

but I don't need to hear it
and neither do the children.

- My opinion's neither here nor there.

It's a plain and simple
fact the man you married

hasn't the sense God gave geese.

- Oh, that's it.

This was a mistake.

We'll stay at the hotel.

- A hotel, no, preposterous.

No King'll ever stay in a
hotel in Avonlea if I have--

- Fine, then we'll stay
with Alec and Janet.

- Oh, don't be ridiculous.

Can't you even try to be reasonable?

- Me?

Me be reasonable?

- Oh, give me that suitcase.
- No.

- Oh!

Go on with you then.

If you insist on playing
the fool, go, go, go on.

[melancholic music]

- Hetty, I have changed in the two years

since I've been away from here.

- Changed.

Change isn't so simple as you'd
like to think, Olivia King.

- Well, apparently not
for you, Hetty King.

You are still as inflexible
and narrow-minded as ever.

When you can learn to treat me and Jasper

with a little respect, then
you'll find me at King Farm.

[melancholic music]

Alec will be back for our luggage.

[door bangs]

[melancholic music]

- What did you say to your sister?

Go after her and apologize.

- [Hetty] I will not.

Suffice it to say I have nothing

for which to apologize.

- Typical Hetty.

What'll you do?

Stomp your feet and hold your
breath till you turn blue?

Merciful providence, it's Christmas.

- The whole world can go ahead

and change if it wants to.

Needn't expect the same of Hetty King.

[mellow music]


[melancholic music]

- Olivia, how could you let
Hetty upset you like this?

You know how she is.

- I wasn't going to give
her the satisfaction.

- The satisfaction?

- Promise you won't tell her.

- Tell her what?

- Jasper...

He missed the boat.

- He what?

- He missed the train to the docks.

And then he missed the
sailing of our ship.

And then he even managed to miss

the launch for late passengers [sobs].

He's so irresponsible, Alec.

It's like having a third
child and no husband at all.

- And was he ever otherwise?

- I know.

I know that when something's
important to Jasper,

really important, he
doesn't just forget things.

- Olivia, you know that he has--

- I know, I know, Alec,

he has important work occupying his mind.

And I am so proud of him.

But maybe until all this is over,

it would just be better if

the children and I didn't go back.

I don't know.

- Wait, is there anything
I can do to help?

- I don't know what.

- Well, how about this just for starters.

[melancholic music]

[upbeat music]

- Quarter of eight, there goes Hetty King,

regular as clockwork
and twice as reliable.

[mellow music]

- Miss King just went by, time to open.

[upbeat music]

- [Woman] Kids, kids, hurry on.

King's gone past already.

[upbeat music]

- [Hetty] Good morning, Rodney.

- [Rodney] Morning, Miss King.

- [Hetty] Morning.

- We got it for you.
- That's good.

- It's chilly.
- Yes.

- Hope you've got that
kindling chopped for the stove.

Have you, Rodney?

- Sure do, Miss, and the
stove's already going.

- Thank you, Rodney.

No, no, I'm fine.

- Oh, Miss King.

Miss King, I've the most wonderful news.

- I'm rather too busy to chat now, Ada.

Libby inside.

- My dear old chum has been made

superintendent of school, Margaret Powell.

- [Hetty] New superintendent?

- Isn't it wonderful?

- But Margaret Powell?

Why, she's scarcely 40.

She hasn't the life experience
for such a position.

- I gather the education
ministry appreciates

her progressive views on teaching.

- Does it?
[clears throat]

Well then, you must pass on

my good wishes to Miss Powell.

- Tell her yourself.

I've invited Margaret to your big concert.

We'll see what she thinks about it.

[mischievous music]

- [Boy] Miss King, won't the soldiers

get homesick at Christmas?

- Oh yes, well, life does
bring us vicissitudes, boy.

But the solution to our
each and every problem

presents itself how, Mr. Dean?

- Head high and shoulders back

with purpose firm and never slack.

- Yes, indeed.

Well, though life may test us,

we'll not tread far from the path,

so long as we keep our
traveling companions three.


- [All] Industry,
constancy, and punctuality.

- Quite right.

If we respect certain unalterable laws,

then we may deal with
whatever comes our way.

[upbeat music]

[mellow music]

- Cecily, you going to walk home with me?

- Daniel, I've got messages coming in.

Listen, why don't you go,

why don't you go over
to the foundling home

and visit Felicity, all right?

- What is it, Cecily?

- The w*r office.

Run along, please.

[somber music]

- Oh, Cecily, what are you doing home?

- Is father inside?

- No, he's down at the barn.

- Maybe we should go get him.

- Why?

[somber music]

What is it, dear?

[somber music]

Tell me.

- Felix is listed as missing in action.

[somber music]

- Cecily, are they all inside?

- [Cecily] Yes.

- How are they managing?

- Father's holding up,
mother's not so good.

- I'm sorry you had to
bear such news, child.

- I'll take care of your horse for you.

- [Hetty] Thank you, dear.

- Hetty, I'm so glad you're here.

- Of course, I'm here, Olivia.

Where would I be at such a time?

- Hetty, we're all terribly upset.

- Then I advise you, Olivia,
pull yourself together.

- [Olivia] Oh, Hetty.

- Janet needs our strength,
Olivia, not our blubbering.

Go wash your face.

All my prayers are with you, Janet dear,

and with our Felix.

That we are called upon
to make such sacrifices

hard to bear, yet, bear it we must.

- I beg your pardon?

- I mean, it's precisely
in times of hardship

that strength of character is revealed.

