18x03 - Episode 3

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Mister Rogers' Neighborhood". Aired: February 19, 1968 – August 31, 2001.*
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Rogers speaks directly to the viewer about various topics, taking the viewer on tours of factories, demonstrating experiments, crafts, and music, and interacting with his friends.
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18x03 - Episode 3

Post by bunniefuu »


-[SINGING] It's a beautiful
day in this neighborhood,

a beautiful day for a
neighbor, would you be mine?

Could you be mine?

It's a neighborly day in this
beauty-wood, a neighborly day

for a beauty, would you be mine?

Could you be mine?

I have always wanted to have
a neighbor just like you.

I've always wanted to live
in a neighborhood with you.

So, let's make the most
of this beautiful day.

Since we're together we might
as well say, would you be mine,

could you be mine, won't
you be my neighbor?

Won't you please,
won't you please--

come on Rose-- please
won't you be my neighbor?

-Come on.

Fine girl, yes you are.

This is Rose Eisler.

Mr. McFeely wanted
me to show you her.

She lives with some friends
of his who have gone away

for a few days, and he said
that we could visit with her.

Well, she's a fine
girl, yes you are.

Fine girl, Rose, yes.

Rose, come here, come here.

-I'm going to change my shoes.

You don't have to
wear shoes, do you?

No you-- there.

I'll change them right here.

Ever see a dog that
looked like Rose?

I think she's a beauty.

-In fact, I thought-- yeah--
I thought that Rose looked

a little like someone we
sometimes pretend about

in the Neighborhood
of Make-Believe.

You know who that might be?

Well, I asked Bob Trow if he'd
come over here to show you

something, because
he's part of that.



-Oh, maybe that's he
now, let's go and see.

Let's go look at the door.

It is, it's Bob.

Come in, Bob.


-Here's Rose.

-Hi, Rose.

Oh boy, oh boy.

-Rose, you know Bob Trow.

He's one of our neighbors.

-I brought the costume.

-I'm glad.

You know my television
neighbor, Bob Trow.

-Would you like
me to put this on?

-Would you?

-Sure, be glad to.

-Wow, that'd be great.

This is something that
I wanted you to see.

May I help you with it?

-Yes, please.


-Kickers off here.

-All right.

Good girl, yes you are.

Like putting on pajamas, huh?

-Or a snow suit. [LAUGHS]


OK here, Rose.

This is the-- when
I pretend to be

Bob Dog in the Neighborhood
of Make-Believe.

This is the costume.

I'm going to frighten Rose.

-No, I don't think you will.

See the difference
between these two dogs?

Rose is a dog that
was born a dog.

And Bob Dog is a person
dressed up to look like a dog.


Hello, [HOWLS] Rose.

-What do you think,
what do you think, Rose?

Yeah, she might be
a little frightened.

-Little frightened.


-She'll just stay--
[KNOCKING] --here.

Oh, let's see who that is.

Oh, it's Mr. McFeely.

Hi, Mr. McFeely.

-Hello, Rose.

-Here's Rose.

She's doing fine.

-I've come to take
Rose for her walk.


-Did you know I had a
dog walking service?

Yes well, I thank you
both for helping me

as I wanted to compare a
pretend dog with a real one.

And don't you think Rose
looks a little like Bob Dog?

-Yeah, with the same markings--
almost the same markings.

-Are we welcome here any time?

-You certainly are.

-Even we pretend dogs?




-Even pretend dogs.


-Thank you very much.

-You're welcome.

-I wish you well.

-Well, the pretend dog can
walk along with the real dog.

-I'd like that.

-Right this way.

-Lead the way, Rose.


-So long.

-Bye, Rose.

Bye, Mr. McFeely.

-Did you know that
Bob Dog was really

Bob Trow inside a costume?

That's the way it is with many
pretend characters like that.

They are people inside
big costumes, not

real live animals.

They can't even behave
exactly like an animal.

Let's have some of
our kind of pretend.


-Our kind of make-believe.

Last time we pretended--


---that-- Oh, there's
the telephone.

Excuse me.


Oh, hi, Mrs. McFeely.

No, but he was here
just a minute ago.

Is there anything
I can do for you?

Oh, all right.

You're welcome.


Sounds like the Speedy Delivery
Service is very busy today.

Mr. and Mrs. McFeely work
hard at their business.

Back to the trolley.

-Last time we pretended that
Queen Sarah and Mayor Maggie

of Westwood were going to
trade places for a day.

Queen Sarah would
be Mayor of Westwood

and Mayor Maggie would be
Queen of the Neighborhood

of Make-Believe for one day.

