Palwolui Christmas (1998)

Christmas & New Years movies collection.

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Palwolui Christmas (1998)

Post by bunniefuu »

CHRISTMAS IN AUGUS Dr. Kim to the Outpatients Clinic, please.

When I was a kid...

...I always sat alone in the playground...

...after the other boys had gone...

...thinking about my late mother.

It struck me that...

...we'd all disappear in the end... father, my sister,|all my best friends.

Can I help you?

My photos should be ready.

- The name is...?|- Choi Myung-suk.

- You took them two days ago.|- Here they are.'s not a very good likeness...

Let me just fix your hair a little.

That's much better.

Just a touch higher on this side.

It's all right as it is.

Okay? Then we'll take one.

Look straight at the camera...

Look straight at the camera.|One, two...

Hello?|Oh, Chul-goo!

Your father has died?

Please try to regain your composure!

He has passed on, but we must carry on!

Please help yourselves to some food.

This way! Lunch is served.



I've been waiting for ages!

Can you print this for me urgently?

How long will it take?

I'm sorry, can you come back later?

No, it's very urgent!|I need an...

...enlargement of the bit I've circled.

Did I upset you?

Sorry, I've had a very hard morning.


Is the enlargement ready?

Give me must a few moments more.

Dad, the potatoes are ready.

Put them in the pot.

- Jung-won...|- What?

Bring me the green onions, will you?

- The green onions?|- Yes!

How much do you want, sir?

Fill it up, please.

Right you are, sir.


Hi! Good morning!

It's full, sir.

- How much?|- That'll be $2.

Here you are.

Thank you, sir.

How much miss?

Fill it up, please.

Mister, isn't she the cutest one?

- Who?|- Her? She's short and fat!

Mine's prettier!

Get real! Look at mine!

Boys! Calm down!

Chan-kun, which is your favorite?

I have several.

Really? Which ones?

This one, this one and this one.

- Three?|- She's the best one.

This one? What's her name?

Seo Eun-ji! She's the best!

She's mine! Hands off!

Boys...have you spoken to these girls?

- Not yet.|- Never?

If I enlarge this,|it won't come out very sharp.

That's all right.

- Sure?|- Yes.

Okay, then come back tomorrow...

...say around six.

They'll be ready then.

Please take special care, mister!

Don't worry about it!

Bye for now, mister.


Men and boys, you're are all the same...

...always chasing girls.

What's wrong with that? It's natural!

Anyway, better than bringing in pin-ups.

You enlarge those too?

Yours is a porker.

Well, yours is ugly.

Boys, stop fighting!

It's been a really long time...

Yes, it has.

You're back now?


You haven't changed at all.

- Neither have you.|- Who? Me?

Well...bye for now.



Hi, Brother!

When did you get back?

Just now...What's that?

I bought some radishes.

The red one is radish kimchi... goes in the fridge.

The white one is cabbage kimchi...'s not fermented yet.

I ran into Ji-won this afternoon.

She told me she met you.

I feel very sorry for her.

Her husband started gambling again.

He's even violent sometimes.

How are things at work?

Busy... But it's still hard... pay all the salaries.

You still haven't got over Ji-won?

Remember our days in primary school?

You kept her picture... your exercise book.

I only just stopped here!

You want to fine me again?!

Yes, if you keep parking here!

Please move your car!

This is a no-parking zone!

Can I help you?

Can you fix my camera?


How much is the camera you use?

Why do you ask?

Just curious...

People would take me more seriously...

...if I had a big one like that.

Mind if I take a rest here?

Yes. No problem.

I'm fed up with this heat!

Exhausting, isn't it?

You're a Leo, right?

Born in August?

Leos are supposed to be...

...compatible with me.

By the way, how old are you?

Me? I'm...late twenties.

That means thirty-something!


You're still single, right?

Wrong! I have two kids.

You're lying!

I can tell from your clothes!

I'll take a short nap...

Please don't talk to me.

- By the way...|- What?

How come you're so fresh with me today?

Dad, how come your stew|always tastes so good?

Mine is never this good.

Me neither.

It takes time and effort.

She's a good wife but a terrible cook...

Just like her mother!

You mean my daughter won't... a good cook either?


Brother, call me after you've|seen the doctor tomorrow.

I'll be all right, don't worry.

Take care of Chong-rae...

...she should eat less sugar.

Dad, shall I take it?

I was a professional too, don't forget.

One, two...

Hi, where are you off to?

The district office.

What's that?

Going to give me a hand?

Since you're my best customer...

It's quite heavy!

Get on.

No boyfriend?

No, not interested. They are all boring.

You'll change your mind when... meet a nice one.


Okay, hold tight!



Cleaning up?


Wait for me inside.


You remember our school days?

I used to copy your diary...