- Hetty, my son is missing, my son.

- I know, my dear girl, I--

- Don't you call me my dear girl.

He shouldn't have even been over there.

- Sweetheart, don't upset yourself.

- Now, now, I...

It's natural to feel--

- Natural?

It was you who filled his head

with that nonsense about honor and duty.

- Nonsense?

- You pushed him to rush out and sign up.

- Janet, stop that now.

Missing does not mean the worst.

Felix is a good boy, he's level-headed,

and he is going to come home.

[melancholic music]

- I'm just going to move my lips

till the day of the concert,

and then I'm going to
screech any old thing

that comes out of my mouth.

- Miss King'll k*ll you.

- Let her try.

[horse whinnying]

- [Hetty] Rachel, give
me a hand, will you?

- Did you see that the
Carmody School concert

has the Bell River Bell Ringers?

- Bell River?

They can't.

- Well, they do, it says right here.

They'll be doing a featured
rendition of O Holy Night.

- That's a breach of,

well, the Bill River Bell Ringers

are practically semi-professional.

- And look, they've changed their date

to accommodate the Bell Ringer's schedule.

- The same night as us?

Oh, this is nothing short of provocation.

We've been advertising ours for weeks.

- Well, what can we do?

It's just a Christmas concert.

- It's a good deal of more

than just a Christmas concert, Rachel.

Why, that Ada Hubble, she'd
like nothing better than to

[mumbles] Miss Powell into an empty hall.

Don't you see?

Why, the success of this
event could mean my very job.

Something must be done.

[melancholic music]

- So many memories in
this old ornament box.

All the bits and pieces the
children made over the years.

[sighs] Trimming the tree.

It was Felix that liked to do that.

It's hard to start without him.

- Everything's going to be all right.

- How can you know?

- We have to keep hope, Janet.

We have to believe that Felix is all right

and keep Christmas as usual.

We owe him that much.

- You signed the papers, Alec.

- What?

- I didn't want him to go.

- [Alec] Janet.

- He couldn't have signed
on without your permission.

I didn't want him to leave Avonlea.

- He was 19 years old,
he knew his own mind.

How could I stop him?

- You didn't try.

You didn't even try.

[melancholic music]

- Aunt Hetty, look at my angel wings.

- Of course, I couldn't even [mumbles].

They're insisting that
this door be locked.

Hasn't been in need of a locked door

in Avonlea in all my years.

- Aunt Hetty, you ever see a real angel?

- No, not yet, my boy.

Not for some time to
come, if I have my way.

- That's just providence,
remember wee Will Ainsley?

- Wilfred, indeed, I do.

Fourth form only, mind you.

The year his father was the
Reverend, Avonlea Presbyterian.

- "Renowned elocutionist Wilfred Ainsley

"has returned from Britain."

Apparently, with all the
theaters blacked out,

it's slim pickings for the actor types.

- Hm, is that so?

I've read of his stage success.

- "He will be performing
at the Prince Eddie

"in Charlottetown over
the Christmas season,

"a performance of Christmas classics."

Why doesn't he join the
army if he wants employment?

- Perhaps because there are better ways

such a man may serve the w*r effort.


Surely, we could convince
Mr. Wilfred Ainsley

to perform at our concert.

He's practically a native son.

- We?

We who?

- [chuckles] It'd blow
those Carmody Bell Ringers

clear out of the water.

You're looking for an angel,
are you, Daniel, my boy?

Look right there.

- Hetty.

Hetty King?

- A real angel?

[upbeat music]

- Most attentive pupil, albeit a bit,

oh yes, I recall his reading loud in class

from William Wordsworth, "There
was a boy, I knew him well."

- Shh!

- [Announcer] Ladies and gentlemen,

the Prince Edward Theater
is pleased to present

one of the finest
elocutionists in the empire.

Direct from the stages
of London's West End,

the pride of the island,
Mr. Wilfred Ainsley.

- And the chain he drew was long,

and it wound around him like a tail.

And it was made of cash boxes and keys,

padlocks and deeds.

"Who are you?" Scrooge
called out, at last.

"Ask me who I was," said the shade.

"I was your partner, Jacob Marley."

[mellow piano music]

Merry Christmas to all,
and to all, a good night.


- Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah,
backstage personnel only.

- It's all right, we're
here to see Mr. Ainsley.

- He's a wee bit young for you, isn't he?

- Beg your pardon?

- We're personal
acquaintances of Mr. Ainsley.

- So you see.


Live ones looking for the stage door.

Come on, ladies, let's go.

This way, ladies.

- [Hetty] Oh, my good man.

Are you accusing us of prevarication?

- Hetty, look!

- Wilfred.


Mr. Ainsley.

Mr. Ainsley.

- That's it.

- Oh, but--
- Out, out you go.

- I just need to speak
with him, oh, please.

- Show them the air, Stan.

- What?


May then we shall stand right here

until Mr. Ainsley comes out,

however long that will be.

- Oh, Hetty, Wilfred didn't
recognize either of us,

and I feel like a ripe old fool.

- Like, you're to concede, Rachel?

We're so close to victory.

- Hetty King, I have shopping

and baking to do for Christmas.

I'm not going to loll around here

like some stage door doxy.

Come along now.

- A doxy?

Oh, shh.

- If we wait 10 minutes longer,

we'll miss the last train
of the day to Avonlea.

- Very well, then.

You, tell Mr. Ainsley
that Ms. King called.

[mischievous music]

[mellow music]
[dog barking]

- Here's more corn relish,
bread and butters, and dills.

