12x18 - Episode 18

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Mister Rogers' Neighborhood". Aired: February 19, 1968 – August 31, 2001.*
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Rogers speaks directly to the viewer about various topics, taking the viewer on tours of factories, demonstrating experiments, crafts, and music, and interacting with his friends.
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12x18 - Episode 18

Post by bunniefuu »


-[SINGING] It's a beautiful
day in this neighborhood,

a beautiful day for a neighbor.

Would you be mine?

Could you be mine?

It's a neighborly day
in this beauty-wood,

a neighborly day for a beauty.

Would you be mine?

Could you be mine?

I have always wanted to have
a neighbor just like you.

I've always wanted to live
in a neighborhood with you,

so let's make the most
of this beautiful day.

Since we're together, we might
as well say, would you be mine?

Could you be mine?

Won't you be my neighbor?

Won't you please?

Won't you please?

Please won't you
be my neighbor So

we can make up an opera today?


You know what an opera is.

It's people acting
and singing a story.

So let's make up an opera about
things we've been thinking

about together these
past times, an opera

about spoons and a mountain.

Why don't we call the
mountain Spoon Mountain?

And a kitty and a king
and queen and commodore,

and popcorn and seat
belts and even Reardon,

busy making the news.

The kitty could be
the baton twirler,

dressed in a purple
kitty costume.

But let's begin with a
storyteller singing [SINGING]

once upon a time, not
so very long ago--

-[SINGING] Once upon a
time, not so very long ago,

lived a king and queen and such
a prince as you've never seen.

Not so long ago, King Kitty
Puss, Queen Mumsy Belle, Prince

Extraordinary would celebrate
their birthdays in manners


Once a year, once a week,
didn't make much difference.

You see, birthdays were
for having fun, any day,

for anyone.

So I suggest we
just commence, begin

our tale with no suspense.

Once upon a time,
not so very long ago,

lived a king and queen and such
a prince as you've never seen.

Not so long ago.

-[SINGING] King Kitty
Puss, Queen Mumsy Belle.

Whose birthday will it be today?

-[SINGING] I had one yesterday.

And I the day before.

-[SINGING] I guess it's my turn.

-[SINGING] Happy birthday,
dear Mumsy Belle,

happy birthday to you.

-Thank you very much.

-[SINGING] Now what do
you think is your present?

-[SINGING] Last week you
gave me the Panama Canal.

-[SINGING] But not today.

No canals today.

Today I give you a mountain.


-A mountain!

-What a wonderful present.

A mountain!

-[SINGING] Which
mountain, my dear?

-[SINGING] This one.

[SINGING]: Spoon Mountain?


Spoon Mountain!

-[SINGING] The afternoon
always hides the moon,

but never on our Spoon Mountain.

The macaroon may melt
in June, but never

on our Spoon Mountain.

Take our advice
and say it twice.

-It's really nice.

-It's really nice.

-To be precise, it's paradise.

-[SINGING] Spoon Mountain.

Spoon Mountain.

-Oh, Extra, you should
have been a dancer.

-You always say what
I should have been.

You never say what I am.

-But what are you, son?

-[SINGING] Forgive me, King.

Forgive me, Queen.

Forgive me, Prince.

I've come to tell you the
news from our park service.

-[SINGING] Aren't you Betty
Green from the Park Service?

-[SINGING] I am.

And I'm sorry to
barge in like this.

-[SINGING] It's the
Queen's birthday.

Here, have a milkshake.

-Thank you.

[SINGING] Happy birthday,
Queen Mumsy Belle.

I just had a call from my office
that a purple twirling kitty

was climbing to the
top of Spoon Mountain!

-[SINGING] It's the very
best mountain to climb.

-[SINGING] Anyway, when the
purple twirling kitty was

nearly at the top,
who should come

along but Wicked Knife and Fork?

-[SINGING] Wicked
Knife and Fork.


Wicked Knife and Fork.

-I'll not hear of
him on my birthday.

-[SINGING] But I want to go and
save the purple twirling kitty.