And we had a big fight when I found out.

You've been here for...

...more than twenty years!

Not bored with it yet?

Well, I don't know...

Why didn't you marry?

I was waiting for you!

You have two kids?


I didn't expect to come back.

I heard you're very ill.

No, no, not at all.

It's really serious?

I'm all right! I'll be fine!

Time changes us so much.

After some more awkward small talk...

...Ji-won asked me to remove...

...her picture from the display.

I suppose all things must pass...

...including 'love'...

Mr. Yoo Jung-won...

...please come to the MRI Room.

Where are you going?

I have to take some pictures.

So what can I do?

This is terribly urgent!

Tastes good?

No, no...I've had enough.

- Go on! Have some more!|- No, no...

You're the only son, right?

What makes you think so?

I can tell from the way you eat.

When we had ice-cream at home...

...there was always a riot.

Go ahead, you first.

Many brothers and sisters?

How many?

I don't know why Mom had so many.


Drawing a line like this...

...would always start a fight.

It was a real drag.

Damn traffic cops!

Get lost!

You're k*lling my business!

We want some lunch!

No way. You're not eating here!

Looks like no restaurant will have us.

Hi, what are you doing there?

Just enjoying the shade...

Where have you been?

At the market.


Yes, I like cooking.

Let's see...noodles...and spinach?

You can cook all this?

Why not?

I must go.

- Back home?|- Yes.

Take care!

Excuse me!

What are you doing?

- Finished work?|- Yes.

Could you have these ready by tomorrow?


She's shattered...we had a lousy day.

- See you!|- See you!

It's been ages since we drank together.


Remember that girl you chased?

The butcher's daughter?

Yeah, the one who dragged you...

...onto presidential campaign rallies!

Hard to believe that was only...

...ten years ago.

One more bottle, please!

There's no mistake in the check!

Chul-goo, buy me one more drink!

No way. I'm a reformed character!

A quick one in that little bar!

Hey, you're already drunk.

Remember what you said...

...just before we turned thirty?

- Who, me?|- Yes.

Don't remember.


What's with you tonight?

"Drink till we die!"

Jung-won, where are you going?

Hey, man!

Man, what's wrong with you?

Something's bugging you, right?

That's why you want to get drunk?

Lay off!

Tell me what's wrong.

Shit, why can't I pee?

I was really bursting just now.

What's the matter?

I'm going to die soon.

What? That's crap!

You just want another drink!

Okay, okay.

- Really?|- Come on!

- Really?|- Really, of course.

"Drink till we die!"

Finally, I joked about the truth.

But I wondered how many days.

I had left... hang out with him, drinking...

...and laughing like we always used to.

Where did this happen?

In front of the phone booth.

- Why?|- He started it because I was using the phone.

- So you didn't do anything to him?|- No.

Please wait over there.

I'm the chauffeur|for the Democratic Party.

That party's over! Wait over there!

He kicked me...

What happened was...

All right, all of you wait over there!

- You look like shit!|- f*ck you!

Shut up!

All of you, shut up!

Why the bloody hell should I shut up?

Why the f*ck should I shut up?

Jung-won! Calm down!

Calm down! Jung-won, calm down!

Why should I shut up?


Oh, Chul-goo.

Police box? I don't remember...

Yes, that little bar...

Did I really?

And the girl traffic cop?

No, I'll be fine. I'll call you later.

Concord, licence number 2587...

...please remove your vehicle!

Excell, licence number 8731...

...remove your vehicle.

This is a no-parking zone!

What are you doing?

May I come in?


Why are you smiling at me?

What did you do before you|became a traffic cop?

I just hung around at home.

How come you never married?

Marry?|I guess I was too busy.

It's hot.

I see.

You like your job? Isn't it hard?

So so.

How is your life?

You know, nothing special.

I got paid today!

So you're going to treat me?

Maybe... Depends on you.

Da-rim, let's see now...

Why don't you moisten our lips?

Just a bit more...


Just a moment.

Madam, you prefer to keep...

...your glasses on or to take them off?

Yes, your glasses...|Which do you prefer?

- My glasses?|- Yes.

Take them off?

Let me see... as you prefer.

My son bought them for me... I'd rather keep them on.

Everybody ready?

Big smiles, please.

Smile when I count...

One, two...



Thank you!

Mother, since we're here...

...why not have your portrait taken?

Maybe later...

No, please let's do it now.

Go ahead.

Just a moment.

What a surprise!


What are you doing here?

Getting my scooter repaired.

Great, can I share your umbrella?

For free?

How can I repay you?

I could come by later and... could buy me a drink.

- It's a deal!|- Promise?

What time?


The photo isn't ready yet...

- The one we took this afternoon...|- Yes, yes.

You want to take another?