- This Christmas, the needy of Avonlea

will eat better than we do.

- Certainly in the pickle department.

- Must know more than we've done

for white gifts any other year.

- Aunt Hetty read from the paper

that it's our duty to the Empire

to have lots of presents
and goodies at Christmas.

- Oh, I wanna bet that
just suits you fine.

- Well, Christmas as usual is
better for the w*r economy.

- One of the more original excuses

I've ever heard for overdoing it.

- Felicity, Felicity.

- [Felicity] Whoa, fellas, I'm right here.

What's the hullabaloo?

- This got delivered at the
Foundling Home, special for you.

- What is it, dear?

- Lawyer's office in Fredericton.

- Nothing wrong, is there?

- Lawyer for Mr. And Mrs.
Alden Dean of Monkton.

Aunt and uncle to the Dean children?

Boys, have you ever heard of them?

[melancholic music]

They lay claim to custody.

[melancholic music]

Where has this uncle been

while Gus and I were mother and father

to those children for two years?

- It's getting late.

I could telegraph this lawyer for you

first thing in the morning.

- Cecily, are you all right?

- I had to deliver another telegram

from the w*r Office earlier today,

to the Reeds, over by Collins Bay.

- Oh, Cecily, Danny Reed?

- k*lled in action.

- Poor Reeds.

[somber music]

- Pull up a chair.

Let's figure out what you're
going to say to this lawyer.

[somber music]

- Avonlea is the children's home, Cecily.

- But if these people are blood relations,

then you'll have to let them go.

[melancholic music]

- Kids?

They're here.

[melancholic music]

Won't you come in?

- I'm Alden Dean, this is Marly.

- I'm Felicity Pike.

It's nice to meet you.

- Nice to meet you.

- Kids, come and meet your aunt and uncle.

- Oh, we've got some Christmas parcels.

You fellas got a tree?

- Yeah, come on, follow me.

[mellow music]

[toy train whirring]

- Here you are.
- Thank you.

- You're welcome.

[mellow music]

Do you have any children of your own?

- No.

That doesn't seem very
likely at this stage,

but we've always wanted them, always.

- How am I doing?
- Pretty good.

- Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

- It will be very difficult to go home

to our big empty house for
Christmas without them.

[mellow music]

- An uncle claiming those Dean children

after these two years?

Ooh, what a shock to Felicity.

- Oh, you'd have to call
that Foundling Home a bust.

How many orphans has she had
through there beside the Deans?

Three babies, tops?

- Oh, and she found good
homes for all the wee bairns.

- Well, now she's found
homes for the Deans.

- [Mabel] Well, what are you suggesting?

- [Mrs. Potts] Avonlea
keeping a Foundling Home open

with no foundlings in it?

[mellow music]

Dear me, Felicity, the last
of your foundlings is gone.

- [sighs] Mrs. Potts, yes, it appears so.

- You have done such
a job of placing them.

It seems there aren't
enough orphans to go around.

I mean, a place the size
of Avonlea, after all.

- What are you trying to say?

- Only, well, old lady
Lloyd did leave that place

to the Church and Avonlea Presbyterian

is your sole benefactor.

- Mrs. Potts, excuse me, but,

how could this be of the
least concern to you?

- Well, I am on the executive
of the Church Women,

and I feel I would be
remiss not to suggest

you find some other line of work.

- You'd evict me?

- Oh, Felicity Pike, no one wants to do

that sort of thing so close to Christmas,

but if you're looking for employment,

there is a regional orphanage
right here in Carmody.

- Fine.

Mrs. Potts, fine.

You're right.

- I am?

- Tell the executive to put
the Foundling Home up for sale.

[melancholic music]

- [Alec] Felicity, you shouldn't let

that old busy body get to you.

- Well, I couldn't deny
a thing she said, father.

How can I ask Avonlea to
support a charity home when,

when the only charity case is me?

- So what do you think you'll do instead?

- Something else.

I realize you have a full house

with Aunt Olivia and the children.

- We'll move you back into your old room.

- Thank you.

It won't be more than a month or two

until I get my bearings.

- Well, I could use an extra
pair of hands around here,

at least until Felix gets back.

[mellow music]

- How's mother doing?

- Give her time.

[mellow music]

- You know, I always wanted

one of those music boxes in there.

I must have dropped 1.001 hints to Jasper,

but picking up clues was
never one of his strong suits.

I sometimes wonder if he's
ever heard a word I said.

- Do you want to go in?

- Oh, no, no.

No, we better get to the
station and collect my package.

So you telephoned the orphanage
at Carmody this morning?

- [Felicity] About an
appointment for a job.

- [Olivia] Uh-huh.

Couldn't that have waited
until after Christmas?

- [Felicity] Oh, well, you
taught me better than that.

- [Olivia] I did?

- Hm, when I was about 12

and I lost mother's cameo pin

in the Merryweather's hay field

and I didn't want to tell her.

Well, you said problems only dog you.

They're never solved by running away.

- I said that?

- Support our boys.

Keep Christmas as usual.

- It's strange, isn't it?

How life seems to burble along

as though nothing will ever change,

and then all of a sudden,

it's as though nothing will
ever be as usual again.

[melancholic music]

- Ah, good, you two are back.
- Yep.

- So what do they have
for you at the station?

- [Olivia] Oh, I think it's
Jasper's gifts for the children.

- [Felicity] Are you off, now?

- Well, your mother and
I were supposed to be

delivering the white gifts to the needy.