-[SINGING] But it's
just a purple kitty.

Why would you bother for that?

-[SINGING] It doesn't
matter who's in trouble.

All that matters is that we,
strong of heart and strong

of body, can be
helpful and can see

that the weak and heavy-laden
will be given comfort here,

in this land of
milk and seat belts,

where no person need have fear.

-[SINGING] It doesn't
matter who's in trouble.

All that matters is that we,
strong of heart and strong

of body, can be
helpful and be free.

-Well, well.

-Wicked is holding the
little kitty c*ptive.

He says he wants Spoon Mountain.

-[SINGING] He must never
have Spoon Mountain.

Farewell, Father, Father, dear.

-[SINGING] Farewell.

[SINGING]: So the King

and the Queen went
on with their party,

while the Prince and the girl
started forth with their spoons

and their seat belts
to help save the kitty.

But the way to Spoon Mountain
is hard and is rocky.

And only the stout-hearted try.

But the Prince and Betty
are strong and are stocky,

so they walk with
their eyes to the sky.


-[SINGING] You're
very good at this.

-[SINGING] I was just
thinking the same about you.


-Here we are at the
foot of the mountain.

-We must buckle
together to climb.


Welcome, travelers.

Welcome to Balindore.




I mean listen.

-[SINGING] What do
you think you hear?

-[SINGING] A voice in the
distance calling to us.

-[SINGING] I don't seem
to hear it, my dear.

-What did he say?

Did he say my dear?

[SINGING] Why do
words disappear?


Welcome, travelers.

Welcome to Balindore.




I mean listen.

-[SINGING] What do
you think you hear?

-[SINGING] Welcome, travelers.

Welcome to Balindore.

BETTY GREEN: Hello, Commodore.

-[SINGING] Halfway up Spoon
Mountain, I am your Commodore.

-I'd like you to meet
Prince Extraordinary.

-[SINGING] Welcome to Balindore.

-Thank you, Commodore.

-[SINGING]But it's only a door,
just a door on the mountain.

-[SINGING]This may
look like only a door.

to you.

But inside you'll see the best.

The outside is never
as much as the in.

Come in and partake of the rest.


The resting place of travelers.

Welcome to Balindore.


Popcorn, anyone?

-Thank you.

-Thank you.

-[SINGING]We use a
lot of popcorn here.


-[SINGING]Have you
heard any news?

-[SINGING]Any news about what?

-[SINGING]Wicked Knife and Fork.

-[SINGING]Oh, he'll never
take Spoon Mountain.

-[SINGING]Well, he's already up
there on top of the mountain,

holding a kitty hostage.

Extraordinary and I are
planning the rescue.

-[SINGING]For just
a little kitty?

-[SINGING]You may be next.


-[SINGING]It doesn't
matter who's in trouble.

All that matters is that we,
strong of heart and strong

of body, can be
helpful and be free.

-Let's go watch the news

-Good idea.


COMMODORE: There are plenty
of milkshakes for everyone.

BETTY GREEN: Thank you.

--that the tax laws would

afford little or no
assistance to anyone.

We'll have an
update on that story

with a live report at 11:00.

The siege on Spoon
Mountain grows

more serious with this
late-breaking development.

It has been learned that Wicked
Knife and Fork has put Purple

Twirling Kitty in
chains in order

to keep him on the mountain.

Our exclusive Alpine
News 2 footage

shows the actual methods
Wicked Knife and Fork used

to help keep Purple
Twirling Kitty in his place.

It appeared at first
that Wicked Knife

and Fork wanted the kitty.

But when we managed an
exclusive interview,

this is what we learned.

-I want to keep the kitty
until I get Spoon Mountain.

Spoon, Spoon, Spoon Mountain!

-[SINGING] Someone will save
us, the mountain and me.

Somehow I know that they will.

Someone please save us,
Spoon Mountain and me.

You'll need to use
all of your skill.

-So, Purple Twirling
Kitty remains a prisoner.

We'll have further
news as it develops.