Can I?

Of course you can.

And you won't charge me?

Absolutely not, ma'am!

Thank you, young man.

- This way please.|- Over there?

I'm ready, Madam.

If you'll come this way...

This has to look good.

May I ask why?

It'll be my memorial portrait.

Don't worry, ma'am. I'll do my best.

You must have been very|charming when you were young.

You really think so?

I think we're ready now.

Would you mind taking off your glasses?

You look much better without them!

So... look at me.

A little to the right.

Now, would you smile a bit?


A little to the right, and smile...

One, two...

Just a moment...

I'll do one more.

Were you upset that I didn't come?

Why didn't you?

Just didn't feel like it.

I have to go to work... Bye!

Did Chul-goo call you?

He said he'd never see me again|if I didn't come.

I was going to call you too...

Yeah, it's been too long.

Is the food ready yet?


Fussy, as ever...|Coming up!

I win!

Have some first...

What the f*ck!

Screw You! I'm on a winning streak!

- Try them!|- Not now!

Such an ass since primary school!

Try the potatoes!

f*ck the potatoes!

Messed up again?

Such a jerk...

Let's take one more, okay?


Yes, Father...

Can you put this tape on for me?

Did you rent it?

It's From Here to Eternity.

I saw this with your mother.

Dad, try to do it yourself this time.

I'll show you.

Put the tape in... starts running automatically.

Turn on the TV...

Press this 'TV' button, and then... Channel 4.

Please try it for yourself.

No, Father!

First turn the power on, then press 'TV'...

...then select Channel 4...

Switch it on...

No, Father!

Power on, press 'TV'...

...then select Channel 4!

Isn't this video?

No! Power on, press 'TV'...

...and then set it to '4'!

Try again.


"1: Put the tape in the machine,|turn the power on."

" 2: Press..."


All right?

You have a bout coming up?

What pose would you like?

I don't think you should smile...

One, two...

Good evening.

You're wearing make-up!


You look nice, really pretty!

Can I get you some coffee?

Ah! Ice cream!

Where are you going?

Da-rim, how do you spend your weekends?

Reading...lounging around...

How about you?


Mostly sleeping!

All day?

No. I do some laundry, and ironing...

...then have another nap.

My friend works every Sunday.

What does she do?

Didn't I tell you?

She works in Seoul Land Amusement Park.

She's promised me free tickets...


That's all.

I want to go there sometime...

...but I always seem to be too busy.

Feeling better? Got over the dizziness?


Call that running?

Da-rim! Let me catch up!

Out already!

Men are so quick in the bath!

Want one?

Mandarin oranges?

You bought only one?

Or two?

Where are you going?

To buy some more!

This is the true story from the...

...time I did military service.

I was on duty here with my junior...

...and there was this terrible smell.

I asked him if he'd farted...

...and he denied it.

He even suggested that I farted...

...and tried to blame me!

We squabbled about it...

...until we got back to barracks.

I was about to go to sleep, and...

And what?

I was about to drop off, and...

He swore it wasn't him...

...and I knew it wasn't me.

Later we found out that a boy...

...k*lled himself on that very spot...

...because his girlfriend died.

And that boy was always farting!

- Funny!|- Funny?

A bit scary, though.

I won't dare to walk alone here again!

Aren't you afraid of ghosts?

You smelled a ghost fart!

Sometimes I am, sometimes I'm not.

People die and become ghosts.

It's natural! Maybe you and I...

I suppose it makes sense.

Are you sure that ghost fart?

Maybe, maybe not...


"How to operate the DP machine?"

Is the rent very high here?

Not that high.

Planning to move out?

I can't afford to!

I'm tired...let's go to sleep.

I'll tell you a ghost story.

No way! I hate scary stories!

It isn't scary...

At least, I don't have to tell it... a scary way. Listen...

There was this guy in the army...

...standing guard with his junior.

And they suddenly smelt something bad.

So he turned to his junior and asked...

..."You let out a fart, didn't you?"

And the junior said "No, sir. I didn't".

So this guy...

His shoes...



Be careful!

Dad, I'll call you from the hospital!

They're moving you to...

...another district next week?



No idea.

May I join you?


Are you transferring with Da-rim?

Not this time.

Then we should all have a farewell drink!

Sounds good to me.

I wonder where we'll end up this time...

Can you wait here for just a moment?


Pass me some water.


Are you in pain?

You've been dreaming?

Had a sweet dream?

How come you have no women visitors?

Isn't there someone you want to see?

No. I'm fine.

There's no one I miss.

"To: Miss Kim Da-rim.

From: Yoo Jung-won."

I always knew that...

...feelings of love would fade...

...just like old photographs.

But for you... will always remain in my heart... you are in my last moment.

Thank you and goodbye...
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