- Oh, Janet still hasn't
come out of your room?

- I'll just tell my church
that she's not up to it.

- Well, she has to come down before long.

Do you want me to go with you?

- No, sweetheart, you
carry on in your day.

I'll be fine.


Good afternoon, Mrs. McGuire.

Let me give you a hand with that.

I've got a basket from
Avonlea Presbyterian,

the compliments of the season.

- That's kind of you.

[horse whinnying]

- Something wrong, Mrs. McGuire?

Can I help?

- You don't know?

- What?

- They're k*lled.

Both my boys, Dalton and Finn.

- No.

[somber music]

I'm deeply sorry.

- It's done.

I'll not see them again.

[somber music]

- Well, I...

[somber music]

- [Woman] And what would you hope to do

for this orphanage, Ms. King?

- [Felicity] I realize
from my curriculum vitae,

my career's begun in fits and starts.

- Excellent matriculation,
and this enabled you

to teach at a primary school level.

But unfortunately, we have no
opening here in that regard.

- I have my medical studies,
although incomplete,

combined with two years of running my own,

admittedly small, foundling home.

Well, I must be qualified for something.

- It's clear that your
heart is in the right place,

but are you sure you want to work here?

- My family is in Avonlea.

Might there be any options open to me?

- It would seem that you're overqualified

to join us as a nursing
aide, but truthfully,

you haven't the certification
for anything more.

- I understand.

Thank you very much for your time.

- Oh, it's so nice to have met you.

- [Felicity] Well, hello there.

Aren't you a sweetheart?

What's your name?

Don't you know your name?

- She can't hear you, she's deaf.

- Oh, how sad.

- The fever epidemic that left

so many of these children orphans

also rendered a number of infants deaf,

like little Alice here.

- [Felicity] She seems a happy wee thing.

- She's a dear.

It's being with her siblings
that's done so much for her.

But sadly, we're going
to have to send her away

to an institution on the
mainland before long.

- You wouldn't send her
away, surely if she's...

- There are no facilities on the island

equipped to teach the deaf.

- Poor Alice.

[mellow music]

- Hear thou my prayer for lasting peace.

Bid bloody warring nations
cease, and bring the hour,

the whole world o'er when
sinful men shall w*r no more.

- We printed that in the Halifax Herald?

Bit dreary for boosting
the w*r spirit, isn't it?

- Christmas is the
season of peace on Earth.

- But we've got to get behind
our boys and do our bit.

- Indeed we do, Mabel.

Thank you, Janet.

And now, Mrs. Potts, you have the list

from the Red Cross, do you?

- Indeed, I have, Madame President.

Fellow ladies of the Red
Cross, there is no greater way

the wives and mothers, sisters,
and daughters of Avonlea

can support the cause than by sewing.

A great deal of enthusiastic
work is required,

given the onset of winter weather,

and the intensity of
fighting at the front.

And so ladies, it is that
we must apply our energy

with all the art and heart, a
beat, and patriotic fervor--

- Clara Potts, perhaps
you could just simply

hand around the list.

- [Mrs. Potts] Certainly.

- If we're short a few,
ladies, please share.

Well, as you can see,
there's a good deal of sewing

to be done at every level
of needleship so as--

- Anyone can sew pillowcases and sheets.

And for the knitters,
there's socks, nightcaps,

and hot water bottle covers.

And who can't tear a bandage, eh?


- [Hetty] Well, afterwards,
I shall demonstrate

the proper bandage rolling technique, so--

- [Mrs. Potts] And also
needed are tourniquets,

split and slings.

And for the more able seamstress,

they want [music drowns out audio].

[somber music]


- Sorry.

[melancholic music]

I'm sorry.



- [Hetty] There.

- Sorry.

- If you're unwell, Janet,
you may go upstairs.

- No.

[plaintive music]

No, I'm fine.

It was just a little spill.

[plaintive music]

I'm fine!

[mellow music]

- You were saying, Mrs. Potts?


Last of the ladies gone.

It looks as if there'll
be a good number here

for my dinner Christmas Eve, hmm,

now that Olivia and her brood are home.

- If you want to forego the big
Christmas Eve dinner, Hetty,

I don't think anyone would mind.

- Forego it?

- Well, it's so much work for you, Hetty.

- It's a labor I gladly undertake, Janet.

Certain King traditions
are sacrosanct, after all.

I see it as my duty that
this dinner be served.

- Duty is a bit strong, don't you think?

- Not a bit of it.

Why, I'll observe this Christmas
exactly as did my mother,

her mother before her, served
on grandmother's china.

Great-aunt Arabella's silver salver

is all polished and ready.

I've dusted Cousin Hekibus'
cranberry glass compote dish.

I'm near done with the baking.

- I'm only saying that
under the circumstances,

I don't know how festive
this season can be.

- Janet, truly the King family
has suffered a severe blow,

but know that the eyes of
the community are upon us,

so it's up to us to show leadership,

especially at this time.

- I see.

- Your little spell or whatever that was

this evening's understandable, I suppose,

but really, you must try with
every fiber of your being

to think of others,
and behave like a King.

- Oh, I am thinking of others, Hetty.

I'm thinking of Finn and Dalton Maguire,

and all the other boys we have packed off

to be k*lled or maimed in a
w*r a thousand miles away.

- And if more boys go
like those brave Maguires,

then other boys may come home safe.

- How can you be so cold-hearted?

What happened to you, Hetty King?

- When tragedy strikes,
Janet, duty requires one to--

- Stop it, stop it, stop it.