Now this word.

-[SINGING] We must go right
away and save the kitty.

-[SINGING] Finish your popcorn.

-[SINGING] There's
so much to do.

-[SINGING] We must go right
away and save Spoon Mountain!

be here if you need me.

Just call and I'll come.

-[SINGING] We thank you,
our friend Commodore.

-[SINGING] Farewell, great pair.

Be brave up there.

Beware up there
on Spoon Mountain.

-[SINGING] We'll do our best.



-[SINGING] So they
were on their way,

Betty Green and
Extraordinary, on their way

to save the kitty
and the mountain.

And the moon was very bright.


-[SINGING] I often
felt I was extra,

just an extra person around.

I also thought I was ordinary,
like any thing from the pound.

But when I'm with
you, it's different.

It's as different as
night is from day.

With you, I feel extraordinary
in an extra ordinary way.

-I hardly know what to say.

-It's just something
I needed to tell you.

-[SINGING]I never thought
the rich had feelings,

never knew they could be sad.

With you I feel so--

a prince whose name is--

BOTH [SINGING]: Extraordinary
in an extra ordinary way.


We will walk this life
together and be never far away.

BETTY GREEN: Watch out!

-[SINGING]Watch out is right!

Watch in the night.

Watch who arrives.

Watch forks and knives.

-[SINGING]Is that you
Wicked Knife and Fork?

Well, of course it is.

Who else would it be?

-[SINGING]It might
be a purple kitty.

[SINGING]: Oh no.

You'll never find him here.

-[SINGING]That's whom
we've come to save.

-Well, you'll have to
find him yourselves.

And you must be very brave.


-We are very brave.

[SINGING] Kitty, kitty, kitty.
Here, kitty, kitty, kitty.

Won't you tell us where?

Won't you tell us
where you may be?


-Here, kitty, kitty, kitty.
[SINGING] Kitty, kitty, kitty.

Kitty, kitty, kitty,
won't you tell us where?

Won't you tell us
where you may be?

Kitty, kitty, kitty.

Here kitty, kitty, kitty.

Won't you tell us where?

Won't you tell us
where you may be?

-Here kitty.

-[SINGING]Kitty, kitty, kitty.

Here, kitty, kitty, kitty.

Won't you tell us where?

Won't you tell us
where you may be?

-Meow, meow ordinary.

-[SINGING]There's the kitty.

BETTY GREEN: We found him!

-Meow, meow.

-Time's up!

-[SINGING]But we
found the kitty.

-Too late.

Too late, too late,
too late, too late,

too late, too late, late, late.

Too late, too late, too late.

PRINCE: Now simply wait,
Wicked Knife and Fork!

-What for?

-[SINGING]Let's communicate.

FORK: What about?

-[SINGING]What is
it that you want?

-[SINGING]Well, all I
want is to tie you up.

And then I'll have
all three of you.



Send help from Balindore!

-They don't know
we're here, you!

That's what you think!

Release these folks!

Enough is enough.

-Oh, what a welcome
sight you are!

-[SINGING] Even when
the way seems rugged,

even when your hearts
are low, there's a wonder

in this mountain.

You will find that it is so.

You will know when
you have found it.

It will come as no surprise!

There's a wonder
in this mountain

that is hidden from our eyes.

Never doubt the wonder's being,
never doubt below, above.

There's a wonder
in this mountain.

And the wonder's name is love.

-[SINGING] That's
wonderful, Commodore.

-[SINGING] Look.


Wicked Knife and Fork is crying.

-[SINGING] What makes you
cry, Wicked Knife and Fork?

-[SINGING] All I ever
wanted was a spoon, a spoon.

A spoon was all I ever wanted.

But all they ever gave
me was a knife and fork.

They even called me
Wicked Knife and Fork.

And even though I hated all
those knives and forks--

I was scared to death of
all those knives and forks--

they never gave me
a spoon, a spoon.

They never gave me a spoon.

And so I grew to become
a shrew and tried

to undo everything
that was true.