Let's pretend that Prince
Tuesday hasn't found out

about that plan yet, and he's
in the castle garden getting

ready to go to school
as the trolley comes

by the Neighborhood
of Make-Believe.


Trolley. [SINGING] I

love to go to school, for
when I go I see my friends

and learn some things
I never knew before.

I love to go to school.

La la la la la la.

-That sounds like a happy
song you're singing.

-I like to go to school.


What do you like about it?

-Oh, my friends are
there and Ms. Cow always

has something to show or tell
us that I never knew before.

-Did you ever see this before?


-Looks like mother's crown, but
I think it's too big for her.

-It's supposed to
look like hers,

but Mayor Maggie's
going to wear.

-Why is that?

-Oh, haven't you heard?

Oh, Mayor Maggie and your
mother are trading places,

so Mayor Maggie is coming
here to be queen for--

-Does my daddy know that?

-He's warming up to the idea.

-Well, they should
have asked me.

-Well, it's just for fun.

-For fun?


-Well, I'm going to
school just for fun.



-Are you all right Bob Dog?

-[HOWLS] No.

-What's the trouble?

-Well, I don't have
anybody to play with.


I've got a few minutes,
want me to play with you?

-Oh, [BARKS] yeah, sure.

-OK, what do you want to play?

-Uh, let's play er-- um--
uh-- hide and find the crown.

-This crown?


-All right.


-OK, I'll hide it first
and you try to find it, OK?

-All right.

-Don't look.

-Oh, no.

No, no, no I won't look.

But Chuck--


-You have to hide it
somewhere outside.

-All right, somewhere outside.

-That's it.

You just let me know
when it's hidden.

-All right, I will.

--- and I'll find it.

-Are you ready to
try and find it?

-I sure am.



-Oh, there it is.

Oh, this is fun.

Now, I'll hide it and
you find it, Chuck.



-You have it?

-Got it.


-You have to be careful
with it-- that's a crown.

-Hiding my eyes.

-Real tight?

-Real tight, I
promise I won't look.

Are you going to hide
it outside still?

-Yeah, it'll be
outside somewhere here.


MR. ABER: Are you ready?

-Just about.


-OK, Chuck, it's hidden.



-Ah, there.


-Tough one, huh?

-Yes, it is.

Could it be near where
a clock tiger lives?

-It surely could.


[LAUGHS] That was a
good place Bob Dog.

-Thank you.

Listen, while we're here why
don't we see if Daniel's home

and visit with him a little bit?

-I'll try.


-Oh, he's probably at school.

I saw Prince Tuesday going
there just a little while ago.

-Oh, OK.

-You know, Prince
Tuesday seemed upset

that his mom and
Mayor Maggie were

going to trade places for a day.

I wonder how he's
doing at school.

-I wonder too [HOWLS].

MS. COW: Hello, class.

I think you did that
arithmetic very well today.

DANIEL: Oh, good
we worked at it.

MS. COW: And now, I have
an extra treat for you.

-Oh, what is it?

-Our specialty guest today
is Nancy Caterpillar.

ANA: Hi, Nancy.

DANIEL: Hi, Nancy.

-Thank you, class.

As you know I am caterpillar on
my way to becoming a butterfly.

-Are you going to
change into a butterfly?

-Of course, we all do.

-But then we won't
know you, will we?

-You're getting way beyond
the story, Prince Tuesday.

First, I want to show
you a little film

about a friend of mine.

Please start the film, Ms. Cow.

-Rolling, Nancy.

NANCY: Now, an interesting
fact about butterflies class,

is that each of us
starts out as an egg.

And when it's time
the caterpillar

hatches from the egg.

It eats leaves for food
and grows larger and larger

until it's ready to
become a butterfly.

NANCY: First, it
sheds its outer skin.

We see that underneath
is a soft covering

that surrounds the caterpillar.

As it hangs from the
leaf the soft covering

gets harder and harder.

Now, the caterpillar is slowly
changing into a butterfly.

It takes many days, but
when the time is right

it slowly comes out.

Here it comes.

NANCY: It's wings stretch
out and the butterfly

is ready to fly from
flower to flower.

Isn't it exciting?

And that's the end of the film.

Just imagine that beautiful
butterfly flying off wherever

it wants to go-- that's
what I want to do.

TUESDAY: But if you
change and fly off,

maybe you'll never come back.

-Of course I'll come
back, I like it here.

I like all of you.

-If Nancy Caterpillar is
turning into a butterfly,

what am I going to turn into?