I won't listen to this, Hetty.

You can keep your moldy traditions

and your trumped up
sense of duty and pride,

because at the end of the day, Hetty King,

that is all you will have.

And I will not set a foot in this house

on Christmas Eve or any
other day of the year.

[melancholic music]

- [Felicity] And the
address of the institute?


It's Lexington Avenue,
New York City, right.

Well, thank you very much.

You've been a great help.

This gives me a lot to consider.


- What did you find out?

- Oh, well, this is a program that

not only teaches the deaf
but trains teachers as well.

- Do you think you'll write to them?

- I actually touched on
communication with the deaf

when I was at Dalhousie.

So, maybe if they send me the materials,

I could teach myself and
little Alice at the same time.

- What about the course
right at the institute?

- What do you mean?

- Well, there's obviously
a need for such services.

It's something that you
should seriously consider.

- It would be a whole year away from home.

- Maybe you should talk to Gus about it.

- Oh, I know what Gus would say.

"Felicity, make up your mind."

He'll support whatever I want to do.

- Well, if I were you, I'd
telephone the institute back

and find out a little bit more information

about that course.

[mellow music]

- Ms. King, the way you
remember every student

at Christmas is so thoughtful.

- Simply the done thing, Eunice.

I've given the same
gifts to the same grades

every Christmas for the past 40 years.

- [Woman In Black Hat] Clara
Potts, what's the excitement?

- Guess who I was just
talking to long distance?

My Sally.

- Yes, thank you.

And three hair ribbons for
three fifth-form girls.

- Since she went to secretarial
school in Charlottetown,

Sally's ever so popular.

- We have yellow, pink, and blue.

- I play no favorites.

Make it three blue, please.

- This afternoon, she is
going to a Christmas tea

hosted by the Lieutenant Governor.

- Clara Potts, you
needn't to make it sound

as though Sally'd received
an engraved invitation.

It's an annual event, is it not?

It's open to the public.

- Well, I imagine you'd like to go.

The guest of honor is
to be Wilfred Ainsley.

- Ainsley?

- And all of Charlottetown society

is to be there, along with my Sally.

[mischievous music]

- Tally it up, will you?

I'm a bit rushed today.

Thank you.

[upbeat music]

- [Rachel] Now, Hetty, you're
not going to that party

just to track down Ainsley.

- Well, of course not.

I left my card.

If the lad hasn't the decency to respond,

then clearly, celebrity's
gone to his head.

- Ms. King, I was so
hoping we'd bump into you.

You've met Ms. Powell?

- Of course, we have.

- Ms. Powell, this is Mrs. Rachel Lynde.

Ms. Powell is the new
Superintendent of Schools, Rachel.

- Pleased to meet you.

- So Ms. King, you're
still at Avonlea School?

- Still, to be sure.

Where else would I be?

- It's been a good many years, hasn't it?

- More than some, perhaps.

Not so many as others.

- How I look forward to visiting
your little schoolhouse.

Friday, perhaps, when I'm
back for your concert.

- Friday, this Friday?

Well, by all means, any day will be fine.

- Friday next then.

Pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Lynde.

- Did you hear that?

"Still at the Avonlea School."


I know the meaning of that still.

- What are you going on about?

- The woman means to retire me, Rachel.

Get rid of me, out the door,

as though I was so much chalk dust.

- Oh, Hetty.

- And that Ada Hubble is behind it.

She was contentious as a child.

Small wonder that Hanna
ran off to Charlottetown.


Oh, if I caught the 10 o'clock train,

I could be back for choir practice by two.

- Hetty, I'm not throwing
good money after bad.

I've got too much to do for Christmas.

- Rachel, with Wilfred
Ainsley in my pocket,

oh, the concert will be such a success.

They'd never dare touch me.

- With Hetty King, it's one
misadventure after another.

You go again, you'll go alone.

- Then go I must.

Desperate times demand desperate deeds.

Mr. Parker, would you be so kind

as to drive me to the station?

It's emergency, please, fast.

[upbeat music]

[mellow music]


[mellow music]

- Please allow me.

My word, is that you, Ms. King?

It's Arthur Pettibone.

- Well, I know who you are, Arthur.

I see you didn't take off to
Halifax with your parents then.

- No, ma'am.

- Well, and what is a veterinarian doing

at these proceedings, may I ask?

Is there a horse in need?

- Not that I'm aware.

I'm a private citizen.

Actually, I gave up veterinary medicine

since last I saw you and
entered medical college.

I'm interning now at the
Charlottetown Hospital.

- Oh, then, the people of Charlottetown

will be in good hands,
should they experience

an outbreak of bovine contagion.

[guests clapping]

- Mr. Ainsley, it's very good of you

to attend our little gathering.

- My pleasure, Excellency.

I can't tell you how good it
is to be back on the Island.

- You must tell me, Ms. King,
how is everyone in Avonlea?

- Oh, fine, fine, we're all fine.

[mellow violin music]

- Mr. Ainsley, I know for
a fact that my daughter

is bursting to have a dance.

- Will you honor me, Miss?

[upbeat music]

- Ms. King, did you want to dance?

- No, I...

I mean, yes, yes.

- Yes?
- Oh, thank you, Arthur.

Dance me that way.

[upbeat music]


Oh, no, leave me.

My back.

My back.

- Lie still.

Are you injured?

- Can't move my whole lower limbs.

- Quickly, send to the hospital
for a stretcher at once.

We'll be admitting you shortly, Ms. King.

- No, no, don't you see, I cannot be ill.