But all I ever wanted
was a spoon, a spoon.

A spoon was all I ever wanted.

And now I'll never get one.

-[SINGING] Who says you won't?

-[SINGING] What do you mean?

-[SINGING] Let's take
your knives to the castle,

where there's a
spoon-making machine.

We'll melt your
forks at the castle.

We'll make you 12 or 18.

-[SINGING] 18 spoons?

-[SINGING] As many as you want.

-[SINGING] Why didn't
I meet you years ago?

-[SINGING] That's what
I keep wondering too.

-[SINGING] Never doubt
the wonder's being,

never doubt below, above.

I must get back to Balindore.

-[SINGING] And I'll
be glad to leave here.

-[SINGING] Now let
us go to the castle.

-[SINGING] Of course,
my dear Betty Green.


Prince Extraordinary and Park
Service Director Betty Green

climbed the peak
of Stone Mountain

to rescue purple twirling kitty.

Not in recent memory has
such bravery been displayed--


can help us celebrate
my birthday.

-[SINGING] And tomorrow
will be mine again.

---the mission was unswerving.

And rumor has it that
the Prince and Betty are

serious about
something or other.

We'll have--

-[SINGING] What do you
suppose Extra's up to now?

-[SINGING] Probably wants to
plant a tree in her honor.

-[SINGING] A tree?

I see.

-[SINGING] Oh Mother, dear.

Oh, Father, dear.

Betty and I are in love.

-[SINGING] We climbed
Spoon Mountain together.

helped me to be free.

-Me too.

-[SINGING] We all know what
it means to be free now.

-[SINGING] Of all
the men in the world,

I choose him, Prince

ALL [SINGING]: Extraordinary.

-[SINGING] So we'll
have a wedding tomorrow,

instead of a birthday.

-A wedding.

-Oh, a wedding.

That's great.


-[SINGING] But what about
you, Wicked Knife and Fork?

-[SINGING] All I ever
wanted was a spoon, a spoon.

A spoon was all I ever wanted.

But all they ever gave
me was a knife and fork.

They even called me
Wicked Knife and Fork.

But now I've decided
to change my name.

I'm going to change my name.

-[SINGING] Your first
name or your last name?

-[SINGING] Both names.

I'm going to change my name.

what will they be?

will your names be?

-[SINGING] Not Wicked, I'm sure.

You all have helped
me know that.

-[SINGING] But what
will your name be?

-[SINGING] I'll never hurt you.

My name will be just what I am.

-[SINGING] We'll help you
find out what your name is.

-[SINGING] In the meantime,
let's celebrate and communicate

the wonder that's
inside, below, above.

It's the wonder that
is extraordinary.

It is extraordinary love.

-[SINGING] What do you think
Wicked's new name will be?

You could make it
a game as you think

of a name for him tomorrow.

And tomorrow will be the wedding
of the Prince and Miss Betty

Green, with popcorn,
spoons, and confetti,

and seat belts and
milkshakes and wedding

cakes and keepsakes.

And no one mistakes the outsides
of people this with what's

in their hearts, for
people did change

as they played out their
parts, once upon a time.

Once upon a time, not so very
long, not so very long ago.

-How do you think Wicked Knife
and Fork changed his name?

What do you think
his new names are?

He didn't want to be
wicked anymore, did he?

From the outsides of
people, you certainly

can't always tell
what's in their hearts.

There's so much
more to everyone you

meet than will
ever meet your eye.

There are wonderful
surprises in all of us.

[SINGING] It's such a good
feeling to know you're alive.

It's a such happy feeling,
you're growing inside.

And when you wake
up ready to say,

I think I'll make a
snappy new day, [SNAPS]

it's such a good feeling,
a very good feeling,

the feeling you know that I'll
be back when we week is new.

And I'll have more
ideas for you.

And you'll have things
you'll want to talk about.

I will too.

I'm really glad we could be
together for the opera today.

No matter how
people are dressed,

no matter what it's
on the outside,

the outside is never
as much as the in.

I'll be back.

Bye bye.

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