-You're growing into a
bigger tiger, Daniel.

That's the way it
is with tigers.

-You mean, we don't get
to be something different?

-You get to be an adult tiger.

-Oh, that's a relief.

I don't think I'd want
to be a butterfly.

-Why not, Daniel?

-Because that's not
what I was born to be.

-Oh, I see.

-Am I growing the way I'm
supposed to be growing Ms. Cow?

-You certainly are, Ana.

And I'm proud the
way you're growing.

-I'm growing into a larger
female platypus, aren't I?

-Yes, you are dear, and
Prince Tuesday is growing too.

-But my mother isn't.

-What do you mean, Tuesday?

-My mother is changing into--

-Into a butterfly?

-No, into a mayor.

-A horse?

-No, the mayor of Westwood.

And Mayor Maggie is
changing into my mother,

and nobody ever asked
me if it was OK or not.

And I feel awful.

-Oh, there-- there must
be some mistake, dear.

People just don't
trade places like that

without talking with
their families about it.

-Nobody talked with me about it.

MR. ABER: Ms. Cow?

Excuse me, Ms. Cow?


Who's there?

MR. ABER: It's Charles R
Aber, your Westwood neighbor.

May I come in?

-Oh, of course, Mr.
Aber, come right in.

-Oh, Mr.Aber.

-Well hello, friends.

-Maybe you can help us Mr. Aber.

-Oh, I'd like to if I could.

-It's about something that
Prince Tuesday is feeling bad.

-Is it about your mother
and Mayor Maggie, Tuesday?


Why didn't anybody tell me that
my mother was going to change

into the mayor of
Westwood, and Mayor Maggie

was going to change
into my mother?

-Oh, they won't change
like that, Tuesday,

they're just going
to pretend for a day.

-What did you say?

-Well, I said they were
just going to pretend.

-But for how long did you say?

-For a day.

-For one day?


-Well, that's different.

I thought it was
going to be forever.

-Like me, when I change into a
butterfly, it will be forever.

-Well, this is just for fun.

Mayor Maggie getting dressed
up to look like the Queen--

-For one day.

-That's right.

And the Queen getting
dressed up to look

like the mayor for one day.

-Well, maybe we can
do that here, class.

-What do you mean?

-Who-- well, I mean, who
would like to get dressed

to look like
something different?

-Oh, I'd like to get
dressed up like a dinosaur.

--[ALL] Oh.

-And I'd like to look
like Bob [HOWLS] Dog.


-For a day.

-Yes, for a day.

-I'll just wear
my own clothes til

my mother comes back
to be the queen again.

I want her to find
me real easily.

-You all know who I'd
like to pretend I am.

-[ALL] A butterfly.


-For that all you
need is patience.

-Oh, I know.

Please give me patience.

-Yes, now-- now class, it's time
for the field and stream trip.

Would you like to come
with us, Mr. Aber?

-Oh, I would, but I need
to get this to Mayor Maggie

to be sure it fits.

She'll need it tomorrow.


-Mr. Aber?

-Yes, Tuesday?

-You're sure it's
just for one day?

-I'm sure, but I hope you'll
talk with your mother about it

when you get home.

-I will, but thanks
for coming here.

You're a good friend.

-You know I like you too.

-I do, that's why I believe you.

-I'll see you all later.

-Oh, wait wait--
before you go Mr. Aber,

would you sing us a
neighborhood song?

-Oh, of course.

Which one would you like?

-Well, I think it
would help us all

to hear about the truth
that makes us free?


[SINGING] What if I were
very, very sad and all I did

was smile, I wonder
after a while

what might be come
of my sadness.

What if I were very,
very angry and all I

did was sit, and
never think about it,

what might become of my anger.

Where would they go,
and what would they

do, if I couldn't let them out.

Maybe I'd fall, maybe
get sick, or doubt.

But what if I could know the
truth and say just how I feel,

I think I'd learn a lot
that's real about freedom.

I'm learning to sing a
sad song when I'm sad.

I'm learning to say, I'm
angry when I'm very mad.

I'm learning to shout,
I'm getting it out,

I'm happy learning exactly
how I feel inside of me.

I'm learning to know the truth.

I'm learning to tell the truth.

Discovering truth
will make me free.


-Thank you for that.

-Thank you.

-Thank you for being
such good friends.

I'll see you all later.

Bye for now.


Now class, put away
all your things

and get ready for
field and stream

There's a lot we
can discover today.

-I'm so glad you think I look
like a mayor, Ms. Paulificate.

-What do you think
Prince Tuesday

will say when he sees you?