I have duties to perform--

- Don't make me be firm with you.

- Look here, Arthur Pettibone.

I have no intention of being
examined by a horse doctor.

- A surgeon will examine you,

but if you insist on moving,

I can order you restrained

to avoid further injury to yourself.

Nurse, please admit Ms. King.

- It's so unlike Hetty.

- "Thou shall not be late"
is her 11th commandment.

- Someone else could
have led choir practice,

but she's got the only key to the hall.

- So we decided to
bring you your materials

for the Red Cross sewing, Janet.

- Yes, we have assigned you
half a dozen nightshirts,

and save any scraps for bandages.

- Oh, I...

- Oh, we all know that
it's a busy time of year.

- But with a little extra
effort, we are hoping

to pick up the finished goods at New Year.

- I don't feel able to
participate at this time.

- We all know you're
distressed, but busy work

is the best way to occupy a woman's mind.

- No, I'm saying that I
no longer feel willing

to participate in the
encouragement of this w*r.

- Are you saying you're a pacifist?

No King could be a pacifist.

- Gracious Providence!

Your sister-in-law's the
president of our chapter.

- Hetty and I are two
very different women.

- But surely Janet King, you want to see

the Kaiser get a good kick in the pants?

- I don't give a tinker's
damn about the Kaiser.

I only want my son to come home.

- Yes, but--
- Good day, ladies.

- Don't be brave.

Let me know when it hurts.


Sorry, Ms. King.

The pain is specific here,

but it radiates around the trunk?

- Yes.

- And you have no sensation
here to temperature or touch?

- No, I feel nothing, doctor, nothing.

What could be the cause
of this malfunction?

- Based on what you've told me, Ms. King,

and what I can see, I'm confident

we're dealing with some variety of growth,

exerting pressure on your spine.

- I've had back sensitivity for years.

- This is unrelated to
any bouts of sciatica.

- Oh.

Growth, you say?

- The nature of a tumor
and its seriousness,

we cannot know without surgery.

The best possible outcome,
it will be benign.

We'll simply remove it and have
you up and about in no time.

- Might there be other possible outcomes?

- All spinal surgery is delicate,

but without it, you will never walk again.

- And if this growth
is not benign, doctor?

- Surgery is unlikely to halt
the spread of a malignancy.

In some cases, it can accelerate it.

- Then I'd like time to
consider my decision.

- Of course, but we will need your consent

fairly quickly, Ms. King.

Time is of the essence.

- I understand.

[melancholic music]

- Ms. King, would you like
me to call your family?

- No.

No, that won't be necessary, Arthur.

In the end, I'm alone in this world,

so, the decision is mine.

[melancholic music]

[nostalgic music]

- Mother?


Could you use some help?

- If you like.

- I've been thinking lately
about my next logical step.

My future.

- Felicity, we're
delighted to have you here.

Please, stay as long as you need.

- I was considering going back to school.

- Oh, Felicity.
- What?

- Why must you fly from
one thing to another

without thinking it through?

Why can't you use the sense
that God gave you and--

- And what?

Stay here forever?

- I'm sorry.

I just don't think I can bear to have

any more of my children away from me.

[melancholic music]

What do they mean, "missing?"

It's as though he's been mislaid.

Lost like a button or a pin.

Fallen through the
cracks, and gone, forever.

- Felix isn't lost.

How many times has he worn you

to a fiddle string and always come home?

Do you remember when he and
Sarah rode to Pine Island

and the tide went out and took their boat?

Or when we thought he was
lost at the Avonlea Fair

and found him asleep under the grandstand.

He'll come home.

I know it.

Felix will come home.

[melancholic music]

- Hanna Hubble?

Here's a fine how'd-you-do.

So this is what's become of you.

- Ms. King, you remember me?

- I remember all my pupils.

Even those with heads so full of boys,

there's no room for study.

- Well, it's not Hanna
Hubble anymore, Ms. King.

I'm Mrs. Donnie Lester.

- Is that so?

And is married life all that you'd hoped?

- Well, I can't honestly say that it is.

I've got a baby girl now.

Donnie, he'd no luck finding work,

so he's enlisted, and oh, his paychecks

aren't coming back as regular as I'd like.

- No doubt.

But who's minding your baby?

- A neighbor.

Oh, she's real good to her.

I guess, you know what,
I just never imagined

that this is how I'd end up.

You know, earning my keep

and changing soiled bed clothes and so on.

- You came to me too late, child.

What could I do?

We just have to accept the vicissitudes

of this world, that's that.

Life of honest drudgery
isn't the worst faith

that could befall a girl.

- No, Ms. King.

I'm sure it isn't.

Well, it's good to see
that you haven't changed.

- Changed?

What do you mean, why should I change?

- I must get back to work.

[mellow music]

Wait here with Daniel.

Sorry, hospital rules.

No visitors under 12.

- [Janet] I told you, you
should have stayed home

with Cecily and Monty and Alicia.

- But I wanted to come.

- Well, You two better
catch up with Olivia.

I'll stay here with Daniel.

- Actually, it would be better

if you just went in two at a time.

- I'll stay here with mother and Daniel.

You go ahead.

- Father.
- Mm-hm?

- Can you please take this to Aunt Hetty?

- All right.

I'll make sure she gets it.

- Oh, go on, Ms. King.

It's come all the way
from China just for you.

- Oh, it is good.

- You know, as a lad, I
dreamed of traveling to China.

- Oh, then you should go,
while you're still young.

I had watched the ships sail
past the shore near Avonlea

when I was young, with my mother.

We'd imagine them bound for exotic places.

Fijis, maybe, the islands of spice.

- Have you ever traveled, Ms. King?

- No, no.

I always did want to visit those places

I only taught out of an atlas at school.

Europe, you know, Paris,
Belgian Congo, China, oh.

- Well, there's still time.

- May we come in?

- Visitors.

You mean, I have to share
my favorite patient?

- Hello there, old girl.

How are you keeping?

- Miserably.

- Here, it's from Daniel.

- How'd you know to come?

- Rachel called as soon as
she heard from the hospital.

- Hetty.

- Olivia, you're here, too.

- Of course, I'm here.

Where else would I be at such a time?

Oh, I'm sorry, Hetty.

I'm here, I'll always be here.

[mellow music]

- You go in, Felicity.

- It's this way.

- [Daniel] Can I have a drink of water?

- Sure, come on.

[upbeat music]

- A parade!

- Can you see all right?

Let's pull this up.

[upbeat music]

- I can see the pipers.

[upbeat music]

- Felix.





[upbeat music]


- Mother!

- Oh, I didn't know where you'd gotten to.

- We're going to follow the parade.

- No, no, I don't want any of that.

- Janet, are you all right?

- I want Daniel to stay inside.

- We were going out for some fresh air.

There's a parade.

- I want to go.

- No, you'll stay inside with me.

- What harm can there be?

- [Janet] I said no.

- Janet, these are local boys, farm boys.

- Boys who ought to be at
home with their families.

- These are boys who are
prepared to give everything.

- Then they're fools.

- These boys are going over there to bring

our Felix home and I'll
tell you something, Janet,

if they'll take me, I'll go
myself and I'll go gladly.

- Then you're a fool, too.

- You stay here with your mother.

[upbeat music]


[upbeat music]

Janet blames me, you know.

- Well, Janet's upset.

- I'd give anything,

anything in the world to have Felix back.

- I know.

- I'd even go myself if...

[melancholic music]

We have to leave soon if we
want to catch the last train.

- I see.


- I'm going in to say goodnight to Hetty.

Will you go in?

- I can't.

[somber music]

- What's to happen with
the concert, Olivia?

What about exams?

My dinner Christmas eve?

The bandages?

- Hetty, you mustn't worry about that.

You mustn't worry about any of it.

- But I do worry.

Don't you see, I worry about everything,

for all the good it's done me,

for all that anyone cares.

now I'm to be discarded
as easily as chalk dust.

- Now, stop that.

You know your students have
a great affection for you.

- Respect, maybe.

Some probably fear me.

But it is pathetic to think such feelings

could be turned to affection.

- Well.

- Olivia.

All these years I've been
so critical of Jasper.

Oh, certainly, he has his faults.

- Hetty, please, don't let's begin this.

- No, no, I'm saying I was wrong.

You have at least been loved

and that's a rare and wonderful thing.

- Now, you talk as though
you had no one at all.

Look at your family.

- Believe me, I have no illusions.

When I'm gone, I'll be
no better remembered

than great aunt Arabelle.

- Hetty King, it'll do you
no good to think this way.

Good night, I'll see you in the morning.

[melancholic music]

- Children, I have an announcement.

Miss King is unable to be with
you for the rest of the term.

So this week, I'll conduct
class in her place.


Well, now, now, quiet down, please.

- What about the concert?

- Well, the concert will
go ahead as planned,

but without Miss king.

- Without Miss King, how?

- Well, I...

I have Miss King's trusty pitch pipe.

[pipe blowing]

Everything will be fine.

- But what of Miss King?

- Miss King's never sick.

- It must be serious.

- There's no need for concern.

Miss King just requires a little surgery.

- [All] Surgery?

[plaintive music]

- [Girl] Wait until my mom hears this.

[plaintive music]

- Lord, love us.

The guys are landed and [mumbles]?

- No, it's much, much worse.

Miss King is in hospital.

- What?

What happened?

- Apparently she's on death's doorstep.

- This is awful.

It's too much.

- Hetty King, of all people.

- Dear God.

- Ada, did you hear it?
- Hear what?

- Hetty King is up in Charlottetown,

going under the surgeon's knife.

- Miss King?

- Hanging by a thread over an open grave.

- I never ever wished, poor Miss King.

- Of all the news we've heard of late,

the w*r and everything combined,

why does this seem so much
more than a body can bear?

- Because it's Hetty.

If the unsinkable Hetty King can falter,

then surely so may we all.


- Hey, you want to smell something?

You know what that is?

- Disinfectant?

- Try again.


It's that penny bottle of eau de toilette.

You know, the one you gave all us girls

for final year at Christmas
at Avonlea School.

- Oh.

- You told us to dab just
a little bit at a time

and to always wash first.

See, I heard everything you said,

even if I didn't always listen too well.

- But Hanna, why was that?

- I don't know.

There's a lot being asked of me it seemed,

from you and my Aunt Ada.

You're both so perfect,

just felt a lot to live up to, I guess.

Now, you have a big day tomorrow.

- She's a Hubble who's
far from perfect, child.

And then, none of us are.

- Well, it doesn't matter much.

My aunt won't have anything to do with me.

Now, shut those eyes.

- [gasps] Alec, I didn't see you.

Are you coming to bed?

- Janet.

- What is it?

- I want you to have time,
but I need you to know

that you're not the only
one whose heart is breaking.

- I didn't suppose I was.

- You know than this.

It's hardest on the person who carries it.

I don't want this to consume you.