-I must have a
talk with Tuesday.

It's important that we talk
about my being a mayor.

-For a day.

-Yes, a mayor for a day.

Will you please call
the school for me,

and tell them that
I'd like to talk

with Tuesday as soon
as he gets home?

-Of course, Queen Sarah.

-Thank you so much.

Oh, Trolley, yes that's true.

Yes it is.

-It's so important for
people to talk about things.

It helps them to understand.

Prince Tuesday thought
his mother was going

to go away and be
the mayor forever,

but it's just for one day.

The prince knows that Mr.
Aber will tell him the truth,

so it helped the prince
to hear it from him.

-I think it's time to
give the fish some food.

You're ready for
some food, fish?

All of you are fish, yet
each one of you is different.

-Wasn't that interesting to
see how the baby caterpillar

hatched from the egg, and
then while it was inside

that case it changed
into a butterfly.

But that's not the way
it is with children.

Children don't
start out one thing

and then change into another.

No, a girl baby doesn't
change into a boy baby,

and a boy baby doesn't
change into a girl baby.

And people don't
change into animals,

and animals don't
change into people--

all kinds of things
to think about.

MR. MCFEELY: Mr. Rogers?

Mr. Rogers?

-That sounds like Mr. McFeely.

Has he come back again?

He has.

MR. MCFEELY: Speedy Delivery.

-Mr. McFeely you have more dogs.

-That's right.

I've taken Rose
back to her owners

and now I'm bringing two more.

-Oh, well now, who are these?

-Well, right here,
this is Mugsie.

-May I hold Mugsie?

-You have Mugsie.

-Thank you.

Hi, Mugsie.

-And over here is Molly.

-Hello, Molly.

-There you go.

-These are very different
dogs, aren't they?

-They are very different.

Mugsie has medium sized ears
and Molly has longer ears.

-Very long ears.

-Can you think of
another difference?

-Well, is Mugsie a boy or girl?

-Mugsie's a boy.

-A boy dog.

-And Molly's a girl dog.

-Girl dog.

And Mugsie's got a bandana.

You're a fine boy, Mugsie.


-Molly has a small white collar.

-Hi, yes, you're a
fine boy, yes I know.

-Oh, I have a--

-I like these dogs.

-I think they like
a little treat.

Here's one for Mugsie.

-Oh, fine.

Mugsie would you like one?

-Nope, not interested.

-Not interested.

-Molly may be a little hungrier.

Nope, not interested.

Well, I'll save those for later.


-My pocket-- I carry some dog
food with me just in case.

-When you do the dog walking.

-That's right.

I enjoy animals and I
enjoy walking the dogs.

You know, I get exercise
too as I'm walking the dogs.

-Of course, you do.

It's not just the
dogs themselves.

-Oh, can you think-- we thought
of some differences-- can

you think of anything that's
the same in these two dogs?

-Well, they're both dogs.

-That's right, both dogs.

And they're both pets.


-And they both
live with families.


-And they both like to walk.

-They both like to walk.

-That's right, so I
better continue on

with my Speedy Delivery
walking service here.

-Thank you very much for
bringing them by Mr. McFeely.

-Well, you're quite welcome.

-Bye, Mugsie.

Bye, Molly.

-See you later.

-All right.
-Speedy Delivery.



-Speedy Delivery.

-Now, I was thinking,
you don't have

to be anything more than who
you are for people to like you.

-[SINGING] You are my
friend, you are special,

you are my friend,
you are special to me.

You are the only one like
you, like you, my friend.

I like you in the
daytime, in the nighttime,

any time that you
feel's the right time.

For a friendship with me,
you see, F-R-I-E-N-D special.

You are my friend,
you're special to me.

There's only one in
this wonderful world.

You are special.

-People can like you just
the way you are right now,

and you can like
other people just

the way they are right now.

That's a good feeling, isn't it?

-[SINGING] It's such a good
feeling to know you're alive.

It's such a happy feeling,
you're growing inside.

And when you wake
up ready to say,

I think I'll make
a snappy new day.

It's such a good feeling,
a very good feeling,

the feeling you know that I'll
be back when the day is new

and I'll have more
ideas for you.

And you'll have things you'll
want to talk about, I will too.

-You always make each
day a special day for me.

You know how, by just
your being yourself.

There's only one person in the
whole world exactly like you,

and that's you.

There's never been anybody
exactly like you before

and there never will be again.

Think how wonderful that is.

What was it that I
brought with me today?

Oh, Rose, yes.

Well, Rose, I guess,
is back with her family

now, so I'll be back
with you next time.

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