I need you to find your way back to us.

[melancholic music]

- There you go.

It's eau de toilette.

It can't hurt, it's mostly alcohol.


Okay, there you go.

Head high, shoulders back,
purpose firm and never slack.

See, there's two things I remembered.

I'll be back for you in a minute.

- [Hetty] Yes.

- Good luck.

The others have been in, I take it?

- Alec came and the girls.

No Janet, of course.

- Hetty, Janet'll built her bridge back

a bit at a time, you'll see.

- Before I go, Olivia, [sniffles]

regarding Jasper--

- Oh, Hetty, you warned me
that Jasper was irresponsible.

- But you love him, don't you?

He loves you and you do love him.

My sweetheart, that's what matters.

- It's time to go.

[mellow music]

- I have his angel.

Can I see him, please?

- All right.

[mellow music]

- You can rest easy, Miss King.

Your favorite horse doctor

is only assisting Dr. Paige,

not performing the surgery.

- A familiar face is, in fact,

a comfort, Dr. Pettibone.

- [Wilfred] And lo, the angel
of the Lord came upon them

and the glory of the Lord
shone round about them.

And they were so afraid.

And the angel said unto them, "Fear not."

[melancholic music]

[loud breathing]

[distant children singing]

♪ Round yon Virgin Mother and Child ♪

♪ Holy infant so tender and mild ♪

♪ Sleep in heavenly peace ♪

♪ Silent night ♪

♪ Holy night ♪

♪ All is calm ♪


- Come back, please, come back.

Please don't leave me.

- The growth was benign, Miss King.

A full recovery is anticipated.

You're going to be just fine.

[mellow music]

- [Hanna] Don't you over
exert yourself, Miss King.

- I'm much, much, much improved.


- How's your hair?

- It's lovely.

Thank you.

Hannah, now, you'll
promise me you'll telephone

your aunt before the holiday's through.

- I don't know.

- The things we will not
do for fear of failing

are the things in life
we often most should do.

Besides, since it can't get any worse,

might just get better [laughs].

Oh, will you try?

- You have a visitor.

- Good afternoon, Miss King, may I?

- Good grief, Mr. Ainsley.

- Miss King, I feel so responsible.

- Oh, no, no, no, not at all.

By all means, do come in, here.

- Miss King, I'm sorry, your
card failed to reach me.

The stage doorman carried it
in his waistcoat for a week.

- However did you know where to find me?

- Well, your nephew and sister-in-law,

they came backstage after the matinee.

- Janet did, with Daniel?

- Miss King, if you still want me,

I'd be delighted to recite
at your concert tomorrow.

- Oh my, that would be splendid.

- Now, I believe your
attention is required

at your hospital room window.

- What?



♪ O come all ye faithful ♪

♪ Joyful and triumphant ♪

♪ O come ye, o come ye to Bethlehem ♪

♪ Come and behold Him ♪

♪ Born the King of Angels ♪

♪ O come let us adore Him ♪

♪ O come let us adore Him ♪

♪ O come let us adore Him ♪

♪ Christ the Lord ♪

♪ Sing choirs of angels ♪

♪ Sing with exultation ♪

♪ Sing all ye citizens of Bethlehem ♪

♪ Glory to God ♪

♪ In the highest ♪

- I made a decision about school.

Dr. Snow says he'll write them

and endorse my application

for the correspondence program.

- You're not going to New York?

Felicity, mother would come around.

- No.

No, it'll be easier this way.

You remember what you said
about life making you grow up?

- I guess.

- I telephoned Gus this morning.

In about six months time,

you're going to be an aunt.

[audience clapping]

[mellow music]


[mellow music]

- It's a darling.

- Mother?
- Mm-hm.

- Won't you open a Christmas gift?

- Oh, I'll wait till tomorrow, Monty.

- Would you open this one?

- All right.

[tinkling music]


[mellow music]

- Well, who has the clotted cream?

- I do, it's in here.

- All right, then go down to the sleigh.

Go, go, go.

Hetty will think we aren't coming.

- [Alec] Janet.

- [Elder Woman] Watch out,
Alec, she's a whirling dervish.

- You know it might have been easier

to have done the dinner here.

- What, and break tradition?

All right, come on
everyone, out at the sleigh.

Go, go, go or we're
never going to get there.

[mellow music]


[mellow music]

[door creaks]
[dog barks]

Now, who is that back in here?

Get out to the sleigh.

We have to get to Aunt Hetty's.

[dramatic music]

- Mother.


- Oh!

Oh, my God.

- It's okay.

[dramatic music]

- Merry Christmas, Jasper.

I miss you.

I love you.


Coming home.

[mellow music]

- [Alec] Well, here she is.

- [Olivia] A picture of health.


- [Hetty] Oh, my.

- [Janet] Oh, here, Rachel.

- Thank you.

Oh, my.

- [Rachel] Uh-huh, does it look good?


- Hey, Monty, Merry Christmas.

- Merry Christmas?

Don't you mean Happy
Christmas, Aunt Hetty?

- [Janet] Happy Christmas.
[all laughing]

- Yes, I suppose I do, Monty.

[all laughing]

Well [glasses clink].

We are blessed.

Here's a toast.

To the joys of the season,

to this family,

to those gathered here,

and to those in our hearts,

and to being loved.

[dramatic music]

A happy Christmas to us all.

Happy Christmas.

- Happy Christmas.
- Happy Christmas.

[dramatic music]

- Happy Christmas.

[glasses clinking]


[dramatic music]


[mellow music]
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